11-15-22 Minutes - DRC 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 2022 The Development Review Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Teleconference Meeting on November 15, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. This meeting was conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and was conducted via Zoom. All committee members and staff participated from remote locations and all voting was conducted via roll call vote. In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, the public could only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present: Jennifer Armer, CDD Planning; Robert Gray, CDD Building; Corvell Sparks, PPW Engineering; and Kenny Ip, SCCFD. Absent: None. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes – October 11, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Robert Gray to approve the consent calendar. Seconded by Corvell Sparks. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. PAGE 2 OF 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 2022 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2022\11-15-22 Minutes - DRC.docx PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 86 Central Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-22-004 Requesting Approval for Construction of Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned R-1:10. APN 529-35-057. PROPERTY OWNER: Brent and Courtney Brennan APPLICANT: Matt Aranda, Tech Con Corp. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin The project planner presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Matt Aranda, Applicant The project is a backyard renovation. It is a challenge because it is in the Hillside area. There are remnants of retaining walls and terraces from past work; it is difficult to use and maintain. Goal is to create useable and safe space for the family. They plan to minimize impact to hillside by creating a couple of terraced areas for dining and recreation. They are keeping the retaining walls at max height allowed by guidelines and using natural filling material to fill the walls. The plans meet the requirement of the Town and needs of the owners. They have received unsolicited support from the community. Leandra Martin, Neighbor They are excited to see the renovation plans. The yard used to have more useful backyard area, but it is now overgrown. They are in support of the project. Anne-Sophie Nora, Neighbor The owners have been very open and communicative. They fully support the project. Courtney Brennan, Owner They want to improve the backyard. It is currently an eyesore and a fire hazard. Matt Aranda, Applicant They wish that the owners take full advantage of the home and yard. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 3 OF 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 2022 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2022\11-15-22 Minutes - DRC.docx MOTION: Motion by Kenny Ip to approve with required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Seconded by Robert Gray. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. Appeal rights were recited. 3. 15910 Rochin Terrace Architecture and Site Application S-22-018 Requesting Approval for Demolition of an Existing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 523-25- 017. PROPERTY OWNERS: Shervin Shahidi and Parisa Mazrooei APPLICANT: Azadeh Masrour PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman The project planner presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Azadeh Masrour, AMS Design, Applicant They addressed all the concerns from the Town and neighbors. Closed Public Comment. MOTION: Motion by Robert Gray to approve with required findings and recommended conditions of approval. Seconded by Corvell Sparks. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously 4-0. Appeal rights were recited. OTHER BUSINESS - None. PAGE 4 OF 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 2022 N:\DEV\DRC\MINUTES\Min 2022\11-15-22 Minutes - DRC.docx ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned 10:27 a.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the November 15, 2022 meeting as approved by the Development Review Committee. Prepared by: ________________________________________ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager