Staff Report.Los Gatos Blvd Rescission PREPARED BY: Jennifer Armer, AICP Planning Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/18/2022 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: January 13, 2022 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Adopt a Resolution to Rescind the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution to rescind the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan (Attachment 2). BACKGROUND: The Los Gatos Boulevard Plan (www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/373) was adopted in 1997 by Resolutions 1997-036 and -038 (Attachment 1, Exhibits 2 and 3). Over the last number of years there have been many comments regarding the fact that the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan may no longer be relevant given the adoption of the Commercial Design Guidelines in 2005, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan updated in 2020, and the pending draft 2040 General Plan. The draft 2040 General Plan currently includes an Implementation Program that calls for the rescission of the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan. On May 25, 2021, the Council Policy Committee considered and recommended the rescission of the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan (Attachment 1, Exhibits 4 and 5). On December 8, 2021, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the Town Council rescind the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan. DISCUSSION: As stated in the December 8, 2021 Planning Commission Staff Report (Attachment 1), Town staff have reviewed the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan and have confirmed that all elements are either included in or superseded by the Commercial Design Guidelines (adopted in 2005) and Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (updated in 2020). PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Los Gatos Boulevard Plan Rescission DATE: January 13, 2022 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council adopt a Resolution (Attachment 2) to rescind the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan. COORDINATION: The information contained in this report was coordinated with the Parks and Public Works Department and Town Attorney. FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of the resolution to rescind the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan has no fiscal impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15061(b)(3), in that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this project will have a significant effect on the environment. Attachments: 1. December 8, 2021 Planning Commission Staff Report 2. Resolution to Rescind the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan