Attachment 6 - January 12, 2022 Planning Commission Addendum Report (with Exhibits 16-17)PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/12/2022 ITEM NO: 3 ADDENDUM DATE: January 11, 2022 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval of a Planned Development for Construction of a Senior Living Community, Removal of Large Protected Trees, and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned R:PD. Located at 110 Wood Road. APN 510-47-038. Planned Development Application PD-20-001 and Environmental Impact Report EIR-21-002. APPLICANT: Rockwood Pacific. PROPERTY OWNER: Covia Communities. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. REMARKS: Below is an updated table of earthwork quantities clarifying the grading quantities that contribute to a Grading Permit. This table is to replace the table included on page nine of the Staff Report. Exhibit 16 includes a letter from the applicant providing an update on their community engagement efforts and additional renderings of the proposed project. Exhibit 17 includes additional public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, January 7, 2022 and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Preliminary Earthwork Quantities Type Cut (cy) Fill (cy) Net (cy) Max Cut Depth (ft) Max Fill Depth (ft) Buildings* 113,000 1,000 112,000 <Cut> 61.5 3.5 Driveways 9,900 2,300 7,600 <Cut> 21.0 14.0 Sidewalk 3,700 700 3,000 <Cut> 20.5 10.5 Landscape 13,100 2,400 10,700 <Cut> 27.0 13.5 Utility Spoils 7,000 -- 7,000 <Cut> TOTAL 146,700 6,400 140,300 <Cut> GRADING PERMIT TOTAL** 33,700 5,400 39,100 *Excavation within building footprints does not count toward a Grading Permit. ** Cumulative total of site grading quantities counting toward a Grading Permit. ATTACHMENT 6 PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 110 Wood Road/PD-20-001 AND EIR-21-002 JANUARY 11, 2022 EXHIBITS: Previously received under separate cover: 1.May 2021 Draft Environmental Impact Report (available online at www.losgatosca.gov/110WoodRoad) 2.September 2021 Final Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (available online at www.losgatosca.gov/110WoodRoad) Received with the January 12, 2022 Staff Report: 3.Location Map 4.Required Findings 5.Required CEQA Findings of Fact 6.Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Staff Report, April 9, 2008 7.Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes, April 9, 2008 8.Project Description and Letter of Justification, January 3, 2022 9.Town’s Consulting Architect Report, May 8, 2020 10.Applicant’s response to Town’s Consulting Architect recommendations, May 22, 2020 11.Arborist Report by Hort Science, October 12, 2020 12.Town's Consulting Arborist peer review report, February 12, 2021 13.Supplemental community engagement letter, December 9, 2021 14.Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, January 7, 2022 15.Planned Development Ordinance with Exhibit A Rezone Area and Exhibit B Development Plans, July 27, 2021 Received with this Addendum Report: 16.Supplemental community engagement letter with visualizations, January 11, 2022 17.Public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, January 7, 2022 and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, January 11, 2022 36 Southwood Drive | Orinda, California | 94563 www.RockwoodPacific.com January 11, 2021 Ms. Melanie Hanssen, Chair Los Gatos Planning Commission Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Community Engagement Update + Visualization Updates Rebuild of Los Gatos Meadows Dear Ms. Hanssen: This letter supplements our justification letter of January 6, 2022, and our prior community engagement update letter of December 9, 2021, related to the rebuild of Los Gatos Meadows (the “project”), the 10.84-acre site located at 110 Wood Road (APN 510-47-038) at the intersection of Wood Road and S. Santa Cruz Avenue in Los Gatos. Since our December 9th letter, we held our 10th neighborhood open house meeting. Given recent installation of the story poles and lead up to the Planning Commission public hearing tomorrow , it was well attended (13 neighbors). The primary focus on our update related to visual impacts and construction processes. There were several questions related to the visual impacts & simulations, construction hours/truck trips, tree removal and proposed landscaping, and building heights each of which we addressed. There were a few miscellaneous questions, not directly related to our application, but nonetheless important to our neighbors, that our team will respond to over in the next few days. Attached herein is an updated an Updated Listing of Meetings with Neighbors and Community (Appendix D). As previously indicated, we continue to update a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document and posts this document to the Los Gatos Meadows page of the Covia web site: https://covia.org/los-gatos-meadows/ EXHIBIT 16 P a g e | 2 This web site also has a video summary of the overall proposed project and well as a video focusing on our plans to employ self-driving vehicles. Respectfully, ___________________________________ Francesco J. Rockwood Rockwood Pacific Inc. Applicant Attachment - Updated Listing of Meetings with Neighbors and Community (Appendix D) - Updated visualizations Appendix D Listing of Meetings with Neighbors and Community Type of Meeting Date Time Location Attendee Notes from Meeting Outcome Open House 1 03/08/18 7:30-9PM Los Gatos Meadows Maria Ristow, Irving & Evelyn Mitsunaga, Robert Mullan(Toll House) General introduction of intent to rebuild Los Gatos Meadows Kicked-off neighborhood communications plan Open House 2 04/18/18 7-8PM Los Gatos Meadows Julie Ritter Southern, Maria Ristow, Claire Leclaire, Cathy Colgan General introduction of intent to rebuild Los Gatos Meadows; similar material to first meeting Kicked-off neighborhood communications plan Open House 3 05/03/18 7-8PM Los Gatos Meadows Karen Kurtz, Linda Iversen, Sue Fairley Attendees interested in architecture and supplemental transportation options Design team elevated analysis of supplemental transportation alternatives Open House 4 05/20/18 3-4PM Los Gatos Meadows John and Jean Richardson, Stanford Stickney and 3 other family members Questions related to timeline, storm drainage, and fire risk Resolved current storm drain issue and initiated planning to mitigate fire risk through brush removal Focus Groups (3 Sessions) 10/2/2018 - 10/3/2018 Varies Toll House 36 older adults participated in 3 sessions. Participants were drawn from the local area. Participants were promised confidentiality. Sensitive to how various attributes or requirements may drive cost, supplemental transportation system very important, limited enthusiasm for LEED certification but recycling and energy efficiency important, limited enthusiasm for facilitating non-residents/non-guests on campus, preference for larger, more spacious units, recommendation to minimize long corridors, preference for multiple dining venues and ample on-site amenities such as fitness center, walking trails, access to town, casual dining, library, coffee shop, and access to on-site support care. Design team made applicable refinements to concept plan Open House 5 12/06/18 7-8PM Los Gatos Meadows Julie Ritter Southern, Matt and Marlena Hood and friend, Mike Wasserman Question about timing, policy related to relocation of existing residents, impact on visibility to neighbors above, use of solar panels and roof color, impacts on traffic (with specific concerns about summer traffic), site security during closure, parking, noise impacts and construction parking. Requested advance notifications of all construction work that could affect access. Some residents on Wood Road would prefer that Farwell Lane continue to support regular vehicle traffic. A video summary of the meeting was posted at: https://vimeo.com/278024461 Feedback informed further refinement to concept plan. With regard to Wood Road traffic impacts, design team is prioritizing minimizing errant trips up Wood Road past the main entrance, and more importantly, further prioritizing the supplemental transportation system to convert more trips to autonomous vehicle, pedestrian or bike trips. Also, currently planning to include solar panels. Open House 6 10/10/19 7-8PM Toll House Julie Ritter Southern, Maria Ristow, Jamie Garcia & Friend, Irving & Evelyn Mitsunaga Questions about Wood Road traffic, availability of Wood Road for evacuation, potential impact of project on housing element, and recommendation to deploy goats to further reduce fire risk. Request for copy of facts and figures table. Confirmed that project not expected to affect housing element. Planning to deploy goats on property this spring; planning to make commitment to make Wood Road available for evacuation during emergencies. Open House 7 03/05/20 7-8PM Los Gatos United Methodist Church None General heightened sensitivity due to COVID-19 may have been a factor in suppressing turnout. Produced and circulated video update; available at Covia/Los Gatos Meadows website https://covia.org/los-gatos- meadows/ Open House 8 12/03/20 7-8PM Zoom Meeting Julie Ritter Southern, Fred Lester, Matt Wood, Zane Rowe, Gary/Jamie Garcia, Claire Leclair, Evelyn/Irving Mitsunaga, Robert Macartney, Matthew Bigge Green roof (Fred), Solar (Julie), incline elevator (Fred), security current through construction (Matt), views from 135 Wood and story pole modification request (Julie), visualization from 100 Wood Rd (Matt), Condo v. CCRC (Julie), fire evacuation (Matt), parking for construction (Fred), construction traffic (Matt) Provided advance notice of intent to seek modification to Town's Story Pole Policy Public Hearing - Story Pole Exception Request 01/19/21 7-9PM Zoom Meeting Town Council and Town Staff (in advance of meeting, staff received letters from Clare Southern, Matthew Southern and Mark Rigoli (via Council Member Maria Ristow) No public comments; council members discussed merits and concerns regarding proposal Consideration for request for fewer poles continued to future council meeting (subsequently withdrew modification request) NOP Meeting 02/25/21 7-7:15PM Zoom Meeting Presenters: Joel Paulson, Jocelyn Shoopman, Sean Mullin, Terri Wissler Adam (EMC Planning). Public Attendees: Matt Hood Matt Hood inquired about availability of video recording of the NOP meeting 1/11/2022:10:51 AM Appendix D Listing of Meetings with Neighbors and Community Type of Meeting Date Time Location Attendee Notes from Meeting Outcome Open House 9 08/09/21 7-8PM Zoom Meeting Presenters: Frank Rockwood, Mark Falgout, David Gates, Chris Ichien Comments and questions related to: clarify visual impacts (during and after construction), number of expected truck trips, construction hours, placement of parking, project schedule, emergency circulation and clarification of employee break area City Council Public Hearing - Story Pole Exception Request 10/19/21 7-10PM Zoom Meeting Town Council and Town Staff (in advance of meeting, staff received letters from Julie Southern, Esther Grant and Andrew Ghofrani) Frank Rockwood and Mark Falgout stepped through request. No public comments; council members discussed merits and concerns regarding proposal as well as addressed policy in general Request was granted to use flags versus netting with condition of using 2 rows of flags. Open House 10 01/10/22 7-8PM Zoom Meeting Presenters: Frank Rockwood, Mark Falgout, David Gates, Chris Ichien, Victor Ceron, Laura Worthington- Forbes; Attendees: Gillian and Mike Verga, Julie Ritter Southern, Clare Southern, Matt Southern, Cathy Colgan, Maria Ristow, Andrew Ghofrani, Michael and Kimberley Wasserman, Omari and Kavita Bouknight, Cindy Slain Comments and questions related to: massing, visualizations (from specific neighbors on Wood Road and Tate & Main Street), Broadway use for pedestrians, construction hours and traffic route, access to vineyard above Los Gatos Meadows, solar panels, undergrounding, PG&E lines, TV antennae tower, color of roof and buildings Project team to follow up with neighbors re: distribution of massing and additional details on building heights 1/11/2022:10:51 AM LOS GATOS MEADOWS - PHOTOSIMULATION BEFORE AND AFTER EXISTING (JULY 2021)(DECEMBER 2021) (JANUARY 2022) (JULY 2021) PROPOSED VIEW WITH STORY POLE FINE TUNED ARCHITECTURE BASED ON STORY POLE LOCATIONS VIEW CORRIDORS 49 E MAIN STREET JANUARY 2022 VIEW CORRIDORS 49 E MAIN STREET - ENLARGED LOS GATOS MEADOWS - PHOTOSIMULATION BEFORE AND AFTER JANUARY 2022 VIEW WITH STORY POLE FINE TUNED ARCHITECTURE BASED ON STORY POLE LOCATIONS (JULY 2021)(JULY 2021) (JANUARY 2022) (DECEMBER 2021) EXISTING PROPOSED VIEW WITH STORY POLE FINE TUNED ARCHITECTURE BASED ON STORY POLE LOCATIONS VIEW CORRIDORS S SANTA CRUZ AVENUE & WOOD ROAD LOS GATOS MEADOWS - PHOTOSIMULATION BEFORE AND AFTER JANUARY 2022 VIEW CORRIDORS S SANTA CRUZ AVENUE & WOOD ROAD - ENLARGED VIEW WITH STORY POLE FINE TUNED ARCHITECTURE BASED ON STORY POLE LOCATIONS LOS GATOS MEADOWS - PHOTOSIMULATION BEFORE AND AFTER JANUARY 2022 (DECEMBER 2021) (JANUARY 2022) JANUARY 2022 VIEW WITH STORY POLE FINE TUNED ARCHITECTURE BASED ON STORY POLE LOCATIONS VISUALIZATION UPPER WOOD ROAD LOS GATOS MEADOWS - PHOTOSIMULATION BEFORE AND AFTER (DECEMBER 2021) (JANUARY 2022) VIEW WITH STORY POLE FINE TUNED ARCHITECTURE BASED ON STORY POLE LOCATIONS VISUALIZATION 121 WOOD ROAD (MAY 2021) PROPOSED JANUARY 2022LOS GATOS MEADOWS - PHOTOSIMULATION BEFORE AND AFTER From: Michael Kennedy < > Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2022 11:16:33 AM To: Rob Rennie Cc: Maria Ristow; Mary Badame; Matthew Hudes; Marico Sayoc; Janette Judd ; Joel Paulson Subject: Re: Proposed construction project, height blocking hillside views - site of former Los Gatos Meadows EXTERNAL SENDER Adding an additional photo taken from Broadway neighborhood, see below. Mike. EXHIBIT 17 This Page Intentionally Left Blank