Addendum.Item #11 - Budget PREPARED BY: Stephen Conway Finance Director Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, and Town Attorney, 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/07/2022 ITEM NO: 11 ADDENDUM DATE: June 2, 2022 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Operating and Capital Budgets a. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Town of Los Gatos Fiscal Year (FY) 2022/23 Operating Budget and FY 2022/23 – 2026/27 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), New Appropriations, Additional Council Actions on May 17, 2022 and Revisions Related to Salary and Benefit Costs as Presented in the Labor Agreements Agenda Reports on June 7, 2022; American Rescue Plan Act Budget Adjustment, Minor Corrections, and Carry-Forward Appropriations b. Adopt a Resolution Approving Commitment of Fund Balances under GASB 54. c. Approve FY 2021/22 Budget Adjustments: 1) Major Revenue Adjustments to Match Year-End Estimated Revenues as Directed by the Town Council on May 17, 2022; and as Determined from Updated Information i. Property Tax revenue Increase in the Amount of $582,609, ii. Sales Tax Revenue Increase in the Amount of $428,828 ($361,806 in regular Sales Tax and $67,022 in Measure G Sales Tax) iii. Business License Tax Revenue Increase in the Amount of $175,000, iv. Transient Occupancy Tax Increases in the Amount of $75,000, and v. Recognize $36,308 General Fund Salary Reimbursement for Capital Improvement Staff Work. 2) Expenditure Increases to Reflect Past Actions: i. In the Amount of $300,000 to expense the $300,000 available General Fund Pension/OPEB Reserve to the CEPPT Trust. ii. In the Amount of $36,308 General Fund Salary Reimbursement for Capital Improvement Staff Work. 3) Approve American Rescue Plan Act Budget Adjustments. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Operating and Capital Budgets DATE: June 2, 2022 REMARKS: Attachment 4 contains public comment received between 11:00 a.m., Thursday, June 2, and 11:01 a.m., Monday, June 6, 2022. Attachments Previously Received with the Staff Report: 1. Resolution of the Town Council Approving FY 2022/23 Operating Budget and FY 2022/23 – 2026/27 Capital Improvement Program (with Exhibit A) 2. Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos Approving Commitments of Fund Balance under GASB 54 3. ARPA Worksheet Attachment Received with this Addendum: 4. Public comment received between 11:00 a.m., Thursday, June 2, and 11:01 a.m., Monday, June 6, 2022 From: Phil Koen Sent: Monday, June 06, 2022 7:59 AM To: Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Marico Sayoc <MSayoc@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>; Arn Andrews <aandrews@losgatosca.gov>; jvannada; Rick Van Hoesen; David Weissman; Lee Fagot Subject: Agenda Item #11 Dear Honorable Mayor and Member of Council The Los Gatos Community Alliance is requesting that Agenda Item #11 be pulled from the consent calendar to allow for more discussion and increase public transparency. Discussion Point 1 Schedules C-8 through C-13 (attached) present a detail view of all revenues and expenditures in the Town’s FY 23 budget. These schedules present both a time trend view of revenues and expenditures as well as identifying for each year the net increase or decrease in fund balance. The Council Resolution adopting the operating budget references that the Town Manager submitted to the Finance Committee a “proposed” operating budget. The total budget now being proposed is materially different than the one considered by the Finance Committee. For example, the newly proposed FY 23 budget for total consolidated salary and benefit costs have increased to $35,700,583 which represents a 23% increase from FY 22 estimated levels (eg $29,019,556). We believe a 23% increase in salary and benefit expense over prior year’s estimate is important for the Council and residents of the Town be aware of, since this have never been previously disclosed. Additionally, the new proposed budget includes the use of an additional $625K in ARPA funds as well as approximately a $1m draw down of OPEB Trust assets to partially fund FY 23 retiree medical costs. This was never disclosed prior to the Staff Memo of this Friday. Request 1.Please update schedules C-8 through C-13 so the Town Council and the public have complete transparency regarding the detail revenues and expenditure proposed for FY 23 for the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Internal Service Funds, Capital Project Funds, Successor Agency RDA Fund and Total All Funds. Additionally, these schedules will also make transparent the net increase or decrease in the funds balance projected for FY 23. Based on our analysis the total decrease in the general fund balance will be approximately $5,210,496 which is 15% higher than was reported to the Finance Commission. 2.The schedule of “Total Town Revenues and Expenditures by Fund” attached to the budget resolution is not sufficiently transparent to allow member of the public to understand the detail revenues and expenditures and ending fund balances now being proposed. The Town had to prepared schedules C-8 through C-13 to create the summary schedule attached to the budget resolution, so very little work should be required to update these schedules. These schedules should be disclosed prior to the Council taken any action on the FY 23 budget. ATTACHMENT 4 Discussion Point 2 Agenda Item 11 also includes a resolution to approve commitments of fund Balance under GASB 54. Among other actions, the proposed resolution establishes an “assigned” General Fund Reserve totaling $1,611,837 for the “General Fund Reimbursement Revenue (ARPA) Reserve. Request 1. Under GASB 54 we believe the ARPA Reserve should be a “restricted reserve” because it meets the definition of a restricted reserve and the use of ARPA funds are restricted in accordance with Federal Law. The designation of restricted vs. committed vs assigned fund balances are extremely important and need to be correctly applied. We respectively request that the ARPA fund reserve comply by GASB 54 and be designated as a “restricted” reserve. Thank you Phil Koen LGCA C - 8 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Actuals Actuals Actuals Estimated Proposed REVENUES Property Tax 13,636,099$ 14,454,513$ 15,826,162$ 15,684,964$ 16,551,544$ VLF Backfill 3,685,247 3,875,914 4,052,672 4,229,462 4,356,350 Sales & Use Tax 7,930,021 6,535,034 6,794,218 7,497,873 7,934,189 Measure G - District Sales Tax 228,131 996,391 1,139,386 1,173,733 1,240,755 Franchise Fees 2,475,916 2,495,792 2,499,463 2,435,800 2,493,870 Transient Occupancy Tax 2,692,043 1,869,685 1,044,820 1,400,000 1,642,460 Other Taxes 1,526,894 1,357,080 1,386,943 1,250,000 1,287,500 Licenses & Permits 3,059,894 2,696,457 2,999,711 3,065,997 2,757,029 Intergovernmental 945,191 1,104,075 1,573,697 1,130,125 1,051,814 Town Services 4,648,904 4,447,213 4,835,962 4,259,099 4,235,261 Internal Srvc Reimbursement - - - - - Fines & Forfeitures 510,266 271,117 103,467 218,120 201,750 Interest 1,682,347 2,266,134 96,061 441,233 432,947 Other Sources 6,093,211 1,381,187 2,217,072 1,140,853 1,760,830 Debt Service Reimbursement 1,909,073 1,905,024 1,908,494 1,899,850 1,893,713 Transfers In 1,578,911 599,669 1,833,218 633,352 538,536 TOTAL REVENUES 52,602,148$ 46,255,285$ 48,311,346$ 46,460,461$ 48,378,548$ EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 26,803,225$ 28,933,568$ 30,297,504$ 28,866,098$ 33,227,942$ Operating Expenditures 11,955,327 13,397,031 14,276,602 9,849,151 9,318,742 Grants & Awards 248,533 274,249 298,303 800,000 241,000 Fixed Assets 38,307 138,384 2,365 - - Interest - - 52,011 - - Internal Service Charges 2,527,470 2,188,211 2,314,305 2,619,672 2,650,173 Capital Projects - - - - - Capital Acquisitions - - - - - Debt Service 1,909,073 1,905,024 1,908,494 1,899,850 1,893,713 Transfers Out 2,785,220 8,053,847 4,582,641 3,423,211 3,006,978 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 46,267,155$ 54,890,314$ 53,732,225$ 47,457,982$ 50,338,548$ Net Increase (Decrease)6,334,993 (8,635,029) (5,420,879) (997,521) (1,960,000) Beginning Fund Balance 31,635,533 37,970,526 29,335,497 23,914,618 22,917,097 Ending Fund Balance*37,970,526$ 29,335,497$ 23,914,618$ 22,917,097$ 20,957,097$ * Year End Fund Balance represents General Fund 111 (Long Term Compensated Absences were accounted in Fund 961 prior to FY 2018/19, Pension Trust Fund 731 was incorported in FY 2018/19). C - 9 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Actuals Actuals Actuals Estimated Proposed REVENUES Property Tax -$ 29$ 28$ -$ -$ VLF Backfill - - - - - Sales & Use Tax - - - - - Measure G - District Sales Tax Franchise Fees - - - - - Transient Occupancy Tax - - - - - Other Taxes 38,088 38,012 38,566 33,720 33,720 Licenses & Permits 236,451 231,323 231,323 231,323 359,950 Intergovernmental - - 200,911 1,220,000 1,304,696 Town Services 345,280 - - - - Internal Srvc Reimbursement - - - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - - - Interest 13,685 13,180 9,174 5,310 7,210 Other Sources 216,834 61,809 106,547 70,500 70,000 Debt Service Reimbursement - - - - - Transfers In - 10,000 - - - TOTAL REVENUES 850,338$ 354,353$ 586,549$ 1,560,853$ 1,775,576$ EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 143,545$ 134,311$ 135,625$ 151,804$ 152,207$ Operating Expenditures 578,580 137,628 301,302 1,356,997 1,461,088 Grants & Awards - - - - - Fixed Assets 21,048 25,079 - - 83,255 Interest - - - - - Internal Service Charges 2,410 3,019 3,229 3,494 3,709 Capital Projects - - - - - Capital Acquisitions - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - Transfers Out 4,920 4,920 4,920 4,920 4,920 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 750,503$ 304,957$ 445,076$ 1,517,215$ 1,705,179$ Net Increase (Decrease)99,835 49,396 141,473 43,638 70,397 Beginning Fund Balance 972,423 1,072,258 1,121,654 1,263,127 1,306,765 Ending Fund Balance 1,072,258$ 1,121,654$ 1,263,127$ 1,306,765$ 1,377,162$ C - 10 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Actuals Actuals Actuals Estimated Proposed REVENUES Property Tax -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ VLF Backfill - - - - - Sales & Use Tax - - - - - Franchise Fees - - - - - Transient Occupancy Tax - - - - - Other Taxes 28,390 34,437 67,146 40,000 40,000 Licenses & Permits - - - - - Intergovernmental - - - 261,382 283,755 Town Services 148,284 115,314 147,121 115,000 85,000 Internal Srvc Reimbursement 3,529,840 3,094,669 3,235,094 3,480,926 3,687,202 Fines & Forfeitures - - - - - Interest 8 7 5 - - Other Sources 2,993,443 762,404 654,601 166,965 30,000 CIP Proj Reimbursement - - - - - Transfers In 450,000 1,061,256 33,000 1,787 - TOTAL REVENUES 7,149,965$ 5,068,087$ 4,136,967$ 4,066,060$ 4,125,957$ EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Operating Expenditures 3,544,783 3,779,285 3,803,452 4,841,564 4,915,264 Grants & Awards - - - - - Fixed Assets 601,961 644,366 307,272 729,416 812,235 Interest - - - - - Internal Service Charges - - - - - Capital Projects - - - - - Capital Acquisitions - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - Transfers Out 1,390,375 1,367,797 146,520 94,816 700,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,537,119$ 5,791,448$ 4,257,244$ 5,665,796$ 6,427,499$ Net Increase (Decrease)1,612,846 (723,361) (120,277) (1,599,736) (2,301,542) Beginning Fund Balance 6,841,594 8,454,440 7,731,079 7,610,802 6,011,066 Ending Fund Balance 8,454,440$ 7,731,079$ 7,610,802$ 6,011,066$ 3,709,524$ C - 11 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Actuals Actuals Actuals Estimated Proposed REVENUES Property Tax -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ VLF Backfill - - - - - Sales & Use Tax - - - - - Franchise Fees - - - - - Transient Occupancy Tax - - - - - Other Taxes 28,390 34,437 67,146 34,562 30,000 Licenses & Permits 844,064 1,153,364 1,340,530 764,465 1,074,300 Intergovernmental 1,641,511 3,161,010 1,818,494 3,153,295 7,789,892 Town Services 52,094 223,318 34,417 306,210 - Internal Srvc Reimbursement - - - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - - - Interest 127,251 158,756 122,705 35,801 36,405 Other Sources 784,085 325,607 2,239,342 1,198,207 116,000 CIP Proj Reimbursement - - - - - SCC RPTTF Reimbursement - - - - - Transfers In 2,685,220 8,325,591 3,401,479 3,421,424 3,706,978 TOTAL REVENUES 6,162,615$ 13,382,083$ 9,024,113$ 8,913,964$ 12,753,575$ EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits -$ -$ 31,085$ -$ -$ Operating Expenditures - - 496 - - Grants & Awards - - - - - Fixed Assets - - - - - Interest - - - - - Internal Service Charges - - - - - Capital Projects 8,987,510 7,907,339 5,833,758 11,847,615 12,547,670 Capital Acquisitions - - - - - Debt Service - - - - - Transfers Out 533,616 569,952 533,616 533,616 533,616 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,521,126$ 8,477,291$ 6,398,955$ 12,381,231$ 13,081,286$ Net Increase (Decrease)(3,358,511) 4,904,792 2,625,158 (3,467,267) (327,711) Beginning Fund Balance 18,488,574 15,130,063 20,034,855 22,660,013 19,192,746 Ending Fund Balance 15,130,063$ 20,034,855$ 22,660,013$ 19,192,746$ 18,865,035$ C - 12 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RDA 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Actuals Actuals Actuals Estimated Proposed REVENUES Property Tax -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ VLF Backfill - - - - - Sales & Use Tax - - - - - Franchise Fees - - - - - Transient Occupancy Tax - - - - - Other Taxes - - - - - Licenses & Permits - - - - - Intergovernmental 1,945,763 1,949,284 1,946,787 2,006,602 1,902,713 Town Services - - - - - Internal Srvc Reimbursement - - - - - Fines & Forfeitures - - - - - Interest 43,706 32,531 4,967 3,500 3,500 Other Sources 11,664 11,664 11,664 - - CIP Proj Reimbursement 1,909,073 1,905,024 1,908,494 1,999,850 1,893,713 SCC RPTTF Reimbursement - - - - - Transfers In - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 3,910,206$ 3,898,503$ 3,871,912$ 4,009,952$ 3,799,926$ EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 1,555$ 1,654$ 1,674$ 1,654$ 1,701$ Operating Expenditures 111,712 110,337 106,788 9,820 10,020 Grants & Awards - - - - - Fixed Assets - - - - - Interest 823,734 888,703 964,610 1,300,000 1,355,000 Internal Service Charges 9 5 5 5 5 Capital Projects - - - - - Capital Acquisitions - - - - - Debt Service 2,936,788 2,862,783 2,792,688 2,499,700 2,433,026 Transfers Out - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,873,798$ 3,863,482$ 3,865,765$ 3,811,179$ 3,799,752$ Net Increase (Decrease)36,408 35,021 6,147 198,773 174 Beginning Fund Balance 3,803,779 3,840,187 3,875,208 3,881,355 4,080,128 Ending Fund Balance 3,840,187$ 3,875,208$ 3,881,355$ 4,080,128$ 4,080,302$ C - 13 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Actuals Actuals Actuals Estimated Proposed REVENUES Property Tax 13,636,099$ 14,454,542$ 15,826,190$ 15,684,964$ 16,551,544$ VLF Backfill 3,685,247 3,875,914 4,052,672 4,229,462 4,356,350 Sales & Use Tax 7,930,021 6,535,034 6,794,218 7,497,873 7,934,189 Measure G - District Sales Tax 228,131 996,391 1,139,386 1,173,733 1,240,755 Franchise Fees 2,475,916 2,495,792 2,499,463 2,435,800 2,493,870 Transient Occupancy Tax 2,692,043 1,869,685 1,044,820 1,400,000 1,642,460 Other Taxes 1,621,762 1,463,966 1,559,801 1,358,282 1,391,220 Licenses & Permits 4,140,409 4,081,144 4,571,564 4,061,785 4,191,279 Intergovernmental 4,532,465 6,214,369 5,539,889 7,771,404 12,332,870 Town Services 5,194,562 4,785,845 5,017,500 4,680,309 4,320,261 Internal Srvc Reimbursement 3,529,840 3,094,669 3,235,094 3,480,926 3,687,202 Fines & Forfeitures 510,266 271,117 103,467 218,120 201,750 Interest 1,866,997 2,470,608 232,912 485,844 480,062 Other Sources 10,099,237 2,542,671 5,229,226 2,576,525 1,976,830 CIP Proj Reimbursement 3,818,146 3,810,048 3,816,988 3,899,700 3,787,426 SCC RPTTF Reimbursement - - - - - Transfers In 4,714,131 9,996,516 5,267,697 4,056,563 4,245,514 TOTAL REVENUES 70,675,272$ 68,958,311$ 65,930,887$ 65,011,290$ 70,833,582$ EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 26,948,325$ 29,069,533$ 30,465,888$ 29,019,556$ 33,381,850$ Operating Expenditures 16,190,402 17,424,281 18,488,640 16,057,532 15,705,114 Grants & Awards 248,533 274,249 298,303 800,000 241,000 Fixed Assets 661,316 807,829 309,637 729,416 895,490 Interest 823,734 888,703 1,016,621 1,300,000 1,355,000 Internal Service Charges 2,529,889 2,191,235 2,317,539 2,623,171 2,653,887 Capital Projects 8,987,510 7,907,339 5,833,758 11,847,615 12,547,670 Capital Acquisitions - - - - - Debt Service 4,845,861 4,767,807 4,701,182 4,399,550 4,326,739 Transfers Out 4,714,131 9,996,516 5,267,697 4,056,563 4,245,514 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 65,949,701$ 73,327,492$ 68,699,265$ 70,833,403$ 75,352,264$ Net Increase (Decrease)4,725,571 (4,369,181) (2,768,378) (5,822,113) (4,518,682) Beginning Fund Balance 61,741,905 66,467,476 62,098,295 59,329,917 53,507,804 Ending Fund Balance 66,467,476$ 62,098,295$ 59,329,917$ 53,507,804$ 48,989,122$ Note: Expenditures and Transfers Out may exceed Revenues due to the inclusion of planned and carry-forward capital projects and payments from General Fund reserves to the Town Pension and OPEB Trusts.