Attachment 1 - Los Gatos Little League LetterLos Gatos Little League
PO Box 93
Los Gatos, California 95031
March 28, 2022
Town of Los Gatos
Attn: Parks and Public Works Department, Jim Harbin
41 Miles Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Mr. Harbin:
This communication is issued to request the Town of Los Gatos Parks and Public
Works Department (TLGPPWD) approval of signage updates at Balzer Field as
described herein. The requested signage updates are necessary to both modernize the
existing scoreboard and entrance signage at Balzer Field as well as recognize of Phil
Knopf for his long standing service to Los Gatos Little League (LGLL).
Specifically, Los Gatos Little League intends to modernize the current scoreboard and
entrance signage at Balzer Field. We are requesting TLGPPWD’s approval of the new
scoreboard and signage to include “Phil Knopf Minors Baseball Complex” as well as
place a large bronze plaque on the Balzer Field service building as presented by former
Town of Los Gatos Mayor Steve Leonardis and Santa Clara County Supervisor Mike
Wasserman in March 2014 (reference Attachment A).
Images below are included for visualization purposes and define the scope of intended
changes proposed by LGLL.
Improvement request #1: Replace existing Balzer Field scoreboard, update signage at
top of scoreboard and update/replace wood frame structure to accommodate change in
scoreboard size.
Existing Proposed
Attachment 1
Los Gatos Little League
PO Box 93
Los Gatos, California 95031
Existing scoreboard: 62.5”H x 97”W
Proposed scoreboard: 90”H x 96”W; Electro-Mech LX1130
Structure: Intention is to replace existing 6”x6” pressure treated wood beam structure
with galvanized steel poles to support replacement scoreboard size; electrical
connection to remain unchanged in UV compliant flexible electrical conduit.
Improvement request #2: Replace existing Balzer Field sign facing to Miles Avenue and
update with new signage to appropriately fit with updated scoreboard size.
Existing Proposed
Existing sign (painted plywood): 48”H x 96”W
Proposed sign (reflective aluminum): 90”H x 96”W
Improvement request #3: Place the large bronze plaque on the Balzer Field service
building as presented to Phil Knopf in 2014. Reference image below for details of
plaque contents.
Los Gatos Little League
PO Box 93
Los Gatos, California 95031
LGLL will assume financial and liability responsibility specific to the requested
scoreboard and signage improvements at Balzer Field. LGLL however requests
TLGPPWD complete the installation of the large bronze plaque on the Balzer Field
service building. LGLL expects to complete the scoreboard improvements in May 2022
subject to lead-times and material availability.
We look forward to having your support with completing the described improvements as
outlined herein. Please reach back should you have specific questions.
Ryan Bertsch
Director, Fields and Facilities
Los Gatos Little League
Los Gatos Little League
PO Box 93
Los Gatos, California 95031
Attachment A: Service award presentation to Phil Knopf per March 2014 Los Gatos
Weekly newspaper article.