Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachments 7 and 8 PREPARED BY: SAVANNAH VAN AKIN Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/22/2022 ITEM NO: 2 Date: June 17, 2022 To: Historic Preservation Committee From: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director Subject: Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Non- Contributing Commercial Building in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-023. Located at 106 Royce Street. APN 529-04-025. PROPERTY OWNER: Rosa Family LLC. APPLICANT: Todd Bayless. PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin. BACKGROUND: On May 25, 2022, the Historic Preservation Committee considered the proposal and continued the matter to June 22, 2022. At this meeting, the Committee discussed the project identifying several key points for clarification. DISCUSSION: The current proposal takes an existing unoccupied space, proposes clear and simple changes consistent with its existing architectural style and design, without changing the architectural style of the existing building constructed in the 1960’s. The structure is an existing, non- contributing building at the very edge of the University-Edelen Historic District, abutting the Downtown C-2 Central Business District. Attachment 7 shows the subject property’s unique position on the edge of the University-Edelen Historic District and direct proximity to the Downtown C-2 Central Business District parking lots. This project is not anchored or tied to the Victorian character prominent in the University- Edelen Historic District; it is distinct, and removed from the neighborhood pattern seen along University Avenue. The Committee asked the applicant to work with staff to discuss the potential of design modifications to tie the design of the building to the surrounding University- Edelen Historic District, should the applicant be interested, and return to the Committee for review. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 106 ROYCE STREET June 17, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\06-22-22\Item 02 - 106 Royce Avenue\Staff Report - 106 Royce St.docx 6/16/2022 4:20 PM DISCUSSION (continued): The applicant has returned with a new Letter of Justification (Attachment 8), outlining how the existing structure should be examined as a unique circumstance based on locations and existing architectural style, rather than a structure contributing to the character of the University- Edelen Historic District. The applicant provided excerpts from the Residential Design Guidelines (Chapter 4 – Historic Resources) to support this stance. Specifically, per Page 43, “A non- contributing structure, if not rehabilitated into a contributing style or design, should be remodeled or expanded consistent with its existing architectural style or design.” Given the justification provided by the applicant and the direction included in the Residential Design Guidelines, the applicant has not revised the project and presents a design consistent with that presented at the May 25, 2022 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the May 25, 2022 Staff Report: 1. Sanborn Maps 2. 1960’s Building Permits 3. 1994 Building Permits 4. Development Plans 5. Project Description Letter 6. Property Pictures Received with this Staff Report: 7. Zoning & Historic District Map 8. Revised Project Justification Letter Zoning and Historic District Map 106 Royce Street ATTACHMENT 7 WILLIAM C. KEMPF, ARCHITECTS 105 Locust Street, Suite B Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831 459-0951 www.wckempf.com MEMORANDUM TO: Town Of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee ADDRESS: 110 E Main St, Los Gatos, CA 95030 DATE: June 15, 2022 FROM: Todd Bayless PROJECT: HS-22-023; 106 Royce Street, Los Gatos, California At the May 25th, 2022 meeting of the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee, the committee reviewed application HS-22-023 for a new coffee shop tenant improvement at 106 Royce street and directed the applicant to work with the Planning Department in order to refine the design in a way that is “compatible with the neighborhood”. After a discussion with the Planning Department, we believe this building represents a unique circumstance. So instead of being considered in the context of the surrounding neighborhood, this building should be considered based on a strict interpretation of the Residential Design Guidelines. 106 Royce Street can be examined as a unique circumstance due to it’s geographic location and architectural style. Located at the edge of the University-Eidolon Historic district, Royce Street creates the border of the historic district and the downtown area. 106 Royce Street sits adjacent to a town parking lot and is the only building on Royce street that faces towards the downtown area. For the passerby, 106 Royce Street feels more like it is a part of downtown than the nearby residential neighborhood on University Ave. Furthermore, the low sloping roof and materials are consistent with Modernist style architecture which does not contribute to the historic nature of the University-Eidolon district where Victorian and Craftsman style homes are common. The Los Gatos Residential Design guidelines addresses “non-contributing” buildings such as 106 Royce street on page 43, “A noncontributing structure, if not rehabilitated into a contributing style or design, should be remodeled or expanded consistent with its existing architectural style and design.” We interpret this to mean that a Modernist style building should be remodeled in a way that is consistent with the Modernist style, and we believe that we have done so with the proposed design. Local Architect Gary Kohlstaat offered his support for our position by saying, “This building is a clear example of mid-century modernism and WCK made it look better than new, in my opinion.” The Design Guidelines continue on page 54 to warn that “…structures should not create a false sense of the historical development of the district.” It is our opinion that adding any Victorian or Craftsman styling to such a modern building would be anachronic and detract from the inherent beauty of all styles involved. ATTACHMENT 8 106 Royce Street, Los Gatos June 15, 2022; Page 2 Due to the unique circumstances of the building, we encourage the HPC to review 106 Royce Street as a non-conforming building and strongly believe they will find that our tenant improvement and modest exterior remodel is in conformance with Residential Design Guidelines and that it will be a positive addition to Los Gatos. Thank you for your consideration of our project and please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Todd Bayless, Architect License C35324 (831) 459-0951