Staff Report with attachments PREPARED BY: Jennifer Armer, AICP Planning Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Community Development Director, and Interim Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 406-354-6832 ● www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/16/2022 ITEM NO: 6 DATE: August 11, 2022 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with Interwest Consulting Group to Include Supplemental Planning Division Consultant Services. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute a first amendment (Attachment 2) to the agreement for consultant services with Interwest Consulting Group to include supplemental Planning Division consultant services (Exhibit A to the First Amendment). BACKGROUND: On August 17, 2021, the Town Council authorized the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Interwest Consulting Group for supplemental Building Division plan check consultant services (Attachment 1). DISCUSSION: The Planning Division will have two vacant positions for the next three months, one as a result of an existing employee extended leave, and the continued unsuccessful recruitment for another position which has been vacant since December 15, 2021. In order to maintain the high level of service expected of the Town, supplemental services are needed during this period. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Interwest First Amendment DATE: August 11, 2022 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a first amendment to the agreement with Interwest Consulting Group to include supplemental Planning Division services. COORDINATION: This report has been coordinated with the Town Manager’s Office, Town Attorney’s Office, and Finance Department. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for the services to be provided by this amendment would come from existing budgeted vacant positions and temporary hours. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Environmental review is not required for this agreement as it is not a project defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Attachments: 1. Interwest Consulting Group Agreement 2. Draft First Amendment to the Interwest Consulting Group Agreement with Exhibit A – Scope of Services         1#$0z"/ * +1zPmz[48;z4\8z;\o;j;8zP\oczc]zoNOmze84yzc=z0;fo;[5;jzz5yz4\8z5;ow;;\z 1-3,z-!z)-0z"2-0z4z4VPKj\P4z[s\O6Pg4Wz6cjgcj4oPc\z2cw\z4\8z%\o;jw;mozc\msVoP\Mz "jcsgz ;\M4M;8z P\z gjcvP8O\Mz 0sffX;[;\o4Vz tPX8P\Mz .V4\z N;6Sz 4\8z mmc6P4o;8z c\msVoP\Mz 0;jvP6;mz N;j;O\z 64VX;8z c\msXo4\oz wNcm;z 488j;mmz Pmz z 4VOKlP4z 0oj;;oz 0sOo;z z !j;[c\ozz z 2NOmzMj;;[;\ozPmz[48;zwPpNzj;=;j;\6;zoczoN;zKVVcwP\MzE6om z    z 2cw\z8;mPj;mzocz;\M4M;z 4zmsffY;[;\o4Xz sOV8O\Mz .V4\zN;6Sz6c\msXo4\ozocz 4mmPmozP\zoN;z gjc6;mmP\Mzc=zgV4\z6N;6Smz 4\8z4mmc6O4o;8zm;jvP6;mz5;64sm;zc=zc\msVo4\omz;xf;jP;\6;z 4\8z is4VPH64oPc\mz ocz f;jKj[z oN;z 8;mOj;8z wcjSz 4\8z 2cw\z \;;8mz ocz s\8;jo4S;z 46oPvPoO;mz ocz msggX;[;\oz Pomz 45PXPoyz ocz j;vP;wz 5sOX8P^Mz gX4\z 6N;6Smz 4\8z ;\N4\6;z 6smoc[;jz m;jvQ6;z ;>I6O;\6yz4\8zV;M4Xzj;isPj;[;\om z  z 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Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RRE:: Qualificationss too Providee Buildingg Divisionn Plann Checkk Revieww Servicess forr thee Townn off Loss Gatoss Dear Mr. Gray, Interwest Consulting Group (Interwest) is pleased to present our qualifications to provide Building Division Plan Check Review Services for the Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department. Interwest has extensive experience providing complete building department services to agencies throughout California. With nearly 500 professional staff, Interwest is large and diverse enough to meet all of your plan check, inspection, and permit technician needs, yet small enough to ensure that we maintain focus and remain responsive to the priorities of the Los Gatos. Our proposed team can provide the full spectrum of the required services efficiently and effectively. Our goal is to provide timely, technically sound, and customer-friendly services to support your departments and development community. Interwest maintains the largest staff of professionals specializing in building safety plan review and inspection services in California. Interwest offers a highly qualified staff of California licensed structural, civil, mechanical, electrical and fire protection engineers, California registered architects, ICC certified plans examiners, CASp certified access specialists, ICC certified Inspectors, ICC certified Permit Technicians, and additional staff specializing in providing complete Building Safety Services. Ron Beehler, SE, CBO will act as the Principal-in-Charge on this contract, with the ability to assign staff as-needed. Roger Peterson, SE will act as Project Manager and the Town’s Primary Contact for day-to-day for this engagement. Our contact information follows. Ronn Beehler,, SE,, CBOO | Principal-in-Charge 916.273.4663 | rbeehler@interwestgrp.com Rogerr Peterson,, SE || Projectt Managerr 916.273.4657 | rpeterson@interwestgrp.com Proojectt Office:: 39355 California Street, Suite 200, Fremont, CA 94538 As Vice President of Finance, I am an authorized representative of Interwest Consulting Group, able to sign all documents and enter into contractual agreements. Our proposal will remain valid for a period of 90 days. We look forward to the opportunity provide the Town of Los Gatos with these valuable services and to discuss our qualifications in greater detail. Sincerely, Avnerr Alkhas,, Vice President, Finance Interwest Consulting Group        General Qualifications Interwesthas extensive experience and a proven track record of successfully providing building plan review and inspection services to public agencies. Interwest has been in business since 2002 and was founded by individuals with a passion for serving municipalities. Our nearly 500 employees span a multitude of disciplines, roles, and job placements to municipalities within building safety and public works departments throughout California. Our Building Safety Division is the largest in California, with more than 250 California licensed structural, civil, mechanical. electrical and fire protection engineers, registered architects, CASp professionals, ICC certified plan reviewers, inspectors, permit technicians and administrative personnel. We currently serve more than 200 cities, towns, counties and state agencies. Building department services that we provide to municipalities include:  Building Safety Plan Check Services  Building Official Services  Building Inspection Services  Permit Technician Services  CASp Plan Check and Inspection Services  Code Enforcement Services  Fire Prevention Plan Check and Inspection Servicesw We also provide a full range of additional services to more than 200 public agencies throughout California including: |Municipal Engineering |Geographic Information System (GIS) |Construction Management & Inspection |Information Technology (IT) |Traffic Engineering |Planning & Urban Design |Real Estate &Right of Way Acquisition |Water Policy &Planning Our depth of experience brings a high level of knowledge and sensitivity towards community and special interest group issues. We value the importance of a focus that represents the interests of our public agency clients and reflects positively on the citizens they serve. We do not offer design services and, as a result, we provide unbiased plan checks and avoid conflicts of interest as could occur with firms engaging in both plan check and design services. Years Established Established 2002 Type of Organization Interwest is a Colorado Corporation, licensed to provide services in California Number of Employees 500Company-wide 250 Building Staff Project Manager / Contact Roger Peterson, SE 916.273.4657 rpeterson@interwestgrp.com 1        Qualifications & Resumes Interwest has extensive successful experience and a proven track record of providing building safety services to many Towns/Cities, Counties and agencies throughout California. Interwest proposes a broad range of qualified staff to provide all of the services requested by the Town. Below is a listing of Northern and Central California municipal clients to whom we provide similar services to those being requested by the Town of Los Gatos. CLIENT SCOPE OF WORK CCityy off Americann Canyon Building Official, Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Angelss Camp Building Official, Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Berkeley Plan Review CCityy off Calistoga Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Dublin Plan Review CCity of Elk Grove Plan Review, Building Inspection, Permit Technician, Code Enforcement CCityy off Fairfield Plan Review CCityy off Lincoln Building Official, Fire Plan Review, Building Inspection, Fire Inspection CCityy off Menloo Park Plan Review CCityy off Modesto Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Napaa Plan Review, Building Inspection, Permit Technician CCityy off Placerville Building Official, Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Pleasanton Plan Review CCityy off Ranchoo Cordova Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Rocklin Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Roseville Plan Review CCityy off Sacramento Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Santaa Clara Building and Fire Plan Review and Field Inspection CCityy off Sonora Building Official, Plan Review, Inspection CCityy off SSt.. Helenaa Building Official, Building and Fire Plan Review, Building Inspection CCityy off Tracy Plan Review, Building Inspection, Fire Inspection CCityy off Turlock Plan Review CCityy off Woodland Plan Review, Building Inspection CCountyy off Fresno Plan Review, Inspection CCountyy off Madera Plan Review, Fire Plan Review CCountyy off Napa Plan Review CCountyy off Placer Plan Review, Fire Plan Review CCountyy off Yolo Plan Review TTown of Atherton Building Official, Plan Review, Building Inspection, Permit Technician TTownn off Tiburon Plan Review TTownn off Yountville Building Official, Plan Review, Building Inspection 2        IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAFF RON BEEHLER, SE, CBO PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE RRonn Beehler,, SE,, CBO, will serve as Principal-in-Charge for the Town. Ron utilizes experience gained through more than 36 years of hands-on experience performing life safety, accessibility and structural plan reviews to successfully manage building departments, building department services and high-profile building projects on behalf of public agencies throughout California. Ron’s experience includes establishing and coordinating on-site building department services for large multi-building projects and unique fast-paced development projects. Ron has served as Chief Building Official for multiple California public agencies including interim assignments. He has provided building department assessments on behalf of municipal clients to identify inefficiencies and implement best practice improvements. Additionally, Ron has developed and taught multiple full- and half-day classes on a variety of building code related topics on behalf of CALBO and local International Code Conference chapters throughout the State. ROGER PETERSON, SE PROJECT MANAGER | PRIMARY CONTACT RRogerr Peterson,, SE, is our proposed Project Manager and primary point of contact. A California licensed Structural Engineer with more than 30 years of experience in structural design and plan review, Roger is Interwest’s Regional Manager of Building Safety Services. He has designed and provided plan review services for multi-story steel and concrete-framed buildings, as well as one-story structures utilizing steel, concrete, timber and masonry framing systems. His design experience includes schools, commercial and industrial projects, micro-chip production facilities, power plant installations and multi-family residential projects. RRonn Beehler // Principal-in-Charge  BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Chico  CA Licensed Structural Engineer | SE3632  CA Licensed Civil Engineer | CE39404  International Code Council | 801789 RRoogerr Peterrson /// PProjectt Manager  BS, Civil Engineering, University of Wyoming  CA Registered Structural Engineer | 3846  CA Registered Civil Engineer | 46096 3        ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND QUALIFICATIONS Below, we provide a list of licenses, certifications and registrations held by the Interwest staff proposed to provide services to the Town of Los Gatos. Roles of the proposed individuals have been identified primarily as plan reviewstaff with certifications and expertise in structural, fire/life safety, CASp and energy conservation. Qualifications typical for plan review staff include license as a Registered Civil, Structural, Electrical or Mechanical Engineer in the State of California, or certificationas an ICC Certified Plans Examiner. Name & Role Current Licenses & Certifications License / Certification # BBilll Rodgers,, SE Sr. Structural Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer NV Registered Professional Civil Engineer NV Registered Professional Structural Engineer S4198 C50673 CE18427 SE18427 Elenaa Hartsough,, SE Structural Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer C67675 S5538 Johnn Weninger,, SE Structural Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer C43746 S3740 Hosseinn Sanikhatam,, SE Structural Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer C67573 S5514 Charless Nganga,, PE,, ICC Professional Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer ICC Residential Plans Examiner C85710 8325618 Christinee Jansen,, PE Professional Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer C79594 Kylee Hansen,, PE Professional Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer C91071 Thomass Trimberger,, ME,, CCBO,, ICC Mechanical Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer *Registered ME in 14 States* ICC Plumbing Code Specialist ICC Mechanical Code Specialist LEED Accredited Professional Build It Green Certified Green Building Professional Build It Green Greenpoint Rater CABEC Residential & Non-Residential Certified Energy Plans Examiner M26359 866408 866408 Randyy Brumley,, ME,, ICC Mechanical Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer ICC Mechanical Plans Examiner M37959 8884128 Davidd Castillo,, ME,, FPE Mechanical Engineer CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer CA Registered Professional Fire Protection Engineer M31455 FP2013 4        Fire Protection Engineer Plan Review Jingpeii Zhang,, EE Electrical Engineer Plan Review CA Registered Professional Electrical Engineer EE16243 Billl Miller,, CASp,, CBO,, ICC Certified Access Specialist Plan Review Certified Access Specialist Council of American Building Official ICBO/IAPMO Plumbing Inspector ICVO/IAPMO Mechanical Inspector CA State Energy Auditor ACE III-Initial Disaster Housing Inspector ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC ICC Certified Building Official ICC Building Code Specialist ICC Plumbing Inspector ICC Residential Combo Inspector ICC Combination Dwelling Inspector – Uniform Codes ICC Accessibility Inspector ICC Accessibility Plans Examiner ICC Mechanical Inspector ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC ICC Building Inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner CASp-087 2171 34090 51131 3134 22121 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 0819718 Annettee Mayfield,, EIT,, CASp,, ICC Certified Access Specialist Plan Review Engineer-in-Training Certified Access Specialist ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC CA Building Plans Examiner EIT-130173 CASp-538 8018477 8018477 Andreww Burke,, CASp,, ICC Certified Access Specialist Plan Review Certified Access Specialist ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Building Inspector CASp-710 8250398 8250398 Denise Reese, CBO, ICC Plan Review ICC Certified Building Official ICC CA Building Plans Examiner ICC CALGreen Inspector ICC Permit Technician ICC Permit Specialist 8096275 8096275 8096275 8096275 8096275 Stevenn Stokes,, CBO,, ICC Plan Review ICC Certified Building Official ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner ICC Building Code Official ICC Building Code Specialist ICC Building Inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Certified Fire Code Official ICC Certified Fire Marshal ICC Commercial Building Inspector ICC Commercial Mechanical Inspector ICC Commercial Plumbing Inspector ICC Fire Code Specialist ICC Fire Inspector I ICC Fire Inspector II 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 5        ICC Fire Plans Examiner ICC Mechanical Plans Examiner ICC Plumbing Plans Examiner ICC Residential Building Inspector 5312096 5312096 5312096 5312096 SSharonn Vanderpool,, ICC Plan Review ICC Residential Plans Examiner ICC Plumbing Plans Examiner ICC Residential Building Inspector 8789037 8789037 8789037 Bobb Barks,, ICC Plan Review ICC CA Building Plans Examiner 8020051 Ronn LLucchesi,, ICCC Plan Review ICC CA Building Plans Examiner 1044401 Cheryll Domnitch,, FPE Fire Protection Engineer CA Registered Professional Fire Protection Engineer Member, International Code Council FP1206 1046491 Augiee Cerdan,, FPE Fire Protection Engineer CA Registered Professional Fire Protection Engineer FP1579 Daniiell Skuball Fire Plan Review Fire Inspection State Certified Fire Prevention Officer, OSFM Statutes and Regulations-2018, OSFM OSFM Fire Prevention Courses - 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, Inspector 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D Russelll Blair,, ICC Fire Plan Review ICC Fire Plans Examiner Certified Firefighter I – 1986 Fire Prevention 1A – 1990 - CA Fire Prevention 1B – 1993 - CA Fire Prevention 1C – 1992 - CA Fire Prevention 2A – 2003 - CA Fire Prevention 2B – 2006 - CA Fire Prevention 3A – 2001 - CA Fire Prevention 3B – 2000 - CA Fire Investigation 1A – 1997 - CA Fire Investigation 1B – 1995 - CA Fire Instructor 1A – 2007 - CA Fire Instructor 1B – 2007 - CA Hazardous Materials 1A – 1987 - CA Hazardous Materials 1B – 1987 - CA Hazardous Materials 1C – 1987 - CA Hazardous Materials 1D – 1987 - CA Emergency Medical Technician - #D2828 – Sacramento Co. 8092477 011770 - CA Stevenn F.. Conti,, ICC Plans Examiner ICC Fire Inspector I ICC Fire Inspector II ICC Commercial Fire Sprinkler Inspector ICC Fire Plans Examiner ICC Commercial Fire Sprinkler Plans Examiner ICC Residential Fire Sprinkler Inspector/Plans Examiner 8356876 8356876 8356876 8356876 8356876 8356876 6        Project Understanding We have reviewed the RFP and understand understand that the Town currently does not have a plan check engineer on staff and seeks qualified that the Town of Los Gatos is in need of qualified consultants to provide Building Division Plan Check Review Services, provide structural and non-structural code review and to maintain acceptable plan check timelines. Interwest will provide the following services for the Town:  Plan Review Services  On-Site Plan Review Services (on-site services may be required for approximately 10-hours per week, spread overtwo separate days)  Technical Support (including pre-construction/pre-design meetings, site visits, and support for inspection personnel/staff, as needed)  Miscellaneous Support/Special Tasks  Pick-up/Delivery of Plans and Plan Check Comments Approach to the Scope of Work We fully understand and are intimately familiar with the procedures and policies of the Town of Los Gatos. Our experienced staff are ready to assist with solutions and recommendations that are specific to the needs of the development community. All off-site plan review services will be performed either by a licensed Civil or Structural Engineer, or an ICC Certified Plans Examiner under the direction of a licensed Civil or Structural Engineer and/or licensed Architect. Interwest staff will provide plan review services consisting of the examination, analysis and review of construction plans for various development projects within the Town to determine compliance with all applicable building regulations. Dependent upon each project assigned, plan reviews may consist of an examination of grading, site drainage, on-site improvement, off site improvement, hydrology reports, geotechnical, structural, life safety, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, disabled access, energy conservation and stormwater management. In addition, a CASp certified professional is available. Our plans examiners understand and are intimately familiar with applicable building codes and plan review procedures and policies and will readily assist with solutions to complicated plan review issues. Our staff will work with project applicants in a collaborative and professional manner to quickly identify and resolve violations of codes, standards or local ordinances. They will provide thorough plan reviews in an effort to provide complete and accurate construction documents to minimize questions and problems during the construction phase of projects. Interwest’s licensed professional Engineering staff allows us the ability to properly represent the needs of the Town, as our plans examiners have the same licenses and qualifications as the project designers. 7        Town/City-Focused Services The Interwest team will maintain a focus on the department’s service needs to ensure the smooth implementation of all code and amendments utilized by the Town. We have a unique knowledge and understanding of the Town’s processes and requirements from our prior experience and work with municipal staff on the proposed projects. Responsive Project Management By cooperating and working closely with all of the entities responsible for project approval, we will maintain a collaborative working relationship that centers on successful project processing. We have an understanding of Town procedures and will continue to work closely with other Town departments and outside agencies as directed to ensure a timely, seamless and efficient development approval process. We will continue to minimize surprises that can lead to costly delays due to plan revisions late in the approval process by beginning work early with the project design team involved with major construction projects. Our facilitative approach to project review stresses building safety while allowing for innovation in approach to resolve complicated building design issues. At Interwest, we also recognize the needs of sensitive projects and those that require special attention to meet the needs of the community. Communicating Plan Review Results Plan reviews will consist of clearly written comments which include specific deficiencies and the associated code requirement. We will also accommodate special project plan review needs, such as fast-track or expedited reviews. We will maintain turn-around goals to ensure timely services for permit applicants. Specifically, plan reviews, when not immediately approved, will result in lists of comments referring to specific details and drawings, and referencing applicable code sections. Interwest will provide a clear, concise, and thorough comment list from which clients, designers, contractors, and owners can work. Comment lists are delivered to the applicant and other designated recipients via email, FAX, and/or reliable overland carrier. In addition, staff is available for pre-construction or pre-design meetings, field visits, contacts with the design team, and support for field inspection personnel as needed. With some reasonable limitations, pre- construction and pre-design meetings associated with projects that we plan review are considered part of the plan review service. Meeting Attendance Our staff is available for pre-construction or pre-design meetings, field visits, contacts with the design team, and support for field inspection personnel as needed. With some reasonable limitations, pre-construction and pre-design meetings associated with projects that we plan review are considered part of our service. Electronic Plan Check Services Interwest currently provides electronic plan review services for multiple jurisdictions throughout California, and we are prepared to provide electronic plan check services for the Town. Many jurisdictions are seeing the benefits of electronic plan review, especially for large, complex projects. Electronic plan review services deliver many benefits to cities/towns, including substantially improved turnaround times; secured accessibility to documents; and reduced paper storage. 8        While we are experienced and able to work with many different platforms for electronic plan review, our preferred system is Bluebeam Revu, an industry-leading software used by many jurisdictions, design teams and contractors to review and annotate construction documents. We have worked with multiple clients to purchase and deploy Bluebeam software to each user, preparing jurisdiction-specific stamps and tools used in the plan review process, and ongoing training on the use of the software. Additionally, we have set up electronic submittal systems based on Citrix ShareFile, allowing permit applicants to submit their construction documents remotely. This functionality has enabled our clients to continue providing services during a time when COVID-19 put a halt to many municipal functions. Our staff is experienced providing electronic plan review and can work closely with the Townon any electronic plan check method that is utilized. Our goal is always to collaborate with and support the Building & Safety Division by providing thorough, accurate and timely plan reviews. Plan Review Tracking Method & Billing Process We will create and maintain a Jurisdiction File containing our research on any unique amendments or specifications required by your jurisdiction, billing arrangements, contact information and any special requests you would like us to keep in mind. Interwest uses a custom database to maintain and track all plans throughout the review process from the moment you request a pick-up and/or shipment to delivery of the final, approved documents. Information such as project name, project number, assigned plan reviewer(s), date documents were received, plan review cycle and completion date for current review can be provided. In addition to standard phone communication, custom reports can be emailed. In addition, we can provide online tracking for the Town with a custom- designed web template geared to provide any reporting and information needs required. Our staff is available during standard business hours to answer questions via phone or email regarding the actual plan review in progress. We maintain active email accounts and our staff will be responsive to any Town or applicant needs.If we cannot speak directly to a caller, we will return calls no later than 24 hours. Code Interpretations Interwest’s engineers and plans examiners will provide unbiased recommendations and background informationto the Plan Check Engineer supervisor inorder to provide the appropriate recommendation to the Building Official for final review and approval. These recommendations and background information will help applicants understand specific code-related requirements and alternative methods for compliance. Transporting Plans Interwest will arrange for all pick-up and delivery of plan review documents from the Town at no additional cost. Interwest uses varied methods of pick-up and delivery with the goal of providing same-day service. In addition, our staff utilize several types of electronic plan review software and editable PDFs to provide more efficient and timely reviews. 9        Plan Review Tracking For plan reviews performed in our local office, Interwest will utilize our custom designed plan review tracking system to track all information pertinent to each plan review project. Information such as the project name, project number, date project was received, date all services were completed, resubmitted dates, assigned plans examiners, plan review cycle, and current plan review status are tracked. Our plan review tracking system provides remote access, allowing real-time plan review status information to be available to the Permit Technician and clients. We will provide a private and secure login that allows our Town-based staff to check, at any time, the status of a plan review project. Special Projects and Accelerated Service Interwest is able to accommodate special project plan review needs such as fast-track, multi-phased, or accelerated plan reviews. We establish project specific turn-around goals and procedures with Town staff for these types of projects based on the complexity of the projects as well as the construction schedule. Our staff of engineers and plans examiners will work with the Town to resolve all plan review issues. Our staff will deal directly with applicants and their designers during the plan review process to resolve all issues in a collaborative manner to resolve plan review issues as quickly as possible. Technical Capabilities for Plan Review Our plans examiners will provide plan check services, including building, accessibility, architectural, civil, electrical, energy conservation, green building standards, mechanical, plumbing, stormwater/NPDES, structural, geotechnical and seismic to confirm compliance with all applicable codes and amendments, including the latest adopted versions of the California Building Code (CBC), California Residential Code (CRC), California Mechanical Code (CMC), California Plumbing Code (CPC), California Electrical Code (CEC), California Fire Code (CFC), California Energy Efficiency Standards, CALGreen, (California Green Building Code), Accessibility and Energy Conservation requirements as mandated by State Title 24, and specific regulations and policies, as applicable. Architectural Interwest’s non-structural plans examiners are experienced with plan review services for a vast array of projects including large residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, retail, and OSHPD 3 medical office buildings. Many of our plans examiners are CASp certified. Completed plan review projects range from single-story residential projects to complex high rise buildings and numerous building additions and remodels. We are experienced and familiar with the use and application of the most current editions of the state and model codes. Structural Our structural engineers have experience designing and reviewing projects utilizing virtually all building materials. Our structural plan reviewers will verify that structural designs are in compliance with submitted Geotechnical Report findings and recommendations and Ground Motion Hazard Analysis recommendations for design and construction. Our engineers have designed or reviewed a wide array of structural systems and are experienced with the provisions of the state and model codes. 10        Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical Interwest’s Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and Plans Examiners are well versed in the California Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical codes. We will review submitted design documents to ensure compliance to the current edition of the state codes and Jurisdiction-Adopted Amendments or Ordinances. Green Building Standards Our staff is familiar with the incorporation of CALGreen building criteria into project designs and the resulting potential impact as related to the building codes. In addition, staff members have participated in the development of various “green” standards for super adobe, rammed earth, and straw bale construction, to name a few. In addition, for projects pursuing LEED certifications, Interwest has multiple LEED certified individuals on staff available to assist with any certification issues. T24 Energy Compliance Our engineers and plan reviewers are up-to-date on all California Energy requirements as they relate to both new and remodel construction for residential and commercial projects. The Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings were established in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California's energy consumption. These standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. Access Compliance – CASp Review and ADA Evaluation Multiple on-site staff are intimately familiar with California Accessibility requirements holding ICC and CASp certifications. All of Interwest’s CASp-Certified professionals are knowledgeable of state and federal accessibility laws and regulations and possess the expertise necessary to promote access to facilities for persons with disabilities. Our goal is to provide experts in the industry who can perform services for building departments in a seamless manner by customizing our services to correspond with our client’s expectations and needs. We work collaboratively with our clients to resolve plan review and inspection related issues as efficiently as possible, ultimately resulting in an expedited process and successful project. Flood Zones Interwest’s staff of engineers and plans examiners have experience in providing plan reviews for projects located in flood zones, as several of our clients have developments that occur in areas prone to flooding. Interwest’s staff has provided numerous plan reviews for projects located in flood zones using FEMA’s Technical Bulletins as well as the local jurisdictions’ ordinances. In addition, members of Interwest’s staff have participated in state-sponsored committees to establish guideline and regulations for construction in areas designated as flood zones. OSHPD 3 Our staff of plans examiners has extensive experience in providing plan reviews for OSHPD 3 projects. Our staff is well versed with the OSHPD 3 requirements contained in the California Building Code. We also employ an OSHPD certified inspector who has recently provided inspection services on behalf of our clients for hemodialysis, outpatient surgery, hyperbolic chamber and general medical clinics. 11        Estimated Plan Check Turnaround Times MAXIMUM SERVICE DELIVERY TIMEFRAMES We consistently complete plan reviews within the timeframes (or faster!) listed below asour standard business practice. We work hard to accommodate any turn-around schedule desired by the jurisdiction. Multi- disciplinary reviews are typically performed in our offices, but we are available for onsite work when required and whenever possible. We can furnish the following tiered turnaround: MMaximumm Turnn Aroundd Time RRESIDENTIAL FFirstt Check RRe--CCheck New Construction 10 Working Days 5 Working Days Addition 10 Working Days 5 Working Days Remodel 10 Working Days 5 Working Days NNON--RRESIDENTIAL FFirstt Check RRe--CCheck New Construction 10 Working Days 5 Working Days Addition 10 Working Days 5 Working Days Remodel (T.I.)10 Working Days 5 Working Days 12        Consultant Rates Schedule Interwest will provide the following services for the indicated percentage of the Town’s current plan review fees: SServicee Providedd Percentagee off Totall Plann Revieww Feee Complete Review................................................................. 66% Architectural Review only...................................................330% Structural Review only........................................................330% MEP Review only..................................................................220% Plan review fees listed above shall be considered full compensation for all plan reviews performed. If additional rechecks are required due to incomplete or revised plans for which the Town would collect additional fees from the applicant, Interwest may charge additional plan review time utilizing the schedule of hourly billing rates. Additional services outside the main scope of review will be charged at an hourly rate as agreed upon by the Town. Expedited plan reviews will be charged at 140% of theregular plan review fees noted above. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES CLASSIFICATIONN HOURLYY BILLINGG RATE Licensed Plan Review Engineer(civil, structural, mech., elect. & fire protection)...............................$145 ICC Certified Plans Examiner.................................................................................................................... 120 CASp Plans Examiner/Inspector............................................................................................................... 125 ICC Certified Fire Plans Examiner............................................................................................................. 120 Permit Technician....................................................................................................................................... 75 * Rates vary depending on experience and certification levels ƒInspection and on-site services provided in excess of regular 8 hours per day, nights and weekends will be invoiced at 140% of the above fees. ƒMileage incurred performing inspections for the City will be reimbursed at the current IRS mileage rate. 13        Contracts & References Below we have provided references and descriptions of recent, similar experience. Work for each of the client cities listed below was performed in a timely and cost-effective manner within agreed-upon deadlines and budgets. City of Elk Grove BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES Contact: Darren Wilson, Director,Development Services | 916.627.3446 | dwilson@elkgrovecity.org Interwest has provided complete building department services to the City of Elk Grove since 2006. Our services include on-site and off-site plan review, building inspection, code enforcement, and permit technician services. Interwest maintains a full staff of certified building inspectors for the City of Elk Grove. EElkk Grovee Commons: This project consisted of fourteen (14) separate buildings ranging between 6000 sq. ft. and 100,000 sq. ft. shell only. Our staff worked with the developer, contractors, architects and engineers on requirements for vanilla tenant improvements and full tenant improvements. Disabled access path-of-travel improvements implemented were beneficial. Turnaround times exceeded expectations throughout this project. Elkk Grovee Markett Place: This project consisted of six (6) commercial buildings including stores such as Toys R Us and Sport Chalet; five were shell only. Our staff worked with the developer, contractors, architects and engineers on requirements for vanilla tenant improvements and full tenant improvements. Issues positively resolved included disabled access path of travel, i.e. additional exits required and grease interceptor concerns. Town of Atherton BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES Contact: George Rodericks, City Manager | 650.752.0504 | grodericks@ci.atherton.ca.us Interwest has provided the Town of Atherton complete Building Department services since 2011 including plan intake, building official, plan review, and inspection services. Interwest also oversees, manages, and is responsible for the Town’s Public Works, Planning, and Code Enforcement functions. We also provide technical assistance and support to the City Manager, City Council, City Council appointed Committees, and the community-on-Community Services programs, policies, activities, and projects. Interwest serves as the primary link between the Community Services Department and other Town departments, elected officials, regional partners/regulatory agencies, and community stakeholders. Athertonn Civicc Centerr Project: Interwest has provided Program Management services to the Town of Atherton since the start of the new Civic Center project.This project consisted of a 30,000 sq. ft. steel framed structure which will house the Town of Atherton’s Building, Planning and Police Departments. Interwest provided code compliance plan review and constructability review services, including review of unique materials and structural systems. We also shepherded the plans through multiple budget-driven design changes during review process. 14        City of Sacramento BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES Contact: Winfred DeLeon, Chief Building Official| 916.808.5475 | wdeleon@cityofsacramento.org Interwest provides Overflow Plan Review and Inspection services to the City of Sacramento. Services are performed within our fully staffed Roseville regional office. CCaliforniaa Fruitt Building: This project is an adaptive reuse of an existing and historic office building, converting it to a boutique hotel.This 10-story building includes a basement and was constructed of non-ductile concrete frames in the early 1900’s.The building was seismically-upgraded using the provisions of ASCE 41-13.Ten 220-kip fluid viscous dampers were added at Level 1, with concrete shear walls below the damped bays in the basement. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) was added at the Level 2 slabs to provide tensile lateral load paths to the damped bays; and FRP was added to enhance column confinement at various locations.The existing elevator lobby included a stair open to all stories above, necessitating new two- hour rated framing and openings, and enhancements to existing exterior fire escapes.New MEP systems were installed to support the new hotel tenant. Services were completed in 2018, and construction is in progress. 65th Streett Apartment:Interwest provided structural and life safety plan review services on behalf of the City of Sacramento for this new housing development near Sacramento State University. The new complex is located near a light rail station enabling residents’ quick access to downtown Sacramento creating a transit- oriented work/live hub. The complex will consist of three buildings which will house a total of nearly 800 residents. The new housing will primarily focus on students. City of Folsom BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES Contact: Scott Zangrando, Chief Building Official| 916.461.6225 | szangrando@folsom.ca.us Interwest performs in-facility Plan Review for the City of Folsom. Overflow Plan Review services are performed within our fully staffed Roseville regional office. Palladioo Mall:Interwest Consulting Group provided partial and complete plan review services for several buildings which are part of this mall, including two multilevel S4 concrete parking structures (structural-only) comprising approximately 454,000 square feet; four-level, mixed-use Building 500 comprising approximately 93,000 square feet (Type 1-FR); and one-level Buildings 1600 and 1700, each about 29,000 square feet and Type V-N construction. With the exception of the parking garages, all buildings are structural steel braced frame / moment frame structures. Californiaa ISOO Headquarters:: Interwest provided complete plan review and consultation services for this $115 million facility complex. This project achieved LEED Platinum rating from the US Green Building Council. The site is 25 acres with three seismically separated wings encompassing approximately 277,000 gross square feet, with four levels. Occupancy groups for this project are A2, A3, B and S1; the type of construction is Type 1-B. Each wing is constructed using a different structural system: Precast concrete bearing walls, structural steel special moment resisting frames, and hybrid precast concrete moment frames (or PRESSS). The PRESSS system was not recognized in the current code andwas reviewed and approved under an alternate materials request. Our staff provided all plan review services for this state-of-the-art award- winning multi-story office complex which included a multi-level post tensioned parking structure. 15        City of Berkeley BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES Contact: Val Dizitser, Senior Plan Check Engineer| 510.981.7446 | vdizitser@ci.berkeley.ca.us Interwest provides off-site Plan Review services to the City of Berkeley. Plan review services are performed within our fully staffed Roseville regional office. BBancroftt Apartments: This six-story mixed-use building consists of a single-level Type 1A (reinforced concrete) podium with five levels of light, wood-framed Type IIIA construction above. The podium houses 9,300 SF of M, S2 (parking) and R2 Occupancies. Five levels of apartments (R2 Occupancy) comprise 41,000 SF and occur above the podium. The existing building on the site was relocated and the surface parking removed for this high- density project with 50 dwelling units. 31000 Sann Pablo,, Marchantt Building: This unique project straddles three Cities:Berkeley, Oakland and Emeryville, with Berkeley as the lead agency. Formerly a factory, this building has been readapted to house a 500,000 SF medical office, a 50,000 SF health club and a parking garage with roof parking. The existing concrete structure was strengthened with extensive use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP); new ramps were added to convert the factory floors to parking floors; and new MEP infrastructure was added to facilitate the medical office building and health club tenant improvements. Professional services began in 2013 and are ongoing as construction continues. 16        PREPARED BY: Joel Paulson Community Development Director Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director ϭϭϬ͘DĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ>ŽƐ'ĂƚŽƐ͕ϵϱϬϯϬභ;ϰϬϴͿϯϱϰ-ϲϴϯϮ www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/17/2021 ITEM NO: DATE: August 6͕ϮϬϮϭ TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to execute an Agreement for Consultant Services with Interwest Consulting Group for supplemental Building Division plan check consultant services. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute an Agreement for Consultant Services with Interwest Consulting Group for supplemental Building Division plan check consultant services. BACKGROUND: The Town has contracted with outside consultants to provide building permit application plan checking services for more than 10 years. The Town needs to retain consultant plan check and structural engineering services because the Town does not have a Plan Check Engineer position. Staff is recommending that our current Plan Check Consultant, O'Brien Code Consulting, Inc. be the primary Plan Check consultant. Additional plan check and associated services may be needed to augment the services of the primary Plan Check consultant due to the volume of activity in the Building Division. For this reason, staff is recommending entering into an ĂŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚǁŝƚŚ/ŶƚĞƌǁĞƐƚŽŶƐƵůƚŝŶŐ'ƌŽƵƉ;/'ͿĨŽƌƐƵƉƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂůƉůĂŶĐŚĞĐŬƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͘dŚŝƐ ĨŝƌŵǁĂƐƐĞůĞĐƚĞĚƵƐŝŶŐƚŚĞƐĂŵĞZĞƋƵĞƐƚĨŽƌYƵĂůŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ;Z&YͿƉƌŽĐĞƐƐƚŚĂƚŝĚĞŶƚŝĨŝĞĚ O'Brien Code Consulting as the most qualified to be the Town's primary Plan Check consultant. DISCUSSION: The Plan Check consultant provides Building Division plan check services to the Town, providing both non-structural and structural code review for building permit applications. Staff sent out a ReƋƵĞƐƚĨŽƌYƵĂůŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ;Z&YͿƚŽůĞĂƌŶƚŚĞƋƵĂůŝƚLJĂŶĚĐŽƐƚƐŽĨƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞŝŶƚŚĞ        PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Interwest Consulting Group DATE: August 6, 2021 DISCUSSION ;ĐŽŶƚŝŶƵĞĚͿ: marketplace. Staff sent out RFQs to six plan check consultant firms, and proposals were received from the following firms: • O'Brien Code Consulting Inc.; • lnterwest Consulting Group; • ϰ>&͕/ŶĐ͘; and • Shums Coda Associates. Staff evaluated the proposals and all the proposals were competitive. ICG was determined to be the most qualified firm based on their staff experience and competitive pricing to provide supplemental plan check and associated services, including: x Plan Review services of complex projects; x On-site Plan Review of less complex projects - two days per week; x Technical support; x Miscellaneous support, expedited services, emergency response; x Pick-up/delivery of plans and comment letters; x Building Inspection services; and x Permit Technician services. The principal and staff of ICG have the experience and qualifications to provide supplemental plan check services, building inspection services, and permit technician services. ICG has the following qualifications: x Licensed Civil and Structural Engineers; x International Code Council Certified Plans Examiner; x Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional Certified; x California Accessibility Specialist Program Certified; and x International Code Council / Uniform Building Code Building Inspectors. ICG also provides similar services to a large number of jurisdictions in California. CONCLUSION: ICG is able to provide supplemental plan check and associated services in addition to building inspection and permit technician services. Staff recommends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to enter into an ĂŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚ;ƚƚĂĐŚŵĞŶƚϭͿǁŝƚŚICG for the reasons stated in this report.        PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Interwest Consulting Group DATE: August 6, 2021 COORDINATION: This report was coordinated with the Town Manager’s Office, Town Attorney’s Office, Community Development Department, and Finance Department. FISCAL IMPACT: All costs for Plan Check Consultant contracts are borne by applicants and no costs to the Town are incurred. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. Draft Interwest Consulting Group Agreement for Consultant Services Ϯ͘ Consultant Statement of Qualifications        SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 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First Amendment to Agreement 2.138 ATTACHMENT 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is dated for identification this 17th day of August 2022 and amends that certain Agreement for Supplemental Building Plan Check and Associated Consulting Services dated September 1, 2021, made by and between the Town of Los Gatos ("Town") and Interwest Consulting Group. RECITALS A.Town and Interwest Consulting Group entered into an Agreement for Building Plan Check Consulting Services on September 1, 2021 (“Agreement”). FIRST AMENDMENT 1.Scope of Services of Agreement 21.138 for Building Plan Check and Associated Consulting Services is hereby amended to add Planning Division Consulting Services, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit A to this Amendment, for the remainder of the term of the Agreement which ends on June 30, 2026. 2.All other terms and conditions of the Agreement dated September 1, 2021 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town and Interwest Consulting Group have executed this Amendment. Town of Los Gatos: Consultant: ______________________________ ______________________________ Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager Avner Alkhas, Chief Financial Officer Department Approval: ______________________________ Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development Approved as to Form: ______________________________ Gabrielle Whelan, Town Attorney Attest: ______________________________ Wendy Wood, CMC Town Clerk This Page Intentionally Left Blank THOUGHTFUL SOLUTIONS. THRIVING COMMUNITIES August 8, 2022 Jennifer T.C. Armer, AICP Planning Manager Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Subject: Interwest Planning Scope of Services Dear Ms. Armer: Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. (Interwest) is pleased to submit this scope of services to the Town of Los Gatos (Town) to provide planning-related services. Based upon our discussions the Town has need of a variety of planning services primarily focused on staff augmentation at levels ranging from Assistant Planner through Senior Planner. Interwest has experience providing staff at these levels to assist with virtually all of the planning functions provided by a Community Development Department. We are excited to provide this proposal for the Town’s consideration. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION For purposes of overall management Rick Smeaton will serve as the Project Director for services to the Town of Los Gatos and Rick will be supported by Maria Haro-Sullivan on contract administration. Rick and Maria’s contact information is as follows: Rick Smeaton Maria Haro-Sullivan rsmeaton@interwestgrp.com Mharo-sullivan@interwestgrp.com Direct: 408.430.2203 Direct: 408.316.1392 PROPOSED STAFF Interwest has a diverse team of planners with experience ranging from Assistant Planner through Community Development Director. Due to the ever changing workloads of our team we are not able to identify the specific staff member that would be assigned to a task in advance. Staff members that currently have some capacity to assist the Town are listed below. This is not a complete listing of our staff and we would coordinate with the Town on selection of individuals for specific assignments. Generally, we have found a smaller set of employees working with an individual agency to be more successful as those individuals will gain an understanding of a community’s values and a familiarity with their local regulations. Additionally, we will recruit and hire new staff to meet specific needs of an agency, particularly when onsite services are required. The below individuals represent the senior staff members proposed for the Town of Los Gatos and a sample of the Assistant through Principal Planners that might be assigned to the Town. •Rick Smeaton, Project Director •Eric Norris, Principal Planner, Current Planning and Entitlements Lead EXHIBIT A Town of Los Gatos Contract Planning Scope of Services 110 E. Main Street August 8, 2022 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Page 2 of 3 • Nick Pergakes, Principal Planner, Policy Planning and Urban Design Lead • Erwin Ordonez, Principal Planner, Senior Project Manager/ Housing Focus • Ami Upadhyay, Senior Planner • Eunice Im, Associate Planner • Liz Golden, Assistant Planner ASSIGNMENT OF TASKS All work efforts provided by Interwest would be at the direction of the Town. While we are flexible in our approach to how assignments are established by our clients, we would suggest a general services contract authorization, approved by either the Town Manager or the Town Council, with an overall not-to-exceed amount. Under this overall funding agreement/contract the Town would assign tasks with specific budget amount – we generally refer to these as task authorizations. All work would be governed by the description of services and the funding amount identified in the task authorization. This approach has the benefits of allowing a streamlined authorization by the Community Development Director, providing specific direction for work efforts and establishing a funding level that is reflected in monthly billings. We recognize each agency has specific requirements for managing consultants and budgets and Interwest will tailor our processes to meet the Town’s needs. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED Interwest understands there is a range of services and support that the Town might require. Based on our conversations and our experience with other client agencies we believe planning services for the Town may include the following: • Entitlement Processing. Completion of project reviews that might range from ministerial actions to minor entitlements and major projects. • Updates to Town Regulations. Such tasks could include municipal code updates related to housing or other planning regulations. • Support on Long Range Planning. The Town may have need for support on amendments to existing planning documents and development of new Town-sponsored land use plans. • Other Duties as Assigned. Interwest will be available to assist with other planning duties as may arise and as may be assigned by the Town. FEE SCHEDULE The rates provided below reflect Interwest’s current billing rates. Hourly rates are typically reviewed yearly on July 1st and may be subject to revision unless under specific contract obligations. In addition, there is no charge for shipping, supply or material costs. Classification Hourly Billing Rate • Community Development Director/Project Director $180 • Principal Planner / Planning Manager $170 Town of Los Gatos Contract Planning Scope of Services 110 E. Main Street August 8, 2022 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Page 3 of 3 • Senior Planner $150 • Associate Planner $120 • Assistant Planner $90 • Planning Tech $75 • Administrative $65 No price increases will occur during the first year of the Contract, and fee quotes for specific services shall remain firm throughout the duration of that project. Thereafter, rates will be increased annually on July 1st. The hourly rates listed shall be increased based upon the annual increase in the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor thereof, Consumer Price Index (United States City Average, All Items (CPI-U), Not Seasonally adjusted, All Urban Consumers, referred to herein as the “CPI”) for the Municipality or, if not reported for the Municipality the CPI for cities and towns of a similar size within the applicable region from the previous calendar year, such increase, however, not to exceed 4% per annum. The increase will become effective upon publication of the applicable CPI data. If the index decreases, the rates listed shall remain unchanged. Invoices will be submitted to the Town after services have been completed. Payment will be net 30 days after receipt of an invoice in a format acceptable to the Town. Invoices shall be verified and approved by the Town and subject to routine processing requirements. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present this scope of services for Contract Planning Services. Please contact Rick Smeaton if you should have any questions related to this proposal. Sincerely, Paul Meschino President This Page Intentionally Left Blank