Staff Report.Minutes 01-10 sm 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/17/2023 ITEM NO: 2 DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting January 10, 2023 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a special meeting utilizing teleconference and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54956.5, Town Code Section 8.10.035, and Government Code Section 8630 on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. to consider adopting a resolution ratifying the Director of Emergency Service’s proclamation of local emergency. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:31 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Maria Ristow, Vice Mayor Mary Badame, Council Member Matthew Hudes, Council Member Rob Moore, Council Member Rob Rennie. Absent: None VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS No one spoke. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Proclaimed a State of Emergency for the Purposes of Determining By A Majority Vote, Whether, as a Result of the Emergency, Meeting In Person Would Present Imminent Risks to the Health or Safety of Attendees. Gabrielle Whelan, Town Attorney, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. No one spoke. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Mayor Ristow to proclaim a state of emergency for the purposes of determining by a majority vote whether as a result of the emergency, meeting in person would present imminent risk to the health and safety of attendees. Seconded by Council Member Badame. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Draft Minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of January 10, 2023 DATE: January 10, 2023 2. Adopt a resolution ratifying the Director of Emergency Service’s Proclamation of Local Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.5 and Town Code Section 8.10.035 and Government Code Section 8630. RESOLUTION 2023-001 Arn Andrews, Assistant Town Attorney, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. No one spoke. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Badame to adopt a resolution ratifying the Director of Emergency Service’s Proclamation of Local Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.5 and Town Code Section 8.10.035 and Government Code Section 8630. Seconded by Council Member Moore. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: _____________________________________ Jenna De Long, Deputy Clerk