Item 8 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 3 PREPARED BY: RYAN SAFTY Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/22/2022 ITEM NO: 8 DATE: June 17, 2022 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8 Located at 15950 Stephenie Lane. APN 523-25-051. Historic Review Request PHST-22-010. Property Owner: David Alves. Applicant: Payman Farzaneh. Project Planner: Ryan Safty. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:8 located at 15950 Stephenie Lane. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1940 per County Assessor’s Database 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: N/A 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval to remove the presumptive pre-1941 residence from the Historic Resources Inventory (Attachment 1). The Santa Clara County Assessor’s Database lists a construction date of 1940. The property is not within a historic district or LHP overlay, is not included in the 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey, and is not shown on the Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. The applicant provided historic research, which is included as Attachment 2. The Town does not have building permit records for the property as it was annexed into the Town in 2006. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 15950 Stephenie Lane DATE: June 17, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\06-22-22\Item 08 - 15950 Stephenie Lane\Staff Report.15950 Stephenie Lane.docx DISCUSSION (continued): As noted in Attachment 1, the house was originally built in 1940 and was 1,627 square feet with a pitched roof. Work occurred to the residence in 1970, which included a 1,034 square-foot addition with a flat roof. At some point following 1970, a fire occurred on the property which damaged the pitched roof and part of the flat roof. Work also occurred to the residence in 1999, which changed the roofline to a high-pitched roof and added an additional 1,474 square feet. The exterior of the home changed substantially, with a new roofline, exterior siding, windows, garage, and front rooms. Records from the Santa Clara County correspond with this timeline of work, showing additions from 1971 and 1999 (Attachment 2). The applicant has also submitted historic and current photos of the property and residence, showing the changes throughout the years (Attachment 3). CONCLUSION: Should the Committee find that the structure no longer has historic significance or architectural merit due to the loss of integrity, the structure would be removed from the Historic Resources Inventory and any proposed alterations would not return to the Committee. FINDINGS: A. Findings - related to a request for a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. In evaluating a request for a determination of historic significance or architectural merit, the Historic Preservation Committee shall consider the following: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; 2. No significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history; or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Summary 2. Historic Research 3. Property Pictures Records and Documents for the Removal of 15950 Stephenie Ln, Los Gatos, CA 95032 from the Los Gatos Historical Resources Inventory Summary History Santa Clara County Residential Unit Property Record Building Permit Statement Historical Aerial Photos Current Aerial Photos Overlay of Current and Historical Photo Historic Exterior Photographs Current Exterior Photos Summary We request that that 15950 Stephenie Lane be removed from the Los Gatos Historical Resources Inventory on two grounds: 1. The structure is not an untouched pre-1941 structure. It has been remodeled twice by prior owners, almost doubling the original square footage. 2. The structure does not exhibit “special character or special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value” as provided for by the Historic Preservation Town Code History Owner, David & Elizabeth Alves The house was originally built in 1940, featured a moderately pitched roof, and was approximately 1627 sqft. One addition occurred in 1970 (Permit 12063), adding a flat roofed area of 1034 sqft. At some point in time, there was a fire, which burned the medium pitched roof and part of the flat pitched roof. Another addition occurred in 1999 (Permits 94915 and 95376), which changed the roofline to a high pitched roof, and added another 1474 sqft. They enlarged a bedroom, removed a bedroom, remodeled a bathroom, added a bathroom, remodeled the laundry room and dining room, enlarged the kitchen and family room, and moved and enlarged the garage. The exterior of the house changed significantly, especially the roofline, windows, garage and front rooms. The Parcel numbers also changed twice when the lot was subdivided. The previous parcel numbers are 523-25-036 and 525-13-084. Santa Clara County Residential Unit Property Record Santa Clara County Assessor's Office Filed under the previous APNs from the “Mother Parcel”: 523-25-036, 525-13-084. Mentions at least 8 permits for repairs and additions. This house has been added on to at least twice (1971 and 1999). See Attached 2 pages ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank . ROOF FLAT b j GAOL I top r 8 1 FIREPLACE 12 ROOM AND FINISH DETAIL maw , 2. FLOORS 1100M FINISH INTERIOR FIINSH 64-4. ROOMS --,--t K ,eay. 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LOST REMARKS DROP IN II & 0 ' SLIDE IN RIO GARBAGE DISPOSAL DISHWASHER REFRIGERATOR INTERCOM ATTACHMENT 2 NO vt's 108 109 110 Ill 1 1 19 19 113 114 I 1 •• 116 117 119 122 2 123 2 124 . ...... : 125 126 127 • • • HIGH LOW EVEN I 1 1 • • • '17,736'1: TRAFFIC FLOW 01ST TO PUB SIR LANDSCAPING HIGHEST I REST USE ACTUAL USE TOPOGRAPHY SELECT ONE TOTAL PROPERTY 140 ARCHITECTURAL ATTRACT 2 UNIT CONFORMITY 141 2 LOT UTILIZATION 142 2 143 IMPROVEMENT LAND VALUE COMPUTATIONS A•P N• . • YEAR • UNIT VALUE FRONT FT VALUE SITE VATUE VALUE • LAND ATTRIBUTES • _ 101 WIDTH , El WIWI" _ -- •)--- 102 DEPTH tEFFECT/Vb • . C:, , 103 &QUART FT (USABLE C..7 _ — 104 SQUARE IT ‘ACTUALT 105 ACRES 106 REPRESENTATIVE NO 'YES T.- ICU IRREGULAR ASSESSMENT YEAR _ APPRAISER _ tootru-Dirt TIM TLC N CUL DI SAC NON IHRU SI CORM fl ALLEY UTILITY UNDERGROUND LUPO & GUT TER SIDEWALK IGNIS PARKWAY PARKING STRIP 11:11AL PROPERTY SUMMARY 19 —To 4 ZONING CONFORMITY ZONING I ACTUAL) 120 VIEW NO 121 TYPICAL VIEW 2 • • • T• ••=6,02.67.E... .- I I . • • : ..... • . • • . • • • • . .66 .c.i.3:;•.1" f•fiCS • • • : rca: gi.w1 .... x: .4,:rf : : : : 7 : : : : 7 : : : : 7 : : • 14:. •-b 01-161 • • fA .to .. . • . . .. . ............ ▪ e,AtH ' • : 7 : :001, . 1 C. g. 1 • • : : • Ftb2,04. • . . ....... ... .. . ................ ....... .. : ..................... LEVEL HILLY SLOPE BANK OTHER 144 TEMPORARY VALUE NO 145 SELECT ONE PARTIAL COMPLETE DEFER MAINT BOARD ACTION OTHER 146 APPRAISAL DATE of 1 ? LCULATIONS t: 4: • \Its ,g5-x I t ••.• AZO— -e:•t 'tot • • . . ..... 1Z Cif) Masi PLAT Of BUILDING ENIAMS _ / SCALE "= ----7?1-5) tamte1/40A ,(0 esktle )(kk> CVO Building Permit Statement Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office Describes the extent of 1999 Remodel. See Attached 3 pages Residential Property. Owners BUILDINQ FERMIT STATEMENT r. County of Santa Clara Office of the Assessor Lawrence E. Stone. Assessor 14081 2 9 9-2401 FAX 14081 298-9439 15950 STEPHENIE LOS GATOS BLUE, agE4.2rAUEttiii - I 3 LN CA 95032-4826 APN 523-25-036 1306 Situs: 15950 STEPHENIE LN LG Permit # 95376 REV. BP 94915 Return by: 12-Nov-1999 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (Please check appropriate boxes) 0 REMODEL 0 REPAIR 0 ADDIT1034- •-g--Sving Area 0 Enclosed Existing Patio 0 Bern/Stable o Sauna O Covered Patio ia -Garage ,' ,- .i 0 Fireplace 0 Tennis/Sport Court 0 Enclosed Patio 0 Converted Garage 0 Pool/Spa 0 Other PROJECT STATUS: o Complete 0 Incomplete 0 Not Started 0 Project Cancelled If complete, please give the date of completion: / Total Cost of Project L3 Of/. ot)G Was any work completed by owner? 0 Yes o . Briefly describe work: kir.," 444.71dir Month Day Year If Incomplete, what work remains to be done? f/ifer7,__ e < e - ,, . 0,v/4 .10# If incomplete, please give an estimated date of completion: / / y i 7 , 00 Contractor's Name: i`-ti I-. ./1A..--- 1 g rs.: _ Phone Number: f 6-1D6 1 Month Day vow DIAGRAM OF NEW CONSTRUCTION: Draw • listen of the new construction showing it. *mansions, floorpian, locahon on the lot, and position in relation to existing structures (You may enclose a copy of your blueprints end photographs of the completer, work if available. Plows note however. that it... items will become TOTAL ADDITION TO LIVING AREA Lil C / 0 S 0 "r,--- a pan of the approsal lite and will not be returned I Square Feet /MLA% SAMPLE DIAGRAM • • • • • " . . • . . . . . . . .......... . . . • . . • . . . I. • • • • • ..... • • • ' ' ...... ' ' ' " • ..... • • • Ito 2 ' r Pal • . . . . . . . . . . . - ' • • • • ' • ' . .... . 6 • 14 • • . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ...... • . . • • • . ..... . . . . . . . . . • • - • • • • • . . . . . E • Nos Ow , an Pcrt .c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' • • • •Et . . . • • • - • • . ' • • • • • • • • • • • ...... - • • • ist kg Nam . . . • • " - . • • • . . . . • • • • • • • • . . . • • • - • • . . . • Luc.. ,N Carcgr I U. • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ... . • • • • • ' ' • • . • • • • . . PLEASE TURN TO THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM TO SUPPLY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION COMMENTS AND SIGNATURE OF OWNER STRUCTURE REMOVED: Describe any structure or Portion of structure removed - • 1/4/e/alt - PLY2‘.1 4 .417,:(./ ,...i. i 4; Alf friTilft. ROOM COUNT Before After Living Room V / J / REPAIR: Describe any repair work and reason for repair- Kitchen Dining Room I ______ Family/Den ______ —4,- - Bedrooms '•5 Bathrooms 1- —at— Utility ‘ Other DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION (Please Check Appropriate Boxes) §TRUCTURAL EXTERIOR INTERIOR W Wall.:S heetr W all.: - ----73 Other Concrete Block Walls: 7: Wood Frame 0 Stucco _jaw" Siding 0 Steel ,_: Other Ceilings: );K: Sheetrock - C Wood Beam 0 Other 0 Other Roof: Foupdation: 0 Wood Shake/Shingle „r Raised Concrete ...lir Comp Shingle 0 Concrete Slab C ' Tile C Other 0 Gravel/Rock Finish: Carpet The 0 Vinyl/Linoleum lit Hardwood -'0 Other C Skylights: No. C Other .fif.lows: Wood --17\ Aluminum 0 Vinyl pLumaiNa HEATING/AIR CONDITIONINQ CABINETS. APPLIANCES New Replacement New Regiacement 0 0 Central Air Conditioning 0 2 Cabinets 0 AK. Forced Air Furnace 0 0,- Range 0 0 Well Heater 0 „it' Microwave Oven Bath 0 0 Fireplace Isr- o Oven No. ..71N-I-.1 No. of New No. of Repiaced i _.3 Toilets , Bidets Tub 1 _tv Stall Shower 0 0 Woodbuming Stove 0 0 Trash Compactor 0 0 Other 0 0 Dishwasher Sink ......wi_ Wet Bar 0 0 Other Built-ins Jacuzzi Counter Top Finish .— : Other .;. r EMI 0 SPA or OfiGT Tug Type Heater Pool Extras Type Gunite 0 Gas 0 Board 0 Gunite 0 Fiberglass 0 Solar 0 Slide 0 Fiberglass 0 Vinyl Lined 0 None 0 Other C Redwood Heater Size: 0 Gas 0 Attached to pool 0 Electric 0 Detached 0 Solar 0 Portable 0 Above Ground Size lsurface area square footage) Decking (estimate square footage) Type of decking 0 TENNIS COURT 0 §PORT COURT RETAINING WALL Length Height Size sq. ft. Surface Material Width Fence: Height Materials Material Lights: Type Number Remarks: InCtuCang any arc moan yrng Certify for cit0C11,111) Lin0•: piPnItty Of IMMun, undo, rho Nws or me Sraro oP Cokronwo Mar rho ronoirvno ono ori olonnonon grOffertInrS o 00Cv1eelli. rn.b. corrwct and comport, no rho dm or my onownopo and oche S. Signed in .cf, , Califorrua, a dey .5...!t, Signature of Owner (or Agent) - ? 4/9 DaytimP Phone (8:00 e.m. - o:00 p.m.) 449-- Feb. 7, 2000 To: Office of the County Assessor Re: 15950 Stephanie LN LG Permit # 95376 / REV. BP 94915 OLD NEW 2680 SF 3120 SF 5 bedrooms 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 4 bathrooms 2 fireplaces 2 fireplaces Detached garage Attached garage Pitched & fiat roof Pitched roof only One bedroom was enlarged. One bathroom was remolded. Laundry room was cleaned up. Dining room was cleaned up. Family room — kitchen was enlarged. Garage was moved. If you have any questions please contact me. ctfully, Daniel Blue Owner Historical Aerial Photos Flight CAS_65_130, Frame 9-139, Begin Date May 1, 1965. Courtesy of UCSB Library Geospatial Collection. Retrieved from https://mil.library.ucsb.edu/ap_images/cas-65-130/cas-65-130_9-139.tif on 2022-06-01 Please note the shape of house, location of garage and roofline. Current Aerial Photos County of Santa Clara Department of Planning and Development, Interactive Property Assessment, 2021 County Aerials (12/7/20-3/12/21) Please note the shape of house, location of garage and roofline. ATTACHMENT 3 Overlay of Current and Historical Photo Prepared by Owner, David Alves Please note the difference in the footprint of the house. Historic Exterior Photographs Christopher Blue Photographs from the previous owner showing the exterior before and after the 1999 remodel Pre-Remodel (2 photos) Post Remodel (1 photo) Current Exterior Photos Redfin Property Information, MLS#ML81860078, and BK Drafting