Attachment 2 - First Amendment to Agreement Interwest with Exhibit A Scope of ServicesInterwest Consulting, Inc. First Amendment to Agreement 2.138 ATTACHMENT 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is dated for identification this 17th day of August 2022 and amends that certain Agreement for Supplemental Building Plan Check and Associated Consulting Services dated September 1, 2021, made by and between the Town of Los Gatos ("Town") and Interwest Consulting Group. RECITALS A.Town and Interwest Consulting Group entered into an Agreement for Building Plan Check Consulting Services on September 1, 2021 (“Agreement”). FIRST AMENDMENT 1.Scope of Services of Agreement 21.138 for Building Plan Check and Associated Consulting Services is hereby amended to add Planning Division Consulting Services, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit A to this Amendment, for the remainder of the term of the Agreement which ends on June 30, 2026. 2.All other terms and conditions of the Agreement dated September 1, 2021 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town and Interwest Consulting Group have executed this Amendment. Town of Los Gatos: Consultant: ______________________________ ______________________________ Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager Avner Alkhas, Chief Financial Officer Department Approval: ______________________________ Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development Approved as to Form: ______________________________ Gabrielle Whelan, Town Attorney Attest: ______________________________ Wendy Wood, CMC Town Clerk This Page Intentionally Left Blank THOUGHTFUL SOLUTIONS. THRIVING COMMUNITIES August 8, 2022 Jennifer T.C. Armer, AICP Planning Manager Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Subject: Interwest Planning Scope of Services Dear Ms. Armer: Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. (Interwest) is pleased to submit this scope of services to the Town of Los Gatos (Town) to provide planning-related services. Based upon our discussions the Town has need of a variety of planning services primarily focused on staff augmentation at levels ranging from Assistant Planner through Senior Planner. Interwest has experience providing staff at these levels to assist with virtually all of the planning functions provided by a Community Development Department. We are excited to provide this proposal for the Town’s consideration. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION For purposes of overall management Rick Smeaton will serve as the Project Director for services to the Town of Los Gatos and Rick will be supported by Maria Haro-Sullivan on contract administration. Rick and Maria’s contact information is as follows: Rick Smeaton Maria Haro-Sullivan rsmeaton@interwestgrp.com Mharo-sullivan@interwestgrp.com Direct: 408.430.2203 Direct: 408.316.1392 PROPOSED STAFF Interwest has a diverse team of planners with experience ranging from Assistant Planner through Community Development Director. Due to the ever changing workloads of our team we are not able to identify the specific staff member that would be assigned to a task in advance. Staff members that currently have some capacity to assist the Town are listed below. This is not a complete listing of our staff and we would coordinate with the Town on selection of individuals for specific assignments. Generally, we have found a smaller set of employees working with an individual agency to be more successful as those individuals will gain an understanding of a community’s values and a familiarity with their local regulations. Additionally, we will recruit and hire new staff to meet specific needs of an agency, particularly when onsite services are required. The below individuals represent the senior staff members proposed for the Town of Los Gatos and a sample of the Assistant through Principal Planners that might be assigned to the Town. •Rick Smeaton, Project Director •Eric Norris, Principal Planner, Current Planning and Entitlements Lead EXHIBIT A Town of Los Gatos Contract Planning Scope of Services 110 E. Main Street August 8, 2022 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Page 2 of 3 • Nick Pergakes, Principal Planner, Policy Planning and Urban Design Lead • Erwin Ordonez, Principal Planner, Senior Project Manager/ Housing Focus • Ami Upadhyay, Senior Planner • Eunice Im, Associate Planner • Liz Golden, Assistant Planner ASSIGNMENT OF TASKS All work efforts provided by Interwest would be at the direction of the Town. While we are flexible in our approach to how assignments are established by our clients, we would suggest a general services contract authorization, approved by either the Town Manager or the Town Council, with an overall not-to-exceed amount. Under this overall funding agreement/contract the Town would assign tasks with specific budget amount – we generally refer to these as task authorizations. All work would be governed by the description of services and the funding amount identified in the task authorization. This approach has the benefits of allowing a streamlined authorization by the Community Development Director, providing specific direction for work efforts and establishing a funding level that is reflected in monthly billings. We recognize each agency has specific requirements for managing consultants and budgets and Interwest will tailor our processes to meet the Town’s needs. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED Interwest understands there is a range of services and support that the Town might require. Based on our conversations and our experience with other client agencies we believe planning services for the Town may include the following: • Entitlement Processing. Completion of project reviews that might range from ministerial actions to minor entitlements and major projects. • Updates to Town Regulations. Such tasks could include municipal code updates related to housing or other planning regulations. • Support on Long Range Planning. The Town may have need for support on amendments to existing planning documents and development of new Town-sponsored land use plans. • Other Duties as Assigned. Interwest will be available to assist with other planning duties as may arise and as may be assigned by the Town. FEE SCHEDULE The rates provided below reflect Interwest’s current billing rates. Hourly rates are typically reviewed yearly on July 1st and may be subject to revision unless under specific contract obligations. In addition, there is no charge for shipping, supply or material costs. Classification Hourly Billing Rate • Community Development Director/Project Director $180 • Principal Planner / Planning Manager $170 Town of Los Gatos Contract Planning Scope of Services 110 E. Main Street August 8, 2022 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Page 3 of 3 • Senior Planner $150 • Associate Planner $120 • Assistant Planner $90 • Planning Tech $75 • Administrative $65 No price increases will occur during the first year of the Contract, and fee quotes for specific services shall remain firm throughout the duration of that project. Thereafter, rates will be increased annually on July 1st. The hourly rates listed shall be increased based upon the annual increase in the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor thereof, Consumer Price Index (United States City Average, All Items (CPI-U), Not Seasonally adjusted, All Urban Consumers, referred to herein as the “CPI”) for the Municipality or, if not reported for the Municipality the CPI for cities and towns of a similar size within the applicable region from the previous calendar year, such increase, however, not to exceed 4% per annum. The increase will become effective upon publication of the applicable CPI data. If the index decreases, the rates listed shall remain unchanged. Invoices will be submitted to the Town after services have been completed. Payment will be net 30 days after receipt of an invoice in a format acceptable to the Town. Invoices shall be verified and approved by the Town and subject to routine processing requirements. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present this scope of services for Contract Planning Services. Please contact Rick Smeaton if you should have any questions related to this proposal. Sincerely, Paul Meschino President This Page Intentionally Left Blank