Staff Report with Exhibits.16529 Marchmont
PREPARED BY: Erin Walters
Associate Planner
Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872
MEETING DATE: 12/08/2021
DATE: December 3, 2021
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a Second Story Addition to an
Existing Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 16529
Marchmont Drive. APN 532-09-033. Architecture and Site Application S-21-
PLANNER: Erin Walters.
General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential
Zoning Designation: R-1:8
Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan, Residential Design Guidelines
Parcel Size: 10,960 square feet
Surrounding Area:
The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation
of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of
Small Structures.
Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning
North Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8
South Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8
East Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8
West Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the
Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New
Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapte r 29 of the Town Code (Zoning
▪ The project is in compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines for single -family
residences not located in hillside areas.
▪ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture
and Site application.
The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days.
The project site is located on the north side of Marchmont Avenue approximately 177 feet we st
of Hilow Road (Exhibit 1). The subject property is 10,960 square feet and developed with a
single-story, 2,222-square foot single-family residence with a detached 520-square foot garage
and 198-square foot pool room.
On March 13, 2021, the applicant submitted a Minor Residential Development application for
the construction of a second story addition to an existing single-family residence. After review
by staff, it was determined that the proposed project would result in the first second story in
the immediate neighborhood based on Town and County records, as well as the largest house
in terms of square footage and floor area ratio (FAR). The Minor Residential Development
application was then converted to an Architecture and Site application and referred to the
Planning Commission.
On March 17, 2021, an Accessory Dwelling Unit Permit (D -21-015) was approved to convert the
existing detached garage and pool room into a new detached Accessory Dwelling Unit for the
subject property.
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood
The subject property is 10,960 square feet, located on the north side of Marchmont Avenue
approximately 177 feet west of Hilow Road (Exhibit 1). The property is developed with a
single-family residence and a detached garage and pool room. Single-family residential
development surrounds the property. This area was previously unincorporated County
B. Project Summary
The applicant proposes construction of a second story addition to an existing single-story
residence (Exhibit 4).
C. Zoning Compliance
A single-family residence is permitted in the R-1:8 zone. The proposed residence is in
compliance with the allowable floor area, height, setbacks, lot coverage, and on-site parking
requirements for the property.
A. Architecture and Site Analysis
The applicant proposes the construction of a new 1,381-square foot second story addition
to an existing 2,222-square foot one-story residence. The proposed remodel includes
converting a portion of the existing first story into an attached two car garage. The
proposed two-story modern farmhouse style residence would be at total of 3,096-square
feet with an attached 509-square foot two-car garage. The footprint of the building would
not increase. The height of the proposed addition is 25 feet, 5 inches, where a maximum of
30 feet is allowed. The proposed Development Plans are included in Exhibit 14.
The existing 520-square foot detached garage and 198-square foot detached pool room will
be converted into a new detached Accessory Dwelling Unit, per the approved Accessory
Dwelling Unit Permit (D-21-015).
A summary of the floor area for the existing residence and proposed residence is included in
the table below.
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
DISCUSSION (continued):
Floor Area Chart
Existing SF Proposed SF Maximum Allowed SF
Main House - 1st Floor 2,222 1,715
Main House - 2nd Floor 0 1,381
Detached Pool Room 198 0
Total 2,420 3,096 3,313
Detached Garage 520 0 913
Attached Garage 0 509 913
Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit 0 846 1,096
The proposed project materials include new horizontal shiplap siding on the first floor and
board and batten siding on the second floor. The project would have new wood framed
exterior doors and windows painted black with wood trim. The front porch entry would be
lowered with new wood front entry columns. A new composition shingle roof would match
the existing roof color. The existing first floor and new second floor would have dark gray
standing seam metal accent shed roofs over window boxes. The project Color and
Materials Board is included in Exhibit 5.
The applicant has provided a Project Description and a Letter of Jus tification summarizing
the project and discussing neighborhood compatibility of the proposed residence (Exhibit
4). The applicant has provided photographs of the existing site and photographs of the
installed story poles with neighborhood context and are included in Exhibits 6 and 7.
B. Building Design
The applicant proposes construction of a second story addition and a remodel to an existing
one-story house. The Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed the proposed second story
addition and noted that the addition is carried out in an identifiable traditional style with
details appropriate to the style (Exhibit 8). The Town’s Consulting Architect stated that
while the proposed style is different from the original structure, the form, scale, and details
would be a comfortable addition to the neighborhood. The Consulting Architect made six
recommendations to address appropriateness of the proposed design elements for the
home style and for the immediate neighborhood, and they are summarized below. The
applicant’s response to each recommendation follows in italics and is included in Exhibit 9.
1. Match the bedroom bay windows treatment including window proportions.
• The second-floor bay windows now match.
2. Lower the entry gable.
Note: Off-center gable peak probably acceptable if the above two changes are made.
• The entry gable has been lowered.
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
DISCUSSION (continued):
3. Align the first-floor roof eaves.
• The first-floor bays and eaves have been aligned.
4. Maintain the same roof covering as on the major portion of the house.
• The majority of roofing is composition, only the bay windows propose metal
standing seam roofing.
5. Provide horizonal trim at transitions between materials.
• Horizontal trim has been provided between siding materials.
6. Match second floor ceiling height to that of the first floor.
• Both floors have nine-foot ceilings.
On May 26, 2021, the Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed the applicant’s revisions and
found the changes were largely consistent with the first report’s recommendations (Exhibit
10). The Town’s Consulting Architect provided four additional recommendations, which are
summarized below. The applicant’s response to each recommendation follows in italics and
is included in Exhibit 11.
1. Increase the roof slope to be more consistent with the architectural style, and to reduce
the cramped appearance of the bay windows relative to the facades and gable ends (an
approximate 6/12 roof slope is shown on the illustration, but a somewhat lower slope
might be acceptable).
• The roof slope has been increased to a 5/12 roof slope.
2. Reduce the window size to be more consistent with the architectural style. The
proposed second floor windows appear to be more than six feet in height with sills very
close to the floor line. By contrast, the general standard for homes in this general
traditional architectural style are smaller.
• The window size on the upper floor have been reduced.
3. Match the second floor shed roofs to the main roof slope.
• The second floor shed roofs now match the main roof slope.
4. Refine the entry to better integrate it with the overall design.
a. Improve the proportions, and match the gable insert more to the overall façade
design and materials.
b. Lower the projecting entry eave to match that of the main roof.
c. Lower column capitals to better relate to human scale.
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
DISCUSSION (continued):
• The entry porch roof has been lowered and transom window has been removed.
Column capitols have been lowered and materials matched to the body of the
The applicant has addressed all of the Consulting Architect’s recommendations.
C. Neighborhood Compatibility
The subject property is 10,960 square feet and the maximum allowable floor area is 3,313
square feet for the residence and accessory structures, and 913 square feet for the garage.
The maximum allowable FAR for the residence and any accessory structure is 0.30. The
table below reflects the current conditions of the residences in the immediate
neighborhood based on County records and the proposed project.
FAR Comparison - Neighborhood Analysis
Address Zoning Residential
Lot Area
No. of
16501 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 1,618 809 2,427 13,554 0.12 1
16515 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 2,571 0 2,571 10,960 0.23 1
16543 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 2,355 320 2,675 10,960 0.21 1
16557 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 2,179 520 2,699 10,960 0.20 1
16500 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 1,844 504 2,348 12,426 0.15 1
16514 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 928 240 1,168 11,200 0.08 1
16528 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 1,196 400 1,596 11,200 0.11 1
16542 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 1,548 546 2,094 11,200 0.14 1
16556 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 1,228 456 1,684 11,200 0.11 1
16570 Marchmont Dr. R-1:8 2,809 455 3,264 11,200 0.25 1
16529 Marchmont Dr. (E) R-1:8 2,222 520 2,742 10,960 0.20 1
16529 Marchmont Dr. (P) R-1:8 3,096 489 3,585 10,960 0.28 2
* Residential square footage does not include garages.
**The total square footage numbers do not include below grade square footage.
The ten properties in the immediate neighborhood are developed with one-story residences
and are examples of late 1940’s and 1950’s suburban ranch architecture. The property sizes
within the immediate neighborhood range from 10,960 square feet to 13,554 square feet.
Based on Town and County records, the residences in the immediate neighborhood range in
size from928-square feet to 2,809-square feet. The FAR of the residences in the immediate
neighborhood range from 0.08 to 0.25. The applicant is proposing a 3,096-square foot
residence and a FAR of 0.28 on a 10,960-square foot parcel. The proposed project would be
the largest residence in terms of square footage by 287 square feet and the largest in terms
of FAR by 0.03.
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
DISCUSSION (continued):
The applicant has provided a Letter of Justification for the proposed second story, the
proposed size of the addition, and the neighborhood compatibility of the proposed
residence (Exhibit 4).
The applicant states that although the immediate neighborhood consists of mainly one -
story family residences, the residences located west on Marchmont Drive near Englewood
Avenue are mostly two stories. The applicant notes that two-story homes are located on
Topping, Englewood, Hilow, and Littlefield. The Town’s Residential Design Guidelines define
the immediate neighborhood as the two residences located on each side of the subject
property and the five residences located across the street. The applicant provides examples
of two-story residences in the neighborhood outside of the defined immediate
neighborhood with sizes comparable or larger than the proposed residence (Sheet A3 of
Exhibit 14).
The applicant states that although the neighborhood character includes smaller ranch style
homes, there are examples of other architectural styles down the road on Marchmont
Drive. The applicant states that the neighborhood is changing and that the propos ed
Modern Farmhouse style is a classic style that does not overwhelm the surrounding styles.
The applicant describes the existing first floor of the house having a 29 -foot front setback
and the second story will be setback another four feet. The second story addition has been
carefully articulated with different roof elevation lines and walls pushed in and out to break
up each elevation. The second floor on both sides has been inset to provide additional
relief. The overall height of the proposed residence is only an additional five feet, six inches
taller than the current house.
The applicant has provided photographs of the installed story poles with neighborhood
context and is included in Exhibit 7.
D. Shadow Study
The applicant’s Architect has prepared a shadow study for the project as required when
submitting for a new second story addition (Sheet A9 and A10, Exhibit 14). The neighbor
located to the left of the subject property has expressed concerns that the new second
story addition may shade their existing one-story roof solar panels. The applicant’s
architect prepared additional studies to show the potential shadowing impact to the solar
panels. The applicant has been coordinating directly with the neighbor to off -set any solar
loss, that might result from the second story addition by offering to install additional solar
Staff coordinated with the Town Attorney and found nothing in the Town’s Municipal Code
that would prohibit or limit additions due to casting shadows on portions of existing solar
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
DISCUSSION (continued):
panels at different times of the year. State Law has a restriction that trees and shrubs may
only block 10% of solar panels.
E. Tree Impacts
The Town’s Consulting Arborist prepared a report for the site and made recommendations
for the project (Exhibit 12). The project site contains 17 protected trees. The applicant is
not proposing to remove any existing on-site trees and all trees are proposed to remain.
Arborist recommendations for tree protection have been included in the Conditions of
Approval (Exhibit 3).
F. Neighbor Outreach
The owners have indicated that they have shared the plans with surrounding neighbors as
outlined in Exhibit 13.
G. CEQA Determination
The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the
Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New
Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
Story poles and signage were installed on the site and written notice was sent to property
owners and tenants located within 300 feet of the subject property. At time of preparation of
this report, no public comment has been received.
A. Summary
The applicant is requesting approval of an Architecture and Site application for construction
of a new second story addition to an existing single story single-family residence. The
proposed residence would be the first second story, the largest in terms of square footage
by 287 square feet, and the largest in terms of FAR by 0.03 in the immediate neighborhood.
The project is in compliance with the objective standards of the Town Code related to
allowable floor area, height, setbacks, lot coverage, and on-site parking requirements. The
project was reviewed by the Town’s Consulting Architect who provided recommendations
to address the consistency of the project with the Residential Design Guidelines. The
applicant addressed all of the Town’s Consulting Architect’s recommendations. The project
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
CONCLUSION (continued):
is consistent with the Zoning and General Plan Land Use designation for the property. The
application was referred to the Planning Commission because the residence would be the
first second story, and the largest in terms of square footage and FAR in the immediate
The applicant has provided a Project Description and Letter of Justification for the proposed
second story addition, the design’s compatibly with the immediate and surrounding
neighborhood (Exhibit 4), and has highlighted several examples of residences in the
neighborhood outside of the defined immediate neighborhood with sizes comparable to the
proposed residence.
B. Recommendation
Based on the analysis above, staff recommends denial of the Architecture and Site
application based on concerns related to size, neighborhood compatibility, and consistency
with the Residential Design Guidelines, as discussed in this report.
C. Alternatives
Alternatively, the Commission can:
1. Approve the application by taking the following actions:
a. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the
adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality
Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures (Exhibit 2);
b. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter
29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) (Exhibit 2);
c. Make the finding that the project complies with the Residential Des ign Guidelines
(Exhibit 2);
d. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for
granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and
e. Approve Architecture and Site application S-21-028 with the conditions contained in
Exhibit 3 and the development plans in Exhibit 14.
2. Approve the applications with additional and/or modified conditions; or
3. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction.
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SUBJECT: 16529 Marchmont Drive/S-21-028
DATE: December 3, 2021
1. Location Map
2. Required Findings and Considerations
3. Recommended Conditions of Approval
4. Project Description and Letter of Justification, dated January 14, 2021
5. Color and Materials Board
6. Site Photographs
7. Story Poles and Neighborhood Context Photographs
8. Consulting Architect’s Report, dated March 22, 2021
9. Applicant’s response to the recommendations of the Consulting Architect, May 5, 2021
10. Consulting Architect’s Report, dated May 26, 2021
11. Applicant’s response to the recommendations of the Consulting Architect, Sept 7, 2021
12. Consulting Arborist’s Report, dated May 5, 2021
13. Applicant’s Outreach Summary, dated August 16, 2021
14. Development Plans