Attachment 2 - Study Session Minutes Style Survey ResultsSTUDY SESSION MINUTES STYLE SURVEY RESULTS ATTACHMENT 2 CITY ACTION SUMMARY VERBATIM COMBO VERBATIM NOTES FROM RESPONDENTS Campbell X Campbell does action summary, although they are supposed to be action, but that doesn’t seem to satisfy the expectation. Study Sessions I include a bit more. Cupertino x Our Council has approved action minutes as long as we can provide the YouTube video with translation services. I include the action taken with summary detail for study sessions and oral communications. For public comment on agenda items, I indicate support/oppose and a line or two of detail to appease our residents. Gilroy x Los Altos Hills x Mainly action – which have been approved by the Council. Now that I have someone to prepare my minutes, they have a bit more summary, but still action. Milpitas x We do a bit of a combo. The Councilmembers will typically provide their input for the item, but there is not always a clear consensus. When there is no consensus, I summarize the direction or request from each Councilmember Morgan Hill x Mountain View x Action only, with the following exceptions: Public comment - I have to note the city of residence, topic discussed (on non-agenda items) and whether in support or opposition. If someone has not made specific statements of support or opposition or stated their city of residence, I do not list anything more than their name and general topic of the comment (on non-agenda items only). No motion required/direction to staff – I provide a summary of direction to staff supported by a Council majority. Santa Clara x Santa Clara has adopted actions minutes for council and the boards/commissions, including study sessions Saratoga x it mostly says a Study Session was held and that’s about it