Attachment 1 - January 12, 2022 Planning Commission Staff Report, with Exhibits 1-11PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/12/2022 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: January 7, 2022 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards with Reduced Front and Side Yard Setbacks on Nonconforming Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 118 Olive Street. APN 410-15-022. Architecture and Site Application S-21-013. PROPERTY OWNER: Thomas and Meredith Reichert. APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect. RECOMMENDATION: Consider approval for demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new single-family residence to exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) standards with reduced front and side yard setbacks on nonconforming property zoned R-1D located at 118 Olive Street. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-1D (Single-family residential downtown – 5,000 square-foot minimum for single-family) Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan Parcel Size: 3,680 square feet Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D South Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D East Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D West Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. ▪ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures. ▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) with the exception of the requests to exceed FAR standards, for reduced front and side yard setbacks, and for an exemption from the parking requirements. ▪ As required by Section 29.40.075(c) of the Town Code for granting approval of an exception to the FAR standards. ▪ As required by Section 29.10.265(3) of the Town Code for modification of zoning rules on nonconforming lots, including setback requirements. ▪ As required by Section 29.10.150(h)(2) of the Town Code for reduced parking where it can be shown that the lot does not have adequate area to provide parking as required. ▪ As required by the Residential Design Guidelines that the project complies with the Residential Design Guidelines. CONSIDERATIONS: ▪ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the north side of Olive Street, approximately 138 feet from the intersection with San Benito Avenue (Exhibit 1). The subject property is approximately 3,680 square feet and is nonconforming as to size, where 5,000 square feet is required for a parcel in the R-1D zone. This Architecture and Site application is being referred to the Planning Commission because the applicant is proposing to exceed the maximum allowable FAR and reduced PAGE 3 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 BACKGROUND (continued): front and side setbacks. The residence would have the third largest floor area in terms of FAR and square footage in the immediate neighborhood based on Town and County records. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property is approximately 3,680 square feet, located on the north side of Olive Street (Exhibit 1). The subject site and surrounding properties are comprised of single- family homes. B. Project Summary The applicant proposes demolition of the existing 814-square foot single-story residence and 253-square foot attached garage (Exhibit 9) and construction of a new 1,677-square foot two-story residence with a 299-square foot attached garage (Exhibit 11). The proposed residence would exceed the allowable FAR. In addition, the proposed residence includes a front setback of 10 feet, where 15 feet is required, and a left-side setback of three feet, where five feet is required. The project includes one off-street parking space, where two spaces are required by the Town Code. Lastly, the project also includes 1,195 square feet of below-grade square footage that would not count towards the allowable floor area. C. Zoning Compliance The subject property is approximately 3,680 square feet and is nonconforming as to size, where 5,000 square feet is required for a parcel in the R-1D zone. A single-family residence is permitted in the R-1D zone. The proposed residence complies with the zoning regulations for height and right-side and rear setbacks. The applicant requests approval to exceed the allowable FAR, reduce the front and left-side setbacks, as well as an exemption to the requirement to provide two off-street parking spaces. The applicant provided a Letter of Justification discussing these requests (Exhibit 4). DISCUSSION: A. Architecture and Site Analysis The applicant proposes demolition of the existing single-story residence and construction of a 1,677-square foot two-story residence with a 299-square foot attached garage and 1,195 square feet of below-grade square footage that would not count towards the allowable floor area (Exhibit 11). The proposed residence would have a front setback of 10 feet, PAGE 4 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): where 15 feet is required, and a left-side setback of three feet, where five feet is required, as discussed in Section D below. The project also includes one off-street parking space, where two spaces are required by the Town Code, as discussed in Section E below. The applicant provided a Letter of Justification discussing the project and the requested exceptions (Exhibit 4). A summary of the floor area for the existing and proposed homes is included in the table below. The neighborhood compatibility of the proposed floor area is discussed in Section B below. B. Neighborhood Compatibility Pursuant to Section 29.40.075 of the Town Code, the maximum FAR for the subject property is 0.37 (1,369 square feet). The proposed residence would have an FAR of 0.46 (1,677 square feet), exceeding the allowable FAR by 0.09 (308 square feet). The table on the following page reflects the current conditions of the homes in the immediate neighborhood and the proposed project. Floor Area Summary Allowed SF Existing SF Proposed SF Main Residence 1,369 814 1,677 Below-Grade Area* -- 0 1,195 Garage 400 253 299 * Pursuant to Sec. 29.10.020, floor area means the entire enclosed area of all floors that are more than four feet above the proposed grade, measured from the outer face of exterior walls or in the case of party walls from the centerline. PAGE 5 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): Immediate Neighborhood Comparison Address Zoning House SF Garage SF Total SF Site SF Building FAR Garage FAR Exceed FAR? 114 Olive St R-1D 1,311 220 1,531 3,680 0.36 0.060 No 116 Olive St R-1D 969 220 1,189 3,680 0.26 0.060 No 120 Olive St R-1D 1,429 300 1,729 3,680 0.39 0.082 Yes +0.02 (+60 sf) 122 Olive St R-1D 1,267 360 1,627 3,680 0.34 0.098 No 127 Olive St R-1D 1,518 300 1,818 3,626 0.42 0.083 Yes +0.05 (+166 sf) 129 Olive St R-1D 916 162 1,078 3,625 0.25 0.045 No 131 Olive St R-1D 1,125 215 1,340 3,624 0.31 0.059 No 133 Olive St R-1D 975 190 1,165 3,542 0.28 0.054 No 135 Olive St R-1D 1,699 0 1,699 3,542 0.48 0.000 Yes +0.11 (+373 sf) 546 San Benito Av R-1D 1,767 0 1,767 3,680 0.48 0.000 Yes +0.11 (+398 sf) 118 Olive St (e) R-1D 814 253 1,067 3,680 0.22 0.069 No 118 Olive St (p) R-1D 1,677 299 1,976 3,680 0.46 0.081 Yes +0.09 (+308 sf) Based on Town and County records, the homes in the immediate neighborhood range in size from 916 square feet to 1,767 square feet and building FARs range from 0.22 to 0.48. The applicant is proposing a 1,677-square foot residence (not including the proposed below grade square footage) and a 299-square foot attached garage on a 3,680-square foot parcel. The proposed residence would be the third largest in terms of FAR and square footage in the immediate neighborhood. As shown in the table below, there are four homes in the immediate neighborhood which currently exceed their maximum allowable FAR. The proposed residence would rank in the middle of the homes in the immediate neighborhood that exceed FAR standards. Residences in Immediate Neighborhood Exceeding FAR – Ranked by FAR Exceedance Address Zoning House SF Site SF Allowed FAR Building FAR Exceed FAR? 546 San Benito Av R-1D 1,767 3,680 0.37 0.48 Yes +0.11 (+398 sf) 135 Olive St R-1D 1,699 3,542 0.37 0.48 Yes +0.11 (+373 sf) 118 Olive St (p) R-1D 1,677 3,680 0.37 0.46 Yes +0.09 (+308 sf) 127 Olive St R-1D 1,518 3,626 0.37 0.42 Yes +0.05 (+166 sf) 120 Olive St R-1D 1,429 3,680 0.37 0.39 Yes +0.02 (+60 sf) PAGE 6 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): Section 29.40.075(c) of the Town Code states that the deciding body may allow a FAR in excess of the maximum allowed FAR if the following findings can be made: 1. The design theme, sense of scale, exterior materials, and details of the proposed project are consistent with the provisions of the adopted residential development standards; and 2. The lot coverage, setbacks, and FAR of the proposed project is compatible with the development on surrounding lots. Exhibit 4 contains the applicant’s Letter of Justification addressing the findings required to grant an exception to the maximum allowable FAR. In addition, the applicant states that the proposed residence has been designed with thorough consideration of the Residential Design Guidelines and to be compatible with the neighborhood in terms of mass, area, and scale. C. Building Design The applicant proposes a contemporary two-story residence with traditional forms, natural materials, and neutral colors. Proposed exterior materials include a dark gray standing seam metal roof, off-white plaster siding, natural stained cedar siding, gray and white stone veneer, and recessed dark aluminum windows (Exhibit 5). The Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed the proposed residence on August 4, 2021 (Exhibit 6). At the time of this review, the project did not include full demolition of the existing residence and was considered a significant remodel and second-story addition. While processing the application, the applicant decided that full demolition of the existing residence was needed to accomplish the project. The design of the proposed residence did not change once full demolition of the existing residence was proposed. After reviewing the project, the Consulting Architect noted that the proposed residence has the potential to blend well with the immediate neighborhood (Exhibit 6). The Consulting Architect identified several issues and provided six recommendations for changes to the original design to increase compatibility with the immediate neighborhood and the Residential Design Guidelines. In response to these recommendations, the applicant made several modifications to the design of the residence and provided written responses to the recommendations (Exhibit 7). The Consulting Architect’s recommendations are provided on the following page, followed by the applicant’s response in italics. PAGE 7 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): 1. Use similar flat roof forms on both the garage and Family room/Kitchen pop out. Optional usable roof deck over garage for Bedroom 2 and/or Master Bedroom. We have created a deck over the garage per our attached revised plan. Our design steps the deck back to the garage face providing a stepped back more attractive street presence. 2. Integrate the entry column into the garage wall and add a canopy over the entry and the garage. The element in question is not a column. It is the end of a wall that extends from the entry to the face of the building. Comment is not applicable. 3. Recess the garage door - similar to new home nearby to the right (114 Olive Street). The garage door has been recessed by 1'-0." 4. Match the gable roof slopes. The roofs in question oppose each other and no contrast between their slope differences will be visually apparent. The roof slopes were chosen to blend the house appropriately and to keep the mass of the house appealing. If the side gable slope were to match the front of the house, mass would be increased. I believe the intent of the code is to prevent unequal slopes on the gable as illustrated in the drawing above, left. Larry Canon just approved a house w/dissimilar roof slopes at 515 Bachman Ave. The photo that Larry Canon is using is 114 Olive is my design. Those roof slopes do not match, but since the roof directions oppose each other, the appearance is wholly acceptable and not apparent resulting in reduced mass and bulk. 5. Add trim to all windows consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.7.4 and recess large windows- similar to new home nearby to the right (114 Olive Street). This design calls for trimless, recessed windows per the exception noted at 3.7.4, Page 4 of Canon's report. The exterior walls will be 6" thick and the windows will be recessed as far as practical. For this style of architecture, window trim would not be appropriate. The applicant provided additional details to staff that the proposed windows would be recessed into the wall by approximately two inches. The windows would also have dark frames in contrast with the wall color to further accentuate the recess. PAGE 8 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): 6. Eliminate the stone on the front facade. The stone wraps around the architectural element at the front of the house and is distinct. No such elements exist at sides and rear to create a similar condition. The proposed color of the stone compliments and blends with the color of the roof. As seen above, the applicant has responded to the recommendations made by the Consulting Architect with both design changes and written justification. Staff notes that the responses to recommendations 2 and 4 were minimal. The applicant’s response to item 2 clarifies that the entry column referenced in the recommendation is a wall that projects from the front elevation and supports the second story above (Exhibit 11, Sheet A-2, Ground Floor Plan). The applicant chose not to incorporate a canopy above the entry and garage, as recommended, but did change the sloped roof above the garage to a terrace, creating a flat roof profile above the garage (as recommended in item 1). In response to recommendation 4, the applicant clarifies that the roof sections with differing slopes oppose each other and that the different roof pitches would not be visually apparent in this configuration. Further, the applicant provides examples of homes in the neighborhood and beyond with similar roof configurations to show compatibility with the neighborhood. If the Planning Commission finds that additional changes are necessary, they can be incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for the project. D. Setbacks Pursuant to Town Code, the R-1D zone requires a front setback of 15 feet, rear setback of 20 feet, and side setbacks of five feet. Section 29.10.265(3) of the Town Code allows any rule of the zone, including setbacks, to be modified on a nonconforming lot when the deciding body finds that the building and its use will be compatible with the neighborhood. As noted, the subject property is nonconforming as to size. The proposed residence includes a front setback of 10 feet, where 15 feet is required, and a left-side setback of three feet, where five feet is required (Exhibit 11). In their Letter of Justification, the applicant provides six examples of residences along Olive Street having front setbacks between four feet and eight feet, nine inches (Exhibit 4). Additionally, the applicant provides seven examples of residences along Olive Street with side setbacks between zero feet and three feet. The examples provided by the applicant are also shown on Sheet A-1.1 of the Development Plans (Exhibit 11). E. Parking Town Code Section 29.10.150 requires two off-street parking spaces for a single-family residence. Section 29.10.150(h)(2) allows an exemption from the parking requirement PAGE 9 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 DISCUSSION (continued): when the deciding body finds that the subject property does not have adequate area to provide parking as required. Further, if the deciding body makes the finding, parking shall be provided to the maximum extent possible. The proposed project includes only one off-street parking space. The applicant requests an exemption to the Town Code parking requirement and provided a Letter of Justification detailing their request (Exhibit 4). The applicant indicates that the subject property is nonconforming as to size with inadequate area to provide additional parking. The existing residence includes a one-car garage that does not meet the required dimensions for a one- car garage. The proposed residence includes a one-car garage that would meet the required dimensions and would be consistent with the neighborhood pattern of one-car garages. F. Neighbor Outreach The property owner has indicated that they have shared the plans with surrounding neighbors as outlined in Exhibit 8. G. CEQA Determination The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Story poles and project signage were installed on the site by December 22, 2021, in anticipation of the January 12, 2022 Planning Commission hearing. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, January 7, 2022, are included as Exhibit 10. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval of an Architecture and Site application for demolition of an existing residence and construction of a new two-story residence to exceed FAR standards with reduced front and side yard setbacks on nonconforming property. The applicant has responded to all recommendations of the Town’s Consulting Architect and provided justification for the proposed FAR and reduced setbacks, demonstrating their consistency with the immediate neighborhood. The applicant also requests an exemption from the parking requirements due to the substandard size of their property and provided PAGE 10 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 CONCLUSION (continued): justification showing that the one-car garage would be an improvement to existing conditions and would be consistent with the immediate neighborhood. B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends approval of the Architecture and Site application subject to the recommended conditions of approval (Exhibit 3). If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposed project, it should: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the findings as required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) with the exception of the requests to exceed FAR standards, for reduced front and side yard setbacks, and for an exemption from the parking requirements (Exhibit 2); 4. Make the findings as required by Section 29.40.075(c) of the Town Code for granting approval of an exception to the FAR standards (Exhibit 2); 5. Make the findings as required by Section 29.10.265(3) of the Town Code for modification of zoning rules on nonconforming lots, including setback requirements (Exhibit 2); 6. Make the findings as required by 29.10.150(h)(2) of the Town Code for reduced parking where it can be shown that the lot does not have adequate area to provide parking as required (Exhibit 2); 7. Make the finding required by the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines that the project complies with the Residential Design Guidelines (Exhibit 2); 8. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and 9. Approve Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3 and the Development Plans in Exhibit 11. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Planning Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Approve the application with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the application. PAGE 11 OF 12 SUBJECT: 118 Olive Street/S-21-013 DATE: January 7, 2022 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Project Description and Letter of Justification, dated August 2, 2021 5. Color and Materials Board 6. Consulting Architect’s Report, dated August 4, 2021 7. Applicant’s response to Consulting Architect’s Report 8. Owner’s summary of neighbor outreach 9. Photos of existing residence 10. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, January 7, 2022 11. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank OLIVE S T ASHLE R A V N SANTA CRUZ AVTHURS T O N S T SAN MA T E O A V SAN BENITO AVFANCH E R C T MONTEREY AVANDRE W S S T GRI F F I T H P L SAN BENITO AV118 Olive Street 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes:- Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm)- Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label- Updated 10/8/20 to add street centerlines which can be useful in the hillside area- Updated 02-19-21 to link to TLG-SQL17 database (sm) EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 2 - Required Findings and Considerations.docx PLANNING COMMISSION – January 12, 2022 REQUIRED FINDINGS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR: 118 Olive Street Architecture and Site Application S-21-013 Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards with Reduced Front and Side Yard Setbacks on Nonconforming Property Zoned R-1D. APN 410-15-022. PROPERTY OWNER: Thomas and Meredith Reichert APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. Required finding for the technical demolition of existing structures: ■ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures: 1. The Town's housing stock will be maintained as the single-family residence will be replaced. 2. The existing structure has no architectural or historical significance. 3. The property owner does not desire to maintain the structure as it exists; and 4. The economic utility of the structures was considered. Required compliance with the Zoning Regulations: ■ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) with the exception of the requests to exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) standards, for reduced front and side yard setbacks, and for an exemption from the parking requirements. EXHIBIT 2 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 2 - Required Findings and Considerations.docx Required finding to exceed floor area ratio (FAR) standards: ■ As required by Section 29.40.075(c) of the Town Code for allowing a FAR in excess of the FAR standards in the Town Code: 1. The design theme, sense of scale, exterior materials, and details of the proposed project are consistent with the provisions of the adopted residential development standards; and 2. The lot coverage, setbacks, and FAR of the proposed project are compatible with the development on surrounding lots. Required finding for reduced side setbacks on a nonconforming lot: ■ As required by Section 29.10.265(3) of the Town Code for modification of zoning rules on nonconforming lots, including setback requirements: 1. The subject property is nonconforming with regard to lot size. 2. The front and left-side setbacks of the new residence are compatible with the neighborhood. Required finding for an exemption to single-family parking requirements: ■ As required by Section 29.10.150(h)(2) of the Town Code for reduced parking where it can be shown that the lot does not have adequate area to provide parking as required: 1. The subject property is nonconforming with regard to lot size with inadequate area to meet the single-family parking requirement. The existing residence includes a one-car garage that does not meet the required dimensions for a parking space. The proposed residence includes a one-car garage that would meet the required dimensions and would be consistent with the neighborhood pattern of one-car garages. Required compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: ■ The project is in compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines for single-family residences not in hillside areas. The project was reviewed by the Town’s Consulting Architect and recommendations were provided to address the consistency of the project with the Residential Design Guidelines. The applicant responded to all recommendations. S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 2 - Required Findings and Considerations.docx CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Architecture and Site applications: ■ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project. This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx PLANNING COMMISSION –January 12, 2022 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 118 Olive Street Architecture and Site Application S-21-013 Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards with Reduced Front and Side Yard Setbacks on Nonconforming Property Zoned R-1D. APN 410-15-022. PROPERTY OWNER: Thomas and Meredith Reichert APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 4. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 5. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 6. EXISTING TREES: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan, and must remain on the site. 7. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist’s report for the project, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 8. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. EXHIBIT 3 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx 9. TREE STAKING: All newly planted trees shall be double-staked using rubber tree ties. 10. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped. 11. WATER EFFICIENCY LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The final landscape plan shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance or the State Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 12. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 13. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 14. PERMITS REQUIRED: A Demolition Permit is required for the demolition of the existing single-family residence. A separate Building Permit is required for the construction of the new single-family residence and attached garage. An additional Building Permit will be required for the PV System if the system is required by the California Energy Code. 15. APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2020, are the 2019 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 16. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 17. BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 18. SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 19. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETE DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE: Obtain a Building Department Demolition Application and a Bay Area Air Quality Management District Application from the Building Department Service Counter. Once the demolition form has been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verification from PG&E that all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed form to the Building Department Service Counter with the Air District’s J# Certificate, PG&E verification, and three (3) sets of site plans showing all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG&E. No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the Town. 20. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 21. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 22. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 23. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e. directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 24. TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a. Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch wide doors on the accessible floor level. c. The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 25. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 26. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 27. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx 28. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at ARC Blueprint for a fee or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 29. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 30. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job-related mud, silt, concrete, dirt and other construction debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 31. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 32. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 33. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The Owner or their representative shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of the Owner or their representative's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc., shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Any new concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx compensation shall be allowed therefore. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. The restoration of all improvements identified by the Engineering Construction Inspector shall be completed before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The Owner or their representative shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 34. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 35. STREET/SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 36. INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to the issuance of any building permits. 37. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as-built” plans. 38. PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. 39. GRADING PERMIT DETERMINATION DURING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: In the event that, during the production of construction drawings and/or during construction of the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that a grading permit would be required as described in Chapter 12, Article II (Grading Permit) of the Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos, an Architecture and Site Application would need to be submitted by the Owner for review and approval by the Development Review Committee prior to applying for a grading permit. 40. ILLEGAL GRADING: Per the Town’s Comprehensive Fee Schedule, applications for work unlawfully completed shall be charged double the current fee. As a result, the required grading permit fees associated with an application for grading will be charged accordingly. 41. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to issuance of any building permits or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the Owner, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. 42. DEMOLITION: Within 60-days of the Development Review Committee approval action being final (i.e. after the 10-day appeal period and no requested appeals being submitted S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx to the Town), the Property Owner shall record a Deed Restriction on each of the parcels in question which prohibits the recording of a Certificate of Compliance until one of the two (2) prerequisite actions occurs prior to the proposed recordation: 1) removal of any structures which cross lot/property lines or 2) the Property Owner successfully obtaining an Architecture & Site approval from the Town of Los Gatos for the demolition of the existing house and construction of a replacement house. 43. WATER METER: The existing water meter, currently located within the Olive Street right-of- way, shall be relocated within the property in question, directly behind the public right-of- way line. The Owner shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any portion of concrete flatwork within said right-of-way that is damaged during this activity prior to issuance of a certificate 44. SIDEWALK REPAIR: The Owner shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. All new and existing adjacent infrastructure must meet current ADA standards. Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. 45. CURB AND GUTTER REPAIR: The Owner shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. All new and existing adjacent infrastructure must meet Town standards. New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. 46. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: Construction vehicle parking within the public right-of- way will only be allowed if it does not cause access or safety problems as determined by the Town. 47. ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: Advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding parking restriction, lane closure or road closure, with specification of dates and hours of operation. 48. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Owner or their representative shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Owner to place S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 49. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All site improvements construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays. The Town may authorize, on a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 50. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 51. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Owner’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full- size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), construction trailer(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 52. MAINTENANCE ACCESS: Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Owner shall propose maintenance access improvements for the Town Engineer to review, comment on, and approve. The Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department shall approve the surface materials over each public easement. 53. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs): The Owner is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be maintained and be placed for all areas that have been graded or disturbed and for all material, equipment and/or operations that need protection. Removal of BMPs (temporary removal during construction activities) shall be replaced at the end of each working day. Failure to comply with the construction BMP will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders. 54. SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx 55. UNLAWFUL DISCHARGES: It is unlawful to discharge any wastewater, or cause hazardous domestic waste materials to be deposited in such a manner or location as to constitute a threatened discharge, into storm drains, gutters, creeks or the San Francisco Bay. Unlawful discharges to storm drains include, but are not limited to: discharges from toilets, sinks, industrial processes, cooling systems, boilers, fabric cleaning, equipment cleaning or vehicle cleaning. 56. LANDSCAPING: In finalizing the landscape plan for the biotreatment area(s), it is recommended that the landscape architect ensure that the characteristics of the selected plants are similar to those of the plants listed for use in bioretention areas in Appendix D of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP) C.3 Stormwater Handbook. 57. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 58. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust-free. b. All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off-site shall be covered. d. As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track-out control S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt-track-out onto adjacent public roads. f. All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g. All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367). i. All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j. Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 59. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 60. SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. Any storm drain inlets (public or private) directly connected to public storm system shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate “NO DUMPING - Flows to Bay” NPDES required language. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. If stormwater treatment facilities are to be used they shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line and/or right-of-way. Alternatively, the facility(ies) may be located with an offset between 5 and 10 feet from the adjacent property and/or right-of-way line(s) if the responsible engineer in charge provides a stamped and signed letter that addresses infiltration and states how facilities, improvements and infrastructure within the Town’s right-of-way (driveway approach, curb and gutter, etc.) and/or the adjacent property will not be adversely affected. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 61. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 62. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 63. NEIGHBORHOOD CONSTRUCTION COMMUNICATION PLAN: Immediately upon approval of an encroachment permit, the Owner shall initiate a weekly neighborhood email notification program to provide project status updates. The email notices shall also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location along the project perimeter. 64. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 65. GENERAL: Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 66. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet A-1) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 SF whether by increasing the area of the primary residence or by creation of an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basements and in existing basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all attached ADUs, additions or alterations to an existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. Exceptions: 1) One or more additions made to a building after January 1, 2011 that does not total more than 1,000 square feet of building area and meets all access and water supply requirements of Chapter 5 and Appendix B and C of the 2019 California Fire Code. This project is categorized as a new dwelling according to scope. 67. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 68. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2022\01-12-2022\Item 2 - 118 Olive Street\Exhibit 3 - Recommended Conditions of Approval.docx response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1. 69. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33. 70. GENERAL: This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction. A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid. Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 | P a g e PROJECT DESCRIPTION and JUSTIFICATION THE NEIGHBORHOOD IS IN A TRANSITION OF RENEWAL AND COMPRISED OF VARYING STYLES. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF A NEW HOME OF TRADITIONAL AMERICAN FORMS AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROPRIATE FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE ADDITION IS DESIGNED TO BLEND AMICABLY INTO THIS ECLECTIC NEIGHBORHOOD, IN MANY WAYS ITS FORM RESEMBLING THE 2 STORY NEXT TO IT AT 120 OLIVE. FLOOR AREA and F.A.R. COMPARISONS THE PROJECT FLOOR AREA = 1,677 SF/FAR .456 THERE ARE 4 HOMES WITHIN ITS IMMEDIATE SPHERE THAT ARE OVER THE ALLOWED FLOOR AREA 120 OLIVE = 1,429 SF / FAR = .390 135 OLIVE = 1,699 SF / FAR = .480 127 OLIVE = 1,518 SF / FAR = .423 546 SAN BENITO = 1,767 SF / FAR = .480 THE AVERAGE OF THESE 4 BEING 1,603 SF WITH AN AVERAGE FAR OF .44. THIS HOME FLOOR AREA FALLS IN THE MIDDLE - WITH 2 NEIGHBORS BEING LARGER AND 2 NEIGHBORS BEING SMALLER. SETBACK COMPARISONS Fronts PROJECT 10'-0” 133 OLIVE 7'-0” 13 1 OLIVE 8'-0” 127 OLIVE 7'-0” 125 OLIVE 5'-0” 1 12 OLIVE 8'-9” 1 10 OLIVE 4'-0” THE PROPOSED PROJECT'S FRONT SETBACK IS WELL WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD PATTERNS AS MANY HOMES POSSESS MUCH SMALLER FRONT SETBACKS. EXHIBIT 4 2 | P a g e SETBACK COMPARISONS (continued) Sideyards PROJECT 3'-0” 120 OLIVE 3'-0” +- 135 OLIVE 0'-0” 13 1 OLIVE 2'-0” +- 129 OLIVE 2'-0” +- 127 OLIVE 1'-6” +- 1 10 OLIVE 0'-0” 1 12 OLIVE 3'-0” THE PROPOSED PROJECTS SIDEYARD SETBACK IS WELL WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD PATTERNS AS MANY HOMES POSSESS MUCH SMALLER SIDEYARD SETBACKS. PARKING THE SITE IS NONCONFORMING WITH INADEQUATE AREA AND DIMENSIONS TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PARKING. THE PATTERN OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD IS ONE-CAR GARAGES. THE PROJECT HOME’S GARAGE IS NON-CONFORMING WITH AN EXISTING 10’-0” INSIDE WIDTH. THE PROPOSED GARAGE WILL BE IMPROVED TO 12’-0” INSIDE CLEAR WIDTH, THUS PROVIDING A CONFORMING ONE-CAR GARAGE. S U M M A R Y THE PROJECT'S FLOOR AREA IS COMPARABLE WITH THE FOUR NEIGHBORS; ITS F.A.R. IS LESS THAN THE AVERAGE OF THOSE FOUR NEIGHBORS, WHICH EXCEED THE FAR. THE HOME/ADDITION HAS BEEN DESIGNED WITH THOROUGH CONSIDERATION OF THE TOWN'S DESIGN GUIDELINES, TO FIT AND BLEND AMICABLY WITHIN IT'S NEIGHBORHOOD BY MATCHING THE MASS, AREA AND SCALE of ADJACENT NEIGHBORS. STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF (gun metal gray) TRIMLESS RECESSED ALUMINIUM FRAMED WINDOWS IN PLASTER, dark color OFF WHITE PLASTER walls stone veneer (gray + white tones) alternate cedar siding MATERIAL BOARD reichert home remodel & addiition 118 olive, los gatos apn: 410 15 022 EXHIBIT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank August 4, 2021 Mr. Sean Mullin Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 118 Olive Street Dear Sean: I reviewed the drawings and evaluated the site context. My comments and recommendations are as follows: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT The site is located in an established neighborhood containing a mix of one and two-story homes. Photos of the site and surrounding neighborhood context are shown on the following page. EXHIBIT 6 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 2 The Site and Existing House Houses immediately to the left House to the immediate left House to the immediate right Nearby house to the rightNearby house immediately across Olive Street Nearby house across Olive Street Nearby house across Olive Street 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 3 ISSUES AND CONCERNS The proposed first and second floor footprints, shown in relationship to other nearby homes, and elevations are shown below. Proposed Front Elevation Proposed Right Side Elevation Proposed Rear Elevation Proposed Left Side Elevation 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 4 The additions seem appropriate, and have the potential to blend well with the existing house and immediate neighborhood. There are, however, a few issues, as follows: 1. The use of stone on the front elevation, while not carrying it around consdsistently on the other three facades would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. 3.2.2 Design for architectural integrity • Carry wall materials, window types and architectural details around all sides of the house. Avoid side and rear elevations that are markedly different from the front elevation. 2. The column detail shown at the entry is not well detailed, and does not look like it is an integral part of the facade, 3. The existing house is simple in its forms, and the addition should relate to that. However, the garage form and the popout form on the right side elevation at the Family Room/Kitchen are quite foreign to main forms of the house and to each other. 3. There appears to be no trim at the window, and windows do not appear to be substantially recessed from the face of the wall which would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.7.4. 3.7.4 Design the windows with attention to matching the traditional details of the architectural style • Most architectural styles - except Mission, Spanish Eclectic or Modern - should have wood trim around the windows. The trim width should be matched to the style, but in general, should not be less than 3 1/2 inches wide. Head trim depth should be equal to or wider than the jamb casing, but not less than one-sixth of the opening width. • Projecting window sills and heads are strongly encouraged unless the architectural style would not normally have those features. • Wood trim is also encouraged on stucco houses unless the window frames are recessed at least 6 inches from the outside face of the wall. The use of stucco covered foam trim is strongly discouraged. 4. Gable roof slopes do not match which would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.5.1. 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 5 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Use similar flat roof forms on both the garage and Family room/Kitchen popout. Optional usable roof deck over garage for Bedroom 2 and/or Master Bedroom. 2. Integrate the entry column into the garage wall, and add a conopy over the entry and the garage. 3. Recess the garage door - similar to new home nearby to the right (photo below). 4. Match the gable roof slopes. 5. Add trim to all windows consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.7.4 and recess large windows- similar to new home nearby to the right (photo above). 6. Eliminate the stone on te front facade. 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 6 Sean, please let me know if you have any questions, or if there are other issues that I did not address. Sincerely, CANNON DESIGN GROUP Larry L. Cannon August 4, 2021 Mr. Sean Mullin Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 118 Olive Street Dear Sean: I reviewed the drawings and evaluated the site context. My comments and recommendations are as follows: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT The site is located in an established neighborhood containing a mix of one and two-story homes. Photos of the site and surrounding neighborhood context are shown on the following page. EXHIBIT 7 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 2 The Site and Existing House Houses immediately to the left House to the immediate left House to the immediate right Nearby house to the rightNearby house immediately across Olive Street Nearby house across Olive Street Nearby house across Olive Street 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 3 ISSUES AND CONCERNS The proposed first and second floor footprints, shown in relationship to other nearby homes, and elevations are shown below. Proposed Front Elevation Proposed Right Side Elevation Proposed Rear Elevation Proposed Left Side Elevation 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 4 The additions seem appropriate, and have the potential to blend well with the existing house and immediate neighborhood. There are, however, a few issues, as follows: 1.The use of stone on the front elevation, while not carrying it around consdsistently on the other three facades would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.2.2. 3.2.2 Design for architectural integrity • Carry wall materials, window types and architectural details around all sides of the house. Avoid side and rear elevations that are markedly different from the front elevation. 2.The column detail shown at the entry is not well detailed, and does not look like it is an integral part of the facade, 3.The existing house is simple in its forms, and the addition should relate to that. However, the garage form and the popout form on the right side elevation at the Family Room/Kitchen are quite foreign to main forms of the house and to each other. 3.There appears to be no trim at the window, and windows do not appear to be substantially recessed from the face of the wall which would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.7.4. 3.7.4 Design the windows with attention to matching the traditional details of the architectural style • Most architectural styles - except Mission, Spanish Eclectic or Modern - should have wood trim around the windows. The trim width should be matched to the style, but in general, should not be less than 3 1/2 inches wide. Head trim depth should be equal to or wider than the jamb casing, but not less than one-sixth of the opening width. • Projecting window sills and heads are strongly encouraged unless the architectural style would not normally have those features. •Wood trim is also encouraged on stucco houses unless the window frames are recessed at least 6 inches from the outside face of the wall. The use of stucco covered foam trim is strongly discouraged. 4.Gable roof slopes do not match which would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.5.1. The stone wraps around the architectural element @ The front of the house and is distinct. No such elements exist @ sides & rear to create a similar condition. The proposed color of the stone compliments & blends with the color of the roof We have created a deck over the garage per Canon suggestion The exterior walls will be 6" thick and the windows will be recessed as far as practical. For this style of architecture, window trim would not be appropirate The element in question is not a column. It is the end of a wall that extends from the entry to the face of the building. Comment is N/A The roofs in question oppose each other and no contrast between their slope differences will be visually apparent. The roof slopes were chosen to blend the house appropriately and to keep the mass of the house appealing. If the side gable slope were to match the front of the house, mass would be increased. I believe the intent of the code is to prevent unequal slopes on the gable as illustrated in the drawing above, left. Larry Canon just approved a house w/dissimilar roof slopes @ 515 Bachman Ave 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 5 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Use similar flat roof forms on both the garage and Family room/Kitchen popout. Optional usable roof deck over garage for Bedroom 2 and/or Master Bedroom. 2.Integrate the entry column into the garage wall, and add a conopy over the entry and the garage. 3.Recess the garage door - similar to new home nearby to the right (photo below). 4.Match the gable roof slopes. 5.Add trim to all windows consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.7.4 and recess large windows- similar to new home nearby to the right (photo above). 6.Eliminate the stone on te front facade. We have created a deck over the Garage per our attached revised plan. Our design steps the deck back to the garage face providing a stepped back more attractive street presence As mentioned earlier on the previous page point number 2., there is no entry column The garage door has been recessed by 1'-0" Answered on the previous page point number 4., The photo that Larry Canon is using of 114 Olive is my design. Those roof slopes do not match, but since the roof directions oppose each other, the appearance is wholly acceptable and not apparent resulting in reduced mass and bulk This design calls for trimless, recessed windows per the exception noted @3.7.4, Page 4 of Canon's report Answered on the previous page, point number 1. 118 Olive StreetDesign Review Comments August 4, 2021 Page 6 Sean, please let me know if you have any questions, or if there are other issues that I did not address. Sincerely, CANNON DESIGN GROUP Larry L. Cannon As discussed earlier, the dissimilar roof slopes are acceptable as we have applied them The canopy as extended per Larry Canon is not desirable. This is a north elevation and we prefer as much solar access as possible here. The canopy as designed, it is purely functional- It sheds the main person door and the future kitchen area from the weather. EXHIBIT 8 Project House EXHIBIT 9 Project House From: AnnMarie Zimmermann <> Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 6:58 AM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Ralph Cell Zimmermann <> Subject: Opposing 118 Olive Plans EXTERNAL SENDER Hello Sean, I hope you are doing well. We oppose the plans at 118 Olive (https://www.losgatosca.gov/2388/O) for the same reasons we opposed 114 Olive: •Parking implications on Ashler, Olive and San Benito by waving the side-by-side parking requirement. Parking and traffic conditions have only gotten worse since we last corresponded. •Privacy. We’ve attached a picture of 114 Olive overlooking our backyard and kitchen even after revised plans. It’s still very obtrusive and uncomfortable. •Potential damage to the Oak tree between 114 and 118 Olive. The family at 114 Olive periodically cut the Oak over their house. •Precedence setting by continuing to look for exceptions for non-conforming lots rather than preserving the cottage like style and history of the neighborhood. Ralph and AnnMarie Zimmermann Los Gatos, CA EXHIBIT 10 From: Celeste Lam <> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 1:44 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Marcus Lam > Subject: 118 Olive St plans EXTERNAL SENDER Hi Sean, It's been a little while. I hope this finds you well! Marcus and I are writing in support of the plans for 118 Olive St. Similar to us, the Reichert family have two young children and we understand the need to upgrade the once weekend bungalow homes on our street to meet the needs of modern families. Especially when the Bay Area is experiencing an unprecedented housing crunch. Let us know if we can be of assistance. We would have loved positive support during our building process, so however we can help we'd like to. Thanks & Happy Holidays! Celeste & Marcus Lam From: Christie Boskovich <> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 7:24 AM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Mark Boskovich <> Subject: Letter of Support for 118 Olive St Project EXTERNAL SENDER Hi Sean, Hope you are well. Unrelated to our project, Mark and I just wanted to let you know we are fully supportive of Meredith and Thomas Reichert's remodel plan. They have reached out to us personally to let us know their plan and we think it will be an excellent upgrade for our neighborhood. It makes a very efficient use of space. We believe they are balancing their family's needs with the needs of the neighborhood very well and we hope their plans get approved. If you have any questions for us, please let us know. Thank you! Christie and Mark Boskovich From: Mark De Mattei <> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 1:27 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Jay Plett <>; Thomas Reichert <>; Zachary De Mattei <> Subject: Reichert residence olive street EXTERNAL SENDER Hi Sean , We own the home at 129 olive which is directly across the street from the Reichert proposed project. I am e mailing you regarding my support of the Reichert residence project . I have reviewed the design and story poles . I feel this is a positive addition to the Neighborhood . Kind Regards Mark Mark De Mattei President PL PL PL PL ridgeflat roof flatroofrvalleyvalleyridge DECK UPper level 5'-0"3'-0"10'-0"1'-0" @ EGRESS WELL ONLY. WELL TO HAVE METAL GRATE COVER DESIGNED FOR FOOT TRAFFIC (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level (E) WATER LINE TO REMAIN W W S S S S POWER POLE ABANDON GAS SERVICE UG UG SEWER MAIN VERIFY C.O 24" EVERGREEN TREE 6" FRUIT TREE 8" FRUIT TREE (e) driveway olive streetUG 7/12 slope 7/12 slope7/12 slope7/12 slope (e) kitchen (e) dining (e) bath (e) bed 1 (e) bed 2 (e) living rm (e) garage (E) 6 042 (E) 3068 (E) 6 030 (E) 3230(E) 3230(E) 4 1030(E) 3 220(E) 5 468(E) 3230 (E) 3230(E) 8 070 3'4.5'2'7'2.5'3.5'3.5'2'0.5'5'22'2' 1' 4.5'2'7'2'1'3' 2'3.5'3.5'2.5'22'5'0.5' UNDERGROUND ELEC., PHONE, CABLE ETC. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PG&E STANDARDS m. bedterracegarageW/ liftproposed garwidth= 12'-0"38'-6"gar door tobe recessedas shown terrace front yard landscape to be less than 500 sf (N) 200 AMP ELEC SERVICE 20'-0" min. req'd.reichert homeREMODEL & ADDITION118 olive apn: 410 15 022site plan 1/8" = 1'-0" NOTE: NO UTILITIES VISIBLE FROM STREET INCLUDING HB'S A-1 N OWNERS THOMAS & MEREDITH REICHERT 118 OLIVE STREET, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 PH: 858 449 4536 EMAIL: thomasmichaelreichert@gmail.com SITE PARTICULARS SITE IS NON-CONFORMING IN BOTH AREA AND DIMENSION APN: 410 15 022 ZONING:R1-D AVG SLOPE: 4% SITE AREA: 3680 SF FAR HOUSE: 0.372 ALLOWED FLOOR AREA: 1369 SF required setbacks: front= 15', rear= 20', side'S= 5' PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE NEIGHBORHOOD IS IN A TRANSITION OF RENEWAL AND COMPRISED OF VARYING architectural STYLES. THE PROJECT will be A new dwelling composed of traditional american FORMS blending amicably into it's eclectic neighborhood. THis home design is appropriate for the neighborhood- IN MANY WAYS ITS FORM RESEMBLING THE 2 STOReY right NEXT TO IT AT 120 OLIVE. table of contents a-1 site plan / general info ca-1 town and fire conditions of project approval a-1.1 neighborhood plan a-2 floor plans / roof plan a-3 section / alt. basement plan a-4 elevations a-5 shadow study C1.0 thru C4.0- CIVIL SITE NOTES: -NO GRADING PROPOSED -(E) SITE DRAINAGE PATTERNS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED -(N) DOWNSPOUTS W/ SPLASH BLOCKS TO DIVERT RUNOFF ONTO VEGETATED AREAS 09.23.21 09.01.21 06.15.21 04.26.21 A separate building permit is required for the PV system that is required by the Energy Calculations compliance modeling. The separate PV System permit must be finaled prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy AREA SUMMARY main LEVEL 896 sf UPSTAIRS LEVEL 781 sf TOTAL FLOOR AREA 1677 sf BELOW GROUND LIVING 896 SF BELOW GROUND STORAGE 299 SF GARAGE 299 sf abreviation & SYMBOL legend (e) existing (p) proposed FYSB front yard set back RYSB rear yard set back SYSB side yard set back g gas line p property line pp power pole OH OVERHEAD elec line s sewer line w water line l TREE PROTECTION MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL PROTECTED TREES AS REQ'D BY SECTION 29.10.1005 the house is to be equipped with fire sprinklers This residence will comply with the Towns all electric appliance, electric vehicle and energy storage system requirements in accordance with Town Code Section 6.70.020 and 6.120.020. EXHIBIT 11 reichert homeREMODEL & ADDITION118 olive apn: 410 15 02209.23.21 09.01.21 06.15.21 04.26.21 ca-1 town and fire conditions of approval PL PL PL PL PL PLPL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PLPLPL PLPL 546 three STOREY 122 a.d.u 120 two STOREY 118 project house 116 one storey A.D.U 114 one & half storey olive street 135 two storey 133 one storey 131 one storey A.D.U 129 one storey A.D.U 127 two storey gar. 125 two storey A.D.Usan benito avePROJECT HOUSE 546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave546 san benito ave 122 olive st 120 olive st 118 olive st 116 olive st 114 olive st 54 6 th r e e STO R E Y 12 0 tw o ST O R E Y 118 pr o j e c t ho u s e 116 on e st o r e y 114 one & hal f sto r e y oli v e s t r e e t 135 tw o sto r e y 133 on e sto r e y 131 on e st o r e y 129 one sto r e y 127 tw o sto r e y 125 two st o r e y san benito avesan benito ave san benito ave 544 SAN BENITO AVE135 OLIVE ST133 OLIVE ST131 OLIVE ST129 OLIVE ST127 OLIVE ST125 OLIVE ST 54 4 ON E st o r e y 28'-0" +/- 12'-1" +/- 27'-0" +/- 16'-0" +/- 25'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 22'-6" +/- 16'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 18'-9" +/-16'-6" +/- 27'-0" +/-546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave14'-0" +/- PROJECT HOUSE 118 olive st 131 olive st 25'-0" +/- 20'-6" +/- 232 thurston st olive st thurston st ashler ave 39 ashler ave 25'-6" +/- section cut LINE- A 20'-0" +/-N3'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1'-6 " 1'-0 " 3'- 0 " 112 on e sto r e y 110 one sto r e y7'-0"8'-0"7'-0"5'-0"8'-9"4'-0"3'- 0 " PL PL PL PL PL PLPL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PLPLPL PLPL 546 three STOREY 122 a.d.u 120 two STOREY 118 project house 116 one storey A.D.U 114 one & half storey olive street 135 two storey 133 one storey 131 one storey A.D.U 129 one storey A.D.U 127 two storey gar. 125 two storey A.D.Usan benito avePROJECT HOUSE 546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave546 san benito ave 122 olive st 120 olive st 118 olive st 116 olive st 114 olive st 54 6 th r e e ST O R E Y 12 0 tw o ST O R E Y 118 pr o j e c t ho u s e 116 on e st o r e y 114 on e & ha l f st o r e y ol i v e s t r e e t 135 tw o st o r e y 133 on e st o r e y 131 on e st o r e y 129 on e st o r e y 127 tw o st o r e y 125 tw o st o r e y san benito avesan benito ave san benito ave 544 SAN BENITO AVE135 OLIVE ST 133 OLIVE ST131 OLIVE ST129 OLIVE ST127 OLIVE ST125 OLIVE ST 54 4 ON E st o r e y 28'-0" +/- 12'-1" +/- 27'-0" +/- 16'-0" +/- 25'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 22'-6" +/- 16'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 18'-9" +/-16'-6" +/- 27'-0" +/-546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave14'-0" +/- PROJECT HOUSE 118 olive st 131 olive st 25'-0" +/- 20'-6" +/- 232 thurston st olive st thurston st ashler ave 39 ashler ave 25'-6" +/- section cut LINE- A 20'-0" +/-N3'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1'- 6 " 1'- 0 " 3'- 0 " 112 on e st o r e y 110 on e st o r e y7'-0"8'-0"7'-0"5'-0"8'-9"4'-0"3'- 0 " PLPLPLPL PL PLPL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PLPLPL PLPL 546 three STOREY 122 a.d.u 120 two STOREY 118 project house 116 one storey A.D.U114 one & half storey olive street 135 two storey 133 one storey 131 one storey A.D.U 129 one storey A.D.U 127 two storey gar. 125 two storey A.D.Usan benito avePROJECTHOUSE 546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave546 san benito ave 122 olive st 120 olive st118 olive st116 olive st114 olive st 54 6 th r e e ST O R E Y 12 0 tw o ST O R E Y 118 pr o j e c t ho u s e 116 on e st o r e y 114 on e & ha l f st o r e y ol i v e s t r e e t 135 tw o st o r e y 133 on e st o r e y 131 on e st o r e y 129 on e st o r e y 127 tw o st o r e y 125 tw o st o r e y san benito avesan benito ave san benito ave 544 SAN BENITO AVE135 OLIVE ST 133 OLIVE ST131 OLIVE ST129 OLIVE ST127 OLIVE ST125 OLIVE ST 54 4 ON E st o r e y 28'-0" +/- 12'-1" +/- 27'-0" +/- 16'-0" +/- 25'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 22'-6" +/- 16'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 18'-9" +/-16'-6" +/- 27'-0" +/-546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave14'-0" +/- PROJECT HOUSE 118 olive st 131 olive st 25'-0" +/- 20'-6" +/- 232 thurston st olive st thurston st ashler ave 39 ashler ave 25'-6" +/- section cut LINE- A 20'-0" +/-N3'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1'- 6 " 1'- 0 " 3'- 0 " 112 on e st o r e y 110 on e st o r e y7'-0"8'-0"7'-0"5'-0"8'-9"4'-0"3'- 0 " PLPLPLPL PL PLPL PLPL PLPLPLPLPL PL PL PLPLPL PLPL 546 three STOREY 122 a.d.u 120 two STOREY 118 project house 116 one storey A.D.U114 one & half storey olive street 135 two storey 133 one storey 131 one storey A.D.U 129 one storey A.D.U 127 two storey gar. 125 two storey A.D.Usan benito avePROJECT HOUSE 546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave546 san benito ave 122 olive st 120 olive st 118 olive st116 olive st114 olive st 54 6 th r e e ST O R E Y 12 0 tw o ST O R E Y 118 pr o j e c t ho u s e116 on e st o r e y 114 on e & ha l f st o r e y oli v e s t r e e t 135 tw o st o r e y 133 on e st o r e y 131 on e st o r e y 129 on e st o r e y 127 tw o st o r e y 125 tw o st o r e y san benito avesan benito ave san benito ave 544 SAN BENITO AVE135 OLIVE ST 133 OLIVE ST131 OLIVE ST129 OLIVE ST127 OLIVE ST125 OLIVE ST 54 4 ON E st o r e y 28'-0" +/- 12'-1" +/- 27'-0" +/- 16'-0" +/- 25'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 22'-6" +/- 16'-0" +/- 17'-0" +/- 18'-9" +/-16'-6" +/- 27'-0" +/-546threeSTOREY122a.d.u120twoSTOREY118projecthouse116onestoreyA.D.U114one &halfstoreyolive street135twostorey 133onestorey 131onestorey A.D.U129onestorey A.D.U127twostorey gar.125twostorey A.D.Usan benito ave14'-0" +/- PROJECT HOUSE 118 olive st 131 olive st 25'-0" +/- 20'-6" +/- 232 thurston st olive st thurston st ashler ave 39 ashler ave 25'-6" +/- section cut LINE- A 20'-0" +/-N3'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 2'- 0 " 1'- 6 " 1'- 0 " 3'- 0 " 112 on e st o r e y 110 on e st o r e y7'-0"8'-0"7'-0"5'-0"8'-9"4'-0"3'- 0 " FLOOR AREA/FAR COMPARISONS NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1" = 50' olive street LOOKING at PROJECT 1/16" = 1'-0" olive street LOOKING across from PROJECT 1/16" = 1'-0" NEIGHBORHOOD SECTION-A 1/16" = 1'-O"A-1.1 09.23.21 06.15.21 04.26.21 ADDRESS LOT SIZE FLR AREA allowed/over flr area FAR HOUSE GARAGE (SF) 114 olive st 3680 1311 0.356 220 116 olive st 3680 969 0.263 220 120 olive st 3680 1429 1369/60 sf 0.388 300 135 olive st 3542 *1699 1326/373 sf **0.479 0 133 olive st 3542 975 0.375 190 131 olive st 3624 1125 0.310 215 129 olive st 3588 916 0.255 162 127 olive st 3588 1518 1340/178 sf 0.423(comp. far) 300 546 san benito 3680 *1767 1369/398 sf **0.480 360 ave PROJECT HOUSE 118 olive st 3680 1677 1369/308 sf 0.456 242 analysis *2 NEIGHBOR HOMES HAVE GREATER FLOOR AREA ** 2 NEIGHBOR HOMES HAVE GREATER FAR AS THE STREETSCAPE ILLUSTRATES, THE PROJECT HOUSE BLENDS AMICABLY WITH THE SCALE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD reichert homeREMODEL & ADDITION118 olive apn: 410 15 022 PL PL PL PL 1' -0"ridge flat roof flat roof rvalleyvalleyridgeDECK UPSTAIRS ADDITION 5'-0"3'-0"10'-0"1'-0" @ EGRESS WELL ONLY. WELL TO HAVE METAL GRATE COVER DESIGNED FOR FOOT TRAFFIC (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level (E) WATER METER TO REMAIN W W S S S S POWER POLE ABANDON GAS SERVICE UG UG SEWER MAIN VERIFY C.O 24" EVERGREEN TREE 6" FRUIT TREE 8" FRUIT TREE (e) driveway olive street UG 7/12 slope 7/12 slope7/12 slope 7/12 slope (e) kitchen (e) dining (e) bath (e) bed 1 (e) bed 2 (e) living rm (e) garage (E) 6042 (E) 3068 (E) 6030 (E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 41030 (E) 3220 (E) 5468(E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 8070 3' 4.5' 2' 7' 2.5' 3.5' 3.5' 2' 0.5' 5' 22' 2' 1' 4.5' 2' 7' 2' 1' 3' 2' 3.5' 3.5' 2.5' 22' 5' 0.5' UNDERGROUND ELEC., PHONE, CABLE ETC. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PG&E STANDARDS m. bed terrace garage W/ lift proposed gar width= 12'-0"38'-6"gar door to be recessed as shown terrace front yard landscape to be less than 500 sf (N) 200 AMP ELEC SERVICE 20'-0" min. req'd.PL PL PL PL ridge flat roof flat roof rvalleyvalley ridgeDECK UPSTAIRS ADDITION 5'-0"3'-0"10'-0"1'-0" @ EGRESS WELL ONLY. WELL TO HAVE METAL GRATE COVER DESIGNED FOR FOOT TRAFFIC (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level (E) WATER METER TO REMAIN W W S S S S POWER POLE ABANDON GAS SERVICE UG UG SEWER MAIN VERIFY C.O 24" EVERGREEN TREE 6" FRUIT TREE 8" FRUIT TREE (e) driveway olive street UG 7/12 slope 7/12 slope7/12 slope 7/12 slope (e) kitchen (e) dining (e) bath (e) bed 1 (e) bed 2 (e) living rm (e) garage (E) 6042 (E) 3068 (E) 6030 (E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 41030 (E) 3220 (E) 5468(E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 8070 3' 4.5' 2' 7' 2.5' 3.5' 3.5' 2' 0.5' 5' 22' 2' 1' 4.5' 2' 7' 2' 1' 3' 2' 3.5' 3.5' 2.5' 22' 5' 0.5' UNDERGROUND ELEC., PHONE, CABLE ETC. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PG&E STANDARDS m. bed terrace garage W/ lift proposed gar width= 12'-0"38'-6"gar door to be recessed as shown terrace front yard landscape to be less than 500 sf (N) 200 AMP ELEC SERVICE 20'-0" min. req'd.PL PL PL PL ridge flat roof flat roof rvalleyvalley ridgeDECK UPSTAIRS ADDITION5'-0"3'-0"10'-0"1'-0" @ EGRESS WELL ONLY. WELL TO HAVE METAL GRATE COVER DESIGNED FOR FOOT TRAFFIC (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level (E) WATER METER TO REMAIN W W S S SS POWER POLE ABANDON GAS SERVICE UG UG SEWER MAIN VERIFY C.O 24" EVERGREEN TREE 6" FRUIT TREE 8" FRUIT TREE (e) driveway olive street UG 7/12 slope 7/12 slope7/12 slope 7/12 slope (e) kitchen (e) dining (e) bath (e) bed 1 (e) bed 2 (e) living rm (e) garage (E) 6042 (E) 3068 (E) 6030 (E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 41030 (E) 3220 (E) 5468(E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 8070 3' 4.5' 2' 7' 2.5' 3.5' 3.5' 2' 0.5' 5' 22' 2' 1' 4.5' 2' 7' 2' 1' 3' 2' 3.5' 3.5' 2.5' 22' 5' 0.5' UNDERGROUND ELEC., PHONE, CABLE ETC. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PG&E STANDARDS m. bed terrace garage W/ lift proposed gar width= 12'-0"38'-6"gar door to be recessed as shown terrace front yard landscape to be less than 500 sf (N) 200 AMP ELEC SERVICE20'-0" min. req'd.reichert homeREMODEL & ADDITION118 olive apn: 410 15 022roof plan 1/4" = 1'-0" UPPER floor 1/4" = 1'-0" GROUND floor 1/4" = 1'-0" A-2 09.23.21 09.01.21 06.15.21 04.26.21 LEGEND NEW WALL PL PL PL PL ridge flat roof flat roof rvalleyvalley ridgeDECK UPSTAIRS ADDITION5'-0"3'-0"10'-0"1'-0" @ EGRESS WELL ONLY. WELL TO HAVE METAL GRATE COVER DESIGNED FOR FOOT TRAFFIC (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level (E) WATER METER TO REMAIN W W S S SS POWER POLE ABANDON GAS SERVICE UG UG SEWER MAIN VERIFY C.O 24" EVERGREEN TREE 6" FRUIT TREE 8" FRUIT TREE (e) driveway olive street UG 7/12 slope 7/12 slope7/12 slope 7/12 slope (e) kitchen (e) dining (e) bath (e) bed 1 (e) bed 2 (e) living rm (e) garage (E) 6042 (E) 3068 (E) 6030 (E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 41030 (E) 3220 (E) 5468(E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 8070 3' 4.5' 2' 7' 2.5' 3.5' 3.5' 2' 0.5' 5' 22' 2' 1' 4.5' 2' 7' 2' 1' 3' 2' 3.5' 3.5' 2.5' 22' 5' 0.5' UNDERGROUND ELEC., PHONE, CABLE ETC. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PG&E STANDARDS m. bed terrace garage W/ lift proposed gar width= 12'-0"38'-6"gar door to be recessed as shown terrace front yard landscape to be less than 500 sf (N) 200 AMP ELEC SERVICE20'-0" min. req'd.PL PL PL PL ridge flat roof flat roof rvalleyvalley ridgeDECK UPSTAIRS ADDITION 5'-0"3'-0"10'-0"1'-0" @ EGRESS WELL ONLY. WELL TO HAVE METAL GRATE COVER DESIGNED FOR FOOT TRAFFIC (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential (e) NEIGHBOR HOUSE residential main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level main Floor level 8'-0" level (E) WATER METER TO REMAIN W W S S S S POWER POLE ABANDON GAS SERVICE UG UG SEWER MAIN VERIFY C.O 24" EVERGREEN TREE 6" FRUIT TREE 8" FRUIT TREE (e) driveway olive street UG 7/12 slope 7/12 slope7/12 slope 7/12 slope (e) kitchen (e) dining (e) bath (e) bed 1 (e) bed 2 (e) living rm (e) garage (E) 6042 (E) 3068 (E) 6030 (E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 41030 (E) 3220 (E) 5468(E) 3230 (E) 3230 (E) 8070 3' 4.5' 2' 7' 2.5' 3.5' 3.5' 2' 0.5' 5' 22' 2' 1' 4.5' 2' 7' 2' 1' 3' 2' 3.5' 3.5' 2.5' 22' 5' 0.5' UNDERGROUND ELEC., PHONE, CABLE ETC. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PG&E STANDARDS m. bed terrace garage W/ lift proposed gar width= 12'-0"38'-6"gar door to be recessed as shown terrace front yard landscape to be less than 500 sf (N) 200 AMP ELEC SERVICE 20'-0" min. req'd.reichert homeREMODEL & ADDITION118 olive apn: 410 15 022A-3 HVAC 4" Flat HVAC ducts to serve ground level section 1/4" = 1'-0" aLt. basement 1/4" = 1'-0" HVAC 09.23.21 09.01.21 06.15.21 04.26.21 reichert homeREMODEL & ADDITION118 olive apn: 410 15 02209.23.21 09.01.21 06.15.21 04.26.21 A-5 shadow study not to scale C1.0COVER SHEET, DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTESREVISIONNo.BYDATE SCALE DESIGNER JOB SHEET OF SHEETS DRAFTERREVISIONNo.BYGKMengineering.comLos Gatos, Ca 95032CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING LAND PLANNING16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 205(408) 656 5917REICHERT ADDITION & REMODELAPN: 410-15-022118 OLIVE AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9/23/2021 AS SHOWN GM GM A210614 51RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 6/08/20212RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 9/14/2021FOR PLANNINGPURPOSES ONLY I. GENERAL: 1.ADJUSTMENTS TO BUILDING PAD ELEVATIONS OR PARKING LOT GRADES TO ACHIEVE EARTHWORK BALANCE SHALL BE MADE ONLY WITH APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 2.COMPACTION TO BE DETERMINED USING ASTM D1557-LATEST EDITION. 3.THE TYPES, LOCATIONS, SIZES AND/OR DEPTHS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THE IMPROVEMENT PLANS WERE OBTAINED FROM SOURCES OF VARYING RELIABILITY. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT ONLY ACTUAL EXCAVATION WILL REVEAL THE TYPES, EXTENT, SIZES, LOCATIONS AND DEPTHS OF SUCH UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. (A REASONABLE EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO LOCATE AND DELINEATE ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES.) HOWEVER, THE ENGINEER CAN ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE COMPLETENESS OR ACCURACY OF THE DELINEATION OF SUCH UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WHICH MAY BE ENCOUNTERED, BUT WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. 4.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR STORM DRAIN AND SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO ANY SITE WORK. ALL WORK FOR STORM AND SANITARY INSTALLATION SHALL BEGIN AT THE DOWNSTREAM CONNECTION POINT. THIS WILL ALLOW FOR ANY NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE ENTIRE LINE. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO BEGIN AT THE DOWNSTREAM CONNECTION POINT AND WORKS UPSTREAM, HE SHALL PROCEED AT HIS OWN RISK AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADJUSTMENTS NECESSARY. 5.SHOULD DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN THE ACTUAL ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITY CONNECTIONS AND THOSE AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY GKM ENGINEERS, AT (408) 656-5917 BEFORE ADJUSTING UTILITY DESIGN. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL UNCOVER AND EXPOSE ALL EXISTING UTILITY AND SEWER LINES WHERE THEY ARE TO BE CROSSED ABOVE OR BELOW BY THE NEW FACILITY BEING CONSTRUCTED IN ORDER TO VERIFY THE GRADE AND TO ASSURE THAT THERE IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE. IF THE CONTRACTOR REQUIRES ASSISTANCE HE SHALL CALL GKM ENGINEERS AT (408) 656-5917 AND REQUEST A SURVEY CREW TO MAKE THE DETERMINATION. PIPE SHALL NOT BE STRUNG NOR TRENCHING COMMENCED UNTIL ALL CROSSINGS HAVE BEEN VERIFIED FOR CLEARANCE. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE, HE WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY EXTRA WORK OR MATERIAL REQUIRED IF MODIFICATIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE NECESSARY. 7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SET HIS STRING OR WIRE THROUGH AT LEAST THREE GRADE STAKES TO VERIFY THE GRADE. IF THE STAKES DO NOT PRODUCE A UNIFORM GRADE, NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY AND HAVE THE GRADES CHECKED PRIOR TO TRENCHING. 8.STORM DRAIN PIPES DESIGNATED AS "SD FROM 4" TO 24" IN DIAMETER SHALL BE SDR-35 P.V.C. (HANCOR SURE-LOK WT PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL), CLASS HDPE SMOOTH INTERIOR PIPE PER ASTM D3212 (HANCOR SURE-LOK WT PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL) OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE (D.I.P.), IF SPECIFIED ON PLANS. NO MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE. ANY PIPES LARGER THAN 24" IN DIAMETER SHALL BE CLASS III REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (R.C.P.). HDPE AND P.V.C. PIPE SHALL ONLY BE USED WHEN THE MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. PIPE MADE OF ANY OTHER MATERIAL MAY BE USED ONLY AFTER APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. 9.ALL UTILITY STRUCTURES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, WATER VALVES, FIRE HYDRANTS, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC VAULTS AND PULL BOXES THAT LIE WITHIN AREAS EFFECTED BY WORK ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO GRADE BY THE CONTRACTOR OR THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANY. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO AFFECT COORDINATION. 10.ALL AREAS TO BE GRADED AT 1% MINIMUM FOR DRAINAGE EXCEPT ALONG FLOWLINE OF CURB AND GUTTER OR VALLEY GUTTER, AS SHOWN. 11.CONTRACTOR SHALL GRADE EVENLY BETWEEN SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN. 12.PROPOSED SPOT GRADES (ELEVATIONS) SHOWN HEREON ARE FINISHED PAVEMENT GRADES, NOT TOP OF CURB GRADES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 13.ESTIMATED EARTHWORK QUANTITIES: EARTHWORK QUANTITIES SHOWN (IF ANY), OR OTHERWISE SUPPLIED BY GKM, ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND SHOWN FOR THE PURPOSES OF CALCULATING GRADING PERMIT FEES. GKM ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE QUANTITIES. 14.WHEN A GRADING PERMIT IS ISSUED ON THIS PROJECT THE AGENCY APPROVAL APPLIES ONLY TO GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING ALL OTHER NECESSARY PERMITS TO ACCOMPLISH PROPOSED SITE WORK. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE CONTRACTOR OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY UNDERGROUND PERMITS BEFORE ROUGH GRADING THE SITE, AS REVISIONS TO UNDERGROUND FACILITIES MANDATED BY PLAN CHECKING AGENCIES MAY SUBSTANTIALLY EFFECT GRADING INCLUDING FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS. 15.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CONTENTS AND THICKNESSES OF THE BUILDING SLAB SECTION (IE: CONCRETE, SAND, ROCK) WITH THE STRUCTURAL PLANS AND THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. 16.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE O.S.H.A. REGULATIONS. 17.CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. 18.WHERE OFF-SITE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED THE ON-SITE DRIVEWAY SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED UNTIL THE OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE INSTALLED. THE ON-SITE DRIVEWAY SHALL CONFORM TO THE COMPLETED OFF-SITE DRIVEWAY. 19.ALL PIPES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3' FROM FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS. 20.BENCHMARK:______________________________________________________________ GENERAL NOTES 6"MIN.PER PLAN 3.0' DIAMETER MIN. MIRAFI140 N 12" SEE PLAN FOR RIM ELEVATION GROUT PIPE IN PLACE OR PVC TEE RIM INSTALL 12" WIDE APRON OF 3"-4" COBBLES AROUND 12" RCP/ OR PVC W/ C.I. OR PVC GRATE 3/4'-1 1/2" CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK 3.0' MIN.6" PERF. PVC STORM DRAIN PER PLAN VARIESCRUSHED ROCKDRAIN TEE DRAIN PIPE NDS UNIVERSAL OUTLET OR APPROVED EQUAL NDS 12" LOW PROFILE ADAPTER SLOPE TO DRAIN NDS SPEE-D GRATE, NDS #40, 6" ROUND FLAT TOP, BLACK. WITHIN LAWN AREAS COMPACTED SOIL VARIESCRUSHED ROCKDRAIN TEE DRAIN PIPE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) OR APPROVED EQUAL SLOPE TO DRAIN NDS SPEE-D GRATE, NDS #90, 6" ATRIUM GRATE, BLACK MULCH AREAS COMPACTED SOIL (SHRUB & GROUNDCOVER) NDS #66 DRAIN RISER PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL VARIESCRUSHED ROCK DRAIN PIPE NDS UNIVERSAL OUTLET OR APPROVED EQUAL NDS 12" LOW PROFILE ADAPTER SLOPE TO DRAIN NDS SPEE-D GRATE, NDS #40, 6" ROUND FLAT TOP, BLACK. WITHIN LAWN AREAS COMPACTED SOIL VARIESCRUSHED ROCK DRAIN PIPE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) OR APPROVED EQUAL SLOPE TO DRAIN NDS SPEE-D GRATE, NDS #90, 6" ATRIUM GRATE, BLACK MULCH AREAS COMPACTED SOIL (SHRUB & GROUNDCOVER) NDS #66 DRAIN RISER PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL NDS 1/4 BEND DRAINELBOW OR APPROVED EQUAL NDS 1/4 BEND DRAIN ELBOW OR APPROVEDEQUAL NOT TO SCALE 1AREA DRAIN C2.0 C1.0 COVER SHEET, DETAILS, & GENERAL NOTES GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET INDEX NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION REICHERT ADDITION & REMODEL APN: 410-15-022 118 OLIVE AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA. C3.0 EROSION CONTROL PLAN NOT TO SCALE INFILTRATION DEVICE 6 C4.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SITE SURVEY 3PUMP STATION C1.1 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES DISCHARGE TO INFILTRATION DEVICE NOT TO SCALE 5 NOTES 1.SEE SOILS REPORT FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN OR NOTED. C1.1BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICESREVISIONNo.BYDATE SCALE DESIGNER JOB SHEET OF SHEETS DRAFTERREVISIONNo.BYGKMengineering.comLos Gatos, Ca 95032CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING LAND PLANNING16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 205(408) 656 5917REICHERT ADDITION & REMODELAPN: 410-15-022118 OLIVE AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9/23/2021 AS SHOWN GM GM A210614 51RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 6/08/20212RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 9/14/2021FOR PLANNINGPURPOSES ONLY CURB SPLIT 11.0' 13.5'(S 68°20' E 46.00')S 68°26'24" E 46.00'WMGASMTRJOINTPOLEELECMTRLAWNFLOW LINEPEAKPEAKN 21°36'36" E 80.00' (N 21°43' E 80') N 21°36'36" E 80.00' (N 21°43' E 80')S 68°26'24" E 46.00' (S 68°20' E 46.00')LANDINGBRICK120 OLIVE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOT 116 OLIVE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOT 35 ASHLER ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOT 39 ASHLER ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOTO L I V E S T R E E T (40')EX. F.F. = 393.59 118 OLIVE E E E E E C2.0GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANLEGEND ABBREVIATIONS CONSTRUCTION NOTES REVISIONNo.BYDATE SCALE DESIGNER JOB SHEET OF SHEETS DRAFTERREVISIONNo.BYGKMengineering.comLos Gatos, Ca 95032CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING LAND PLANNING16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 205(408) 656 5917REICHERT ADDITION & REMODELAPN: 410-15-022118 OLIVE AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9/23/2021 AS SHOWN GM GM A210614 51RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 6/08/20212RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 9/14/2021FOR PLANNINGPURPOSES ONLY 0 Scale 1" = ft10 10 20 30 All roof rainwater leaders are to be discharged onto splash blocks that are designed to spread out the rain water so that it enters the landscape areas as sheet flow RAINWATER LEADER NOTE EARTHWORK QUANTITIES ROUGH GRADING FILL:0.0 CUYDS IMPORT: EXPORT: ROUGH GRADING CUT:0.9 CUYDS ALL ROOF RAINWATER LEADERS ARE TO BE DISCHARGED ONTO SPLASH BLOCKS THAT ARE DESIGNED TO SPREAD OUT THE RAIN WATER SO THAT IT ENTERS THE LANDSCAPE AREAS AS SHEET FLOW 0 CUYDS 0.9 CUYDS ALPHA LAND SURVEYS, INC. 4444 SCOTTS VALLEY DR #7 SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066 SURVEY NOTE THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY: DATED 3/1/21 JOB#: 2020-065 GKM ENGINEERING IS NOT LIABLE TO THE ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, FIXED WORKS, BOUNDARY, AND/OR ENCUMBRANCE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS 2 2 CURB SPLIT 11.0' 13.5'(S 68°20' E 46.00')S 68°26'24" E 46.00'WMGASMTRJOINTPOLEELECMTRLAWNFLOW LINEPEAKPEAKN 21°36'36" E 80.00' (N 21°43' E 80') N 21°36'36" E 80.00' (N 21°43' E 80')S 68°26'24" E 46.00' (S 68°20' E 46.00')LANDINGBRICK120 OLIVE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOT 116 OLIVE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOT 35 ASHLER ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOT 39 ASHLER ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL LOTO L I V E S T R E E T (40')EX. F.F. = 393.59 118 OLIVE E E E E E C3.0EROSION CONTROL PLANREVISIONNo.BYDATE SCALE DESIGNER JOB SHEET OF SHEETS DRAFTERREVISIONNo.BYGKMengineering.comLos Gatos, Ca 95032CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING LAND PLANNING16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 205(408) 656 5917REICHERT ADDITION & REMODELAPN: 410-15-022118 OLIVE AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9/23/2021 AS SHOWN GM GM A210614 51RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 6/08/20212RESPONSE TO ENG. COMMENTS - 9/14/2021FOR PLANNINGPURPOSES ONLY 0 Scale 1" = ft10 10 20 30 ALPHA LAND SURVEYS, INC. 4444 SCOTTS VALLEY DR #7 SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066 SURVEY NOTE THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY: DATED 3/1/21 JOB#: 2020-065 GKM ENGINEERING IS NOT LIABLE TO THE ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC, FIXED WORKS, BOUNDARY, AND/OR ENCUMBRANCE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1.EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES AND MEASURES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AND OPERABLE BY OCTOBER 15 AND SHALL CONTINUE IN EFFECT UNTIL APRIL 15, OR UNTIL INSTALLATION OF THE PERMANENT PROJECT LANDSCAPING AND PAVING. 2.CHANGES TO THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES INDICATED ON THESE PLANS AND DESCRIBED HEREIN TO ACCOMMODATE FIELD CONDITIONS MAY BE MADE ONLY WITH THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF OR AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 3.A CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ANY POINT OF EGRESS FROM THE SITE. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHOULD BE COMPOSED OF COARSE DRAIN ROCK (GREATER THAN 3" BUT SMALLER THAN 6" IN DIAMETER) AT LEAST TWELVE (12) INCHES THICK BY FIFTY (50) FEET LONG BY TWELVE (12) FEET WIDE AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS PAVED. 4.SEDIMENT TRAPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED IN PLACE AROUND EACH STORM INLET AS INDICATED ON THE DEMOLITION PLAN. SEE THE "DRAIN INLET PROTECTION" DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. ALL INLETS WHICH ARE NOT PROTECTED BY SEDIMENT TRAPS SHALL BE COMPLETELY BLOCKED AS LONG AS THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS IN EFFECT. 5.ALL PAVED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF EARTH MATERIAL AND DEBRIS. THE SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED SO AS TO PREVENT SEDIMENT-LADEN RUNOFF FROM ENTERING THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 6.ALL EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND REPAIRED, AS REQUIRED, AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY DURING THE RAINY SEASON. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS THERETO PRIOR TO ANTICIPATED STORMS, AND SHALL PERIODICALLY INSPECT THE SITE AT REASONABLE INTERVALS DURING STORMS OF EXTENDED DURATION. REPAIRS TO DAMAGED FACILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. 7.FOLLOWING EACH STORM, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT EACH STORM INLET SEDIMENT TRAP TO ASSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE BASIN AND OUTLET PIPE. ANY DAMAGE TO THESE OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE. 8.AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE FOLLOWING EACH STORM, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANY ACCUMULATION OF SILT OR DEBRIS FROM THE SEDIMENT TRAP BASIN AND SHALL CLEAR THE OUTLET PIPE OF ANY BLOCKAGE. 9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES AND SHALL CONDUCT PERIODIC INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SITE DURING STORMS OF PROLONGED DURATION AND/OR HEAVY INTENSITY TO ASSURE THAT THEY FUNCTION IN THE MANNER DESCRIBED HEREIN. EROSION CONTROL NOTES PROFILE EXISTING PAVED ROADWAYADITCHAFOUR TIMES THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE LARGEST CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE TIRE. R=50' R=50' MATCH EX. GRADE NOTE: CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT BARRIER & CHANNELIZE RUNOFF TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE.10' MINIMUM OR AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ANTICIPATED TRAFFIC, WHICHEVER IS GREATER SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE CRUSHED AGGREGATE GREATER THAN 3" BUT SMALLER THAN 6" 12" MINIMUM, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY A SOILS ENGINEER SECTION A-ACATCH BASIN W/ FILTER FABRIC UNDER GRATE. STRAW WATTLE FILTER FABRIC 3/4" GRAVEL OR GRAVEL FILLED SANDBAGS PLAN WRAP STRAW WATTLE AROUND INLET STORM INLET 3/4" GRAVEL OR GRAVEL FILLED SANDBAGS FINISH GRADE FOR FLAT AREAS FINISHED GRADE 3/4" x 3/4" WOOD STAKE @ 4' O.C.DIRECTION OF FLOW STRAW FIBER ROLL WRAPPED IN A TUBULAR BLACK PLASTIC NETTING WITH A DIAMETER OF 8"-10". 12" MIN. AL O N G C O N T O U R S SPA C E 2 0 ' O N S L O P E 12" MIN. 8"-10" DIA FIBER ROLL FOR SLOPED AREAS N.T.S. 3/4" x 3/4" WOOD STAKE @ 4' O.C. 3" MIN. 5" MAX. 3" MIN. 5" MAX. NOTES: 1.FIBER ROLL COMPOSED OF BIO-DEGRADEABLE FIBERS STUFFED INTO A PHOTO-DEGRADEABLE OPEN WEAVE NETTING. 2.FIBER ROLL EROSION BARRIER TRAPS SEDIMENT AND REDUCES SHEET AND HILL SIDE EROSION BY REDUCING SLOPE GRADIENT. IT INCREASING INFILTRATION RATES AND BY PRODUCING A FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT FOR PLANT ESTABLISHMENT. 3.FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION REQUIRES THE PLACEMENT AND SECURE STAKING OF THE FIBER ROLL IN A TRENCH 3"-5" DEEP, DUG ON CONTOUR. RUNOFF MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO RUN UNDER OR AROUND FIBER ROLL. FIBER ROLL EROSION BARRIER 2 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FIBER ROLL EROSION BARRIER KEY NOTE LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA INLET SEDIMENT PROTECTION LEGEND DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 1 3 C4.0