Staff Report.Minutes 031522 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/05/2022 ITEM NO: 2 DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting March 15, 2022 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a regular meeting utilizing teleconference and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, in response to the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.) and Town of Los Gatos Resolution 2021-044 on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Rob Rennie, Vice Mayor Maria Ristow, Council Member Mary Badame, Council Member Matthew Hudes, Council Member Marico Sayoc (all participating remotely). Absent: None PRESENTATIONS Mayor Rennie presented a proclamation to the American Red Cross in recognition of American Red Cross Month. Eve Dreyfuss, Vice President of the Silicon Valley Board/ Disaster Cycle Services Volunteer and Brad Gordon, Shelter Supervisor/Disaster Cycle Services Volunteer, accepted the proclamation and thanked the Town for their support. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, stated Council met in Closed Session as duly noted on the agenda and there is no report. COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Vice Mayor Ristow stated she assisted Safe Routes to School (SR2S) with the fifth grade cycling skills class; attended the West Valley Community Services “Creating an Inclusive Housing Element” webinar; attended the Council Retreat with all Council Members; attended the Ming Quong rededication with the Mayor; attended the Planting Trees Initiative: Working for a Better Environment webinar in celebration of Arbor Day; joined a group of Council Members and residents from San Mateo County and Santa Clara County involved in “Green Streets for Sustainable Communities”; attended the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) as alternate; attended the Little League opening day with Council Member Sayoc and Supervisor Wasserman; PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of March 15, 2022 DATE: March 15, 2022 Council Matters – continued attended the coder school ribbon cutting with Council Member Sayoc; and observed the Finance Commission meeting. - Council Member Sayoc stated she attended the Cities Association Legislative Action Committee and Board meetings and met with County Supervisor Simitian. - Council Member Badame stated she attended the West Valley Community Services “Creating an Inclusive Housing Element” webinar; met with Nancy Rollett from Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation and a constituent; attended the Council Retreat and Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) meeting; and observed the Finance Commission meeting. - Council Member Hudes stated he worked with the Senior Service Committee Sub- Committee; attended the Finance Commission meeting; observed the CDAC and Planning Commission meetings; met with residents and Supervisor Simitian. - Mayor Rennie stated in addition to the meetings mentioned, he spoke at the Ming Quong rededication; met with the Chamber of Commerce and Town Manager; attended Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority (SVCEA) Board and Legislative Committee, Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Board and Legislative Committee, and Finance Commission meetings. Manager Matters - Stated she and the Vice Mayor met with Hillbrook School 5th and 6th grade students. - Announced a new public records portal was launched on the Town website. - Announced the Adult Commissioner recruitment has been extended to May 27 and interviews will be held in early June. - Announced there is a new opening on the Finance Commission. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve Draft Closed Session Minutes of the March 1, 2022 Town Council Meeting. 2. Approve Draft Minutes of the March 1, 2022 Town Council Meeting. 3. Approve Draft Minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting - Council Retreat of March 5, 2022. 4. Approve Draft Minutes of the Town Council Closed Session Meeting of March 7, 2022. 5. Adopt a Resolution Reaffirming Resolution 2021-044 Regarding Brown Act Compliance and Teleconferencing and Making Findings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, During the COVID -19 Pandemic. RESOLUTION 2022-009 6. Adopt the Council Policy Committee’s Recommendation to Amend Council Policy 2-11 Commission Appointment Policy in Relation to the Adult Commissioner Interview Date and Option of Interview Method. 7. Accept the Annual Progress Report for General Plan and Housing Element Implementation. 8. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Second Contract Amendment to the Traffic Signal and Streetlight Maintenance and Underground Service Alert Locating Services Contract with St. Francis Electric, Inc. to Include: a. An Increase to the Contract Amount for Fiscal Year 2021/22 in the Amount of $67,000; PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of March 15, 2022 DATE: March 15, 2022 Consent Items – continued b. An Expenditure Budget Adjustment in the Amount of $67,000 from Available Fiscal Year 2021/22 Parks and Public Works Department – Engineering Development Services Program Revenues; and c. An Increase to the Remaining Ongoing Annual Contract Amount by a Total of $50,000 per Year from Fiscal Year 2022/23 to Fiscal Year 2024/25, Subject to the Appropriation of Funds, for a Total Revised Five-Year Contract Amount Not to Exceed $900,567. 9. Corporation Yard Building Replacement Project (CIP No. 821-2302): a. Reject all Bids for the Corporation Yard Building Replacement CIP Project No. 821-2302 and Authorize the Town Manager to Rebid the Project; and b. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Fourth Amendment to Agreement with Cuschieri Horton Architects in an Amount of $9,390 for a Total Agreement Amount Not to Exceed $227,840 for Plan Revisions; and c. Authorize an Expenditure Budget Adjustment in the Amount of $600,000 to the Project from Available General Fund Appropriated Reserve and General Fund Capital/Special Projects Reserve. 10. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute an Agreement for Services with Ashron Construction and Restoration, Inc. for Structural Repairs and Waterproofing of the Lot 4 Parking Structure Project (CIP No. 817-0708) in an Amount not to Exceed $179,800 Plus an Additional $20,000 for Unanticipated Repairs for a Total Agreement Amount not to Exceed $199,800. 11. Adopt a Resolution for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System to Appoint a Retiree as an Interim Parks and Public Works Director. RESOLUTION 2022-010 Council Member Badame pulled item 7. Opened public comment. No one spoke. Closed public comment. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Ristow to approve Consent Items 1 through 11 inclusive of Attachment 3 for Item 6, and exclusive of Item 7. Seconded by Council Member Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Ali Miano - Commented in support of the Los Gatos Theater. Celine Leroy - Read an email from another resident in opposition to cannabis. PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of March 15, 2022 DATE: March 15, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 12. Fee and Fine Schedules for Fiscal Year 2022/23 a. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Comprehensive Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022/23 to Continue Certain Department Fees, Rates, and Charges, and Amending Certain Fees, Rates, and Charges for Fiscal Year 2022/23; RESOLUTION 2022-011 b. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Comprehensive Fine Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022/23 to Continue Certain Department Fines. RESOLUTION 2022-012 Gitta Ungvari, Finance and Budget Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. No one spoke. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Ristow to a) adopt a resolution approving the Comprehensive Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022/23 to continue certain department fees, rates, and charges, and amending certain fees, rates, and charges for Fiscal Year 2022/23 contained in Attachment 2, Exhibit A with a 5.9% Consumer Price Index adjustment; b) adopt a resolution approving the Comprehensive Fine Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022/23 to continue certain department fines (Attachment 5, Exhibit A); and c) return to Council next year to bring the fees, rates, and charges to full cost recovery. Seconded by Council Member Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 13. Adopt the Council Policy Committee’s Recommendation to Retain the Current Style of Study Session Action Minutes. Shelley Neis, Town Clerk, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. No one spoke. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of March 15, 2022 DATE: March 15, 2022 Other Business Item #13 – continued MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Ristow to adopt the Policy Committee recommendation to retain the current style of study session action minutes. Seconded by Council Member Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Hudes voting no. 14. Approve a Wayfinding Design Concept and Discuss Progress on the Downtown Parking Roadmap. Jim Renelle, Parking Program Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Lee Fagot - Suggested the blue “P” on the signs be on both sides and be more prominent and supported the rounded style. Catherine Somers, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director - Inquired if employees will be able to utilize some of the spaces on the side streets, if only 10% or 20% of people are staying past three hours why are we only charging $1 per hour, and what are the plans for the revenue; stated the Chamber prefers the square sign; offered to host an outreach meeting; and suggested consistent time limits on Santa Cruz and easier payment methods for seniors. Closed Public Comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Sayoc to move forward with design option B. Seconded by Council Member Badame. MOTION WITHDRAWN. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Sayoc to move forward with design option A. Seconded by Council Member Badame. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. MOTION: Motion by Mayor Rennie to approve the plan as presented, to study the option of charging $2.50 an hour after the first hour, and have the ordinance be as flexible as possible. Seconded by Council Member Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 6 OF 6 SUBJECT: Draft Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of March 15, 2022 DATE: March 15, 2022 Pulled Consent Item #7 7. Accept the Annual Progress Report for General Plan and Housing Element Implementation. Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Opened public comment. No one spoke. Closed public comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Badame to accept the Annual Progress Report for General Plan and Housing Element Implementation. Seconded by Council Member Sayoc. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Submitted by: _____________________________________ Shelley Neis, Town Clerk