12-16-2021 - Minutes - HEAB 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD REPORT MINUTES OF THE HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 16, 2021 The Housing Element Advisory Board of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on December 16, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., via teleconference. This meeting was conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, in response to the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). Consistent with AB 361 and Town of Los Gatos Resolution 2021-044 this meeting was not physically open to the public and the Advisory Board Members were teleconferencing from remote locations. Members of the public were able to participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom webinar (log in information provided below). MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Melanie Hanssen; Vice Chair Kathryn Janoff; Commissioner Emily Thomas; Board Adam Mayer; Board Member Todd Jarvis; Board Member Joseph Mannina; Board Member Steven Piasecki; Board Member Ryan Rosenberg; Board Member Lee Quintana; Board Member Randi Chen; and Board Member Rob Moore. Absent: Council Member Mary Badame and Council Member Maria Ristow. Staff present: Erin Walters; Jocelyn Shoopman; Jennifer Armer; and Joel Paulson. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – October 21, 2021 MOTION: Motion by Board Member Piasecki to approve adoption of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Board Member Rosenberg. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2021 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Minutes\12-16-2021 - Minutes - HEAB.docx 2. Discuss the Housing Element Process and Milestones Presentation by Erin Walters. Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) member’s comments and questions: - Should the HEAB be using the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) number when considering where housing should be located in Town or are there other numbers that should be considered; - Will the HEAB consider alternatives to the RHNA numbers; - There is no further review by the General Plan Committee of the Draft 2040 General Plan and any changes that may occur will be completed through the Planning Commission and Town Council’s review; - Should the HEAB be focused solely on the Town’s RHNA plus a buffer as deemed appropriate by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); - Can the remaining vacant land in the North Forty Specific Plan be considered by the HEAB during this Housing Element cycle; and - Should the HEAB be considering the 2020 General Plan or 2040 Draft General Plan when making recommendations to the Planning Commission and Town Council. 3. Review and Discuss Portions of the Draft Housing Element Appendices Presentation by Richard James from EMC Planning Group Inc. HEAB member’s comments and questions: - A wide range of housing, not only low-income housing is needed in Town, such as smaller home types like townhomes and duplexes; - Smaller units would attract seniors and those who do not desire large single-family homes; - Smaller homes which offer less bedrooms are needed and could create more affordability; - Senate Bill 9 and accessory dwelling units (ADU) are not going to create enough units to fulfill the Town’s RHNA and many of the required units will be accomplished through the proposed Community Place Districts within the Draft 2040 General Plan; - Can the Town’s Below Market Rate Program (BMP) be applied to large job creators to help meet the Town’s housing goals; - Would it make sense for a local developer to attend a HEAB meeting and provide input; - What are the Town’s existing incentive programs for creating new, affordable units; - Will the remaining units that were not built in the last housing element cycle be added to the current RHNA amount; and - Should the Draft 2040 General Plan consider incentives such as increased floor area ratio or height for mixed-use projects which propose affordable units. PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2021 N:\DEV\HEAB\2021-2023\HEAB Minutes\12-16-2021 - Minutes - HEAB.docx VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Lee Fagot What is the logic and process behind the RHNA allocation being increased by three times the number from the last Housing Element cycle and communicating this information to the community may help to alleviate some of their concerns. Don Capobres Happy to be involved in the process and provide feedback and help from a developer’s perspective to the HEAB. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the December 16, 2021 meeting. /s/Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development