Item 8 - CLG Annual Report 2021-2022Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 1 Complete Se Name of CLG own of Los Gatos Report Prepared by: Sean Mullin Date of commission/board review: October 2021 – September 2022 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION I. Enforce Appropriate State or Local Legislation for the Designation and Protection of Historic Properties. A. Preservation Laws 1. What amendments or revisions, if any, are you considering to the certified ordinance? Please forward drafts or proposals. REMINDER: Pursuant to the CLG Agreement, OHP must have the opportunity to review and comment on ordinance changes prior to adoption. Changes that do not meet the CLG requirements could affect certification status. None. 2. Provide an electronic link to your ordinance or appropriate section(s) of the municipal/zoning code. https://library.municode.com/ca/los_gatos/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CO_CH29ZORE_ARTVIIIOVZOHIPR B. New Local Landmark Designations (Comprehensive list of properties/districts designated under local ordinance, HPOZ, etc.) INSTRUCTIONS: This a Word form with expanding text fields and check boxes. It will probably open as Read-Only. Save it to your computer before you begin entering data. This form can be saved and reopened. Because this is a WORD form, it will behave generally like a regular Word document except that the font, size, and color are set by the text field. • Start typing where indicated to provide the requested information. • Click on the check box to mark either yes or no. • To enter more than one item in a particular text box, just insert an extra line (Enter) between the items. Save completed form and email as an attachment to Lucinda.Woodward@parks.ca.gov. You can also convert it to a PDF and send as an email attachment. Use the Acrobat tab in WORD and select Create and Attach to Email. You can then attach the required documents to that email. If the attachments are too large (greater than10mb total), you will need to send them in a second or third email. Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 2 1. During the reporting period, October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021, what properties/districts have been locally designated? REMINDER: Pursuant to California Government Code § 27288.2, “the county recorder shall record a certified resolution establishing an historical resources designation issued by the State Historical Resources Commission or a local agency, or unit thereof.” 2. What properties/districts have been de-designated this past year? For districts, include the total number of resource contributors? Property Name/Address Date Removed Reason 335 Johnson Avenue 11/17/2021 Presumptive Historic pre-1941 properties found to have no historic significance. 16854 Kennedy Road 11/17/2021 53 Whitney Avenue 12/15/2021 212-216 N Santa Cruz Avenue 1/26/2022 45 Montgomery Street 2/23/2022 307 Johnson Avenue 3/23/2022 17200 Los Robles Way 4/27/2022 17617 Bruce Avenue 5/25/2022 16405 Kennedy Road 5/25/2022 64 Fairview Plaza 6/22/2022 15950 Stephenie Lane 6/22/2022 17621 High Street 7/27/2022 150 Oak Hill Way 8/24/2022 39 Reservoir Road 8/24/2022 16665 Magnesson Loop 9/28/2022 Property Name/Address Date Designated If a district, number of contributors Date Recorded by County Recorder Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 3 C. Historic Preservation Element/Plan 1. Do you address historic preservation in your general plan? ☐ No ☐ Yes, in a separate historic preservation element. ☒ Yes, it is included in another element. Provide an electronic link to the historic preservation section(s) of the General Plan or to the separate historic preservation element. https://www.losgatosca.gov/2138/General-Plan D. Review Responsibilities 1. Who takes responsibility for design review or Certificates of Appropriateness? ☐ All projects subject to design review go the commission. ☒ Some projects are reviewed at the staff level without commission review. What is the threshold between staff-only review and full-commission review? Work on listed historic resources properties, including properties in historic districts, is required by ordinance to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC). Pre-1941 structures are presumptive historic resources unless determined not to be significant. Proposed demolitions of presumptive and listed historic resources are reviewed by the HPC. Exterior alterations to presumptive historic resources are reviewed by staff and referred to the HPC for comment on a discretionary basis. 2. California Environmental Quality Act • What is the role of the staff and commission in providing input to CEQA documents prepared for or by the local government? HPC reviews proposed demolition and/or potentially adverse alterations to listed and presumptive historic resources to provide input to CEQA documents prepared for the Town. What is the role of the staff and commission in reviewing CEQA documents for projects that are proposed within the jurisdiction of the local government? Staff reviews CEQA documents based on designation or input from the HPC. 3. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act • What is the role of the staff and commission in providing input to Section 106 documents prepared for or by; the local government? Staff would provide input and forward to HPC to provide input to Town officials when applicable. Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 4 • What is the role of the staff and commission in reviewing Section 106 documents for projects that are proposed within the jurisdiction of the local government? HPC would provide input to Town officials when applicable. II. Establish an Adequate and Qualified Historic Preservation Review Commission by State or Local Legislation. A. Commission Membership Attach resumes and Statement of Qualifications forms for all members. 1. If you do not have two qualified professionals on your commission, explain why the professional qualifications not been met and how professional expertise is otherwise being provided. N/A 2. If all positions are not currently filled, why is there a vacancy, and when will the position will be filled? N/A. Name Professional Discipline Date Appointed Date Term Ends Email Address Kendra Burch (Interim) Construction and Design Project Manager; Planning Commissioner November 2020 December 2021 kendraburch@yahoo.com Jeffrey Suzuki Planning Commissioner February 2021 December 2021 jssuzuki@berkeley.edu Steven Raspe Attorney, Planning Commissioner January 2020 December 2022 Steveraspe05@gmail.com Timothy Lundell Attorney January 2021 December 2022 tlundell@earthlink.net Barry Cheskin Retired CEO January 2021 December 2024 bncheskin@gmail.com Kylie Clark Community organizer, nonprofit professional; Planning Commissioner January 2022 December 2022 Clark.kylieellen@gmail.com Susan Burnett Masters in Nursing July 2022 December 2023 sann85@me.com Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 5 B. Staff to the Commission/CLG staff 1. Is the staff to your commission the same as your CLG coordinator? ☒ Yes ☐ No If not, who serves as staff? Click or tap here to enter text. 2. If the position(s) is not currently filled, why is there a vacancy? N/A Attach resumes and Statement of Qualifications forms for staff. Name/Title Discipline Dept. Affiliation Email Address Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager _______________________ Sean Mullin, MUP, AICP, Senior Planner BA Computer Science and Architecture; Masters in City and Regional Planning _________________________ BA Geography; Masters in Urban Planning Community Development Department (CDD) ______________________ Community Development Department (CDD) jarmer@losgatosca.gov ____________________________ smullin@losgatosca.gov Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 6 C. Attendance Record Please complete attendance chart for each commissioner and staff member. Commissions are required to meet four times a year, at a minimum. If you haven’t met at least four times, explain why not. Commissioner/Staff Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar* Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Planning Commissioner Kendra Burch (Interim) ☒ ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Planning Commissioner Jeffrey Suzuki ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒ Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒ Chair Timothy Lundell ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒ ☒ Vice Chair Barry Cheskin ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Committeemember Susan Burnett ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Sean Mullin, Senior Planner ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☐ Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 7 D. Training Received Indicate what training each commissioner and staff member has received. Remember it is a CLG requirement is that all commissioners and staff to the commission attend at least one training program relevant to your commission each year. It is up to the CLG to determine the relevancy of the training. Commissioner/Staff Name Training Title & Description (including method presentation, e.g., webinar, workshop) Duration of Training Training Provider Date Jennifer Armer Introduction to Historic Preservation; Historic Preseration: How-to Guide; The Government’s Role in Histoirc Preservation; and American Architectural Styles (Webinar series) 4.0 hours Planetizen 10/28/21 Jennifer Armer Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP) 7.0 hours National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) 12/2&3/21 Sean Mullin American Architectural Styles (Webinar) 1.0 hours Planetizen 10/28/21 Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. III. Maintain a System for the Survey and Inventory of Properties that Furthers the Purposes of the National Historic Preservation Act A. Historical Contexts: initiated, researched, or developed in the reporting year (excluding those funded by OHP) NOTE: California CLG procedures require CLGs to submit survey results, including historic contexts, to OHP. (If you have not done so, submit an electronic copy or link if available online with this report.) Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 8 Context Name Description How it is Being Used Date Submitted to OHP N/A Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. B. New Surveys or Survey Updates (excluding those funded by OHP) NOTE: The evaluation of a single property is not a survey. Also, material changes to a property that is included in a survey, is not a change to the survey and should not be reported here. How are you using the survey data? N/A IV. Provide for Adequate Public Participation in the Local Historic Preservation Program A. Public Education What public outreach, training, or publications programs has the CLG undertaken? How were the commissioners and staff involved? Please provide an electronic link to all publications or other products not previously provided to OHP. Item or Event Description Date Town of Los Gatos website Town history: http://www.losgatosca.gov/index.aspx?NID=1822 Historic Preservation: http://www.losgatosca.gov/index.aspx?NID=190 On-going Survey Area Context Based- yes/no Level: Reconnaissance or Intensive Acreage # of Properties Surveyed Date Completed Date Submitted to OHP N/A Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 9 Item or Event Description Date Hooked on Los Gatos The Los Gatos Library and History Museum of Los Gatos maintain a web-site that provides digitized images of over 5,000 photographs, maps, death records, minutes, letters, advertisements, postcards and family archives. https://www.losgatosca.gov/1471/Local-History On-going ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ANNUAL PRODUCTS REPORTS FOR CLGS NOTE: OHP will forward this information to NPS on your behalf. Please read “Guidance for completing the Annual Products Report for CLGs” located at http://www.nps.gov/clg/2015CLG_GPRA/FY2013_BaselineQuestionnaireGuidance- May2015.docx. A. CLG Inventory Program During the reporting period (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) how many historic properties did your local government add to the CLG inventory? This is the total number of historic properties and contributors to districts (or your best estimate of the number) added to your inventory from all programs, local, state, and Federal, during the reporting year. These might include National Register, California Register, California Historic Landmarks, locally funded surveys, CLG surveys, and local designations. Program area Number of Properties added Local Historic Resources Inventory: Significance as local historic resource confirmed through HPC review. 33 Walnut Avenue (residence) Local Historic Resources Inventory: Significance as local historic resource confirmed through HPC review. 435 San Benito Avenue Local Historic Resources Inventory: Significance as local historic resource confirmed through HPC review. 303, 305, and 307 N Santa Cruz (commercial) B. Local Register (i.e., Local Landmarks and Historic Districts) Program Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 10 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) did you have a local register program to create local landmarks and/or local districts (or a similar list of designations) created by local law? ☒Yes ☐ No 2. If the answer is yes, then how many properties have been added to your register or designated from October 1, 2021- September 30, 2022? 1 (see A.) C. Local Tax Incentives Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) did you have a Local Tax Incentives Program, such as the Mills Act? ☐ Yes ☒ No 2. If the answer is yes, how many properties have been added to this program from October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021? N/A Name of Program Number of Properties Added During 2020-2021 Total Number of Properties Benefiting From Program Type here. Type here. Click or tap here to enter text. D. Local “bricks and mortar” grants/loan program 1. 20uring the reporting period (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) did you have a local government historic preservation grant and/or loan program for rehabilitating/restoring historic properties? ☐Yes ☒No 2. If the answer is yes, then how many properties have been assisted under the program(s) from October 1, 2021- September 30, 2022? N/A Name of Program Number of Properties that have Benefited Type here. Type here. E. Design Review/Local Regulatory Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) did your local government have a historic preservation regulatory law(s) (e.g., an ordinance) authorizing Commission and/or staff review of local government projects or impacts on historic properties? ☒ Yes ☐ No Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 11 2. If the answer is yes, how many historic properties did your local government review for compliance with your local government’s historic preservation regulatory law(s) from October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022? 45 F. Local Property Acquisition Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) did you have a local program to acquire (or help to acquire) historic properties in whole or in part through purchase, donation, or other means? ☐Yes ☒ No 2. If the answer is yes, then how many properties have been assisted under the program(s) from October 1, 2022- September 30, 2022? While the Town does not have a formal property acquisition program, the Town did acquire the Los Gatos Theater (41-45 N. Santa Cruz Avenue, APN 510-44-031) in 2022 via donation. Name of Program Number of Properties that have Benefited N/A Type here. IN ADDITION TO THE MINIMUM CLG REQUIREMENTS, OHP IS INTERESTED IN A SUMMARY OF LOCAL PRESERVATION PROGRAMS A. What are your most critical preservation planning issues? Preservation, rehabilitation, and re-use of historic resources. B. What is the single accomplishment of your local government this year that has done the most to further preservation in your community? Providing preservation input to the General Plan Update Advisory Committee regarding revisions to the Environment and Sustainability, Land Use, and Community Design Elements of the Draft General Plan 2040. Providing useful direction regarding rehabilitation and re-use of historic resources. C. What recognition are you providing for successful preservation projects or programs? None at this time. Certified Local Government Program -- 2021-2022 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022) 12 D. What are your local historic preservation goals for 2021-2022? To continue to provide useful direction regarding rehabilitation and re-use of historic resources; Discuss contributing structures; Consider review of Los Gatos Preservation/Rehabilitation Guidelines. E. So that we may better serve you in the future, are there specific areas and/or issues with which you could use technical assistance from OHP? Type here. F. In what subject areas would you like to see training provided by the OHP? How you like would to see the training delivered (workshops, online, technical assistance bulletins, etc.)? Training Needed or Desired Desired Delivery Format Type here. G. Would you be willing to host a training working workshop in cooperation with OHP? ☒Yes ☐ No H. Is there anything else you would like to share with OHP? Click or tap here to enter text. XII Attachments (electronic) ☒ Resumes and Statement of Qualifications forms for all commission members/alternatives and staff ☒ Minutes from commission meetings ☐ Drafts of proposed changes to the ordinance ☐ Drafts of proposed changes to the General Plan ☐ Public outreach publications Email to Lucinda.Woodward@parks.ca.gov Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Kendra Burch Date of Appointment: January 1, 2012 Date Term Expires: Interim Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission, 2012 to present Chair and member of Historic Preservation Committee 2005-2008 18 year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Construction and Design Project Manager Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Susan Burnett Date of Appointment: July 1, 2022 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2023 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Previous member of Historic Preservation Committee, 8 years Historic Preservation Member 2022 to present Long-term resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Barry Cheskin Date of Appointment: January 1, 2021 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2024 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. • Historic Preservation Member 2021 to present • 3-year resident of the Town of Los Gatos; prior homeowner of a historic home in the Town’s University-Edelen District for 2 years prior • Educational qualifications: o M.B.A. in Marketing and Finance – Columbia University Graduate School of Business Degree Awarded - 5/1988 o M.S. in Mechanical Engineering – Stanford University Degree Awarded – 6/1983 o B.S. in Mechanical Engineering – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Degree Awarded – 6/1982 • Self-Study: o Webinars/E-Learning  Department of Housing & Urban Development: “Historic Preservation and HUD” (Webinar)  Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: “What is Section 106?” (E-learning: Certificate) o Books  A Field Guide to American Houses: The Definitive Guide to Identifying and Understanding America's Domestic Architecture/ by Virginia Savage McAlester. Revised, Expanded Edition. Knopf, 2015  Giving Preservation a History: Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States/ by Max Page and Randall Mason. 2nd edition. Routledge, 2019.  Historic preservation: an introduction to its history, principles, and practice / by Norman Tyler. 3rd edition. W.W. Norton, 2018. o Other Materials  Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Town Code and Enabling Resolution 2004-109  2019 Los Gatos Historic Survey/ by Los Gatos Historical Society  The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring & Reconstructing Historic Buildings/ by Kay D. Weeks and Anne E. Grimmer. Revised. 2017.  Sustainable Preservation: California's Statewide Historic Preservation Plan, 2013-2017/ by California Office of Historic Preservation Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Kylie Clark Date of Appointment: January 1, 2022 Date Term Expires: Reviewed annually Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Historic Preservation Member 2022 to present Approximately 2-year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Timothy Lundell Date of Appointment: January 1, 2021 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2022 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes _ No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Historic Preservation Member 2021 to present 44-year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Practicing attorney for 46 years, emphasizing real estate and construction law Owner of a restored carriage house, structure originally built in late 1800’s Former member of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Advisory Committee Former member of Los Gatos North 40 Specific Plan Advisory Committee Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Steven Raspe Date of Appointment: January 1, 2020 Date Term Expires: Reviewed annually Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Historic Preservation Member 2020 to present Approximately 9-year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Jeffrey Suzuki Date of Appointment: February 1, 2021 Date Term Expires: Reviewed Annually Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission, 2021 to present Historic Preservation Member 2021 to present 10-year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Staff Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Staff Member: Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planner Manager Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? __X__Yes ____No Planning Summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. BA, Computer Science & Architecture, Vassar College Masters, City & Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley, 2005 American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Professional Planner, 2005 to present Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Staff Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Staff Member: Sean Mullin, AICP, Senior Planner Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? __X__Yes ____No Planning Summarize your qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. BA, Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara Masters, Urban Planning, San Jose State University, 2014 American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Professional Planner, 2013 to present 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2021 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on October 27, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, in response to the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). Consistent with AB 361 and Town of Los Gatos Resolution 2021-044 this meeting will not be physically open to the public and the Council and/or Commissioners will be teleconferencing from remote locations. Members of the public can only participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom webinar. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Timothy Lundell, Planning Commissioner Kendra Burch, Planning Commissioner Jeffrey Suzuki, Committee Member Barry Cheskin Absent: Chair Steve Raspe Introduction of, and welcome to, new Planning Manager Jennifer Armer. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – July 28, 2021 MOTION: Motion by Planning Commissioner Burch to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 4-0 with Chair Raspe Absent. PAGE 2 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 2021 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 70 Ellenwood Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:12. APN 510-20-022. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Ashraf M. Hosseinian Snyder Project PLANNER: Sean Mullin Committee Member Cheskin recused himself, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Salar Safaei, Applicant - There are problems with this property. The house and garage are falling apart. After 1948, a lot of work was done. Many were done without permits. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Photos were helpful in showing the poor condition of the property. • The property has fallen into disrepair. There is no evidence of significant historic architectural attributes or past residents. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Lundell the committee finds that the structure does not have sufficient historic significance or architectural merit and should be removed from the Historic Resources Inventory. Include findings. Seconded by Planning Commissioner Burch. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3-0 with Chair Raspe Absent. PAGE 3 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 2021 OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 3. 245 Johnson Avenue Preliminary Review of a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 532-28-022. PROPERTY OWNER: Chris and Elizabeth Juelsgaard APPLICANT: Jessica Smith PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jessica Smith, Applicant - The property was significantly altered during the 1980’s. The current proposal will modify the front of the house to achieve a Queen Anne style look. They plan to reduce the slope of the roof over the front bay window, add a gable window, add some pediment trim, replace trim around windows, and install casement windows. Their goal is to be in keeping with the historic district and not over the top. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. Committee member provided the following comments: • The proposed changes improve the past modifications. • The small upgrades such as the side light, door, and divided lights, will be more in line with the original Queen Anne style of the house. • Replacing the windows for consistency will be an improvement. 4. 333 University Avenue Preliminary Review of a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second- story Addition Greater than 100 Square Feet to a Contributing Single-family Residence in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-058. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Kavin Kankeshwar PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. PAGE 4 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 2021 Opened Public Comment. Kavin Kankeshwar, Owner - The Current house is in disrepair. The foundation has cracked and needs to be replaced. Along with a new foundation, they want to extend the house. There are two options. Option 1 runs the full width of the house. Option 2 is half the size. In 1980, the house underwent significant changes. The exterior shingles, roof, and windows were replaced. The fireplace was rebuilt. They will try to match the exterior shingles. They are considering relocating the driveway to the larger south side of the house. Committee members asked questions of the applicant and staff. Closed Public Comment. Committee member discussed the matter. Committee members provided the following comments: • The front façade doesn’t have historical significance. The proposed additions are in the back of the house and not visible from the front. • First option being the full width of the house makes more sense and keeps it more original. 5. Consulting Architect Review of HPC Projects Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Committee members asked questions of the staff. • The makeup of the current Committee may not have the expertise in the technical applications. The role of the Consulting Architect would be to provide guidance consistent with review of other planning projects of similar scope. The desk item asks, “Why do we need a Consulting Architect, if we put the right people on the committee?” it should be a citizen review. Staff: To clarify why this topic is being discussed. This is similar to the Planning Commission. They use a consulting architect for consistency with the guidelines, recommendations for the style, etc. • Historic projects go to the HPC, instead of a Consulting Architect for this review. PAGE 5 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 2021 • Plan would be to have the Consulting Architect to provide feedback in a written report, as is done for the Planning Commission, prior to review by the HPC. The Committee’s review would be based on proposal, own expertise, and the input from the Consulting Architect and staff. Can we send project back to consulting architect for feedback? Staff: Yes, if there are significant changes, the project can return to the consulting architect. • Similar to the Planning Commission, the Consulting Architect provides recommendations and there are times that the Planning Commission does not agree with them. Assume that the HPC can disagree with the consulting architect? Staff: Yes. • What motivates this proposal? Is the HPC lacking? A consulting architect adds cost, time, and another layer to the process. What is the problem we are trying to solve? What is the benefit? Adding review by the Consulting Architect is not an obvious improvement to the process if a good job is done selecting the HPC members. • What is the range of cost? Staff: The initial deposit is $2,500 plus 10 percent administrative fees. Any unused funds would be returned. • Staff: This does not imply that the HPC is not performing excellent. This idea is being present to see if the HPC thinks this is something that could be helpful. It is just another tool to help the Committee. This is just a discussion. Yes, it will add cost. If the decision is that this is something that is not required, the Committee will function perfectly well. • It might be a good resource if the HPC feels that it needs that kind of resource and it would be up to the HPC and would need to involve the applicant as well. The process of having to go to the Consulting Architect before the HPC reviews a project would add cost and cause delay. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the October 27, 2021 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/Sean Mullin, AICP, Associate Planner This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2021 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on November 17, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, in response to the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). Consistent with AB 361 and Town of Los Gatos Resolution 2021-044 this meeting will not be physically open to the public and the Council and/or Commissioners will be teleconferencing from remote locations. Members of the public can only participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom webinar. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Steve Raspe, Vice Chair Timothy Lundell, Committee Member Barry Cheskin Absent: Planning Commissioner Kendra Burch, Planning Commissioner Jeffrey Suzuki VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – October 27, 2021 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Barry Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Chair Timothy Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 3-0. PAGE 2 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 2021 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 335 Johnson Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 532-28-011. PROPERTY OWNER: Nicholas Burg APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Bess Wiersema, Applicant - This circa 1900 home consists of a random mix of style, massing, materials, trim details, etc. The interior is as cut up and random as the exterior. No one of importance to the Town or State has lived in the house. The character of the house has not been maintained. The additions in the front, rear and on top are all different and not worth keeping. The siding was replaced, and vinyl windows used. Only one side door is original. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Nicholas Burg, Owner - The owner has grown up in Los Gatos, lived in the property for 15 years, and intends to stay. When doing minor repairs, they found very old newspaper clippings. The earlier work was done without permits. They plan on addressing structural issues. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The property consists of a mix of styles and has no intrinsic value. • It is not a good representation of any particular style. • Structural issues need to be uncovered and addressed. • The Committee recommends that the owner consider the style of their neighborhood when planning future exterior changes. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Tim Lundell to approve the applicants request to make the findings required by the ordinance to remove from the presumptive historic register. Seconded by Committee Member Barry Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 3-0. PAGE 3 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 2021 3. 16854 Kennedy Road Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 532-35-068. PROPERTY OWNER: Ye Wang APPLICANT: Payman Farzaneh PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Payman Farzaneh, Applicant - Various work done on the structure was permitted from 1994 to now. The lot size is 1,600 square feet. The existing building is 2,366 square feet. The addition on the side of the house is 692 square feet. There are no plans to change the existing building just the addition. The stucco exterior is not original and can be removed. Committee members asked questions of the applicant and staff. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. Committee members provided the following comments: • Would prefer to have it stay on the historic inventory but, the historical significance of the building has long passed. With the added smooth stucco finish, it looks like a building from the 1980’s. MOTION: Motion by Chair Steve Raspe to grant the applicant’s request to remove the property at 16854 Kennedy Road from the Historic Resources Inventory because the committee has found that the structure does not have sufficient historic significance or architectural merit. Seconded by Vice Chair Tim Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 3-0. PAGE 4 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 2021 4. 233 Edelen Avenue Minor Development in an Historic District Application HS-21-035 Preliminary Review of a Request for Exterior Alterations to a Contributing Single-Family Residence in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-019. PROPERTY OWNER: Jennifer Kapp APPLICANT: You Chia Lai PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. You Chia Lai, Applicant - The diagram on page 25 of the staff report summarizes the scope of work. Part of the original structure was built before 1941. Alterations made in or after 1941 to connect an accessory structure to the main home and become a dwelling. They plan to demo and build an accessory dwelling unit on the same footprint. The owner will live in the ADU while the son and family will live in main home. The main home has historic significance. The ADU is a generic structure that doesn’t contribute to the Historic District. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The current ADU structure doesn’t look like it belongs. If it is replaced with something more consistent with the main building, that would not be a historical loss. • Unlike the prior unpermitted modifications, a new structure under staff supervision will be a gain for both the homeowner and the Town. MOTION: Motion by Chair Steve Raspe to approve applicants request to demolish the left rear portion of the structure at 233 Edelman to permit the subsequent attachment of a new ADU. Seconded by Committee Member Barry Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 3-0. PAGE 5 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 2021 OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the November 17, 2021 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 15, 2021 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on December 15, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, in response to the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). Consistent with AB 361 and Town of Los Gatos Resolution 2021-044 this meeting will not be physically open to the public and the Council and/or Commissioners will be teleconferencing from remote locations. Members of the public can only participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom webinar. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Steve Raspe, Vice Chair Timothy Lundell, Committee Member Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kendra Burch, Present at 3:14 p.m. Absent: Planning Commissioner Jeffrey Suzuki VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – November 17, 2021 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Barry Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Chair Tim Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 3-0 with Planning Commissioners Burch and Suzuki Absent. PAGE 2 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2021 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 89 Broadway Consider a Request for Demolition of an Existing Detached Accessory Structure and Construction of a New Detached Accessory Structure with Reduced Setbacks on a Non- Contributing Property in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-019. PROPERTY OWNER: Ilona Merli APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Gary Kohlsaat, Applicant - This project was started in 2015 and has been updated. The garage now does not include a second story. They will be matching materials and details to the existing house and installing a nice garage door. Most of the neighboring detached garages are three feet or less from the property line. Available for questions. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Gary Kohlsaat, Architect, Applicant - The structure is somewhat buried and has retaining walls. There is a garden on top and beyond. The property is very steep with a hill. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The current proposal is more attractive than what was previously approved. • It does not violate the historical integrity of the property and surrounding area. • The new design fits in very well to the home and neighborhood. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Tim Lundell to recommend approval of the project as proposed. Seconded by Committee Member Barry Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 3-0 with Planning Commissioners Burch and Suzuki Absent. PAGE 3 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2021 3. 53 Whitney Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 532-29-068. PROPERTY OWNER: Danielle Horowitz and Ziv Wolkowicki APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jay Plett, Applicant - 2013 HPC member Len Pacheco judged the property not worthy of retaining on the Historical Property Inventory. In 2015, the prior owner did the construction and demolition of more than 25% of the front façade. The porch exhibited poor construction and detailing. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • This property was reviewed in 2013 by HPC under Other Business instead of Public Hearing. • The 2013 findings still hold true. It is not a historically significant property. • The 2015 demolition and construction further lessened any historical significance. MOTION: Motion by Chair Steve Raspe to remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory based on the findings made in 2013 that the structure does not have sufficient historic significance or architectural merit. Seconded by Vice Chair Tim Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 4-0 with Planning Commissioner Suzuki Absent. PAGE 4 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2021 OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 4. 430 Los Gatos Boulevard Preliminary Review of a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8 Located at 430 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN 532-07-061. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Kyle and Kelly Petrich PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report Opened public comment. Kyle and Kelly Petrich, Owners - The original window is porous. The new window will match the double hung one next to it to make it more consistent. Committee members asked questions of the applicant and staff. Closed public comment. Committee members provided the following comments: • Replace the late addition rectangular window with a square window to match the other original square window. • Wood or vinyl clad wood windows are preferred. • Resulting design is very nice. • If the applicant adopts the HPC recommendations, the project may move forward with a building permit and does not need to return before the HPC. 5. 22 Charles Street Preliminary Review of a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and an Addition to a Presumptive Historic Single-Family Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 529-24-016. PROPERTY OWNER: Douglas Rutherford APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin PAGE 5 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2021 Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report Opened public comment. Jay Plett, Applicant - In 2004, Jay and Gary Slough designed the house. The original windows were replaced. The proposed addition blends well with the current house. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jay Plett, Applicant - The section in the dining room is angled to follow the property line and provide a doorway out. The roof above it will be square. The angled section will read as a bay. Closed public comment. Committee members provided the following comments: • The proposed changes will not diminish the attractiveness of the home. • The minor changes do not affect the view from the street • If the applicant incorporates the HPC comments, the project may move forward with a building permit and does not need to return before the HPC. 6. 2022 Meeting Schedule Review and approve the 2022 Meeting Schedule Calendar Committee members discussed the matter. All meeting times will begin at 4:00 p.m. Vice Chair Tim Lundell will be traveling this year. He will miss two meetings: one in January and one in July. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Tim Lundell to approve the 2022 Meeting Schedule Calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Barry Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously, 4-0 with Planning Commissioner Suzuki Absent. PAGE 6 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2021 7. Annual Certified Local Government Report (CLG) The State offers grants for specific activities such as taking a survey. The Committee approved that the report be forwarded to the State. Closing Comments for 2021 Thank you to staff for their work, and to the Planning Commissioners who are completing their year of service. Congratulations to Steve Raspe for his appointment to the Planning Commission, and to Sean Mullin for his promotion to Senior Planner. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:48 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the December 15, 2021 Special meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 26, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on January 26, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting was conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and was conducted via Zoom. All committee members and staff participated from remote locations and all voting was conducted via roll call vote. In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, the public could only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chambers. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Steve Raspe, Vice Chair Timothy Lundell, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, Committee Member Barry Cheskin Welcome to new member Kylie Clark. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – December 15, 2021 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Lundell to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 320 Johnson Avenue Minor Residential Development Application MR-21-029 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second-Story Addition Greater than 100 Square Feet to an Existing Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 529-39-070 PROPERTY OWNER: Steven and Gina Spirch APPLICANT: Steven Plyler, DeMattei Construction, Inc. PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin/Sean Mullin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Steve and Gina Spirch, Owner - The plan now adds to the upper floor, a second full bathroom for their daughter. It also includes converting a lower front guest bedroom into a parlor with a view of the street. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Steve Spirch, Owner - French doors will be added to the front as well as the rear. - The balcony off the master bedroom will be enclosed to create a bathroom. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • New design successfully incorporates suggestions from the earlier HPC hearing. • New design maintains the front view of the house. • New addition on the second floor fits the theme of the house MOTION: Motion by Chair Raspe to Recommend Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second-Story Addition Greater than 100 Square Feet to an Existing Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. Seconded by Vice Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 3 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 2022 3. 100 Tait Avenue Minor Residential Development Application MR-21-023 Requesting Approval for Construction of a Detached Garage Exceeding 450 Square Feet with Reduced Setbacks on a Contributing Property in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-18-015. Property Owner/Applicant: Laurie Babula. PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Chris Spaulding, Architect - Plans are to replace an existing substandard garage. It doesn’t fit even one car. The existing garage is located over the property line onto the alley. They will increase the setback to 3 feet from alley and the rear. - The Sanborn map showed a shed or garage in that location from turn of the century. But it may not be the current garage. The siding looks like something from 30’s or 40’s. The new design is an improvement. It allows more storage and room to park a car. The current three tenants use the garage to store their bikes. There are other 2-story ADUs in the alley. Their project will match the main house in style, siding, color, etc. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Committee members discussed the matter. • Existing structure is problematic. Replacing with more utilitarian. • Increase in size fits with main house. Better to have some, if not 5 feet, setback. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Lundell to Recommend Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Construction of a Detached Garage Exceeding 450 Square Feet with Reduced Setbacks on a Contributing Property in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Committee Member Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 4 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 2022 4. 212-216 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned C-2. APN 529-04-085. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: McCarthy Ranch. PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty. Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened and Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Nothing seems historic about this structure. The building has gone through extensive changes and was recently rebuilt. • It is important to keep the Historic Property Inventory up-to-date to maintain credibility. MOTION: Motion by Planning Commissioner Clark to recommend approval to the Director to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned C-2. Seconded by Chair Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 5. 85 Broadway Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-45-044. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Warren and Maria Ristow PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Committee Member Cheskin recused himself, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Maria Ristow, Owner/Applicant - The house was built in 1887. They remodeled home in 1992. The porch was completely rebuilt to match 1887 specs. It was the original front entry. The entry is now further back PAGE 5 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 2022 at another location. It has the same railing and vertical supports but not the brick layer of floor. Victorians will not have stone porches, but it is seen elsewhere in the neighborhood. They prefer a non-pervious surface for durability. The veneer is brick at half thickness. The layers are the wood porch, a moisture membrane, and a brick veneer. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Maria Ristow, Owner/Applicant - The front Porch is from 1985. It was built by other owners. The back yard is all brick. - Photo shows a neighbor’s remodeled balcony with the side view of brick visible. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The no-brick-on-Victorian-buildings mandate has been widely ignored in the neighborhood. • Other examples of brick porches in the neighborhood make the request reasonable and aesthetically pleasing. • Their other porch already has a brick veneer. The current homeowner didn’t create the other brick covered porch. The veneer is barely visible from the front. MOTION: Motion by Chair Raspe to recommend approval to the Director for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single- Family Residence in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R- 1D:LHP. Seconded by Planning Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Committee Member Cheskin recused. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 6. 50 Hernandez Avenue Preliminary Review for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second-Story Addition Greater than 100 Square Feet to an Existing Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510-20-003 PROPERTY OWNER: Richard Archuleta and Chrissy Klander APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Committee Member Cheskin recused himself, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. PAGE 6 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 2022 Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened public comment. Jay Plett, Architect, Applicant - The proposed addition will be modest in size and in keeping with the style of the house. They will match siding, profile, window trim, and molding to the existing house. - Six feet of space will be added on the upper level. The lower level will be rebuilt due to structural problems. Structure was modified in 1947. It has leveling, settlement, and water intrusion issues. - In 1947, a window was added to the front view. They would like to replace and add a second window next to it. - Changes in the rear are not visible from the front street. - Extending the roof straight out over the bay window. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jay Plett, Architect, Applicant - The proposed addition will be modest in size and in keeping with the style of the house. A metal roof over a porch is common. The proposed standing seem roof is not a must. No other nearby home has a metal roof. - Neighborhood includes two-story homes, larger homes, and a mix of styles. The plans add 554 square feet (sf) to the house, which is below the maximum allowed floor area of 3,106 sf. The house is 2,798 sf, the existing garage has an office of 160 sf. The massing is 400 to 500 sf below maximum allowed floor area. Committee members provided the following comments: • Prefer matching the existing house roof material instead of using standing metal roof material. • Be mindful of privacy and shadow issues for the neighbors. 7. Election of Chair and Vice Chair. MOTION: Motion by Chair Raspe to Approve Timothy Lundell as Chair and Barry Cheskin as Vice Chair. Seconded by Planning Commissioner Clark. Committee members discussed the matter. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 7 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 2022 The one vacant position will be addressed during the next Spring recruitment. The needed quorum is 3. This will be confirmed. Let staff know if you will be missing a meeting. Tim Lundell will miss the July meeting. Meetings will still be virtual until the Mayor decides to move towards meeting in-person again. Congratulations to the new Chair and Vice Chair. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the January 26, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on February 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe Absent: None VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Susan Burnett, General Plan and Housing Element Advisory Committee member and former Historical Preservation Committee Member. - Concerned about HPC and PC. Seeing a lot of requests for demolition and changing of historic homes that would not have been approved by past Historic Preservation Committees. Started with 1300 historic homes. But now only 270 left. Guidelines have gotten easier. Purpose was to save the past for future generations. Can we tighten things up? In my Glenridge district a Garage was added next to the home. Instead of as a separate unit. Guidelines are subjective. Because of SB 9, the Committees needs to be much more mindful and protective. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – January 26, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 40 Hernandez Avenue Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and an Addition to an Existing Presumptive Historic Single-Family Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510-19-027. PROPERTY OWNER: Stan and Pamela Atwood APPLICANT: Eric Beckstrom, Beckstrom Architecture PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Vice Chair Cheskin recused himself from Item 2, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Eric Beckstrom, Architect - In 2006, the structure basically became a brand new house behind the façade. They will be building an addition to make the house more symmetrical. - They are supportive of preserving the front façade and porch area. Susan Burnett - Agrees that the front façade of the house is what makes it so spectacular and a contributing house. Stick to the 2006 remodel percentage. Looking at the plans, it is more than a little box. Eric Beckstrom, Architect - Will be matching the wall and windows. The build will be complementary. The end results will look like the home as originally built in 1912 not 1920. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Aesthetically pleasing. Like and support the project. • Design adds symmetry. • Addition is largely imperceptible. • Recommend that the percentage of demo mimic that of the 2006 condition of approval. • Maintain the elements that currently exist. PAGE 3 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Planning Commissioner Raspe to Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and an Addition to an Existing Presumptive Historic Single-Family Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:8. Subject to a condition of demolition that would result in similar percentages as existed in 2006. Seconded by Planning Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. Vice Chair Cheskin rejoined. 3. 45 Montgomery Street Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D. APN 410-17-004. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Mark and Cathleen Petersen. PROJECT PLANNERS: Savannah Van Akin/Sean Mullin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened and Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Town’s recommendation seems straightforward as a clean-up item from 1991. MOTION: Motion by Planning Commissioner Clark to Recommend Approval to the Director for Removal of a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 4 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022 4. 33 Walnut Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510-41-007. Property Owner/Applicant: Jeffrey Siegel PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Vice Chair Cheskin recused himself from Item 4, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jeffrey Siegel, Owner/Applicant - He is president of the Los Gatos Historic Society. He undertook extensive analysis to prepare the report. This property doesn’t meet any criteria set by the State. The only reason for inclusion is because it is Pre-1941. He bought it five years ago. The building has been changed by every owner except the original owner. It went from an 890 square foot cottage with an outhouse, to a 2600 square foot, 4 bathroom, 5 bedroom, two-story house. It bears no resemblance to the original house. The one remaining element is the front fascia. The front porch was demolished and rebuilt to match. However, updated seismic and safety building codes dictated the use of concrete, steel, and a higher railing. The home has no connection to a historic person or event. It is not in a historic district. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jeffrey Siegel, Owner/Applicant - I did not make a request for removal in 2018 or 2019 when the front porch was evaluated. The HPC allowed demolition of the deteriorated porch. The railing was too low and not safe. Susan Burnett - When was it declared a Bellringer house? Staff - 1984. Jeffrey Siegel, Owner/Applicant - Nothing historic remains. A remaining roof membrane shows where the original slope of the roof. - Expanded on the first floor in 1948 and 1950. In 1985 it became a two-story building. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, the upstairs and roof were changed. PAGE 5 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022 Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • There have been changes made to the structure. However, in 2018, both the applicant and HPC treated it as a historic property. Nothing substantive has changed besides the approved work. • This project is coming before the committee after a problem was flagged by staff. • Most of the history has been removed. The owner attempted to preserve the front but removed over 25%. It now comes to HPC because of that removal. Leaning towards denial. • Every structure has a story. Some big or small, intended, unintended, permitted and before HPC was established. It would be a shame to have those changes justify removal. • It is up to the HPC to determine, based on the provided information, if anything left is historic. MOTION: Motion by Planning Commissioner Raspe to Deny a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Seconded by Planning Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. Vice Chair Cheskin rejoined. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 5. 223 Tait Avenue Preliminary Review for Technical Demolition of a Presumptive Historic Single-Family Residence (Pre-1941) and Construction of a New Two-Story Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-004. PROPERTY OWNER: Mark and Tammy De Mattei APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report Opened public comment. PAGE 6 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022 Jay Plett, Applicant - Proposing a Craftsman style home. They will maintain the stucco siding and the lower sloped roofs. The structure has no architectural significance due to several post 1941 additions. The porch was enclosed, several walls were demolished, and the siding was removed along the rear with the previous addition. It already has been technically demolished. They would like preliminary feedback on the conceptual proposal. They have floor plans and a rendering and would like feedback on the design. Committee member asked questions of the applicant: Jay Plett, Applicant - In terms of scale and massing, the height will be 27 feet. This is below the maximum allowed. The existing structure is already elevated four feet. - There are examples of other homes in the neighborhood with Arts and Crafts or Craftsman style. The apartment complex next door has no style at all. Susan Burnett - Glen Ridge and Almond Grove neighborhoods have a mix of styles. The street doesn’t have a certain style. Jay Plett - There are no Craftsman style homes immediately adjacent to the subject property but they do exist in the area. Closed Public Comment. Committee members provided the following comments: • The site was not part of Bloomfield survey and nothing architecturally significant. Good candidate for rehabilitation. The Craftsman is fine. Any style that fits in. • Concerned more about size, massing, shadowing, and privacy. • Need more info about the surrounding neighborhood. It doesn’t seem to fit in with the neighborhood. • Important for the style to fit in with the neighborhood. Need to justify the style choice with photos of nearby homes. Justification should be provided for any demolition. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the February 23, 2022, meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 23, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on March 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Susan Burnett - Because of SB9, two towns (Pasadena and Palo Alto) are trying to protect areas by trying to designate Historic homes and establish Historic districts, but it is too late. Los Gatos is different since she worked on an ordinance for the Glenridge District. The Town was already requested by Ann Bloomfield to make these districts into historic districts. She has the ordinance, photos, and research. The Committee could help. The Glenridge District fulfills 3 of 4 State requirements. Can add this to the other already established districts. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – February 23, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 307 Johnson Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 532-28-018. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Anamaria Walker. PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Anamaria and Bill Walker, Owner/Applicant - According to photos, the original roofline and siding has been totally changed. Comparing photos of the original home to the existing home, it appears the historic integrity is gone. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Photos shows that nothing is intact. Looks like an ‘80s remodel structure. • Any historic significance or architectural detail has been lost. • It’s difficult to see any relationship between before and now photos. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Approve a Request to Remove a Pre- 1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 307 Johnson Avenue. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 3. 246 Almendra Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-21-033 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Construction of a New Two-Story Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-14-019. PROPERTY OWNER: Gary Filizetti APPLICANT: Brett Brenkwitz PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty PAGE 3 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Brett Brenkwitz, Applicant - The proposal is to replace an existing parking lot with a new home and rear detached garage. To lessen the massing impact, they are setting the second story forty feet back from the front property line. Also, the main upper roofline slopes upward towards the rear. The front setback is fifteen feet to the porch. The porch is six feet deep. The total is twenty-one feet from the front property line to the front door. To determine the proposed front setback to the porch, they averaged the space between the house and the neighboring house, as well as to the commercial property on the other side. The garage is placed to the rear corner of the parcel for a reduced visual impact. - The proposed project would use gable roof forms common to the neighborhood. Additionally, they are proposing to use similar colors and materials to fit in with the neighborhood: such as wood, siding, stucco, and stone; to fit in with the neighborhood. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Brett Brenkwitz, Applicant - Regarding height questions, there are a few other two-story homes in the neighborhood. - According to staff: the proposed home size at 2,084 square feet would be the seventh largest in FAR. It’s on the smaller side for the immediate neighborhood. - There is a shadow study included in the plan set to address shade concerns. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • More compatible than a parking lot. • They followed every recommendation of the consulting architect. • Analysis was thorough and well-reasoned. • The FAR is not maxed out. • The second story is set back. • Troubled by the setback issue. Other residential properties have greater front setbacks. The commercial property is the outlier on the street. The other homes have larger front setbacks. • Further analyze the proposed front setback in relation to the other residences in the surrounding neighborhood to verify neighborhood compatibility. PAGE 4 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director to Approve a Request for the Construction of a New Two-Story Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District at 246 Almendra Avenue, with a recommendation for an increased front setback taking into consideration both the adjacent homes and rear garage. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 315 W Main Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-014 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on to approve a Request for Construction of a Detached Accessory Building and Single-Story Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-45-003. PROPERTY OWNER: Nadav Buzi APPLICANT: Michael Rowe. PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Michael Rowe - Front elevation: 2D Drawing doesn’t show the depth of the projection on the left side of the home. - The six and a half feet high fence will remain. - Will take off the 1979 T-111 siding and do 360 architecture. - The right side projection, that is visible from the front, is a bay window. - Addition is visible on both sides from the street but mitigated by the fence. - Reverting from 1979 to 1905 style by matching the siding, shingles, and windows. Only the front two windows, one on left, and one on the right are original. Can match windows to the addition, but the existing windows are single-paned aluminum. PAGE 5 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Michael Rowe - Will consider matching the side windows to the front windows. - Will consider adding matching shutters. - Proposed windows can match stylistically but unlike the originals would also be operable. Committee members discussed the matter. • Adding more square footage makes sense, if parking is preserved, • Stylistically match windows and shutters to ameliorate the front view. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director to approve a Request for Construction of a Detached Accessory Building and Single-Story Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence located at 315 W Main Street with the further recommendation that the street-facing portion of the addition have windows and shutters to match the two existing windows and shutters at the front of the house. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 5. 435 San Benito Avenue Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D. APN 410-17-053. PROPERTY OWNER: James Holtz APPLICANT: Sandra Paim PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Sandra Paim, Architect - This is a stand-alone request to remove the property from the Historic Resources Inventory. - There are conflicting documents on when the house was built. The Polk directory telephone records show occupancy in 1923, 1924, 1934, and 1941. The property stayed in the Truckner family in 1941. There is no record from the 1989 Sanborn Survey. Checked the PAGE 6 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 related address of 26 Montgomery Street. There was no record of that address on the Ann Bloomfield survey. - The structure is not associated with any significant event or person. - Any distinctive characteristics were greatly compromised. According to the 1941 tax assessment, there was a rustic exterior wall and the front and rear porches had covers. Changes were made to the window trim, molding, wood siding, and front porch. Entry way is keyhole. A second story was added. The front façade was altered more than 50%. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Sandra Paim, Architect - They didn’t request removal the first time in 2020 because they didn’t feel it necessary. - The owner is not planning to remodel, and asked for her help in research. - There are differences between the photos. In the 1970’s, the front porch takes up more than 50% of the front façade. The scale, character, front massing is entirely different. - Asking for removal now even though the applicant is no longer doing renovations. Any future renovations would have to go before HPC. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Once removed it would not return to HPC for review. • In an overlay zone HPC would have jurisdiction and it could not be removed. • It has not lost all historic details. • If there are no plans to remodel, why ask for removal now? • There is no clear reason given for removal. • There hasn’t been any drastic remodeling. Just roof and sewage permits. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Deny a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 435 San Benito Avenue. The Committee was Unable to Make the Findings for Removal. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 7 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 6. 101 Broadway Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-013 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request to Change the Previously Approved Window Materials on a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-45-041. PROPERTY OWNER: Ridhima Khurana APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Architect - The project was originally approved with use of aluminum clad windows. We have found a new fiberglass clad product with more customizable details than vinyl or aluminum. Also, the fiberglass, unlike vinyl or aluminum can be painted. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Fine with substituting with the new window product in lieu of the previously approve window material. • Would like to see the window in person. Like that it can be painted. Would consider a substitution to the original application. • The replacement windows seem reasonable. The Committee is more concerned about preserving the appearance of versus the use of a specific material. It’s a good way to maintain the historical integrity of the structure while keeping up with the times. The new materials will make the structures more durable and long lasting. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director to Approve a Request to Change the Previously Approved Window Materials on a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R- 1D:LHP. Located at 101 Broadway. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 8 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 7. 50 Hernandez Avenue Minor Residential Development Application HS-22-003 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second-Story Addition Greater than 100 Square Feet to an Existing Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510- 20-003. PROPERTY OWNER: Richard Archuleta and Chrissy Klander APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Vice Chair Cheskin recused him from Item 7, 50 Hernandez Avenue, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Architect - Followed the recommendations to lower the porch roof and to use composition roof material to match the existing house and addition. Streetscape remains since addition and remodel is in the back. Owners contacted the neighbors, who are all in favor of the project. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jay Plett, Architect - In the front, just adding a window and moving the existing bedroom window about a foot. The front façade does not change. Just replacing front door. Susan Burnett - Why are you moving the one little window with lights? Jay Plett, Architect - That’s not a window with lights but a window behind a decorative grid screen. The grid was added post 1941 to the closet window. Susan Burnett - Can you keep it? It is unique. Jay Plett, Architect - The new second window is in a shaded area and needs to bring in more light to the bathroom. The grid was added post 1941. It is not original to the house. PAGE 9 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Liked the design the first time with some minor tweaks. • Applicant is keeping and adding to the design to balance it out. • If we make recommendations to secure our approval and the applicant follows through, the committee should honor that action. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director to Approve a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second-Story Addition Greater than 100 Square Feet to an Existing Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R- 1:8. Located at 50 Hernandez Avenue. Seconded by Tim Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. Vice Chair Cheskin rejoined. 8. 223 Massol Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-012 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations and Additions to an Existing Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-16-020. PROPERTY OWNER: Kevin McLarney APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Architect - The upper front dormers will not move. They are unsightly. Moving the gable forward will lessen the view of these dormers from Massol Avenue. All the surrounding neighbors are in support of the project. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. PAGE 10 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2022 Jay Plett, Architect - The project is within the FAR. Not asking for any setback reductions. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • New design is an improvement on the prior design. • Additional space is within Town Guidelines. • The neighbors are in support. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to forward a recommendation to the Community Development Director to Approve the Construction of Exterior Alterations and Additions to an Existing Non-Contributing Single- Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:49 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the March 23, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 27, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on April 27, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, and Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe Absent: None VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – March 23, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Clark VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 17200 Los Robles Way Historic Review Request PHST-22-005 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:20 Located at 17200 Los Robles Way. APN 532-36-076. PROPERTY OWNER: Mark Von Kaenel APPLICANT: Tony Jeans PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty/Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Applicant presented the project. Tony Jeans, Applicant - Property was annexed in 1979. Owners lived there from 1953 until recently. Heirs provided the historic information. No people of note lived there. - One of three portions was sold to Mark Von Kaenel. They propose to demo the existing house. The structure and decking are in poor shape. Engineers recommend that it not be retained. The siding is not fireproof. The building has no historic note. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Tony Jeans, Applicant - The proposed plans for the three parcels are to build one house on an acre and a half at the top of the hill. Wooster Lane will provide access to the two smaller parcels at the bottom of the hill. There is a lot line adjustment due to a neighbor not wanting a house built near them. Opened and Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The building is barely within the historic time frame. • The structure is unsound. • Satisfies criteria for removal from the inventory. • Was not part of the Town until 1979 and was not part of the Bloomfield Study. • The photos do not show any significant historic architecture. • Commissioner Raspe expressed concern with the potential for overdevelopment of the site. Firetruck access is difficult there. PAGE 3 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:20 Located at 17200 Los Robles Way. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 3. 100 Tait Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS -22-022 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Multi-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-18-015. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Laurie Babula PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty/Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Applicant presented the project. Chris Spaulding, applicant - Project replaces the deck and steps for access to three units. Changing the front landing by removing the rock stairs. These are not historic nor the appropriate style and materials for the Almond Grove district. - Connect the front and side door landing for consistency and usefulness for the owners. - Enlarge overhang over one of the doors to encompass both entry doors. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Chris Spaulding, applicant - The base of each deck will consist of horizontal siding. This matches the siding under the water table on the main house. They are removing all the stone. Opened and Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Proposed changes are consistent with the style of the house. • The stone was added later. Victorian homes typically do not have stone. • The change in materials improves the structure. PAGE 4 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2022 • Keeping the entrance from the side is not necessary for historic style. Converting to the front matches other buildings in the neighborhood. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Recommend Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Multi- Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 327 University Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS -22-016 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-060. PROPERTY OWNER: Johan Back and Vibha Rao APPLICANT: Greenberg Design Gallery PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened and Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Why are the chimneys being removed? They are important features of the building. They are beautiful and have historical significance. Do not see any mention of structural issues. • The rebuilding of the house after the earthquake was to retain the historic details and the proposed changes are not consistent. • The sliding glass doors don’t match the historical features and involves removing a set of double doors. • The left elevation has an upper window that would be removed and this creates a large blank façade on the upper story of the building. • Need to explain and justify these exterior changes because they are caused by interior remodeling. • The changes are more contemporary than the rest of the house. PAGE 5 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Deny the Request for Approval for the Construction of Exterior Alterations, As Is, Without Explanation, to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University- Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 5. 222 Nicholson Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS -22-020 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations and Additions to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-048. PROPERTY OWNER: Chris and Alicia Cougill APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Applicant - Convert the existing garage into a master bedroom. The young family needs the space. The garage door will be replaced by a window. The side archway may be raised to match the height of the window. The wall lights may be removed to accommodate this. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jay Plett, Applicant - The arch shape would not change. Would like to keep the option to raise or not. Opened and Closed Public Comment Committee members discussed the matter. • Really well done. Didn’t notice the raised archway since it blended in so well. • The design improves the appearance of the property. • It fits in with the neighborhood. PAGE 6 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to forward a recommendation of approval of the above request to the Community Development Director. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the April 27, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 25, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on May 25, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – April 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 327 University Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-025 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-060. PROPERTY OWNER: Johan Back and Vibha Rao APPLICANT: Greenberg Design Gallery PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Enrique Eckhaus, Project Designer, Applicant presented the project. - Underneath the original fireplace is an existing central heater. The chimney is brick from the roof level up. There is nothing underneath. It is fake and not safe. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Enrique Eckhaus, Project Designer - They opened and looked underneath the fireplace. It is a hazard. The brick flue is in the air. Ginadi can verify. They don’t know when and why it was done this way by whomever did this modification. Ginadi, Project Manager, Contractor - There are two set of sliders proposed: one in the back and one to the right side of the house. Currently there are French doors that open all the way outside. - In the beginning of the project, the homeowners asked to keep the look of the house as much as possible. The only concern was the hazard of the fireplaces. They are very tall and may one day collapse. That is the reason to remove them. - After a few weeks into the project, they investigated the foundation. The rear fireplace has no footing in the foundation. Framing for a door had been put in with the fake fireplace outside. - Their in-house engineer recommended removal. It is impacting the foundation. Can already see movement in the foundation underneath the fireplace. - The door openings will change from 6 to 8 feet tall. They thought sliders that open to the side would make it more comfortable for the owners. If preferred, the doors can go back to French doors. PAGE 3 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Jonah Back, Owner - They are flexible on the door choices. But the chimneys missing the foundation is concerning. In the back of the house, they are beginning to see cracks in the ceiling. It is a safety risk. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Sliders don’t work with the style of the house. French doors would retain the historic look of the house. • Need written documentation about the chimneys being structurally unsound. • Were the chimneys a late addition and not historical? • The chimneys are aesthetically pleasing. But if the applicant feels unsafe, can the chimneys be fixed? • Is it a major or minor job to make the chimneys sound? • Continue for a third review with more information about the chimneys. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to continue this item to June 22, 2020 for additional information on the two chimneys and sliders. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3. 16405 Kennedy Road Historic Review Request PHST-22-006 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:10. APN 532-15-002. PROPERTY OWNER: Fevzi and Sevil Karavelioglu APPLICANT: Tony Jeans PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Tony Jeans, Applicant presented the project. - In 2012 this property was brought to the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) by a potential buyer. HPC decided there was no historic value. The current owner is considering a SB 9 lot split. Items that were wrong have been addressed. Windows are now vinyl or metal. The property was not included in the Sanborn and Bloomfield maps. Determined that no one of significant stayed there. PAGE 4 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Tony Jeans, Applicant - In 2012, this property was brought to the HPC by a potential buyer. HPC decided it had no historic value. After 2012, there was no major renovations. There were mainly Interior changes and some roof work done. Nothing was done to restore its historic integrity. Committee members discussed the matter. • Seems reasonable due to its condition and lack of historical significance. • Findings were met. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Approve a Request to Remove a Pre- 1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:10. Located at 16405 Kennedy Road. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 106 Royce Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-023 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Non- Contributing Commercial Building in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-04-025. PROPERTY OWNER: Rosa Family LLC APPLICANT: Todd Bayless PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Todd Bayliss, William Kempf Architects, Applicant presented the project - He is the architect and available to answer questions. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Todd Bayliss, Architect - He filled out application but did not see any neighborhood compatibility analysis matrix. PAGE 5 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Staff - Their application included photos of nearby structures. Todd Bayliss, Architect - He thinks that the existing building is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. But they are not proposing anything drastic except more pastel colors. Todd Bayliss, Architect - The mural was painted in 1998 by the prior tenant. There were no permits. It has not been maintained. The owner of the building recommended that it be replaced. The tenant has suggested a branding mural that reflects their logo and history. The mural has no significance with the Town. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The replacement building falls under the Committee’s purview. • The proposal makes it tidier, nicer, and more modern. • The original residential use was terminated at some point. The current commercial building was added. Nothing visually links it to the residential neighborhood across the street on University Avenue. • The proposed plans freshen and clean it up. Maintains its post-modern look. Does not anchor itself to the Victorian/Craftsman look of the University Avenue community. • It is Post-modern and not Victorian or Craftsman. • The proposal matches to its current style. • The building sits empty. Would like to see it in use. • Give the applicant the option to design with the neighborhood style in mind. • The Committee could continue the hearing to allow time for the applicant to add a nod to the neighborhood. Opened Public Comment. Todd Bayliss, Architect - They would need the owner’s input about adding design elements that fit with the surrounding neighborhood style. It would be a challenge to avoid a weird hybrid style. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Staff could work with the applicant to give a nod to the surrounding neighborhood. • Staff: the Committee reviews existing style and design. Project is bordered by a parking lot and is at the very edge of the University-Edelen Historic District. It is the only PAGE 6 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 structure facing Royce Street. The applicant can continue to work with the staff and then return to the Committee. • The applicant should have conversations with staff about how to blend in with the neighborhood without returning to the Committee. • The original style shall be maintained. The design should blend with or recognize the historic nature of the surrounding neighborhood. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to continue this item to have the applicant work with staff to consider comments made during the meeting to incorporate a nod to the neighborhood, so long as the applicant is willing to do so. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed. 3-1, Commissioner Clark opposed. 5. 17617 Bruce Avenue Historic Review Request PHST-22-008 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 410-11-008. PROPERTY OWNER: Ruth and Todd Slyngstad APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Gary Kohlsaat, Architect, Applicant presented the project - The property owners recently purchased this property with the intent to replace what is there. The previous addition has obliterated the original house. The style is not significant or historical. No significant resident has lived there, and the home was not designed by a significant architect. Much of the building has been modified and stripped away that it should be taken off the inventory. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Significant alterations were made, including a second story done in the 80’s. • No historical significance or style remains. • The building could benefit from significant reworking. • It doesn’t look historic. • It is an easy and clear decision. PAGE 7 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 17617 Bruce Avenue. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 6. 60 Rogers Street Historic Review Request PHST-22-007 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Window Replacement) to a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:20. APN 529-33-055. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Kiavash and Emily Baratzadeh PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Kia Baratzadeh, Owner/Applicant presented the project - They bought the house a year ago. They love it. They want to maintain the visual look of the Spanish revival style home. They would like to use the best possible materials to preserve the architecture and visual appeal of the home. The policy for historic properties is to replace like for like windows. The existing wood windows are single paned. They would like to use superior fiberglass windows with interior wood, gridlines, and double- paned Low-E glass for enhanced energy efficiencies. Last winter they ran the heater a lot because of the cold. They wanted to run this project by the Committee before purchasing. Committee members asked questions of the applicant Kia Baratzadeh, Owner/Applicant - They will maintain the look of the windows. Most of the windows are arched at the top. The new arched windows would have wood on the interior side for casement and fiberglass exterior on the exterior. - Some windows in the kitchen are rectangular and would not need a wood interior. - The fiberglass windows come pre-painted in a variety of trim color. They could choose a creamy white to match or bronze to go with the Spanish revival style. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 8 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Committee members discussed the matter. • Concerned about maintaining the look of the windows. Need to see drawings. • If the arched windows must be custom-made, there would not be a catalogue to see. We could not see the final product until construction. • Technology has changed. In 2022 window efficiencies have improved with use of new materials but with the look of wood. • The entire window opening visually stays the same, but the material used will change. • They should replicate the appearance of the existing widows. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Approve the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Window Replacement) to a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:20 subject to the condition that the windows that are being replaced will replicate the existing windows with exception of the materials, where appropriate, the proposed fiberglass clad substitute material. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 7. 223 Tait Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-22-024 Forward a Recommendation of Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Technical Demolition of a Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-004. PROPERTY OWNER: Mark and Tammy De Mattei APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jay Plett, Applicant presented the project - They intend to remodel and add on to the home in a manner consistent with the Almond Grove neighborhood. The existing house’s plaster will remain, though not much is left. They would like to use Anderson Series 1 windows. The fiberglass is superior to wood. They are including an ADU. The project is not over the FAR. They have provided a few comparison photos of a home with a two story addition, and a plaster art and crafts style PAGE 9 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 home. The original house did not have a style. It was not mentioned in Bloomfield survey. The owner has done neighborhood outreach. Mark De Mattei, Owner - He shared his plans and has had some conversations with addresses across the street and to the right of the home. He has been knocking on doors for neighborhood outreach and will continue. Close Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Forward a Recommendation of Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Technical Demolition of a Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 8. 33 Walnut Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-22-003 Requesting Approval for Technical Demolition of a Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510-41-007. PROPERTY OWNER: Jeffrey Siegel APPLICANT: David V. Hernandez, Architect, Heritage Architecture PLANNER: Erin Walters Vice Chair Cheskin recused himself from Item 8, 33 Walnut Avenue, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jeffrey Siegel, Owner/Applicant presented the project - This is a review of what was previously approved by the HPC. They want to extend an architectural feature to keep it proportionate to the new front porch. The roof accents are not the same proportion as to the original porch so they will be extended. PAGE 10 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • It is under a 2019 HPC approval with minor modifications. • The modifications seem minor and non-consequential. • Seems straight forward and recommend approval MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Recommend for Approval to the Community Development Director for the Technical Demolition of a Pre- 1941 Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed. (3-0) Vice Chair Cheskin recused. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 9. 25 W. Main Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application PHST-22-009 Preliminary Review for Construction of Exterior Modifications and an Addition to a Contributing Commercial Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017. PROPERTY OWNER: Reveal Corp. APPLICANT: Gordon Wong, Gkw Architects PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report Opened public comment. Gordon Wong, Munenari Hirata, and Jenny Wong, of Gkw Architects, Applicant presented the project - This project is trying to preserve the building and grade. They are focusing on accessibility and preserving the front façade. Upgrades will cover fire suppression, building code, accessible parking, and an accessible ramp. Theresa Warren, Owner - They are downsizing the project. They want to bring the building back to life. They are not adding footage but improving it with newer windows, and ADA compliance. PAGE 11 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Mune, Applicant - The first floor use is for business/retail and the second floor use is for office. Gordon Wong, Applicant - There is no residential use. The use reflects what was previously there. They wanted to keep the second floor use flexible and prevent mechanical, electrical, and plumbing changes. The rear staircase is the only access to the second floor. It touches, as minimally as possible, the exterior walls to maintain the siding, window configurations, and roof. Closed public comment. Committee members provided the following comments: • Relocation of the front door works with the building. • Supportive of the proposal. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the May 25, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 22, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on June 22, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, and Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe. Absent: None. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – May 25, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 106 Royce Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-023 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Non- Contributing Commercial Building in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-04-025. PROPERTY OWNER: Rosa Family LLC APPLICANT: Todd Bayless PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Continued from 5/25/2022 Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Todd Bayless, Applicant - 106 Royce Ave is a modernist style building. Though it is in the University Edelen district, it is a non-contributing structure. Based off this and the details outlined in the documents provided in your attachments, this project should be reviewed based on its merits alone. This project proposes a modest exterior remodel, involving mostly tenant improvements. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Non-historic commercial buildings and downtown parking lots are directly adjacent to this subject property. The buildings placement and unique design make it difficult to apply the specific guidelines developed for historic districts. Applying the Edelen Historic District standards to this property may not be appropriate in this unique case. • Committee members are largely supportive of the project. • Members discussed how the existing modern style building stands alone in the neighborhood, and how its presence is not necessarily negative. • Committee members like and support the design. The work proposed visually improves the existing building while maintaining its modernist structure. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Approve the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Non-Contributing Commercial Building in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. PAGE 3 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 3. 327 University Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-025 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-060. PROPERTY OWNER: Johan Back and Vibha Rao APPLICANT: Greenberg Design Gallery PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Continued from 5/25/2022 Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Committee asked questions of Staff Opened Public Comment. Enrique Eckhouse, Project Designer, presented the project. - They are keeping the chimneys. They have changed the sliding doors to French doors. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The applicant addressed all our concerns. • We asked the applicant to provide structural justification and they have gone beyond by keeping the chimneys. • We appreciate that the applicant listened. • The revised design is very attractive and meets all our concerns. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to Approve the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R- 1D:LHP. Located at 327 University Avenue. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 4 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 4. 198 Broadway Minor Development in a Historic District HS-22-028 Requesting Approval for Modification of a Previously Approved Project on an Existing Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned HR-5:LHP. APN 510-43-001. PROPERTY OWNERS/APPLICANT: Heidi Bigge PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Committee asked questions of Staff Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Heidi Bigge, Owner - They made some changes but didn’t realize it would be an issue. Maintained 100% and improved upon the character of the house. They wanted to see outside so deleted the lites in the windows - Six-inch square beams wrapped in curvilinear Victorian didn’t seem to work. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Heidi Bigge, Owner - Though the lites are missing from the windows, they are double hung. Match other houses in the area. The garage doors and front door are made of wood taken from the original carriage house. - The changes were a combination of aesthetics and structural. The light in the top window was for aesthetics. Some of the windows were moved due to the framing of the house and other windows were moved to balance the house. Susan Burnett, Resident - The house looks very different. The left and right side look different. The biggest problem are the windows and garage doors. We would like to see more lites put in the windows garage doors. There’s no comparison to what it looked like before. Heidi Bigge, Owner - Though the lites are missing from the windows, they are double hung. They match other houses in the area. The garage doors and front door were made of wood taken from the original carriage house. PAGE 5 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • I feel uncomfortable with approving these changes when clear direction was given in the past. The changes were not requested or approved. I’m concerned about setting precedent in approving construction that did not conform to the original approved design. • The window design is important to the committee. It is a big jump from installing windows with divided lites to big panes of glass. The window and garage door are too different. • It is difficult to remedy. Not require the applicant to redo all the work. The columns are okay, and the window locations are okay. But counsel the applicant to make those two sets of changes. • Columns are alright. Window location is okay. Remedy the garage doors and the lites in the windows. • Even though made from old wood, the new garage doors don’t look historic. Would like to see them changed. • Ask the applicant to go back and look at the columns and see what can be done. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to forward a recommendation of approval of the above request to the Community Development Director with direction to add the divided lites to the windows and revise the garage doors to be consistent with the approved plans. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed (3-1). Vice Chair Cheskin opposed. Appeal rights were recited. 5. 44 Bayview Avenue Request for Review PHST-22-011 Requesting Approval to Modify the Previously Approved Window Materials on a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1D. APN 510-44-020. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: David Ladan Ralston PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Committee members asked questions of staff. Opened Public Comment. PAGE 6 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 Applicant presented the project. David Ladan Ralston, Owner/Applicant - The goal is to do like for like replacement. The wood window has Fibrex as the cladding material and is paintable. We’re not proposing changes to the divided lights or window appearance. It is for energy efficiency and maintenance. If approved, happy to have you all over to see what it looks like. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. David Ladan Ralston, Owner/Applicant - Yes, it is fully paintable. Susan Burnett, Resident - She has a comment about the windows. New guidelines come about as times change. She was at the Argonaut window store. The new windows involve the sash, framing and exterior look of the window. The exterior look can also be replicated by the contractor and not just when the window is bought. It depends on how the window is finished up. Particular attention should be paid to how to use the new material to make it appealing from the street. Jay Plett could provide good guidelines. David Ladan Ralston, Owner/Applicant - Yes, we are already working with Jay Plett to incorporate his insights into our design. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • In favor of the new product if the windows are paintable, look like wood, and are energy efficient. • Approve the project since it’s a like for like change. • Thank you to the applicant for bringing it to the committee and. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to recommend approval to the Community Development Director to Modify the Previously Approved Window Materials on a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1D. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 7 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 6. 64 Fairview Plaza Request for Review PHST-22-0012 Consider a Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510-43-008. Property Owner: Ben Cohen and Helen Clark Applicant: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Architect Applicant - The 1888 map shows nothing. The 1928 map shows a home up front. The 1944 map shows a home up front. Currently there is not a home but an apartment building up front with a house behind. They both have an inconsistent mix of detailing. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jay Plett, Architect Applicant - Yes, If the siding was replaced it is considered technically demolished. That’s one of the criteria for preserving a historic house. - It’s a steep lot. It is doubtful that it was moved there. It would have been cheaper to build a new house. - Even if historic, there is nothing of merit. There is Victorian railing on a folk house. the railing is ornate and was installed, instead of at the historic height of 24 inches, it is at the current code height of 36 inches. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The home was not at its current location in 1941. • It was newly built vs transported. • Later there was a technical demo when siding was replaced. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Approve the Request to Remove a Presumptive Historic Property (Pre-1941) from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 64 Fairview Plaza. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 8 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 7. 68 Fairview Plaza Architecture and Site Application S-22-007 Requesting Approval for Construction of an Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence Located in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-43-009. PROPERTY OWNER: Jan and Irena Blom APPLICANT: Jay Plett PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Architect Applicant - This is a new house built in 2001. It’s a good example of new home in a historic district. It fits on the site and is not ostentatious. It is a non- conforming lot of only 5000 square feet in an 8000 square feet district. The materials used on the addition will match the house. The door and window design will be the same as the house. The addition will not be visible from the street. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Jay Plett, Architect Applicant - Yes, they will use sliders on the addition. There are sliding doors elsewhere. There is an existing door leading to the patio that they may salvage and reuse in the front. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Addition isn’t visible from the street. • Original and modified plans are acceptable. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to forward a recommendation of approval of the above request to the Community Development Director. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 9 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 8. 15950 Stephenie Lane Historic Review Request PHST-22-010 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 523-25-051. Property Owner: David Alves Applicant: Payman Farzaneh PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. David Alves, Owner - The property was originally part of the county. It was split up several times. Existing parcel number does not show any permits. Original home built in 1940 was 1,627 square feet. It was significantly remodeled in 1970 and 1999. Doubled in square footage. Satellite photos show the change in size and shape. It’s been remodeled quite a bit. It doesn’t exhibit any special character, architectural interest, or value. Photos show unremarkable exterior. Now have the permits from the county that show the 1970 and 1999 remodels. Payman Farzaneh, Applicant - He is part of the design team. Only Interior renovations except for a few window locations. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The house doubled in size over the years. • Significant alterations make it a likely candidate for removal from the inventory. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Approve a Request to Remove a Pre- 1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 15950 Stephenie Lane. Seconded by Commissioner Clark VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. PAGE 10 OF 10 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2022 OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the June 22, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JULY 27, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on July 27, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe, and Committee Member Susan Burnett. Absent: Chair Timothy Lundell VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – June 22, 2022 MOTION: Motion Commissioner Raspe to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 27, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 17621 High Street Request for Review PHST-22-013 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned HR-1 Located at 17621 High Street. APN 532-23-095. Historic Review Request PHST-22-013. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: David Hutchison PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Item 2 postponed due to Applicant not being present. 3. 50 University Avenue, Suite 220 Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-038 Requesting Approval for Exterior Alterations to a Commercial Building in the University- Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP:PD. Located at 50 University Avenue, Suite 220. APN 529-02-044. PROPERTY OWNER: Federal Realty Wester Region APPLICANT: Ailee Johnson, Tricarico Architecture and Design PC PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Evangeline Chen, Applicant - This is a new tenant with a brand color of navy blue. The color of the wainscotting is to balance the awning color. The corner acts as a natural edge termination for the color. The blue color selection bridges the brand to the shopping center. The blue color will attract some attention from the street without altering the feel of the center. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 3 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 27, 2022 Committee members discussed the matter. • This shopping center has a Mission style and is in a Historic District. The center has a consistent look to it. The blue awning and wainscotting would make it look inconsistent. The blue awning would face the front along University Avenue. Their proposal has a modern feel. • The proposed style of the awnings has open sides and looks more modern. • Prefer homogeneous mission style and color in the awning. • Prefer using the awning style with sides. • The shade of blue is understated. It is not a bright blue. • No objection to the color. Reasonable for a business to want to use their brand color. • Agree with using the existing awning style, but not necessarily the change in color. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to approve the change in the color of the awning and wainscotting into the color scheme as presented in the packet. Subject to the requirement that applicant use the awning style currently in place throughout the shopping center. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed 3-1. Susan Burnett opposed. Appeal rights were recited. Item 2 continued. Applicant is now present. 2. 17621 High Street Request for Review PHST-22-013 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned HR-1 Located at 17621 High Street. APN 532-23-095. Historic Review Request PHST-22-013. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: David Hutchison PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. David Hutchison, Owner/Applicant - House has been added to over the years. It was built by an amateur during the summer months. David is the third owner. The second owner is deceased. He’s spoken to the first owners. There was no historical significance. The property is in disrepair. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 4 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 27, 2022 Committee members discussed the matter. • It’s a structure originally built in 1936. It is not in an overlay zone, not included in the Sanborn Maps, nor part of the Bloomfield Study. It originally covered 350 square feet and has now quadrupled in size. Most of the construction was built after 1941. It has an interesting story but is in poor condition. • Comes before HPC based on the date of construction. It has vastly changed since then. • Sad to see the old cottages go. • It’s possible to refurbish and reuse old windows. • Hope the new owners will consider reusing the rocks to build a rock wall in front as seen throughout the town. • It’s a different structure from what was built in 1936. • Impressed by the background work and care by the applicant. • Hope the elements can be re-incorporated. MOTION: Motion by Steve Raspe to Committee to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned HR-1 Located at 17621 High Street. Seconded by Susan Burnett. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 4-0 OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 4. 114 Wilder Avenue Request for Review PHST-22-014 Preliminary Review for Demolition of an Existing Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards and a Variance to Front Yard Setbacks Requirements on Property Located in the Almond Grove Historic District Zoned R-1D:LHP. PROPERTY OWNER: Alvaro Anzoategui APPLICANT: David Kuoppamaki PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report Opened public comment. Applicant presented the project. PAGE 5 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 27, 2022 Alvaro Anzoategui, Applicant - They wanted to make sure what the character of the neighborhood should be. Hopefully no foam covered by stucco. If so, they will correct it. Closed public comment. Committee members and staff provided the following comments: • Agree with removing and demolishing the structure. • There are other houses on the street that are over the FAR. • The original house had white brick. Like the brick chimneys and columns. Like Incorporating original materials into the new design. • The garage design is very nice, but the brown door stands out too much. Maybe use a different color that blends in more. • Staff: Wrought iron railings around the light wells are used for safety. There are four lightwells to provide light, air and egress into the basement. • There are no other white painted brick chimneys present in this historic neighborhood. • Like the symmetry and design. Material choices are generally good. • Concerned about the massing. The building seems pushed forward towards the street. Break up the large vertical face. Possibly set back the second story, instead of a large straight up and down face. • The style matches the other homes, but the massing is larger. • Eliminate or minimize the lightwell on the front porch. If possible, move it to a less prominent location. • Staff: The enclosed structure would not enter the setback. Only part of the front porch would extend into the setback. • Staff: The proposed structure is skewed to fit the property lines. • Articulate the front to break up the massing. • Staff: The proposed structure is pushed further back from the property line and front street. But it is taller. 5. Welcome to new HPC member Susan Burnett Susan Burnett was on the General Plan Committee and Housing Element Advisory Board. She is very happy to be on the HPC. She has learned a lot from being on some of the other committees. She is not against growth but wants to maintain the feel of the Town. She considers herself as a steward and feels responsible for what the Town has. In comparison, Saratoga now only has two historic streets left. This is a result of bigger homes being built, and lots being taken up. She also hopes to continue learning. PAGE 6 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 27, 2022 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:52 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the July 27, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 24, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on August 24, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, and Committee Member Susan Burnett. Absent: Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – July 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 150 Oak Hill Way Request for Review PHST-22-016 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:20. APN 529-32-020. PROPERTY OWNER: Matthias Knaur APPLICANT: Barbara Chambers PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Barbara Chambers - Client’s grandmother and previous relatives have lived there. It was rented for many years and is in disrepair. They would like to tear down or relocate the house to make parking possible. They would like to take it off the Historic Resources Inventory. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • There is no real features, special character or historical value. Hopefully the replacement will have some past character such as a gable roof, window styles, etc. • Staff: The property is deemed historic solely based on the construction date. • Some properties are just old and not historical. • It would be nice to have it return to HPC when removed from Inventory and a new build is proposed. Would like some say on the new structure. • Staff: As a part of the approved 2040 General Plan there are implementation programs. They would look at the inventory and consider any modifications. • Staff: Those properties that are within a historic district, and allowed to be demolished, would return to the HPC. If a property is not in a historic district, taken off the inventory, and demolished, it would not return to the HPC. These properties would be reviewed under the residential design guidelines, which include neighborhood compatibility, building form, and consistency. • Staff: The Planning Commission would look to the HPC for recommendations or special studies. The Town Council would make the final determination. PAGE 3 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:20. Located at 150 Oak Hill Way. Based on the Findings in the Report. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 3. 39 Reservoir Road Request for Review PHST-22-015 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D Located at 39 Reservoir Road. APN 529-33-022. PROPERTY OWNER: Tuyet Pham APPLICANT: Thanh Nguyen PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Thanh Nguyen, Applicant - He is representing the owner. The house has undergone many alterations from 1900 to 1990. The three units have many different exterior finishes. It is poorly constructed without a foundation or footings. They want to upgrade the structure. Fixing the window trims, siding damage, etc. will change the architecture of the house. They would like to have it taken off the inventory. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • This house has a little more integrity and character than the prior project. We can’t comment on the proposed structure. But we appreciate the architect maintaining the look of the original structure with similar gables. • This is not a close call. It has undergone so many alterations. I support having it removed. • I liked seeing the future project plans. PAGE 4 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 • At what point does the committee’s focus shift from taking a property off the inventory to keeping it as a historic property but with significant rehabilitation. The Bloomfield survey did find merit with the property as recently as 1990. • I like the look and feel of it. It’s not in that bad of shape. Keeping it on the inventory allows HPC to have some purview. • Staff: We can include in the minutes the committees’ feedback on their future plans. • Staff: Leaving it on the Historic Inventory could potentially penalize the homeowners by making it more expensive to proceed and trigger a technical demolition. • The committee’s criteria for removal should be based on the substantial changes done to the property. • I haven’t studied the new plans enough to say it’s a technical demo, but we don’t want to punish the applicant for sharing their plans. • Just keeping something on the inventory to retain the power to review is not fair. It should be removed based on whether it deserves to be on the inventory • We don’t know if keeping it on the inventory triggers a technical demolition. • Staff: The technical demo of a non-historic structure is allowed up to 50 percent. The technical demo of a home in the historic inventory is restricted to a 25 percent demo. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 39 Reservoir Road. Property to be restored similar to the plans presented includes the findings detailed in the application findings. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 25 W. Main Street Architecture and Site Application S-22-039 Variance Application V-22-011 Requesting Approval for Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, including Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Driveway Length on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017. PROPERTY OWNER: Reveal Corp. APPLICANT: Gordon Wong, Gkw Architects PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. PAGE 5 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 Applicant presented the project. Gordon Wong, Applicant - Their goal was to have the lowest impact to the building. The front door was the biggest issue. The current corner location posed accessibility and safety issues. The main addition is a new exterior enclosed stairway located at the rear of the building to bring the building up to code. The stairway enclosure does not alter the roof or the pop outs on the roof. They will provide an accessible ramp and parking. These changes are good for fire and mechanical upgrades. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. • Concerned about modifying the existing doors and windows around. The corner door has been there at least 50 years. Can the door remain at the corner? Gordon Wong, Applicant - They found a photo from 1949 showing the front door located on the left of the front elevation and not at the corner. The business was Sund T.V. Store. Staff shared the 1949 photo on the computer screen. Gordon Wong, Applicant - The photo was hanging in a neighboring business. The original front door has become a window now. They propose to keep the original siding, roof slopes, make, feel, texture, etc. The front two windows need to be replaced. They are proposing real wood windows to be replaced in kind. They are entirely made of wood by Milgard. Milgard is a brand name. Theresa Warren, Co-Property Owner - They have reduced the original project scope in half. The building has become dilapidated. They want to get the historic building back into to a working state. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Request to include in the motion the protected elements: transoms, parapet wall, one big window, and the look of two big windows. Replace the windows in kind with wood windows. • The proposed plans include all the stated elements so it’s not necessary to add them into the motion. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Approve the Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, PAGE 6 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 including Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Driveway Length on Property Zoned C-2:LHP, with the understanding that the application includes a proposal for replacing windows as they appear on the plans. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 5. 202 University Avenue Variance Application V-22-003 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Variances to the Accessory Structure Lot Coverage Standard and to the Side and Rear Setback Requirements for a Detached Accessory Structure on Property Located in the University-Edelen Historic District Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-001. PROPERTY OWNER: Tyler and Kristine Shewey APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Armer for Sean Mullin Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Applicant - After the first HPC meeting, they scaled back on the size of the ADU. They worked with the neighbors on the location of the ADU to preserve the view corridor. If the garage was not located on a corner lot, the FAR would have been allowed. The garage should fit with the ADU. There are 9 other garages with smaller side yard setbacks, 5 with smaller rear yard setbacks; 2 garages with larger with floor areas; and 1 garage with a larger floor area of 880 square feet. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Impressed that the view corridors of the neighbors were considered, and adjustments made. • Rare to see a project to return to show how they accommodated their neighbors. PAGE 7 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 • In favor of this project. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Forward a Recommendation of Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Variances to the Accessory Structure Lot Coverage Standard and to the Side and Rear Setback Requirements for a Detached Accessory Structure on Property Located in the University-Edelen Historic District Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 6. The Committee can only discuss items on the agenda during public hearings. Please send an email to Committee Liaison Jennifer Armer to propose future agenda items. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:13 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the August 24, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe, and Committee Member Susan Burnett. Absent: Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – August 24, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Burnett to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice Chair Barry Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 2 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 16665 Magneson Loop Request for Review PHST-22-0018 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 523-06-023. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Alireza Dibazar PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Alireza Dibazar - He and his wife bought the property early this month. They don’t have a plan yet, but want to change it, extend it, and make a newer building. They will do this based on the Town’s guidelines, compatibility with the neighborhood, and recommendations from the Committee. Research was done by the previous owner, Mr. Michael Clem. He believes that the existing building has been compromised. Photos show where the building has been changed based on differences in roofline, siding, and other characteristics. Mr. Clem used various libraries for the research. None of the previous owners lived there. Mr. Joseph Talen may have made the extension. Mr. Clem called it a “Ranch-alow” which is a combination style of ranch and bungalow. The structure doesn’t have the same distinct shape as the neighboring homes. The property was annexed into Los Gatos around 1987. Nothing special was noted for the past 35 years. Closed Public Comment Committee members discussed the matter. • The applicant can still change the house while on the Historic Inventory, but with a few more general guidelines. There needs to be good reasons to take it off the inventory. In 1991, architectural historian Anne Bloomfield recommended adding 8 more groups to the 5 existing districts. One was called the Magneson Recognition group. Nine homes were described as contributors. One home, called the Magneson cottage, was designed by Berkeley architect William Yellen. It was an example of Hansel and Gretel architecture. The Historic Inventory is based on different criteria. Criteria of building type. There are lots of homes in Los Gatos designed as California Cottage. The style is single-story California Cottage. The builder, Mr. Magneson, was the property developer PAGE 3 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 of this subdivision and was on the title of this property. He contributed to the community. This house has already shown some significance. This was one of the first developments in Los Gatos. The character of the neighborhood evokes a time and place. We are losing these pockets. There must be strong evidence to remove a property. Being on the inventory doesn’t prevent working on the house. There isn’t enough evidence for removal. • We are reluctant to remove anything from the inventory, but it meets the criteria for removal. • The photographs show a mixed jumble of styles. There is not enough guidance for an architect to come back with historical plan. • If a property is taken off the inventory, any subsequent proposal must still follow the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines. • The Committee has been tasked with five factors to consider. The applicant has shown the property wasn’t a part of Town until 1987. There is no distinct style. It’s a mix of styles. • The street has a flavor to it. It wasn’t part of the town when overlay zones were created. • We desire to keep properties on the inventory; but we are bound to apply the rules as they exist. • What type of review will it undergo if it is taken off the historic inventory? • Staff: The Town relies on the Residential Design Guidelines. The Town’s Consulting Architect will consider if it is compatible with the neighborhood. If it is the first 2nd story house, the project is generally forwarded to the Planning Commission. • If we leave it on the inventory, it goes through a design review, so why take it off the inventory? • Staff: There are less restrictions and more flexibility to build if it’s not on the inventory. There is more flexibility to rebuild if the house is in disrepair, and more flexibility to rebuild where there is damage over time. Even if they wanted to keep the original style, the material may have degraded. The primary differences are changes in demolition requirement and review by HPC versus another deciding body. In either case, the Residential Design Guidelines will be applied. • The Committee encourages the applicant to keep in mind the nature of the neighborhood. • Because there are strong feelings among the neighbors, it would be a good idea to work with the neighbors when the applicant has a design. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 16665 Magneson Loop. Seconded by Vice Chair Barry Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed (3-1) Burnett opposed. PAGE 4 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 Appeal rights were recited. 3. 114 Wilder Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-22-030 Variance Application V-22-002 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Demolition of an Existing Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed the Floor Area Ratio Standards, and a Variance to the Front Yard Setback Requirements and the Parking Requirements on Property Located in the Almond Grove Historic District and Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-072. PROPERTY OWNER: Alvaro Anzoategui APPLICANT: David Kuoppamaki PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Committee asked questions of Staff. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. David Kuoppamaki, Applicant/Designer - David apologized for missing the prior meeting. Based on that meeting David provided responses to the massing, the garage door finish color, the front bricks, and guardrails. Provided photos of houses in the Almond Grove District with similar traits. Here to go over design for fine tuning. Available for questions. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. David Kuoppamaki, Applicant/Designer - They are working with staff to identify comparisons in the neighborhood. There are no garages in the front in this neighborhood. Most of the garages in the neighborhood are in the back or alleyways. But for this lot the back area was sold and is now a commercial parking lot. The lot is too small to add a two-car garage in the front. Many other homes have a larger FAR. They need to verify what was included in those FAR calculations. The house does fit in the front setback, but the front porch does not. Other homes have a similar situation. - The owners were hoping to use whitewashed brick. But if that is not acceptable they can use normal brick or shingle siding. They can use normal brick to soften the feeling of the garage door. The garage door will match the front door. PAGE 5 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 - They will consider a garage door style that looks more traditional. - To reduce the massing, they are using a plate height of 5 ft 1 inch instead of the normal 8 ft. The building would be 1.5 versus 2 stories high. There will be a trellis over the garage to soften the look. Staff: We have identified one home in the immediate neighborhood that exceeds the FAR. There are an additional six more outside the immediate area that exceed the FAR. Staff: Can add specific modifications to the motion and it will not need to return to HPC. Or it can be continued to another meeting for further review. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The chimney and garage door design fits with the neighborhood. • Need to see the comparison of sizing to other houses in the area. • The tandem parking makes sense since there is no parking in the back. • Need to see the square footage of comparable homes. • The front facing massing still needs to be addressed. • An entire façade of brick doesn’t seem consistent with the neighborhood. • Whitewash brick is a modern look and not consistent with the historic neighborhood. • Consider a less modern garage door, stylistically. • The item could continue to another meeting with more information or changes. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to continue the matter for the property located at 114 Wilder Avenue. Wherein the applicant is seeking a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Demolition of an Existing Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed the Floor Area Ratio Standards, and a Variance to the Front Yard Setback Requirements and the Parking Requirements until a the next regularly scheduled future HPC meeting date. Included is the recommendation that the applicant incorporate the committee’s comments regarding exterior brick finish, front facing massing, and garage door finishes. Seconded by Member Burnett. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) None. PAGE 6 OF 6 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the September 28, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager