Addendum.Shannon Road Update
Town Engineer
Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Director
of Parks and Public Works
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832
DATE: February 28, 2022
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements (CIP No. 813-0218):
a. Receive an Update on the Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway
Improvements Project;
b. Accept a Transportation Fund for Clean Air Grant in the Amount of
$174,250 from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority;
c. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Grant Agreement with the
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority for the Transportation Fund
for Clean Air Funds;
d. Authorize a Revenue and Expenditure Increase for the Project in the
Amount of $174,250 in the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Capital Improvement
Program Budget for the Grant Funds; and
e. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute the First Amendment to the
Consulting Services Agreement with ActiveWayz Engineering for
Additional Design Services, in an Amount of $44,840, for a Total
Agreement Amount Not to Exceed $171,471.
Revisions to the Staff Report:
A Councilmember identified two instances where grammar changes could more accurately
reflect the meaning of a sentence or paragraph. The locations and changes are identified below
with underline and strikethrough as revisions to the staff report:
1. A change to the first paragraph on page 4 of the staff report:
PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements (CIP No. 813-0218) DATE: February 28, 2022
The third concept was presented to the CSTC on September 9 and to the community on
September 29. CSTC voted in support of the Concept 3 due to the protected Class IV bike
facilities design, which provides higher sense of security/safety to bicyclists compared to Class II
bikeways. Also, 50% of the second community meeting attendees voted in favor of Concept 3,
and 44% voted for Concept 1 (standard Class II bikeway design). Few A few Shannon Road
residents expressed concerns regarding the removal of the on-street parking in front of their
specific properties, installation of Class IV bike lanes with green bollards, and questioned the
need to install wide sidewalks on both sides of Shannon. Some attendees expressed desires to
maintain the “rural and neighborhood feel” of Shannon Road.
2. A change to the last paragraph on page 4 of the staff report:
With the Council’s approval of the revised Concept 3, staff actively engaged with the Shannon
Road residents. Residents continued to request minimizing the safety improvements to keep
the rural neighborhood feel of Shannon Road. There were a few variables for final design
considerations such as locations and widths of planter areas, sidewalk, bike lanes, buffer space,
on-street parking, and low-profile barriers. Staff conducted an online survey to better
understand the residents’ priorities on these different design variables. Shannon Road
residents were invited to rank the seven project elements by their priority (1 being the most
important element and 7 being the least important). By November 10, 2021, 21 out of the 35
households/properties along the Shannon Road project limit, completed the survey. Survey
results are summarized here:
Attachments Received with this Addendum:
1. Public Comments received through 11:00 a.m. on February 28, 2022.