11-17-22 - Agenda - HEAB CANCELLED TOWN OF LOS GATOS HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA NOVEMBER 17, 2022 110 EAST MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 7:00 P.M. Melanie Hanssen, Chair (GPC) Kathryn Janoff, Vice Chair (GPC) Maria Ristow, Vice Mayor (GPC) Marico Sayoc, Councilmember (GPC) Emily Thomas, Planning Commissioner (GPC) Randi Chen, Public Representative Todd Jarvis, Business Representative (GPC) Joseph Mannina, Public Representative (GPC) Adam Mayer, Public Representative Rob Moore, Public Representative Steven Piasecki, Public Representative (GPC) Ryan Rosenberg, Public Representative Due to the Town’s website being down and agenda unavailable to members of the public, the November 17, 2022, Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) meeting has been cancelled. Any items that were scheduled for this meeting will now be on the December 1, 2022, HEAB meeting agenda. To view the already published documents, you may click the following links: Item 1: Draft Minutes of the October 20, 2022 HEAB Meeting Item 2 – Staff Report with Attachments 1-8, Addendum with Attachment 9, and Desk Item with Attachment 10: Discuss anticipated comments on the Town’s Draft Housing Element based on comments other jurisdictions have received from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on their draft Housing Elements.