Item 5 - Desk Item with Exhibit.General Plan DEIR
PREPARED BY: Jennifer Armer, AICP
Planning Manager
Reviewed by: Community Development Director
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872
MEETING DATE: 12/08/2021
DATE: December 8, 2021
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Provide the Public with an Opportunity to Give Verbal Comments on the
Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Draft 2040 General Plan.
No action will be taken at this meeting. Project Planner: Jennifer Armer.
Exhibit 3 includes public comment received after the completion of the Addendum Report.
Previously received under separate cover:
1. Notice of Completion and Availability and DEIR
Previously received with the December 8, 2021 Staff Report:
2. Revised Notice of Completion and Availability and Revised Sections of the DEIR
Note that the complete Draft 2040 General Plan, DEIR, and Recirculation Documents are
available online at:
Received with this Desk Item Report:
3. Public comment received between 11:01 a.m., Tuesday, December 7, 2021 and 11:00 a.m.,
Wednesday December 8, 2021
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From: Giulianna Pendleton
Sent: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 5:34 PM
To: Planning Comment <>
Subject: Planning Commission 12/8/21 Item #5: General Plan DEIR
Please find my public comment regarding the General Plan DEIR attached.
Thank you,
Giulianna Pendleton
Environmental Advocacy Assistant
Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society
22221 McClellan Rd
Cupertino, CA 95014
December 7, 2021
To: Los Gatos Planning Commission
Re:December 8th Agenda Item 5: Provide the Public with an Opportunity to Give Verbal
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Draft 2040 General Plan
Dear Chair Janoff and Commissioners,
Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (SCVAS) promotes the enjoyment, understanding, and
protection of birds and other wildlife by engaging people of all ages in birding, education, and
conservation. We believe schools should be places for children to learn, grow, and explore -
inside the classroom and out. Part of this education includes ensuring children are surrounded
by natural spaces, native plants, and trees.
The Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) is renovating outdoor spaces for Daves Avenue
Elementary, Louise Van Meter Elementary, and Blossom Hill Elementary, and deciding whether
or not to include artificial turf for courtyard areas and sports fields (for both these renovations
and future school renovations). Within the General Plan Update, Implementation Program C:
Artificial Turf “determine the appropriate use of artificial turf” (page 6-34) would have critical
implications for future LGUSD decisions.
Within the Draft EIR for the General Plan Update, please analyze the cumulative impact of
artificial turf on our open spaces, tree canopy, habitat, and water quality. Expanding artificial turf
within Los Gatos could have cumulative impacts on biological resources and public health and
safety. Artificial turf can exacerbate microplastics pollution, groundwater recharge disturbances,
urban heat island effects, toxic chemicals, habitat loss, and trash accumulation. Artificial turf
cannot be recycled into another field and it most often ends up in the landfill every ten years.
The field’s shockpad can be reused once, but then it will go to the landfill too.
Municipalities, public agencies, and organizations are starting to take action against artificial
turf. This year, the City of Millbrae issued a moratorium on artificial turf installations1. Mt. Sinai
Children’s Environmental Health Center, UCSF Children’s Environmental Health Department,
Valley Water, and other environmental groups caution against its use.
SCVAS maintains that there is no appropriate use of artificial turf. We hope Los Gatos considers
a moratorium on the use of artificial turf in the city. We recommend looking at all the impacts of
expanding artificial turf, cradle to grave. This includes impacts to public services, public health
and safety, and landfill capacity. Please reach out to Giulianna Pendleton at with any questions or requests for more information.
Thank you,
Giulianna Pendleton
Los Gatos Resident
Environmental Advocacy Assistant
Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society
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