Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 6 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/25/2022 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: May 20, 2022 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Located at 327 University Avenue. APN 529-04-060. Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-025. PROPERTY OWNER: Johan Back and Vibha Rao. APPLICANT: Greenberg Design Gallery. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request for approval for construction of exterior alterations to an existing contributing single-family residence located in the University-Edelen Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP located at 327 University Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1990 per County Assessor’s Database; 1890s per Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: “C”, Contributor to Town’s historic feeling but has had some alterations 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen Historic District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The original residence at 327 University Avenue was constructed in the 1890s and was significantly damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. On April 12, 1990, the Los Gatos Earthquake Restoration Committee approved a request to demolish the damaged original PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 327 University Avenue/HS-22-025 DATE: May 20, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\05-25-22\Item 02 - 327 University Ave\Staff Report.327 University Avenue.docx 5/20/2022 2:46 PM BACKGROUND (continued): residence and construct a new residence on condition that the new residence include floor area, setbacks, and exterior details identical to the original residence (Attachment 1). Building permits for the replacement residence were issued in June 1990. Town records indicate that construction was completed in March 1991. As a result, the Santa Clara County Assessor’s Database lists a construction date of 1990 for the existing residence. The 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey indicates a build date of 1890s (Attachment 2). Notes on the survey sheet show that the evaluation was completed just prior to the 1989 earthquake. A picture of the damaged residence was added to the survey sheet with a date of October 26, 1989. While the existing residence at 327 University Avenue was constructed in 1990, it was done so under Town review with direction to replicate the original 1890s residence. The reconstruction of the original residence depicts the form, features, and detailing of the original residence and results in a replica that remains a contributor to the University-Edelen Historic District. Town records show that alterations to the residence were approved by the Historic Preservation Committee in 2012 and completed in 2014 that included changing the entry to the front porch from the right side to the front, changing the porch balusters, installing a window on the right side of the front porch, and constructing a decorative picket fence along the front sidewalk (Attachment 3). On April 27, 2022, the Committee reviewed a proposal similar in scope to the current proposal and expressed concerns with the following: • Consistency of the proposed sliding doors with the architecture of the residence; • Removal of a window on the left elevation creating vast blank walls; • Removal of the existing chimneys; and • Contemporary style of the proposed doors. Citing these concerns, the Committee voted to deny the request without prejudice (Attachment 4). The current proposal is being presented de novo and the applicant has revised the project in response to the concerns expressed by the Committee in review of the previous application. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations to the side and rear elevations of the existing residence (Attachment 6). The exterior alterations are part of an interior remodel resulting in changes to window and door locations and proportions, and removal of two existing chimneys. Changes to the right-side elevation include removal of a single door and three windows on the ground floor and installation of a divided-lite sliding glass PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 327 University Avenue/HS-22-025 DATE: May 20, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\05-25-22\Item 02 - 327 University Ave\Staff Report.327 University Avenue.docx 5/20/2022 2:46 PM DISCUSSION (continued): door with side lites at the dining room and a pair of single-hung windows at the office. Changes at the left-side elevation include removal of one ground-floor window and installation of a new single-hung window at the new bathroom; removal of a second-story window triplet and installation of two transom windows at the new TV room and walk-in closet; and removal of a brick chimney. New shingle siding to match the existing would be installed where needed. Changes to the rear elevation include removal of a set of double doors serving the existing family room; removal of a brick chimney and small mechanical closet at the base of the chimney; and removal of a single-hung window at the family room. New divided-lite sliding door would be installed serving the reconfigured family room and a new sliding window installed above the new kitchen sink. Except for the removal of the existing chimneys, the proposed exterior modifications would not be visible from the street. All new exterior materials would match the existing, including the wood siding. The applicant has indicated to staff that additional information related to the proposed removal of the chimneys will be provided at the meeting on May 25, 2022. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. CONCLUSION: The applicant requests approval for construction of exterior alterations to an existing contributing single-family residence located in the University-Edelen Historic District. The applicant has revised the project in response to the Committee’s concerns expressed at the meeting of April 27, 2022. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the project would be completed with a Building Permit and would not return to the Committee. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 327 University Avenue/HS-22-025 DATE: May 20, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\05-25-22\Item 02 - 327 University Ave\Staff Report.327 University Avenue.docx 5/20/2022 2:46 PM ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1990 Los Gatos Earthquake Restoration Committee documents 2. 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey 3. 2012 Historic Preservation Committee documents 4. Historic Preservation Committee Action Letter, dated April 28, 2022 5. Exterior Photos 6. Development Plans f tt e f 5 TOWW of UDS OAT08 PLANNING D*PAAtIN1ENT 406) u"rl Aprif 26, 1990 Toffy Maddox Toffy Maddox Construction tos91 Carver DrNe Cuportino, CA 95014 RE: a.Z_vIWalthy-AY4Im Architecture and Sho Appticatlon ES•90.20 Roquosling aprxoval of plans to reconstruct a two family residence that will be dornolished duo to slnificant earthquake damago on property In the R•ID•LNP zono. f'3OPF.RTY OWNEW: Keith Ignotz APPLICANT: Torry Maddox Dow Mr. Maddox: On AprN 12, IM. the Lo.! Gatos Earthquake Rostoratlon Commhtoo consklorod the abovo oppllcatlon. The Cormintoo found tho aplAi atlon to h3 1n complfanco whh the Guidelines for Ronal( and Roconstrucllon of Farlhquako Darnagod Bulidings. The plans for reconstruction of tho two family rosklonco at the above address may be submitted to the Building Doparlmont for plan chock. If you havo any further questions, rbaso contact Suo Gyoroy of this office. Very truly yours, r' Loo E. Bowman Planning Director Lr:B:SG:lk) cc: Kohh Ignotz, 16040 Greonrklgo Torra;o, Los Gatos, CA 95032 ttj01%101tu kaUe4A CIVIC UENIER • 110 FAST MAIN STRRY • P.O. ROx W • LOS GAY(, CALIFORNIA WJ1 ATTACHMENT 1 TOWN O LOS PLANNING pt'.1'AR7M.N'1' 408) 354.6872 tnnunry . 1990 r i t lc 1 Knot: lf,is'tt! Creent•idKo 't'ervace lilt: jt'(_UN11'FlIS1TY•AVt:NUE 1)"ar %1r. Ignotz: mi. Town ling ninwoved your request rot, the demolition of tho Single, fnunily rc >idr.ne s (2 units) (it the above roforencod ncldreiri under tho ptnvinionst of the vr; mitwi Vnirthquako Restoration 111,ogr11ro. Replacement, or tlto strur.tiwo with t 1t', 1'looi• t rcn. notbncks and extorior idonticnl to the 1111-01111-000119 3t vrcture i l l Vvilutt•e no 't'o it fvO4 and will not. squire n public hc!arir g pror•.es,4. Ac,cor isr,v. to cat, ruCorik and the, informatton you have provided. the! Collowing dntrr lvvi Im-4,11 41!wul-Wilted for Illo SkII)Joct r ito: ttincks: Nront l'f'8'' Rehr h7'..... Side. 7`,10" `ai <ir. . ....IGI- votal Area of iluildinq :. 2t171_ :ul. ft.. No. of Ft(r1e4 :1 two y Int Floor: 1,229 sq. rt. Noll F loov., 9112 clrl. 1't.., 1'Ktrric r blater•it 1st: wo0'I 1n1 0,41111g, wood,.trim, t'013pwdt.ic +n stt ingl t,c<,t' il' you believe flint there nee nny digr.•epancies with tltcs nbovo data. I tett r contile . this, department, prior to the demolition. Once the Structure has 1w0h iahrd, tho shove datn cannot, be modified. 1 Itc*cnus3e thc, regiclence is in the University -Welen Historic Distt•Ict, the do »ti 1 ition request wns 0130 reviewed by the Stato Office of Historic preservntion ts required by Senate hill 3X. 11 i9 bill was signed by the Governor on November 11, 1989, and ineludea t provislon that requires the Stnte to reviow Ally request rote demolition or a higtorically designated strtteturo. 'tile Orrice of lligtoric 1'1,415ervation ling determined that demolition or the regidenre is warranted, CIVIC Ct:NTf:R • 110 FAST MAIN 1'.O. aoX fh • 1,014 GA101% CALIFORNIA #91131 you are also n+lvised that you roust comply with the applicable requirements of tht4 (lay Aron Air Pollution Control District concerning the damou tion of I,:iitdings. A copy of thou requirements and application procedures Oro enclosed. AIHo, nt,l,nched is n copy of the Town Guidelines for Recons true tion of Enrthcivako nnmfigod buildings, and comments Made by the Stato Office or Historic ProHervation in their review or your property, you havo filly questions, plc .*use contnet Sue Gyorey of thin department. 1'ery truly yourH. I ev E. llowmnn 1'lnnning DireeLor F. i K d' 4 l'{ .14 4, i t'''k" * MtrtyaP, ^S f•W+^%ie.t x +. . Mr. Keith Ignotz January 5 199 j Page 2 1 you are also n+lvised that you roust comply with the applicable requirements of tht4 (lay Aron Air Pollution Control District concerning the damou tion of I,:iitdings. A copy of thou requirements and application procedures Oro enclosed. AIHo, nt,l,nched is n copy of the Town Guidelines for Recons true tion of Enrthcivako nnmfigod buildings, and comments Made by the Stato Office or Historic ProHervation in their review or your property, you havo filly questions, plc .*use contnet Sue Gyorey of thin department. 1'ery truly yourH. LI b:SC:lkj Au nchment Scott Ilnkov, Director of DuOding SovvireH f+,rry Maddox I,: -I lei lef 4 "I; (I•)li I ev E. llowmnn 1'lnnning DireeLor LI b:SC:lkj Au nchment Scott Ilnkov, Director of DuOding SovvireH f+,rry Maddox I,: -I lei lef 4 "I; (I•)li This Page Intentionally Left Blank ue: d/nne !Bfoom{ielJ ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 Sl 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY }iov.se. w~ deMo\\&~ LOS GATOS RESEARCH ().f-~ ~~ ea.f ~<f-' A£~--~. PARCEL MAP INFORMATION Parcel # 5 2-1' 01-0 ~t:J Lot shape: ( Rectangle~ L___ Rectangle Lot size : --- It V'~ P. \\ c.o.. v..>c.s cc~-t<-\A.C.,~ ; v" { \-'s f\c.. .. c. e... front ft. x //2.. ft. deep with small rear jog__ Other ___________ _ Location: N S_ E W /side of ___ V ____________ St Ave /Other ______ _ distance to cross st: !5Jr;..o ft . N S E W from ---------'----------- at NE_ NW SE SW corner of ----------------------- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name '!( ~ {;_~h t?~~J? Old Block # ___ Old lot # _ _...7 ___ ___ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating v Estimated age I '590 , Style __ ..,...--'6=.;..-_) _A ___________________ _ Alterations w I ~'~J ow '?...,. r O c ' .•d-;.., COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFFective date. ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date Source Page Location of property, or Lot Owner Name Old :tract/block/lot Size ------1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date ____________ _ County Inventory 1979 _______ ~--------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ istrict Name UA,v./E:/chn ; Butler/Junior League -------------------Gebhard: page#. illustration page# Butler/Junior League ------- PHOTOS: Roll/frame #Qt?l-cg A OcJ//~ s-:.. ~/' :/~ ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 3 TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 April 28, 2022 Greenberg Design Gallery 904 Industrial Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 Via email RE: 327 University Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-016 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-060. PROPERTY OWNER: Johan Back and Vibha Rao APPLICANT: Greenberg Design Gallery PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin On April 27, 2022, the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee considered the above request and expressed concerns with the following: •Consistency of the proposed sliding doors with the architecture of the residence ; •Removal of a window on the left elevation creating vast blank walls; •Removal of the existing chimneys; and •Contemporary style of the proposed doors. Citing these concerns, the Committee voted to deny the request without prejudice. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by phone at (408) 354 -6823 or by email at smullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Action Letters\2022\327 University Avenue - 04-27-22_Action Letter - HPC.docx CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 ATTACHMENT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 5 PLAN NOTES:THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2019CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDSCODE (CGBSC) AND CURRENT EDITIONGREEN BUILDING NOTE:THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH TITLE 24 AND 2019CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (CRC), CALIFORNIA MECHANICALCODE (CMC),CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC),CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC), AND CALIFORNIAENERGY CODE (CENC). [§ R106.1 .1 CRC] A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303Construction Best Management Practices (BMPs)Construction projects are required to implement the stormwater best management practices (BMP) on this page, as they apply to your project, all year long.Non-Hazardous MaterialsBerm and cover stockpiles of sand, dirt or other construction material with tarps when rain is forecast or if not actively being used within 14days.Use (but don’t overuse) reclaimed water for dust control.Hazardous MaterialsLabel all hazardous materials and hazardous wastes (such as pesticides, paints, thinners, solvents, fuel, oil, and antifreeze) in accordance with city, county, state and federal regulations.Store hazardous materials and wastes in water tight containers, store in appropriate secondary containment, and cover them at the end of every work day or during wet weather or when rain isforecast.Follow manufacturer’s application instructions for hazardous materials and be careful not to use more than necessary. Do not apply chemicals outdoors when rain is forecast within 24hours.Arrange for appropriate disposal of all hazardous wastes.Waste ManagementCover waste disposal containers securely with tarps at the endof every work day and during wet weather.Check waste disposal containers frequently for leaks and tomake sure they are not overfilled. Never hose down a dumpster on the construction site.Clean or replace portable toilets, and inspect them frequently for leaks andspills.Dispose of all wastes and debris properly. Recycle materials and wastes that can be recycled (such as asphalt, concrete, aggregate base materials, wood, gyp board, pipe, etc.)Dispose of liquid residues from paints, thinners, solvents, glues, and cleaning fluids as hazardous waste.Construction Entrances and PerimeterEstablish and maintain effective perimeter controls and stabilize all construction entrances and exits to sufficiently control erosion and sediment discharges from site and tracking off site.Sweep or vacuum any street tracking immediately and secure sediment source to prevent further tracking. Never hose down streets to clean uptracking.Materials & WasteManagementEquipment Management & Spill ControlMaintenance and ParkingDesignate an area, fitted with appropriate BMPs, for vehicle and equipment parking andstorage.Perform major maintenance, repair jobs, and vehicle and equipment washing off site.If refueling or vehicle maintenance must be done onsite, work in a bermed area away from storm drains and over a drip pan or drop cloths big enough to collect fluids. Recycle or dispose of fluids as hazardous waste.If vehicle or equipment cleaning must be done onsite, clean with water only in a bermed area that will not allow rinse water to run into gutters, streets, storm drains, or surface waters.Do not clean vehicle or equipment onsite using soaps, solvents, degreasers, or steam cleaning equipment.Spill Prevention and ControlKeep spill cleanup materials (e.g., rags, absorbents and cat litter) available at the construction site at alltimes.Inspect vehicles and equipment frequently for and repair leaks promptly. Use drip pans to catch leaks until repairs aremade.Clean up spills or leaks immediately and dispose of cleanup materials properly.Do not hose down surfaces where fluids have spilled. Use dry cleanup methods (absorbent materials, cat litter, and/or rags).Sweep up spilled dry materials immediately. Donot try to wash them away with water, or bury them.Clean up spills on dirt areas by digging upand properly disposing of contaminated soil.Report significant spills immediately. You arerequired by law to report all significant releases of hazardous materials, including oil. To report a spill: 1) Dial 911 or your local emergency response number, 2) Call the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Warning Center, (800) 852-7550 (24hours).EarthmovingSchedule grading and excavation work during dryweather.Stabilize all denuded areas, install and maintain temporary erosion controls (such as erosion control fabric or bonded fiber matrix) until vegetation is established.Remove existing vegetation only when absolutely necessary, and seed or plant vegetation for erosion control on slopes or where construction is notimmediately planned.Prevent sediment from migrating offsite and protect storm drain inlets, gutters, ditches, and drainage courses byinstalling and maintaining appropriate BMPs, such as fiber rolls, silt fences, sediment basins, gravel bags, berms, etc.Keep excavated soil on site and transfer it to dump trucks on site, not in the streets.Contaminated SoilsIf any of the following conditions are observed, test for contamination and contact the Regional Water Quality Control Board:- Unusual soil conditions, discoloration, orodor.- Abandoned underground tanks.- Abandoned wells- Buried barrels, debris, or trash.Discharges of groundwater or captured runoff from dewatering operations must be properly managed and disposed. When possible send dewatering discharge to landscaped area or sanitary sewer. If discharging to the sanitary sewer call your local wastewater treatment plant.Divert run-on water from offsite away from all disturbed areas.When dewatering, notify and obtain approval from the local municipality before discharging water to a street gutter or storm drain. Filtration or diversion through a basin, tank, or sediment trap may be required.In areas of known or suspected contamination, call your local agency to determine whether the ground water must be tested. Pumped groundwater may need to be collected and hauled off-site for treatment and proper disposal.DewateringAvoid paving and seal coating inwet weather or when rain is forecast, to prevent materials that have notcured from contacting stormwater runoff.Cover storm drain inlets and manholes when applying seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, fog seal,etc.Collect and recycle or appropriately dispose of excess abrasive gravel orsand. Do NOT sweep or wash it intogutters.Do not use water to wash down fresh asphalt concrete pavement.Sawcutting & Asphalt/Concrete RemovalProtect nearby storm drain inlets when saw cutting. Use filter fabric, catch basin inlet filters, or gravel bags to keep slurry out of the storm drainsystem.Shovel, abosorb, or vacuum saw-cut slurry and dispose of all waste as soon as you are finished in one location orat the end of each work day (whichever is sooner!).If sawcut slurry enters a catch basin, clean it upimmediately.Store concrete, grout, and mortar away from storm drains or waterways, and on pallets under cover to protect them from rain, runoff, andwind.Wash out concrete equipment/trucks offsite or in a designated washout area, where the water will flow into a temporary waste pit, and in amanner that will prevent leaching into theunderlying soil or onto surrounding areas. Let concrete harden and dispose of as garbage.When washing exposed aggregate, prevent washwater from entering storm drains. Block any inlets and vacuum gutters, hose washwater onto dirt areas, or drain onto a bermed surface to bepumped and disposed ofproperly.Painting Cleanup and RemovalNever clean brushes or rinse paint containers into a street, gutter, storm drain, orstream.For water-based paints, paint out brushes to the extent possible, and rinse into a drain that goes to the sanitary sewer. Never pour paint down a storm drain.For oil-based paints, paint out brushes to the extent possible and clean with thinner or solvent in a proper container. Filter and reuse thinners and solvents. Dispose of excess liquids as hazardous waste.Paint chips and dust fromnon-hazardous dry stripping and sand blasting may be swept up or collected in plastic drop cloths and disposed of astrash.Chemical paint stripping residue andchips and dust from marine paints or paints containing lead, mercury, or tributyltin must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Lead based paint removal requires a state-certified contractor.Painting & PaintRemovalConcrete, Grout &Mortar ApplicationProtect stockpiled landscaping materials from wind and rain by storing them under tarps allyear-round.Stack bagged material on pallets and under cover.Discontinue application of any erodible landscape material within 2 days before a forecast rain event or during wet weather.LandscapingPaving/Asphalt WorkStorm drain polluters may be liable for fines of up to $10,000 per day! A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303FIRE PLACERFIRE PLACE2'-0"/4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> FRENCH. DR.5'-0"6'-8"<E> FRENCH. DR.5'-0"6'-8"2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> BEDROOM<E> LIVING ROOM<E> KITCHEN<E> DINING ROOM<E> PORCH<E> MASTER BEDROOM<E> FAMILY ROOM<E> SOLID C. DR.3.0/6.82'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW5'-0"/5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW5'-0"-5'-0"3'-0"2'-3"-3'-0"3'-0"2'-6"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW4'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOWFIRE PLACE2'-6"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> SLIDING WINDOW8'-0"-3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"-2'-0"6'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> BALCONY<E> HOLLOW C. DR.2.8/6.8<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.2.8/6.82.8/6.82.8/6.82.8/6.82.8/6.82.8/6.8<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> BEDROOM<E> BEDROOM5'-0"/5'-0"3'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> SLIDING WINDOW8'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW8'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW8'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SOLID C. DR.2.8/6.82.8/6.84'-0"10'-5"3'-0"5'-0"9'-8"28'-1"13'-3"12'-11"16'-1"1'-10"4'-0"44'-1"13'-3"19'-5"9'-5"6'-0"14'-3"13'-10"4'-0"11'-7"11'-7"2'-5"12'-9"26'-9"11'-0"2'-5"5'-2"5'-6"2'-1"6'-8"13'-8"46'-6"4'-0"14'-1"6'-7"7'-5"12'-0"5'-0"12'-10"8'-7"8'-1"SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING CONDITIONSSCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING CONDITIONS<E> DEN<E> FAUAB<E> WH5'-0"/5'-0"3'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOWUP<E> ENTRYDWW/DWCLCL CLCLCL <E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN<E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN<E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN <E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN <E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN <E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN<E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN <E> LAYOUT 2nd. FLOOR PLAN A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING CONDITIONSSCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING CONDITIONSSCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING CONDITIONSSCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING CONDITIONS ABCABCR<E> FRENCH. DR.5'-0"6'-8"<E> KITCHEN<E> FAMILY ROOM<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-3"-3'-0"3'-0"2'-6"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW4'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> SOLID C. DR.2.8/6.82'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOWFIRE PLACEFIRE PLACE<E> FRENCH. DR.5'-0"6'-8"<E> LIVING ROOM<E> PORCH<E> SOLID C. DR.3.0/6.82'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW5'-0"/5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"2'-5"-5'-0"3'-0"<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW5'-0"-5'-0"3'-0"13'-3"16'-1"1'-10"4'-0"44'-1"6'-0"14'-3"11'-7"SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"DEMOLITIONELEC.PANEL13'-3"32'-8"9'-5"42'-1"10'-3"28'-1"9'-0"TO BE REMOVED<E> SINGLE HUNG WINDOW2'-5"-3'-0"5'-0"<E> WALL TO BE REMOVED9'-8"7'-6"5'-5"10'-0"3'-0"12'-10"7'-0"5'-0"2'-11"4'-1"9'-9"<N> POCKET DR.2.8/6.8112.12.133444.24.2A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303“CONTROL VALVES AND SHOWERHEADS SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE SIDEWALL OF SHOWER COMPARTMENTS OR OTHERWISE ARRANGED SO THAT THE SHOWERHEAD DOES NOT DISCHARGE DIRECTLY AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE COMPARTMENT SO THAT THE BATHER CAN ADJUST THE VALVES PRIOR TO STEPPING INTO THE SHOWER SPRAY.” [CPC 408.9] ABCABC A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303 A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"P R O P O S E D <E> BEDROOM<E> MASTER BEDROOM2'-6"/4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> SLIDING WINDOW2'-3"-3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"-2'-0"6'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> HOLLOW C. DR.2.8/6.8<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<E> HOLLOW C. DR.2.8/6.82.8/6.82.8/6.8<E> BEDROOM5'-0"/5'-0"3'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW<E> SLIDING WINDOW8'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW8'-0"-4'-0"4'-0"<N> HOLLOW C. DR.2.8/6.8<N> TV ROOM<N> HOLLOW C. DR.2.8/6.836 "5 "90 "59 "24 "36 "49 "<N> POCKET DR.2.8/6.8<N> POCKET DR.2.8/6.82'-6"-4'-0"4'-0"<E> SLIDING WINDOW2.8/6.8<E> HOLLOW C. DR.<N> DUCTCENTRAL H.18" X 18" A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 7 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xCountSystem 1System 2Registration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.05:17:02CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04HVAC -COOLING UNIT TYPES01 02030405060708NameSystem Type Number of Units Efficiency EER/CEER Efficiency SEER Zonally ControlledMulit-speedCompressorHERS VerificationCooling Component 1 No Coolingn/an/an/aNot Zonal Single Speedn/aCooling Component 2 No Coolingn/an/an/aNot Zonal Single Speedn/aHVAC -HEATING UNIT TYPES01020304NameSystem TypeNumber of UnitsHeating EfficiencyHeating Component 1Central gas furnace1AFUE-97.7Heating Component 2Central gas furnace1AFUE-97.7SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS010203 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11NameSystem TypeHeating UnitNameCooling UnitNameFan NameDistributionNameRequiredThermostatTypeStatusVerifiedExistingConditionHeatingEquipmentCountCoolingEquipmentHVAC System 11Heating and cooling system otherHeatingComponent1Cooling Component NoHVAC Fan 1AirDistributionSetback New No 1 n/aHVAC System 22Heating and cooling system otherHeatingComponent2Cooling Component NoHVAC Fan 2AirDistributionn/a Existing No 1 n/aCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 8 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19x40 ftDistributidistDistributidistConditionedRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04 05:17:02HVAC DISTRIBUTION -HERS VERIFICATION010203040506070809NameDuct LeakageVerificationDuct LeakageTarget (%)Verified DuctLocationVerified DuctDesignBuried DuctsDeeply BuriedDuctsLow-leakage AirHandlerLow LeakageDucts Entirely inSpaceAir DistributionSystem 1-hers-distYes5.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Credit not taken Not Required NoAir DistributionSystem 2-hers-distYes5.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Credit not taken Not Required NoHVAC -DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Duct Ins. R-value Duct Location Surface AreaName TypeDesignTypeSupply Return Supply Return Supply ReturnBypassDuctDuctLeakageHERS VerificationStatusVerifiedExistingConditionExistingDistributionsystemNew DuctsAir Distributi on System 1Unconditioned crawl spaceNon-VerifiedR-8 R-8CrawlSpaceCrawlSpacen/a n/aNo Bypass DuctSealed and TestedAiron System1-hers-Alterati onNo n/a n/aAir Distributi on System 2Unconditioned atticNon-VerifiedR-8 R-8 Attic Attic n/a n/aNo Bypass DuctSealed and TestedAiron System2-hers-Alterati onNo n/a n/aCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 9 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.05:17:02CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04HVAC -FAN SYSTEMS010203 04NameType Fan Power (Watts/CFM)NameHVAC Fan 1HVAC Fan0.45n/aCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 10 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xDigitally signed by CalCERTS. This digital signature is provided in order to secure the content of this registered document, andin no way impliesRegistration Provider responsibility for the accuracy of the information.Registration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.05:17:02CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04Easy to Verifyat CalCERTS.comDOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT1. I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete.Documentation Author Name:ENRIQUE ECKHAUSDocumentation Author Signature:Company:eckhaus designsSignature Date:2022-03-04 05:21:58Address:p.o. box 783CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (If applicable):NACity/State/Zip:Salinas, CA 93902Phone:831-794-2461RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENTI certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California:1. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance.2. I certify that the energy features and performance specifications identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.3 The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permitapplication.Responsible Designer Name:ENRIQUE ECKHAUSResponsible Designer Signature:Company:eckhaus designsDate Signed:2022-03-04 05:21:58Address:p.o. box 783License:NACity/State/Zip:Salinas, CA 93902Phone:831-794-24612019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures SummaryNOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Energy Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures, regardless of the compliance approachused. Review the respective section for more information. *Exceptions may apply.(01/2020)110.6(a)1:when tested per NFRC-400, ASTM E283 or AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-2011.*110.6(b):110.6-A, 110.6-B, or JA4.5 for exterior doors. They must be caulked and/or weather-stripped.*110.7:gasketed, or weather stripped.and Services (BHGS).110.8(i):material must meet the requirements of 110.8(i) and be labeled per 10-113 when the installation of a cool roof is specified on the CF1R.must meet Tables 150.1-A or B.*UV light deterioration; and, when installed as part of a heated slab floor, meet the requirements of 110.8(g).150.0(g)1:retarder. This requirement also applies to controlled ventilation crawl space for buildings complying with the exception to 150.0(d).150.0(g)2:insulation in all exterior walls, vented attics, and unvented attics with air-permeable insulation.150.0(q):maximum U-factor of 0.58; or the weighted average U-factor of all fenestration must not exceed 0.58.*150.0(e)2:and is equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight-fitting damper or combustion-air control device.*110.0- 110.3:appliances must be certified by the manufacturer to the California Energy Commission.*cut-on temperature for compression heating is higher than the cut-on temperature for supplementary heating, and the cut-off temperature for110.2(c):setback thermostat.*110.3(c)6:bibbs or other fittings on both cold and hot water lines to allow for flushing the water heater when the valves are closed.Building Envelope Measures:Air Leakage. Manufactured fenestration, exterior doors, and exterior pet doors must limit air leakage to 0.3 CFM per square foot or less110.6(a)5: Labeling.Fenestration products and exterior doors must have a label meetingthe requirements of 10-111(a).Field fabricated exterior doors and fenestration products must use U-factors and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) values from TablesAir Leakage. All joints, penetrations, and other openings in the building envelope that are potential sources of air leakage must be caulked,110.8(a): Insulation Certification by Manufacturers. Insulation must be certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Household Goods110.8(g): Insulation Requirements for Heated Slab Floors. Heated slab floors must be insulated per the requirements of 110.8(g).Roofing Products Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance. The thermal emittance and aged solar reflectance values of the roofing110.8(j): Radiant Barrier.When required, radiant barriers must have an emittance of 0.05 or less and be certified to the Department of Consumer Affairs.Ceiling and Rafter Roof Insulation. Minimum R-22 insulation in wood-frame ceiling; or the weighted average U-factor must not exceed 0.043. Minimum R-19 or weighted average U-factor of 0.054 or less in a rafter roof alteration. Attic access doors must have permanently attached150.0(a): insulation using adhesive or mechanical fasteners. The attic access must be gasketed to prevent air leakage. Insulation must be installed in direct contact with a continuous roof or ceiling which is sealed to limit infiltration and exfiltration as specified in 110.7, including but not limited to placing insulation either above or below the roof deck or on topof adrywall ceiling.*150.0(b): Loose-fill Insulation.Loose fill insulation must meet the manufacturer’s required density for the labeled R-value.Wall Insulation. Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 inch wood framing wall or have a U-factor of 0.102 or less, or R-20 in 2x6 inch wood framing or150.0(c): have a U-factor of 0.071 or less. Opaque non-framed assemblies must have an overall assembly U-factor not exceeding 0.102. Masonry walls150.0(d): Raised-floor Insulation. Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood framed floor or 0.037 maximum U-factor.*Slab Edge Insulation. Slab edge insulation must meet all of the following: have a water absorption rate, for the insulation material alone without150.0(f): facings, no greater than 0.3 percent; have a water vapor permeance no greater than 2.0 perm per inch; be protected from physical damage andVapor Retarder. In climate zones 1 through 16, the earth floor of unvented crawl space must be covered with a Class I or Class II vaporVapor Retarder. In climate zones 14 and 16, a Class I or Class II vapor retarder must be installed on the conditioned space side of allFenestration Products. Fenestration, including skylights, separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors must have aFireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances, and Gas Log Measures:110.5(e) Pilot Light.Continuously burning pilot lights are not allowed for indoor and outdoor fireplaces.150.0(e)1: Closable Doors. Masonry or factory-built fireplaces must have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox.Combustion Intake. Masonry or factory-built fireplaces must have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least six square inches in area150.0(e)3: Flue Damper. Masonry or factory-built fireplaces must have a flue damper with a readily accessible control.*Space Conditioning, Water Heating, and Plumbing System Measures:Certification. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets, and all other regulated110.2(a): HVAC Efficiency. Equipment must meet the applicable efficiency requirements in Table 110.2-A through Table 110.2-K.*Controls for Heat Pumps with Supplementary Electric Resistance Heaters. Heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance heaters110.2(b): must have controls that prevent supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone; and in which thecompression heating is higher than the cut-off temperature for supplementary heating.*Thermostats. All heating or cooling systems not controlled by a central energy management control system (EMCS) must have aWater Heating Recirculation Loops Serving Multiple Dwelling Units. Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units must110.3(c)4: meet the air release valve, backflow prevention, pump priming, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection requirements of110.3(c)4.Isolation Valves. Instantaneous water heaters with an input rating greater than 6.8 kBtu per hour (2 kW) must have isolation valves with hosePilot Lights. Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan-type central furnaces; household cooking appliances (except110.5: appliances without an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu per hour ); and pool and spa heaters.*Building Cooling and Heating Loads. Heating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with the ASHRAE Handbook,150.0(h)1: Equipment Volume, Applications Volume, and Fundamentals Volume; the SMACNA Residential Comfort System Installation StandardsManual; or the ACCA Manual J using design conditions specified in 150.0(h)2.2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary150.0(h)3B:manufacturer’s instructions.150.0(j)1:a minimum of R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior of the tank.water piping with a nominal diameter equal to or greater than 3/4 inch and less than one inch; all hot water piping with a nominal diameter less150.0(j)3:Insulation covering chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping located outside the conditioned space must include, or be protected by, aagency that is approved by the Executive Director.181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than ¼150.0(m)3:mastics, sealants, and other requirements specified for duct construction.150.0(m)8:manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except combustion inlet and outlet air openings and elevator shaft vents.accordance with 150.0(m)11 and Reference Residential Appendix RA3.drops and labeling must meet the requirements in 150.0(m)12. Filters must be accessible for regular service.*CFM for all others. Small duct high velocity systems must provide an airflow = 250 CFM per ton of nominal cooling capacity, and an air-handling150.0(h)3A: Clearances. Airconditioner and heat pump outdoor condensing units must have a clearance of at least five feet from the outlet of any dryerLiquid Line Drier. Air conditioners and heat pump systems must be equipped with liquid line filter driers if required, as specified by theStorage Tank Insulation. Unfired hot water tanks, such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks for solar water-heating systems, must haveWater Piping, Solar Water-heating System Piping, and Space Conditioning System Line Insulation. All domestic hot water piping must be insulated as specified in Section 609.11 of the California Plumbing Code. In addition, the following piping conditions must have a minimum150.0(j)2A: insulation wall thickness of one inch or a minimuminsulation R-value of 7.7: the first five feet of cold water pipes from the storage tank; all hotthan 3/4 inch that is: associated with a domestic hot water recirculation system, from the heating source to storage tank or between tanks, buried below grade, and from the heating source to kitchen fixtures.*Insulation Protection. Piping insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind as required by Section 120.3(b). Insulation exposed to weather must be water retardant and protected from UV light (no adhesive tapes).Class I or Class II vapor retarder. Pipe insulation buried below grade must be installed in a waterproof and non-crushable casing or sleeve.Gas or Propane Water Heating Systems. Systems using gas or propane water heaters to serve individual dwelling units must include all of the following: A dedicated 125 volt, 20 amp electrical receptacle connected to the electric panel with a 120/240 volt 3 conductor, 10 AWG copper branch circuit, within three feet of the water heater without obstruction. Both ends of the unused conductor must be labeled with the150.0(n)1: word “spare” and be electrically isolated. Have a reserved single pole circuit breaker space inthe electrical panel adjacent to the circuit breaker for the branch circuit and labeled with the words “Future 240V Use”; a Category III or IV vent, or aType B vent with straight pipe between the outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed; a condensate drain that is no more than two inches higher than the base of the water heater, and allows natural draining without pump assistance; and a gas supply line witha capacity of at least 200,000 Btu per hour.150.0(n)2: Recirculating Loops.Recirculating loops serving multipledwelling units must meet the requirements of 110.3(c)5.Solar Water-heating Systems. Solar water-heating systems and collectors must be certified and rated by the Solar Rating and Certification150.0(n)3: Corporation (SRCC), the International Association of Plumbingand Mechanical Officials, Research and Testing (IAPMO R&T), or by alistingDucts and Fans Measures:Ducts. Insulation installed on an existing space-conditioning duct must comply with 604.0 of the California Mechanical Code (CMC). If a110.8(d)3: contractor installs the insulation, the contractor must certify tothe customer, in writing, that the insulation meets this requirement.CMC Compliance. All air-distribution system ducts and plenums must meet the requirements of the CMC K 601.0, 602.0, 603.0, 604.0, 605.0 and ANSI/SMACNA-006-2006 HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible 3rd Edition. Portions of supply-air and return-air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum installed level of R-6.0 or a minimum installed level of R-4.2 when ducts are entirely in conditioned space as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing (RA3. Portions of the duct system completely exposed and surrounded by directly conditioned space are not required to be insulated. Connections of metal ducts and inner core of flexible ducts must be150.0(m)1: mechanically fastened. Openings must be sealed with mastic, tape, or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable requirements of ULinch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape must be used. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums designed or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct must not be used to convey conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms must not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area.*Factory-Fabricated Duct Systems. Factory-fabricated duct systems must comply with applicable requirements for duct construction,150.0(m)2: connections, and closures; joints and seams of duct systems and their components must not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used incombination with mastic and draw bands.Field-Fabricated Duct Systems. Field-fabricated duct systems must comply with applicable requirements for: pressure-sensitive tapes,150.0(m)7: Backdraft Damper. Fan systems that exchange air between the conditioned space and outdoors must have backdraft or automatic dampers.Gravity Ventilation Dampers. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space must have either automatic or readily accessible,Protection of Insulation. Insulation must be protected from damage, sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Insulation exposed150.0(m)9: to weather must be suitable for outdoor service. For example, protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation must be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation.150.0(m)10: PorousInner Core Flex Duct.Porous inner core flex ducts must have a non-porous layer between the inner core and outer vapor barrier.Duct System Sealing and Leakage Test. When space conditioning systems use forced air duct systems to supply conditioned air to an150.0(m)11: occupiable space, the ducts must be sealed and duct leakage tested, as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing, inAir Filtration. Space conditioning systems with ducts exceeding 10 feet and the supply side of ventilation systems must have MERV 13 or150.0(m)12: equivalent filters. Filters for space conditioningsystems must have a two inch depth or can be one inch if sized per Equation 150.0-A. PressureSpace Conditioning System Airflow Rate and Fan Efficacy. Space conditioning systems that use ducts to supply cooling must have a hole for the placement of a static pressure probe, or a permanently installed static pressure probe in the supply plenum. Airflow must be = 350 CFM150.0(m)13: per ton of nominal cooling capacity, andan air-handling unit fan efficacy = 0.45 watts per CFM for gas furnace air handlers and = 0.58 watts perunit fan efficacy = 0.62 watts per CFM. Field verification testing is required in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3.*2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary150.0(o)1:and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings subject to the amendments specified in 150.0(o)1.determined by ASHRAE 62.2 Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and as specified in 150.0(o)1C.150.0(o)1E:system is not used, all units in the building must use the same system type and the dwelling-unit envelope leakage must be = 0.3 CFM at 50 Parated by HVI to comply with the airflow rates and sound requirements as specified in Section 5 and 7.2 of ASHRAE 62.2.without adjusting the thermostat setting; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and must not use electric110.4(b)1:dedicated suction and return lines, or built-in or built-up connections to allow for future solar heating.110.4(b)3:will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods.150.0(p):rate, piping, filters, and valves.*150.0(k)1C:labeling; air leakage; sealing; maintenance; and socket and light source as described in 150.0(k)1C.150.0(k)1D:output frequency no less than 20 kHz.controlled by vacancy sensors provided they are rated to consume no more than 5 watts of power and emit no more than 150 lumens.150.0(k)1F:must meet the applicable requirements of 150.0(k).*temperature requirements, including marking requirements, must not be installed in enclosed or recessed luminaires.150.0(k)2C:turned ON and OFF.*150.0(k)2E:comply with 150.0(k).Requirements for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality:Requirements for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality. All dwelling units must meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2, VentilationSingle Family Detached Dwelling Units. Single family detached dwelling units, and attached dwelling units not sharing ceilings or floors with150.0(o)1C: other dwelling units, occupiable spaces, public garages, or commercial spaces must have mechanical ventilationairflow provided at ratesMultifamily Attached Dwelling Units. Multifamily attached dwelling units must have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates in accordance with Equation 150.0-B and must be either a balanced system or continuous supply or continuous exhaust system. If a balanced(0.2 inch water) per square foot of dwelling unit envelope surface area and verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.8.Multifamily Building Central Ventilation Systems. Central ventilation systems that serve multiple dwelling units must be balanced to provide150.0(o)1F: ventilationairflow for each dwelling unit served at a rate equal to or greater than the rate specified by Equation 150.0-B. All unit airflows must be within 20 percent of the unit with the lowest airflow rate as it relates to the individual unit’s minimum required airflow rate needed for compliance.150.0(o)1G: Kitchen Range Hoods. Kitchen range hoods must be rated for sound in accordance with Section7.2 of ASHRAE 62.2.Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing. Dwelling unit ventilation airflow must be verified in accordance with Reference Residential150.0(o)2: Appendix RA3.7. A kitchen range hood must be verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.7.4.3 toconfirm it isPool and Spa Systems and Equipment Measures:Certification by Manufacturers. Any pool or spa heating system or equipment must be certified to have all of the following: a thermal efficiency110.4(a): that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on-off switch mounted outside of the heater that allows shutting off the heaterresistance heating.*Piping. Any pool or spa heating system or equipment must be installed with at least 36 inches of pipe between the filter and the heater, or110.4(b)2: Covers. Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater must have a cover.Directional Inlets and Time Switches for Pools. Pools must have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that110.5: Pilot Light.Natural gas pool and spa heaters must not have a continuously burning pilot light.Pool Systems and Equipment Installation. Residential pool systems or equipment must meet the specified requirements for pump sizing, flowLighting Measures:Lighting Controls and Components. All lighting control devices and systems, ballasts, and luminaires must meet the applicable requirements110.9: of 110.9.*150.0(k)1A: LuminaireEfficacy. All installed luminaires must meet the requirements in Table 150.0-A.Blank Electrical Boxes. The number of electrical boxes that are more than five feet above the finished floor and do not contain a luminaire or150.0(k)1B: other device must be no greater than the number of bedrooms. These electrical boxes must be served by a dimmer, vacancy sensor control, or fan speed control.Recessed Downlight Luminaires in Ceilings. Luminaires recessed into ceilings must meet all of the requirements for: insulation contact (IC)Electronic Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps. Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 watts or greater must be electronic and must have an150.0(k)1E: Night Lights, Step Lights, and Path Lights. Night lights, step lights and path lights are not required to comply with Table 150.0-A or beLighting Integral to Exhaust Fans. Lighting integral to exhaust fans (except when installed by the manufacturer in kitchen exhaust hoods)150.0(k)1G: Screw based luminaires. Screw based luminaires must contain lamps that comply with Reference Joint Appendix JA8.*150.0(k)1H: LightSourcesin Enclosed or Recessed Luminaires. Lamps and other separable light sources that are not compliant with the JA8 elevatedLight Sources in Drawers, Cabinets, and Linen Closets. Light sources internal to drawers, cabinetry or linen closets are not required to150.0(k)1I: comply with Table 150.0-A or be controlled by vacancy sensors provided that they are rated to consume no more than 5 watts of power, emit no more than 150 lumens, and are equipped with controls that automatically turn the lightingoff when thedrawer, cabinet or linen closet is closed.150.0(k)2A: Interior Switches and Controls. All forward phase cut dimmers used with LED light sources must comply with NEMA SSL 7A.150.0(k)2B: Interior Switches and Controls. Exhaust fans must be controlled separately from lighting systems.*Interior Switches and Controls. Lighting must have readily accessible wall-mounted controls that allow the lighting to be manually150.0(k)2D: Interior Switches and Controls. Controls and equipment must be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.Interior Switches and Controls. Controls must not bypass a dimmer, occupant sensor, or vacancy sensor function if the control is installed to150.0(k)2F: Interior Switches and Controls. Lightingcontrols must comply with the applicable requirements of 110.9.2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary150.0(k)2H:provides the functionality of a dimmer according to 110.9, and complies with all other applicable requirements in 150.0(k)2.initially configured to manual-on operation using the manual control required under Section 150.0(k)2C.150.0(k)2J:dimming, and that are not controlled by occupancy or vacancy sensors, must have dimming controls.*the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.2, 130.4, 140.7 and as determined according to 130.0(c).150.0(k)5:applicable requirements for nonresidential garages in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.1, 130.4, 140.6, and Comply with the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.1, 140.6 and 141.0; and110.10(a)2:requirements of 110.10(b) through 110.10(d).and have a total area no less than 250 square feet. For low-rise multi-family buildings the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of110.10(b)3A:mounted equipment.*110.10(b)4:dead load and roof live load must be clearly indicated on the construction documents.110.10(d):110.10(c) must be provided to the occupant.110.10(e)2:breaker for a future solar electric installation. The reserved space must be permanently marked as “For Future Solar Electric”.Interior Switches and Controls. An energy management control system (EMCS) may be used to comply with control requirements if it:150.0(k)2G: provides functionality of the specified control according to 110.9; meets the Installation Certificate requirements of 130.4; meets theEMCS requirements of 130.0(e); and meets all other requirements in 150.0(k)2.Interior Switches and Controls. A multiscene programmable controller may be used to comply with dimmer requirements in 150.0(k) if itInterior Switches and Controls. In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms, at least one luminaire in each of these spaces must150.0(k)2I: be controlled by an occupant sensor or a vacancy sensor providing automatic-off functionality. If an occupant sensor is installed, it must beInterior Switches and Controls. Luminaires that are or contain light sources that meet Reference Joint Appendix JA8 requirements for150.0(k)2K: Interior Switches and Controls.Under cabinet lighting must be controlled separately from ceiling-installed lighting systems.Residential Outdoor Lighting. For single-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building, or to other150.0(k)3A: buildings onthe same lot, must meet the requirement in item 150.0(k)3Ai (ON and OFF switch) and the requirements in either150.0(k)3Aii (photocell and either a motion sensor or automatic time switch control) or 150.0(k)3Aiii (astronomical time clock), or an EMCS.Residential Outdoor Lighting. For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, outdoor lighting for private patios, entrances,150.0(k)3B: balconies, and porches; and residential parking lots and carports with less than eight vehicles per site must comply with either 150.0(k)3A or with theapplicable requirements in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.2, 130.4, 140.7 and 141.0.Residential Outdoor Lighting. For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, any outdoor lighting for residential parking lots150.0(k)3C: or carports with a total of eight or more vehicles per site and any outdoor lighting not regulated by 150.0(k)3B or 150.0(k)3D must comply withInternally illuminated address signs. Internally illuminated address signs must comply with 140.8; or must consume no more than 5 watts ofResidential Garages for Eight or More Vehicles. Lighting for residential parking garages for eight or more vehicles must comply with theInterior Common Areas of Low-rise Multifamily Residential Buildings. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior150.0(k)6A: common area in a single building equals 20 percent or less ofthe floor area, permanently installed lighting for theinterior common areas inthat buildingmustbecomply withTable150.0-Aandbecontrolled by anoccupant sensor.Interior Common Areas of Low-rise Multifamily Residential Buildings. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals more than 20 percent of the floor area, permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in that building must:ii. Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells must be controlled by occupant sensors that reduce the lighting power in each space by at least50 percent. The occupant sensors must be capable of turning the light fully on and off from all designed paths of ingress andegress.Solar Ready Buildings:Single Family Residences. Single family residences located in subdivisions with 10 or more single family residences and where the110.10(a)1: application for a tentativesubdivision map for the residences has been deemed complete and approved by the enforcement agency, which do not have a photovoltaic system installed, must comply with the requirements of 110.10(b) through 110.10(e).Low-rise Multifamily Buildings. Low-rise multi-family buildings that do not have a photovoltaic system installed must comply with theMinimum Solar Zone Area. The solar zone must have a minimum totalarea as described below. The solar zone must comply with access, pathway, smoke ventilation, and spacing requirements as specified in Title24, Part 9 or other parts of Title24 or in any requirements adopted by a local jurisdiction. The solar zone total area must becomprised of areas that have no dimension less than 5 feet and are no less than 80square feet each for buildings with roof areas less than or equal to 10,000 square feet or no less than 160 square feet each for buildings with110.10(b)1: roof areas greater than 10,000 square feet. For single family residences, the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of the buildingthe building, or on the roof or overhang of another structure located within 250 feet of the building, or on covered parking installed with the building project, and have a total area no less than 15 percent of the total roof area of the building excluding any skylight area. The solar zone requirement is applicable to the entire building, including mixed occupancy.*110.10(b)2: Azimuth.All sections of the solar zone located on steep-sloped roofs must be oriented between 90 degrees and 300 degrees of true north.Shading. The solar zone must not contain any obstructions, including but not limited to: vents, chimneys, architectural features, and roofShading. Any obstruction located on the roof or any other part of the building that projects above a solar zone must be located at least twice the110.10(b)3B: distance, measured in the horizontal plane, of the height difference between the highest point of the obstruction and thehorizontal projection of the nearest point of thesolar zone, measured in the vertical plane.*Structural Design Loads on Construction Documents. For areas of the roof designated as a solar zone, the structural design loads for roofInterconnection Pathways. The construction documents must indicate: a location reserved for inverters and metering equipment and a110.10(c): pathway reserved for routing of conduit from the solar zone tothe point of interconnection with the electrical service; and for single family residences and central water-heating systems, apathway reserved for routing plumbing from the solar zone to the water-heating system.Documentation. A copy of the construction documents or a comparable document indicating the information from 110.10(b) through110.10(e)1: Main Electrical Service Panel. The main electrical service panel must have a minimum busbar rating of 200amps.Main Electrical Service Panel. The main electrical service panel must have a reserved space to allow for the installation of a double pole circuit A1 PROPOSED SITE PLANA2 EXISTING FLOOR PLANSA4 DEMOLITION FLR. PLANSA5 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANA3 EXISTING ELEVATIONSA7 PROPOSED ELEVATIONSE1 ELECTRICAL PLANT24-T24.1 ENERGY CALC'S,S1 STRUCTURAL NOTESS2 STRUCTURAL DETAILSS3 FOUNDATION PLANS4 FLOOR FRAMING PLANS4 ROOF FRAMING PLANA0 COVER PAGE/C&DA0 CALGREEN M.M.BMP NOTES AND DETAILSP.O. BOX 783 - SALINAS,CA 93902FX. (831) 287 - 0121PH. (831) 794 - 2461ENRIQUE ECKHAUS GIL.eeckhaus@pacbell.neteeeckhaus@gmail.comCODES.SHEET.JOBDRAWNDATEE.ECKHAUS/F.BALDERAS/A.ALONSOREVISIONSINDEX PLANS.2022-017MARCH-03-22OWNER.PROJECT.327UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOS,CA 95030APN529-04-0601The 2019CRC(Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 24)California administrative codePart 1California residential codePart 2.5California electrical codePart 3California mechanical codePart 4California plumbing codePart 5CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California energy codePart 6Vacant - formerly california elevatorSafety construction code(See cal. code regs., title 8)Part 7California historical building codePart 8*California fire codePart 9California existing building codePart 10*California green building standardsCode also referred as calgreenPart 11CWoRE Supplement effectiveAugust 17, 2019California referenced standards codePart 12A6 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANP1-P2 PLUMBING PLANM1-M2 MECHANICAL PLANJONAH BACK &VIBHA RAO844-349-4411 | Fax 925-269-2325904 Industrial AvePalo Alto, CA 94303CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 1 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.05:17:02CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04ENERGY USE SUMMARYEnergy Use (kTDV/ft2-yr)Standard Design Proposed Design Compliance Margin Percent ImprovementSpace Heating 18.48 17.66 0.82 4.4Space Cooling 21.01 20.67 0.34 1.6IAQ Ventilation 0 0 0Water Heating 11.05 9.22 1.83 16.6Self Utilization/Flexibility Credit n/a 0 0 n/aCompliance Energy Total 50.54 47.55 2.99 5.9COMPLIANCE RESULTS01 Building Complies with Computer Performance02 This building incorporates features that require field testing and/or verification by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider.03 This building incorporates one or more Special Features shown belowGENERAL INFORMATION01Project Name Residential Building02Run Title Title 24 Analysis03Project Location 327 UNIVERSITY AVE.04City LOS GATOS05Standards Version 201906Zip code 9503007Software Version EnergyPro 8.208Climate Zone 409Front Orientation (deg/ Cardinal) 13510Building Type Single family11Number of Dwelling Units 112Project Scope AdditionAlteration13Number of Bedrooms 314Addition Cond. Floor Area (ft2)015Number of Stories 216Existing Cond. Floor Area (ft2)232917Fenestration Average U-factor 0.318Total Cond. Floor Area (ft2)232919Glazing Percentage (%) 18.61%20 ADU Bedroom Count n/a21 ADU Conditioned Floor Area n/a22 Is Natural Gas Available? YesCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 2 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xHeating SystemsRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04 05:17:02ZONE INFORMATION01020304050607Zone NameZone TypeHVAC System NameZone Floor Area (ft2)Avg. Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 21st. FLOORConditionedHVAC System 1112028DHW Sys 1N/A2nd. FLOORConditionedHVAC System 2211278DHW Sys 1N/ABUILDING - FEATURES INFORMATION01020304050607Project NameConditioned Floor Area (ft2)Number of DwellingUnitsNumber of Bedrooms Number of ZonesNumber of VentilationCooling SystemsNumber of WaterResidential Building232913201HERS FEATURE SUMMARYThe following is a summary of the features that must be field-verified by a certified HERS Rater as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Additional detail is provided in the buildng tables below. Registered CF2Rs and CF3Rs are required to be completed in the HERS RegistryBuilding-level Verifications:• Kitchen range hoodCooling System Verifications:• -- None --Heating System Verifications:• -- None --HVAC Distribution System Verifications:• Duct leakage testingDomestic Hot Water System Verifications:• -- None --REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURESThe following are features that must be installed as condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis.• Ducts in crawl spaceCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 3 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xConditionConditionRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.05:17:02CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04ATTIC010203 04 05 06 07 080910NameConstructionTypeRoof Rise(x in 12)RoofReflectanceRoofEmittanceRadiantBarrierCool Roof StatusVerified ExistingAttic 2nd. FLOORAttic Roof2nd. FLOORVentilated 10 0.1 0.85 Yes No ExistingNoOPAQUE SURFACES01020304 05060708091011NameZone Construction Azimuth OrientationGross Area (ft2)Window andDoor Area (ft2)Tilt (deg) Wall Exceptions StatusVerified ExistingFront Wall 1st. FLOOR R-13 Wall 135 Front 2259390none ExistingNoLeft Wall 1st. FLOOR R-13 Wall 225 Left35351.590none AlteredNoRear Wall 1st. FLOOR R-13 Wall 315 Back 2259290none AlteredNoRight Wall 1st. FLOOR R-13 Wall 45 Right 3538390none AlteredNoFront Wall 2 2nd. FLOOR R-13 Wall 135 Front 2573290none ExistingNoLeft Wall 2 2nd. FLOOR R-13 Wall 225 Left3724290none ExistingNoRear Wall 2 2nd. FLOOR R-13 Wall 315 Back 2575090none ExistingNoRight Wall 2 2nd. FLOOR R-13 Wall 45 Right 3723090none ExistingNoInterior Surface1st. FLOOR>>2nd. FLOORR-13 Wall1 n/a n/a800n/aExistingNoInterior Surface22nd. FLOOR>>1st. FLOORR-13 Wall1 n/a n/a800n/aExistingNoRoof 2nd. FLOOR R-30 Roof Attic n/a n/a 1127n/an/aExistingNoRaised Floor 1st. FLOORR-19 FloorCrawlspacen/a n/a 1202n/an/aExistingNoRaised Floor 2 2nd. FLOORR-19 FloorCrawlspacen/a n/a 1127n/an/aExistingNoCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 4 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xExistingRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.05:17:02CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04OPAQUE DOORS010203040506NameSide of BuildingArea (ft2)U-factor Status Verified Existing ConditionDoor Front Wall200.5ExistingNoFENESTRATION / GLAZING0102 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16NameType Surface Orientation AzimuthWidth(ft)Height(ft)Mult.Area(ft2)U-factorU-factorSourceSHGCSHGCSourceExteriorShadingStatusVerifiedConditionBay Window Window Front Wall Front 135 1 49 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow Window Front Wall Front 1351 12 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 2 Window Front Wall Front 1351 12 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 3 Window Left Wall Left 2251 12 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 4 Window Left Wall Left 2251 12 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 5 Window Left Wall Left 2251 7.5 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 6 Window Rear Wall Back 3151 12 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen New n/aPatio Door Window Rear Wall Back 3151 80 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen New n/aSide Window Window Right Wall Right 451 9 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen New n/aPatio Door 2 Window Right Wall Right 451 40 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen New n/aSide Window 2 Window Right Wall Right 451 9 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen New n/aWindow 7 Window Right Wall Right 451 25 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen New n/aWindow 8 Window Front Wall 2 Front 1351 32 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 9 Window Left Wall 2 Left 2251 32 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 10 Window Left Wall 2 Left 2251 10 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 11 Window Rear Wall 2 Back 3151 25 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 12 Window Rear Wall 2 Back 3151 25 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 13 Window Right Wall 2 Right 451 6 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoWindow 14 Window Right Wall 2 Right 451 24 0.3 NFRC 0.32 NFRC Bug Screen Existing NoCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 5 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xR-valueSiding/sheathing/deckingSiding/sheathing/deckingInside Finish: Gypsum BoardRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04 05:17:02BUILDING ENVELOPE - HERS VERIFICATION01020304Quality Insulation Installation (QII)High R-value Spray Foam InsulationBuilding Envelope Air LeakageCFM50Not RequiredNot RequiredNot Requiredn/aOPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS0102030405060708Construction Name Surface Type Construction TypeFramingTotal CavityR-valueInterior / ExteriorContinuousU-factorAssembly LayersR-13 WallExterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x4 @ 16 in. O. C.R-13 None / None 0.101Inside Finish: Gypsum BoardCavity / Frame: R-13 / 2x4Exterior Finish: 3 Coat StuccoR-13 Wall1Interior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x4 @ 16 in. O. C.R-13 None / None 0.092Inside Finish: Gypsum BoardCavity / Frame: R-13 / 2x4Other Side Finish: Gypsum BoardAttic Roof2nd. FLOOR Attic RoofsWood FramedCeiling2x4 @ 24 in. O. C.R-0 None / None 0.644Roofing: Light Roof (Asphalt Shingle) Roof Deck: WoodCavity / Frame: no insul. / 2x4R-19 Floor CrawlspaceFloors OverCrawlspaceWood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 16 in. O. C. R-19 None / None 0.046Floor Surface: CarpetedFloor Deck: WoodCavity / Frame: R-19 / 2x10R-30 Roof AtticCeilings (below attic)Wood FramedCeiling2x4 @ 24 in. O. C.R-30 None / None 0.032Over Ceiling Joists: R-20.9 insul. Cavity / Frame: R-9.1 / 2x4OPAQUE DOORS010203040506NameSide of BuildingArea (ft2)U-factor Status Verified Existing ConditionDoor 2 Left Wall 20 0.2Newn/aCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEProject Name: Residential BuildingCalculation Description: Title 24 AnalysisCF1R-PRF-01E(Page 6 of 10)Calculation Date/Time: 2022-03-04T07:16:19-06:00Input File Name: 327 UNIVERSITY AVE-PERFORMANCE.ribd19xWaterSystemSystemExistingHeat RecoveryRegistration Number:Registration Date/Time:2022-03-04 05:21:58Report Version: 2019.1.300Schema Version: rev 20200901HERS Provider:222-P010041931B-000-000-0000000-0000CalCERTS inc.CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential ComplianceReport Generated: 2022-03-04 05:17:02WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION0102030405060708NamePipe Insulation Parallel Piping Compact DistributionCompact DistributionTypeRecirculation ControlCentral DHW DistributionShower Drain WaterDHW Sys 1 - 1/1 Not Required Not Required Not RequiredNoneNot Required Not Required Not RequiredWATER HEATERS01 0203 04 05 06 07 08 09 10111213 14NameHeating Element TypeTank Type# ofUnitsTankVol.(gal)EnergyFactor orEfficiencyInput Rating or PilotTank Insulation R-value (Int/Ext)Standby Loss or Recovery Eff1st Hr.Rating orFlow RateNEEA Heat PumpBrand or ModelTank Locationor AmbientConditionStatusVerifiedConditionDHW Heater 1GasConsumerInstantaneous1 0 0.97-UEF<= 200 kBtu/hr0 n/a n/an/an/a NewWATER HEATING SYSTEMS010203040506070809 10Name System Type Distribution Type Water Heater Name (#)Solar HeatingSystemCompactDistributionHERS Verification StatusVerifiedExistingConditionExistingHeatingDHW Sys 1Domestic HotWater (DHW)StandardDistributionDHW Heater 1 (1)n/aNonen/aNewNA