Item2.Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS AND JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner and Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 04/21/2022 ITEM NO: 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD REPORT DATE: April 15, 2022 TO: Housing Element Advisory Board FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Housing Element Site Inventory BACKGROUND: On February 17, 2022, the Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) reviewed and discussed the Housing Element Site Inventory process; a draft map of potential parcels for inclusion in the Site Inventory; and an overview of the Balancing Act, an online simulation-based tool for public engagement on potential housing sites. On March 31, 2022, a Community Meeting was held the Housing Element Site Inventory process. The meeting provided a brief overview of the Housing Element Update process, as well as more information about the potential sites the Town is reviewing to fulfill the required Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the sixth cycle planning period of 2023-2031. The slides that were presented during the meeting are included in Attachment 1. DISCUSSION: The Housing Element must include an inventory of land suitable and available for residential development to meet the Town’s RHNA by income level. The purpose of the Housing Element’s Site Inventory is to identify and analyze specific land (sites) that is available and suitable for residential development in order to determine the jurisdiction’s capacity to accommodate residential development and reconcile that capacity with the Town’s RHNA. The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), with input from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), determined the total RHNA for the 2023-2031 period. On December 16, 2021, the ABAG PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Housing Element Site Inventory April 15, 2022 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Staff Reports and Attachments\2022\4-21-2022\Item 2 - Housing Element Sites Inventory\Item2.Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): Executive Board adopted the Final RHNA Plan: San Francisco Bay Area, 2023-2031. Los Gatos's allocation is 1,993 units, which is broken down by income category, as shown in the table below: Income Group Number of Units Very Low (0-50% AMI) 537 Low (50-80% AMI) 310 Moderate (80-120% AMI) 320 Above Moderate (120%+ AMI) 826 TOTAL 1,993 *AMI is Area Median Income To ensure that sufficient capacity exists in the Housing Element to accommodate the RHNA throughout the eight-year planning period, HCD recommends that jurisdictions create a buffer in the Housing Element Site Inventory of at least 15 percent more capacity than required, especially for capacity to accommodate the lower income RHNA categories. The amount of buffer can be relative to the degree of certainty of development for specific sites, among other potential factors. Town staff and the Town’s Housing Element consultant have identified 51 sites for potential inclusion in the Initial Draft Site Inventory as shown in Attachment 2. This initial work involves identifying sites that may have the potential for new residential development within the eight- year timeframe of the Housing Element planning period. Factors used for site consideration include but are not limited to the HCD Checklist, property size, recently developed, 2environmental constraints, public feedback, and property owner interest. Types of sites include: 1. Vacant and non-vacant sites zoned for residential use; 2. Vacant and non-vacant sites zoned for nonresidential use that allow residential development (mixed-use); 3. Nonresidential sites in the 2040 Draft General Plan Community Place Districts; 4. Projects that have residential planning entitlements and have not received building permits; and 5. Sites on which the property owner has expressed or previously expressed interest in residential or mixed-use redevelopment. State law has tightened the parameters for including housing sites that were identified in a prior Housing Element cycle, but not developed into housing. To be reused, vacant sites must be zoned at 30 units per acre and be subject to by-right approval. For non-vacant sites, the Town must also present substantial evidence that the contemplated development will actually occur in the planning period. PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Housing Element Site Inventory April 15, 2022 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Staff Reports and Attachments\2022\4-21-2022\Item 2 - Housing Element Sites Inventory\Item2.Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): In the development of the Site Inventory, the Town will include new housing units that are currently in the pipeline and planned for development (approximately 202 units currently); and new Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that are expected to be built in the next eight years based on recent production numbers (200 units). Community Meeting On March 31, 2022, a Community Meeting was held for the public to review and provide input on potential sites for inclusion in the Site Inventory. The Balancing Act tool and Housing Element Update website site surveys were introduced at the Community Meeting and are available online for the public to interact and provide input as to which sites should or should not be included in the Site Inventory. The Balancing Act tool is an online public engagement simulation- based tool for selecting potential housing sites to meet the Town’s RHNA requirements. The results and analysis of the public input received to date are summarized below and provided as Attachment 3. Results from the Balancing Act Tool Submittals The Balancing Act tool allows users to make choices and decide how they would like to allocate the required RHNA of 1,993 housing units among potential sites in Town. A total of nine submissions were received in the Balancing Act tool between March 31, 2022, and April 14, 2022. Between that same timeframe, there were 503 visits to the website, with an average of approximately eight and a half minutes spent on the page. Additional input will continue to be accepted through the Balancing Act tool and will be considered throughout the process. The table found in Attachment 3, provides a listing of the favorability of the available sites based on the nine submissions that have been completed. The favorability of each site has been calculated based on the percentage of respondents that chose to allocate housing units at a site. The “maximum capacity (# of units)” represents the maximum number of units currently allowed for the site within the Balancing Act tool. The following table shows the average number of units proposed by district, based on the nine submissions that have been completed. The order of the districts in this table is based on how much of the maximum capacity was used by the nine participants (on average). PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Housing Element Site Inventory April 15, 2022 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Staff Reports and Attachments\2022\4-21-2022\Item 2 - Housing Element Sites Inventory\Item2.Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): Table 1. District Ranking by Percentage of Capacity District Average Amount Submitted Maximum Capacity for Submittal Percentage of Maximum Capacity H. Pollard Road District 77 113 68% E. North 40 District 457 686 67% C. Los Gatos Lodge District 183 305 60% J. Harwood Road District 52 94 55% F. Lark Avenue District 107 221 48% D. Los Gatos Boulevard District 676 1734 39% G. Winchester Boulevard District 188 485 39% B. North Santa Cruz Avenue District 35 108 32% A. Downtown District 65 209 31% I. Union Avenue District 62 205 30% Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys There were a total of 109 site surveys completed by the public between March 30, 2022, and April 14, 2022. The following questions were asked as a part of the individual site surveys: 1. Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? 2. Can you say more about why you feel that way? 3. What types of future housing do you envision for this site? 4. What types of future housing do you envision for this site? Other, please specify. The table found in Attachment 4 summarizes the favorability of sites with a numerical score based on the survey questions, where respondents could choose between, “unhappy,” “neutral,” or “happy.” The “unhappy” responses were given a score of zero, the “neutral” responses were given a score of one, and the “happy” responses were given a score of two. The score was then averaged between the number of respondents to each site. Sites at the top of the table were the most favorable among respondents (score of two), while sites at the bottom of the table had the lowest favorability among respondents (score of zero). The sites that received the most responses include the Los Gatos Lodge on Los Gatos-Saratoga Road (C1) and the Rinconada Shopping Center on Pollard Road (H1-H3). The Balancing Act tool and online site surveys remain available to the public on the Town’s Housing Element website, www.EngageLosGatosHousing.com. The online engagement tools allow for continued public participation in the Town’s site selection process. Engagement and PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Housing Element Site Inventory April 15, 2022 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Staff Reports and Attachments\2022\4-21-2022\Item 2 - Housing Element Sites Inventory\Item2.Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION (continued): input on the proposed sites and/or recommendations on additional sites are strongly encouraged. Site Consideration Staff and the Town’s Housing Element consultant have identified sites for potential inclusion in the Initial Draft Site Inventory, Attachment 2. The following questions are provided to guide the HEAB discussion of whether the sites identified in the Initial Draft Site Inventory are appropriate: 1. Which sites should remain in the Initial Draft Site Inventory? 2. Which sites, if any, should be removed from the Initial Draft Site Inventory? 3. Are there additional sites that should be added to the Initial Draft Site Inventory? Attachment 7 contains comments from a Board Member. NEXT STEPS: Future work by the HEAB will include reviewing the income category distribution between the selected sites to meet RHNA requirements. Following the HEAB’s selection of sites to be included in the Draft Site Inventory, it will be forwarded to the Town Council for discussion and consideration prior to the HEAB’s continued work on the draft Housing Element. Staff will be sending out the property interest forms (Attachment 6) to the property owners of the sites selected in the Initial Draft Site Inventory to garner their interest in providing housing on their property. Property owner interest forms are also available on the Town’s website www.EngageLosGatosHousing.com. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Attachment 8 includes public comments received by 11:00 a.m. on Friday, April 15, 2022. PAGE 6 OF 6 SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Housing Element Site Inventory April 15, 2022 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Staff Reports and Attachments\2022\4-21-2022\Item 2 - Housing Element Sites Inventory\Item2.Staff Report.docx Attachments: 1. March 31, 2022, Housing Element Community Meeting Slides 2. Initial Draft Site Inventory 3. Results from the Balancing Act Tool Submittals 4. Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys 5. Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys 6. Property Owner Interest Form 7. Board Member Comments 8. Public Comments Received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, April 15, 2022. 6th Cycle Housing Element Update Community Meeting March 31, 2022 ATTACHMENT 1 engagelosgatoshousing.com Introductions ▪Joel Paulson, Community Development Director ▪Jennifer Armer,Planning Manager ▪Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner ▪Ande Flower, Principal Planner, EMC Planning Group ▪Tamela Fish, Zoom Coordinator ▪lee robinson, be the diversity ▪Kristin Masters, Santa Cruz Nonviolent Communication ▪Rachel Cain, More Sky Less Ceiling ▪Lauren Hoerr, Associate Planner, EMC Planning Group ▪Kris Kifer, Santa Cruz Nonviolent Communication 2 engagelosgatoshousing.com Agenda ▪Part 1: Housing Element Update Overview ▪Part 2: The Importance of Equity Short Q&A Session ▪Part 3: The Town’s Strategy for Sites Overview Ways to Provide Feedback ▪Part 4: Q&A Session 3 Goal: Create a Common Understanding EngageLosGatosHousing.com 4 Dedicated Housing Element Website engagelosgatoshousing.com Zoom Logistics: Calling In ▪Call +1-877 402 9753 ▪Conference code: 602463 ▪During live Q&A session: ▪*9 to raise your hand. ▪*6 to unmute yourself to speak once we have called on you. 5 engagelosgatoshousing.com Zoom Logistics: Q&A Tool As an attendee, you may submit questions at any time. Panelists may reply to your question directly in the Q&A tool or wait to answer it during one of the Q&A sessions. 6 engagelosgatoshousing.com Zoom Logistics: Raise Hand Tool Panelists will ask attendees to raise their hand in response to some questions throughout the presentation. Later on, attendees can use the Raise Hand tool to ask a question during the live Q&A session. 7 Part 1: Overview of the Housing Element Update EngageLosGatosHousing.com Live Poll #1 9 How often have you joined this kind of public meeting about planning policy? engagelosgatoshousing.com What is a Housing Element? ▪Visionary yet detailed policy document. ▪One chapter of the General Plan. ▪Required by State law to be updated every 8 years. ▪Setting the stage to accommodate existing and projected future housing needs for people of all income groups. 10 engagelosgatoshousing.com What is a Housing Element? ▪Selects sites where new housing should go. ▪Selects how many units could be built on potential sites. ▪Outlines programs and policies to encourage development. ▪The Town doesn’t build the housing. 11 engagelosgatoshousing.com General Roles for Every Jurisdiction 12 Local Planning Commission & Town Council Regional ABAG: Association of Bay Area Governments State HCD: State Department of Housing and Community Development engagelosgatoshousing.com Roles in Los Gatos 13 Town StaffEMC Planning Group HEAB: Housing Element Advisory Board Town Council Planning Commission HCD Public Engagement and Feedback engagelosgatoshousing.com What is RHNA? Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA, pronounced ‘ree-nuh’) ▪Number of homes needed now and 2023-2031 ▪Varying affordability levels 14 California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Bay Area region Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Town of Los Gatos Process of RHNA Assignment The Town’s 6th Cycle Housing Element RHNA 15 Income Group Units Percentage Very Low Income (<50% of AMI)537 26.9% Low Income (50-80% of AMI)310 15.6% Moderate Income (80-120% of AMI)320 16.1% Above Moderate Income (>120% of AMI)826 41.4% Total 1,993 100% AMI: Area Median Income engagelosgatoshousing.com Consequences of Non-Compliance ▪Limited access to State funding. ▪Lawsuits •From State (HCD), the public, housing advocates •Court-mandated compliance •Legal fees ▪Court-imposed fines (up to $10,000 per day). ▪Receivership •Suspension of local control on building matters. •Court approval of housing developments. 16 The Town’s Housing Element Update Timeline 17 2.Leading with Equity EngageLosGatosHousing.com engagelosgatoshousing.com 19 Live Poll #2 20 How much do you trust that your voice will be heard in this Housing Element process? engagelosgatoshousing.com Why does the Town need to plan for more housing? Caring for your Neighbors Ensure fellow residents can continue to live here. Caring for your Community Become a more inclusive Los Gatos by creating housing opportunities for all community members. 21 engagelosgatoshousing.com New Legislation: AB 686 22 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Taking meaningful actions, in addition to combating discrimination, that overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities free from barriers that restrict access to opportunity based on protected characteristics. engagelosgatoshousing.com Goals of AFFH ▪Address significant disparities in housing needs and in access to opportunity. ▪Replace segregated living patterns with truly integrated and balanced living patterns. ▪Foster and maintain compliance with civil rights and fair housing laws. 23 engagelosgatoshousing.com Why does the Town need to plan for more housing? Caring for your Neighbors Ensure fellow residents can continue to live here. Caring for your Community Become a more inclusive Los Gatos by creating housing opportunities for all community members. 24 10 Minute Question & Answer Session EngageLosGatosHousing.com Part 3: The Town’s Strategy for Sites EngageLosGatosHousing.com engagelosgatoshousing.com What is a Sites Inventory? ▪One important component of the Housing Element process and final policy document. ▪A specific list of sites that demonstrates to HCD where and how the Town plans to accommodate the assigned 1,993 housing units. 27 engagelosgatoshousing.com Some Factors for Site Consideration* Property Size Recently Redeveloped HCD Checklist Property Owner InterestPublic Feedback Environmental Constraints Site Additions ADUs SB9 Projects Pipeline Projects Site Reductions *these are not comprehensive lists engagelosgatoshousing.com Property Owner Interest Form 29 Los Gatos property owners can be part of the solution and increase the likelihood of HCD approval. Fill out the Property Owner Interest Form to inform the Town of your interest in developing housing on your property. https://forms.gle/Dw6TGN2P6vY3cgPW9 engagelosgatoshousing.com General Strategies for Sites Jurisdictions can use the following strategies to identify additional sites: ▪Changes to the Town’s General Plan ▪Rezoning and/or ▪Adopting programs and policies These strategies are necessary to accommodate the full amount of housing needs allocated with RHNA. 30 Districts for Sites Inventor y 31 engagelosgatoshousing.com A: Downtown District 32 engagelosgatoshousing.com B: North Santa Cruz Avenue District 33 engagelosgatoshousing.com C: Los Gatos Lodge District 34 engagelosgatoshousing.com D: Los Gatos Boulevard District 35 engagelosgatoshousing.com E: North Forty District 36 engagelosgatoshousing.com F: Lark Avenue District 37 engagelosgatoshousing.com G: Winchester Boulevard District 38 engagelosgatoshousing.com H: Pollard Road District 39 engagelosgatoshousing.com I: Union Avenue District 40 engagelosgatoshousing.com J: Harwood Road District 41 Property Owner Invitation 42 If you own or represent a site in discussion, please raise your hand. Ways to Provide Feedback on Potential Sites EngageLosGatosHousing.com engagelosgatoshousing.com Online Sites Surveys 44 engagelosgatoshousing.com Property Owner Interest Form Los Gatos property owners can be part of the solution and increase the likelihood of HCD approval. Fill out the Property Owner Interest Form to inform the Town of your interest in developing housing on your property. https://forms.gle/Dw6TGN2P6vY3cgPW9 45 engagelosgatoshousing.com Balancing Act Tool 46 engagelosgatoshousing.com Balancing Act Tool 47 Part 4: Question & Answer Session EngageLosGatosHousing.com engagelosgatoshousing.com Ground Rules Speak from your own experience. Share space with brevity: move-forward, move-back. Listen to understand what matters to each speaker. We aim for an atmosphere that is respectful of each person’s dignity. 49 engagelosgatoshousing.com Zoom Logistics: Raise Hand to Speak As an attendee, you may use the Raise Hand tool to ask a question live during this Q&A session. If chosen, we will unmute your microphone and allow you to ask your question to panelists. 50 engagelosgatoshousing.com Zoom Logistics: Q&A Tool As an attendee, if you do not feel comfortable asking a question live, you may submit questions at any time. Panelists may reply to your question directly in the Q&A tool or answer it during the Q&A session as time allows. 51 engagelosgatoshousing.com Shared Goals for Housing Element Process Represent the Town's core values. Represent the Town’s vision of future housing. Create a more inclusive Los Gatos community. Meet regional and State-mandated housing goals. 52 Live Poll #3 53 Which action(s) will you take to share your knowledge about the Housing Element update? engagelosgatoshousing.com Upcoming Events The public is encouraged to attend the following events: Joint Study Session: Town Council, Planning Commission, and HEAB ▪April 6th from 6:00-9:00 p.m. ▪Organized by a group of private citizens Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) Meeting ▪April 21st at 7:00 p.m. 54 Thank you! Don’t forget to take the exit survey. engagelosgatoshousing.com 55 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Initial Draft Site Inventory March 2022 Table of Contents A. Downtown District B. North Santa Cruz Avenue District C. Los Gatos Lodge District D. Los Gatos Boulevard District E. North Forty District F. Lark Avenue District G. Winchester Boulevard District H. Pollard Road District I. Union Avenue District J. Harwood Road District ATTACHMENT 2 A. Downtown District District Description: The Downtown District is composed of many retail shops, boutiques, coffee shops, restaurants, and hotels. Being that the Downtown is the original historic center of the Town, it is naturally home to some of the iconic architectural styles that make Los Gatos unique and has a rich history of architectural excellence. Located within and adjacent to this District, are the Town’s Historic Districts which are meant to honor and preserve Los Gatos’ roots as a rural foothill community. This District is home to many outdoor public spaces including the Town Plaza Park, Los Gatos Town Hall, and library outdoor promenade, which hosts several popular community events that draw visitors throughout the region. A1: Old Town Shopping Center “50 University Avenue” Address/Parcel: 50 University Avenue Current Zoning: C-2:LHP:PD Description: Located on the east side of University Avenue, adjacent to retail, restaurant, office, and residential uses. A2 Address/Parcel: 50 Park Avenue and 61 Montebello Way (et al.) Current Zoning: R-1D Description: Property Owner has expressed interest in redevelopment of the residential parcels. A3: Post Office and Parking Lot Address/Parcel: 101 S. Santa Cruz Avenue Current Zoning: C-2 Description: Previous interest in redevelopment of the site. A4: Town Parking Lot Address/Parcel: 510-44-039 Current Zoning: C-2 Description: Town parking lot at the corner of W. Main Street and Victory Lane, to the rear of the La Canada Building. A5 Address/Parcel: 16 Lyndon Avenue Current Zoning: C-2 Description: Located along the northeastern portion of the Lyndon Avenue cul-de-sac. A6: Town Parking Lot Address/Parcel: 510-44-069 Current Zoning: C-2 Description: Town parking lot on the corner of Lyndon Avenue and W. Main Street. A7: Vacant commercial lot Address/Parcel: 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Road Current Zoning: C-2 Description: The vacant commercial building is located at the corner of University Avenue and Los Gatos Saratoga Road, it is located the Downtown parking district. B. North Santa Cruz Avenue District District Description: The North Santa Cruz Avenue District extends along North Santa Cruz Avenue between Blossom Hill Road and Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, adjacent to the Downtown Los Gatos District. Uses along North Santa Cruz Avenue vary from office and professional, retail, light industrial, and hospitality. Various commercial uses are intermingled along North Santa Cruz Avenue, including a national chain grocery store. The District’s eclectic mix of building types and styles sets it apart from the more cohesive and historic architecture of the Downtown District. B1: Los Gatos Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 404 N. Santa Cruz Avenue (et al.) Current Zoning: C-1 Description: A multi-tenant one story shopping center located on the east side of N. Santa Cruz Avenue, adjacent to commercial and office use. B2: Walgreens Square Address/Parcel: 412 N. Santa Cruz Avenue (et al.) Current Zoning: C-1 Description: A multi-tenant shopping center located on the west side of N. Santa Cruz Avenue, adjacent to a gas station and office use. C. Los Gatos Lodge District District Description: The Los Gatos Lodge District is located on Los Gatos-Saratoga Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Highway 17, abutting Los Gatos High School. The 8.7-acre property consists of three parcels containing a hotel, and a surface parking lot. The site is located within easy walking distance to the Town’s Downtown. The original hotel was constructed in 1936 and has not undergone significant remodeling or reconstruction since the 1970’s. The General Plan designates the property for Mixed Use Commercial development. C1: Los Gatos Lodge Site Address/Parcel: 50 Los Gatos Saratoga Road (et al.) Current Zoning: CH:PD Description: The Los Gatos Lodge hotel site is a Planned Development and provides hotel, restaurant, banquet, conference facilities and associated site amenities. Previous interest in redevelopment of the site. D. Los Gatos Boulevard District District Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard District extends along Los Gatos Boulevard from Louise Van Meter Elementary School north to the Town boundary with San Jose. This area was developed as an automobile-oriented corridor with a mix of stand-alone retail and office, car dealerships, and several neighborhood-serving shopping centers, such as Blossom Hill Pavilion, Kings Court, Cornerstone, El Gato Village, and Los Gatos Village Square. These centers are set back far from the street with expansive surface parking lots fronting the Boulevard. This type of development largely focused on retail centers with limited ability to incorporate other uses, such as office and residential. Residential neighborhoods backing the commercial corridor are primarily low-density residential, with some medium density parcels. D1 Address/Parcel: 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on Los Gatos Boulevard between Lark Avenue and Gateway Drive. The property consists of two parcels containing a single-story commercial building (Ace Hardware, a laundromat, and a dry cleaner) with a surface parking lot. D2: Los Gatos Village Square Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 15466 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on Los Gatos Boulevard between Los Gatos Almaden and Gateway Drive. The property consists of one parcel containing a two-story commercial building (Trader Joe’s, Pet Food Express, and multiple commercial and office tenants) and a parking lot. D3: Car Dealership Address/Parcel: 15480 Los Gatos Boulevard (et al.) Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on Los Gatos Boulevard between Los Gatos Almaden and Gateway Drive. The two parcels contain a one-story car dealership (Buick GMC Moore) showroom, service buildings and associated parking. D4 Address/Parcel: 15349 Los Gatos Boulevard , 15367 Los Gatos Boulevard , 15405 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The three separate parcels are located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard between Garden Lane and Chirco Drive. The parcel at 15349 Los Gatos Boulevard contains a one-story commercial building with multi-tenants. The parcel at 15367 Los Gatos Boulevard contains a one-story automotive service building and associated parking. The parcel at 15405 Los Gatos Boulevard contains an existing two-story office building. D5 Address/Parcel: 15425 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard. The parcel contains a one- story office building. Property owner has expressed interest. D6 Address/Parcel: 15445 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard located to the rear of the 15425 Los Gatos Boulevard property. The parcel contains a two-story health club and parking. D7 Address/Parcel: 15475 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard. The parcel contains a one- story restaurant (McDonalds) and associated parking. D8: New Town Center Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 15495 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the eastside of Los Gatos Boulevard at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. The New Town Center is a one story and two-story building with multiple commercial tenants including Kinkos and Erik’s Deli. D9: El Gato Village Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 16535 Camellia Terrace & Los Gatos Boulevard / APN: 523-02-005 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the eastside of Los Gatos Boulevard at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. The El Gato Shopping Center is two parcels with a one-story building with multiple commercial tenants including Nob Hill Foods. D10: Jiffy Mart Shopping Center Site Address/Parcel: 15665 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the southwest corner of Chirco Drive and Los Gatos Boulevard. The Jiffy Mart Shopping Center is a one-story building with multiple commercial tenants. D11 Address/Parcel: 15721 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one- story commercial building and associated parking lot (Sunbelt Rentals). 0 D12 Address/Parcel: 15737 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one- story commercial building and associated parking lot (Classic Burger of Los Gatos). D13 Address/Parcel: 15751 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one- story commercial building and associated parking lot (Good Year Tire). D14 Address/Parcel: 15771 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the northwest corner of Farley Road and Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one-story drive-thru restaurant and associated parking lot (Jack in the Box). D15 Address/Parcel: 15795 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located at the southwest corner of Farley Road and Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one-story commercial building (Affordable Treasures). D16 Address/Parcel: 15827 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the northwest corner of Frank Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one-story medical office building. D17: Cornerstone Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 15920, 15986, 16000, and 16002 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the northeast corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Blossom Hill Road. The Cornerstone Shopping Center is made up of multiple commercial tenants including Whole Foods and Rite Aid. D18: Car Dealership Address/Parcel: 620 Blossom Hill Road Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the south side of Blossom Hill Road. The site contains a one- story car dealership and associate parking (Los Gatos Luxury Cars). D19: Car Dealership Address/Parcel: 16151 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a one- story car dealership and associate parking (Los Gatos Acura). D20 Address/Parcel: 16165 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the westside of Los Gatos Boulevard west of Magneson Loop. The site contains a two-story mixed use building. D21 Address/Parcel: APN: 529-16-075 Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located behind 16165 Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a parking lot for 16121 Los Gatos Boulevard. D22 Address/Parcel: 16121 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located behind 16165 and 16121 Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a single-family home. D23 Address/Parcel: 16905 Roberts Road Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the north side of Roberts Road. The site contains a one-story commercial building adjacent to single family residences. D24 Address/Parcel: 16185 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the west side of Roberts Road. The site contains a two-story commercial building with multi office tenants (Yoga Source). D25: Skate Shop Address/Parcel: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: CH Description: The property is located on the northwest corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Roberts Road. The site contains a one-story retail building and auto service station. Previous interest in redevelopment of the site. D26: Kings Court Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 700 Blossom Hill Road, 750 Blossom Hill Road, 16100 Los Gatos Boulevard , Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the southeast corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Blossom Hill Road. The Kings Court Shopping Center is a one-story center made up of multiple commercial tenants including Lunardi’s, CVS Pharmacy, and Bank of America and a gas/carwash station at the corner. D27 Address/Parcel: 16250 Los Gatos Boulevard Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the southeast corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Shannon Road. The site contains a one-story commercial building with an existing gym use (Orange Theory). D28 Address/Parcel: 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and APN: 532-07-086 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: The property is located on the eastside of Los Gatos Boulevard between Spencer Avenue and Shannon Road. The site contains a one-story gas and service station and a vacant lot. Previous interest in redevelopment of the site. b E. North Forty District District Description: The North Forty District is bounded by Los Gatos Boulevard to the east, State Route 17 to the west, Lark Avenue to the south, and State Route 85 to the north. Phase I of the North Forty Specific Plan Area consists of residential and commercial uses on the areas adjacent to Los Gatos Boulevard and Lark Avenue. Phase II of the North Forty Specific Plan Area currently consists of pockets of existing residential uses along Los Gatos Boulevard and within the Specific Plan Area along Bennett Way and Burton Road, and former agriculture uses contained in the areas’ interior. There are residential neighborhoods, commercial uses, and office buildings to the south and east of the district. E1: N40 Phase II: Remaining Approximate 20 Acres under Specific P lan Address/Parcel: 424-07-009, -010, -115, -116, -052 through -054, -063 through -065, 081, -094, and -095 Current Zoning: North Forty Specific Plan Area Description: Located at the northern end of the North Forty Specific Plan Area, approximately 20 acres remain undeveloped. Phase I of the North Forty is currently under construction with residential units and commercial buildings. F. Lark Avenue District District Description: The Lark District extends from Lark Avenue and Oka Drive, east to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. The area includes most of the Town’s industrial uses and office complexes, as well as primary frontage to the enormously popular Los Gatos Creek Trail. Office parks in this area are reminiscent of the technology boom in the early 1980s, containing single-story. The district is currently surrounded by a mix of low and medium density residential. F1: Oka Road Address/Parcel: 424-08-057, 424-08-029, 424-08-059, 424-08-060, 424-08-058, 424-08-017, 424-08-021 Current Zoning: R-1:8 Description: Located to the east of the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center and across Oka Road, bordered by State Route 17. F2: Oka Road Address/Parcel: 424-08-074 Current Zoning: R-M:5-12 Description: Located to the north of the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center. G. Winchester Boulevard District District Description: The Winchester Boulevard District is focused on the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Knowles Drive, bordering the City of Campbell. This district also includes office and medical uses adjacent to Netflix and El Camino Hospital. This area is home to a complex and eclectic mix of architectural styles and development types. Existing commercial uses at the Vasona Station shopping center, office, medical, and residential developments are compartmentalized and disconnected from each other. Winchester Boulevard, the primary arterial in the district, is a wide thoroughfare with moderate traffic speeds which impede a more pedestrian-oriented environment. G1: Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ Site) Address/Parcel: 110 Knowles Drive Current Zoning: CM: AHOZ Description: Located on the south side of Knowles Drive, north of the Aventino Apartments. G2: Vasona Station Shopping Center Address/Parcel: 14101-14109 Winchester Boulevard Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Located at the intersection of Knowles Drive and Winchester Boulevard, the Vasona Station shopping center is east of Capri Drive. G3: Old Courthouse Site - Owned by El Camino Hospital – Will be Removed Address/Parcel: 375 Knowles Drive Current Zoning: O Description: Located at the corner of Capri Drive and Knowles Drive, to the east of the El Camino Hospital. H. Pollard Road District District Description: The Harwood Road District is focused on the intersection of Harwood Road and Blossom Hill Road, bordering the City of San Jose and anchored by the Blossom Hill Square Shopping Center. The layout of the center is automobile-oriented with a street fronting parking lot with access points on both sides of the intersection. This commercial center serves residents of Los Gatos and San Jose. The district is surrounded primarily by low-density residential, intermixed with a few medium- density residential parcels. Nearby residents utilize the center for convenient shopping. Nearby Noddin Elementary School in San Jose educates the neighborhood youth of both Los Gatos and San Jose and adds to the sense of community. H1: Rinconada Shopping Center (corner) Address/Parcel: 407-33-017 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Small service-focused commercial building at the intersection of Pollard Road and More Avenue. H2: Rinconada Shopping Center (grocery) Address/Parcel: 407-33-016 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Safeway grocery store located off of Pollard Road. H3: Rinconada Shopping Center (multi-use strip commercial) Address/Parcel: 40733024 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Multi-use within the L-shaped strip commercial section of the Shopping Center site. I. Union Avenue District District Description: The Union Avenue District is focused on the intersection of Union Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road, bordering the City of San Jose. This District is anchored by the Downing Center, which is designed as an automobile-oriented shopping center with street-fronting parking and access points on either side of the center. This commercial center is anchored by a national chain grocery store and serves the daily needs of Los Gatos and San Jose residents. Nearby Union Middle School and Alta Vista Elementary School enhance the sense of community, serving the youth of both Los Gatos and nearby San Jose neighborhoods. I1: Gas Station and Office Building Address/Parcel: 527-49-048 and -049 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Located at the corner intersection of Los Gatos-Almaden Road and Leigh Avenue, adjacent to the east is Leigh High School. The property owner has expressed interest. I2: Downing Center Address/Parcel: 523-41-035 and -036 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Located at the corner of Los Gatos-Almaden Road and Union Avenue, east of Union Middle School. J. Harwood Road District District Description: The Harwood Road District is focused on the intersection of Harwood Road and Blossom Hill Road, bordering the City of San Jose and anchored by the Blossom Hill Square Shopping Center. The layout of the center is automobile-oriented with a street fronting parking lot with access points on both sides of the intersection. This commercial center serves residents of Los Gatos and San Jose. The district is surrounded primarily by low-density residential, intermixed with a few medium- density residential parcels. Nearby residents utilize the center for convenient shopping. Nearby Noddin Elementary School in San Jose educates the neighborhood youth of both Los Gatos and San Jose and adds to the sense of community. J1 Address/Parcel: 527-32-028 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Located at the intersection of Harwood Road and Blossom Hill Road, the site contains a Chevron gas station and commercial building. J2 Address/Parcel: 527-32-031 Current Zoning: C-1 Description: Located south side of Blossom Hill Road at the intersection of Harwood Road and Blossom Hill Road, south of Noddin Elementary School. This Page Intentionally Left Blank Results from Balancing Act Tool Submittals Site ID Address/APN Favorability Average # of Units Desired by Nine Respondents Maximum Capacity (# of Units) D25 Skate Shop 16203 Los Gatos Blvd. 78% 2 30 A5 16 Lyndon Ave. 67% 2 7 D26 Kings Court Shopping Center 700 Blossom Hill Rd. (et al.) 67% 60 312 D27 Orange Theory 16250 Los Gatos Blvd. 67% 1 11 D28 16492 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 67% 1 12 A3 Post Office and Parking Lot 101 S. Santa Cruz Ave. 56% 9 24 A6 Town Parking Lot 510-44-069 56% 2 10 D13 15751 Los Gatos Blvd. 56% 2 15 D15 15795 Los Gatos Blvd. 56% 2 24 D16 15827 Los Gatos Blvd. 56% 2 24 D17 Cornerstone Shopping Center 15920 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 56% 43 175 D20 16165 Los Gatos Blvd. 56% 2 10 D24 16185 Los Gatos Blvd. 56% 4 30 G1 Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ Site) 110 Knowles Dr. 56% 96 288 A1 Old Town Shopping Center "50 University" 50 University Ave. 44% 31 120 A2 50 Park Avenue and 61 Montebello Way (et al.) 44% 10 20 A4 Town Parking Lot 510-44-039 44% 6 18 A7 Vacant commercial lot 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. 44% 4 10 B1 Los Gatos Shopping Center 404 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) 44% 15 66 D10 Jiffy Mart Shopping Center Site 15665 Los Gatos Blvd. 44% 15 36 ATTACHMENT 3 Results from Balancing Act Tool Submittals Site ID Address/APN Favorability Average # of Units Desired by Nine Respondents Maximum Capacity (# of Units) D12 15737 Los Gatos Blvd. 44% 4 15 D14 15771 Los Gatos Blvd. 44% 5 20 D8 New Town Center Shopping Center 15495 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 44% 51 135 G2 Vasona Station Shopping Center 14101-14109 Winchester Blvd. 44% 65 132 G3 Old Courthouse Site - Owned by El Camino Hospital 375 Knowles Dr. 44% 26 65 I2 Downing Center 523-41-035 and -036 44% 53 189 B2 Walgreens Square 421 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) 33% 20 42 D11 15721 Los Gatos Blvd. 33% 13 35 D18 Car Dealership 620 Blossom Hill Rd. 33% 50 90 D19 Car Dealership 16151 Los Gatos Blvd. 33% 67 125 D21 529-16-075 33% 3 5 D22 16121 Los Gatos Blvd. 33% 3 6 D23 16905 Roberts Rd. 33% 5 15 D6 15445 Los Gatos Blvd. 33% 18 55 D7 15475 Los Gatos Blvd. 33% 21 54 D9 El Gato Village Shopping Center 16535 Camellia Terrace (et al.) 33% 9 20 H1 Rinconada Shopping Center (corner) 407-33-017 33% 5 8 J1 527-32-028 33% 6 14 C1 Los Gatos Lodge Site 50 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. (et al.) 22% 183 305 D2 Los Gatos Village Square Shopping Center 15466 Los Gatos Blvd 22% 72 130 F1 Oka Road 424-08-057 (et al.) 22% 69 144 F2 Oka Road 424-08-074 22% 38 77 Results from Balancing Act Tool Submittals Site ID Address/APN Favorability Average # of Units Desired by Nine Respondents Maximum Capacity (# of Units) H2 Rinconada Shopping Center (grocery) 407-33-016 22% 30 45 I1 Gas Station and Office Building 527-49-048 and -049 22% 9 16 J2 527-32-031 22% 45 80 D1 15300 Los Gatos Blvd 11% 44 55 D3 Car Dealership 15480 Los Gatos Blvd (et al.) 11% 103 155 D4 15349 Los Gatos Blvd (et al.) 11% 53 100 D5 15425 Los Gatos Blvd 11% 21 40 E1 N40 Phase II: Remaining Approximate 20 Acres under Specific Plan 424-07-009 (et al.) 11% 457 686 H3 Rinconada Shopping Center (multi-use strip commercial) 407-33-024 11% 42 60 ADUs (Locked) Various Locations N/A N/A 200 Pipeline Projects (Locked) Various Locations N/A N/A 202 Data Collected between March 31 and April 14, 2022 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Favorability Rating Number of Respondents I1 Gas Station and Office Building 274-49-048 and -049 2.00 4 D5 15425 Los Gatos Blvd. 2.00 3 D6 15445 Los Gatos Blvd. 2.00 3 J1 527-32-028 2.00 3 D7 15475 Los Gatos Blvd. 2.00 2 D8 New Town Center Shopping Center 15495 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 2.00 2 G1 Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ Site) 110 Knowles Dr. 2.00 2 G3 Old Courthouse Site - Owned by El Camino Hospital 375 Knowles Dr. 2.00 2 I2 523-41-035 and -036 2.00 2 D12 15737 Los Gatos Blvd. 2.00 1 D13 15751 Los Gatos Blvd. 2.00 1 E1 N40 Phase II: Remaining Approximate 20 Acres under Specific Plan 424-07-009, -010, - 115, -116, -052 through -054, -063 through -065, 081, - 094, and -095 2.00 1 F2 Oka Road 424-08-074 2.00 1 J2 527-32-031 1.75 4 C1 Los Gatos Lodge Site 50 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. 1.67 9 D3 Car Dealership 15480 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 1.50 4 D4 15349 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 1.50 4 D10 Jiffy Mart Shopping Center Site 15665 Los Gatos Blvd. 1.33 3 D11 15721 Los Gatos Blvd. 1.33 3 H3 Rinconada Shopping Center (multi-use strip commercial) 407-33-024 1.00 6 D2 Los Gatos Village Square Shopping Center 15466 Los Gatos Blvd. 1.00 2 D9 El Gato Village Shopping Center 16535 Camellia Terrace (et al.) 1.00 2 D14 15771 Los Gatos Blvd. 1.00 2 G2 Vasona Station Shopping Center 14101-14109 Winchester Blvd. 1.00 2 F1 Oka Road 424-08-057 (et al.)1.00 1 H2 Rinconada Shopping Center (grocery) 407-33-016 0.83 6 ATTACHMENT 4 Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Favorability Rating Number of Respondents H1 Rinconada Shopping Center (corner) 407-33-017 0.80 6 A2 50 Park Avenue, 61 Montebello Way 0.75 4 A3 Post Office and Parking Lot 101 S. Santa Cruz Ave. 0.67 3 B1 Los Gatos Shopping Center 404 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) 0.67 3 B2 Walgreens Square 421 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) 0.67 3 D1 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) 0.67 3 A4 Town Parking Lot 510-44-039 0.25 4 A5 16 Lyndon Ave. 0.00 2 A1 Old Town Shopping Center "50 University" 50 University Ave. 0.00 1 A6 Town Parking Lot W Main St. 0.00 1 A7 Vacant Commercial Lot 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. 0.00 1 * Data Collected between March 31, 2022, and April 14, 2022 Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). I1 Gas Station and Office Building 274-49-48 and -049 Happy To provide additional housing Live/Work Happy Live/Work Happy Live/Work Happy Mixed-Use D5 15425 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy If property owner is amenable to it, why not? It adds density without affecting historic downtown, bringing more amenities for all residents to enjoy. Live/Work, Mixed-Use Happy Mixed-Use Happy Mixed-Use D6 15445 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy I like the health club, but housing would be good here too. Live/Work, Mixed-Use Happy Mixed-Use Happy Mixed-Use J1 527-32-028 Happy Adding more housing Live/Work Happy Live/Work, Mixed-Use Happy Live/Work D7 15475 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy Less junk food, more neighbors. Win-win. Live/Work, Mixed-Use D8 New Town Center Shopping Center 15495 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) Happy We are frequent patrons of the martial arts studio here and the coffee shop. Love them both! perhaps both could be incorporated into a denser mixed-use development. Live/Work, Mixed-Use Happy Mixed-Use ATTACHMENT 5 Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). G1 Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ Site) 110 Knowles Dr. Happy Single- Family Happy Townhouses G3 Old Courthouse Site - Owned by El Camino Hospital 375 Knowles Dr. Happy Yes, something should be developed here. Mixed-Use Happy Live/Work I2 523-41-035 and -036 Happy We are leaving in the vicinity of the intersection and having a gas station in this area is not relevant Housing only. No commercial Happy Mixed-Use D12 15737 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy I really like the restaurant and hope it remains, but if owner wants to redevelop, housing is a great use. Live/Work, Mixed-Use D13 15751 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy Replace all the car- focused bldgs with underground parking, residential mixed-use! Would make this area of town more interesting and pedestrian-friendly. Live/Work, Mixed-Use E1 N40 Phase II: Remaining under Specific Plan 424-07-009, -010, -115, -116, -052 through -054, - 063 through - 065, 081, -094, and -095 Happy Mixed-Use Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). F2 Oka Road 424-08-074 Happy Duplexes, Triplexes, Courtyard Apartments J2 527-32-031 Neutral That part of down is desperate for access to daily amenities like grocery, pharmacy, restaurants. You have to drive everywhere if you live in Belwood area. Mixed-Use Happy More housing Live/Work Happy Live/Work, Mixed-Use Happy Live/Work C1 Los Gatos Lodge Site 50 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Happy Live/Work Happy Multi-Family Neutral Lodge location seems good. Hard to tell exactly where other locations are. Absolutely NO additional traffic should enter on to Bella Vista. It is a bike and walking route to downtown. Concerned about additional traffic backing up even more on Hwy 9 Live/Work Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). C1 Con’t Los Gatos Lodge Site 50 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Happy We live off of Wheeler, so just up the hill in the neighborhood. I would be really happy to have new neighbors in this walkable area. I would also like the amenities (restaurants, small shops, or etc.) that come with increased density. Mixed-Use Whatever goes in this parcel, the traffic lights coming from the freeway up the hill to LG Blvd need to be addressed - traffic backs up there for multiple cycles around the 7:45- 8:30 school rush, and sometimes again in the evenings. Neutral Freeway on/off access needs to be updated to current standards. Dangerous without hundreds of cars coming and going from this site without it. Live/Work Neutral This will add to tremendous traffic but other sites suggested are ridiculous Live/Work Happy appropriate for development if it is not heavy and traffic is controlled. Mixed-Use Happy This site makes sense because it is currently wasted land. The lodge doesn’t get much use. The location is perfect for housing because of walking distance to downtown and the high school. Likely there would need to be road improvements for added traffic. Live/Work Happy Housing community, with green space & parking for all residents Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). D3 Car Dealership 15480 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) Happy Adding density along major road is a good way to do it without impacting neighbors much. Have seen this work well in Mountain View. Redeveloping this site in particular would de-emphasize cars and promote sustainability, another Town goal. Live/Work, Mixed-Use Unhappy So, putting expensive housing in place of working business….why? Leave the business be Happy This would make a perfect site for redevelopment. The site has been empty for decades. Along main corridor for easy access. Live/Work D4 15349 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) Happy If property owner is amenable this would be a great site for tall apartments - denser road corridors bring more amenities for everyone to use. Live/Work, Mixed-Use Happy Mini Santana Row Mixed-Use Happy Vacant and empty buildings with large empty parking lots could be easily converted to housing. Along main corridor for easy access. Live/Work Unhappy Next to neighbors, low profile, less density See above Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). D10 Jiffy Mart Shopping Center Site 15665 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy I really like the iconic (art deco?) "thing with holes" on current bldg, perhaps similar architecture could be put here when it's denser. More residents above similar commercial tenants would be great! Mixed-Use Unhappy Again, getting rid of JOBS!. Leave the jobs Happy Live/Work, Mixed-Use D11 15721 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy If property owner is interested, why not? Adding residents here without sacrificing historic parts of town. Live/Work, Mixed-Use Unhappy You people are insane Leave it alone Happy Live/Work H3 Rinconada Shopping Center (multi-use strip commercial) 407-33-024 Unhappy Losing access to nearby stores and banking (atm), capability to stroll to ice cream store. Good hispanic food. None Happy Mixed-Use Unhappy Right next to a school, will negatively impact businesses and residents in this area Not an appropriate location as it’s not close to any relevant transit hub Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). H3 Con’t Rinconada Shopping Center (multi-use strip commercial) 407-33-024 Happy It is currently wasted space. Many store fronts are vacant. Much of the parking lot remains empty a majority of the time. There is already existing planned developments neighboring the site. It could become retail/housing like El Paseo re-development Mixed-Use Unhappy Saratoga and LG need to coordinate. Each is proposing to eliminate essential commercial businesses for local neighborhoods which will result in having to drive distances for basics. This area is extremely busy during school yr - lots of kids &cars None. But if it does happen it MUST be mixed use or you will be taking away all our shopping options nearby - between LG & Saratoga building housing where existing essential services exist we won’t have anywhere to shop or eat locally. More people competing for limited resources. Happy Mixed-Use D2 Los Gatos Village Square Shopping Center 15466 Los Gatos Blvd. Happy If property owner wants to sell or redevelop, I think densifying housing along major road corridor is good way to do it with minimal impact to existing residents. Would hope they could keep a grocery store in, to serve all the new residents. Mixed-Use Unhappy It works as it is. Very busy shopping center. Remain same. Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). D9 El Gato Village Shopping Center 16535 Camellia Terrace (et al.) Happy Would love to add residents along busy road corridor, protecting feel of historic parts of town. Also, grocery store could remain a ground- floor tenant in mixed- use setting. Mixed-Use Unhappy Remain same. D14 15771 Los Gatos Blvd. Unhappy This highly used shopping center is always full, and the parking and restaurants are needed for the surrounding businesses and homes. Do not develop. Do not develop this site, leave as is. Happy Mixed-Use F1 Oka Road 424-08-057 (et al.) Neutral Isn’t this behind the Los Gatos Swim and Racket Club and not the JCC? The two clubs are on opposite sides of the road and the LGSR has two pools as shown in bird’s eye view. Duplexes Condos/Apartments H2 Rinconada Shopping Center (grocery) 407-33-016 Unhappy Losing access to nearby grocery and other stores. Longer drive required for daily needs and more traffic close to our home. None Neutral Mixed-Use Unhappy Do not get rid of our local Safeway. We will have to drive further which exacerbates traffic situation Not an appropriate location as it’s not close to any relevant transit hub Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). H2 Con’t Rinconada Shopping Center (grocery) 407-33-016 Happy It is currently wasted space. Many store fronts are vacant. Much of the parking lot remains empty a majority of the time. There is already existing planned developments neighboring the site. It could become retail/housing like El Paseo re-development Mixed-Use Unhappy If Safeway is gone then I would have to drive to do grocery shopping. Taking commercial properties that provide essential services makes no sense as it would force the local residents to drive to other areas for these services. Counterintuitive. None - leave Safeway as is. In fact, it would be nice if it was a larger store. Happy Mixed-Use H1 Rinconada Shopping Center (corner) 407-33-017 Unhappy Losing access to nearby stores None Unhappy Not an appropriate location as it’s not close to any relevant transit hub Happy It is currently wasted space. Many store fronts are vacant. Much of the parking lot remains empty a majority of the time. There is already existing planned developments neighboring the site. It could Mixed-Use Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). H1 Con’t Rinconada Shopping Center (corner) 407-33-017 become retail/housing like El Paseo re-development Unhappy What kind of housing can you really put on that small plot? Not that I like it, but school parents plug up the parking area every day for drop off and pick up. Very busy with kids and cars. Fix that problem first - Pollard is a mess at those times. Mixed-Use Happy Mixed-Use A2 50 Park Ave., 61 Montebello Way Happy Duplexes Neutral A post office needs to be somewhere. Duplexes Unhappy These areas are already heavily congested and do not need any more people living here. No added people in this area, already too crowded with traffic. Unhappy Too dense already Single- Family A3 Post Office and Parking Lot 101 S. Santa Cruz Ave. Unhappy Downtown area does not need any more development or density because of traffic. No more density in this area please Happy Mixed-Use Unhappy Downtown is already too crowded No B1 Los Gatos Shopping Center 404 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) Unhappy This area and intersection is already too congested with traffic. Too congested already with traffic, take it off the list. Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). B1 Con’t Los Gatos Shopping Center 404 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) Happy Live/Work Unhappy Already so congested No B2 Walgreens Square 421 N. Santa Cruz Ave. (et al.) Happy Live/Work, Mixed-Use Unhappy None Unhappy Already too congested No D1 15300 Los Gatos Blvd. (et al.) Happy Densifying along major road corridors seems like a way to do it without impacting too many existing neighbors. I just want to see Ace remain (perhaps as ground floor of a multi-story apartment bldg?) Mixed-Use Unhappy Getting rid of businesses? Leave as is Unhappy Remain the same. A4 Town Parking Lot 510-44-039 Unhappy The parking is needed downtown Leave it parking Unhappy Traffic is already too congested in this area, and more parking is needed No development here Neutral The site prior to being a parking lot was mixed use. One of the businesses on the site was a laundry. The owners lived on site. Be prepared to find solvent residue on the site. Revise the setback and height limits, or no project will work. Mixed-Use Unhappy Need parking downtown for towns economy, already too crowded No Individual Results from the Housing Element Update Website Site Surveys Site Site Name Site Address/APN Overall, how do you feel about this site being identified for future housing? Can you say more about why you feel that way? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? What types of future housing do you envision for this site? (Other, please specify). A5 16 Lyndon Ave. Unhappy This area is already too congested, not development here. No development here, too congested Unhappy No A1 Old Town Shopping Center "50 University" 50 University Ave. Unhappy Definitely NO! This is a historic school that should not be touched. The limited parking is also needed. This historic school is intertwined with Los Gatos history. Be responsible and take it off your list. Leave it alone, it is a precious historic resource. Unhappy Important to Los Gatos history and atmosphere Do not build in this space Unhappy This site needs to be left alone. There is too much traffic here already. This is also an important site in Los Gatos History. An iconic school that is historic. Do not develop this site, lawsuits would follow. Unhappy No housing Unhappy Preserve downtown, too dense, crowded as is No A6 Town Parking Lot W. Main St. Unhappy No A7 Commercial Lot 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Unhappy No * Data Collected between March 31, 2022, and April 14, 2022 With an understanding of property owner interest in constructing more housing, the Town can better determine the feasibility of Opportunity Sites within our Sites Inventory. This includes interest in SB-9 projects for existing Single-Family zoned lots. Thank you for informing the process by filing out this form. Los Gatos Propey Owners Form The Town of Los Gatos is preparing for the 6th Cycle Housing Element update in Los Gatos and want to hear from property owners who may be interested in future housing development. This information will be considered through the Town's Sites Inventory Analysis process. The Town may contact you for further information. Want to learn more about the Housing Element update process? Visit https://engagelosgatoshousing.com to learn more! Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more * Required 1. Property Owner Contact Information. * Full name and preferred method of contact (email address and/or phone number). ATTACHMENT 6 Vacant House (Please also choose "Other" and enter square feet and number of bedrooms). Multi-Family Residences (Please also choose "Other" and enter square feet and number of units). Commercial (Please also choose "Other" and enter square feet). Office (Please also choose "Other" and enter square feet). Institutional (Please also choose "Other" and enter square feet). Rural or Outbuildings (Please also choose "Other" and enter square feet). p (p ) Your answer 2. Property Representative Contact Information. Full name and preferred method of contact (email address and/or phone number). Your answer 3. Property Address or Parcel Number. * Your answer 4. Property Size (Acres or Square Feet), If Known. Your answer 5. Existing Development. Select all that apply. * Surface Improvements (Please also choose "Other" and enter parking lot, storage yard, etc). Structures Built Prior to 1941 Other: Slopes over 10 percent Drainageways or ponds Native vegetation or trees Creekbank Ear thquake Faults Located in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Other: Electricity Phone/cable Natural gas Propane Water (municipal) Water (small system) Water (individual well) Sewer Septic Other: 6. Existing Site Conditions. Select all that apply. * 7. Existing Utilities. Select all that apply. * Paved driveway Unpaved driveway Not developed into site Not developed to site Other: Single-family home Accessory dwelling unit Manufactured/mobile/tiny home Duplex Triplex Quadplex Cour tyard cluster Shared living space cooperative/co-housing Apar tments Townhouse/condominium Live-work Residential mixed use with commercial 8. Existing Access * 9. What type(s) of development are being considered for the site? Select all that apply. * Residential mixed use with commercial Single room occupancy Yes No Maybe Lot consolidation (several lots to be merged) Lot split/subdivision/condominium development Can be developed as-is 10. How many housing units do you envision being developed at this property? * Your answer 11. Do you believe a rezone is necessary to meet the housing unit goals envisioned with this property? 12. When do you imagine that the property can be developed? Your answer 13. Lot configuration? * Geological or Soils Cultural Resources Biological Resources Hazardous Materials Hydrological Analysis Historic Resources Repor t Other: Plan to provide more than the minimum parking standard Plan to provide ONLY the minimum parking standard Plan to request a reduced parking standard Other: 14. Have any of the following reports been prepared for the site? Select all that apply. * 15. Parking configuration preference? * Plan to ONLY provide what is required by the Town's Below Market Price Program Willing to deed restrict a portion of units beyond minimum requirements Plan to provide some affordable housing units Plan to provide 100 percent affordable units Interested in providing housing for a special needs group Interested in options and would like more information None of the above Yes, existing residential units will be displaced Yes, existing commercial square footage will be displaced Yes, existing office square footage will be displaced No existing residential units or commercial square footage will be displaced Other: Yes No 16. Affordability considerations? Select all that apply. * 17. Will the development or redevelopment result in displacement? Select all that apply. * 18. Is there a draft plan to address displacement? * N/A Other: Never submit passwords through Google Forms. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy 19. What barriers do you believe might limit potential development at this site? Your answer Submit Clear form  Forms From: Steve Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 4:23 PM To: EMAIL DELETED FOR PRIVACY REASONS Cc: Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov>; Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov>; Erin Walters <EWalters@losgatosca.gov>; Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Input on possible RHNA Housing sites Committee Chair Melanie Hanssen, Vice Chair Kathryn Janoff and Planning Staff, Below are my thoughts on the RHNA Housing site selection process. Objective Criteria: The Town needs to develop some objective criteria for the potential sites selected that favor redevelopment of underdeveloped sites to allow higher density housing mixed with commercial, office or quasi-public. The housing sites should deliver a public benefit in the form of publicly accessible open space/plazas with every development and other public benefits such as road improvements and affordable housing (which should be a minimum of 25%.) They should also face-off public spaces to frame the public space and provide eyes and ears on the open space such as parks or trails. Many portions of the Los Gatos Creek Trail currently do not have visibility from adjacent housing. The bottom line is that the new mixed use/housing sites must be an asset for the Town or it shouldn’t be allowed. The criteria should prioritize those commercial/office or higher density residential sites that are underdeveloped and more likely to turn over during the next 8-10 years. The criteria should include the following: 1) Sites with single-story development surrounded by at-grade parking. 2) Sites that are developed with buildings or improvements that are older and not maintained property or otherwise nearing the end of their economic life. 3) Sites that currently have low value improvements such as warehouse sites. 4) Identify sites where redevelopment can achieve community objectives. Community objectives should include publicly accessible open space/plazas, street framing, retention of a commercial component, street and pedestrian network enhancements etc. (see comments above) 5) Sites that are located to minimize impacts on nearby neighborhoods due to grade differences or at- grade separation. The following list includes many of the sites identified in our February 17, 2022, packet and many are newly added sites: 1) Vacant auto dealership site at the North East corner of Los Gatos Blvd. and Los Gatos Almaden Road 2) Low density office buildings on University Avenue near Lark Avenue. ATTACHMENT 7 3) Dental office site at Alpine and Main. This site has a significant grade differential with the adjacent homes. 4) #10 Jackson and 7-11 site on Main Street. Face off the back street (Villa Avenue) with small lot single family with front porch stoops to complement the neighborhood. 5) Main Street frontage sites from Church to High School Court (Including the rec. center site). Have the new development build a brand new rec. center as a ruble benefit. 6) The former Ferrari Dealership and Garden Inn sites, 7) Frontier Communications building next to the Downtown park. Its windowless wall contributes nothing to the adjacent community open space. 8) Post Office site (keep the Post Office in a smaller format). 9) Downtown Parking lots (build residential above and parking below) 10) Wells Fargo, B of A and Chase Banks located downtown. 11) Los Gatos Shopping Center (step down to single family residential on University). 12) DMV site (retain or relocate DMV) 13) North West corner of University and Blossom Hill Road. 14) West side of University from Blossom Hill Road to Lark Avenue NIC existing residential sites. 15) Los Gatos Blvd. Mobile Gas station and Ace Hardware site (retain hardware if possible.) 16) Genuine Automotive site on LGB. 17) Trilogy Fitness and McDonalds site. 18) Moore Buick. 19) North East corner of Los Gatos Almaden Road and LGB (currently vacant.) 20) El Gato Village/Nob Hill. Integrate the market into the new development. 21) West side of LGB from Church to Frank. 22) North East corner of Shannon and LGB (vacant site). 23) Los Gatos Lodge/Best Western sites on Los Gatos/Saratoga Avenue (create a roadway plan-line to connect the high school parking lot with the signal at Los Gatos/Saratoga Avenue and Alberto Way when redevelopment of the Los Gatos Lodge occurs. 24) Alberto Oaks 25) Former Flights restaurant site (currently vacant). 26) Sites backing up to the Los Gatos Creek Trail to provide eyes and ears for trail safety. 27) Any of the numerous church facilities throughout town. Many of the above sites are ideally situated for higher density housing. The sites in many cases are situated at a significantly lower grade than adjacent neighborhoods (Alberto Oaks, Los Gatos Lodge and the Best Western sites, the sites along University Avenue South of Blossom Hill Road) or mostly located away from single family neighborhoods (such as the parking district behind Downtown) and will have limited direct impacts on the adjacent single family residential. Where the sites are proximate to single family they will need to step the building forms down to one or two story. Higher density development on any of the sites should help to buffer noise from Highway 17 such as the Alberto Oaks site. Thanks, Steve Piasecki This Page Intentionally Left Blank February 28, 2022 Policy Recommendations for 6th Cycle Housing Element Dear Planning staff: YIMBY Law submits this letter to share our policy goals and recommendations for the Policies and Programs section of your Housing Element. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Housing Element process. The Policies and Programs section of the city’s Housing Element must respond to data, analysis and findings presented in the Housing Needs section.We repeatedly see findings that housing prices are high, segregation exists, and there is a lack of housing for special populations, but the Policies and Programs don’t respond to these findings or try to change outcomes. The overview of the city’s housing environment should set the scene, and the policies and programs should explain what the city is going to do to fix it. Our policy goals are as follows: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing 1.Prioritize rezoning in high resource, historically exclusionary neighborhoods. Many of the highest resource neighborhoods with the best access to jobs, good schools, and other amenities have histories of exclusion which are still reflected in their zoning. Cities should rezone to allow more housing opportunities in those neighborhoods, particularly those with low Vehicle Miles Traveled, as part of their 1 ATTACHMENT 8 Housing Elements. 2.Establish a strong tenant protection ordinance so that new housing benefits everyone.Development should not permanently displace current residents. Housing replacement programs, temporary housing vouchers, right of return, and demolition controls will create stability for renters while allowing new homes to be built for new households and to accommodate the growth associated with RHNA. In your sites inventory and rezoning programs, you should prioritize development on sites with owner-occupied housing & commercial uses over those with existing rent-controlled apartments or other rental housing with lower income residents. 3.Support homeownership opportunities for historically excluded groups. Homeownership continues to be a path to building financial security and inter-generational wealth, which has been systematically denied to many Americans. As a society, we need to make this right by intentionally offering opportunities to communities who have been excluded. The housing element should identify opportunities to create a variety of for-sale housing types and create programs to facilitate property ownership among excluded groups. Site Capacity 4.Adequately plan for density.Ensure that a site’s density will accommodate the number of homes that are projected to be built. In addition, make sure height limits, setback requirements, FAR, and other controls allow for adequate density and the ability to achieve a site’s realistic capacity. Housing will not be feasible if you have a high density paired with low height limits. This density should be emphasized around jobs and transit and should go beyond the Mullin density in those areas. 5.Provide sufficient zoned capacity to accommodate all income levels, including a minimum No Net Loss buffer of 30%.Not every site will be developed at maximum density during the eight-year planning period. Identify an ample amount of opportunity sites and zone the sites to accommodate lower-income housing types (usually a statutory minimum of 30 dwelling units per acre) to give the city the best chance at meeting its RHNA. 6.Use data from the 5th Cycle to calculate the likelihood of development for your 6th Cycle site inventory.Likelihood of development is a measure of the probability of an inventory site being developed during the planning period. The median likelihood of development across the state is 25%, meaning only one of every four sites will likely be developed during the planning period for the median city. Incorporating the likelihood of development into the zoned capacity will set the city up to successfully achieve their RHNA, making the housing element less of a paper exercise and more of an actionable, functional document. Accessory Dwelling Units 7.Commit to an automatic mid-cycle adjustment if ADU permitting activity is lower than estimated in the housing element.We highly recommend complying with HCD’s standards of using one of its “safe harbor” methodologies to anticipate future ADU production. However, if the city is optimistic about ADU growth, then creating an automatic mid-cycle adjustment will automatically facilitate alternative housing options (i.e., a rezoning program, removing development constraints, ADU incentives, etc.) if the city falls behind the estimated ADU production. 8.Incentivize new ADUs, including those that are rent-restricted for moderate- or lower-income households or that are prioritized for households with housing choice vouchers.Consider offering low- or no-interest loans, forgivable loans, impact fee waivers for ADUs that are 750 square feet or larger, allowances to facilitate two-story and second-story ADU construction, etc. Zoning 9.Allow residential to be built in areas that are zoned for commercial use. There are a myriad of ways to do this, but a housing overlay is one common policy. Additionally, consider eliminating new commercial space in mixed-use developments where there is not a strong demand or there is otherwise a glut of commercial space that is unused or frequently vacant. 10.Allow flexibility in inclusionary zoning.Cities should require different percentages for different AMI levels. Additionally, we urge cities to incentivize land dedication to affordable developers in order for market-rate developers to meet their inclusionary requirements. Avoid getting trapped into thinking that the affordable units must be “sprinkled throughout” the market-rate units, or require the market-rate units to look exactly the same as the affordable ones. This should be balanced against not locating all of the affordable units in one place and ghettoizing neighborhoods by creating or perpetuating racially concentrated areas of poverty. Better Entitlement Process & Reducing Barriers to Development 11.Ensure that the city has a ministerial process for housing permitting, especially multi-family housing, and remove impact fees for deed-restricted housing.A discretionary process for housing development creates uncertainty and adds to the cost of construction. For example, multi-family housing should not require a conditional use permit or city council approval unless the builder is asking for unique and extraordinary concessions. Right-sizing governmental constraints, entitlement processes, and impact fees will help the city successfully meet its RHNA. 12.Reduce parking standards and eliminate parking minimums.Minimum parking requirements are a major constraint on housing, especially for lower cost housing types. They can cost in excess of $30,000 per spot and can raise rents by as much as 17%, and eliminating them is particularly important for smaller & other spatially constrained sites. Consider adopting a parking maximum. 13.Cap fees on all new housing.Most construction costs are outside the City’s control, but reducing impact fees can demonstrate that a city is serious about building new housing. At a minimum, cities should delay the collection of impact fees until the issuance of the certificate of occupancy to reduce financial impacts on new housing and make the units cheaper by not asking the developer to carry impact fee charges or debt throughout the construction phase. 14.Provide local funding.One of the largest barriers to building new affordable homes is the lack of city/county funds available to assemble sites, provide gap funding, and to pay for dedicated staff. Without new funding, especially at the local level, we will not be able to build more affordable homes. There are three new revenue streams that should be considered: 1)Transfer tax, a one-time payment levied by a jurisdiction on the sale of a home, may be utilized to raise much needed revenue to fund affordable homes; 2)Vacancy tax may be collected on vacant land to convince landowners to sell their underutilized properties and be used to fund the construction of affordable homes; 3)Commercial linkage fees should be adopted or revisited for increases on new commercial developments. We urge you to include these policies in your 6th cycle Housing Element. Best regards, Sonja Trauss Executive Director YIMBY Law This Page Intentionally Left Blank