Exhibits A,B,C,DEXHIBIT A Exhibit A EXHIBIT B Exhibit B �lliant IUTEGRATEI) INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES --------------------- Insurance Requirements :tor Lesjees (Not For Daily or Short Term Rentals) Lessee shall procure and maintain for the duration of the conrract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the Lessue 's operation and use of the leased premises. The cost of &ucb insurance shall be borne by the Les:,ee. MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMIT ()F INSURANCE Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1.Commercial General Liability (CGL): Insurance Services Office Form CG 00 01covering CGL on an "occurrence" basis, includbg products and completed operations,property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than$2,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate l:.mit applies, either the general aggregatelimit shall apply separately to this project/location (ISO CG 25 03 or 25 04) or the gen�ralaggregate limit shall be twice the required occmre nee limit.2.Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California, with Statu.1oryLimits, and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of no less than $1,000,000 peraccident for bodily injury or disease. (This applies to lessees with employees).3.Property insurance against all risks ofloss to _any tenant improvements or bettennenti;, atfull replacement cost with no coinsurance pena]ty provision.If the Lessee maintains broader coverage and/or higher l:mits than the minimums shown above, the Entity requires and shall be entitled to the broader coverage and/or the higher limits maintained by the Lessee. Any available insurance proceeds in excc,ss of the specified minimum limiti; of insurance and coverage shall be available to the Entity. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to ccintain, the following provisions: Additional Insured Status The Entity, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers ar,;: to be covered as additional insureds on the CGL policy with respect to liability arising out of work or operations perforrned by or on behalf of the Contractor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or eperations. General liability coverage can be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Contractor's insmance (at least as brm.d as ISO Form CG 20 10 11 85 or if not available, through the addition of both CG 20 10, CG 20 26, CG 20 33, or CG 20 38; and CG 20 37 if a later edition is used). Primary Coverage For any claims related to this contract, the Lessee's insurance coverage shall be primary and non-contributory and at least as broad as ISO CG 20 01 ,)4 13 as respects the Entity, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or sel:f-insw·ance maintained by the Entity, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be exc:es:; of the Lessee's insurance and shall not contribute with it. This requirement shall also apply to m:, Excess or Umbrella liability polici,�s. Insurance Requil-eme11ts in Contracts 1022.I Ver�io11 57 EXHIBIT C Exhibit C ��lliant INTEGRATE!) INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES : Insurance Requirements for Construction contt::'lcts Contractor shall procure and maintain for the d·.ll'a.tion of the contract, �d for x years thereafter, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which mayarise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMIT OF INSURANCE Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1.Commercial General Liability (CGE): Im:urance Services Office (ISO) Form CG 0001 covering CGL on an "occurrence" basis, including products and completedoperations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury withlimits no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies,either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location (] SOCG 25 03 or 25 04) or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrencelimit.2.Automobile Liability: Insurance Services Office F01m CA 0001 covering Code 1(any auto), with limits no less than $5,000,000 per accident for bodily injury andproperty damage.3.Workers' Compensation insurance as rcq1,;,jred by the State of California, withStatutory Limits, and Employers' Liability insurance with a limit of no less than$1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease.4.Builder's Risk (Course of Construction) insurance utilizing an "All Risk" (SpecialPerils) coverage form, with limits equal to the completed value of the project and nocoinsurance penalty provisions.5.Surety Bonds as described below.6.Professional Liability (if Design/Build), with limits no less than $2,000,000 peroccurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 policy aggregate.7.Contractors' Pollution Legal Liability an<Vor Asbestos Legal Liability and/or En-orsand Omissions (if project involves environmental hazards) with limits no less than$1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2!000,000 policy aggregate.If the contractor maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimums shown above, the Entity requires and shall be entitled to th1, broader coverage and/or the higher limits maintained by the contractor. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the Entity. Self-Insured Retentions Self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the Entity. The Entity may require the Contractor to purchase coverage with a lower retention or provide proof of ability to pay losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses within the retention. The policy language shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that the self-insured retention may be satisfied by either the named insured or Entity. The CGL and any policies, Im,11ram:e Requiremellls in Contracts 2020.1 Ver!iio11 77 Structural Foundation Bearing & Exterior Walls Subflooring Exterior Shell Roofing Exterior Wall Assembles Windows & Hardware Doors & Hardware Marouee/Signage Interior Shell Ceiling Finishes Wall Surface Finishes Window Coverings Doors & Hardware Floor Coverings Nonbearing Walls HVAC/ Electrical System HVAC System Air Handling System Controls Electrical Panels Outlets & Switches Light Fixtures Lamps Cabling -Electrical Exterior Lighting Phone System Network Cabling Elevator Plumbing Water Heater Water Lines Sewer EXHIBIT D Preventative Emergency Ooeration Servicing Maintenance Reoairs N/A Town Town N/A Town Town N/A Town Town N/A Town Town N/A Town Town N/A CineLux CineLux N/A CineLux CineLux Town CineLux CineLux N/A CineLux (custodial CineLux N/A CineLux (custodial Cinelux CineLux CineLux (custodial CineLux CineLux CineLux (custodial CineLux N/A CineLux (custodial CineLux N/A CineLux (custodial Cinelux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux Cinelux CineLux CineLux CineLux n/a n/a CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux n/a n/a Town CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux Town Town Town CineLux CineLux CineLux n/a n/a Town CineLux Cinelux Cinelux Unit Minor Replacement Improvements (under $5,000) Town Town Town Town Town Town Town Town Town Town Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux Town CineLux CineLux CineLux Town CineLux CineLux CineLux Town Town Town CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux CineLux Town Town Town CineLux Town Town Town CineLux EXHIBIT D