Attachment 5 - Public CommentFrom: A KUMAR Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 4:55 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Cc: cityclerk@cityofmontesereno.org Subject: 15860-15894 17484 Winchester Blvd proposed Porject EXTERNAL SENDER Greetings, On The said properties , Professional Office construction plans were previously approved with 150 plus parking spaces presumably compliant with the permissible Building Codes and height ordinances . . . With a lapse of inactivity over 5 years hence , now a new now Developer is seeking dramatic changes into a Nursing care Facility 24X7 365 days with reduced parking from 150 previous plans down to 50 some odd parking spots, overriding the allowable height ordinance and parking spaces .. The nature of this project is very disruptive to the immediate neighboring residents Some of us have lived on Via Sereno for almost 40 plus plus years and of recent we are constantly battling for our service providers to park on our current limited street parking space .Communication on this matter has been ongoing with The City of Monte Sereno to bring a resolve to this matter . the proposed project will only be adding fuel to the matter. In recent years there are numerous times that we cannot exit and merge on to Winchester to drive to a Pharmacy or Grocery store ,with traffic backed up on Winchester thanks to Circuses Los Gatos has created downtown , grudgingly we have to U turn back home while Vehicles are driving on the center turn lanes that pose head on collisions and there is no traffic control oversight . The magnitude of this project and its occupancy along the hours of operation is not compatible to adjoining residential neighborhood . If the Town moves ahead with this project for more Crime , Collisions and fatalities that are bound to happen as a consequence, That Blood is on your hands ! These lots can be better utilized for housing our Teachers than a medical facility . Adesh Kumar Via sereno Monte Sereno ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank