Item 2 - Addendum and Attachment 7 PREPARED BY: Jennifer Armer, AICP Planning Manager Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/12/2022 ITEM NO: 2 ADDENDUM DATE: October 11, 2022 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-22-004. Project Location: 405 Alberto Way. APN: 529-23-018. Property Owner: Randy Lamb, LPG Development. Applicant: Greg G. Bucilla III, Bucilla Group Architecture Requesting Preliminary Review of a Proposal for Construction of Two Multi- Family Buildings in a Mixed Use-Project on Property Zoned CH. REMARKS: Attachment 7 includes additional public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 7, 2022, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 11, 2022. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously with October 12, 2022 Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. CDAC Application 3. Project Description Letter 4. Waivers and Concessions Letter 5. Conceptual Site Development Plans 6. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 7, 2022 Attachments with this Addendum: 7. Public Comment received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 7, 2022, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 11, 2022 This Page Intentionally Left Blank From: Yang Liu Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 7:02 PM To: Planning Comment Cc: liu Yang Subject: Concern on proposed project at 405 Alberto Way EXTERNAL SENDER RE: 405 Alberto Way- Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-22-004. Proposal for Construction of Two Multi-Family Buildings in a Mixed-Use Project on Property Zoned CH. APN 529-23-018. To whom it may concern, I’m writing to express my concern on the proposed project at 405 Alberto Way. The project includes two 4-story (including garage) buildings that are too big and tall in this area. It will further lead to heavy pollution in this already crowded area. Currently, there are one restaurant, one health facility, Best Western Inn ,and four residual condominium complexes with only one single lane road out of this small area. The congestions of traffic will be serious. Air pollution will certainly become worse. This will affect not only people currently living in the area, but also the potential owners/renters in the proposed buildings. So I strongly suggest that the proposal be revised accordingly. Sincerely, Yang Liu ATTACHMENT 7 From: Eleanor Vogelsang Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2022 4:07 PM To: Planning Comment Subject: written comments: CD-22-004 / APN 529-23-018 EXTERNAL SENDER To: Los Gatos Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Re: CD-22-004 / APN 529-23-018 We are longtime proponents of dense living and adamantly believe the Bay Area and Los Gatos need more housing options – particularly with greater affordability options. However, the proposed development at 405 Alberto Way (CD-22-004/APN 529-23-018) will cause more problems than it solves. The population increase that would come with the addition of 54 units and the general design concept cannot be supported in this neighborhood as it currently exists. Following are the specific problems we see with the current design: (1) Egress and volume: there is only one way in and out of Alberto Way. Adding 54 units without increasing the availability of other avenues into/out of the neighborhood strikes me as woefully short sighted to manage traffic flow. Given the ongoing increase in use of delivery services, I do not see how this small street can support the addition of 54 additional units ordering from mail delivery. (2) School + Commute Traffic impact: traffic in the mornings between commuters and parents getting their kids to school already bottlenecks both on Route 9 and LG Boulevard. (3) Parking: this is already a terrible issue on our street almost every evening and on weekends. Asa restaurant staff and patrons already use up a good percentage of the available street parking on days they are open. This already leaves few options for current residents who have a need to park on the street, as well as decreasing the availability of parking for visitors. Additionally, the unique nature of Alberto Way being isolated from access to other streets, there are no easily accessible overflow parking alternatives. Finally, based on this design rendering, it appears that the new facility would bogart almost all street parking immediately adjacent to the buildings. If this is an accurate read of the design, you are not only adding 54 units but effectively eliminating a good amount of already scarce PUBLIC street parking and making them only available to residents or guests of 405 Alberto Way residents. (4) Rise: the proposed condo structures are twice as high (4 stories versus 2) than almost all the surrounding buildings. The change this will create both in aesthetics as well as the changing lighting for surrounding neighbors will be a net negative. While our town and region desperately need to add more housing options – and again, this should happen with a focus on various affordability models – this specific design on this street is not the answer. Alberto Way residents are eager for the vacant lot / eye sore to finally be developed, but the final plan should be mindful of how this will impact current residents and the neighborhood as a whole. A scaled back design concept that keeps in mind the neighborhood feel and aesthetic would be more readily accepted by current residents and would be a net gain for Los Gatos. We hope you will seriously consider rejecting this current plan and challenging the developer to return with something that is more in line with the needs and desires of Alberto Way and Los Gatos residents. Eleanor Vogelsang & Matthew Torres ) From: Traci Sussholz Wittmayer Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 11:13 AM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: Concerns regarding the 405 Alberto Way- Application Number CD-22-004 EXTERNAL SENDER To: Jennifer Armer Regarding: 405 Alberto Way - Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD- 22-004 - Proposal for Construction of Two Multi-Family Buildings in a Mixed-Use Project on Property Zoned CH. APN 529-23-018. Thank you for the opportunity to share concerns regarding the proposed project at 405 Alberto Way. While we welcome growth to our beloved Los Gatos community, the proposed industrial looking buildings on our small, cul-de-sac residential street will create a crowded environment that is "big city", vs the small neighborhood feel that we fell in love with when we bought our home. SAFETY CHILDREN AND SENIORS: Alberto Way is a family community that houses families, children and elderly housing. During the construction phase we have major concerns about safety with sidewalk closures, construction vehicles, materials waste and a large increase of traffic in and out of our street. Post construction, we will have a large increase in cars entering and exiting the new building, which will impose additional safety risks. NOISE & DISRUPTION: Alberto Way is a quiet street. We all know each other, children play in the front together, and we have gatherings with our dogs in our front yards. Many work from home, and over half of our community are retired/elderly. Construction of any kind, but especially of this size will be very noisy and will be for a long time. This disrupts our calm street environment. It will also create a huge mess (physical and traffic) on a very small street. Construction sites will also bring forward thefts for any equipment/materials, and logically will also place the other homes in danger from these individuals as well. PARKING: The street is not zoned parking. Most of these homes allow for one car parking, the remaining needing to be on the street. We have already seen a huge increase in street parking from the Asa restaurant (who’s staff and patrons park on our street), which has forced homeowners Tuesday - Sunday to look for parking in other neighborhoods and walk home, something which is not only unfair, but unsafe in the evening hours. This new development will logically also spill onto the street parking, regardless of any assigned parking as it would be assumed that the situation for those buildings would be the same as ours (more people/cars than parking spots). TRAFFIC Adding an additional 54 units of a 50 ft mid-rise residential building increases the number of cars and vehicles to this one-way street with the additional UPS, FedEx, amazon and delivery service vehicles to service the new mid-rise residential building residents. In addition to the existing restaurant, health facility, Best Western Inn and four residual condominium complexes on a single lane road will significantly increase the congestions of traffic considering that there is only one way out of our street. Waiting times at the light will be several times increased both in and out of Alberto Way. This will also cause reduced air quality as many cars idling at the red light or rushing on the yellow will produce additional emission to the air we breathe. SIZE BULK & MASS and HEIGHT: Lastly, but not least importantly, a 4 story, 50 ft., stone, glass and metal roof mid-rise multi- family residential building is too big and tall for the area. The maximum height requirements for CH zoned buildings is 35 feet and RM zoned buildings are 30 feet. This is not compatible with the character of our neighborhood and transforms it from a low impact residential bedroom community tucked away in a wooden area to adding a mid-rise steel, stone and glass residential building. This takes away from the Los Gatos Identity. Small town feeling, quiet neighborhood, the friendly people and the picturesque views of mountains, redwoods and spectacular sunsets. From: tdunn Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 3:55 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: 405 Alberto Way proposed project EXTERNAL SENDER Atttached is my letter of concern on the 405 Alberto Way proposed project. Thomas Dunn October 5, 2022 405 Alberto Way- Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-22-004. Proposal for Construction of Two Multi-Family Buildings in a Mixed- Use Project on Property Zoned CH. APN 529-23-018. Here are my concerns about the proposed project at 405 Alberto Way. SIZE BULK & MASS and HEIGHT: 4 story, 50 ft., stone, glass and metal roof mid rise multi-family residential building is too big and tall for the area. (Also the maximum height requirements for CH zoned buildings is 35 feet and RM zoned buildings are 30 feet.) This is not compatible with the character of our neighborhood and transforms it from a low impact residential bedroom community tucked away in the wooden area to adding a mid-rise steel, stone and glass residential building. This takes away from the Los Gatos Identity. Small town feeling, quite neighborhood, the friendly people and the picturesque views of mountains, redwoods and spectacular sunsets. LOSS OF VIEWS: “Throughout the General Plan and many documents of the Town, state that the preservation of scenic views is so heavily emphasized, it cannot be understated how important that is to the town.” TRAFFIC: Adding an additional 54 units of a 50 ft mid rise residential building increases the number of cars and vehicles to this one way street with the additional UPS, Fed X, amazon and delivery service vehicles to service the new mid rise residential building residents. In addition to the existing restaurant, health facility, Best Western Inn and four residual condominium complexes on a single lane road will significantly increase the congestions of traffic considering that there is only one way out of our street. Waiting times at the light will be several times increased both in and out of Albertro way. This will also cause reduced air quality as many cars idling at the red light or rushing on the yellow will produce additional emission to the air we breathe. PARKING: With the increased street parking from the Asa restaurant there is no spaces for our second car or guest parking. And if the new development takes away street parking we will lose those parking spaces and if the new residents do not have enough parking on their property they will also want the spaces on the street. Limited number of parking spaces with increase number of vehicles needing parking. BIG PROBLEM. SAFETY CHILDREN AND SENIORS: (During construction phase and after completion.) Sidewalk closure so families, children, seniors will have to use the road to go to school or downtown. Many cars entering and exiting the new building will impose additional safety risks. Thomas Dunn From: Karen Szabo Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 4:36 PM To: Jennifer Armer Subject: 405 Alberto Way CD-22-004 EXTERNAL SENDER Hello, As a 64 year old life long resident of Los Gatos, I am writing to inform you that your proposal to build a 4 story building needs to be scaled way way down. The maximin height is much lower than that proposed height. This is way not compatible with the character of the area. It will block the view of the hills and just be another awful site. Plus it will look like the mess out in the north forty area. The proposal of the building materials of steel and stone is not cohesive to the quaintness of the Town. The General Plan and other documents of the Town state the heavily importance of the preservation of scenic views. The traffic on a way one exit street such as Alberto way will more than double. The light is already a mess trying to exit Alberto Way with the restaurant, Best Western motel, and the health facility on the corner. The parking on the street is already non existent due to the fore named facilities above. Please use your sense and see beyond. It is not always about revenue. Please know this is not a good design for 405 Alberto Way. Thank you, Karen Szabo A resident of From: Joan Larson Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 3:18 PM To: Planning Comment <PlanningComment@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 405 Alberto Way EXTERNAL SENDER To whom it may concern: I did NOT receive the notification of the proposed development as most residents did not. Is it possible that only a very few notifications were sent or not delivered to inform the neighborhood. When the commercial building was proposed a few years ago only TWO stories above ground was approved. In keeping with the other housing and businesses on Alberto Way. The developer is well aware of this decision. Alberto Way is a narrow twisting dead end road with ONLY ONE entrance/exit. In an emergency situation if too many vehicles tried to exit this would be a major problem. Joan Larson. Sent from my iPhone From: Dick McGowan Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 7:37 PM To: Planning Comment <PlanningComment@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 405 Alberto Way EXTERNAL SENDER I live at the and have some concerns about this new development in our area.The height of the project seems unreasonable to me which would block out the hills and mountains that we enjoy.I haven’t heard what retail business has been suggested but this would bring in more cars and parking is already a serious issue here!I live at the end of Alberto way and have grave concerns about getting out of here in case of an fire and any emergency. I do hope that all of these issues and others will be considered. Constance Mcgowan Los Gatos,Ca.95032 From: Loretta Fowler Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 8:31 AM To: Planning Comment <PlanningComment@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 405 Alberto Way project EXTERNAL SENDER The proposal to build housing instead of an office building is a good idea, better for the Alberto Way neighborhood and for Los Gatos. I have concerns, though. Two 4-story buildings on Alberto Way are not suitable for the neighborhood, and they would dwarf businesses at the corner of Alberto Way and highway 9. The developer should also think about how the size of the condo units (24 3/3 at 2000 sf and 18 3+den/3.5 at 2250 sf) will or will not contribute to the solution of housing issues in Los Gatos and in the state. I have a concern about parking issues, as well. The size of the units and the parking problems are related to the height of the buildings. So, more work on the developer's part is necessary if this project is to be attractive or acceptable to residents of Alberto Way and the town of Los Gatos. Application CD-22-004 From: Carol Rosenberg Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 9:42 AM To: Planning Comment <PlanningComment@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Proposed Building at 405 Alberto Way EXTERNAL SENDER As a resident owner at may I state my objection to the proposed construction at 405 Alberto Way. The properties on our street, which is a cul-de-sac, are two story buildings surrounded by trees. The idea of a looming four story edifice on the corner alarms me. The building is too high compared to the others! Such a tall building would leave a huge shadow and block our view of the hills. Our homes and the homes at Pueblo de Los Gatos are unobtrusive, whereas the proposed building would look out of place - not in the character of Los Gatos at all. Please do not approve a four story structure. Carol Rosenberg Los Gatos, CA 95032 This Page Intentionally Left Blank