Attachment 3 - Auditor Presentation Finance CommissionTown of Los Gatos JUNE 30, 2022 AUDIT RESULTS ATTACHMENT 3 Standards and Responsibilities A.GAAS B.GAGAS C.Objective a)Express an Opinion on F.S. D.Responsibilities a)Reasonable Assurance b)Risk Based c)Materiality d)Internal Controls Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) IntroductorySection 1 •Letter of Transmittal •Elected Officials •Organizational Chart FinancialSection 2 •Auditor’s Opinion •MD&A •Financial Statements and Notes •Required Supplementary Information •Supplementary Information StatisticaSection 3 •Fiscal •Historical •Demographic Information Statement of Net Position $(50,000,000) $- $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $150,000,000 $200,000,000 $250,000,000 Statement of Net Position 2022 2021 Government Wide Revenues $(5,000,000) $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 Charges for Services Operating Grants and Contributions Capital Grants and Contributions Property Taxes Sales Taxes Franchise Taxes Other Taxes Motor Vehicle in Lieu Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Government Wide Revenue 2022 2021 Pensions Misc Safety Total Deferred outflows of resources 3,663,900$ 6,934,592$ 10,598,492$ Deferred inflows of resources 10,235,294$ 11,897,661$ 22,132,955$ Net pension liabilities 10,723,589$ 16,762,598$ 27,486,187$ Pension expense (credit)(2,782,619)$ (385,739)$ (3,168,358)$ Defined Benefit Plans Leases Receivable GASB 87 Lease Deferred Inflows Prior Period Description Receivable of Resources Adjustment Initial Net Present Value 2,692,765$ 2,692,765$ -$ Accumulated Amortization - (1,333,252) 1,333,252 Other adjustments - 1,717 (1,717) Principal Payments (644,136) - (644,136) Beginning Balances 7/1/2021 2,048,629 1,361,230 687,399 Current Amortization - (204,818) - Valuation Expense (133,807) - - Current Principal Payments (88,405) - - Ending Balances 6/30/2022 1,826,417$ 1,156,412$ 687,399$ Governmental Funds 331,696$ 327,100$ -$ Internal Service Funds 1,494,721 829,312 687,399 Total 1,826,417$ 1,156,412$ 687,399$ Audit Results No Exceptions in Audit Opinions No Material Weaknesses No Disagreements with Management No Significant Passed on Adjustments