Attachment 2 - Operational Efficiencies by DepartmentOPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES BY DEPARTMENT 1 Town Manager’s Office Already Implemented • Town Social Media Record Retention (December 2021): Implementation of ArchiveSocial social media retention software transformed a manual process of gathering social media records in response to both public records requests and internal staff requests to an electronic process. Efficiency Outcome: ArchiveSocial has changed a manual process that could take hours depending on the size of the request into an electronic report that can be pulled in minutes. It has also allowed the Town a mechanism to capture deleted and edited comments, improving transparency and access to records, and meeting our legal retention requirements. • Email Distributions (March 2020): Communications and documents that had been printed and distributed in hard copy were converted to email distributions. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced production time, saved paper, and reduced copier maintenance. • Communications and Outreach (ongoing): Expanded modes of communication to the public via improved website content, summaries of Council actions, social media use, strategic use of postcards to all residents, and other mechanisms. Efficiency Outcomes: Improved access and transparency of Town activities, upcoming engagement opportunities, and access to information. Enhanced consistent responses to customer inquiries by directing the public to information available on the Town website. Reduced research time for public inquiries. • Updated Procurement Policy (Fall 2021): The Town Manager’s Office led a multi- Departmental effort to update the Town’s Procurement Policy that was approved by the Town Council in December 2021. Efficiency Outcomes: Reduced processing times for procurement. • Events Streamlining (July 2022): Enhanced template for standard conditions and eliminated redundant process steps. Efficiency Outcome: Faster processing times for Special Event Permits. • Economic Vitality Streamlining: See Community Development Department Clerk Department Already Implemented • Town Agreement Processing (April 2020): Implementation of DocuSign software transformed a Town-wide paper-based agreement review and signature process to an electronic process. Efficiency Outcome: DocuSign has reduced the agreement processing time from two to three weeks minimum to five to seven calendar days maximum (weekends included). • JustFOIA Public Records Request System (March 2022): Public records requests are submitted and handled through the online system. Efficiency Outcome: This has reduced staff processing time by 50%. • Municode Portal (March 2022): Allows staff, Council, and the public to search for an agenda item on any meeting date without having to know ATTACHMENT 2 2 the specific date. Efficiency Outcome: Reduces search time by approximately 50% and greater public transparency. • Electronic Document Filing (March 2020): Where possible we have eliminated paper files. Efficiency Outcome: Electronic filing reduces the amount of time staff spends filing by 50% and also reduces costs for filing supplies. Information Technology Already Implemented • IT Service Desk Ticketing Solution (January 2021): ServiceDesk Plus, a cloud hosted ITSM (IT Service Management) solution, was implemented to manage the complete life cycle of IT incidents and support requests which were previously managed through Outlook email by individual IT Staff. Efficiency Outcome: ServiceDesk Plus has reduced the time to resolution significantly as illustrated by Staff’s rating of the timeliness of IT’s support which rose from 96% in 2020 to 100% in 2022. • New Hire and Separation Process (June 2022): An improved IT New Hire and Exit form was implemented to better manage the onboarding and offboarding process through automated workflows and notifications. Efficiency Outcome: IT Staff receives new hire and separation notifications in a timely manner with formal HR approval which allows IT Staff to focus their time on the activities related to the onboarding and offboarding process rather than chasing down information. • IT Orientation for New Hires (February 2022): A formal IT orientation is scheduled for all new hires on their first day of work to get them fully situated on their computers and various applications. Efficiency Outcome: New hires are immediately able to utilize their computers and other systems where technology does not become a hinderance but rather a springboard to get them operating fully in their new job function. • Sharepoint File Storage (February 2021): Various departmental file shares stored on a local file server were migrated over to Sharepoint as the new online document management system. Efficiency Outcome: The Sharepoint platform allows for concurrent viewing and editing of hosted files which allows Staff to collaborate on files together at the same time without having to wait on others to finish their work and close the files. Sharepoint hosted files also provide the flexibility of accessing files remotely without the need for direct VPN access to the Town’s internal network thus eliminating additional hurdles and IT support to access data. • Microsoft Teams (February 2020) : Microsoft Teams was implemented as the Town’s communication platform which allows for online meetings as well as file and screensharing for all Town Staff. Efficiency Outcome: Microsoft Teams was an important tool during the Covid shutdown period and continues to be a highly utilized tool for remote/hybrid work to keep people connected. Microsoft Teams allows Staff to quickly communicate and collaborate with one another in a highly dispersed work environment. • Internet Service Reliability (October 2020): The Town’s internet service was migrated from a 50MB connection through Comcast Business over to a 200MB connection with 3 Frontier Communications. The Library’s internet connection was also leveraged with the new Frontier connection to be utilized as a failover connection. Efficiency Outcome: The Town experienced frequent outages with Comcast during PG&E power interruptions and was generally unreliable and slow. The new internet connection has considerably increased uptime and reliability which allows Town staff, including public safety, to better serve the community without any unplanned disruptions. Town Attorney’s Office Already Implemented • Using ABAG-PLAN (June 2022): Sending town claims to our third-party administrator (ABAG-PLAN) to evaluate claims as they come in. Efficiency Outcome: The PLAN handles all the claims rather than the Town Attorney’s Office staff • Outside Council (June 2022): Using outside counsel to advise regarding response to Police Department subpoenas (unless it involves a simple matter such as requesting a hearing continuance in which case the Town Attorney can handle). Efficiency Outcome: Reduces time spent on the long cases. • Lexis Nexis (June 2022): Implementation of Lexus Nexis lets the Attorney’s office have access to a database of case law and legislative history. Efficiency Outcome: This makes it easier and efficient for the Attorney’s Office to find Legal documents. • Contract Template (Prior to January 2020): The already created contract template is standard template that departments can input in a created document. Efficiency Outcome: Reduces the preparation and review time for agreements. Finance Department: Already Implemented • Timesheet via email (March 2020): Timesheet submittal and approval via email replacing a paper-based submittal and approval. Efficiency Outcomes: Decreased processing time and enabled remote work when social distancing was required by Public Health Orders. This also decreased the cost of paper and printing, and protects the environment. • Paperless Account Payable processing (March 2020): The accounts payable process is now paperless with every invoice approved via email. Efficiency Outcomes: Decreased processing time and enabled remote work when social distancing was required by Public Health Orders. It also provides an easier transition to storing all items electronically thus providing easier access for future research and/or to meet auditor and Department requests. This also decreased the cost of paper and printing, and protects the environment. • Positive Pay (November 2021): The Town implemented positive pay, an automated cash management service employed by financial institutions to deter check fraud. Positive pay matches the checks issued with those presented for payment. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced possible fraud and staff time interacting with banking partners. 4 • Digital Accommodation of Business License Processing (March 2020): Utilized email and digital phone messaging to streamline and provide business license processing during office shut-down due to Public Health Orders. Efficiency Outcomes: Business owners were able to communicate and receive timely answer regarding business license applications. Payments were still submitted via check during the office closure, and the email communication ensured that the correct amount and documentation were submitted. • Virtual audit engagements (Spring 2020): Uploaded all documentation to the Independent Auditor web portal. Efficiency Outcomes: Streamlined the audit process timeline, making the requested information available immediately to the auditor team. Reduced the time of pulling physical backup and scanning materials. • Journal Entry Approval via email (Spring 2020): Journal entry submittal and approval via email replaced a paper-based submittal and approval process. Efficiency Outcome: Faster turnaround of journal entries with the email submission procedures. Backup electronically stored. Documents are easier to access as well as provide to auditors when requested. • SharePoint utilization for the Operating and Capital Budget (March 2022): Efficiency Outcome: Utilizing the simultaneously shared document made the collaboration between users and Departments more effective while meeting the compressed timeline to produce budget documents. • Work from Home Schedule (August 2021): Ability to work from home a couple of days per week has resulted in better scheduling of certain tasks. Efficiency Outcome: Able to log in and complete early bank account review from home and provide activity information to other staff who may need to complete related bank activities prior to cutoff times. Human Resources Department: Already Implemented • HR and Payroll Shared Folder (2021): A single location on the Town’s server for confidential new hire payroll paperwork. Efficiency Outcome: Enhanced security for confidential information, reduces processing times, reduces the use of paper, and improves digital filing. • NeoGov eForms (Fall 2020): Allows for employee forms to be routed for signature digitally and securely. Efficiency Outcomes: Reduces staff time by creating, managing, and routing documents electronically for approval. • NeoGov Onboard (Fall 2020): Allows for new hire packet forms to be sent to new employees digitally and securely through a self-service portal. Efficiency Outcomes: Enhances security of confidential documents. Reduced processing time of documents. Streamlined and improved the consistency of the onboarding process, review of Town policies, and trainings. Saves paper and copier maintenance. 5 • New User IT Form and the User Exit Form (Spring 2022): Documentation for new and exiting employees. Efficiency Outcomes: Improved workflow, enhanced documentation of IT equipment use and returns. • Virtual Onboarding, Offboarding, and Interview Processes (Spring 2020): Zoom capability enabled the Town to continue its recruitment-related processes, including testing of candidates. Efficiency Outcome: No loss in productivity during the Public Health Order shutdowns. • Online Open Enrollment Process and Virtual Wellness Challenge (Fall 2020): Completed Open Enrollment for benefits on time. Efficiency Outcome: Provided a flexible way for staff to learn about changes to benefits, allow for online enrollment, and reduce staff time for processing materials. • On-Demand Virtual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Fall 2021): Used the services of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (LCW) for online training. Efficiency Outcome: All employees to meet this State requirement flexibility during the Pandemic. Implementation Underway • NeoGov Perform: An automated performance evaluation system. Efficiency Outcomes: Increases engagement between employees and supervisors. Reduces time to complete evaluations, saves paper, and reduces copier maintenance. • Improved Access to Forms: Working with IT to develop the HR section of an internal platform for employees to access information and forms online. Efficiency Outcome: Reduces staff time searching for and completing forms. Library Department Already Implemented • Targeted Teen Volunteer Roles (October 2021): Solicitation for high school volunteers based on specific skill sets needed rather than the past practice of accepting general volunteers. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced labor load for staff equivalent to .1 FTE per week while allowing for staff to focus on higher level tasks. • Collection Assessment Software for EDI Analysis (July 2022): Implementation of software to analyze the scope of diversity of the library’s collection which replaces a time-intensive manual system of evaluation. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced staff time for collection analysis projects by appropriately 60 hours per year. • Historical Archives Online Platform (July 2022): Migration of historical archives to the new digital platform CatalogIt. Efficiency Outcome: Improved functionality and searchability has reduced records input and retrieval from twenty minutes per entry to five minutes per entry. Lower cost of software has cost savings of $3,000 annually. • Wireless Staff Radios (February 2021): Implementation of wireless radios worn by all staff replaced inbuilding communication by word of mouth and email. Efficiency Outcome: Facilitation of rapid communication among staff saves approximately two hours of staff time per day and enhances safety. 6 • Program Backup Cross Training (July 2022): Developed training for all full-time staff members to be assigned and trained as substitutes for scheduled programs and events eliminated need to cancel or reschedule programs. Efficiency Outcome: Increased quality of service to the public and reduced service interruptions. Approximately sixty minutes of staff time per day are saved through this cross-training. • Tech Equipment Troubleshooting Cross Training (May 2022): Cross-training of all full- time staff for troubleshooting issues with public computers, printers/copiers, and self- check machines decreased reliance on availability of specialized staff members. Efficiency Outcome: Increased quality of service to the public and decrease in down time of malfunctioning equipment from 30 minutes to 5 minutes. • Public Desk Cross Training (October 2021): Cross-training of all full-time staff and most part time staff to field all first level public interactions at three different service points (children’s desk, reference desk, circulation desk) decreased reliance on availability of specialized staff members. Efficiency Outcome: Increased quality and speed of service to the public. Approximately sixty minutes of staff time per day are saved through this cross-training. • Appointments for Historical Research (January 2022): Implementation of appointment booking via Library website for patrons needing historical research replaced a drop-in system. Efficiency Outcome: Labor-time related to historical research appointments has been reduced by approximately 2 hours per week. Pre-booked appointments allow for more efficient staff scheduling and time management, fewer interruptions, and more focused attention to the patron. • Time Boxed Active Project Meetings (June 2022): Adoption of “time-boxing” for simultaneous work on collaborative projects transformed discussion meetings to output meetings which bring projects to completion. Efficiency Outcome: Projects are completed 20% more quickly across the board. • World Languages Collaboration (November 2020): Development of inter-library agency workgroup to share language purchasing, cataloging, and translation expertise in multiple languages other than English replaced reliance on vendors and outsourcing. Efficiency Outcome: Eliminating reliance on venders’ expertise has resulted in a cost savings equivalent to $6,000 per year. • Staff Role and Project Assignments (November 2020): Reassignment of staff project roles based on immediate changing need for skill sets rather than job descriptions. Efficiency Outcome: Labor-time savings of approximately .5FTE annually across all specializations. • Virtual Staff Development (May 2020): Assignment of staff to new virtual training opportunities from the State Library and other agencies increased professional learning opportunities with fewer staffing impacts. Efficiency Outcome: Labor-time savings of approximately 100 hours per year. • Library Director Check-In Meetings (June 2020): Virtual attendance at monthly meetings with Library Directors across the State replaced slow email communication chains and fostered problem solving. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced redundancy of work across different library jurisdictions has allowed the Library Director to save approximately 120 7 hours of time per year, enabling the Director to devote this time to other important priorities. • Wireless Public Printing Software (June 2021): Implementation of Princh wireless printing software for credit card payment and release of public printing jobs replaced manual system of making change and manual print releases. Efficiency Outcome: Labor- time savings of approximately one hour per day. • Friends of the Library Payment Systems (April 2021): Installation of cash donation box and self-serve DipJar credit card payment for the Friends of the Library eliminated staff need for making change, overseeing donations, and monitoring purchases. Efficiency Outcome: Labor-time savings of approximately one hour per day. • Cashless Operations (June 2020): Elimination of all cash transactions and removal of cash register replaced daily cash handling. Efficiency Outcome: 30% reduction in wait- time for service to the public at library desks. Approximately one hour per day of labor- time is also saved. • Shared Files and Folders via Cloud Platform (April 2020): Implementation of and migration to OneDrive, SharePoint, and Office 365 for all staff files and working documents replaced system of files stored on individual computers. Efficiency Outcome: By eliminating the need for file transfers, multiple file versions, and backups, and by allowing for increased collaboration and simultaneous editing, the shared files have saved approximately ten hours of staff time per week. • Collaborative Communication Application (March 2020): Implementation of MS Teams application transformed real-time digital communication among staff. Efficiency Outcome: Real-time remote communication has saved approximately three hours of staff time per day. • Shared Purchasing Tracking and Reconciliation (July 2020): Creation of a shared universal master spreadsheet for tracking all internal account spending replaced individual staff tracking for budget line items. Efficiency Outcome: Saves approximately sixty hours of staff time per year, including forty hours of Library Director time, thereby allowing the Director and staff to direct this time towards other public needs. • Staff Laptops (September 2020): Purchase of laptop computers and docking stations for full time staff members replaced desktop computer towers, allowing greater flexibility in staff usage of different workspaces. Efficiency Outcome: Location flexibility saved approximately 0.5 hours per week per employee. • Outsourced Book Processing (October 2020): Increase of amount of book processing (catalog records and shelf ready preparation) reduced scope of in-house processing. Efficiency Outcome: The outsourcing of book processing saved approximately four hours of staff time per week. • Direct Purchase of Catalog Records for Languages Other Than English (September 2020): Purchase of complete records direct from book vendors eliminated need for staff to translate and create records in-house. Efficiency Outcome: Purchasing complete records saved approximately thirty hours of staff time annually. • Hold Items Pulling (July 2020): Creation of collaborative team system to locate and pull items requested by patrons replaced a tedious individual process. Efficiency Outcome: 8 Increased speed of service to the public. Time spent on pulling reserves reduced from 2 hours per day to 30 min per day. • Adhesive Receipt Paper (August 2022): Utilization of adhesive receipt paper to attach automatedly printed hold and reserve notes to books replaced manual writing, cutting and rubber banding paper slips to books. Efficiency Outcome: The switch to adhesive receipt paper has saved approximately twenty minutes per day of staff time and has increased the speed of service to the public. • Patron Initiated Replacement of Lost or Damaged Items (September 2020): Adopted procedure of encouraging patrons to replace their lost or damaged items with a new identical copy replacing system of staff-initiated replacement. Efficiency Outcome: Staff time spent replacing lost or damaged items has been completely eliminated. • Display Books in Children’s Room (January 2021): Utilization of additional surface areas in Children’s Room to display recently returned books decreased need to reshelve all items. Efficiency Outcome: Staff time spent on reshelving children’s books has been reduced from forty to thirty minutes per cart. • Paperless Invoices (August 2020): Adoption of workflow process to receive, route, and approve invoices replaced a paper-based system of copies, physical signatures, and interoffice mail routing. Efficiency Outcome: The new workflow process for invoices saves approximately one hour of staff time per week. • Close Caption Transcription Software (February 2021): Acquisition of automatic transcription software for historical interviews and programs eliminated need for manual in-house transcription. Efficiency Outcome: The usage of automatic transcription software saves approximately 8 hours of staff time per project. • Design Software (April 2021): Utilization of simple user interface Canva design software allowed for access to premade templates and designs for print and social media replacing previous cumbersome design software and need for designing files from scratch. Efficiency Outcome: Use of Canva has reduced time spent on designing social media posts and flyers from 90 minutes per item to 15 minutes per item. • E-Magazine Consortium Purchasing (July 2021): Cooperation with neighboring library jurisdictions to purchase a core collection of e-magazines at a discounted rate reducing financial cost. Efficiency Outcome: Cost-savings of $4,800 annually. • State Access to Databases (September 2021): Joined State-sponsored programs to access educational and job-searching databases and subscriptions reducing financial cost. Efficiency Outcome: Cost savings equal to $13,500 annually. • Check-in Meetings with Partner Organizations (February 2022): Adoption of regular check in meetings with partners for NUMU, LGS Rec, and LGSUHS District representatives to increase dialog, replacing communication voids. Efficiency Outcome: Streamlined communication with partners has eliminated problems resulting from miscommunication among departments, thereby saving approximately 10 hours of staff time per year. • Single Point of Contact Desk (May 2022): Reassessment of staffing coverage at Reference and Children’s desks, based on daily foot traffic patterns, identified times of 9 the day that could instead be serviced by a single front desk. Efficiency Outcome: Saved ten hours of staff time per day. • Public Computer Bulk Updates (August 2021): Adoption of new workflow for regular updates to public computers can be done from a staff desk, replacing need for staff to monitor computers in the public area while updates complete. Efficiency Outcome: Saves approximately six hours of staff time per week. • Rearrangement of Collections (December 2021): Modification of locations of high use collections such as series chapter books and graphic novels in the Children’s area allowed for more space to effectively locate, access, and shelve items. Efficiency Outcome: This improve usage of space has resulted in higher-quality service to the public and reduced reshelving time by approximately five minutes per cart. • Self-Check Machines (October 2020): Installation of four new public self-service checkout machines with RFID readers increased ability for public to successfully checkout items without staff assistance. Efficiency Outcome: The self-service checkout machines increase speed of service to the public through a 50% decrease in wait-times. • Phone App Based Self-Checkout Functionality (October 2020): Addition of item checkout functionality via the Library’s app provides ability for public to check out items in a fully contactless manner. Efficiency Outcome: Allowing members of the public to immediately check out items eliminates the need for staff to check out materials, thereby cutting out wait-times for patrons who use this service. Saves approximately thirty minutes of staff time per day. • Phone Tree Software (May 2020): Implementation of RingCentral software to serve as a phone tree for incoming calls routes public calls to the appropriate staff member or desk, replacing the need for staff to field and transfer each call. Efficiency Outcome: The software improves speed of service by reducing the length of telephone interactions from five to three minutes per call. • Communication Channels for County Emergency Management (August 2020): Establishment of communication channel between County Library Director and local staff sped dissemination of emergency updates, allowing staff to respond faster to changes. Efficiency Outcome: Faster communication of updates allows staff approximately three hours of advance planning time to respond to each upcoming change. • Shared Repository for Regional Library Document Templates (January 2021): Creation of repository for Bay Area libraries to share document examples such as vendor agreements, RFPs, and policy examples reduced need for documents to be created from scratch-in house. Efficiency Outcome: Saves approximately four hours of staff time per document. • Staff Scheduling Software (November 2020): Implementation of LibCalendar software for staff scheduling, remote schedule communication, and time off requests replaced a more complicated software. Efficiency Outcome: LibCalendar reduces labor-time devoted to schedule management by 30%. • Reservation Functionality (August 2021): Implementation of reservation functionality to the Library website provides method for the public to directly reserve study rooms, 10 replacing need for reservations to be staff managed. Efficiency Outcome: By eliminating the need for staff to manage reservations, this change saves approximately two hours of staff time per week. The new system also increases quality of service to the public. • Minimal Processing of High Circulation Children’s Items (March 2022): Creation of single generic catalog record for hundreds of high-volume use children’s beginning reader paperbacks replaced need to create individual records for each of those items. Efficiency Outcome: Reduces processing time per item from 3 minutes to thirty seconds. • Patron Access to Historical Collections (April 2022): Relocation of non-archival historical resources to the public area freed history workroom space and allows public to access more resources without staff assistance. Efficiency Outcome: This intervention has increased workspace and storage capacity for archives by 25%. • Archive Finding Aids and Reorganization (March 2022): Creation of a comprehensive finding aid for archived materials and physical reorganization of archives replaced system of filing cabinets in a confined work area. Efficiency Outcome: The new finding aid has reduced research time for historical questions from an average of 60 minutes to 20 min. per research inquiry. • Historical Microfiche Digitization (June 2022): Outsourcing of digitization of historical newspapers replaced need to digitize in-house. Efficiency Outcome: The outsourcing of digitization has saved a total of 250 staff hours. • Tech Tutoring Appointments and Volunteers (March 2022): Utilization of volunteers for drop-in periods for patron help with computers and phones replaced scheduled programmed timeslots that required staff. Efficiency Outcome: Saves two hours of staff time per week. • Restricted Hours for Book Donation Drop Off (April 2021): Restriction of time windows for receiving donated books only to hours covered by volunteers eliminated need for staff to handle book donations. Efficiency Outcome: Reduces staff interruptions; saves approximately two hours of staff time per week. • Immediate Purchasing from Local Vendors (April 2022): Establishment of relationships with local booksellers facilitated ability to receive copies of popular titles that were delayed due to supply chain issues with our normal vendors. Efficiency Outcome: Time for obtaining back-ordered materials has been reduced from six weeks to two hours. • Reference Question Software (February 2020): Implementation of Gimlet reference transaction software allowed staff to quickly record questions asked by the public into a searchable database utilized for facilitating statistical gathering and for cross- referencing previously answered questions. Efficiency Outcome: Reduces research time from five minutes to two minutes per reference transaction. • Interns (April 2022): Reinstatement of library intern program post-pandemic opened opportunities for library school students to work on Library projects temporarily increasing staff capacity. Efficiency Outcome: Increased staff capacity by 0.5 FTE for the duration of the internship. 11 • Speaker Consortium (July 2022): Joined consortium of national library systems to host authors and speakers for library programs at a consortium-negotiated rate. Efficiency Outcome: Cost savings equivalent to $12,000 annually. • Art and Craft Class Subscription (July 2022): Implementation of CraftBug subscription for public access reduced need for staff to create similar content in-house. Efficiency Outcome: Provides over 500 hours of program content with no additional staff time. • Collection and Circulation Reports (July 2021): Generation of reports for item holds, item deaccession, missing items, and item use duplicated in Koha catalog software, replacing need for continued subscription to redundant software. Efficiency Outcome: Elimination of redundant software leads to cost-savings of approximately $4,500 per year • Social Media Meetings (April 2022): Posts to Library social media accounts are made during regularly scheduled meetings devoted to social media outreach, rather than at random times. Efficiency Outcome: Saves approximately 2 hours of staff time per week. • Staff Area Reorganization (March 2022): Reorganization of temporary holding areas in staff work areas to facilitate workflow of processing, mending, and problem flagged items. Efficiency Outcome: Increases efficiency of workflow in this area by 50%. • Lasercut Signage and Branded Items (January 2021): Utilization of grant-funded laser cutting equipment for rapid in-house production of signage and branded items eliminated need for contracting through vendors. Efficiency Outcome: Cost savings of approximately $2,000 per year. • Program Supply Circulation to Public (November 2020): Circulation of existing Library program and event supplies and equipment for public checkout freed workroom and storage space while providing additional use of specialized items. Efficiency Outcome: Provides an additional service to the public at no extra cost. • Community Grant Application Process (July 2022): Utilization of SurveyMonkey platform to receive and process grant applications streamlined document receiving and formatting. Efficiency Outcome: Simplifies the application process, saving time for applicants as well as reducing necessary staff time from 6 hours to 1 hour. • Town Website Permissions (October 2021): Implementation of internal department permissions for changes to the CivicPlus platform eliminated need to process webpage updates and edits through an interdepartmental communication chain. Efficiency Outcome: Cuts time for website changes from 24 hours to 15 minutes. Police Department Already Implemented • Community Policing and the impact on service delivery (February 2022): A Community Policing initiative was developed in early 2022, branded and launched in April 2022. Efficiency Outcomes: Enhanced community-police partnerships and communication improves the intent of the policing model in several ways. The fear of crime in a community is reduced with a greater awareness of the presence of public safety efforts and a relationship with the public safety resources that provide those services. The 12 presence of crime is reduced through education to the community of what information may be helpful to provide to the Police Department and when, thereby developing additional “eyes and ears” for the Police Department to have a swift response to concerns and develops helpful investigative information to solve crimes. Improved trust, transparency, and access helps to mend and bridge perceptions related to individuals in the policing profession and may aid in developing ambassadors for the profession and recruitment for the LGMSPD. • Flock (January 2022): The Police Department initiated a two-year pilot program for the allocation and implementation of stationary automated license plate readers (ALPR) throughout Town, as a crime suppression and investigative tool. Efficiency Outcome: Images of vehicles reported as stolen, wanted as evidence in major crimes or associated to missing persons are alerted to LGMSPD within seconds. The Flock system helped to solve and prevent many crimes and 13 other law enforcement agencies share their data with LGMSPD. This also allows to have a strategic deployment or response model based on immediate information of where crime may be occurring, and evidence related to a crime. • Virtual Reality (VR) Training (February 2022): The purchase of virtual reality Decision and Tactics Training Equipment with dedicated VR simulation components assists LGMSPD in creating the most realistic training for officer’s decision making, de- escalation and use of force. This system is Police Officer Standards and Training (POST) approved and allows the subjects involved in the scenarios to have the mental status, gender, race, and many other attributes of the subjects on the screen to be adjusted. Efficiency Outcome: This equipment allows for onsite training and opportunities to recreate situations they may encounter on duty, but in a controlled setting and to be available on any shift throughout the week. This technology can also be shared with members of the community to allow them to participate in a controlled environment in some of the situations our sworn staff experience. • RIMS (September 2020): RIMS is a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) that interfaces with many different platforms utilized currently and by other law enforcement partners in the county. Efficiency Outcome: RIMS assisted the Police Department in being able to comply with existing and upcoming mandates, capture ongoing statistical data, accurately measure performance, better equip first responders with relevant information, and reduce report writing time. RIMS interfaces with many other platforms in use by the Police Department, therefore reducing the need for staff to login and access each database independently. Additionally, the RIMS platform allows the ability to provide a website link where the public can access information of police activity and arrests, which reduces the need for staff to provide this information or the public having to make a request and increases transparency. Residents can also request vacation checks, register their security cameras, or request directed patrol on the site. • Racial and Identity Profiling Act – RIPA (October 2021): Assembly Bill 953 referred to as the Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) was passed by legislature to focus on eliminating racial and identity profiling and improve diversity and racial and identity sensitivity in law enforcement. The bill requires each state and local agency that 13 employs peace officers to annually report to the Attorney General specified data elements on all stops. Efficiency Outcome: Statistics received based on the RIPA information will be published by Department of Justice in Spring of 2023 and accessible on a database maintained by DOJ with other jurisdictions RIPA information for a uniformed intake and transparency platform. Law enforcement agencies are able to generate RIPA analysis information through the Stop Data Dashboard to review the officer’s “perception” of various components of information mandated under the RIPA requirements. • National Incident Based Reporting System - NIBRS / CIBRS (February 2022): Implemented to improve the overall quality of crime data collected by law enforcement and an ability to provide circumstances and context for crimes and provide more useful statistics to promote constructive discussion, measured planning, and informed policing. This is a data collection method required by the FBI and replaces the previous Unified Crime Reporting (UCR). The prior UCR Summary Reporting System (SRS) has been retired and a more expanded information report will be available in 2023. Efficiency Outcome: Significant amount of information related to victims, offenders’ relationships property, and crimes that was not previously available for assessment of the totality of each investigation under the UCR process. • Transparency Webpage (May 2021): A single, user-friendly webpage on the Police Department website provides consistent and transparent information on incidents throughout different areas within LGMSPD’s jurisdiction. The website also includes information related to Police Department training requirements, hate crimes, PRAs, Use of Force, and Flock Safety Transparency Portal (updated daily). Efficiency Outcome: A single location for information, improved accessibility of the data to the public, improved customer service, and reduced calls for information. • Body Worn Cameras and Mobile Audio Video Technology (July 2021): While the Department was an early adopter of body-worn cameras (BWCs), the updated BWC equipment also included Mobile Audio and Video (MAV) system in the patrol vehicles to benefit the Town Department, and the public through enhanced evidence collection, retention, increased officer safety, accountability, and transparency. Efficiency Outcome: The BWCs and MAV system interface with an associated evidence management platform that works in conjunction with the new Computer Aided Dispatch System. This connection through technology limits staff time on categorizing and tagging video evidence. The updated BWCs and MAV system are crucial in limiting liability exposure. • Axon Automated License Plate Readers – ALPR (August 2021 / July 2022): Axon Fleet 2 installed in August 2021 and upgraded to Axon Fleet 3 ALPR in July 2022. Fleet 3 allows better coverage with camera angles and ability to read plates passing through the camera angles. Plate reading technology alerts officers on the car computer on plates of interest or with a want associated to the vehicle. The technology also retains the plate read data through Axon Evidence for later investigations. Efficiency Outcome: Immediate awareness of more than what an Officer can observe, similar to Flock but mobile. This adds to the Officers’ situational awareness and has the same 30 days retention period as Flock. 14 • Fingerprinting contract with Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation (LGS Rec) (November 2021): Fingerprinting services for tow truck drivers, town applicants, and other as needed purposes was being provided by Records staff utilizing outdated equipment. Fingerprinting services are now being contracted through the LGS Rec. Efficiency Outcome: Limited Records Staff is no longer having to track and provide services for fingerprinting and allowing non-police staff into a secured area for fingerprinting services. This allows for better security in the Police building and ability for staff to focus on Police Records duties. • Updated Surveillance System (July 2022): The Police Department updated and modernized its antiquated interview recording and Police Operations Bureau overall surveillance camera system. Efficiency Outcome: This new system allows access for viewing from all available PD terminals, instead of one, and the recording function is significantly more seamless. • Evidence.com / Axon : Digital evidence management system for videos, photos, documents. Efficiency Outcome: Time saved with efficiency tools offered with redaction, transcription, and sharing evidence with secure link controls with law enforcement partners. Evidence.com is a cloud-based system that integrates with RIMS for auto tagging capabilities thereby reducing time officers had to previously review and mark evidence. • Per Diems in Dispatch (November 2021): The Police Department has utilized per diem Dispatchers to supplement the full-time Dispatchers as they continue to train new personnel. Per diem staff have provided additional needed shift coverage for full-time dispatchers to have vacation, go to training, and provide increased staffing when needed. Efficiency Outcome: Full time staff overtime hours in Dispatch is less than the same timeframe a year ago, they are allowed time off, each Dispatcher was allowed to attend a training course in the first six months of this year. improved staff retention. • Social Media (February 2022): The Police Department has expanded the staff that has access and approval for posting on the various Police Department social media sites and are encouraged to share work experiences that the public may be interested in, provide safety messages, and advertise upcoming events that the community may want to attend. Efficiency Outcome: Social media provides immediate information and awareness that is accessible to media and to community members. It allows for swift consistency in messaging and provides a greater level of awareness for the Police Department and its public safety efforts and connection with the community. • Coplogic Online Reporting (August 2021): Online police reports are convenient and accessible to the public any time of day. Online reporting allows Police Officers to be available for emergencies and other high-priority situations. It also gives officers more time for proactive and discretionary police work. Efficiency Outcome: Resulted in fuel savings and improved response time to incidents. Support staff can process the reports more efficiently. Since January 1, 2022 until August 1, 2022, a total of 163 online police reports have been received through the online system. With each report estimated at taking 1.5 hours for an Officer to document, this provided an estimated time savings of 244.5 hours of sworn staff time this year alone. 15 • LexisNexis (June 2022): Automated accident report database that interfaces with the RIMS platform. Efficiency Outcome: Provides a secure, electronic data management resource that helps agencies deliver accident reports to requestors directly and alleviates the requesting and issuance process that previously occurred through Police Department Records staff manually. The accessibility to the requestor enhances public service and document accessibility. Implementation Underway • Strategic Plan: The Police Department Leadership Team joined together for several days for a facilitated Team Building Workshop with the purpose of team building and to provide an opportunity to refine and build upon the strategic direction of the organization. During the retreat, the team focused on problem solving, developing organizational goals and objectives that can be implemented in the Department and throughout the community. Efficiency Outcome: The Strategic Plan provides focus for the Department over the next two years. • Outside Vendor to Conduct Backgrounds: Instead of using retired staff to complete both sworn and non-sworn background investigations, the Police Department elected to contract with an outside vendor. Efficiency Outcome: Outside backgrounding services create staff capacity and there is no potential for pre-conceived bias of having known an applicant. Each background investigation and report is conducted in a similar manner, depending on the position being sought. • Investigative Technology Advancements: Enhanced intelligence systems for onsite review instead of awaiting outside vendors or State and Federal law enforcement partners to utilize their technology databases to extract and analyze the information. Efficiency Outcome: Reduction in time for return of investigative information. Expected • Electronic Citations or E-cites (Spring 2023): Allows Officers to produce printable paper citations in the field without having to hand write the document on a triplicate copy. Efficiency Outcome: Through electronic communication, the information on the citation is automatically uploaded in the interfacing RIMS Records Management program and sends the pertinent information to the court system as well, thereby alleviating a lot of time from writing the citation, Records staff having to enter and process the documents, and limits paper storage by going to an automated capability. • All of PD staff at POB (2023 – 2024): Develop a phased process with the goal of moving the Police Department staff at Headquarters to the Police Operations building. Efficiency Outcome: By bringing all Police Department staff together there are many benefits and efficiencies including decreasing redundancy, improving communication, enhancing access and camaraderie throughout the Police Department team, cross training opportunities, and allow for all Police Department resources to be available to the public at one location. 16 Parks and Public Works Department Already Implemented • Special Use Permit Applications (April 2021): created a PDF fillable form for a paperless process. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced the cycle time for the approval process. • Special Use Permit Refund Request (September 2021): created a PDF fillable form for a paperless process. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced the cycle time for the approval process. • Park Reservation Refund Request (September 2021): created a PDF fillable form for a paperless process. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced the cycle time for the approval process. • QR Code Signage - Parks (September 2021): created a QR code for easy access to Parks website. Efficiency Outcome: Allows residents/customers the ability to access Parks website from their cell phone. • Tree Removal Permit Application (August 2021): created a PDF fillable form for a paperless process. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced the cycle time for the approval process. • Agreement Checklist (November 2021): created a PDF fillable form for a paperless process. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced the cycle time for the processing of an agreement. • SharePoint (May 2020): For electronic work files, PPW switched over from local network drives to cloud-based Microsoft SharePoint platform during the Covid shutdown as a way to allow employees to continuously share and store documents even remotely. SharePoint continues to be a useful tool for staff to access and work on documents collaboratively. Efficiency Outcome: increased productivity, collaboration, and readily available information to staff members. • Engineering Document Archiving (June 2020): Scanned/digitized/cataloged hardcopy documents (both typical letter size to large format, such as maps), which were previously stored in large storage bins, to be archived and accessed quickly through local network drive and SharePoint. Efficiency Outcome: Faster and easier access to Engineering documents and freed up workspace for other tasks. • Online Bidding for Public Works Projects (May 2020): In response to Covid-19, PPW staff implemented online plan room and bidding platforms to allow electronic bid advertising and bid management services. Efficiency Outcome: Minimize the need to reproduce hardcopies of bid documents, consolidate bid management through online platform, and allow contractors to submit bids online without having to physically deliver or mail in bids. • Postcard Mailings for Community Outreach (August 2020): Outsourced postcard mailings by utilizing multiple online vendors. Efficiency Outcome: Reduced staff time to manually prepare documents and effectively provides notices to the public in a timely manner. • Imagery and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Data Acquisition Cost Sharing Agreement (September 2021): The Town entered into a cost agreement with the 17 County of Santa Clara for the rights to utilize updated County-wide imagery and LiDAR data. The Geographic Information System (GIS) and aerial map dataset are recent, and the shared costs are nominal compared to costs for similar updated data if the Town was to obtain as an independent agency. Efficiency Outcome: Staff is using most updated and current aerial maps and GIS information to update the Town's GIS application and identify and track Town infrastructure assets visible via aerials and LiDAR information. Implementation Underway • Accela Upgrade: Implementation of online submittals for all Engineering applications including electronic payments. Efficiency Outcome: Reduce the amount of staff time to input information from applications into the database, improve payment process, potentially improve cycle times, and faster conversion to digital filing. Expected • Public Works Development Review (2022): An assessment of the existing Public Works development review process is underway by the new Director. Once the assessment is concluded, specific implementation steps will be taken. Expected Outcomes: Improved tracking of application status, streamlining the review to improve cycle times, and improved customer experience. Community Development Department Already Implemented • Virtual Inspections (April 2020 – August 2022): Implementation of virtual inspections to perform field inspections during the Covid 19 pandemic. Efficiency Outcome: Virtual inspections allows the Building Department to safely continue providing inspection services to the many active construction projects in the Town. • Digital Plan Submittal and Review (May 2020): Implementation of online application and plan submittals for Building and Planning permits, and digital review replaced in-person submittals during the Covid 19 pandemic. Efficiency Outcome: Online submittals and review allowed the Building and Planning Divisions to continue providing permit processing and resulted in conversion to a permanent paperless filing system. • Review Time Tracking Report (ongoing): Development of new reports for use in tracking the timeliness of submittals and reviews through the permitting process. This involves a reconfiguration of the permitting workflow and task assignments. Efficiency Outcome: Tracking review times of both staff and applicants is anticipated to provide a better understanding of inefficiencies within the review timeline to identify areas for efficiency improvements. • Cross Train Plan Review (ongoing): Digital plan review training for permit and inspection staff. Efficiency Outcome: Distributing specific plan review responsibilities to multiple 18 Building Department Staff is anticipated to reduce review times on projects that do not require a Design Professional review. • Accela Cloud Hosted Migration (December 2021): Accela, the Town’s permitting, code compliance, and land management solution, was migrated to Accela’s cloud hosted platform. Efficiency Outcome: Migrating Accela to their cloud hosted solution has eliminated the ongoing support and maintenance of four servers in the Town’s datacenter. The Accela system is accessible without the need to be connected to the Town’s internal network which allows for more efficient work by Staff out in the field. • Enhanced Accela Citizen Access (ACA) Portal (January 2021): The ACA portal was migrated to an enhanced version through Accela’s cloud hosted platform. This included the development of an online permit decision tool. Efficiency Outcome: The Enhanced ACA portal provides a much more intuitive user interface where the public can easily apply for permits by eliminating the guessing game of what they need to apply for. The newly developed permit decision tool helps to facilitate the application process and minimizes erroneous information that Staff must often correct on the back end. • Economic Recovery Process Reductions (2020-2021, ongoing. In coordination with Economic Vitality): o March 2020 – Town Council adopted an Economic Recovery Resolution in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. As time has passed, staff has brought forward modifications, updates, and extensions to continue to streamline commercial land use processes, foster economic recovery, and provide improved customer service through process time and fee reductions and increased flexibility. o These modifications, updates, and extensions were adopted by the Town Council: January 2021, February 2021, April 2021, and November 2021. o Streamlining captured by the Economic Recovery Resolution include:  Businesses within the C-2 zone are authorized to use existing on-street public parking for use of outdoor dining with an executed agreement;  Suspending parking requirements in private commercial lots to allow for some parking spaces to be utilized for outdoor dining;  Businesses may relocate, expand, or open additional locations without obtaining a new CUP and memorializing the expansion with an executed Economic Recovery Agreement;  Personal service may locate within the C-2 and Office (O) zones with an executed Economic Recovery Agreement;  Up to five new bars, markets, and other miscellaneous businesses may locate with the C-2 zone utilizing an executed Economic Recovery Agreement;  The cost of a new CUP is reduced by 50%, with the Town paying the balance of the fees;  Alcohol consumption is permitted in Town parks, parklets, pop-up patios, and temporary dining areas in alignment with the Town Code; and  The expiration date for all building permits and planning entitlements shall be extended by two years. 19 o Efficiency Outcome: Reduced permitting time and staff time required for projects that would otherwise require a new CUP and associated multi- department review and public hearing. In addition, the extension of existing building permits and planning entitlements prevented the need for project extension requests or new applications that would have been required after permit expiration. Implementation Underway • Expedited Permit Process: Staff is looking into options for expedited Building Permit application processing for certain types of Building Permits. Efficiency Outcome: Expedited Building Permit processing is anticipated to provide plan check services in less time than standard review timelines. Important components of this type of review will be: the capacity of other departments and outside agencies to perform expedited reviews; and addressing potential inequities related to increased costs for expedited review. • Digitizing Planning Project Files: As a follow-up to the transition to digital plan submittals and review, the Planning Division is taking all current paper files and preparing them for scanning to laserfiche. Efficiency Outcome: Digital access to project files is anticipated to reduce staff time needed and increase promptness for responses to inquiries, PRAs, and review of Use and Occupancy applications. Multiple Departments: Already Implemented • Hybrid Conference and Meeting Equipment (January 2022): Installation of OWL hybrid meeting hardware in library conference room, PPW conference room, and Council Chambers created ability for all Town Departments to conduct hybrid meetings and interviews. Efficiency Outcome: Increases the efficiency of scheduling meetings and increases flexibility for attendees. Implementation Underway • Tyler Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Migration: The Town’s current CentralSquare ERP system will be migrated to a more modern ERP platform from Tyler Technologies. The project started August of 2022 with an anticipated go live date sometime in September of 2024. Efficiency Outcomes: Numerous areas of process improvements and efficiencies have been identified below. o Consolidate information, link processes and functions, and eliminate separate Departmental spreadsheets/Excel databases in favor of a single system that integrates the Town’s financial and non-financial applications through a common database; o Streamline business processes to take advantage of best practices through automation, integration, and enhanced workflows; 20 o Provide a user-friendly and intuitive user interface to promote system use and productivity; o Eliminate the need for redundant data entry (budget, timesheet, etc.); o Eliminate the need for manual input when preparing the annual budget and financial statements; o Improve and/or provide necessary reports and reporting capabilities, and access to data through inquiry or drilldown capabilities; and o Provide interface capabilities with third-party systems; o Electronic timesheet submittal and approval via integrated workflow system; o Electronic invoice submittal and approval via integrated workflow system; o Electronic requisition submittal and approval via integrated workflow system; o Electronic Personnel Action Form submittal and approval via integrated workflow system; o Electronic Business License Application and Approval with integrated online payment system; o Streamlined Bank Reconciliation with automated software solutions; o Automated reports for management decision making; o Budget Dashboard for public participation.