Desk Item.Item # 13 - Plant Based Diet Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Community Development Director, Library Director, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 11/01/2022 ITEM NO: 13 DESK ITEM DATE: November 1, 2022 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Provide Direction on the Approach to the Plant-Based Diet Education Implementation Program in the 2040 General Plan (Environment and Sustainability Element Program CC). REMARKS: Attachment 9 contains public comment received between 11:01 a.m. Thursday, October 27, and 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Attachments Previously Received with the Staff Report: 1. Town of Los Gatos Resolution 2019-062: Green Mondays and Expand Plant-Based Offerings 2. Mountain View 3. New York City Public Schools 4. Meatless Procurement Policies 5. California State Facilities 6. New York State Hospital Meals 7. San Francisco Jails 8. Public Comment Attachments Received with this Desk Item: 9. Public comment received between 11:01 a.m. Thursday, October 27, and 11:01 a.m. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 This Page Intentionally Left Blank From: To:Council Subject:Comment for Nov 1 mtg - plant-based education Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 9:20:09 PM Attachments:11.1.22 - speech LG town council - Karen.docx EXTERNAL SENDER Hello Council, attached please find my comment for the Nov 1 meeting, item plant-based education. Thank you for all the work you do for our community. Thank you, Karen Rubio My name is Karen Rubio. I am a member of nonprofit Plant-Based Advocates. We are excited that Plant-Based Diet Education has been included in the General Plan, and thank you to the council for taking a leadership position on this issue. We now ask that the council prioritize plant-based education, and provide funding and support for meaningful programs. The Los Gatos Plant-Forward Diets Program does exactly that with concrete solutions and education to support people who want to eat more plant-based meals. We have had a few people mention that “You can’t tell people what to eat.” That is not our goal. What we want to do is educate people about the environmental and health impacts of the food they eat, so they themselves can make informed choices. Global warming and water scarcity are the biggest challenges of our time. But most people aren’t aware that eating a plant-based diet, or even reducing their meat and dairy purchases, is literally a “magic bullet” for these problems. That’s because we are bombarded every day with conflicting messages about food – in large part because of the powerful meat and dairy industries that hold sway over our government. Our government spends 38 billion a year in subsidies and support to these powerful industries. Heavy advertising by these industries makes it very difficult for the average consumer to sort fact from fiction. Peer-reviewed scientific literature uniformly points to plant-based diets as the best solution for increasing our health, abating global warming, reducing pollution, reducing ocean acidification and dead zones, and halting biodiversity loss. World Wildlife Fund’s Living Planet Report 2022 finds that wildlife populations have declined by an average 69% in the past 50 years. That number should be shocking to all of us. The main driver of this loss is habitat loss due to animal agriculture. Eating a plant-based diet requires 75% less land, and reduces associated greenhouse gas emissions by up to 73%! In addition, people who eat plant-based use only half the amount of water as people eating meat and dairy. Because food takes 80% of our water usage, that is a huge savings in our drought-stricken state. In taking a leadership position on this issue, Los Gatos will not be alone. Berkeley has committed to divert half of the city’s food purchases to plant-based foods by 2024. By 2024, San Francisco’s food purchases for jails will be 50% plant-based, and hospital food purchases will be 15% plant-based. Mountain View is moving ahead with plant-based education. NYC is serving vegan meals once a week in their public schools – the largest school system in the US. It is incumbent upon on of us to ensure a habitable planet for our children. Please help us by supporting education about plant-based diets and programs to help people incorporate more plants, and less animal products, into their diets. Thank you very much. From:Mallika Ramamurthy To:Council Subject:Plant based Education program Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:55:05 PM EXTERNAL SENDER I am a resident of Los Gatos. I have lived here for ___7__years. I want to thank you so much for including a Plant-Based Education Program in the 2040 General Plan. I’d like to request that you please develop and fund a program to educate residents on the hows and whys of plant-based eating. I’d like to see items like plant-based cooking classes, speaker series, cooking contests, a Vegfest, and a community council to address climate change. Mallika Ramamurthy From:Debbie Parsons To:Council Subject:Please fund a plant-based education program Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 1:06:16 PM EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Town council members, We are residents of the town of Los Gatos and I have lived here for over 30 years. We would like the council to provide funding for programs to educate the public about the many benefits of plant-based eating. "Phasing out animal agriculture represents “our best and most immediate chance to reverse the trajectory of climate change,” according to a new model developed by scientists from Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley. According to this model published in February 2022 "Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century." https://journals.plos.org/climate/article?id=10.1371/journal.pclm.0000010 Even just cutting down on the consumption of animal products can make a huge difference for the planet. Also, many residents would like to learn how to eat more healthy plant-based. meals Such programs would provide be well worth the funds invested. Thank you for the work you do for our wonderful town. Sincerely, Debbie and Jim Parsons From:Laura Sneddon To:Council Subject:Plant-Based Education Program in the General Plan Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 12:58:53 PM EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Town Council members, I am a resident of Los Gatos and have lived here for 14 years. I want to thank you so much for including a Plant-Based Education Program in the General Plan. I believe plant-based education is very important for the health of our planet and residents. Please provide the funding to develop a plant-based education program for the residents of Los Gatos. thank you, Laura Sneddon From:Sue Barden To:Council Subject:SUPPORT FUNDING OF PLANT-BASED EDUCATION Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 11:42:16 AM EXTERNAL SENDER My name is Sue Barden and I am a resident of the Town of Los Gatos residing at Los Gatos CA. I STRONGLY support the funding of a plant-based education program. As an Registered Nurse and health care professional I believe that this is education is critical. Thank you Sue Barden From: To:Council Subject:Plant Advocates Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 11:14:16 AM EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Los Gatos Town Council, My name is Hilary White, and I am a resident of the town of Los Gatos. I have lived here for 35 years. I would like to express my enthusiastic support for plant-based community education. Manypeople are becoming aware of the problems with raising animals for food, and they are eager to make changes. However, they don't always know how to even begin. Programs that teachpeople how to incorporate more plants into their diets and encourage them to take steps in this direction would go a long way in helping them eat more sustainable diets. I enthusiastically support the funding of a dedicated plant-based education program. Meat and dairy reduction is an easy, cost-effective, and very powerful way to help theenvironment. Thank you for your efforts! Sincerely, Hilary B. White From: To:Council Subject:Plant-based eating Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 11:11:14 AM EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Town council, My wife and I are long-term residents of the town of Los Gatos. We have lived here for 35 years. I am involved in a conservation program to save rhinos from poaching and extinction using technology. My involvement in this project has opened my eyes to the dire situation facing so many species. A very important step we can take to protect wildlife is to protect their habitat. Raising animals for food uses huge amounts of land and cuts into the habitat of wild animals. Meat and dairy reduction is a powerful way to conserve land and therefore endangered species as well. According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, humans account for about 36 percent of the biomass of all mammals. Domesticated livestock, mostly cows and pigs, account for 60 percent, and wild mammals for only 4 percent. www.pnas.org/content/115/25/6506 Essentially, we are replacing wild animals with livestock. I would like to believe that future generations will be able to enjoy the wildlife I have so appreciated throughout my life. I am in full support of a program to educate residents about plant-based eating. Reducing meat and dairy consumption is an important step in protecting our planet and its amazing wildlife. I support the development and funding of a plant-based education program for Los Gatos. Thank you for the steps you have already taken in this regard. I look forward to seeing more programs to encourage healthy, environmentally friendly eating in Los Gatos. Sincerely, From:Sandeep Madduri To:Council Subject:Plant-based education program Date:Sunday, October 30, 2022 9:53:11 AM EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Town Council members, I am a resident of Los Gatos. I have lived here for three (3) years. I want to thank you so much for including a Plant-Based Education Program to the General Plan. I’d like to request that you please fund a program to educate residents on the hows and whys of plant-based eating. I’d like to see items like plant-based cooking classes, speaker series, cooking contests, a Vegfest, and a community council to address climate change. Thank you for your consideration, Sandeep Madduri Los Gatos, CA 95032 Sent from my iPhone From:shailaja venkatsubramanayan To:Council Subject:plant-based education program. Date:Saturday, October 29, 2022 2:38:45 PM EXTERNAL SENDER Hello, I am a resident of the Town of Los Gatos. I would like the town to fund a plant-based education program. This would involve the promotion of plant- based diets in Los Gatos through talks, classes, cooking demos, flyers, banners, etc. Climate change is here, and we have to take all the steps to reverse its effects. Thank you so much for taking my input into consideration. I am sincerely grateful. Shai From:Michelle Waters Art To:Council Subject:Please develop and fund a Plant-Based Education Program for Los Gatos Date:Saturday, October 29, 2022 12:01:12 PM EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Los Gatos Town Council, I am a 26 year resident of Los Gatos. I want to thank you so much for including a Plant-Based Education Program in the 2040 General Plan. Please develop and fund a program to educate residents on the hows and whys of plant-based eating. I’d like to see items like plant-based cooking classes, speaker series, cooking contests, a Vegfest, and a community council to address climate change. The high consumption of animal products in the American diet is a leading contributor to climate change and many serious forms of environmental destruction, including deforestation, wildlife extinction, ocean dead zones, water scarcity, methane emissions, etc. According to a comprehensive 2018 study published in the journal Science, avoiding meat and dairy is the ‘single biggest way’ to reduce our impact on the planet. According to that same report, in order to keep climate change under 2 degrees, US citizens need to eat 90% less beef, 90% less pork, 60% less milk, and 50% fewer eggs, while eating 4-6 times more beans and pulses. The UN has repeatedly urged world governments to advocate for meat reduction in order to save the environment. However, this message is completely ignored in many sustainability and carbon-footprint reduction programs. Why? Sometimes food emissions are considered “consumption” based, meaning that they are generated outside the geographic area of interest. But to ignore “consumption-based” emissions makes little sense, since climate change is a global problem that knows no borders. Emissions generated anywhere will eventually cause our planet’s overall climate to warm. Ignoring consumption-based emissions is analogous to being on a sinking ship, and bailing the water in your compartment to your neighbor’s compartment. It makes little difference when the entire ship is sinking. Sincerely, Michelle Waters From: Lisa Wade Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 10:17 AM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov>; Janette Judd <jjudd@losgatosca.gov> Subject: My verbal comments for Plant-Based Program Discussion on Nov. 1 EXTERNAL SENDER My name is Lisa Wade and I’ve lived in the town of Los Gatos for over 30 years. I want to thank the council for their hard work and dedication to our beautiful town. Thank you also for including a plant-based education program in the General plan We understand completely that budgets are tight and that not all implementation programs are guaranteed funding, but not all implementation programs came with the support of 300 names including residents, dignitaries from neighboring towns, and numerous environmental groups. The town council has received an impressive number of emails in support of a meaningful Plant-Based education program. In fact, we understand that the two issues on the General Plan that received the most emails from Los Gatos residents are housing and Plant-Based education. We also submitted a petition with over 300 names including mostly residents of the town, but also, dignitaries from other cities and 10 environmental NGOs (including Sierra Club, Actera, and Center for Biological Diversity to name a few) I have attached the petition below. The council has been receiving emails on this issue since 2018. Residents have been speaking on this issue for that same period of time. It is clear that there is widespread community support for this issue. The town implemented a Green Monday Resolution and added a Plant- Based education program to the General Plan 2040. We would like to see the town bring these programs to life by proving funds. The public has asked for a program and now would be a great time to honor that request. According to a new model developed this year by scientists from Stanford and UC Berkeley "Phasing out animal agriculture represents “our best and most immediate chance to reverse the trajectory of climate change,” Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century | PLOS Climate Even just cutting down on the consumption of animal products can make a huge difference for the planet. Also, many residents would like to learn how to eat more healthy plant-based meals but they don’t know where to start. Residents would like to see plant-based cooking classes, information on how to shop for plant-based foods, etc Education on the environmental benefits of plant-based eating would also be very valuable as many people don’t realize the powerful effects a plant-based diet can have. Such programs would be well worth the funds invested. There are many free or low-cost speakers and materials. However, the program would need to receive some funding to be worthwhile Plant-Based programs can have a huge impact with even modest funding We understand the library has been proposed as a way to fulfill the program. But we struggle to see how suggesting a location is helpful. This falls very short as anyone can approach the library as a venue for programming. Many residents have spoken and what they want is a dedicated, meaningful, adequately funded program. In addition to receiving funding, the program will also need to be publicized in order to be effective. There are many creative ways events could be advertised. Here are some ideas: Events could be listed in the town newsletter. Flyers, signs, or banners could be used to advertise. Educational information on plant-based diets could be included in each edition of the Growing Greener Together Newsletter. Funding is necessary but the money would go a long way and there are many free and low-cost ways the Town could get out the word. We would also encourage the town to conduct a consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Such analysis has been conducted in other cities, and it clearly shows how a shift to plant-based eating is the most cost-effective way for cities to reduce GHG emissions - not to mention all the other environmental benefits. A consumption-based emissions inventory for the San Francisco Bay Area has been developed by scientists at UC Berkeley in partnership with government agencies, businesses, and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and can be found at : https://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/inventory. Thank you for considering my comments. Supporters of Adding Plant-Based Education to Los Gatos General Plan 2040 Name, Last Name, First Position / Affiliation Address / Town Area Comments Community and Business Leaders of Los Gatos Albright Karla Together We Will/Indivisible Los Gatos Los Gatos, CA Arroyo Kevin Pinehurst Community Garden organizer Los Gatos, CA Great idea and I support this plan! Brown Elisabeth Educator Los Gatos, CA I am a teacher in town. I’d love to incorporate any lessons into my curriculum. I also lead student council and would be willing to organize an assembly. Chan Wendy Business owner: Tai Zhan Plant-Based Microbakery Los Gatos, CA Goetz Alicia Owner, Los Gatos Theatre Los Gatos, CA Hertan Peter Vice President, Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District Board Los Gatos, CA Iyar Rupar Owner, Pura Wellness; philanthropist Los Gatos, CA Montonye Reese Laura Agriculture Fairness Alliance; Vegan Justice League Los Gatos, CA Moore Rob LG Anti-Racism Coalition; Plant-Based Advocates Los Gatos, CA Owens Heidi Community leader Los Gatos, CA Preville Bruce CERT Leader, Los Gatos Los Gatos, CA Romano Andrea Owner, Centonove Restaurant Los Gatos, CA Spargo Alicia Outreach Coordinator, Los Gatos Anti-Racism Coalition Los Gatos, CA Residents of Los Gatos Aidi Karen Los Gatos, CA Anji Roberto Los Gatos, CA Arienzo Wendy Los Gatos, CA Arroyo Frank Los Gatos, CA Arroyo Susie Los Gatos, CA Bagatelos Mary Ann Los Gatos, CA Balijepalli Priya Los Gatos, CA Balakrishnan Jeyendran Los Gatos, CA Barden Ben Los Gatos, CA Barden Sue Los Gatos, CA Barnett Kaitlyn Los Gatos, CA Bay Juliana Los Gatos, CA Bayne Daphne Los Gatos, CA Bernholz Malte Los Gatos, CA Biller Jason Physician Los Gatos, CA Bolen JP Los Gatos, CA Bolen Rachel Los Gatos, CA Booth Sandra Los Gatos, CA Bora Anita Los Gatos, CA Bosworth Mary Ann Los Gatos, CA Boyd Sandy Los Gatos, CA Brzak Lukas Los Gatos, CA Burkhart Chris Los Gatos, CA Bz Linda Los Gatos, CA Cao Xuong Los Gatos, CA Cappon-Javey Maureen Los Gatos, CA Carol Amy Los Gatos, CA Carpio Virginia Los Gatos, CA I support putting into the General Plan a plant based education program. There are several benefits from such a program, including potentially better general health and a healthier air quality in our community from consuming less meat, i.e., raising fewer animals that contribute to the increase of methane gas. I think this program would be very good for our community and far beyond it. Chavez Vana Los Gatos, CA Christensen Beverly Los Gatos, CA Christensen John Los Gatos, CA Cisneroz Diane Larson Los Gatos, CA Corini Tamara Los Gatos, CA Dai Biller Jenny Physician Los Gatos, CA Davies Tiffany Physician Los Gatos, CA Davies Mark Physician Los Gatos, CA De Cesare Anne Marie Los Gatos, CA De Louraille Karen Los Gatos, CA Czinski Laura Los Gatos, CA Deak David Los Gatos, CA Dempsey Caroline Los Gatos, CA DeMaria Dawn Los Gatos, CA Dickinson Ilene Los Gatos, CA Dickinson Roger Los Gatos, CA Dillehay Kristine Los Gatos, CA Dreiger Jeannie Los Gatos, CA Dreher Diane Los Gatos, CA Erdengiz Sevgi Los Gatos, CA Evjenth Gail Los Gatos, CA Evjenth Tim Los Gatos, CA Fletcher Lisa Los Gatos, CA Fox Audrey Los Gatos, CA Fox Larry Owner, Valet Custom Cabients Los Gatos, CA Frager Bernadette Los Gatos, CA Freedom Rea Los Gatos, CA Pollution and waste in Factory Farms;, use of land for meat production, killing of wildlife and use acres of land to support livestock; nets in the ocean killing millions of sea creatures; all contribute to climate change. Reducing meat consumption is something we all can do. Please place plant based education in the general plan. It is the right thing to so. Garland Lynette Los Gatos, CA Gibbons Maria Eugenia Los Gatos, CA Goldberg Kristine Los Gatos, CA Goldberg Michael Los Gatos, CA Griffin Julie Los Gatos, CA Gupta Reeta Los Gatos, CA Gummow Todd Los Gatos, CA I support plant based diet education programs Hamilton Georgia Los Gatos, CA Hamilton Scott Los Gatos, CA Harrison Julia Los Gatos, CA Hassoun Joe Los Gatos, CA Haylock Archna Los Gatos, CA Yes we need more options at school and at local restaurants. Hemmis Matt Los Gatos, CA Hendry Dan Los Gatos, CA Hendry Wendy Los Gatos, CA Hinsche Danielle Los Gatos, CA I am a resident of Los Gatos and I support the addition of a plant-based education program in the Town’s 2040 General Plan. Hiroshima Kevin Los Gatos, CA Hojjat Sara District Leader Volunteer- California Congressional District 18. Member of Plant-Based Advocates Los Gatos, CA Honorio Mia Los Gatos, CA Houghton John Los Gatos, CA Howe Chelsea Los Gatos, CA Hsieh Cynthia Los Gatos, CA I would love to see a vegan, zero waste restaraunt in Los Gatos. Huang Jenny Los Gatos, CA Hussey Jacklyn Los Gatos, CA Anything that will help save our planet I will definitely support! Ingle Lori Los Gatos, CA Isaacs Varily Los Gatos, CA Iyer Harish Los Gatos, CA Javey Shahram Los Gatos, CA Jog Chetan Los Gatos, CA Johnson Karen Los Gatos, CA Johnston Jan Los Gatos, CA Juhl Linda Los Gatos, CA Thank you Kamali Kristine Los Gatos, CA Karavelioglu Sevil Los Gatos, CA Keating Kathleen Los Gatos, CA I believe it is to the best interest of Los Gatos to establish a plant based education program at the high school and for the general public. I believe many of our children and others need to know that plant based eating is good for their bodies if done right. Please provide funding for an education for plant based eating. Please sponsor cooking classes as well. Keller Lisa Los Gatos, CA Love it. Yes!! Koch Charlene Foster Los Gatos, CA I would LOVE to see this happen!! So very needed. Koke Cynthia Los Gatos, CA Kollu Badrinath Los Gatos, CA Kurlin Carolyn Los Gatos, CA Kurlin Gregg Los Gatos, CA Kurtz Karen Los Gatos, CA Lasso Alberto Los Gatos, CA Lawton Ann Los Gatos, CA YES! Lazzarino Dominic Los Gatos, CA Le Denise Los Gatos, CA I’m not a vegan or vegetarian but I’d love to incorporate more plant based and less meat protein to my diet. Leeds Felice Los Gatos, CA Lesko Camille Los Gatos, CA Cooking classes are a great idea! Levine Joshua Los Gatos, CA Levine Marni Los Gatos, CA Lewis Jessica Los Gatos, CA Education is key for this important information. Thanks to all involved in making this happen! Lammers Victoria Los Gatos, CA Need more vegetarian places/options Li Van Los Gatos, CA Liu Andre Los Gatos, CA Liu Calista Los Gatos, CA Liu Gabriela Los Gatos, CA Lockman Juliana Los Gatos, CA Lorig Glenn Los Gatos, CA Lorig Sue Ann Los Gatos, CA Lowe Debbie Los Gatos, CA McKinnon Skyler Los Gatos, CA Madduri Sandeep Los Gatos, CA Malhotra Priti Los Gatos, CA Malhotra Neeraj Los Gatos, CA Mandurrago Gloria Los Gatos, CA A fantastic idea! Margolis Sonya Los Gatos, CA McGill Alex Los Gatos, CA McInerny Celeste Los Gatos, CA Menhardt Trixi Los Gatos, CA Mordaunt Joshua Los Gatos, CA Murphy Sara Los Gatos, CA Newlin Kerry Los Gatos, CA Mager Nan Los Gatos, CA Mano Robin Los Gatos, CA Martins Rosilene Los Gatos, CA Meinhardt Suzanne Los Gatos, CA Miramontes Emily Los Gatos, CA Morley Eric Los Gatos, CA Nguyen Kim Los Gatos, CA Niederauer Tricia Los Gatos, CA North Pamela Los Gatos, CA O'Connor Rebecca Los Gatos, CA O'Toole June Los Gatos, CA Park Monica Los Gatos, CA Parker Dana Los Gatos, CA Parsons Daniel Los Gatos, CA Parsons Debbie Los Gatos, CA Parsons Jackie Los Gatos, CA Parsons James Los Gatos, CA Parsons John Los Gatos, CA Patel Minal Los Gatos, CA Rai Vivek Los Gatos, CA Yes, I am in for plant based projects. Raad Mona Los Gatos, CA Raad Ellie Los Gatos, CA Ramamurthy Mallika Los Gatos, CA Ramaswamy Vinay Los Gatos, CA Ram Amrith Los Gatos, CA Ramesh Mythri Los Gatos, CA Made verbal comments at GPAC Reese Dirk Los Gatos, CA Rennie Isabella Los Gatos, CA Reyna Melody Los Gatos, CA Reyna Orlando Los Gatos, CA Rhine Molly Los Gatos, CA Richter Jessica Los Gatos, CA Riley Kate Los Gatos, CA Rittenhouse Simone Los Gatos, CA Robinson Kari Los Gatos, CA Rovin Lynne Los Gatos, CA Rovin Stuart Los Gatos, CA Rubio Karen CERT volunteer Los Gatos, CA Made verbal comments at Town council meeting for 2040 General plan Rubio Fred Los Gatos, CA Rubio Erik Los Gatos, CA Rude Christina Los Gatos, CA Ry Regina Los Gatos, CA Sand Gretchen Los Gatos, CA Sardana Manan Los Gatos, CA Sarkar Prasenjit Los Gatos, CA Sathyamurthy Shreelatha Los Gatos, CA I strongly support this initiative. Schirmer Lisa Los Gatos, CA Schwartz Jan Los Gatos, CA Shah Bhanik Los Gatos, CA Shah Swati Los Gatos, CA I support the local effort! Shoff Sue Los Gatos, CA Seshadri Sruba Los Gatos, CA Smith Angie Los Gatos, CA Smith Rucy Climate Reality presenter and activist Los Gatos, CA Sneddon Laura Los Gatos, CA Snyder Stephen Los Gatos, CA Srinivasan Kiran Los Gatos, CA Starov Vladimir Los Gatos, CA I fully support this worthy cause! Stillinger Kelsey Los Gatos, CA Would love to see more emphasis on plant-based diet - through restaurants, education, community garden, etc. Stone Helen Los Gatos, CA Stone Paul Los Gatos, CA Streicker Robin Los Gatos, CA Tompkins Liz Los Gatos, CA Venkatesan Arun Los Gatos, CA Venkatsubramanyan Shailaja Los Gatos, CA Made verbal comments at GPAC Von Luehrte Missy Los Gatos, CA Vuckovich Melissa Los Gatos, CA Waters Michelle Los Gatos, CA Wade Christopher Los Gatos, CA Wade Lisa Los Gatos, CA Gave verbal comments at GPAC Wade Lucas Los Gatos, CA Wade Stephen Los Gatos, CA Wade Charles Audobon Society Lifetime Achievement Award Los Gatos, CA Wales Pamela CERT; Animal search and rescue disaster response team; animal sanctuary volunteer Los Gatos, CA Walker Kelsey Los Gatos, CA Waters Michelle Los Gatos, CA Wentzien Erin Los Gatos, CA White Tony Los Gatos, CA White Hillary Los Gatos, CA Willey Kathleen Los Gatos, CA Gave verbal comments at GPAC Willey Mark Los Gatos, CA Willing Lara Los Gatos, CA Plant based eating is part of a long term solution. Wilson Beth Los Gatos, CA Yannoni Mike Los Gatos, CA Yosfee Hanley Los Gatos, CA Zilka Stephanie Los Gatos, CA Let’s join the scientific community and educate people about the importance of plant based living!!! It’s vital to the survival of our planet and species!!! Organizations Endorsing our Proposal Plant-Based Advocates of Los Gatos http://www.plantbasedadvocates.com/ TWW/Indivisible-Los Gatos https://www.twwlg.org/ Sierrra Club Loma-Prieta https://www.sierraclub.org/loma-prieta Center for Biological Diversity https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/Provided Written testomony on behalf of our proposal Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet https://www.acterra.org/ Eat for the Earth (Based in Santa Cruz) https://www.eatfortheearth.org/ SAFE Worldwide https://www.safeworldwide.org/ (Based in Monte Sereno) Green Monday USA https://greenmondayus.org/ Factory Farm Awareness Coalition https://www.ffacoalition.org/ A Well-Fed World https://awellfedworld.org/ Physicians Against Red Meat https://pharm.org/ Other Community and Business Leaders Hicks Alison City Council Member of Mountain View Ramirez Lucas Vice Mayor of Mountain View and Council Member Brook Dan Professor at SJSU; author; environmentalist San Jose State University Gurunathan Mohan Environmentalist; designed Mountain View plant-based outreach program Mountain View, CA Love Beth Environmentalist; Founder of Eat for the Earth, a Santa Cruz-based group promoting plant-based diets for sustainability Santa Cruz, CA Mackey Mary Actress; Model; SAG BookPals program (reading to children in homeless shelters) and LIFE (Living in Freedom Everyday) Program, teaching life skills to inmates San Jose, CA Middlesworth Linda Owner, V-Dog; health coach Sacramento, CA Sehgal Tony Documentary Filmmaker Saratoga, CA Support from Neighboring Residents Adalja Anish San Jose, CA Anand Monico San Jose, CA Balachandran Jackie San Jose, CA As a vegetarian of 17 yrs and a registered nurse, I strongly support this plant-based education program because I believe it will help improve the health of members in our community. Berlinberg Jacqueline Monte Sereno, CA Bengt Amanda San Jose, CA Bevard Mariah Monte Sereno, CA Castro Jennifer San Jose, CA I support adding an education component to the Los Gatos 2040 plan which would educate citizens about plant-based foods. Chaykin Lori Monte Sereno, CA Chugh Rahul San Jose, CA Duguma Jemanesh Campbell, CA East Rowena San Jose, CA Emerson Ziba San Jose, CA Good job. Giacomini-McDonald Cathy Monte Sereno, CA Guh Teresa Monte Sereno, CA Harrold Kat Campbell, CA Thank you for this, I frequent Los Gatos so this would be great to see. Also I believe in the power of empowering our local farmers, and the more money we can get them, the better for everybody locally. Back to our roots! Better for the planet and better for everyone Isis Dawn Campbell, CA Though I don't live IN Los Gatos, I hope my support will indicate interest in this important issue in the wider area, & that Los Gatos may become a model for addressing it. Jain Beena San Jose, CA I support the educational program. Kinger Amit San Jose, CA Lambert Jennifer Monte Sereno, CA Lanzl Linda Monte Sereno, CA Matar Elizabeth Monte Sereno, CA Thank you! Yes!!! Matar Lisa Monte Sereno, CA Thank you! I’m completely in for this!! Mesler Michelle San Jose, CA Mulchandani Mukesh Campbell, CA Moving to Los Gatos soon! Petroff Patrice Monte Sereno, CA Ramirez Gustavo San Jose, CA We need more plant based food options! The meat industry is cruel and unsustainable. Renson Kellee Monte Sereno, CA Yes need more veggie places to eat Shearer David San Jose, CA I support this effort Stolberg Robb Environmental Education: Veggielution, Walden West San Jose, CA Streicker Robin Monte Sereno, CA Thakur Smita Saratoga, CA I have been plant based for the last two years. It has made me healthier and it's the best thing for the planet. Would love to have more people join plant based way of life. Woodhouse Dori San Jose, CA