Item 5 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 5PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/22/2022 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 17, 2022 Historic Preservation Committee Joel Paulson, Community Development Director Requesting Approval for Modification of the Previously Approved Window Materials on a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 44 Bayview Avenue. APN 510-44-020. Request for Review PHST-22-011. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: David and Ladan Ralston. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request for approval for modification of the previously approved window materials on a new single-family residence on property zoned R-1D located at 44 Bayview Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1.Date primary structure was built: N/A, new residence under construction 2.Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: N/A 3.Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4.Is structure in a historic district? N/A 5.If yes, is it a contributor? No 6.Findings required? No 7.Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: On March 24, 2021, the Historic Preservation Committee reviewed a request for technical demolition of a presumptive historic residence (Pre-1941) and construction of a new single- family residence to exceed floor area ratio standards on the subject property. The Committee recommended approval of the request to the Community Development Director (Attachment 1). The Architecture and Site application for the project was approved by the Development Review Committee on August 17, 2021 (Attachment 2). A Building Permit for the technical PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 44 Bayview Avenue/PHST-22-011 DATE: June 17, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\06-22-22\Item 05 - 44 Bayview Avenue\Staff Report.44 Bayview Avenue.docx 6/15/2022 10:43 AM BACKGROUND (continued): demolition of the existing residence and construction of a new residence was issued on May 26, 2022 (Attachment 3). DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval to change the approved window materials from wood to fiberglass composite clad wood (Attachment 4). The applicant indicates that the Andersen A- Series Fibrex clad wood windows (Attachment 5) would match the appearance of the wood windows while offering increased efficiency and less maintenance. The Residential Design Guidelines provides the following recommendations related to window materials: 3.7.3 Match window materials to the architectural style and to the surrounding neighborhood •Wood windows are common in Los Gatos. Wood is still the desired choice for styles that traditionally used wood. However, today there are some window materials, such as vinyl clad wood windows that are not noticeably different from wood at a short distance. 4.8.2 Building Materials •Composite, synthetic, metal, vinyl, plastic or fabricated/ imitation wood products, painted brick or imitation used brick will generally not be approved. However, some ex- ceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis when the decision-making body determines that the replacement is consistent with the appearance of the original material, and that a lay person would be unlikely to discern the difference. The burden of proof will reside with the applicant. Material samples, photographs, and specific locations where the material may be seen in use will all assist in the evaluation of alternative materials. 4.8.4 Windows and Glass in doors •Windows should be constructed of real glass, and window frames should be constructed of real wood - not vinyl, metal, or plastic. Wood sashes may be vinyl or metal clad if the window frame and dressing is designed consistent with the historic context of the building. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 44 Bayview Avenue/PHST-22-011 DATE: June 17, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\06-22-22\Item 05 - 44 Bayview Avenue\Staff Report.44 Bayview Avenue.docx 6/15/2022 10:43 AM DISCUSSION (continued): The proposed fiberglass composite material was not available when the Guidelines were written, and it is silent on its use. The Guidelines emphasize the use of wood windows but allows exceptions for alternative materials when they are not noticeably different from wood at a short distance, found to be consistent with the historic context, and consistent with the appearance of the original material where it would be unlikely to discern the difference. The applicant requests approval of the alternative window materials and provided a Letter of Justification and details on the proposed windows (Attachments 4). CONSIDERATIONS: A.Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. CONCLUSION: The applicant requests approval for modification of the previously approved window materials from wood to fiberglass composite clad wood. Should the Committee find merit in the request the project would be completed with a Building Permit and would not return to the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Historic Preservation Committee Action Letter, dated March 25, 2021 2.Development Review Committee Action Letter, dated August 17, 2021 3.Excerpts from Approved Building Permit B21-0990 4.Applicant request and Letter of Justification 5.Andersen A-Series Fibrex Window Specifications This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 March 25, 2021 Jay Plett 213 Bean Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Via email RE: 44 Bayview Avenue Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Technical Demolition of a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) and Construction of a Single-Family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio Standards on Property Zoned R-1D Located at 44 Bayview Avenue. APN 510-44-020. Architecture and Site Application S-21-005. PROPERTY OWNER: Ladan and David Ralston APPLICANT: JAY PLETT, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin On March 24, 2021, the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee recommended approval of the above request to the Community Development Director with findings and considerations, including the existing exterior wall covering shall be exempt from the demolition definition, and regarding the request to exceed the FAR standards the design theme, sense of scale, exterior material and details are consistent with the adopted residential development standards. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by phone at (408) 354-6802 or by email at smullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Associate Planner N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Action Letters\2021\Bayview Ave 44 - 03-24-21 [approved, denied, other].docx CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank N:\DEV\DRC\ACTION LETTERS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - Action Letter - 08-17-21.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 August 17, 2021 Jay Plett, Architect 213 Bean Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Via Email RE: 44 Bayview Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-21-005 Requesting Approval for Technical Demolition of a Pre-1941 Single-family Residence and Construction of a New Single-family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards on Property Zoned R-1D. APN 510-44-020. PROPERTY OWNER: David and Ladan Ralston APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect At its meeting of August 17, 2021, the Town of Los Gatos Development Review Committee approved the above referenced application subject to the enclosed draft conditions. PLEASE NOTE: Pursuant to Section 29.20.257 of the Town Code, this approval may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the date the approval is granted. Therefore, this decision should not be considered final and no permits by the Town will be issued until the appeal period has passed. All approvals will expire two years from the date of approval (August 17, 2023), unless the approval has been vested. Section 29.20.335 of the Town Code defines what constitutes vesting an approval. Reasonable extensions of the time not exceeding one year may be granted upon application to and approval by the Development Review Committee. Extensions can be granted only if approved by the Committee prior to the expiration of the approval. Therefore, it is recommended that applications for a time extension be filed with the Community Development Department at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at SMullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin Associate Planner cc: David and Ladan, 1309 Echo Valley Drive, San Jose, CA 95120 via email CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 ATTACHMENT 2 N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE –August 17, 2021 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 44 Bayview Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-21-005 Requesting Approval for Technical Demolition of a Pre-1941 Single-family Residence and Construction of a New Single-family Residence to Exceed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards on Property Zoned R-1D. APN 510-44-020. PROPERTY OWNER: David and Ladan Ralston APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 4. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 5. EXISTING TREES: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan, and must remain on the site. 6. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. 7. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist’s report dated as received January 26, 2021 for the project, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 8. TREE STAKING: All newly planted trees shall be double-staked using rubber tree ties. 9. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx 10. TREE REPLACEMENT: Prior to issuance of final occupancy replacement trees must be planted. 11. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 12. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 13. PERMITS REQUIRED: A Demolition Permit is required for the technical demolition of the existing single-family residence. A separate Building Permit is required for the construction of the new single-family residence and attached garage. An additional Building Permit will be required for the PV System if the system is required by the California Energy Code. 14. APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2020, are the 2019 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 15. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 16. BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 17. SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 18. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETE DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE: Obtain a Building Department Demolition Application and a Bay Area Air Quality Management District Application from the Building Department Service Counter. Once the demolition form has been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verification from PG&E that all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed form to the Building Department Service Counter with the Air District’s J# Certificate, PG&E verification, and three (3) sets of site plans showing all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG&E. No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the Town. 19. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 20. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx 21. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 22. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e. directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 23. TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a. Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch wide doors on the accessible floor level. c. The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 24. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 25. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 26. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: This project is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface High Fire Area and must comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code, Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 27. PROVIDE DEFENSIBLE SPACE/FIRE BREAK LANDSCAPING PLAN: Prepared by a California licensed Landscape Architect in conformance with California Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 28. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: Provide a letter from a California licensed Landscape Architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. 29. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 30. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at ARC Blueprint for a fee or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 31. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 32. GENERAL: All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job-related mud, silt, concrete, dirt and other construction debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner and/or Applicant's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right- of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner and/or Applicant's expense. 33. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 34. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 35. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner and/or Applicant’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as-built” plans. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx 36. PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Additionally, any studies imposed by the Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the Owner and/or Applicant. 37. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance to the Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 38. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right- of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. 39. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 40. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of the Owner and/or Applicant or their representative's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc., shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Any new concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. The restoration of all improvements identified by the Engineering Construction Inspector shall be completed before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall request a walk- through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 41. STREET/SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 42. NO-CUT MORATORIUM: A no-cut moratorium has been implemented for the recently reconstructed streets within the Almond Grove neighborhood. This moratorium is five (5) years in length and will extend until the end of the calendar year five (5) years after the completed work (i.e. December 31, 2022 for work completed during the 2017 calendar year). Utility lines shall be installed by directional boring only. Replacement of any damaged sidewalk, curb and/or gutter shall require the replacement of sidewalk, curb and/or gutter sections between adjacent joints. Replacement of cut concrete pavement shall be per the Town’s concrete street repair and replacement detail and requirements and will result in replacing the pavement in kind from sawcut joint to sawcut joint for each section cut in order to preserve the structural integrity of the pavement and prevent N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx patches in the new pavement. The Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall install said repairs and replacement infrastructure at their sole expense as a result of any Owner and/or Applicant or their representative's operations that violate this policy. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, roadways, etc., shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. The repairs must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. 43. SIDEWALK REPAIR: The Owner and/or Applicant shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. All new and existing adjacent infrastructure must meet current ADA standards. Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. 44. CURB AND GUTTER REPAIR: The Owner and/or Applicant shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. All new and existing adjacent infrastructure must meet Town standards. New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. 45. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 46. FENCING: Any fencing proposed within two hundred (200) feet of an intersection shall comply with Town Code Section §23.10.080. 47. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: Construction vehicle parking within the public right-of- way will only be allowed if it does not cause access or safety problems as determined by the Town. 48. SIGHT TRIANGLE AND TRAFFIC VIEW AREA: Any proposed improvements, including but not limiting to trees and hedges, will need to abide by Town Code Sections 23.10.080, 26.10.065, and 29.40.030. 49. GRADING PERMIT DETERMINATION DURING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: In the event that, during the production of building permit drawings, construction drawings and/or during construction of the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that a grading permit would be required as described in Chapter 12, Article II N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx (Grading Permit) of the Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos, an Architecture and Site Application would need to be submitted by the Owner/Applicant for review and approval by the Development Review Committee prior to applying for a grading permit. 50. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 51. SOIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The project shall incorporate the geotechnical/geological recommendations contained in the project’s design-level geotechnical/geological investigation as prepared by the Owner and/or Applicant’s engineer(s), and any subsequently required report or addendum. Subsequent reports or addendum are subject to peer review by the Town’s consultant and costs shall be borne by the Owner and/or Applicant. 52. UTILITIES: The Owner and/or Applicant shall install all new, relocated, or temporarily removed utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code Section 27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. The Owner and/or Applicant is required to obtain approval of all proposed utility alignments from any and all utility service providers before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Town of Los Gatos does not approve or imply approval for final alignment or design of these facilities. 53. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE: Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Building Official. The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve as defined in the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the Town and maintain such device in a functional operation condition. Evidence of West Sanitation District’s decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit. 54. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the Owner and/or Applicant, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. 55. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays. The Town may authorize, on N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner and/or Applicant shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 56. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 57. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Owner and/or Applicant’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full-size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 58. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs): The Owner and/or Applicant is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be maintained and be placed for all areas that have been graded or disturbed and for all material, equipment and/or operations that need protection. Removal of BMPs (temporary removal during construction activities) shall be replaced at the end of each working day. Failure to comply with the construction BMP will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders. 59. SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 60. DETAILING OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES: Prior to the issuance of any building permits, all pertinent details of any and all proposed stormwater management facilities, including, but not limited to, ditches, swales, pipes, bubble-ups, dry wells, outfalls, infiltration trenches, detention basins and energy dissipaters, shall be provided on submitted plans, reviewed by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, and approved for implementation. 30) CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx 61. SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 62. EROSION CONTROL: Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. A maximum of two (2) weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping, shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter months. The Town of Los Gatos Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department and the Building Department will conduct periodic NPDES inspections of the site throughout the recognized storm season to verify compliance with the Construction General Permit and Stormwater ordinances and regulations. 63. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when windspeeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH).All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 64. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust-free. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx b. All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off-site shall be covered. d. As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track-out control device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt-track-out onto adjacent public roads. f. All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g. All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367). i. All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j. Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 65. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner and/or Applicant's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner and/or Applicant's expense. 66. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 67. GENERAL: Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Bayview Avenue, 44 - A&S DRC COA - 08-17-21 - DRAFT.docx 68. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet A-1) An automatic residential l fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600SF whether by increasing the area of the primary residence or by creation of an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basements and in existing basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all attached ADUs, additions or alterations to an existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. Exceptions: 1) One or more additions made to a building after January 1, 2011 that does not total more than 1,000square feet of building area and meets all access and water supply requirements of Chapter 5 and Appendix B and C of the 2019 California Fire Code. Addition exceeds 1000 SF Residence exceeds total of 3600 SF after addition. 69. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: The fire flow for this project is 1,750 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure from a single hydrant. If an automatic fire sprinkler system will be installed, the fire flow will be reduced by 50% establishing a required adjusted fire flow of 875 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure. Provide documentation from a local water purveyor confirming the required fire flow of 875 GPM @ 20 psi residual from a fire hydrant located within 600' of the farthest exterior corner of the structure is required. Letter will be provided with building application. 70. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: (As Noted on Sheet A-1) New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1. 71. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and SpecfiicationS1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33. 72. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. PL PL PL PL PL PL PL AS BUILT BELOW GND GROUNDUPPER SITE LIGHT WELL LIGHT WELL N 20o22’03” E 65' FYSB CALC: = (40 + 52 NEIGHBOR SB) / 2 = (13'-6" + 11'-4")/2 = 12'-5" As allowed per Section 29.40.050 of the Town Code. (n) concrete DRIVEWAY 0/ (e) dirt driveway pad. excavation within 15' of trees #66-68 will be done by hand. PORCH REAR PATIO20'-0" RYSB5'-0" SYSB 12'-5" FYSB12'-0 " 5'-0" SYSB PROPOSED HOUSE GARAGE PLANTER PLANTERS 61o42’24” E 88.22'N 61o43’57” W 88.22'S 20o07’03” W 65.00' GAS 200a ELEC service 3'-0" (min) (e) wm w w pp line of (e) house line of (e) accessory structure 13'-6" FYSB11'-4" FYSB52 BAYVIEW (residential) 40 BAYVIEW (residential)BAYVIEW AVEMASSOL AVETAIT AVEN. SANTA CRUZ AVEUNIVERSITY AVE HW Y 1 7 HWY 9 E. M A I N S T B R O A D W A Y P E N N S Y L V A N I A A V E BE A N A V E NI C H O L S O N A V E BACHMAN AVE PROJECT SITE BAYVIEW AV. garage sf A C B A = 11.71 X 27.484 = 321.838 B = (3.292 X 22.724)/2 = 37.404 C = 2.86 X 4.90 = 14.014 TOTAL 373.26 AS BUILT / demo (E) WALL TO BE REMOVED STUD WALL TO REMAIN LEGENDLEGEND OLD ELEVATIONS OLD PLANS groundupper front rear left /north right /south # N 6 9 S Y C A M O R E #6 7 O A K # 6 8 O A K IMPERVIOUS CALC LIGHT WELL LIGHT WELL N 20 o22’03” E 65' DRIVEWAY PORCH REAR PATIO 15'-0" RFYSB PROPOSED HOUSE GARAGE PLANTER PLANTER S 61o42’24” E 88.22'N 61o43’57” W 88.22' S 20 o07’03” W 65.00' line of (e) house 13'-6" FYSB11'-4" FYSB 52 BAYVIEW 40 BAYVIEW BAYVIEW AV.41841841941 8 41 9 4194 2 1 421(e) 421420420420 main level ff = 421.75' S S S S UTILIZE (E) SEWER LATERAL PROVIDE BACK WATER VALVE PER TOWN & CPC 710.1 UTILIZE (E) WATER METER & SUPPLY LINE UTILIZE (E) driveway apron as constructed by town SIDEWALK UNDERGRoUNDING OF UTILITIES SHALL BE BORED UNDER SIDEWALK AND CURB PER TOWN'S 'NO CUT' POLICY. Boring will also be used within tree driplines at a depth of 36" fs = 419.82' #n70 #n71 #n72 #73 OAK t o b e remov e d * 75 11'-2"20'-2"#74 SYCAM O R E t o be re m o v e d * #6 6 O A K upperroof 4 A3PL 8'- 0"PL 8'- 0"RIDGEBASTARDRIDGE PL 6'-10"INFLECTIONPOINT BASTARD45OPL 7'- 2"PL 8'- 0"PL 8'- 0"RIDGEB.B.4/12HOLD ROOF BACKFROM WDW / WALLHOLD ROOF BACKFROM WDW / WALL 421'- 9" +/- MAINFLOOR419' - 11" +/- GARAGEFS fs = 421'-0" 421.25 HP *to offset removal of trees #73 & #74, in-lieu fees shall be paid to the town tree replacement fund 1 driveway fire hydrant at massol and bean avenues fire hydrant at bayview ave and w. main street WOOD & PLASTERFINISH ON LANAICOLUMNS Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped, w/irrigated landscape LIMITED TO A MAX OF 500 SF 2 PORCH CEILING TO BE ENCLOSEDWITH THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDECOATED AND PROTECTED BY NEWSMOOTH / OLD WORLD PLASTERCOLOR COAT OVER PLASTERSIDING: 3-COAT (7/8") PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDED METAL LATH O/(2)LAYERS OF GRADE "D" PAPER OREQUAL O/ WALL SHEATHING. PERCRC R703.7 AND CRC 337.6.2 TYP. A/C CONDENSORS 2"X2" RABBETTECORNER BEADTRIM. TYP.2022 WDW 10"8'-1"1A-9 FLATPROFILE g g u.p. u.p. 111 1 1 1 a separate building permit is required for the pv system. this is required by the energy calculations compliance modeling. the separate pv system permit must be finaled prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy FS = 419.82'FS = 419.82'DRYER DUCT RUN & TERMINATIONPOINT. TERMINATION MUST BE 3'FROM WDW AND DR. DRYER MUSTBE EQUIPPED WITH A BACKDRFTDAMPER W/NO SCREEN. THE DUCTIS LIMITED TO 14' IN LENGTH WITHTWO 90 DEGREE ELBOWS. PERCMC 504.4 PL CLPL PL PLCL24" x 30"CLR TYPCL S4SCDSDS3J S3S3SS S3SSSJSSS4SSS3S3S3S3S3S3S GFI INMED CABSSSVSVSVSCDSDSD2X2 FURRINGBDKN1 313 7 8 12 HMA149EE10F(E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEF.P.2x10 wallopenbelow FLUSHheader hereno sheardnupsysb sysb4650P2022C2022C9050CPC34785050CC54+/- 20A TEMP58+/- 20 A TEMP 10650 CPC 2x6 51090+/- O TEMP8x8POSTSTL FRAMEAT ROOF16151413121098765432116 Rs @ 7.5"Ts @ 10"16 (5-7-4) Rs@ 7.5"Ts @ 10"6789101112 SEATSEAT10070DR. VERIFYW/ARCHITECT3070WS2630C8026CPC TEMP3070WSup 2870 W/S 20MINSELF CLOSINGCOUNTER WINE PANTRYCAB.DNS R/F R/FCounter topW/range SDWDWF.P. SPECORTAL 40X70CSA TESTED AND APPROVED TO US:ANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33 –2016 STANDARDS.INSTALL TO MFR REQUIREMENTS ANDANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54FS = 421.75'FS = 421.75'123451 2 3 4 5678 8 287028702870 slotdrainbuilt-inwardrobe (N) WALL(E) STUD WALLLEGENDLEGEND160+/- 90+/- OXX TEMPBNCJEPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATION5 12' - 1 1/2"dn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516 up E STAIR MAIN TO UPPER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" STAIR MAIN TO LOWER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" up dn 81234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 162x4 wall2x4 wall 3 1/2"INSET,VERIFYW/STRL3 1/2" 3 1/2" 8PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI COREINSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB FAMILY RMKITCHENDININGG.BATHGUESTBEDRMLIVINGGARAGEFLUSH HEADERSTATIONARYPNLFLUSH HDRWHWC S1253.5/12 TOLANAI CLG 2x4 LANDINGJOISTS. SEESTRUCTURAL 7'- 0" MINCLEAR7'- 0" MINCLEAR NPOST42" HGT METALGUARD TO COMPLYWITH CRC R312.1 WELL 42" HGT METALGUARD TO COMPLYWITH CRC R312.1WELLLATCHEDGATEGAS200a ELECservice DW14'- 8" +/-STAIR TO BE BUILTPER LAYOUT. ANYDEVIATION SHALLREQ. ARCHITECTAPPROVAL PRIORTO CONTRUCTION(LAYOUT DTL, A-3)TEMPERED GLASSENCLOSURE & DRPROVIDE 1 HR FIRE SEPARATIONBTW GARAGE AND LIVING SPACES.1/2" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD ONGARAGE SIDE OF WALL. TYP.A/CCONDENSORSPRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION START,VERIFY A/C AND HWLOCATIONS W/OWNER PROJECT SITE B R O A D W A Y HWY 1 7SANTA CRUZ AV. W. M A I N S T . PROJECTPROJECT SITESITE LOS GATOSBAYVIEW AV.TAIT AV.MASSOL AV.TAIT AV.ALLEYALLEYWILDER AV. B E A N A V .SANTA CRUZ AV. PE N N S Y L V A N I A A V . BDKN 1 313 7 8 12 HMA149EE10F(E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEopenbelow dnup SEATSEATupCOUNTERWINEPANTRYCAB.DNS R/F R/FC.T. W/OVEN SDWDW 8 built-inwardrobe (N) WALL(E) STUD WALLLEGENDLEGENDFAMILY RMKITCHENDININGG.BATHGUESTBEDRMLIVINGGARAGEWHWCSNWELL WELLGAS200A ELECservice DW A/CCONDENSORS PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION START,VERIFY A/C AND HWLOCATIONS W/OWNERPLCLPLELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGENDDUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLET MOUNTINGHEIGHT TO CENTER OF OUTLET (12" UNO NOTED)W/GROUND FAULT INTERCEPTORWATER PROOFW/ONE SWITCHABLE OUTLETNEMA ELEC VEHICLE CHARGING OUTLETRECESSED EXHAUST FAN W/VENT TO OUTSIDE W/BUILT IN LIGHT FIXTURE AND HEATLIGHT FIXTUREWALL SCONCEUNDER CABINET TASK LIGHTINGRECESSED CAN LIGHTRECESSED DIRECTIONAL LIGHTJUNCTION BOXCOUNTER SWITCHWALL SWITCH3 WAY4 WAY OR GREATERSMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORVACANCY SENSORPUSH BUTTON DOOR BELLGFIWP GFICOUNTER SWITCH ANDUNDER COUNTER OUTLETFOR GARBAGE DISPOSALGFI GFI GFIGFIGFIGFIGFI1A-4 GFIGFIOUTLET ON CEILINGJOIST FOR GARAGEDOOR OPENERGFIGFIGFI220GFIWPGFIWPGFI WPGFI WPGFIWPGFIGFIFORD/W WPGFI 44TO UP-STAIRSCIRCUIT GFIMEDICINECABINETTO DN-STAIRSCIRCUIT 16 15 141312432167891011B NCJEPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATION4" FURRING TO CONTAIN4" RECTANGULAR DUCTSTO SERVE MAIN LEVELAND BASEMENT AREAS5 PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI CORE INSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB 1253.5/12 TOLANAI CLG CRICKET - SEEROOF PLANGAMER00MKITCHENENTRYM.BATHGAMER00MKITCHEN LIVINGM.BATH 2A-4 typ 3060C3060CCONCRETEPATIO7 3/4" MAX RISE & 10"MIN RUN PER CRCR311.7.55'-0" X 5-0" MIN LANDING NOMORE THAN ONE INCH LOWERTHAN THRESHOLD PER TOWNACCESSABILITY STANDARDSATTIC IS UNVENTED CONDITION PERCRC 806.4. APPLY AIR IMPERMEABLESPRAY FOAM DIRECTLY TO UNDER-SIDE OF ROOF DECK PER ICC-ESREPORT ESR-3470 AND TITLE 24DOCUMENTS. FOR VAULTED ANDOPEN ATTIC SPACES PROVIDEINTUMESCENT COATING. TYP.6'- 8" MIN HEADROOM AT STAIRPER CRC R311.7.2PORCH IS LESSTHAN 30" HEIGHT ETCH COLOREDCONCRETE FRONTPORCH. VERIFY W/OWNERPORCH CEILING TO BEENCLOSED WITH THEEXPOSED UNDERSIDECOATED AND PROTECTEDBY NEW SMOOTH / OLDWORLD PLASTER COLORCOAT OVER PLASTERSIDING: 3-COAT (7/8")PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDEDMETAL LATH O/(2) LAYERSOF GRADE "D" PAPER OREQUAL O/ WALLSHEATHING. PER CRCR703.7 AND CRC 337.6.2TYP.GFIWPOFFICEGAME RM.BED RM.GARAGE ATTICDINING RM.OPEN TOKITCHEN OPEN TOABOVE &BELOWALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4 PLGUESTRM.HALL 2x8 wall LINE OFSTAIRABOVE2X4S PREWIRE FORBATTERYSTORAGE PERELEC NOTE #21,SHEET E-22X2 FURRING HARD WIREDDOORBELLALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4ALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4 LCRICKET - SEEROOF PLANJPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATIONL must illuminate the topstairway landing. CRC R303.8to lights & switch atbottom of stairwayfireplace notes:1. gas fireplaces installed in the town of losgatos shall have no wood burning components2. accessible gas shutoff valve shall be locatedoutside the firebox and within 6' of theappliance. cmc 1313.4 GAS SHUTOFF VALVE.SEE FIREPLACE NOTESON SHEET A-4ELECSUBPANEL ERV #285 CFM2a-81a-8RECESSEDW/D PLUMBING& VENTING 2a-x1a-xS3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S33a-8WOOD SIDING MITERCORNERS AS SHOWNMITER SIDES @ DOORCORNER & RETURNINTO TRIMLESS DOORSIDE JAMB 36" x 36" MIN LANDING NOT MORE THAN7 3/4" LOWER THAN THRESHOLD. PERCRC SEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.236" x 36" MIN LANDINGNOT MORE THAN 7 3/4"LOWER THANTHRESHOLD. PER CRCSEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.2 11 S311111 11111114a-85a-8 11 1FS = 419.82'FS = 419.82'DRYER DUCT RUN & TERMINATIONPOINT. TERMINATION MUST BE 3'FROM WDW AND DR. DRYER MUSTBE EQUIPPED WITH A BACKDRFTDAMPER W/NO SCREEN. THE DUCTIS LIMITED TO 14' IN LENGTH WITHTWO 90 DEGREE ELBOWS. PERCMC 504.4 PL CLPL PL PLCL24" x 30"CLR TYPCL S4SCDSDS3J S3S3SS S3SSSJSSS4SSS3S3S3S3S3S3S GFI INMED CABSSSVSVSVSCDSDSD2X2 FURRINGBDKN1 313 7 8 12 HMA149EE10F(E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEF.P.2x10 wallopenbelow FLUSHheader hereno sheardnupsysb sysb4650P2022C2022C9050CPC34785050CC54+/- 20A TEMP58+/- 20 A TEMP 10650 CPC 2x6 51090+/- O TEMP8x8POSTSTL FRAMEAT ROOF16151413121098765432116 Rs @ 7.5"Ts @ 10"16 (5-7-4) Rs@ 7.5"Ts @ 10"6789101112 SEATSEAT10070DR. VERIFYW/ARCHITECT3070WS2630C8026CPC TEMP3070WSup 2870 W/S 20MINSELF CLOSINGCOUNTER WINE PANTRYCAB.DNS R/F R/FCounter topW/range SDWDWF.P. SPECORTAL 40X70CSA TESTED AND APPROVED TO US:ANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33 –2016 STANDARDS.INSTALL TO MFR REQUIREMENTS ANDANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54FS = 421.75'FS = 421.75'123451 2 3 4 5678 8 287028702870 slotdrainbuilt-inwardrobe (N) WALL(E) STUD WALLLEGENDLEGEND160+/- 90+/- OXX TEMPBNCJEPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATION5 12' - 1 1/2"dn 1 2 3 4 5678910111213141516upE STAIR MAIN TO UPPER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" STAIR MAIN TO LOWER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" updn 8123456789101112131415162x4 wall2x4 wall3 1/2"INSET,VERIFYW/STRL3 1/2"3 1/2"8PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI COREINSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB FAMILY RMKITCHENDININGG.BATHGUESTBEDRMLIVINGGARAGEFLUSH HEADERSTATIONARYPNLFLUSH HDRWHWC S1253.5/12 TOLANAI CLG 2x4 LANDINGJOISTS. SEESTRUCTURAL 7'- 0" MINCLEAR7'- 0" MINCLEAR NPOST42" HGT METALGUARD TO COMPLYWITH CRC R312.1 WELL 42" HGT METALGUARD TO COMPLYWITH CRC R312.1WELLLATCHEDGATEGAS200a ELECservice DW14'- 8" +/-STAIR TO BE BUILTPER LAYOUT. ANYDEVIATION SHALLREQ. ARCHITECTAPPROVAL PRIORTO CONTRUCTION(LAYOUT DTL, A-3)TEMPERED GLASSENCLOSURE & DRPROVIDE 1 HR FIRE SEPARATIONBTW GARAGE AND LIVING SPACES.1/2" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD ONGARAGE SIDE OF WALL. TYP.A/CCONDENSORSPRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION START,VERIFY A/C AND HWLOCATIONS W/OWNER PROJECT SITE B R O A D W A Y HWY 1 7SANTA CRUZ AV.W. M A I N S T . PROJECTPROJECT SITESITE LOS GATOS BAYVIEW AV.TAIT AV.MASSOL AV.TAIT AV.ALLEYALLEYWILDER AV.B E A N A V .SANTA CRUZ AV.PE N N S Y L V A N I A A V . BDKN 1 313 7 8 12 HMA149EE10F(E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEopenbelow dnup SEATSEATupCOUNTERWINEPANTRYCAB.DNS R/F R/FC.T. W/OVEN SDWDW 8 built-inwardrobe (N) WALL(E) STUD WALLLEGENDLEGENDFAMILY RMKITCHENDININGG.BATHGUESTBEDRMLIVINGGARAGEWHWCSNWELL WELLGAS200A ELECservice DW A/CCONDENSORS PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION START,VERIFY A/C AND HWLOCATIONS W/OWNERPLCLPLELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGENDDUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLET MOUNTINGHEIGHT TO CENTER OF OUTLET (12" UNO NOTED)W/GROUND FAULT INTERCEPTORWATER PROOFW/ONE SWITCHABLE OUTLETNEMA ELEC VEHICLE CHARGING OUTLETRECESSED EXHAUST FAN W/VENT TO OUTSIDE W/BUILT IN LIGHT FIXTURE AND HEATLIGHT FIXTUREWALL SCONCEUNDER CABINET TASK LIGHTINGRECESSED CAN LIGHTRECESSED DIRECTIONAL LIGHTJUNCTION BOXCOUNTER SWITCHWALL SWITCH3 WAY4 WAY OR GREATERSMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORVACANCY SENSORPUSH BUTTON DOOR BELLGFIWP GFICOUNTER SWITCH ANDUNDER COUNTER OUTLETFOR GARBAGE DISPOSALGFI GFI GFIGFIGFIGFIGFI1A-4 GFIGFIOUTLET ON CEILINGJOIST FOR GARAGEDOOR OPENERGFIGFIGFI220GFIWPGFIWPGFI WPGFI WPGFIWPGFIGFIFORD/W WPGFI 44TO UP-STAIRSCIRCUIT GFIMEDICINECABINETTO DN-STAIRSCIRCUIT1615141312432167891011BNCJEPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATION4" FURRING TO CONTAIN4" RECTANGULAR DUCTSTO SERVE MAIN LEVELAND BASEMENT AREAS5PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI COREINSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB1253.5/12 TOLANAI CLG CRICKET - SEEROOF PLANGAMER00MKITCHENENTRYM.BATHGAMER00MKITCHEN LIVINGM.BATH 2A-4 typ 3060C3060CCONCRETEPATIO7 3/4" MAX RISE & 10"MIN RUN PER CRCR311.7.55'-0" X 5-0" MIN LANDING NOMORE THAN ONE INCH LOWERTHAN THRESHOLD PER TOWNACCESSABILITY STANDARDSATTIC IS UNVENTED CONDITION PERCRC 806.4. APPLY AIR IMPERMEABLESPRAY FOAM DIRECTLY TO UNDER-SIDE OF ROOF DECK PER ICC-ESREPORT ESR-3470 AND TITLE 24DOCUMENTS. FOR VAULTED ANDOPEN ATTIC SPACES PROVIDEINTUMESCENT COATING. TYP.6'- 8" MIN HEADROOM AT STAIRPER CRC R311.7.2PORCH IS LESSTHAN 30" HEIGHT ETCH COLOREDCONCRETE FRONTPORCH. VERIFY W/OWNERPORCH CEILING TO BEENCLOSED WITH THEEXPOSED UNDERSIDECOATED AND PROTECTEDBY NEW SMOOTH / OLDWORLD PLASTER COLORCOAT OVER PLASTERSIDING: 3-COAT (7/8")PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDEDMETAL LATH O/(2) LAYERSOF GRADE "D" PAPER OREQUAL O/ WALLSHEATHING. PER CRCR703.7 AND CRC 337.6.2TYP.GFIWPOFFICEGAME RM.BED RM.GARAGE ATTICDINING RM.OPEN TOKITCHEN OPEN TOABOVE &BELOWALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4 PLGUESTRM.HALL 2x8 wall LINE OFSTAIRABOVE2X4S PREWIRE FORBATTERYSTORAGE PERELEC NOTE #21,SHEET E-22X2 FURRING HARD WIREDDOORBELLALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4ALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4 LCRICKET - SEEROOF PLANJPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATIONL must illuminate the topstairway landing. CRC R303.8to lights & switch atbottom of stairwayfireplace notes:1. gas fireplaces installed in the town of losgatos shall have no wood burning components2. accessible gas shutoff valve shall be locatedoutside the firebox and within 6' of theappliance. cmc 1313.4 GAS SHUTOFF VALVE.SEE FIREPLACE NOTESON SHEET A-4ELECSUBPANEL ERV #285 CFM2a-81a-8RECESSEDW/D PLUMBING& VENTING 2a-x1a-xS3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S33a-8WOOD SIDING MITERCORNERS AS SHOWNMITER SIDES @ DOORCORNER & RETURNINTO TRIMLESS DOORSIDE JAMB 36" x 36" MIN LANDING NOT MORE THAN7 3/4" LOWER THAN THRESHOLD. PERCRC SEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.236" x 36" MIN LANDINGNOT MORE THAN 7 3/4"LOWER THANTHRESHOLD. PER CRCSEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.2 11 S311111 11111114a-85a-8 11 1 1 1 1 01.24.22 11.16.21 RALSTON44 BAYVIEW AVENUEA-1site plan 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH PARCEL map not to scale WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACEWILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE FIRE ZONE REQUIREMENTSFIRE ZONE REQUIREMENTS Prior to building permit final, the property shallPrior to building permit final, the property shall be in a compliance with the vegetation managementbe in a compliance with the vegetation management requirements prescribed in California Fire Coderequirements prescribed in California Fire Code section 4906, including California Public Resourcessection 4906, including California Public Resources Code 4291 or California Government Code SectionCode 4291 or California Government Code Section 51182 per CRC R337.1.5.51182 per CRC R337.1.5. Roof gutters shall be provided with the means toRoof gutters shall be provided with the means to prevent the accumulation of leaves and debris inprevent the accumulation of leaves and debris in the gutter per CRC R337.5.4.the gutter per CRC R337.5.4. Exterior wall coverings shall extend from the topExterior wall coverings shall extend from the top of the foundation to the roof, and terminate at 2of the foundation to the roof, and terminate at 2 inch nominal solid wood blocking between raftersinch nominal solid wood blocking between rafters at all roof overhangs, or in the case of enclosedat all roof overhangs, or in the case of enclosed eaves, terminate at the enclosure per CRCeaves, terminate at the enclosure per CRC R337.7.3.1.R337.7.3.1. The exposed underside of enclosed roof eavesThe exposed underside of enclosed roof eaves having either a boxed-in roof eave soffit with ahaving either a boxed-in roof eave soffit with a horizontal underside, or sloping rafter tails withhorizontal underside, or sloping rafter tails with an exterior covering applied to the underside ofan exterior covering applied to the underside of the rafter tails, shall be protected by one of thethe rafter tails, shall be protected by one of the following per CRC R337.7.5:following per CRC R337.7.5: 30.1. Noncombustible material30.1. Noncombustible material 30.2. Ignition-resistant material30.2. Ignition-resistant material 30.3. One layer of 5/830.3. One layer of 5/8 ” Type Type ‘XX’ gypsum sheathing gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on theapplied behind an exterior covering on the underside of the rafter tails or soffit.underside of the rafter tails or soffit. 30.4. The exterior portion of a 1-hour fire resistive30.4. The exterior portion of a 1-hour fire resistive exterior wall assembly applied to the undersideexterior wall assembly applied to the underside of the rafter tails or soffit including assembliesof the rafter tails or soffit including assemblies using the gypsum panel and sheathing productsusing the gypsum panel and sheathing products listed in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistantlisted in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistant Design Manual.Design Manual. 30.5. Boxed-in roof eave soffit assemblies with a30.5. Boxed-in roof eave soffit assemblies with a horizontal underside that meet the performancehorizontal underside that meet the performance criteria in accordance with the test procedurescriteria in accordance with the test procedures set forth in SFM Standard 12-7A-3.set forth in SFM Standard 12-7A-3. Exterior windows and exterior glazed doorExterior windows and exterior glazed door assemblies shall be constructed of multi-paneassemblies shall be constructed of multi-pane glazing with a minimum of one tempered paneglazing with a minimum of one tempered pane meeting the requirements of Section 2406 Safetymeeting the requirements of Section 2406 Safety GlazingGlazing Exterior doors shall comply with one of theExterior doors shall comply with one of the following per CRC 337.8.3:following per CRC 337.8.3: 32.1. The exterior surface or cladding shall be of32.1. The exterior surface or cladding shall be of noncombustible or ignition-resistant materialnoncombustible or ignition-resistant material 01.24.22 SHEET INDEX SHEET INDEX A-1 SITE PLAN / GENERAL INFO A-1.1 CLEAN BAY SHEET A-1.2 conditions of approval A-2 GENERAL NOTES A-3 BASEMENT PLAN A-4 GROUND PLAN A-5 UPPER PLAN a-6 ROOF PLAN A-7 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A-8 SECTIONS A-9 ELEVATIONS AB/D-1 AS BUILT - DEMO PLAN E-1/2 ELECTRICAL g1.0 CAL GREEN SH1 shoring plan S0.0 STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS S0.1 NAILING SCHEDULE & DETAILS S0.2 SHEARWall schedule & details s1.0 foundation plan s1.1 ground floor framing plan s1.2 ground flr ceiling/upper framing s1.3 upper ceiling / lower roof framing s1.4 upper roof framing plan s2.0/1 foundation details s3.0/1 framing details t-1 tree protection measures S-1 SURVEY C1.0 COVER SHEET, DETAILS, & GENERAL NOTES C2.0 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C2.1 EROSION CONTROL PLAN T - 1/3 T24 ENERGY PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of a New house (technical demo of existing house) OWNERS OWNERS david and ladan ralston 1309 Echo Valley Drive, San Jose PHONE 408.221.2430 SITE PARTICULARS SITE PARTICULARS APN 510-44-020 ZONING R-1 D AREA SUMMARY AREA SUMMARY SITE AREA 5,720 SF avg slope = 1.5% FAR allowed = 0.344 ALLOWED FLOOR AREA 1,968 SF Allowed Garage FAR = 0.098 Allowed Garage Area 560 sf PROPOSED FLOOR AREA PROPOSED FLOOR AREA EXISTINGEXISTING ADDEDADDED total total ground level flr area 1,085 SF 434 SF 1,519 sf upper level flr area 0 763 sf 763 sf total added flr area 1,197 SF total proposed floor area 2,282 sf garage 373 SF basement 1,519 sf lanai 204 sf front porch 40 sf CUT / FILL CUT / FILL REFERENCE CIVIL DRAWINGS abreviation & SYMBOL legend abreviation & SYMBOL legend (e) existing (p) proposed FYSB front yard set back RYSB rear yard set back SYSB side yard set back g gas line p property line pp power pole up underground elec line s sewer line w water line l site notes:site notes: 1. (n) downspouts to splash blocks to vegetated areas to dissipate on site 2. town 'no cut' guitdelines shall be followed 3. LANDSCAPE FRONT YARD LIMIT TO 500 SF fire sprinklers required per scc fire conditions of approval for this project ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: VERIFY APPROVED ADDRESS NUMBERS ARE IN A POSITION THAT IS PLAINLY LEGIBLE AND VISIBLE FROM THE STREET FRONTING THE PROPERTY. THESE NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST W/THEIR BACKGROUND. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES HIGH W/A MINIMUM STROKE WIDTH OF 0.5 INCH. PER CFC SEC. 505.1 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION - ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO CONTINUING WITH CONSTRUCTION THE E X I S T I N G S T R U C T U R E I S N O T P E R M I T T E D TO B E D E M O L I S H E D . C O N T R A C T O R A N D SUB C O N T R A C T O R S M U S T A C C O M P L I S H A L L ASP E C T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H I N T H E L I M I T S PER M I T T E D B Y T H E T O W N , S H O W N O N A B / D - 1 , 2 all electrical, plumbing and mechanical installations shall be design build by the specific subcontractor(s) and shall in any case conform to the latest editions of the applicable codes APPLICABLE BUILDING CODESAPPLICABLE BUILDING CODES ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENTLY ADOPTED 2019 CRC, CMC, CPC, CEC, CAL-GREEN AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTESGENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES 1. DUE DILLIGENCE: 1. DUE DILLIGENCE: CONTRACTOR SHALL - VISIT SITE AND REVIEW ALL DRAWINGS. INCLUDE DEMOLITION AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE NEW WORK INCLUDING ANY CONSTRUCTION, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL AND THE FINISH TRADES TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. - VERIFY WITH OWNER ANY ITEMS TO BE SALVAGED PRIOR TO START OF WORK. - VERIFY WITH OWNER A LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS AS IN - CABINETS, DOORS, JAMBS, FINISHES, PAINTING, HARDWARE, FLOORS, FIXTURES, COUNTERTOPS, LIGHTING AND PLUMBING FIXTURES OR APPLIANCES. - BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL JOB CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. - ENSURE ALL ATTACHMENTS AND CONNECTIONS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL AND/OR NATIONAL CODES AND IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUB-CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY. 2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT: 2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT: THE SCOPE OF THIS CONTRACT IS TO INCLUDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, SCAFFOLDING AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS FOR PROPER SERVICE INCIDENTAL TO PERFORMING AND COMPLETING THE WORK OUTLINED IN THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH WORK OMITTED ON THE PLAN, NECESARY FOR THE PROPER COMPLETION OF THE WORK PER INTENT OF THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INDICATE TO THE SUBCONTRACTORS THE JURISDICTION OF THIER TRADE AS IT APPLIES TO THIS JOB. ALL WORK PERSONS AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE SKILLED IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL TRADES. 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS: 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL FOR THE WORK AND SHALL NOT START ANY WORK UNTIL SATISFIED THAT THE ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS ARE AS SET FORTH ON THE DRAWINGS. ONCE HAVING STARTED WORK, IT WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE WHATEVER ADJUSTMENTS, CORRECTIONS, OR REPAIRS AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. 4. PERMITS & INSPECTIONS:4. PERMITS & INSPECTIONS: THE OWNER SHALL PAY NET FOR ALL PERMITS AND FEES REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE AND VERIFY ALL INSPECTIONS WHEN REQUIRED AS PER LOCAL CITY AND /OR COUNTY REQUIREMENTS. iNCLUDING ANY INSPECTIONS SPECIAL OR OTHERWISE THAT ARE REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING CODES PER LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 5. CODES: 5. CODES: ALL WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND LOCAL ORDINANCES. ALL PUBLIC AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION, INCLUDING THE LATEST UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, STATE , COUNTY AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. 6. INSURANCE, SAFETY AND WORKMANSHIP:6. INSURANCE, SAFETY AND WORKMANSHIP: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CARRY HIS/HER OWN WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE AS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACTOR ALONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE BY PERSONS SKILLED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE TRADES AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BEST RECOGNIZED PRACTICE FOR EACH TRADE. ALL WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTONS, WHERE APPLICABLE. WORKMANSHIP THAT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE OBVIOUS INTENT OF THE CONTRACT SHALL BE REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 7. DIMENSIONS & DISCREPENCIES: 7. DIMENSIONS & DISCREPENCIES: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS AND ELEVATIONS AT THE JOB SITE AND BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT'S ATTENTION. VERIFY DIMENSIONED ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AS THEY RELATE TO THE STRUCTURAL DIMENSIONS CONTROLLED BY OR RELATING TO PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT SCALE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. VERIFY TYPE AND SIZE OF METAL WORK AGAINST APPROPRIATE MEMBER SIZE BFORE ORDERING HARDWARE. VERIFY STRUCTURAL DIMENSIONS CONTROLLED BY OR RELATING TO PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE OWNER, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ON THE PLANS, WHICH MIGHT AFFECT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. 8. PRECEDENCE & SUBSITITUTION:8. PRECEDENCE & SUBSITITUTION: IN GENERAL, LARGER SCALE DETAILS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SMALLER SCALE DETAILS. IN CASE OF DISCREPENCIES OR WHERE THE INTENT OF THE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS IS NOT CLEAR, REQUEST CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. WHERE A NAME BRAND OR MANUFACTURER'S PRODUCT IS SPECIFIED, IT IS USED AS A MEASURE OF THE QUALITY, UTILITY OR AS A STANDARD. PRODUCTS OF SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION AND/OR EQUAL VALUE CAN BE OFFERED FOR THE OWNER'S APPROVAL. 9. CHANGE ORDER:9. CHANGE ORDER: MAKE NO DEVIATION FROM THE PLANS OR SPECIFICANS WITHOUT NOTIFICATION TO THE OWNER, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. OBTAIN WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FOR CHANGES INVOLVING COST, PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH ANY CHANGES. 10: CLEAN UP: 10: CLEAN UP: DURING EXECUTION OF THE WORK, THE JOB SITE SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. UPON COMPLETION, WINDOWS SHALL BE WASHED AND FLOORS SWEPT. ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE PROJECT SITE RAKED CLEAN AND LEVEL. ALL CLEANING OF CONCRETE, STUCCO AND PAINTING TOOLS, ETC TO BE DONE AT A PLACE DESIGNATED BY THE OWNER. LETTERS, EVIDENCE, FORMS AND SCHEDULES LETTERS, EVIDENCE, FORMS AND SCHEDULES 1. BUILDER MUST PROVIDE THE HOMEOWNER WITH A LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE (AS REQUIRED IN TITLE 24 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, PART 1, §10-103(B)) THAT INCLUDES A LIST OF LAMPS INSTALLED IN THE LUMINARIES. 2. HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED FOR THE HVAC HEAT PUMPS, HVAC FAN SYSTEMS, HVAC DISTRIBUTION. AND IAQ (INDOOR AIR QUALITY). PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF THIRD PARTY VERIFICATION (HERS) TO PROJECT BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION 3. A COMPLETED CF2R-LTG-01-E FORM MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 4. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, A LETTER SIGNED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR THE OWNER/BUILDER (FOR ANY OWNER/BUILDER PROJECTS) MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFYING THAT ALL ADHESIVES. SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS. COATINGS , AEROSOL PAINTS, AEROSOL COATINGS, CARPET SYSTEMS (INCLUDING CARPETING, CUSHION AND ADHESIVE), RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS, AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT ARE WITHIN THE EMISSION LIMITS SPECIFIED IN CGBSC SECTION 4.504. WATER & FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTSWATER & FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES MUST COMPLY W/ APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CFC CH. 33 AND SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT STD DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION S1-7 2. POTABLE WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTAMINATION CAUSED BY FIRE PROTECTION WATER SUPPLIES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT AND ANY CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CONTACT THE WATER PURVEYOR SUPPLYING THE SITE OF SUCH PROJECT, AND TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT PURVEYOR. SUCH REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN OF ANY WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND/OR FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS OR STORAGE CONTAINERS THAT MAY BE PHYSICALLY CONNECTED IN ANY MANNER TO AN APPLIANCE CAPABLE OF CAUSING CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY OF THE PURVEYOR OF RECORD. FINAL APPROVAL OF THE SYSTEM(S) UNDER CONSIDERATION WILL NOT BE GRANTED BY SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE UNTIL COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER PURVEYOR ARE DOCUMENTED BY THAT PURVEYOR AS HAVING BEEN MET BY THE APPLICANT(S). 2019 CFC 903.3.5 AND HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 13114.7 SPECIAL NOTES TO OWNERSPECIAL NOTES TO OWNER SITE DRAINAGESITE DRAINAGE ALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES SHOULD BE DILIGENTLY MAINTAINED DURING THE LIFE OF THE STRUCTURE – DIRECTING SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE WATERS AWAY FROM THE BUILDING TO ENSURE THAT THE FOUNDATIONS WILL NOT BE ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY SUCH WATER AND IN ADDITION, TO PREVENT WATER INTRUSION INTO THE BUILDING. THIS IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT DURING PERIODS OF PROLONGED AND INTENSE RAINFALL. CONCRETECONCRETE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS, AND FOR CONVENTIONAL BUILDINGS SUCH AS THE SUBJECT MATTER, REINFORCED CONCRETE DEVELOPS CRACKS. THE CRACKS ARE DUE TO INHERENT SHRINKAGE OF CONCRETE, CREEP, AND RESTRAINING EFFECTS OF WALLS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TO WHICH THE BEAMS/SLABS ARE TIED. THE CRACKS ARE NORMALLY COSMETIC, AND THE SLAB MAINTAINS ITS SERVICEABILITY AND STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A NUMBER OF HAIRLINE CRACKS, WHICH WOULD NORMALLY BE SPREAD OVER A WIDE AREA, WILL INTEGRATE INTO A SINGLE CRACK WITH A WIDTH EXCEEDING 0.01 INCH. IT IS EMPHASIZED THAT, ALTHOUGH SPECIAL EFFORT IS MADE TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL CAUSES AND NUMBER OF SUCH CRACKS, IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO PROVIDE TOTAL ARTICULATION BETWEEN THE FLOOR SLAB SYSTEM AND ITS SUPPORTS, AND THEREBY ACHIEVE COMPLETE INHIBITION. MOST SUCH CRACKS DEVELOP OVER THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF THE LIFE OF THE FLOOR SLAB SYSTEM. CRACKS THAT ARE WIDER THAN 0.01 INCH MAY NEED TO BE PRESSURE EPOXIED. THE OBJECT OF THE JOINTS PROVIDED IS TO ALLOW MOVEMENT. MOVEMENT DUE TO CREEP AND SHRINKAGE MAY NOT BE NOTICEABLE AT THE JOINTS UP TO TWO YEARS AFTER CONSTRUCTION BEYOND WHICH MOVEMENTS DUE TO VARIATION IN TEMPERATURE WILL PERSIST. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTIONEXPANSION AND CONTRACTION THE EFFECTS OF NORMAL EXPANSIONS AND CONTRACTION CAN BE SEEN IN SUCH THINGS AS SMALL CRACKS IN THE FOUNDATION, DRYWALL, CEMENT, PLASTER, AND PAINT – ESPECIALLY WHERE MOLDINGS MEET AT MITERED CORNERS, WHERE TILE GROUT MEETS THE TUB OR SINK, ETC. SHRINKAGE OF WOOD IN YOUR HOME IS ALSO INEVITABLE. THIS WILL BE MOST NOTICEABLE DURING THE FIRST YEAR FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION, BUT TYPICALLY CONTINUES INTO THE SECOND YEAR. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE CRACKS CAUSED BY EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION. vicinity map not to scale PROG R E S S S E T , N O T FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N IMPERVIOUS AREA:IMPERVIOUS AREA:EXISTING PROPOSED ADDED HOUSE FOOTPRINT1,381 SF 2,188 SF 807 SF REAR PATIO-392 SF 392 SF DRIVEWAY/WALKWAYS 123 SF 454 Sf 331 sf TOTAL1,504 SF 3,034 SF 1,530 sf CUT / FILLCUT / FILL REFERENCE CIVIL DRAWINGS SEE SHEET T-1 FOR TREE PROTECTION MEASURES INDOOR AIR QUALITY, BALANCED & RECIRCULATING FANS WITH DEMAND CONTROL AND OCCUPANCY MOTION SENSORS ARE REQ'D FOR THIS PROJECT AS "REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES" OF THE ENERGY CALCS ATTACHMENT 3 24" x 30"CLR TYPGFI IN MED CAB J SSSSSVS CDSD8' - 0"5'-7"15' +/-2'-2"14'-10"8' - 0"28'-2"18' - 0" 5'-8"11'-7" 3' - 0"3'-1"7'-3"27'-7"42'-6"18"18"2'-6"BELOW GND B D UP K N 1 3 1 3 7 8 12 HM E A 14 9 (E) LINE VERIFY WITH (E) WALLS ABOVE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEup 8 SEE BASEMENT DRAINAGE, SUMP AND EJECTOR PUMP NOTES, A-3 4X4 NO K INGSNO TR IMMERS 4X4 NO K INGSNO TR IMMERS E ADHERED STONE VENEER GAMES OFFICE BATH 1 EXERCISE MECH. STORAGE EP 1 A-X 1 MAT SLAB DETAIL A-X NOT TO SCALE 2X6 JOISTS PLYWOOD INTERIORWELL FF = 411FF = 411 .75' CAB SHWRNONSTRUCTURAL wallNONSTRUCTURAL wall FAU #1 ZONED BASEMENT FAU TO SERVE BASEMENT AND MAIN LEVEL SEE SECTION FOR DUCT RUNS IN FURRED BASEMENT CEILING 2x4 fURRING W/ INSULATION = R-15 18" x 18" CONC PAVERS ON BISON PEDASTALS START LAYOUT HERE FLUSH HEADERS NONSTRUCTURAL wallLIGHT WELL HW 3'-0" x 3'-0 IN FRONT OF WDW LADDER WH WC COFFERED CEILING 9086 TEMP 7686 TEMP5686 TEMP 6056 CC2'-6" HEIGHT CONC. WALL 2870 2670 PD2670 2670 2670 3086 5070 3070 TEMPERED GLASS ENCLOSURE & DOOR FROST BAND @ WC GLASS SPIRAL STAIR PER CRC R311.7.10.1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SPECS CONFIRMING SLIP RESISTANCE PER LOS GATOS TOWN REQ'TS TO BLDG DEPT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO STAIR INSTALLATION B D UP K N 1 3 1 3 7 8 12 HM E A 14 9 (E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEup 8 SUMP E GAMES BATH 1 EXERCISE MECH. STORAGE EP CAB SHWR FAU #1 ZONED BASEMENT FAU TO SERVE BASEMENT AND MAIN LEVELNONSTRUCTURAL wallLIGHT WELL HW WH WC PROVIDE RECIRC PUMP SEE NOTES, SHEET A-3 open CEILING COFFERED CEILING 2670 2670 2670 MEDICINE CABINET TO GND - FLOOR CIRCUIT OFFICE GFI WATER PROOFING NOTES WATER PROOFING NOTES 1.PROVIDE WATERSTOP AT COLD JOINT BETWEEN WALL AND FOUNDATION 2.UTILIZE SIKAPROOF WATER PROOFING PER MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS UNDERSLAB AND AT RETAINING WALLS 1/2 GYPSUM BOARD AT ALL WALLS, UNDER STAIR SURFACE, AND ANY SOFFITS ON ENCLOSED USEABLE SPACE BELOW STAIR PER CRC R302.7 6'- 8" MIN HEAD ROOM AT STAIR PER CRC R311.7.2 BASEMENT GYPSUM BD TO BE MOISTURE RESISTANT DENSEARMOR. TYP 4 " X 8 " PO S T EJECTOR PUMP. SEE BASEMENT DRAINAGE, SUMP AND EJECTOR PUMP NOTES, A-3 SUMP LADDER OR STEPS SHALL NOT ENCROACH INTO THE REQUIRED DIMENSIONS OF THE WINDOW WELL BY MORE THAN 6". PER CRC R310.2.3. LADDER OR RUNGS SHALL HAVE AN INSIDE WIDTH OF NOT LESS THAN 12", SHALL PROJECT NOT LESS THAN 3" FROM THE WALL AND SHALL BE SPACED NOT MORE THAN 18" ON CENTER VERTICALLY FOR THE FULL HEIGHT OF THE WINDOW WELL must illuminate the bottom stairway landing. CRC R303.8 to light & switch at top of stairway ERV #1 85 CFM S3S3S3S3S3 S3S3S3S3 S3 S32a-81a-8open CEILING 1 113' - 0"S3 1 1 water heater notes: 1. provide recirc pump 2. seismic anchorage to include anchors or straps at points within the upper and lower one-third of its vertical dimension, the lower anchor/strap located to maintain a minimum distance of 4 inches above the controls. CPC 507.2 3. PROVIDE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE WITH DRAIN TO OUTSIDE. CPC 504.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 a-8 1 1 PROG R E S S S E T , N O T FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N FS = 419.82'FS = 419.82'DRYER DUCT RUN & TERMINATIONPOINT. TERMINATION MUST BE 3'FROM WDW AND DR. DRYER MUSTBE EQUIPPED WITH A BACKDRFTDAMPER W/NO SCREEN. THE DUCTIS LIMITED TO 14' IN LENGTH WITHTWO 90 DEGREE ELBOWS. PERCMC 504.4 PL CLPL PL PLCL 24" x 30"CLR TYPCL S4SCDSDS3J S3S3SS S3SSSJSSS4SSS3S3S3S3S3S3S GFI IN MED CABSSSVSVSVSCDSDSD 3'-4"3'-4"3T = 2'-6"3'-4"6T = 5' - 0"3'-4"3'-4"4T = 3'-4"15T = 12'-6"3'-1" 3'-2" 2X2 FURRINGBDKN1 31378 12 HMA149EE10F(E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEF.P.2x10 wallopenbelowFLUSHheader hereno sheardnupsysb sysb4650 P2022 C2022 C9050 CPC3478 5050 CC 54+/- 20 A TEMP58+/- 20 A TEMP10650 CPC2x651090 +/- O TEMP8x8POSTSTL FRAMEAT ROOF16151413121098765432116 Rs @ 7.5"Ts @ 10"16 (5-7-4) Rs@ 7.5"Ts @ 10"6789101112 SEATSEAT10070 DR. VERIFYW/ARCHITECT3070 WS2630 C8026 CPC TEMP3070 WSup2870 W/S 20MINSELF CLOSINGCOUNTERWINEPANTRYCAB.DNSR/F R/FCounter topW/rangeSDWDWF.P. SPEC ORTAL 40X70CSA TESTED AND APPROVED TO US:ANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33 – 2016 STANDARDS.INSTALL TO MFR REQUIREMENTS ANDANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54FS = 421.75'FS = 421.75' 123451 2 3 4 567882870 2870 2870 slotdrainbuilt-inwardrobe (N) WALL (E) STUD WALLLEGEND LEGEND 160+/- 90+/- OXX TEMPBNCJEPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATION512' - 1 1/2"dn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516 up E STAIR MAIN TO UPPER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" STAIR MAIN TO LOWER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" up dn 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 162x4 wall2x4 wall3 1/2" INSET, VERIFY W/STRL 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 8 PTDF PLATE3/4" MIN DRI COREINSUL-ARMOR O/SLABFAMILY RM KITCHEN DINING G.BATH GUESTBEDRM LIVING GARAGE FLUSH HEADERSTATIONARYPNLFLUSH HDRWHWC S1253.5/12 TOLANAI CLG2x4 LANDINGJOISTS. SEESTRUCTURAL7'- 0" MINCLEAR7'- 0" MINCLEAR NPOST42" HGT METALGUARD TO COMPLYWITH CRC R312.1WELL 42" HGT METALGUARD TO COMPLYWITH CRC R312.1WELL LATCHEDGATEGAS200a ELECserviceDW14'- 8" +/-STAIR TO BE BUILTPER LAYOUT. ANYDEVIATION SHALLREQ. ARCHITECTAPPROVAL PRIORTO CONTRUCTION(LAYOUT DTL, A-3)TEMPERED GLASSENCLOSURE & DRPROVIDE 1 HR FIRE SEPARATIONBTW GARAGE AND LIVING SPACES.1/2" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD ONGARAGE SIDE OF WALL. TYP. A/CCONDENSORSPRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION START,VERIFY A/C AND HWLOCATIONS W/OWNER PROJECT SITE B R O A D W A Y HWY 1 7SANTA CRUZ AV.W. M A I N S T . PROJECTPROJECT SITESITE LOS GATOS BAYVIEW AV.TAIT AV.MASSOL AV.TAIT AV.ALLEYALLEYWILDER AV.B E A N A V .SANTA CRUZ AV.P E N N S Y L V A N I A A V . BDKN 1 313 7 8 12 HMA149EE10F(E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEopenbelow dnup SEATSEATupCOUNTERWINEPANTRYCAB.DNS R/F R/FC.T. W/OVEN SDWDW 8 built-inwardrobe (N) WALL (E) STUD WALLLEGEND LEGEND FAMILY RM KITCHEN DINING G.BATH GUESTBEDRM LIVING GARAGE WHWC SNWELL WELL GAS200A ELECservice DW A/CCONDENSORS PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION START,VERIFY A/C AND HWLOCATIONS W/OWNERPLCLPLELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLET MOUNTINGHEIGHT TO CENTER OF OUTLET (12" UNO NOTED)W/GROUND FAULT INTERCEPTORWATER PROOF W/ONE SWITCHABLE OUTLETNEMA ELEC VEHICLE CHARGING OUTLETRECESSED EXHAUST FAN W/VENT TO OUTSIDE W/BUILT IN LIGHT FIXTURE AND HEATLIGHT FIXTUREWALL SCONCEUNDER CABINET TASK LIGHTINGRECESSED CAN LIGHTRECESSED DIRECTIONAL LIGHTJUNCTION BOXCOUNTER SWITCHWALL SWITCH3 WAY 4 WAY OR GREATERSMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORVACANCY SENSORPUSH BUTTON DOOR BELLGFIWP GFICOUNTER SWITCH AND UNDER COUNTER OUTLETFOR GARBAGE DISPOSALGFI GFI GFIGFIGFIGFIGFI1A-4 GFIGFIOUTLET ON CEILINGJOIST FOR GARAGEDOOR OPENERGFIGFIGFI220GFIWPGFIWPGFI WPGFI WPGFIWPGFIGFIFOR D/W WPGFI 44TO UP-STAIRSCIRCUIT GFIMEDICINE CABINET TO DN-STAIRSCIRCUIT 16 15 14 13 12 4 3 2 1 67891011BNCJEPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATION 4" FURRING TO CONTAIN 4" RECTANGULAR DUCTS TO SERVE MAIN LEVEL AND BASEMENT AREAS 5 PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI CORE INSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB 1253.5/12 TOLANAI CLGCRICKET - SEEROOF PLANGAMER00MKITCHENENTRYM. BATH GAME R00M KITCHENLIVINGM. BATH2A-4typ 3060 C3060 CCONCRETEPATIO7 3/4" MAX RISE & 10"MIN RUN PER CRCR311.7.55'-0" X 5-0" MIN LANDING NOMORE THAN ONE INCH LOWERTHAN THRESHOLD PER TOWNACCESSABILITY STANDARDSATTIC IS UNVENTED CONDITION PERCRC 806.4. APPLY AIR IMPERMEABLESPRAY FOAM DIRECTLY TO UNDER-SIDE OF ROOF DECK PER ICC-ESREPORT ESR-3470 AND TITLE 24DOCUMENTS. FOR VAULTED ANDOPEN ATTIC SPACES PROVIDEINTUMESCENT COATING. TYP.6'- 8" MIN HEADROOM AT STAIRPER CRC R311.7.2PORCH IS LESSTHAN 30" HEIGHTETCH COLOREDCONCRETE FRONTPORCH. VERIFY W/OWNERPORCH CEILING TO BEENCLOSED WITH THEEXPOSED UNDERSIDECOATED AND PROTECTEDBY NEW SMOOTH / OLDWORLD PLASTER COLORCOAT OVER PLASTERSIDING: 3-COAT (7/8")PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDEDMETAL LATH O/(2) LAYERSOF GRADE "D" PAPER OREQUAL O/ WALLSHEATHING. PER CRCR703.7 AND CRC 337.6.2TYP.GFIWP OFFICEGAME RM. BED RM. GARAGE ATTICDINING RM.OPEN TOKITCHENOPEN TOABOVE &BELOW ALL GUARDS 42" HGT TYP PER CRC R312. REF STAIR NOTES SHT A-4 PLGUESTRM.HALL2x8 wallLINE OFSTAIRABOVE2X4S PREWIRE FORBATTERYSTORAGE PERELEC NOTE #21,SHEET E-22X2 FURRING HARD WIREDDOORBELL ALL GUARDS 42" HGT TYP PER CRC R312. REF STAIR NOTES SHT A-4 ALL GUARDS42" HGT TYPPER CRCR312. REFSTAIR NOTESSHT A-4LCRICKET - SEEROOF PLANJPLT HGT 438' - 2"THIS LOCATIONL must illuminate the topstairway landing. CRC R303.8to lights & switch atbottom of stairwayfireplace notes:1. gas fireplaces installed in the town of losgatos shall have no wood burning components2. accessible gas shutoff valve shall be locatedoutside the firebox and within 6' of theappliance. cmc 1313.4 GAS SHUTOFF VALVE.SEE FIREPLACE NOTESON SHEET A-4ELECSUBPANEL ERV #2 85 CFM2a-81a-8RECESSED W/D PLUMBING& VENTING 2a-x1a-xS3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S33a-8WOOD SIDING MITERCORNERS AS SHOWNMITER SIDES @ DOORCORNER & RETURNINTO TRIMLESS DOORSIDE JAMB36" x 36" MIN LANDING NOT MORE THAN7 3/4" LOWER THAN THRESHOLD. PERCRC SEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.2 36" x 36" MIN LANDINGNOT MORE THAN 7 3/4"LOWER THANTHRESHOLD. PER CRCSEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.2 11 S311111 11111114a-85a-8 11 1 1 01.24.22 11.16.21 RALSTON44 BAYVIEW AVENUEbasement 1/4" = 1'-0"A-3 01.24.22 THE E X I S T I N G S T R U C T U R E I S N O T P E R M I T T E D TO B E D E M O L I S H E D . C O N T R A C T O R A N D SUB C O N T R A C T O R S M U S T A C C O M P L I S H A L L ASP E C T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H I N T H E L I M I T S PER M I T T E D B Y T H E T O W N , S H O W N O N A B / D - 1 , 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION - ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO CONTINUING WITH CONSTRUCTION FS = 419.82'FS = 419.82' DRYER DUCT RUN & TERMINATION POINT. TERMINATION MUST BE 3' FROM WDW AND DR. DRYER MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A BACKDRFT DAMPER W/NO SCREEN. THE DUCT IS LIMITED TO 14' IN LENGTH WITH TWO 90 DEGREE ELBOWS. PER CMC 504.4 PL CLPL PL PL CL 24" x 30" CLR TYP CL S4S CDSDS3 J S3S3 SS S3SSSJ SSS4SSS3S3S3 S3 S3 S3SGFI IN MED CAB SSS VS VSVS CDSD SD 5'-8" 6' - 0" 18' - 0"28' - 0"13' - 0"6' - 0"10'-6" 17' - 0"15' +/- VERIFY14'-11"6'-2"6"6"1'-9"1'-9"12'-1"7'-6"8' - 0"14'-9" 5' - 0" 5' - 0"4'-4"4' - 0"4' - 0" 3'-4"4T = 3'-4"3'-4"3'-1"42'-6"36" 5'-6"5' - 0"1'-11"6"16''16''8'-4"2X2 FURRING B D K N 1 3 1 3 7 8 12 HM A 14 9 E E 10 F (E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEF.P. 2x10 wall open below FLUSH header here no shear dn up sysb sysb 4650 P 2022 C2022 C9050 CPC 3478 5050 CC 54+/- 20 A TEMP58+/- 20 A TEMP 10650 CPC 2x6 51090 +/- O TEMP8x8POSTSTL FRAMEAT ROOF 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 Rs @ 7.5" Ts @ 10" 16 (5-7-4) Rs @ 7.5" Ts @ 10" 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEAT SEAT 10070 DR. VERIFY W/ARCHITECT 3070 WS 2630 C 8026 CPC TEMP3070 WSup 2870 W/S 20MIN SELF CLOSING COUNTER WINE PANTRY CAB. DN S R/F R/F Counter top W/range S DW DW F.P. SPEC ORTAL 40X70 CSA TESTED AND APPROVED TO US: ANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33 – 2016 STANDARDS. INSTALL TO MFR REQUIREMENTS AND ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 FS = 421.75'FS = 421.75' 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 2870 2870 2870 slot drain built-in wardrobe (N) WALL (E) STUD WALL LEGEND LEGEND 160+/- 90+/- OXX T E M P BNCJE PLT HGT 438' - 2" THIS LOCATION 5 12' - 1 1/2"dn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516 up E STAIR MAIN TO UPPER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" STAIR MAIN TO LOWER LEVEL 1/2" = 1'- 0" up dn 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 162x4 wall2x4 wall3 1/2" INSET, VERIFY W/STRL 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 8 PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI CORE INSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB FAMILY RM KITCHEN DINING G. BATH GUEST BEDRM LIVING GARAGE FLUSH H E A D E R STATIONARYPNLFLUSH HDRWH WC S 12 5 3.5/12 TO LANAI CLG 2x4 LANDING JOISTS. SEE STRUCTURAL 7'- 0" MIN CLEAR 7'- 0" MIN CLEAR NPOST 42" HGT METAL GUARD TO COMPLY WITH CRC R312.1 WELL 42" HGT METAL GUARD TO COMPLY WITH CRC R312.1 WELL LATCHED GATE GAS 200a ELEC service D W 14'- 8" +/- STAIR TO BE BUILT PER LAYOUT. ANY DEVIATION SHALL REQ. ARCHITECT APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONTRUCTION (LAYOUT DTL, A-3) TEMPERED GLASS ENCLOSURE & DR PROVIDE 1 HR FIRE SEPARATION BTW GARAGE AND LIVING SPACES. 1/2" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD ON GARAGE SIDE OF WALL. TYP. A/C CONDENSORS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START, VERIFY A/C AND HW LOCATIONS W/OWNER PROJECT SITE B R O A D W A Y HWY 1 7SANTA CRUZ AV.W. M A I N S T . PROJECTPROJECT SITESITE LOS GATOS BAYVIEW AV.TAIT AV.MASSOL AV.TAIT AV.ALLEYALLEYWILDER AV.B E A N A V .SANTA CRUZ AV.P E N N S Y L V A N I A A V . B D K N 1 3 1 3 7 8 12 HM A 14 9 E E 10 F (E) LINE(E) LINE (E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINE(E) LINEopen below dn up SEAT SEAT up COUNTER WINE PANTRY CAB. DN S R/F R/F C.T. W/ OVEN S DW DW 8 built-in wardrobe (N) WALL (E) STUD WALL LEGEND LEGEND FAMILY RM KITCHEN DINING G. BATH GUEST BEDRM LIVING GARAGE WH WC S N WELL WELL GAS 200A ELEC service D W A/C CONDENSORS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START, VERIFY A/C AND HW LOCATIONS W/OWNER PL CL PL ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLET MOUNTING HEIGHT TO CENTER OF OUTLET (12" UNO NOTED) W/GROUND FAULT INTERCEPTOR WATER PROOF W/ONE SWITCHABLE OUTLET NEMA ELEC VEHICLE CHARGING OUTLET RECESSED EXHAUST FAN W/VENT TO OUTSIDE W/ BUILT IN LIGHT FIXTURE AND HEAT LIGHT FIXTURE WALL SCONCE UNDER CABINET TASK LIGHTING RECESSED CAN LIGHT RECESSED DIRECTIONAL LIGHT JUNCTION BOX COUNTER SWITCH WALL SWITCH 3 WAY 4 WAY OR GREATER SMOKE / CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR VACANCY SENSOR PUSH BUTTON DOOR BELL GFI WP GFI COUNTER SWITCH AND UNDER COUNTER OUTLET FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL GFI GFI GFI GFI GFI GFI GFI 1 A-4 GFIGFI OUTLET ON CEILING JOIST FOR GARAGE DOOR OPENER GFIGFIGFI220GFIWPGFIWP GFI WP GFI WP GFI WP GFI GFI FOR D/W WP GFI 44TO UP- STAIRS CIRCUIT GFI MEDICINE CABINET TO DN- STAIRS CIRCUIT 16 15 14 13 12 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 BNCJE PLT HGT 438' - 2" THIS LOCATION 4" FURRING TO CONTAIN 4" RECTANGULAR DUCTS TO SERVE MAIN LEVEL AND BASEMENT AREAS 5 PTDF PLATE 3/4" MIN DRI CORE INSUL-ARMOR O/SLAB 12 5 3.5/12 TO LANAI CLG CRICKET - SEE ROOF PLAN GAME R00M KITCHENENTRY M. BATH GAME R00M KITCHENLIVING M. BATH 2 A-4 typ 3060 C3060 CCONCRETE PATIO 7 3/4" MAX RISE & 10" MIN RUN PER CRC R311.7.5 5'-0" X 5-0" MIN LANDING NO MORE THAN ONE INCH LOWER THAN THRESHOLD PER TOWN ACCESSABILITY STANDARDS ATTIC IS UNVENTED CONDITION PER CRC 806.4. APPLY AIR IMPERMEABLE SPRAY FOAM DIRECTLY TO UNDER- SIDE OF ROOF DECK PER ICC-ES REPORT ESR-3470 AND TITLE 24 DOCUMENTS. FOR VAULTED AND OPEN ATTIC SPACES PROVIDE INTUMESCENT COATING. TYP. 6'- 8" MIN HEAD ROOM AT STAIR PER CRC R311.7.2 PORCH IS LESS THAN 30" HEIGHT ETCH COLORED CONCRETE FRONT PORCH. VERIFY W/ OWNER PORCH CEILING TO BE ENCLOSED WITH THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE COATED AND PROTECTED BY NEW SMOOTH / OLD WORLD PLASTER COLOR COAT OVER PLASTER SIDING: 3-COAT (7/8") PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDED METAL LATH O/(2) LAYERS OF GRADE "D" PAPER OR EQUAL O/ WALL SHEATHING. PER CRC R703.7 AND CRC 337.6.2 TYP. GFI WP OFFICEGAME RM. BED RM. GARAGE ATTIC DINING RM. OPEN TO KITCHEN OPEN TO ABOVE & BELOW ALL GUARDS 42" HGT TYP PER CRC R312. REF STAIR NOTES SHT A-4 PLGUEST RM. HALL 2x8 wal l LINE OF STAIR ABOVE 2X4S PREWIRE FOR BATTERY STORAGE PER ELEC NOTE #21, SHEET E-2 2X2 FURRING HARD WIRED DOORBELL ALL GUARDS 42" HGT TYP PER CRC R312. REF STAIR NOTES SHT A-4 ALL GUARDS 42" HGT TYP PER CRC R312. REF STAIR NOTES SHT A-4 L CRICKET - SEE ROOF PLAN J PLT HGT 438' - 2" THIS LOCATION L must illuminate the top stairway landing. CRC R303.8 to lights & switch at bottom of stairway fireplace notes: 1. gas fireplaces installed in the town of los gatos shall have no wood burning components 2. accessible gas shutoff valve shall be located outside the firebox and within 6' of the appliance. cmc 1313.4 GAS SHUTOFF VALVE. SEE FIREPLACE NOTES ON SHEET A-4 ELEC SUBPANEL ERV #2 85 CFM2a-81a-8RECESSED W/D PLUMBING & VENTING 2a-x1a-xS3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S33 a-8 WOOD SIDING MITER CORNERS AS SHOWN MITER SIDES @ DOOR CORNER & RETURN INTO TRIMLESS DOOR SIDE JAMB 36" x 36" MIN LANDING NOT MORE THAN 7 3/4" LOWER THAN THRESHOLD. PER CRC SEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.2 36" x 36" MIN LANDING NOT MORE THAN 7 3/4" LOWER THAN THRESHOLD. PER CRC SEC R31 l .3 & R31 l .3.2 1 1 S3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 a-8 5 a-8 1 1 1 PROG R E S S S E T , N O T FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N 1 01.24.22 11.16.21 RALSTON44 BAYVIEW AVENUEGROUND FLOOR 1/4" = 1'-0"A-4 KITCHEN NOTES: KITCHEN NOTES: 1. DOWNDRAFT EXHAUST SYSTEM TO BE VENTED TO OUTSIDE. CEC 150(o) 2.EXHAUST FAN IN THE KITCHEN TO BE CAPABLE OF PROVIDING 5 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR (MINIMUM) 3. WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ. FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE. WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASH RAE 62.2.SECTION 6.4 1 KITCHEN ISLAND SINK VENT DETAIL A-4 2 A-4 EXTERIOR DECK, PORCH, TERRACE AND STAIRWAY WALKING SURFACE SHALL HAVE:EXTERIOR DECK, PORCH, TERRACE AND STAIRWAY WALKING SURFACE SHALL HAVE: 1. IGNITION-RESISTANT MATL TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E2632 AND ASTM E2726 COMPLYING WITH THE CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF CRC SECTIONS R337.9.4.1 AND R337.9.4.2. CRC SECTION R337.9.3, #1 2. IGNITION-RESISTANT MATL THAT COMPLIES WITH ASTM E84 OR UL 723 WHEN THE TEST IS CONTINUED FOR AN ADDITIONAL 20-MIN PERIOD (MEANING FOR A TOTAL TEST PERIOD OF AN EXTENDED" 30-MIN TEST PERIOD). CRC SECTION R337.9.3, ITEM #2 3. DECKING THAT COMPLIES WITH THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF BOTH SFM STANDARD 12-7A-4 AND SFM 12-7A-5. CRC R337.9.3 #3 4. EXTERIOR FIRE-RETARDANT TREATED WOOD. CRC R337.9.3 #4 5. NON COMBUSTIBLE MATL. CRC R337.9.3 #5 01.24.22 THE E X I S T I N G S T R U C T U R E I S N O T P E R M I T T E D TO B E D E M O L I S H E D . C O N T R A C T O R A N D SUB C O N T R A C T O R S M U S T A C C O M P L I S H A L L ASP E C T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H I N T H E L I M I T S PER M I T T E D B Y T H E T O W N , S H O W N O N A B / D - 1 , 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION - ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO CONTINUING WITH CONSTRUCTION 24" x 30" CLR TYP CL GFI IN MED CAB CDSDSD SD SD SSS SSSS SS SVS 16'-6"5'-8"5'-7"10'-11"8' - 0"1'-10"13' - 0"11'-2"4' - 0"5'-6"5' - 0"1'-10" 10'-6" 1'-6"3'-2"3T = 2'-6" 18''18" C D L N 1 2 1 3 7 12 HM F A 14 9 G E 4 13 A L J 2 4.1 8 11 dn 4X4 NO K INGSNO TR IMMERS 4X4 NO K INGSNO TR IMMERS 10040 CPC 3640 C2040 C TEMP2813 C TEMP 41013 C TEMP5840 CC 2x6 WALL 7040 CPC BUILT-IN WARDROBE BUILT-IN WARDROBE 5040 C2x6 WALL 2x6 WALL 7040 CPC 5840 CC 5020 A TEMPC D L 2 F A 9 G 4 A L J 2 4.1 8 11CEILINGRIDGEEDGE OF SOFFIT CEILINGRIDGEEDGE OF SOFFIT CEILING RIDGE SKYLIGHT SOFFIT / SHELF REF BUILDING SECTION CEILING RIDGE ATTIC SPACE SKYLIGHT WELL C D L 2 F A 9 G 4 A L J 2 4.1 8 11CEILINGRIDGE EDGE OF SOFFITCEILINGRIDGE EDGE OF SOFFIT CEILING RIDGE SKYLIGHT SOFFIT / SHELF REF BUILDING SECTION CEILING RIDGE FLAT FLAT 13 13 SEAT CAB CAB CAB WH WC FF = 431.75'FF = 431.75' FLAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516 M. BEDRM FAMILY RM. 1413 3 1/2 / 12 12 9'- 0"ZONED MITSUBISHI MODEL SEZ 15,000 BTU/H HORIZONTAL (PANCAKE) DUCTED FAU, IN ATTIC, TO SERVE ENTIRE UPPER LEVEL FAU #2 FAU #2 MITSUBISHI MODEL SEZ 9,000 BTU/H OVER GARAGE TO SERVE BED2 FROSTED GLASS SD8'- 0"6'-11"M. CLST FAMILY RM. 1413 3 1/2 / 12 9'- 0"SECTION X O/ M. BEDRM SECTION Y O/ M. CLOSET M. BEDRM EDGE OF SOFFITA4X4 N O KI N G S NO T RI M M E R S12636 6636 2040 WHWCFROSTEDGLASS SDM. BEDRM EDGE OFSOFFITSECTION Z O/ M. BEDRM SOUND & VIBRATION DAMPENING PLATFORM MITSUBISHI MODEL SEZ FAU. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM FIT IN ATTIC PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND ORDERING OF UNIT 2X4 CEILING JOISTS PER STRUCTURAL 2'-0" 2'-0"1'-1"1'-1"1'-9"4 12 4 ATTIC ACCESS MIN y x z FAU #2. SEE RCP AND SEC 5/A-8 ATTIC ACCESS MIN 22" x 30" VERIFY SIZE REQUIRED FOR MECH EQUIPMENT M. CLST BATH BEDRM 1 BEDRM 2 M. BATH 5'-0" HGT WALL 9 9 TROUGH DRAIN SHELF T/S 2440 CWH WC 2870 2670 2870 2670 PD2670 PD2870 SINKS TO BE PLACED ON LIGHTING FIXTURE C & WILL NOT ALIGN WITH CABINET DOORS MEDICINE CABINET MEDICINE CABINET TEMPERED GLASS ENCLOSURE & DR. C D L N 1 2 1 3 7 12 HM F A 14 9 G E 4 13 A L J 2 4 8 11dnBUILT-IN WARDROBE BUILT-IN WARDROBE SEAT CAB CAB CAB WH WC M. BEDRM M. CLST BATH BEDRM 1 BEDRM 2 M. BATH SHELF T/S WH WC TO GND - FLOOR CIRCUIT GFI WP GFI IN MED CAB GFI L PROVIDE ELECTRIC RADIENT MAT AND CONTROLS IN BATH 24" x 30"CLR TYPONE WDW IN EACH BEDRM MUST PROVIDE MINIMUM REQ'D MEANS OF EMERGENCY ESCAPE. OPENING MUST HAVE A MIN NET CLEAR OF 5.7 SF, MIN NET CLEAR HGT OF 24" AND MIN NET CLEAR WIDTH OF 20". ESCAPE WDW MUST HAVE THE BOTTOM OF THE CLEAR OPENING NOT MORE THAN 44" ABOVE THE FLOOR AND OPEN DIRECTLY TO ST., PUBLIC ALLEY, YARD OR COURT THAT OPENS TO A PUBLIC WAY. PER CRC R310. TYP. 6'- 8" MIN HEAD ROOM AT STAIR PER CRC R311.7.2 open below MIN HGT 42" PER STAIR & GUARDRAIL CONST NOTES, A-4 VS CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY FIT OR SPEC'D FAU UNIT PRIOR TO HVAC DESIGN AND ORDER/PURCHASE OF THE UNIT FAU #2. SEE RCP AND SEC 5/A-8 ERV #3 85 CFM 4 a-82a-8 1'- 6" 5 a-8 4 a-8 1'- 6" x a-x2a-xy a-xza-xS3S3S3S3S3 J1a-81 1 3 a-8 1 1 1 PROG R E S S S E T , N O T FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N 1 1 01.24.22 11.16.21 RALSTON44 BAYVIEW AVENUEUPPER FLOOR 1/4" = 1'-0"A-5 MECHANICAL / PLUMBING NOTES MECHANICAL / PLUMBING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE FAU(S) AND HOT WATER TANK(S) PER ENERGY CALCULATIONS AND PROVIDE OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR REQUIRED BY THE EQUIPMENT AND THE EQUIPMENT LOCATION AS OUTLINED AND DEFINED IN CMC CHAPTER 7 AND CMC TABLE 7-A. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CALCULATIONS TO BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE PLAN FOR FAU AND HW EQUIPMENT 2. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL LISTED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE FILED INSPECTOR AT TIME OF INSPECTION. 3. HVAC: A) SIZE PER TITLE 24 CALCS SHEET T-24 B) PROVIDE 3" MIN. WORKING SPACE ALONG EACH SIDE OF FAU W/ A TOTAL OF 12" ON BOTH SIDES COMBINED. PROVIDE 3" MIN @ TOP AND BACK OF UNIT. C) ATTIC MOUNTED UNITS SHALL HAVE: - FURNACE MODEL LISTED FOR ATTIC LOCATION. - ATTIC ACCESS 30" X 30" MIN (EXCEPTION 22" X 30") - PROVIDE SOLID FLOORING NOT LESS THAN 24" WIDE FROM ATTIC SPACE ACCESS OPENING TO THE MECH. FAU PER CMC 304.4.2, TYP. - 30" X 30" MIN LEVEL SERVICE SPACE IN FRONT OF MECHNICAL FAUs PER CMC 304.4.3, TYP. - ONE ELECTRIC OUTLET & LIGHTING FIXTURE CONTROLLED BY A SWITCH LOCATED AT THE REQUIRED PASSAGEWAY OPENING (CMC). D) VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE MERV 13 FILTERS OR BETTER. CEC 150.0(M) 12C 4. ENVIRONMENTAL AIR DUCTS (DRYERS, EXHAUST FANS) MUST TERMINATE 3'- 0" MIN AWAY FROM OPENINGS INTO THE BUILDING. 5. PRESSURE ABSORBING DEVICES OR APPROVED MECHANICAL DEVICES ARE REQUIRED ON WATER LINES LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO QUICK ACTING VALVES THAT WILL ABSORB HIGH PRESSURE RESULTING FROM THE CLOSING OF QUICK ACTING VALVES (I.E. CLOTHES WASHER) 6. MINIMUM CAPACITY OF WATER HEATER EQUIVALENT TO NOT LESS THAN THE FIRST HOUR RATING OF 80 GALLONS. CPC 501, UPC TABLE 5-1 7. ALL MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND SIMILAR PENETRATIONS OF FLOOR OR TOP PLATES SHALL BE CAULKED WITH AN ASTM E136 RATED RESIDENTIAL FIRE CAULK 8. GAS PIPING SHALL BE SUPPORTED PER CPC 1211.11. 9. SUSPENDED PLUMBING PIPING SHALL BE SUPPORTED PER CPC TABLE 3-2 AND SECTIONS 314.0. DUCTWORK SHALL BE SUPPORTED PER CMC TABLES 6-5 AND 6-6 AND SECTION 604.0 PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL (ETC...). ROOF VENTS SHALL BE PLACED AS INCONSPICUOUSLY AS POSSIBLE. COORDINATE W/G.C. AND ARCHITECT. 10. PROVIDE PRESSURE BALANCE VALVES FOR SHOWERS AND TUB/SHOWERS. 11. PROVIDE A MINIMUM 4" DIAMETER DRAINAGE PIPE FOR FOUR (4) OR MORE WATER CLOSET FIXTURES ON THE SAME HORIZONTAL BRANCH OR DRAIN 12. TUB/SHOWER WALLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A SMOOTH, HARD, NON ABSORBENT SURFACE (E.G. CERAMIC TILE OR FIBERGLASS) OVER A MOISTURE RESISTANT UNDER-LAYMENT (E.G. CEMENT, FIBER CEMENT OR GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKER0 TO A HEIGHT OF 72" ABOVE THE DRAIN INLET. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS CRC SECTIONS R307.2, R702.3.8 13. MAXIMUM ALLOWED FIXTURE FLOW RATES - SEE CAL GREEN NOTES, SHEET G-1 14. SHOWER & BATH ENCLOSURES SHALL BE TRIM-LESS AND TEMP. W/22" MIN. CLEAR OPENINGS 15. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OR FOOD WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE  DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OR DRAIN BOARD. WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC SEC. 807.3 16. INCLUDE A CATEGORY III OR IV VENT, OR A TYPE B VENT WITH STRAIGHT PIPE BETWEEN OUTSIDE TERMINATION AND SPACE WHERE THE WATER HEATER IS INSTALLED 17. INCLUDE A CONDENSATE DRAIN THAT IS NO MORE THAN 2 INCHES HIGHER THAN THE BASE OF THE INSTALLED WATER HEATER, AND ALLOWS NATURAL DRAINING W/O PUMP ASSISTANCE 18. THERE ARE NO AIR VENTS. OPENABLE WINDOWS . AND ENTRY DOORS TO HABITABLE SPACE WITHIN A RECTANGULAR AREA EXTENDING 18 INCHES BEYOND EITHER SIDE OF AND 10 FEET ABOVE THE SERVICE REGULATOR VENT 19. ATTIC FAU NOTES - PROVIDE SOLID FLOORING NOT LESS THAN 24" WIDE FROM ATTIC SPACE ACCESS OPENING TO THE MECH. FAU PER CMC 304.4.2 - PROVIDE 30" X 30" MIN LEVEL SERVICE SPACE IN FRONT OF MECHANICAL FAUs PER CMC 304.4.3 01.24.22 WINDOWS: VERIFY DESIGN & EXACT WDW DIMENSIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO WDW ORDER THE E X I S T I N G S T R U C T U R E I S N O T P E R M I T T E D TO B E D E M O L I S H E D . C O N T R A C T O R A N D SUB C O N T R A C T O R S M U S T A C C O M P L I S H A L L ASP E C T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H I N T H E L I M I T S PER M I T T E D B Y T H E T O W N , S H O W N O N A B / D - 1 , 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION - ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO CONTINUING WITH CONSTRUCTION PL PL 180 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"RIDGE4/12 BVA L 4/12 BVAL80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"611 +/- PL. HGT VERIFY / 437' - 11"B.VAL B.VAL B.VALB.HIP4/12 4/12 RIDGE3.5/12RIDGE RIDGE 3.5/123.5/123.5/1280 PL. HGT / 439' - 0" 7'-2" PLT HGT 433'-2" C D L N 1 2 1 3 7 12 M F A 14 9 G 4 13 A L J 4.1 8 11 3.5/12 3.5/12 90 +/- PL. HGT430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0"3.5/12 5/12VERIFYRIDGE 90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0" RIDGEB.VALB.V A L B . V A L B.V A L RIDGE3.75/12 3.75/12 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" 429' - 6"PL. HGT / 429' - 6"RIDGERIDGE 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" 430' - 0" 5/12 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" C D N 1 2 1 3 7 12 HM F A 14 G 13A L J 4.1 8 11 80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"80 PL. HGT80 PL. HGTBENT STL BEAM NEW 30 YEAR CLASS 'A' ASPHALT COMP ROOF 30x 40 SKYLIGHT PER CBC CH. 24 4 UNO SYSB UNO SYSB 2x8's r a f t e r s DETAIL 1/A-6: roof eave & EXTERIOR WALL detail DETAIL 1/A-6: roof eave & EXTERIOR WALL detail 1. all roof eaves to be enclosed with the exposed underside coated and protected by NEW SMOOTH / OLD WORLD PLASTER COLOR COAT OVER PLASTER SIDING: 3-COAT (7/8") PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDED METAL LATH O/(2) LAYERS OF GRADE "D" PAPER OR EQUAL O/WALL SHEATHING. PER CRC R703.7 and crc 337.6.2 TYP. 3 LAP REDWOOD SIDING TO MATCH ORIGINAL O/ 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM EXTENDING FROM TOP OF FOUNDTION TO TO THE ROOF AND TERMINATING AT ENCLOSED EAVES. PER CRC R337.7.3.2 O/ 1/2" PLY PER STRUCTURAL CEMENT PLASTER ROOF VALLEYS SHALL HAVE NOT LESS THAN 26 GA. SHEET METAL INSTALLED OVER A 36" MIN WIDE UNDERLAYMENT OF #72 CAP SHEET RUNNING THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. CRC R337.5.3. TYP. 4/12 4/12 VERIFY 5/12VERIFY5/12VERIFYLINE OF UPPER FLR WALLS, TYP. ROOFS TO INTERSECT THESE 5 WALLS @ SAME ELEVATION/HEIGHT. VERIFY EXACT ROOF SLOPES REQ'D. VERIFY W/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION MODIFY SEAT CUT MODIFY SEAT CUT PHOTO VO L T A I C PANEL LO C A T I O N ROOF SLOPES BETWEEN 2:12 & 4:12 REQUIRE DOUBLE UNDERLAYMENT. CRC R905.2.2 & 905.1.1 SKYLIGHT NOTES 1.MUST HAVE 1 LAYER OF TEMPERED GLASS FOR COMPLIANCE TO WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE CRC SECTION R337.8.2.1. SEE CUT SHEET BELOW. 2. FOR OPERABLE SKYLIGHTS, A NONCOMBUSTIBLE MESH SCREEN MUST BE USED WHERE DIMENSIONS OF THE SCREEN OPENINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/8TH INCH MAX PER CRC r337.8.2.2. A FIBERGLASS MESH SCREEN MEETS THIS REQUIREMENT PER XXX BELOW 4 a-8 1 a-8 5 a-8 1 a-6 9 1 PL PL 12'-11" - 0"5' - 0" 5' - 0" 2' - 0" 2' - 0" 2'-6"80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"RIDGE4/12 BVAL 4/12BVAL80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"611 +/- PL. HGT VERIFY / 437' - 11"B.VALB.VALB.VALB.HIP4/12 4/12RIDGE3.5/12RIDGERIDGE 3.5/123.5/123.5/1280 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"7'-2" PLT HGT433'-2"CD LN1213 7 12 MF A149G413ALJ4.1 8 11 3.5/12 3.5/12 90 +/- PL. HGT430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0"3.5/12 5/12VERIFYRIDGE 90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0" RIDGEB.VALB.V A L B . V A L B.V A L RIDGE3.75/12 3.75/12 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" 429' - 6"PL. HGT / 429' - 6"RIDGERIDGE 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" 430' - 0" 5/12 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" C D N 1 2 1 3 7 12 HM F A 14 G 13A L J 4.1 8 11 80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"80 PL. HGT80 PL. HGTBENT STL BEAM NEW 30 YEAR CLASS 'A'ASPHALT COMP ROOF30x 40 SKYLIGHTPER CBC CH. 24 4 UNO SYSB UNO SYSB 2x8's raftersDETAIL 1/A-6: roof eave & EXTERIOR WALL detail DETAIL 1/A-6: roof eave & EXTERIOR WALL detail 1. all roof eaves to be enclosed with the exposed undersidecoated and protected by NEW SMOOTH / OLD WORLD PLASTERCOLOR COAT OVER PLASTER SIDING: 3-COAT (7/8") PLATER O/G.I.EXPANDED METAL LATH O/(2) LAYERS OF GRADE "D" PAPER OR EQUALO/WALL SHEATHING. PER CRC R703.7 and crc 337.6.2 TYP.3 LAP REDWOOD SIDING TOMATCH ORIGINAL O/ 5/8" TYPE 'X'GYPSUM EXTENDING FROM TOPOF FOUNDTION TO TO THE ROOFAND TERMINATING AT ENCLOSEDEAVES. PER CRC R337.7.3.2O/ 1/2" PLY PER STRUCTURALCEMENTPLASTERROOF VALLEYS SHALL HAVE NOTLESS THAN 26 GA. SHEET METALINSTALLED OVER A 36" MIN WIDEUNDERLAYMENT OF #72 CAP SHEETRUNNING THE FULL LENGTH OF THEVALLEY. CRC R337.5.3. TYP. 4/12 4/12 VERIFY 5/12VERIFY5/12VERIFYLINE OF UPPER FLR WALLS, TYP. ROOFS TO INTERSECT THESE 5 WALLS @ SAME ELEVATION/HEIGHT. VERIFY EXACT ROOF SLOPES REQ'D. VERIFY W/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION MODIFY SEAT CUT MODIFY SEAT CUT PHOTO VOLTAICPANEL LOCATIONROOF SLOPES BETWEEN 2:12 & 4:12REQUIRE DOUBLE UNDERLAYMENT.CRC R905.2.2 & 905.1.1SKYLIGHT NOTES1.MUST HAVE 1 LAYER OF TEMPERED GLASS FORCOMPLIANCE TO WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE CRCSECTION R337.8.2.1. SEE CUT SHEET BELOW.2. FOR OPERABLE SKYLIGHTS, A NONCOMBUSTIBLEMESH SCREEN MUST BE USED WHERE DIMENSIONSOF THE SCREEN OPENINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/8THINCH MAX PER CRC r337.8.2.2. A FIBERGLASS MESHSCREEN MEETS THIS REQUIREMENT PER XXX BELOW 4a-8 1 a-8 5a-81a-6 9 1 PROG R E S S S E T , N O T FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N PL PL 180 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"RIDGE4/12 BVA L 4/12 BVAL80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"611 +/- PL. HGT VERIFY / 437' - 11"B.VAL B.VAL B.VALB.HIP4/12 4/12 RIDGE3.5/12RIDGE RIDGE 3.5/123.5/123.5/1280 PL. HGT / 439' - 0" 7'-2" PLT HGT 433'-2" C D L N 1 2 1 3712 M F A 14 9 G 4 13 A L J 4.1811 3.5/12 3.5/12 90 +/- PL. HGT430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0"3.5/12 5/12VERIFYRIDGE 90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0" RIDGEB.VALB.V A L B. V A L B.V A L RIDGE3.75/123.75/12 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT / 430' - 0"90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" 429' - 6"PL. HGT / 429' - 6"RIDGERIDGE 90 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" 430' - 0" 5/1290 +/- PL. HGT 430' - 0" C D N 1 2 1 37 12 HM F A 14 G 13A L J 4.1 8 11 80 PL. HGT / 439' - 0"80 PL. HGT80 PL. HGTBENT STL BEAM NEW 30 YEAR CLASS 'A' ASPHALT COMP ROOF 30x 40 SKYLIGHT PER CBC CH. 24 4 UNO SYSB UNO SYSB 2x8's r a f t e r s DETAIL 1/A-6: roof eave & EXTERIOR WALL detail DETAIL 1/A-6: roof eave & EXTERIOR WALL detail 1. all roof eaves to be enclosed with the exposed underside coated and protected by NEW SMOOTH / OLD WORLD PLASTER COLOR COAT OVER PLASTER SIDING: 3-COAT (7/8") PLATER O/G.I. EXPANDED METAL LATH O/(2) LAYERS OF GRADE "D" PAPER OR EQUAL O/WALL SHEATHING. PER CRC R703.7 and crc 337.6.2 TYP. 3 LAP REDWOOD SIDING TO MATCH ORIGINAL O/ 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM EXTENDING FROM TOP OF FOUNDTION TO TO THE ROOF AND TERMINATING AT ENCLOSED EAVES. PER CRC R337.7.3.2 O/ 1/2" PLY PER STRUCTURAL CEMENT PLASTER ROOF VALLEYS SHALL HAVE NOT LESS THAN 26 GA. SHEET METAL INSTALLED OVER A 36" MIN WIDE UNDERLAYMENT OF #72 CAP SHEET RUNNING THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. CRC R337.5.3. TYP. 4/12 4/12VERIFY 5/12VERIFY5/12VERIFYLINE OF UPPER FLR WALLS, TYP. ROOFS TO INTERSECT THESE 5 WALLS @ SAME ELEVATION/HEIGHT. VERIFY EXACT ROOF SLOPES REQ'D. VERIFY W/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION MODIFY SEAT CUT MODIFY SEAT CUT PHOTO VOL T A I C PANEL LOC A T I O N ROOF SLOPES BETWEEN 2:12 & 4:12 REQUIRE DOUBLE UNDERLAYMENT. CRC R905.2.2 & 905.1.1 SKYLIGHT NOTES 1.MUST HAVE 1 LAYER OF TEMPERED GLASS FOR COMPLIANCE TO WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE CRC SECTION R337.8.2.1. SEE CUT SHEET BELOW. 2. FOR OPERABLE SKYLIGHTS, A NONCOMBUSTIBLE MESH SCREEN MUST BE USED WHERE DIMENSIONS OF THE SCREEN OPENINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/8TH INCH MAX PER CRC r337.8.2.2. A FIBERGLASS MESH SCREEN MEETS THIS REQUIREMENT PER XXX BELOW 4 a-8 1 a-8 5 a-8 1 a-6 9 1 1 1 01.24.22 11.16.21 RALSTON44 BAYVIEW AVENUElower 1/4" = 1'-0" upper roof 1/4" = 1'-0" A-6 01.24.22 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION - ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, PRIOR TO CONTINUING WITH CONSTRUCTION THE E X I S T I N G S T R U C T U R E I S N O T P E R M I T T E D TO B E D E M O L I S H E D . C O N T R A C T O R A N D SUB C O N T R A C T O R S M U S T A C C O M P L I S H A L L ASP E C T S O F C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H I N T H E L I M I T S PER M I T T E D B Y T H E T O W N , S H O W N O N A B / D - 1 , 2 CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECT TO PLACE ALL THROUGH ROOF VENTS, JACKS AND COLD AIR RETURNS AS INCONSPICOUSLY AS POSSIBLE WITHIN ZONES HIGHLIGHTED ON ROOF PLAN SKYLIGHT NOTES: 1 MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF MULTIPANE GLAZING WITH A MIN OF ONE TEMPERED PANE PER CRC SECTION R337.8.2.1. 2 FOR OPERABLE SKYLIGHTS, A NONCOMBUSTIBLE MESH SCREEN MUST BE USED WHERE DIMENSIONS OF THE SCREEN OPENINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/8TH INCH MAX PER CRC r337.8.2.2. David and Ladan Ralston (property owner) To: Town of Los Gatos Regarding: 44 Bayview windows 44 Bayview Drive Los Gatos, CA Our project was previously approved by the Historic Preservation Committee for wood windows. Upon .further research, wood widows with Fibrex (fiberglass) cladding from Andersen (Series A) is a better choice. We believe these wood window offers the same appearance with improved energy efficiency and lower maintenance costs. Andersen Series A features: • Solid wood construction, exterior clad in Fibrex • Match with the architectural style of the ~xisting structure and neighboring properties • Fibrex cladding makes the windows appear like wood even from a close distance Additional note: March 18th, 2022 HPC meeting to review request to use Andersen Series A Fibrex clad wood windows were approved for 101 Broadway (HS-22-013) Thank you for your time and consideration David & Ladan Ralston e) ladan.ralston@gmail.com c) 408-239-3513 ATTACHMENT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 5 *Visit andersenwindows.com/warranty for details. **Andersen® A-Series double-hung window tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/l.S.2 A440-08 & -11 PG50. A-SERIES ARCHITECTURAL AUTHENTICITY, UNPARALLELED PERFORMANCE • Exteriors are protected by a Fibrex® composite material and fiberglass for superior strength, stability and long-term beauty. • Exterior finish never needs painting and won’t flake, rot, blister, peel or corrode* • Weather-resistant construction for greater comfort and energy efficiency • Rigorously tested in extreme temperatures for long-lasting performance • With their weather-resistant seals, A-Series windows and doors can withstand up to eight inches of rain per hour and hurricane-force winds** • Many A-Series windows and patio doors have options that make them ENERGY STAR® v. 6.0 certified throughout the U.S. Designed in conjunction with leading architects to provide authentic architectural style, A-Series windows and patio doors offer all of the options you need to easily create the look you’ve been dreaming of. Beyond delivering the style you want, A-Series products are the best performing, most energy-efficient windows and patio doors Andersen offers for true peace of mind. For more information, visit andersenwindows.com/a-series • Casement windows • Awning windows • Double-hung windows • Picture windows • Specialty windows • Sidelights and transoms • Gliding patio doors • Hinged inswing patio doors • Hinged outswing patio doors PRODUCT TYPES A-SERIES PRODUCT OPTIONS White Terratone Dove GrayForest GreenPrairie Grass Dark Bronze Red RockCocoa Bean BlackSandtoneCanvas Variety of energy-efficient glass options available including triple-pane glass. Tempered glass, patterned glass and between-the-glass art glass also available. Contact your Andersen supplier. GLASS OPTIONS ACCESSORIES EXTERIOR COLORS INTERIOR OPTIONS Naturally occurring variations in grain, color and texture of wood make each window one of a kind. Additional colors to match all 11 exterior colors are also available, contact your Andersen supplier. Wood Species All wood interiors are unfinished unless an interior finish is specified. Select any combination of colors, shown here, for your exterior frame, sash and trim. Pine Clear Coat Honey Cinnamon RussetMocha Espresso Maple Oak CherryMahogany*Vertical Grain Douglas Fir Dark BronzeWhiteBirch Bark Primed(for paint)Canvas Sandtone Black • Grilles Choose from a variety of grille types and patterns included convenient Finelight™ grilles-between- the-glass for easy cleaning. • Exterior Trim Add curb appeal with exterior trim made of Fibrex® composite material and available in 11 colors. • Blinds-Between-the-Glass Blinds-between-the-glass offer privacy and convenience. Located between the panes of insulated glass, they are protected from dust and damage and never need cleaning. • Smart Home Monitor, lock and unlock from anywhere with the Yale® Assure Lock®. This slim, sleek key free lock is designed exclusively for Andersen® hinged patio doors† and integrates with a wide range of smart home platforms. Factory-Finished Interiors**Shown on pine. Clear coat available on all interior wood species. Other finishes are available on pine, maple and oak only. Painted Interiors**Available on pine and maple. Select any combination of colors, shown here, for your interior frame, sash and grilles. *Actual wood species is either Sapele or Sipo, both non-endangered species grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to Central American mahoganies. **Patio door interior colors and finishes are available on select wood species. See your Andersen supplier for details. †Available on select hinged doors, see your Andersen supplier for details. Printing limitations prevent exact replication of colors and finishes. See your Andersen dealer for actual color and finish samples. “ENERGY STAR” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Yale manufactures and supports the limited warranty for Yale Assure Lock for Andersen patio doors. “Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. ©2022 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. 01/22 2019 PRODUCT GUIDE FOR PROFESSIONALS Architectural Authenticity. Unparalleled Performance. *2018 U.S. Homeowner Brand Study of Andersen and Renewal by Andersen brands vs. competitive brands. **“ENERGY STAR” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A-SERIES Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A-Series Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 A-Series Specialty Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 A-Series Complementary Casement Windows . . . . . . . . .117 A-Series Frenchwood® Patio Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 A-Series Complementary Curved Top Patio Doors . . . . . . . .163 Exterior Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 Folding Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 Entranceways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Combination Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 Product Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Installation Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 CONTENTS 8 The MOST RECOGNIZED, TRUSTED and RECOMMENDED* brand of windows and patio doors. Andersen Corporation, including its subsidiaries, has been named a 2018 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award winner, the highest honor given by ENERGY STAR for continued leadership in protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency achievements.** Awarded Most Environmentally Friendly Windows 7 years running 2011-2018 Hanley Wood Remodeling Brand Use Study 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 Windows – Wood & Clad-Wood Category Hanley Wood Builder Brand Use Study 1998-2018 Windows – Wood & Clad-Wood Category MOST USED BRAND BY BUILDERS FOR 20 YEARS MOST USED BRAND BY REMODELERS SINCE 2006 1 A-SERIES WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS Whether you're looking for traditional or contemporary style, performance or innovation, you'll find it in the Andersen® Architectural Collection. Our A-Series windows and doors, as part of the Architectural Collection, were designed in tandem with architects to provide authentic architectural style. They share features such as sight lines, glass setback, interfaces and size grid, so they're easy to work with and easy to specify. And you can do so knowing you're choosing the best-performing, most energy-efficient windows and doors Andersen has ever offered. For more information, visit andersenwindows.com/a-series. Create Distinction. a-series 2 Unparalleled Performance Our Best-Performing, Most Energy-Efficient Products. The beauty of A-Series products goes beyond their looks and authentic architectural style. They’re also the best-performing, most energy-efficient windows and doors we’ve ever offered. At Andersen, we believe our job is to do more than just make windows and doors. It’s also to make you look good to your customers today and for years to come. performance a-series 3 * Tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 & -11 PG50. ** Three- and four-panel gliding doors 8' height units PG40. † FWHID33100HP +50/-50 (AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 & -11). For more information, visit andersenwindows.com/a-series. †† Visit andersenwindows.com/warranty for details. ‡ Hardware excluded. ‡‡ FWHID33100HP Impact DPUP +65/-70 (AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 & -11). For more information, visit andersenwindows.com/coastal. "ENERGY STAR" is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. PG 50 PERFORMANCE FWHID33100HP +50/-50 (AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 & -11) † PG 70 PERFORMANCE FWHID33100HP Impact DPUP +65/-70 (AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 & -11) ‡‡ BUILT STRONG We use solid wood in interior door panels and window sash and frames, plus fiberglass on outer door frames and window sash exteriors, to provide an unmatched combination of strength, insulation, versatility and beauty. Additionally, our Fibrex® composite material used in window frames and trim components delivers twice the strength and rigidity of vinyl. ENERGY-SAVING GLASS AND DESIGN Andersen makes windows and doors with options that make them ENERGY STAR® v. 6.0 certified throughout the United States. Visit andersenwindows.com/energystar for more information and to verify that the product with glass option is ENERGY STAR certified in your area. RIGOROUSLY TESTED A-Series products have withstood testing that has taken them from temperatures as cold as Alaskan winters to the heat of Death Valley summers. They’ve stood up to hurricane-force winds and prolonged exposure to sea air. * A-Series products feature the following ratings: (Ratings vary by product performance and unit size. See the performance section for specific unit performance. For up-to-date performance values, visit andersenwindows.com.) Windows PG50 (DP50) Gliding Patio Doors PG50 (DP50)** Hinged Patio Doors PG45 (DP45) Andersen A-Series products are available with impact-resistant glass and structural upgrades to meet the tough building codes of coastal areas. Visit andersenwindows.com/coastal or refer to the Andersen® Coastal Product Guide for more information. See your local building code official for specific requirements. VIRTUALLY MAINTENANCE- FREE EXTERIORS Exteriors of A-Series windows and doors never need painting. They won’t flake, rot, blister, peel, pit or corrode.† † Plus they’re warranted against corrosion for the life of the products,‡ with no washing or waxing required.† † Our renowned Owner-2-Owner® limited warranty is fully transferrable and not prorated, making it one of the best coverage plans available — which means it can add resale value for your customers. It’s also supported by the industry’s largest service network.† † WATER MANAGEMENT THAT WORKS These features work together to direct water away from buildings: • Hermetically sealed corner keys keep frames tight • Sloped sill on double-hung windows • Sill on patio doors channels water away from the home • Innovative trim attachment flange secures trim independent of the window or door’s water management system FIBERGLASS JOINING SYSTEM Reinforced joining options using innovative 4 9⁄16" fiberglass joining plates, provide enhanced performance, design flexibility and the ultimate in job site conveniences. See page 24 to learn more. SEALS OUT THE WEATHER Weather-resistant seals stand up to eight inches of rain per hour and hurricane-force winds. * Double-hung windows feature a dual-bulb seal, and casement windows use refrigerator-type gaskets to help keep air and water out. 4 Industrial Modern Shown with quintessential Andersen® A-Series window and door combinations. CRAFTSMAN BUNGALOW An Authentic Innovation for Authentic Style. For a home to be authentic to an architectural style, its windows and doors must be authentic to the style as well. Not only the type of windows and doors, but also their exterior trim, color palettes, grille patterns, hardware, wood species and interior finish. That’s why Andersen has created the Home Style Library. A first in the industry, the style library shows how easily you can use A-Series products and their innovative system of options to make architectural authenticity not only possible, but also easy to achieve. CREATING A COMMON LANGUAGE WITH HOMEOWNERS Our Home Style Library gives you, your clients and your customers a shared vocabulary that makes it easy to discuss style preferences and architectural details. THE HOME STYLE LIBRARY Years of research have culminated in a powerful tool we call our Home Style Library that makes it easier than ever for you to create homes in a wide variety of architectural styles. architectural home style library 5 Espresso PrairieTudorQueen Anne Georgian/Federal Cape Cod French Eclectic American Farmhouse HOME STYLE LIBRARY PREVIEW The Home Style Library includes classically recognized architectural styles. To view our complete Home Style Library, or to share it with your customers, visit andersenwindows.com/stylelibrary. Flat exterior trim with extended sill nose: Prairie Grass A-Series casement window: Dark Bronze THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE Each home featured in our Home Style Library contains suggested combinations of Andersen® A-Series windows, doors, hardware, exterior trim and color palettes that are authentic to that home’s architectural style. The A-Series product combinations shown here were selected with the help of leading architects to create the Craftsman Bungalow home shown to the left. Tall fractional with simulated check rail grille pattern INTERIOR STAIN EXTERIOR COLOR Prairie Grass/Dark Bronze Patio Door: Albany Finish: Black HARDWARE Window: Traditional Folding Handle a-series style recommendations a-series 6 * Visit andersenwindows.com/warranty for details. Printing limitations prevent exact duplication of colors. See your Andersen supplier for actual color samples. Exterior Options to Match Any Style. A-Series products are available in a wide range of exterior colors and exterior trim choices. Even in harsh conditions, they’re virtually maintenance-free, hold their original vibrant colors, never need painting and won’t flake, rot, blister, peel, pit or corrode.* Select any combination of colors shown here for your exterior frame, sash and trim. exterior colors Red Rock Cocoa Bean Black White Sandtone Prairie Grass Terratone Forest Green Dove GrayDark Bronze Canvas Outer Beauty exterior color and trim options a-series 7 Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Printing limitations prevent exact duplication of colors. See your Andersen supplier for actual color samples. Flat with cornice head Exterior trim color: Canvas Frame exterior color: Sandtone Sash exterior color: Cocoa Bean EXTERIOR TRIM THAT FITS WINDOWS, PATIO DOORS AND YOUR VISION Exterior trim adds a finishing touch to your windows or doors and is often essential in achieving authentic architectural style. • Trim is available to complement a wide range of architectural styles • Trim is low maintenance and never needs painting • Trim can be ordered as pre-assembled surrounds, in precut kits or as individual components • Innovative trim attachment flange on A-Series windows allows pre-assembled exterior trim surrounds to be installed in seconds • Installed independent of the window or door’s water management system exterior trim style options exterior trim sill options 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat shown in Terratone 2" (51) Brick Mould shown in Canvas 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat with decorative drip cap shown in Forest Green 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat with extended head shown in Red Rock 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat with 3 5⁄8" (92) cornice head shown in White 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat with 2" (51) cornice head shown in Prairie Grass 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat shown in Sandtone 2" (51) Brick Mould with extended sill nose shown in Terratone 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat with extended sill nose shown in Prairie Grass 3 ½" (89) or 4 ½" (114) Flat with extended sill shown in White 8 * Actual wood species is either Sapele or Sipo, both non-endangered species grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to Central American mahoganies. Naturally occurring variations in grain, color and texture of wood make each window one of a kind. We cannot guarantee consistency in wood grain and/or color within a particular species, product or project. Printing limitations prevent exact replication of colors and finishes. See your Andersen supplier for actual color and finish samples. Available on pine. With six natural wood species, a variety of painted interiors and six, rich factory-finished stain options, the A-Series products provide the flexibility you need to create interiors that please both you and your customers. interior wood species options painted interior options stained interior options Shown on pine. Available on pine, maple and oak only. Additional colors to match all 11 exterior colors are also available, contact your Andersen supplier. Inner Beauty Pine Maple Oak Cherry Mahogany*Vertical Grain Douglas Fir Clear Coat Honey Cinnamon Russet EspressoMocha Canvas BlackDark BronzeSandtone White Primed(for paint)Birch Bark interior wood species and finishes Interior Options to Match Any Vision. 9 * Hardware sold separately except double-hung lock and keeper. Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are “living” finishes that will change with time and use. Printing limitations prevent exact replication of finishes. See your Andersen supplier for actual finish samples. The hardware for our A-Series windows is created exclusively for Andersen and is made of forged metal for added strength. A range of available finishes makes it easy for customers to coordinate their window hardware with their cabinet hardware, faucets and other room décor. Also available with VeriLock® Security Sensors, one of the most advanced technologies in the industry. For more information, see pages 16-17 or visit andersenwindows.com/connect.The tilt-in feature of A-Series double-hung windows allows one-hand operation for easier cleaning. CONTEMPORARY FOLDING Antique Brass Black Bright Brass Brushed Chrome Distressed Bronze Distressed Nickel Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome Satin Nickel Stone White Black Bright Brass Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Bronze Satin Nickel Stone White TRADITIONAL FOLDING Folding handle avoids interference with window treatments. Casement locking mechanism Bold name denotes finish shown. double-hung hardware casement and awning hardware Antique Brass Black Bright Brass Brushed Chrome Distressed Bronze Distressed Nickel Gold Dust Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome Satin Nickel Stone White Bold name denotes finish shown. TRADITIONAL Bar Lift Finger Lift Hand LiftLock & Keeper window hardware finish options AntiqueBrass BrightBrassBlack BrushedChrome PolishedChrome StoneDistressedNickelGold Dust Oil RubbedBronze SatinNickel DistressedBronze White window hardware a-series Beauty in the Details.* 10 * Hardware sold separately. “FSB” is a registered trademark of Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH & Co. Gliding Hinged GlidingGliding Hinged Gliding Hinged Hinged Satin StainlessSteel YUMA® Distressed Bronze | Distressed Nickel Distressed Bronze | Distressed Nickel ENCINO® Bright Brass | Oil Rubbed Bronze Satin Nickel ANVERS® Antique Brass | Bright Brass Brushed Chrome Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome | Satin Nickel NEWBURY® fsb® hinged patio door hardware Durable, stainless steel FSB® hinged door hardware features clean lines and a sleek satin finish for a thoroughly modern look. Choose from four handle styles. 1035 1075 1076 1102 Bold name denotes finish shown. • DOOR HARDWARE • Hardware for Every Door. Styles for Every Person.* 11 * Hardware sold separately. Matching hinges available in most hardware finishes for inswing patio doors. Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are “living” finishes that will change with time and use. Bright brass and satin nickel finishes on patio door hardware feature a 10-year limited warranty. Printing limitations prevent exact replication of finish. See your Andersen supplier for actual finish samples. Gliding Gliding Hinged Gliding Hinged Gliding Hinged Hinged door hardware finish options Antique Brass | Bright Brass Oil Rubbed Bronze Antique Brass | Bright Brass Oil Rubbed Bronze | Satin Nickel Black | Gold Dust Stone | White Stone | White COVINGTON™WHITMORE®ALBANY TRIBECA® FSB® 1075 hardware AntiqueBrass BrightBrassBlack BrushedChrome Distressed Nickel Distressed Bronze PolishedChrome StoneGold Dust Oil RubbedBronze SatinNickel White A-Series patio door hardware is available in a variety of different designs to match virtually any style.* Yuma,® Encino,® Anvers,® Newbury,® Covington™ and Whitmore® hardware options each feature solid, drop-forged brass for added strength, while Albany and Tribeca® hardware options are made of diecast zinc with durable powder-coated finishes. Additional hardware options such as exterior keyed locks, matching hinge finishes and more are also available. See pages 16-17 for information on the Yale® Assure Lock® and other Smart Home Solutions. 12 * Simulated check rails are also available in 7⁄8" (22) and 1 1⁄8" (29) widths. ** Specify number of same-size rectangles wide or high. Some restrictions may apply. Some grille patterns not available in all configurations and products. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Diamond Queen Anne Colonial Modified Colonial Modified Colonialwith 2 1/4" (57) rail* Tall Fractional Tall Fractional with 2 1/4" (57) rail*Short Fractional Short Fractionalwith 2 1/4" (57) rail*Prairie A 2 x 2 1 x 4 SpecifiedEqual Light** SimulatedDouble-Hung Custom Patterns Diamond Queen Anne Colonial Modified Colonial Modified Colonialwith 2 1/4" (57) rail* Tall Fractional Tall Fractional with 2 1/4" (57) rail*Short Fractional Short Fractionalwith 2 1/4" (57) rail*Prairie A 2 x 2 1 x 4 SpecifiedEqual Light** SimulatedDouble-Hung Custom Patterns Diamond Queen Anne Colonial Modified Colonial Modified Colonialwith 2 1/4" (57) rail* Tall Fractional Tall Fractional with 2 1/4" (57) rail*Short Fractional Short Fractionalwith 2 1/4 " (57) rail*Prairie A 2 x 2 1 x 4 SpecifiedEqual Light** SimulatedDouble-Hung Custom Patterns A-Series Grilles for Every Home. Andersen® A-Series windows and doors offer a variety of architecturally authentic grille types and standard grille patterns. We’ll also work with you to provide your customers with custom grille designs for a signature look. To see all the standard patterns available for a specific window or door, refer to the detailed sections of this book for each product or contact your Andersen supplier. Our 2¼-inch-wide grille can make a casement window look like a double-hung. • GRILLES • 13 * 7⁄8" (22), 1 1⁄8" (29) and 2 1⁄4" (57) not available in Finelight grilles-between-the-glass. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Shown: Cross sections of grilles showing standard widths and profiles. grille widths (actual size shown) Our 2 ¼"(57) width grille can be positioned horizontally across the center of a casement window to simulate the look of a double-hung window. 1 1/8" (29)2 1/4" (57)¾" (19)7/8" (22) FULL DIVIDED LIGHT For an authentic look, Full Divided Light grilles are permanently applied to the interior and the exterior of the window with a spacer between the glass. CONVENIENT CLEANING OPTIONS Removable interior grilles come off for easy cleaning. Andersen® Finelight™ grilles are installed between the glass panes and feature a contoured 1" (25) or ¾" (19) profile. SIMULATED DIVIDED LIGHT Simulated Divided Light offers permanent grilles on the exterior and interior with no spacer between the glass. We also offer permanent exterior grilles with removable interior grilles, available in natural wood or prefinished white. grille configurations Spacer Option for Greater Energy Efficiency The Energy Spacer option is available to help A-Series products with full divided lights and SmartSun™ glass be ENERGY STAR® certified in the Northern climate zone. Its narrow design creates a 3-millimeter gap around the spacer, helping to lower U-Factor values. Finelight Grilles- Between-the-Glass* Removable Interior Grille Permanent Exterior Permanent Interior Permanent Exterior Removable Interior Permanent Exterior Permanent Interior with Spacer grilles a-series 14 * Classic Series art glass patterns are available with semi-privacy glass or clear antique glass in place of colored glass. Additional color palettes are available. Patterns will vary based on product size and shape. Illustrations (except Amber) depict patterns for 6068 patio door panel. REGENCY Deep Rose, Deep Green, Rose, and Opal Amber jewels VICTORIA Light Green, Lilac, Light Blue, Pink jewels and Lilac jewels ARTS & CRAFTS Olive Green, Pale Amber,Clear Waterglass andAvocado and Tangerine tiles A-Series products are available with between-the-glass art glass, which places the decorative panel between the glass panes, providing superior protection for the art glass and making it easy to keep clean. Contact your Andersen supplier for availability. historic and classic series* LOTUS Light Green, Amber jewels and Green jewels LOTUS Sand, Pink jewels REGENCY Sand, Deep Teal, Topaz, Copper and Smoke jewels VICTORIA Violet, Deep Rose, Deep Green and Amber jewels DIAMOND LIGHTSQUEEN ANNE Pale Blue, Navy Blue, Clear Waterglass,Dark Blue, Clear QUEEN ANNE Olive Green, Clear Waterglass, Moss Green, Clear AMBERDIAMOND GRIDRECTANGULAR GRID • ART GLASS • Between-the-Glass Art Glass. Statements in Beauty, Style and Color. 15 Art glass changes appearance greatly based on lighting in its environment, making it beautiful to look at yet difficult to represent accurately in print. Printing limitations prevent exact color replication. Andersen art glass panel patterns vary based on window size and shape. Colors in the Classic Series and Historic Series may also vary. Contact your Andersen supplier for more information. Violet Pale Amber UmberPale Blue Deep Teal Golden Green Kelly Green Light Blue Deep Green Deep RoseCopperDark BlueAmber Light Green Lilac Moss Green Navy Blue Olive Green Rose Sand Topaz Opal Amber Pink Avocado Glimmer Kiwi Glimmer Tamarind Glimmer Tangerine Glimmer Amber Clear Smoke Green Lilac QUEEN ANNE DESIGN VICTORIA DESIGN ARTS & CRAFTS DESIGN art glass color options You can order Andersen® art glass designs in standard color palettes or create custom combinations. Color palettes and accent jewels for custom combinations are predetermined by style of art glass. In addition to the colored glass shown below, Clear, Clear Antique, Clear Waterglass, along with textured Semi-privacy (double glue chip) and Light Restoration glass, is also available. For more on custom capabilities, contact your Andersen supplier. IRIDESCENT ACCENT TILESAC EWELS art glass a-series 16 * Available on select Andersen hinged patio doors, see your Andersen supplier for details. ** When properly configured and maintained with a professionally installed security system and/or self-monitoring system compatible with Honeywell® 5800 controls. See your supplier for more information. All marks where denoted are trademarks of their respective owners. Yale manufactures and supports the limited warranty for Yale Assure Lock for Andersen patio doors. Satin Nickel • One-Touch Locking Lock up without the hassle of keys by simply tapping the keypad. • Key Free No cylinder means no lost keys and no pick and bump break-ins. • Battery Back-Up Never lose power, the lock can be energized with a 9V battery. • VeriLock® Security Sensors Know whether your doors are open, closed, locked or unlocked.** • Smart Home Integration Monitor, lock and unlock from anywhere.** Andersen® A-Series products can now be part of today’s connected home. Homeowners can manage the status of their windows and patio doors anytime and from anywhere and with our new Yale® Assure Lock® remotely lock or unlock their hinged patio doors. Learn more about managing security and the convenience and peace of mind Andersen smart home products offer at andersenwindows.com/connect. Never worry about carrying or losing keys again. Monitor, lock and unlock from anywhere with the Yale Assure Lock. The sleek key free lock includes Bluetooth® for keyless unlocking and is compatible with Z-Wave® for integration with a wide range of smart home platforms. Yale Assure Lock is available with Anvers® hardware in a Satin Nickel finish. For additional finish options, please see your Andersen supplier. A monitoring option for every home and lifestyle. Yale Assure Lock shown in Satin Nickel. • SMART HOME SOLUTIONS • The Smartest Technology for the Smartest Homes Yale® Assure Lock® for Andersen® Patio Doors* 17 * When properly configured and maintained with a professionally installed security system and/or self-monitoring system compatible with Honeywell® 5800 controls. See your Andersen supplier for more information. ** Based on testing of thirty-two (32) A-Series double-hung windows. Air loss through unlocked windows will vary based on window type and age, pressure differential, temperatures inside and outside the home, altitude and application. † See product installation for details. a-series • Easy Installation No tools are required to install our sensors. Simply place the sensor on a window or patio door and line up the magnet with the sensor until the LED glows blue.† • Maintains Warranty No drilling required which can void warranties. • Compact Design Sleek, compact design for a clean appearance, available in a variety of colors to blend in with the window or patio door. • Maintains Warranty No drilling required which can void warranties. • Helps Maximize Energy Efficiency Windows that are closed, but unlocked, lose air at a rate up to 3X that of a closed and locked window.** VeriLock sensors tell you which windows and patio doors are open or unlocked* so you can help manage air loss.** • Preserves Beauty Available in a variety of colors to complement many Andersen hardware or interior finishes. These wireless sensors provide the peace of mind of knowing whether windows and patio doors are open or closed.* With the most advanced technology in the industry, VeriLock® security sensors not only indicate whether windows and patio doors are open or closed, they even tell you if they are locked or unlocked.* No other sensor can do that. Open/closed sensor shown in White. VeriLock sensor shown in White with Newbury® hardware in Satin Nickel. Taupe Gray StoneGold DustWhite Black SandtoneCanvas Dark BronzeWhite additional options and accessories Wireless Open/Closed Sensors VeriLock® Security Sensors 18 * Summer values are based on comparison of Andersen A-Series double-hung window SHGC to the SHGC for clear dual-pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code "Glazed Fenestration" Default Tables. "ENERGY STAR" is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Triple-Pane with Low-E coatings on two surfaces GLASS ENERGY LIGHT How well a product blocks heat caused by sunlight. VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE How much visible light comes through a product. UV PROTECTION How well a product blocks ultraviolet rays. How well a product prevents heat from escaping. SOLAR HEAT GAIN COEFFICIENTU-FACTOR SmartSun lllm llll llll llll llllSmartSun with HeatLock® Coating Low-E4 lllm lllm lllm lllm lllm lllmLow-E4 with HeatLock® Coating Sun lllm llll lmmm lllm lmmmClear Dual-Pane mmmm llll mmmm PassiveSun®lmmm lllm lllm lllm llllllllllmm llmm llmm llmm lllm lllm llmm Center of glass performance only. Ratings based on glass options as of January 2018. Visit andersenwindows.com/energystar for ENERGY STAR® map and NFRC total unit performance data. ObscureFern ReedCascade TRIPLE-PANE GLASS Three panes of glass combine with either argon gas blend or air and Low-E coatings to provide enhanced energy performance. Adding triple-pane glass to one of our windows or doors results in a lower U-Factor value than using regular dual-pane glass. HEATLOCK® TECHNOLOGY Our HeatLock coating can increase the energy efficiency of any A-Series window or door with Low-E4® or SmartSun™ glass. Applied to the room-side glass surface, it reflects heat back into the home for improved performance. Choose from a variety of high-performance glass options, including new triple-pane glass and HeatLock® technology for even greater energy efficiency.LOW-E4® SMARTSUN™ GLASS It helps shield your home from the sun’s heat, filtering out 95% of harmful UV rays while letting sunlight shine through, plus it provides all the benefits of Low-E4 glass. Additional glass options are also available. Visit andersenwindows.com or see your Andersen supplier. See your local supplier for actual glass samples. LOW-E4 GLASS Outstanding thermal performance for climates where both heating and cooling costs are a concern. It comes standard on all A-Series products and is up to 57% more energy efficient than ordinary dual-pane glass.* LOW-E4 SUN GLASS Outstanding thermal performance in southern climates where less solar heat gain is desired. It’s tinted for maximum protection from the effects of intense sunlight while providing all the benefits of Low-E4 glass. performance comparison of andersen® a-series glass options patterned glasstime-saving translucent film Patterned glass lets in light while obscuring vision and adds a unique decorative touch to your home. We help protect all of our products during delivery and construction with a translucent film on the glass. It also minimizes time spent masking on the job site, then peels away for a virtually spotless window. For details, contact your Andersen supplier. Cascade and Reed patterns can be ordered with either a vertical or horizontal orientation. • GLASS • Best-in-Class Glass. 19 Conventional Insect Screen Casement and awning frames with TruScene insect screens are available in six wood veneers and six stain colors to match the interior finish. Pine frame with clear finish is shown. For casement and awning windows, aluminum insect screen frames are available in Stone, White or Gold Dust, shown below from the interior, as well as all interior painted options — Sandtone, Canvas, Dark Bronze and Black. Insect screen frames for all other windows are installed on the exterior of the window and match the unit’s exterior color. Optional insect screens are available for all A-Series products. Patio doors feature Andersen® fiberglass insect screens. For windows, choose aluminum insect screens or TruScene® insect screens for a more unobstructed view. TRUSCENE® INSECT SCREENS Made with a micro-fine stainless steel mesh, exclusive Andersen TruScene insect screens provide 50% greater clarity than our conventional insect screens. They let more fresh air and sunlight in, while doing a better job of keeping out small insects. Exterior TruScene insect screen frames are available in all standard colors. Interior insect screens are available with prefinished wood veneer frames as well as all interior painted options. prefinished wood frame options frame options for aluminum insect screens TruScene insect screens are not available on patio doors. All comparisons are made to Andersen aluminum-mesh insect screens. Full insect screens are available for all operating A-Series windows. Our double-hung windows also have the option of insect screens that cover only the lower sash. A-Series patio door insect screens are available in several styles, including a premium top-hung gliding design for gliding and hinged doors. patio door insect screen configurations window configurations Conventional gliding shown on gliding door, has bottom rollers with self-contained leveling adjusters. Also available for four-panel gliding and two-panel inswing doors. Hinged shown on inswing door. Also available for two-panel inswing doors. Retractable shown on outswing door neatly retracts into small canister. Also available for single-panel door. Retractable also available for gliding doors. Premium top-hung gliding design allows for smooth and effortless operation without the interference of dust and debris. Shown on an inswing door and also available for two- and four-panel gliding doors. Stone White Gold Dust HalfFull insect screens a-series Our Insect Screens Come in Different Types. Just Like Insects Do. 20 * Actual wood species is either Sapele or Sipo, both non-endangered species grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to Central American mahoganies. Windows in dramatic sizes and extraordinary shapes, plus handcrafted entranceways and patio doors, are available to complement A-Series products. Selection includes specialty shaped casement windows, curved top patio doors, hinged inswing and outswing entry doors and folding outswing doors. Choose from 11 standard A-Series colors. Custom colors, sizes and shapes are also available. Andersen® entranceways combine performance, exceptional beauty and detail with dramatic sizes and shapes to turn ordinary entranceways into grand statements. For more information, see page 187. The very finest grades of oak, maple, cherry, pine, mahogany,* alder, vertical grain douglas fir, walnut, hickory and mixed grain douglas fir. Other wood species are available through special order. Divided light grilles in standard and custom patterns. Sidelights and transoms give you increased design flexibility. Optional hardware comes in a variety of styles and finishes. A wide variety of glass options offer energy efficiency and beauty. Decorative glass options also available. entranceways additional products Additional Andersen® Products 21 Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Illustrations shown as viewed from interior. Andersen complementary casement windows offer easy operation along with old-world style. They include French casements — twin sash inside one frame with no mullion post between them like ordinary casements — that give you a totally unobstructed view. Complementary casement windows are available in rectangles, trapezoids and a variety of arched shapes. For more information, see page 117. complementary casement windows With features like Romanesque arches, towering transoms and insulated decorative glass, nothing else quite matches the grandeur Andersen® complementary curved top patio doors can bring to a home. For more information, see page 163. complementary curved top patio doors When closed, these folding outswing doors are a stately wall of light. When open, they fold virtually out of sight. Choose from configurations up to 48' (14630) wide and 10' (3048) high, with operating modes that allow the patio doors to open from the left, right or center. Available in traditional or contemporary panel styles. For more information, see page 179 or visit andersenwindows.com/foldingdoors. folding doors 22 Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. COMMON SIZE GRID Common sizes in four-inch increments are based on the rough opening to simplify framing and specifying. Even-inch sizes eliminate fractions and reduce jobsite errors. A 3⁄4-inch (19) gap horizontally and vertically leaves room for shims, insulation and sill flashing. CUSTOM SIZING All Andersen® A-Series windows and doors can be ordered in 1⁄8 -inch (3) increments, providing flexibility for replacement, remodeling, new construction or light commercial projects. COMMON GLASS SETBACK A common glass setback on A-Series windows and patio doors delivers noticeably clean shadow lines both inside and out. The upper sash of double-hung windows align perfectly with casement windows, awning windows, picture windows, patio doors and transoms. Uncommon Precision alignment 23 Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. 6' 0" (1829) MINIMUM ROUGH OPENING 6' 0" (1829) MINIMUM ROUGH OPENING 6' 0" (1829) MINIMUM ROUGH OPENING 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 5' (610 x 1524) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 3' (610 x 914) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 2' (610 x 610) 2' x 3' (610 x 914) 6' x 1' (1829 x 305) EASY MATH The A-Series window and door system simplifies selection and installation of multiple windows within a single rough opening. 3⁄4-inch (19) horizontal and vertical joins keep sizing consistent no matter how many or what size windows you combine. The spacing in these illustrations is exaggerated for demonstration purposes. COMPLETE ALIGNMENT Common sight lines allow you to specify any combination of window styles and still have them match and align perfectly. Windows share the same sash design, grille profiles and frame depth for consistent beauty with classic appeal. Double-Hung Picture Window Casement a-series 24 * Available on select windows, see your Andersen supplier for details. ** 69% of 156 builders/general contractors in a 2018 survey said they could reduce the number of installers by half using the Easy Connect Joining System when comparing the installation of a 12' wide x 8' high pre-assembled window combination unit with four 3' wide x 8' high window combination units. † When installed according to Andersen installation instructions. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Andersen® reinforced joining options provide enhanced performance, design flexibility and jobsite conveniences. Choose from three joining options to achieve monumental window combinations. These joining options utilize the strength and durability of fiberglass construction and offer the design flexibility of achieving both one-way and two-way combinations. For more information, visit andersenwindows.com/joining. FACTORY JOINED COMBINATIONS Eliminate the need for jobsite assembly and receive fully joined, factory-assembled window combinations to fit rough openings up to 12' x 8' or 8' x 12'. This innovative patented system utilizes 4 9⁄16" (116) interlocking fiberglass joining plates. Receive lighter, easier-to-handle, pre-assembled smaller combinations that join together as you install them into the rough opening, making it easier to install large combinations. In fact, most contractors surveyed said they could reduce the number of installers by 50% using the Andersen Easy Connect Joining System.** EASY CONNECT JOINING SYSTEM 4 groups, 1 over 1 combination Weight of each combination shown with Low-E4® glass is approximately 135 lbs or 61.235 kg 1 group, 4 over 4 combination Combination weight shown with Low-E4 glass is approximately 540 lbs or 244.94 kg A 1 E B 2 F C 3 G D 4 H 1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 1 2 A B E F 3 4 C D G H 1 2 3 4 35¼"(895) 95¼" (2419) A 1 E B 2 F C 3 G D 4 H 1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 1 2 A B E F 3 4 C D G H 1 2 3 4 143¼" (3639) 95¼" (2419) REINFORCED EASY CONNECT JOINING SYSTEM REINFORCED FACTORY JOINED COMBINATIONS REINFORCED JOINING KITS ASSEMBLY IN THE OPENING FACTORY JOBSITE READY TO INSTALL in the opening l l NUMBER OF INSTALLERS NEEDED**FEWER MORE MORE HALLMARK CERTIFIED for Air, Water & Structural Performance†l l l Tested to AAMA 450 l l l HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ) Approved l l l COMBINATION SIZE LIMITATION Max. Join Length: of 12' (3658) in one direction, no maximum in the other direction Max. Join Length: of 12' x 8' or 8' x 12'(3658 x 2438 or 2438 x 3658) Max. Join Length: of 12' (3658) in one direction, no maximum in the other direction reinforced joining options The Ultimate in Jobsite Convenience* C 2 D 2 A 2 A 2 D3 D 3 E 3 E3 B2 B2B2 A 2 G 3 C 2 F 3C 3 B 3 A 3 CDVHPHQW6LQJOH CDVHPHQWFL[HG ....... 7UDQVRP9HQWLQJ 7UDQVRPFL[HGAZQLQJ Notes: Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice. Date: 01/10/22 A-Series Casement and Awning Page 01 of 05File:SectionsA-Series Casement And AwningAW HeadA 2 C 2 B2 Operating Jamb Operating Sill Operating D 2 Sill Operating 49 16"(116)112"(39)15 16"(33)212"(63)1916"(40)4916"(116)1716"(36)1516"(33)21 2"(63)19 16"(40) 49 16"(116)2"(51)15 16"(33)1916"(40)3316"(81)49 16"(116)1"(25)38"(10)1716"(36)15 16"(33)2516"(59)3516"(85)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass1916"(40)2916"(66)1"(25)38"(10)318"(80)418"(105)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass1"(25)38"(10)2516"(59)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass1"(25) 3 8"(10) 25 16"(59) 35 16"(84) Rough Opening Unit Dimension UnobstructedGlass Notes: Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice. Date: 01/10/22 Scale: 3" (76) = 1' (305) A-Series Casement and Awning Page 02 of 05File:SectionsA-Series Casement And AwningAW Stationary Stationary Stationary HeadA 3 C 3 B3 Jamb Sill 49 16"(116)112"(39)15 16"(33)212"(63)1916"(40)1"(25)38"(10)2516"(59)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass4916"(116)1"(25) 3 8"(10) 1716"(36)1516"(33)25 16"(59) 35 16"(84) 21 2"(63) Rough Opening Unit Dimension UnobstructedGlass 19 16"(40) 49 16"(116)1"(25)38"(10)2"(51)15 16"(33)318"(80)418"(105)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass1916"(40)3316"(81)HeadD 3 F 3 E3 Jamb Sill 49 16"(116)1716"(36)15 16"(33)1916"(40)34"(18)38"(10)2916"(66)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass4916"(116)1716"(36)1516"(33)21 16"(53)19 16"(40) 49 16"(116)2"(51)15 16"(33)1916"(40)2116"(53)21116"(68)Fixed Fixed Fixed G 3 Sill 49 16"(116)1716"(36)15 16"(33)1916"(40)2116"(53)Fixed34"(18)38"(10)338"(86)418"(105)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass34"(18)38"(10)2916"(66)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass3 4"(18) 3 8"(10) 29 16"(66) 35 16"(84) Rough Opening Unit Dimension UnobstructedGlass Notes: Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice. Date: 01/10/22 Scale: 3" (76) = 1' (305) A-Series Casement and Awning Page 03 of 05File:SectionsA-Series Casement And AwningAW Drip CapC4 4 1 2" Flat CasingF4 2" Brick MouldD4 3 1 2" Flat CasingE42"(51)134"(45)312"(89)314"(83)412"(114)414"(109)G 4 Sill Nose H 4 Decorative Drip Cap J 4 2" Cornice K 4 3 5 8" Cornice2"(51)13 4"(44) 11 2"(38) 11 2"(38) 2"(51)1516"(23)21 4"(57)2"(51)31 4"(83)358"(92)41 16"(102)178"(48)312"(89)A 4 Extension Jamb 14"(6)14"(6)14"(6)5 8"(17) 33 4"(95) Structure By Others B 4 3 3 4" Exterior Mull Cover Used in Conjunction With Trim System Only Available from 5 1 4" (133) to 7 1 8" (181) in 1 16" (1.5) increments Notes: Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice. Date: 01/10/22 Scale: 3" (76) = 1' (305) A-Series Casement and Awning Page 04 of 05File:SectionsA-Series Casement And AwningAW 118"(29)78"(22)34"(19)214"(57)1"(26)H 5 2 1 4" Simulated Divided Light B 5 3 4" Simulated Divided Light K 5 P 5 1" FinelightF 5 118"(29)78"(22)34"(19)C5 L5G5 7 8" Simulated Divided Light 1 1 8" Simulated Divided Light 3 4" Removable Interior Grille 7 8" Removable Interior Grille 1 1 8" Removable Interior Grille Removable interior is available Removable interior is available Removable interior is available118"(29)78"(22)34"(19)A 5 3 4" Full Divided Light J 5 E 5 7 8" Full Divided Light 1 1 8" Full Divided Light 34"(19)N 5 3 4" Finelight 214"(57)D 5 2 1 4" Full Divided Light Simulated check railSimulated check rail M 5 Triple Pane Glass 1"(26) Notes: Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice. Date: 01/10/22 Scale: 6" (152) = 1' (305) A-Series Casement and Awning Page 05 of 05File:SectionsA-Series Casement And AwningAW A-Series D ate: Scale: Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice Notes: 03/29/16 3" (76) = 1' (305) Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. R R A 2 B 2 C 2 Double-Hung C 3 A 3 D 3 D 3 E 3 E3 B3 G 3 F 3 Picture Transom VentingTransom Fixed Double-Hung Windows File:SectionsA-SeriesAW Page 01 of 06Double Hung See Pages 4 Thru 6 for Accessories None D2 A-Series D ate: Scale: Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice Notes: 03/29/16 3" (76) = 1' (305) Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. R R HeadA 2 C 2 B 2 Operating Jamb Operating Sill Operating 49 16"(116)1716"(36)15 16"(33)11516"(50)1916"(40)2"(52)14"(6)1516"(33)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass158"(41)4916"(116)1716" (36)1516"(33)15 8" (41)19 16" (40) 2" (52) 1 4" (6) 15 16" (33) 35 16" (84) Rough Opening Unit Dimension UnobstructedGlass 49 16"(116)2"(51)15 16"(33)1916"(40)1716"(36)14"(6)21116"(68)418"(105)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlassCheck RailD 2 Operating2316"(56)Double-Hung Windows 15 8" (41) File:SectionsA-SeriesAW Page 02 of 06Double Hung See Pages 4 Thru 6 for Accessories A-Series D ate: Scale: Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice Notes: 03/29/16 3" (76) = 1' (305) Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. R R C 3 Sill 4916"(116)1"(25)14"(6)1716"(36)15 16"(33)2516"(59)3516"(85)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass1916"(40)2916"(66)HeadD 3 F 3 E 3 Jamb Sill 49 16"(116)1716"(36)15 16"(33)1916"(40)34"(18)14"(6)258"(66)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass4916"(116)1716" (36)1516"(33)21 16" (53)19 16" (40) 49 16"(116)2"(51)15 16"(33)1916"(40)2116"(53)21116"(68)Fixed Fixed Fixed G 3 Sill 49 16"(116)1716"(36)1516"(33)1916"(40)2116"(53)Fixed34"(18)14"(6)338"(86)418"(105)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass34"(18)14"(6)258"(66)3516"(84)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass3 4" (18) 1 4" (6) 29 16" (66) 35 16" (84) Rough Opening Unit Dimension UnobstructedGlass Double-Hung Windows HeadA 3 B 3 Operating Jamb Operating 49 16"(116)112"(39)15 16"(33)212"(63)1916"(40)4916"(116)17 16" (36)1516"(33)21 2" (63)1916" (40)1"(26)14"(6)2516"(59)338"(85)Rough OpeningUnit DimensionUnobstructedGlass1" (25) 1 4" (6) 25 16" (59) 35 16" (84) Rough Opening Unit Dimension UnobstructedGlass Operating File:SectionsA-SeriesAW Page 03 of 06Double Hung See Pages 4 Thru 6 for Accessories C 4 Stool 29 16" (64) 37 8" (98) 4716" (112) 6 9 16" Wall Depth 6916" (167) B 4 Stool 5 1 4" Wall Depth 51 4" (133) A 4 Stool 17 8" (47) 4 9 16" Wall Depth 49 16" (116) D 4 Stool 7 1 8" Wall Depth 71 8" (181) 17 8" (47) 17 8" (47) 17 8" (47) 17 8" (47) A-Series Date: Scale: Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice Notes: 03/29/16 3" (76) = 1' (305) Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. R R Double-Hung Windows Accessories File:SectionsA-SeriesAW Page 04 of 06Double Hung Drip CapB 5 4 1 2" Flat CasingE 5 2" Brick MouldC 5 3 1 2" Flat CasingD 52"(51)134"(45)312"(89)314"(83)412"(114)414"(109)F 5 Sill Nose G 5 Decorative Drip Cap H 5 2" Cornice I 5 3 5 8" Cornice2"(51)13 4" (44) 11 2" (38) 11 2" (38) 2" (51)1516"(23)21 4" (57)2"(51)31 4" (83)358"(92)41 16" (102)178"(48)312"(89)A 5 Extension Jamb 14"(6)14"(6)14"(6)5 8"(17) A-Series Date: Scale: Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice Notes: 03/29/16 3" (76) = 1' (305) Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. R R Available from 4 9 16" (116) to 7 1 8" (181) in 1 16" (1.5) increments Double-Hung Windows Accessories File:SectionsA-SeriesAW Page 05 of 06Double Hung A-Series D ate: Scale: Andersen Windows, Inc. reserves the right to change drawing specifications without notice Notes: 03/29/16 3" (76) = 1' (305) Details have been optimized for use in architectural software and do not match manufacturing specifications. Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. R R 118"(29)78"(22)34"(19)1"(26)B6 3 4" Simulated Divided Light K6 N6 1" FinelightF6 118"(29)78"(22)34"(19)C 6 L 6 G 6 7 8" Simulated Divided Light 1 1 8" Simulated Divided Light 3 4" Removable Interior Grille 7 8" Removable Interior Grille 1 1 8" Removable Interior Grille Removable interior is available Removable interior is available Removable interior is available 6" (152) = 1' (305)118"(29)78"(22)34"(19)A 6 3 4" Full Divided Light J 6 E 6 7 8" Full Divided Light 1 1 8" Full Divided Light 34"(19)M 6 3 4" Finelight Double-Hung Windows Accessories File:SectionsA-SeriesAW Page 06 of 06Double Hung214"(57)H 5 2 1 4" Simulated Divided Light214"(57)D 5 2 1 4" Full Divided Light Simulated check rail Only available on picture units Simulated check rail Only available on picture units This Page Intentionally Left Blank