Attachment 3 - Public CommentsATTACHMENT 3
From: Helen Sun <>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2022 6:47 PM
To: PublicComment <>
Subject: Public Comment #11
Dear City Council,
We are writing to address our concern regarding the Shannon Road Project. After reviewing the
updated plan, we feel that there is no reason that we should have a much widden buffer in front of
some properties, such as the one marked in blue below. Again, this is a residential street, not a busy
street, like Blossom Hill or Winchester. All our neighbors have voiced that we don't want a widden
buffer and we don't want bollards in the buffered space now or later. We feel that the widened buffer
looks inappropriately placed, especially placed right outside of the residential homes. If there is more
space in the PROW, can we use it for street parking or service vehicle parking or just planting strips for
trees? The widened buffer is a waste of space, does not add any benefits for anyone who uses the
roads, and does not look good in our neighborhood. Can you please reconsider? Thank you ┭┮┯┰
Helen and Jimmy
From: Cheri Finalle <>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2022 8:30 PM
To: PublicComment <>
Subject: Public Comment on Item #11
Dear Town Council,
Please reconsider making the Shannon Road improvements a non buffered bike lane road (class II) like
other residential roads from Cherry Blossom to Kennedy (in plans).
The buffered space is not needed in this area:
1. It makes the road look less residential.
2. Reduces space for trees. The town has discussed the importance of tree canopies. Having the
buffered space moved into planting strips will be in line with the towns own guidelines and provide an
area to add trees.
3. This is against the towns own guidelines that require a planting strip when sidewalk is added.
Please reconsider the direction of this project.
Best regards, Cheri Finalle Binkley
Similar emails from Helen Sun and Cheri Finalle Binkley regarding the subject were received by the
Engineer staff. On February 28, the Town Engineer provided the following clarifications via emails:
The widened buffer is needed there since the on-street parking has been removed
because of the extension of the planter space in front of your properties, and
since the roadway right-of-way widens from a 55’ to 60’ east of Magneson
Loop. Staff can discuss with the designer to see if the widened buffer can be
further evaluated, but other changes may lead to different impacts, and we
cannot afford to keep making changes to the plans at this stage.