Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 7 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/23/2022 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: February 18, 2022 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations and an Addition to an Existing Presumptive Historic Single-Family Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 40 Hernandez Avenue. APN 510-19-027. PROPERTY OWNER: Stan and Pamela Atwood. APPLICANT: Eric Beckstrom, Beckstrom Architecture. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation to the Director on a request for construction of exterior alterations and an addition to an existing presumptive historic single-family residence (pre-1941) on property zoned R-1:8 located at 40 Hernandez Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 2006 (effective year built 2006) per County Assessor’s Database; 1920s per Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: , historic and some alterations 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? N/A 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The 1991 Bloomfield Survey estimated that the residence at 40 Hernandez Avenue was constructed in the 1920s (Attachment 1). Town records indicate that following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, permits were issued for repairs including repair of the damaged porch, replacement of masonry chimney, and foundation repairs and upgrades (Attachment 2). In PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 40 Hernandez Avenue DATE: February 18, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\02-23-22\Item 02 - 40 Hernandez Avenue\Staff Report.40 Hernandez Avenue.docx 2/15/2022 5:38 PM BACKGROUND (continued): 2005, the Historic Preservation Committee reviewed a request to for an addition to the residence and conversion of an existing lower level into habitable space. The Committee approved the request with conditions and found that the work proposed did not classify as a historic demolition based on the amount of the original walls that were to remain (Attachment 3). A subsequent Architecture and Site application was approved in 2006 for the project carrying a Condition of Approval that the demolition calculations for the front elevation would not result in demolition of more than 25 percent of the original front walls (Attachment 4). The project ultimately resulted in the construction of a new residence behind the preserved portions of the original walls and porch as shown on Sheet A1.1 of Attachment 5. Details of the 2006 project include: • Partial demolition of the residence; • A 1,001 square foot addition to the main level; • Conversion of 2,122 square feet of lower-level area into a habitable basement; • Addition of a 451-square foot porch at the rear of the residence; • A new detached garage; and • A new detached accessory dwelling unit. As a result of the work summarized above, the Santa Clara County Assessor’s estimated construction date for the residence is 2006. The property owner is requesting approval to construct an addition at the right side of the front of the residence. DISCUSSION: The applicant has provided a project description and historic research for the property (Attachment 6). The proposed project includes construction of a 232-square foot addition at the right side of the front of the residence (Attachment 7). The proposed addition would infill an area to the right of the front porch that currently steps back from the front façade of the residence. The proposed addition would extend the façade 17 feet to the right of the porch, similar to the façade on the left side of the front porch. As a result of the addition, the roof ridge at the right-side elevation would be raised to facilitate the forward extension of the roof over the proposed addition. All proposed exterior materials would match existing. The proposed addition would result in demolition of approximately 102 square feet of wall area preserved in the 2006 project (Attachment 5, Sheet D1.2). Based on the 2006 plans and calculations, the project would not impact the remaining front facing historic wall calculation. The project would reduce the overall amount of preserved historic walls from 66 percent in 2006 to 59 percent with this project but would not result in demolition of more than 50 percent of the original walls based on the 2006 baseline. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 40 Hernandez Avenue DATE: February 18, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\02-23-22\Item 02 - 40 Hernandez Avenue\Staff Report.40 Hernandez Avenue.docx 2/15/2022 5:38 PM CONSIDERATIONS: Sec. 29.80.290. - Standards for review. A. Considerations – related to the request for construction of an addition to a pre-1941 single- family residence: X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 3. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations and an addition new to an existing presumptive historic single-family residence (pre-1941). Should the Committee find merit in the request, a recommendation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the project would be completed with a Building Permit. The project would not return to the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1991 Bloomfield Survey 2. 1989 Building Permit Plans 3. Historic Preservation Committee Action Minutes of February 2, 2005 4. Architecture and Site Application S-06- Action Letter, dated August 29, 2005 5. 2006 Building Permit Plans 6. Project Description and Historic Research 7. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank PARCEL MAP INFORMATION dlnne !Bfoom{u.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATO S RESEARCH IP ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14 I Sl 922-1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET S AN FRANCISCO . CA 941 1 S Parcel # ~ 7 --~~--~------~------------Lot size: ______ fron t ft. x ____ ft. deep Lot shape: RectanglerL L Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other ____________________ _ Location: N ~S E W side of St Ave /Other ---------------------------------- distance to cross st: at NE NW SE SW corner of ____________________ __ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP FIELD SU RVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary ratinQg __ ~--Estimated age ____ ~ :::OUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) p~/3 EFFective date ~-'8.7 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Name Date ---Page Old ·tract/block/lot I I Blk Book ~ 1908 i Survey 194 J I ... 5'6 .y,l ~--I' n-(.( /;.-~ MISCELLANEOUS Nat1onal Register listed date ______________ __ County Inventory 1979 ___________ ~~------------ Town of Los Gatos: Designation ____ Recognition __ _ District Name --------------------------------- -~ Alterat1ons: Moved RaisPd Porch encl-- Additi~ Siding_:- Windows~Co ndi tion __ OeSlgner: a~ b d __ s--.... II He:~ Lot Owner Size Name --- l I ,<~A I PHOTOS: Roll/frame # ~kc Date rf'~:, 2 ~ -'1-'11 Co{r-_ 0;;-'f/ ~ ATTACHMENT 1 dlnrn:. !Bfoom(uld ARCHITBC~c_QLTURAL STJRVBY NAME DSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 51 922 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 •~ (~r•~. ~dWbg, ~~int~n. ~c)---~----------------------------- 1dre•••• aaaociated with ~me~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~-~~-e-~---------------------------- .-levant dateas conatr~ction. ___ • birth~---· death~--· other __________ _ I . DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Directoriee, county Dli'ectoriee, TelephoM Booke, aociety directoriea, etc .) Year Book N&~~.e/Claaaified NaatHn" L:"Litinc:r (coov antd.PA ••a .. tolv aa ahown· uae • for boldfaeel ?() ~.JD cf/errza...,.d e z. 4v ~L"£,A ~r JCI?: Air s_ f?vftv f? ~ /.. lfo /t ~ -f. t;; I' ib'i-'f3 ( I.G q~d f.h'? [L}1_, I'd/.;_ 'JJ IIIA 0 (;fA~tt,..,·~r.-~~ _.., ~ ~0 ~ ~ ,.. !)<'•,) .;-. t"" ,A;(~r"' <) (' j.,.,.,.r_ z ... ~::J ..... ... ~ ...,. I '(jfj?;~ ~f'D ~ dv~, f:k.~~tu.-E ~ rttl a.r-; t'! 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Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) index) d h f Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) JVLI/7 San Jose Historic al Nu se um: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Extended index to Bruntz Blo index of Munroe Fraz er, 188 1 Photo c o llec tion (2 boxes ) Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): Death records by year Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: ___ Indexes, Californi a Historical 0uarterl y State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") Funera l records (index card s to big books) Photo collection III . LIST ALL REP!RENC!S PROM ABOVE . Find them. Copy qood material • attach . Or copy below if only a few worda. Or explain why not relevant (aa, wronq ~raon). L:7 Continued on Reverse This Page Intentionally Left Blank I - ,, i i, I • I ,1PO#-W i �ll'Alli,"- : Wl,f,t' r, Ill al,ff/1(-��.&>: ' -t,1 S/PB(lfl!Pt" ,r 15 r,W!6 ,. 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Michael Kane Tom O’Donnell and Len Pacheco Staff Present:Sandy Baily, Associate Planner Vu Nguyen, Assistant Planner ITEM 1:WELCOME NEW REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Pacheco introduced the new Planning Commission representative. ITEM 2:419 SAN BENITO AVENUE AKA 18 MONTGOMERY STREET The Committee considered a request to remove these structures from the Historic Resources Inventory. Pacheco moved to remove the structures from the Town Historic Resources Inventory based on the following findings: 1. The buildings are not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4.Does not yield information important to the Town’s history. O’Donnell seconded, motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were cited. ITEM 3:216 ALMENDRA AVENUE The Committee considered a request to install a dormer window on a residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. Cowan moved to approve the request with the following conditions: 1. The window and dormer shall be centered over the garage. 2.The final plans shall incorporate the gutter and down spouts. 3. The window shall be wood. No snap in grids or grids inside the window is permitted. Simulated true divided lites are acceptable (ie: one glass pack with grids applied by manufacturer to inside, outside and between glass), to read as a true divided lite window. Vinyl clad windows are not permitted. 4. All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detail shall match existing. ATTACHMENT 3 Kane seconded, motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were cited. Staff informed the applicant that the approval was contingent upon approval of an application for a second story addition. Burch arrived. ITEM 4:99 FOSTER ROAD The Committee considered a request to demolish a pre-1941 single family residence. Kane moved to recommend approval of the demolition to the Development Review Committee based on the following findings to support that the house has no historic significance: 1.The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2.The site has been in the family for over 100 years and no significant persons are associated with the site. 3.There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4.Do es no t yi el d i nf or ma ti on im po rt an t t o t he To wn ’s hi st or y. 5.The house has significantly deteriorated and appears to be in a hazardous condition. Bu rc h s ec on de d, mo ti on pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. ITEM 5.105 UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Committee considered a request to construct a first and second story addition which will result in a technical demolition and new house and approval to construct an accessory structure with reduced setbacks and that exceeds the allowed lot coverage on a nonconforming lot. The Committee stated that they could support the request for a demolition. The Committee expressed the following concerns for the proposed house: 1.Overall mass, and the mass of the gable ends. 2.Window scale and shapes are inconsistent. 3.The front setback should match the rhythm of the other residences on the street. Pa ch ec o m ov ed to co nt in ue th e m at te r. Co wa n s ec on de d, mo ti on pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. Pacheco stated for the record that he lives within 500 feet of the next application and he recused hims elf fro m the m eetin g. ITEM 6.40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE The Committee considered a request to convert an existing lower level as habitable space and to add onto the upper level to a pre-1941 single family residence. Kane moved to find that the work proposed did not classify as a demolition based on the footprint of the historical portion of the house, pursuant to Town Code and recommended approval of the request with the following conditions: 1.Siding material shall be real wood, not a composite, laminated or fabricated wood product. 2.All windows and doors shall be wood. No snap in grids or grids inside the windows are permitted. Simulated true divided lites are acceptable (ie: one glass pack with grids applied by manufacturer to inside, outside and between glass), to read as a true divided lite window. Vinyl clad windows are not permitted. 3.All window trim, window finish detail, corner boards, soffits, eaves, millwork and any other detail shall match existing Co wa n s ec on de d, mo ti on pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. Pache co retu rned t o meet ing. ITEM 7.OTHER BUSINESS a.367 Los Gatos Blvd - The Committee considered a preliminary request for a residential development at this site. The Committee identified the following issues to assist the applicant. •The rhythm of the street is important. •The proposed corner lot should be more prominent with house style and setback to bring back the character of grand homes on the Blvd. •Garages should be at the rear. •Houses need to be sympathetic with the main historic house and the neighborhood. •Landscaping should not block the view of the house to be maintained. b.Chair and Vice-Chair appointments - Cowan moved to nominate Pacheco as Chair an d B ur ch as Vi ce -C ha ir . K an e s ec on de d, mo ti on pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. c.Pre-1941 Design Guidelines - Baily informed the Committee on the status. d.CLG Workshop - The workshop was briefly discussed. e.Future workshop - Baily stated that the State is interested in having a workshop in Los Gatos, and will consider a segment on alternative building materials. f.Standard conditions - Discussed possible additions to the conditions and formatting at meeti ng. ITEM 6:STATUS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS Baily informed the Committee on the status of previous applications. ITEM 7:APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of Ja nu ar y 5, 20 05 we re pa ss ed un an im ou sl y. ITEM 8:ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of March 2, 2005. Pr ep ar ed by:Ap pr ov ed by: __________________________________________________ Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner Len Pacheco, Chair N:\DEV\HPCminutes\2005\2-2-05.wpd ATTACHMENT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 1 Beckstrom Architecture + Interiors PO Box 1317, Los Gatos, CA 94030 650 847-8351 E: Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com February 6, 2022 TO: Los Gatos Planning/Building Dept Project: 40 Hernandez Ave, Los Gatos, 95030 APN: 510-19-027; Zoning: R:1-8 House Structure/Design Description: In 1912 a Hawaiian Plantation/Craftsman house was constructed was built as a summer house for a family from San Francisco. In 2005 the house was completely demolished, including the foundation and the only element preserved was the upper Entry Porch wall. The house sits on 1.8 acres in an estate setting. The front of the house sits 84’ back from the sidewalk/property line, 40’ from the left property line and 84’ from the right property line and approx. 230’ from the back property line. In 2005 a new house was constructed in roughly the same footprint although not exactly as seen in the 1928 Sanborn Map. The original porch wrapped around to the left which is no longer is the case and the massing was different. The entire house is completely new from the foundation up. The new house is not a traditional or historic design in terms of fenestration or even massing. It appears the that new house has nothing in common with the 1912 house as is evident from the elevations and massing. The front porch base itself is not original. The new house has modern cottage style, casement windows circa 2005. In essence the house is completely new and does not ‘pretend’ to be original on the exterior or interior. The interior design is totally disconnected from the Hawaiian Plantation/Craftsman style exterior. The interior is a 2000’s California rendition of a ‘new age’ Tuscan/French design, with proliferation of arches, niches, etc. The window proportions, manufacture and placement is pure 2005 modern residential design. House Addition/Remodel Description: Construct a 232 sf addition on the right, front side which will make the front elevation seem symmetrical. This has no impact on the upper front porch wall. Use 2 new cottage casement windows to match the 2005 windows. Remodel interior of Master Suite, and Bath 2, ‘refresh’ the front elevation and replace all windows and install scale appropriate windows, in the backyard (not viewed from any street) raise roof spring line in second floor Main Bedroom. There is no historic impact as the entire house behind the one Entry Porch wall is from 2005. The house is located far back from the ‘street wall’ fabric of other nearby houses and is also heavily screened by vegetation. Architect’s Professional and Historical Background- see A9.0 for images 1.Prior Historic projects a.Winchester, England village, circa 1250; assisted David Trussler, Architect, in renovation plans and drawings for St. John’s Historic Church,. Rebuilding the tower and other renovations to the National Trust standards. b.London, England, 4 Millbank, Westminster, 1914; Omrania UK Architects, complete renovations (near the Houses of Parliament) In 1914-16 architects John W. Simpson and Maxwell Ayrton designed and built 4 Millbank, a six-story Neoclassical office building for the Offices of the Crown Agents for the Colonies. This structure has since been converted into multi-let office building with a central, glass-roofed atrium. c.Louvre Renovations (Pyramid, etc.), I.M. Pei and Partners d.San Francisco, 1772 Vallejo Street, 1875; registered historic landmark. Renovation and Addition. Gast and Associates Architects. Obtained approval from the SF Historical Board for 4 story, French Second Empire conversion from offices back to a single family home with addition. i.A city landmark, 1772 Vallejo Street includes a wine cellar, media room, garden cottage and exercise room. Here is one of two parlors, which features a fireplace and chandelier. https://www.sfgate.com/business/article/1772-Vallejo-St-San-Francisco-3281594.php e.Santa Clara, CA, 1925; 393 Jefferson St. (next to 373 Jefferson, 1840’s Berryessa Adobe-the oldest house in Santa Clara) restoration/reconstruction, f.Palo Alto, 1936; 2150 Cowper, historic house renovations/addition permitting g.Rockport Maine, 1841; Maine Ship’s captain house renovations/additions h.Camden, Maine, 1903; 35 Neillehaven Drive, Maine Ship’s captain house renovations/additions i.Flyingge, Sweden, 1890; Swedish Farmhouse renovations/addition j.Historical Researcher-A pictorial history of the Thames River, London, 1986/87 k.Historical Researcher-Pictorial and map history-Beijing & China, Chaoyang Urban History Museum, Beijing, 2012 ATTACHMENT 6 PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 2 Urban History Overview In 1840 Mexico made a 6,331 acre land grant called ‘Rancho Rinconda De Los Gatos’ see the map on the left with Los Gatos creek in the middle. The subject site would be located to the left of the creek. 1873 Geo Map, Los Gatos Creek is in the middle PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 3 1876 Santa Clara County Map PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 4 1876 Santa Clara County Map & details 1876 Santa Clara County Map & details PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 5 1876 Santa Clara County Map & details – Downtown Los Gatos Los Gatos was incorporated in 1887. Below is a map of 1890. The subject site is 2/3 down to the left of the vertical black line and to the left of Los Gatos creek. PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 6 1891 topo map 1910 photo above Los Gatos PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 7 1954 map PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 8 Current Google Earth view above from the South Current Google Earth view above from the East PRE22-00028: History 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos Page 9 EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION FROM JUST ABOVE THE TREES (THE TREES BLOCK THE STREET VIEW)- PROPOSED ADDITION ON THE RIGHT NEW FRONT ELEVATION FROM JUST ABOVE THE TREES (THE TREES BLOCK THE STREET VIEW)- ADDITION ON THE RIGHT Request The proposal is to build a 232 sf addition on the first floor with 2 windows to match the existing 2005 house windows. All surfaces will match the 2005 house, walls shingles, roof shingles, trim, rafter tails, etc. The addition will look like it was always there since the 2005 construction. Sincerely, Eric A. Beckstrom Architect TITLE SCALE SK.10 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln ATWOOD REMODELING Remodel 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 A R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R S BECKSTROM P: 650.847.8351 E: Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com; W:BeckstromArchitecture.com PO BOX 1317, Los Gatos, CA 95030 THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORY 1 40 HERNANDEZ AVE. SARATOGA SANTA CRUZ AVE RT 9 1931 AERIAL PHOTO TITLE SCALE SK.11 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln ATWOOD REMODELING Remodel 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 A R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R S BECKSTROM P: 650.847.8351 E: Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com; W:BeckstromArchitecture.com PO BOX 1317, Los Gatos, CA 95030 THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORY 2 SANTA CRUZ AVE RT 9 40 HERNANDEZ AVE. 1953 GEO MAP TITLE SCALE SK.12 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln ATWOOD REMODELING Remodel 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 A R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R S BECKSTROM P: 650.847.8351 E: Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com; W:BeckstromArchitecture.com PO BOX 1317, Los Gatos, CA 95030 THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORY 5-1904,1908 SANBORN MAP 40 HERNANDEZ AVE.40 HERNANDEZ AVE. 1904 SANBORN MAP 1908 SANBORN MAP TITLE SCALE SK.13 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln ATWOOD REMODELING Remodel 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 A R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R S BECKSTROM P: 650.847.8351 E: Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com; W:BeckstromArchitecture.com PO BOX 1317, Los Gatos, CA 95030 THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORY 3-1928 SANBORN MAP 40 HERNANDEZ AVE. 1928 SANBORN MAP PLEASE NOTE: THE PORCH WRAPS AROUND THE LEFT WHICH IS NOT ON THE CURRENT HOUSE AND THE SHAPE IS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT HAS BEEN BUILT. ONLY THE UPPER WALL OF THE FRONT PORCH APPEARS ORIGINAL TITLE SCALE SK.14 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln ATWOOD REMODELING Remodel 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 A R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R S BECKSTROM P: 650.847.8351 E: Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com; W:BeckstromArchitecture.com PO BOX 1317, Los Gatos, CA 95030 THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORY 4-1944 SANBORN MAP 40 HERNANDEZ AVE. 1944 SANBORN MAP PLEASE NOTE: THE PORCH WRAPS AROUND THE LEFT WHICH IS NOT ON THE CURRENT HOUSE AND THE SHAPE IS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT HAS BEEN BUILT. ONLY THE UPPER WALL OF THE FRONT PORCH APPEARS ORIGINAL DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A0.0 1:2.29, 1:2.27, 1:1.85, 1:1.70, 1' = 1'-0" COVER SHEET REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION Town of Los Gatos This map is based on GIS Information and reflects the most current information at the time of this printing. The map is intended for reference purposes only and the Town and its staff is not responsible for errors.2,289 Los Gatos IT, GIS Services 381.4 1:NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_III_FIPS_0403_Feet 190.71 Feet381.40 Town of Los Gatos This map is based on GIS Information and reflects the most current information at the time of this printing. The map is intended for reference purposes only and the Town and its staff is not responsible for errors.1,144 Los Gatos IT, GIS Services 190.7 1:NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_III_FIPS_0403_Feet 95.36 Feet190.70 LOT CALCULATIONS LOT AREA 78,408 SF COVERAGE CALCULATIONS BULDING COVERAGE ALLOWED 40% ALLOWED COVERAGE 31,363.20 SF IMPERVIOUS EXISTING COVERAGE HOUSE 4,429.00 SF ENTRY PORCH 658.00 SF REAR PORCH 403.00 SF GARAGE 689.00 SF POOLHOUSE 730.00 SF DRIVEWAY/WALK 7,200.00 SF POOL AND DECK 3,000.00 SF EXISTING COVERAGE TOTAL 17,109.00 SF IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED COVERAGE HOUSE 4,429.00 SF HOUSE ADDITION 232.25 SF ENTRY PORCH 658.00 SF REAR PORCH 403.00 SF GARAGE 689.00 SF POOLHOUSE 730.00 SF DRIVEWAY/WALK 7,200.00 SF POOL AND DECK 3,000.00 SF TOTAL PROPOSED COVERAGE 17,341.25 SF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE AMOUNT UNDER ALLOWED 14,021.95 SF IMPERVIOUS FLOOR AREAS (CONDITIONED) FIRST FLOOR 4,249.00 SF FIRST FLOOR ADDITION 232.00 SF BASEMENT (CONDITIONED)2,189.00 SF HOUSE TOTAL 6,670.00 SF FLOOR AREAS (ABOVE 4'/GRADE) FIRST FLOOR 4,249.00 SF FIRST FLOOR ADDITION 232.00 SF BASEMENT (+4' ABOVE GRADE)1,411.00 SF HOUSE TOTAL 5,892.00 SF HOUSE ALLOWED 6,000.00 SF AMOUNT UNDER 108.00 SF N N 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE 40 HERNANDEZ AVENUE ADDITION ADDITION SC FIRE DEPT NOTES CLIENT/OWNER: Stan and Pamela Atwood 40 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 ARCHITECT: Beckstrom Architecture + Interiors PO Box 1317, Los Gatos, CA 95030 650 847-835; eric@beckstromarchitecture.com STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Efe Sozkesen MS. PE., 4x Engineering, Inc. 4340 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite # 240 San Jose, CA 95129; 408 642-5464 contact@4xengineering.com CONTRACTOR: TBD TITLE 24/ Title 24 Data Corp GREENPOINT RATER: Monika Taylor CEA R13-14-10017 633 Monterey Trail, POB 2199, Frazier Park, CA 93225-2199 800-237-8824; title24@frazmtn.com ABBREVIATIONS LOS GATOS ELEC. HOUSE NOTE ELEVATION HEIGHTS SLOPE (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) SECTION A-XX Sheet # Detail # X'-X" X X A-XX A-XX X'-X" WINDOW# #DOOR DETAIL INTERIOR ELEVATIONS Sheet # Sect. # X X X X X EXTERIOR ELEVATIONX A-XX Sheet # Sect. # ARCH. ARCHITECTURAL BTWN. BETWEEN BLDG. BUILDING BLK. BLOCK BM. BEAM CSMT. CASEMENT CLR. CLEAR CL'G. CEILING C.J.CEILING JOIST COL.COLUMN CONC.CONCRETE CONT.CONTINUOUS DRY.DRYER DIA.DIAMETER DIM.DIMENSION(S) D.W.DISHWASHER DWGS.DRAWINGS ELEV.ELEVATION EQ.EQUAL (E)EXISTING EXT. EXTERIOR F.A.U. FORCED AIR UNIT FIN. FINISH, FINISHED FLR. FLOOR F.J. FLOOR JOIST FTG. FOOTING FRZ. FREEZER GA. GAUGE GALV. GALVANIZED G.D.GARBAGE DISPOSAL GRD.GRADE GYP. BD. GYPSUM BOARD HDR. HEADER HGT. HEIGHT INT. INTERIOR MAX. MAXIMUM MIN. MINIMUM MECH. MECHANICAL MFGR. MANUFACTURER MICRO. MICROWAVE MTL. METAL NAT. NATURAL (N)NEW NO. NUMBER O.C.ON CENTER PLYWD. PLYWOOD RIS. RISERS R.O. ROUGH OPENING R.R. ROOF RAFTERS REV. REVISION REFR. REFRIDGERATOR REQD. REQUIRED SHT. SHEET SL. SLIDER SIM. SIMILAR STL. STEEL STRUCT. STRUCTURAL TEMP. TEMPE RED TR. TREADS T&G. TOUNGE & GROOVE T.O. TOP OF TYP. TYPICAL U.N.O UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE V.I.F.VERIFY IN FIELD WASH.WASHER W.H.WATER HEATER WD.WOOD PROJECT DATA & DESCRIPTION CONTENTS CONTACTS ARCHITECTURAL A0.0 COVER SHEET A0.1 BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY A0.2 CALGREEN MANDATORY MEASURES LOS GATOS GIS TAX MAP ASSESSOR MAP APPLICABLE CODES PROJECT DESCRIPTION EXISTING 2005, 2-STORY RESIDENCE WAS BUILT INCORPORATING THE HISTORIC FRONT PORCH WALL ONLY. THE ENTIRE HOUSE IS NEW EXCEPT FOR THE CENTRAL FRONT FACADE AT THE PORCH. SCOPE: CONSTRUCT NEW 1-STORY ADDITION TO RESTORE THE SYMMETRY OF THE FRONT FACADE RENOVATE FINISHES AND FIXTURES IN MASTER BATH AND BATH 2 EXISTING LOT IS FLAT IN FRONT WHICH THEN SLOPES ALONG BOTH SIDES WITH A BASMENT WHICH OPENS ON THE BACK LANDSCAPING & GRADE TO REMAINS AS IS Assessor's Parcel Number(APN): 510-19-027 ZONING: R:1-8 LOT SIZE: 78,408 SF, 1.80 Acre CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE V-B OCCUPANCY GROUP: R3 - 2-STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING & ATTACHED GROUP U PRIVATE GARAGE ; VICINITY MAP NOTES FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REQUIRED (EXISTING HOUSE IS SPRINKLERED- NEW ADDITION TO BE SPRINKLERED R313.2 One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1.In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than three thousand six hundred (3,600) square feet. Fire Sprinkler Systems: Where automatic fire sprinkler systems are required to be installed in new buildings, the system shall be placed in service as soon possible. Immediately upon the completion of sprinkler pipe installation on each floor level, the piping shall be hydrostatically tested and inspected. After inspection approval from the Fire department, each floor level of sprinkler piping shall be connected to the system supply riser and placed into service with all sprinkler heads uncovered. Protective caps may be installed on the active sprinklers during the installation of drywall, texturing and painting, but shall be removed immediately after this work is completed. For system activation notification, an exterior alarm bell can be installed and connected to the sprinkler waterflow device prior to installation of the monitoring system. Water Supply Requirements Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and / or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2016 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7 CONSTRUCTION FIRE SAFETY Section A33-47 of the Santa Clara County Code and Section 101 of the California Fire Code give the County Fire Marshal the authority to make and enforce such rules and regulations for the prevention and control of fire and fire hazards as may be necessary to carry out the intent of the Code. Copies of Santa Clara County Fire Marshal Standards and the County Fire Code Amendments can be found on this website. [REF: SCC §A33-47 & CFC §101.4] Construction to comply with Chapter 33 Std Detail and Specification S1-7. The Fire Marshal's Office also has the responsibility for enforcing Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations, and portions of the California Building Code, as adopted by the County of Santa Clara. A copy of the County Fire Code is kept at the County Clerk of the Board's Office. PREMISES/ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION The address numbers of the property or project location shall be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property at the fire apparatus access point or as otherwise approved per code: These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewedfrom the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1 ADDITIONAL NOTE: Fire Sprinklers Required: An automaƟc residenƟal fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and twofamily dwellings and in exisƟng one- and two-family dwellings when addiƟons are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 SF whether by increasing the area of the primary residence or by creaƟon of an aƩached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basements and in exisƟng basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all aƩached ADUs, addiƟons or alteraƟons to an exisƟng one- and two-family dwelling that have an exisƟng fire sprinkler system. ExcepƟons: 1) One or more addiƟons made to a building aŌer January 1, 2011 that does not total more than 1 ,000 square feet of building area and meets all access and water supply requirements of Chapter 5 and Appendix B and C of the 2019 California Fire Code. PROJECT AREA CALCULATIONS 2019 California Building Code - CCR Title 24 Part 2 2019 California Residential Code - CCR Title 24 Part 2.5 2019 California Electrical Code - CCR Title 24 Part 3 2019 California Mechanical Code - CCR Title 24 Part 4 2019 California Plumbing Code - CCR Title 24 Part 5 2019 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards – CCR Title 24 Part 6 2019 California Historical Building Code - CCR Title 24 Part 8 2019 California Existing Building Code - CCR Title 24 Part 10 2019 California Green Building Standards Code - CCR Title 24 Part 11 2019 International Existing Building Code, Appendix Chapters A2 and A5 LEGEND One of the requirements of the Town’s newly adopted Energy Reach Code require that all new homes use electricity as the only source of energy for space heaƟng, water heaƟng (including pools and spas), cooking appliances, clothes drying appliances, and other features for both interior and exterior applicaƟons. Please remove all reference to gas appliances and add a note to the cover sheet of the plans staƟng the following, “This residence will comply with the Town’s all electric appliance, electric vehicle and energy storage system requirements in accordance with Town Code SecƟon 6.70.020 and 6.120.020.” NOTE: THESE ARE THE CURRENT APPLICABLE CODES, ANY OTHER NOTE IN THE SET WHICH REFERENCES AN EARLIER DATE IS SUPERCEDED BY THESE CODES BELOW Atwood Residence 1.Pursuant to Town Code, all permanent exterior light fixtures should utilize shields so that no bulb is visible and to ensure that light is directed to the ground surface and does not spill light onto neighboring parcels or produce glare when seen from nearby homes PLANNING NOTES TREE PROTECTION Sec. 29.10.1005. - Protection of trees during construction. (a)Protective tree fencing shall specify the following: (1)Size and materials. Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base. (2)Area type to be fenced. Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. (3)Duration of Type I, II, III fencing. Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence. (4)Warning sign. Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025." (b)All persons, shall comply with the following precautions: (1)Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. (2)Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. (3)Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. (4)Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. (5)Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. (6)Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. (7)The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered. 1.All adhesives, sealants, caulks, paints, coatings, and aerosol paint containers must remain on the site for field verification by the Building Inspector. CGBSC Section 4.504.2.4 2.“Prior to final inspection, a letter signed by the general contractor OR the owner/builder (for any owner/builder projects) must be provided to the Town of Los Gatos Building Official certifying that all adhesives, sealants, caulks, paints, coatings, aerosol paints, aerosol coatings, carpet systems (including carpeting, cushion and adhesive), resilient flooring systems, and composite wood products installed on this project are within the emission limits specified in CGBSC Section 4.504.” 3.Gas fireplaces installed in the Town of Los Gatos shall have no wood burning components 4.Verification of replacement of all existing to remain non-compliant plumbing fixtures with water-conserving plumbing fixtures as specified in Civil Code Section 1101.1-1101.8, shall be provided to the Town Building Inspector, prior to final inspection. This requirement applies to all existing to remain plumbing fixtures located within the structure under the scope of this permit.” VIEW FROM ABOVE VIEW FROM HERNANDZ AVE. - NOTE: THE HOME IS NEARLY COMPLETELY BLOCKED BY TREES/SHRUBS VIEW FROM FRONT YARD Town of Los Gatos • Community Development • Building Division • 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95031 408.354.6876 • www.losgatosca.gov • www.facebook.com/losgatosca TOWN OF LOS GATOS NEW ENERGY REACH CODES Local governments are authorized to adopt local modifications to the state energy standards contained in the California Code of Regulations Title 24 Part 6 also known as the California Energy Code and Part 11 also known as the California Green Building Standards Code. Such local changes are referred to as “energy reach codes.” To adopt an energy reach code, a local government must find that its proposed changes are cost-effective, and the California Energy Commission (CEC) must find that the changes would result in buildings designed to use no more energy than permitted by the California Energy Code. An energy reach code may be implemented by the local government only after the CEC has approved it. In December 2019, the Los Gatos Town Council approved a reach code ordinance for new single-family residential homes, accessory dwelling units, and low-rise multifamily buildings. This ordinance was then approved by the CEC in February 2020 and became effective on all applicable Building Permit applications submitted February 21, 2020 and later. The Los Gatos reach code addresses three main areas as outlined below. 1. All new single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings, and ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Unit) shall use electricity as the source of energy for its space heating, water heating (including pools and spas), cooking appliances, clothes drying appliances, and other features for both interior and exterior applications. 2. All single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings, and ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Unit) shall be prewired for the installation of battery storage. The prewiring shall be in accordance with California Building, Residential, and Electrical Codes and be adequately sized by a licensed professional to accommodate the back-up loads installed in the critical load panel with a minimum of 5 kwh. 3. All single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings with private garages, and ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Unit), shall provide two wired National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) outlets, each supplied by a separate 40-ampere minimum dedicated branch circuit, and shall be installed specifically for supplying electrical power to an Electric Vehicle Charger. One outlet shall be installed inside the garage and the other outlet shall be installed outside the garage. It is important to note that these provisions apply to NEW construction only and will not affect additions or remodels. A1.0 A1.1 A1.2 SITE PLAN SITE PLAN-LARGE LG BASEMENT INFO A8.0 A9.0 INTERIOR DETAILS WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULES & PROJECT HISTORY INFO A2.0E A2.1E A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A3.0E A3.1E A3.2 A3.3 A3.4 A4.0 BASEMENT PLAN-EXISTING FIRST FLOOR-EXISTING BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN MAIN FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN EXISTING ELEVATIONS EXISTING ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS STREET ELEVATIONS AND PICS BUILDING SECTIONS ADDITION ONLY THE TRIANGLE ABOVE IS ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT 7 DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A0.1 1:1.20 BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION Materials storage & spill cleanup Non-hazardous materials management 4 Sand, dirt, and similar materials must be stored at least 10 feet from catch basins, and covered with a tarp during wet weather or when rain is forecast. 4 Use (but don’t overuse) reclaimed water for dust control as needed. 4 Sweep streets and other paved areas daily. Do not wash down streets or work areas with water! 4 Recycle all asphalt, concrete, and aggregate base material from demolition activities. 4 Check dumpsters regularly for leaks and to make sure they don’t overflow. Repair or replace leaking dumpsters promptly. Hazardous materials management 4 Label all hazardous materials and hazardous wastes (such as pesticides, paints, thinners, solvents, fuel, oil, and antifreeze) in accordance with city, state, and federal regulations. 4 Store hazardous materials and wastes in secondary containment and cover them during wet weather. 4 Follow manufacturer’s application instructions for hazardous materials and be careful not to use more than necessary. Do not apply chemicals outdoors when rain is forecast within 24 hours. 4 Be sure to arrange for appropriate disposal of all hazardous wastes. Spill prevention and control 4 Keep a stockpile of spill cleanup materials (rags, absorbents, etc. ) available at the construction site at all times. 4 When spills or leaks occur, contain them immediately and be particularly care- ful to prevent leaks and spills from reaching the gutter, street, or storm drain. Never wash spilled material into a gutter, street, storm drain, or creek! 4 Report any hazardous materials spills immediately! Dial 911 or your local emer- gency response number. Vehicle and equipment maintenance & cleaning 4 Inspect vehicles and equipment for leaks frequently. Use drip pans to catch leaks until repairs are made; repair leaks promptly. 4 Fuel and maintain vehicles on site only in a bermed area or over a drip pan that is big enough to prevent runoff. 4 If you must clean vehicles or equipment on site, clean with water only in a bermed area that will not allow rinsewater to run into gutters, streets, storm drains, or creeks. 4 Do not clean vehicles or equipment on-site using soaps, solvents, degreasers, steam cleaning equipment, etc. Dewatering operations 4 Reuse water for dust control, irrigation, or another on-site purpose to the greatest extent possible. 4 Be sure to call your city’s storm drain inspector before discharging water to a street, gutter, or storm drain. Filtration or diversion through a basin, tank, or sediment trap may be required. 4 In areas of known contamination, testing is required prior to reuse or discharge of groundwater. Consult with the city inspector to determine what testing to do and to interpret results. Contaminated groundwater must be treated or hauled off-site for proper disposal. Concrete, grout, and mortar storage & waste disposal 4 Be sure to store concrete, grout, and mortar under cover and away from drainage areas. These materials must never reach a storm drain. 4 Wash out concrete equipment/trucks off-site or designate an on-site area for washing where water will flow onto dirt or into a temporary pit in a dirt area. Let the water seep into the soil and dispose of hardened concrete with trash. Make sure your crews and subs do the job right! Storm drain polluters may be liable for fines of up to $10,000 per day! Runoff from streets and other paved areas is a major source of pollution in San Francisco Bay. Construction activities can directly affect the health of the Bay unless contractors and crews plan ahead to keep dirt, debris, and other construction waste away from storm drains and local creeks. Following these guidelines will ensure your compliance with local ordinance requirements. 4 Divert water from washing exposed aggregate concrete to a dirt area where it will not run into a gutter, street, or storm drain. 4 If a suitable dirt area is not available, collect the wash water and remove it for appropriate disposal off site. Earthwork & contaminated soils 4 Keep excavated soil on the site where it is least likely to collect in the street. Transfer to dump trucks should take place on the site, not in the street. 4 Use hay bales, silt fences, or other control measures to minimize the flow of silt off the site. Paving/asphalt work Saw cutting 4 Always completely cover or barricade storm drain inlets when saw cutting. Use filter fabric, hay bales, sand bags, or fine gravel dams to keep slurry out of the storm drain system. 4 Shovel, absorb, or vacuum saw-cut slurry and pick up all waste as soon as you are finished in one location or at the end of each work day (whichever is sooner!). 4 If saw cut slurry enters a catch basin, clean it up immediately. 4 Do not pave during wet weather or when rain is forecast. 4 Always cover storm drain inlets and man- holes when paving or applying seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal. 4 Place drip pans or absorbent material un- der paving equipment when not in use. 4 Protect gutters, ditches, and drainage courses with hay bales, sand bags, or earthen berms. 4 Do not sweep or wash down excess sand from sand sealing into gutters, storm drains, or creeks. Collect sand and return it to the stockpile, or dispose of it as trash. 4 Do not use water to wash down fresh asphalt concrete pavement. Painting 4 Never rinse paint brushes or materials in a gutter or street! 4 Paint out excess water-based paint before rinsing brushes, rollers, or containers in a sink. If you can’t use a sink, direct wash water to a dirt area and spade it in. 4 Paint out excess oil-based paint before cleaning brushes in thinner. 4 Filter paint thinners and solvents for reuse whenever possible. Dispose of oil-based paint sludge and unusable thinner as hazardous waste. 4 Avoid scheduling earth moving activities during the rainy season if possible. If grading activities during wet weather are allowed in your permit, be sure to implement all control measures necessary to prevent erosion. 4 Mature vegetation is the best form of erosion control. Minimize disturbance to existing vegetation whenever possible. 4 If you disturb a slope during construction, prevent erosion by securing the soil with erosion control fabric, or seed with fast- growing grasses as soon as possible. Place hay bales down-slope until soil is secure. 4 If you suspect contamination (from site history, discoloration, odor, texture, abandoned underground tanks or pipes, or buried debris), call your local fire department for help in determining what testing should be done. 4 Manage disposal of contaminated soil according to Fire Department instructions. Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA) 1-888-BAYWISE Pollution Prevention —It’s Part of the Plan DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A1.0 1" = 20', 1:3.90, 1:2.83, 1' = 1'-0" SITE PLAN REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 232.25 sq ft 657.50 sq ft 402.50 sq ft 102101 6-0x8-0 200'-0"325'-0"400'-0"213'-7 1/ 4 "84'-3/4"71'-8" EQUAL EQUAL 17'-0"13'-9 1/2"40'-3/4" 25' FRONT SETBACK 8' SIDE SETBACK 20' REAR SETBACK 8' SIDE SETBACK DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE OF FRONT GABLE, RIGHT ADDITION MAKES FACADE SYMMETRICAL THIS ROOM WAS NOT BUILT DURING 2005 REMODEL/REBUILD BECAUSE A REDWOOD TREE WAS HERE, THE TREE HAS SINCE DIED AND BEEN REMOVED PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 6' H. WOOD FENCE AT SIDES AND BACK, TYP. 6' H. WOOD FENCE AT SIDES AND BACK, TYP. 6' H. WOOD FENCE AT SIDES AND BACK, TYP. LAWN TREE PROTECTION FENCING, TYP. FIBER ROLLS, TYP. DS ONTO SPLASHBLOCK ONTO (E) VEGETATED GROUND, TYP. 404650 30 26123456789101112131415123456712345678REF/FRZ GARAGE NEIGHBOR NEIGHBOR NEIGHBOR NEIGHBOR GARAGE NEIGHBOR GARAGE POOLHOUSE HOUSE 4,429 sq ft ADDITION 730 sq ft 689 sq ft ENTRY PORCH REAR PORCH SPLASH BLOCK D 233 4" 11" 3"13 4" LOT CALCULATIONS LOT AREA 78,408 SF COVERAGE CALCULATIONS BULDING COVERAGE ALLOWED 40% ALLOWED COVERAGE 31,363.20 SF IMPERVIOUS EXISTING COVERAGE HOUSE 4,429.00 SF ENTRY PORCH 658.00 SF REAR PORCH 403.00 SF GARAGE 689.00 SF POOLHOUSE 730.00 SF DRIVEWAY/WALK 7,200.00 SF POOL AND DECK 3,000.00 SF EXISTING COVERAGE TOTAL 17,109.00 SF IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED COVERAGE HOUSE 4,429.00 SF HOUSE ADDITION 232.25 SF ENTRY PORCH 658.00 SF REAR PORCH 403.00 SF GARAGE 689.00 SF POOLHOUSE 730.00 SF DRIVEWAY/WALK 7,200.00 SF POOL AND DECK 3,000.00 SF TOTAL PROPOSED COVERAGE 17,341.25 SF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE AMOUNT UNDER ALLOWED 14,021.95 SF IMPERVIOUS FLOOR AREAS (CONDITIONED) FIRST FLOOR 4,249.00 SF FIRST FLOOR ADDITION 232.00 SF BASEMENT (CONDITIONED)2,189.00 SF HOUSE TOTAL 6,670.00 SF FLOOR AREAS (ABOVE 4'/GRADE) FIRST FLOOR 4,249.00 SF FIRST FLOOR ADDITION 232.00 SF BASEMENT (+4' ABOVE GRADE)1,411.00 SF HOUSE TOTAL 5,892.00 SF HOUSE ALLOWED 6,000.00 SF AMOUNT UNDER 108.00 SF N SCALE: 1" = 20' MAIN FLOOR-SITE PLAN NOTES 1.ALL DIMENSIONS FROM FACE OF STRUCTURE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION , TYP. 3.SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTENT OF BRACED AND SHEAR WALLS. 4.EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2X4 STUD, U.O.N. 5.INTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2X4 STUD, U.O.N. 6.PROVIDE MIN. 1-HR FIRE SEPARATION CONSTRUCTION BETWEEN R-3 AND U OCCUPANCIES AND MECH. RMS, TYP. 5/8" TYPE X GYP. BD. TO BE APPLIED TO THE GARAGE SIDE WALLS. 7.SHOWER WALLS TO HAVE A SMOOTH , HARD, NON- ABSORBANT SURFACE OVER MOISTURE RESISTANT UNDERLAYMENT OT A HEIGHT OF 72" ABOVE THE DRAIN INLET, PER CRC R307.2. 8.3/8" (MIN.) THICK TEMPERED GLASS DOOR AT ALL BATH/ SHOWER ENCLOSURES, TYP. 9.PROVIDE 36" MIN. DEEP LANDING (7.75" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FOR IN-SWING/ SLIDER DOORS, 11/2" MAX. AT OUT-SWING DOORS) AT ALL EXTERIOR DOORS . 10.THERMAL INSULATION: R-15 FACTOR THERMAL INSULATION TYPICAL IN EXTERIOR 2X4 WALLS R-19 or R-30 FACTOR THERMAL (FOAM) INSULATION TYPICAL AT ROOFS . R-13 FACTOR THERMAL INSULATION AT INTERIOR FOR NOISE REDUCTION. 11.EGRESS WINDOW MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING 5.7 SQ. FT. MIN. NET CLEAR WIDTH 20" MIN. NET CLEAR HT. 24". FINISHED SILL NOT MORE THAN 44" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. 12. 1/2" THK. GYP. BD, LEVEL 4 FOR ALL INTERIOR WALLS, U.O.N. 13.ANY STUD IN AN EXTERIOR WALL OR BEARING PARTITION MAY BE NOTCHED TO A DEPTH OF 25% MAX. OF ITS WIDTH. ANY NONBEARING PARTITION MAY BE NOTCHED TO A DEPTH OF 40%, PER CRC 602.6.1. 14.ANY STUD MAY BE BORED OR DRILLED PROVIDED THAT THE DIA. OF THE RESULTING HOLE IS NO MORE THAN 60% OF THE STUD WIDTH AND THE EDGE OF THE HOLE IS NO MORE THAN 5/8" FROM THE EDGE OF THE STUD, AND THE HOLE IS NOT LOCATED IN THE SAME SECTION AS A CUT OR NOTCH OR USE OF AN APPROVED STUD SHOE IS PERMITTED WHEN THEY ARE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, PER CRC 602.6.2. 15.* ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRIC CABLES, CONDUITS, OR OTHER OPENINGS IN SOLE/BOTTOM PLATES AT EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE CLOSED WITH CEMENT MORTAR, CONCRETE MASONRY OR SIMILAR METHOD ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENFORCING AGENCY TO PREVENT PASSAGE OF RODENTS . 16.* AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION , A MANUAL , CD, WEB- BASED REFERENCE OR OTHER MEDIA ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENFORCING AGENCY WHICH COMPLIES WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS IN CALGREEN 4.410.1. 17.* ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, AND CAULKS USED ON THE PROJECT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCAQMD RULE 1168 VOC LIMITS UNLESS MORE STRINGENT LOCAL OR REGIONAL AIR POLLUTION OR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULES APPLY. 18.* ARCHITECTURAL PAINTS AND COATINGS SHALL COMPLY WITHY VOC LIMITS IN TABLE 1 OF THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD ARCHITECTURAL SUGGESTED CONTROL MEASURE, AS SHOWN IN CALGREEN TABLE 4.504.3, UNLESS MORE STRINGENT LOCAL LIMITS APPLY. 19.* AEROSOL PAINTS AND COATINGS SHALL MEET THE PRODUCT-WEIGHTED MIR LIMITS FOR ROC IN SECTION 94522(a)(3) AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING PROHIBTIONS ON USE OF CERTAIN TOXIC COMPOUNDS AND OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES, IN SECTION 94522 (c)(2) AND (d)(2) OF THE CA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 17, COMMENCING WITH SECTION 94520; AND IN AREAS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE BAAQMD SHALL ADDITIONALLY COMPLY WITH THE PERCENT VOC BY WEIGHT OF PODUCT LIMITS OF REGULATION 8, RULE 49. 20.* HARDWOOD PLYWOOD, PARTICLEBOARD AND MDF COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS USED ON THE INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OFOR FORMALDEHYDE AS SPECIFIED IN ARB'S AIR TOXICS CONTROL MEASURE FOR COMPOSITE WOOD CA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 17, SECTION 93120.1(a). 21.* WHERE CONCRETE SLAB FOUNDATIONS OR CONCRETE SLAB-ON-GROUND FLOORS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A VAPOR RETARDER, A CAPILLARY BREAK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A)A 4-INCH THICK BASE OF 1/2" OR LARGER CLEAN AGGREGATE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A VAPOR RETARDER IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE AND A CONCRETE MIX DESIGN WHICH WILL ADDRESS BLEEDING, SHRINKAGE AND CURLING SHALL BE USED B)OTHER EQUIVALENT METHODS APPROVED BY THE ENFORCING AGENCY C)A SLAB DESIGN SPECIFIED BY A LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL 22.* BUILDING MATERIALS WITH VISIBLE SIGNS OF WATER DAMAGE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED. WALL AND FLOOR FRAMING SHALL NOT BE ENCLOSED WHEN THE FRAMING MEMBERS EXCEED 19% MOISTURE CONTENT. 23.* INSULATION PRODUCTS WHICH ARE VISIBLY WET OR HAVE A HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT SHALL BE REPLACED OR ALLOWED TO DRY PRIOR TO ENCLOSURE IN WALL OR FLOOR CAVITIES. MANUF. DRYING RECOMMENDATIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED FOR WET-APPLIED INSULATION PRODUCTS PRIOR TO ENCLOSURE. 24.* WHEN REQUIRED BY THE ENFORCING AGENCY, SPECIAL INSPECTORS SHALL PROVIDE INSPECTIONS OR OTHER DUTIES NECESSARY TO SUBSTANTIATE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES. SPECIAL INSPECTORS MUST BE QUALIFIED AND ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCE TO THE ENFORCING AGENCY IN THE DISCIPLINE IN WHICH THEY ARE INSPECTING. 25.* DOCUMENTATION OF COMLIANCE SHALL INCLUDE, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, BUILDER OR INSTALLER CERTIFICATION, INSPECTION REPORTS, OR OTHER METHODS ACCEPTABLE TO THE LOCAL ENFORCING AGENCY. 1.ALL DEMOLITION WORK SHALL AT ALL TIMES BE UNDER THE IMMEDIATE SUPERVISION OF A PERSON WITH THE PROPER EXPERIENCE, TRAINING, AND AUTHORITY. 2.ALL REMOVED BUILDING MATERIALS, APPLIANCES, AND FIXTURES MAY BE SALVAGED AT THE OWNER 'S DISCRETION. VERIFY WITH OWNER PRIOR TO DEMOLITION WHAT IS TO BE REMOVED WITH CARE, SALVAGED, AND STORED AT A LOCATION DESCRIBED BY THE OWNER. 3.DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR TO REDIRECT / RECONNECT ANY ACTIVE EXISTING UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND SPRINKLER LINES WHICH ARE DISTURBED BY DEMOLITION. CAP ALL ABANDONED LINES. 4.CONTRACTOR IS TO BE FAMILIAR WITH DEMOLITION AND FIELD VERIFY ALL DEMOLITION PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK, REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO ARCHITECT . 5.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SELECTIVE DEMOLITION AS REQUIRED FOR IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED, RENOVATIONS, AND ALTERATIONS TO (E) GARAGE AND (E) RESIDENCE. 6.OWNER AND ARCHITECT TO WALK JOB WITH CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION. 7.* RECYCLE AND/OR SALVAGE FOR REUSE A MINIMUM OF 65% (BY WEIGHT) OF THE NONHAZARDOUS CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALGREEN 4.408.2. 8.* SUBMIT A CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: A)IDENTIFYING THE CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MATERIALS TO BE DIVERTED FROM DISPOSAL BY RECYCLING, REUSE ON THE PROJECT OR SALVAGE FOR FUTURE USE OR SALE B)SPECIFYING IF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MATERIALS WILL BE SORTED ON-SITE OR BULK MIXED C)IDENTIFYING DIVERSION FACILITIES WHERE THE CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MATERIALS WILL BE TAKEN D)IDENTIFYING CONSTRUCTION METHODS EMPLOYED TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE GENERATED E)SPECIFYING THAT THE AMOUNT OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MATERIALS DIVERETED SHALL BE CALCULATED BY WEIGHT OR VOLUME BUT NOT BY BOTH 9.* DOCUMENTATION WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE ENFORCING AGENCY WHICH DEMONSTRATES COMPLIANCE WITH CALGREEN 4.408.2. 10.*A PLAN MUST BE DEVELOPED AND IMPLEMENTED TO MANAGE STORM WATER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION . *CALGREEN RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES DEMOLITION NOTES DRAINAGE NOTES 1.FINISH GRADE AROUND THE STRUCTURE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION A MIN. OF 5% FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 10'. (CBC 1804.3) EXCEPTION: WHERE CLIMATIC OR SOIL CONDITIONS WARRANT, THE SLOPE OF THE GROUND AWAY FROM THE BUILDING FOUNDATION SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED TO NOT LESS THAN 2%. THE PROCEDURE USED TO ESTABLISH THE FINAL GROUND LEVEL ADJACENT TO THE FOUNDATION SHALL ACCOUNT FOR ADDITIONAL SETTLEMENT OF BACKFILL. 2.ON GRADED SITES, THE TOP OF ANY EXTERIOR FOUNDATION SHALL EXTEND ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE STREET GUTTER AT POINT OF DISCHARGE OR THE INLET OF AN APPROVED DRAINAGE DEVICE A MINIMUM OF 12" PLUS 2%. ALTERNATE ELEVATIONS ARE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, PROVIDED IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED THAT THE REQUIRED DRAINAGE TO THE POINT OF DISCHARGE AND AWAY FROM THE STRUCTURE IS PROVIDED AT ALL LOCATIONS OF THE SITE. (CBC 1808.7.4) 3.ALL RUN OFF FROM ROOFS SHALL BE COLLECTED BY ROOF GUTTERS . ALL ROOF GUTTER DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH SCREENS TO PREVENT THE INTRUSION OF LEAVES, TWIGS & DEBRIS . 4.ROOF GUTTER DOWN SPOUTS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH SPLASH BLOCKS LOCATED IMMEDIATELY BELOW POINT OF DOWNSPOUT DISCHARGE. SPLASH BLOCKS SHALLL DIRECT ROOF GUTTER FLOW AWAY FROM BUILDING FOUNDATION AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT PONDING OF WATER ADJACENT TO BUILDING FOUNDATION. 5.ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPING, FITTINGS, AREA DRAINS, DROP INLETS ETC SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPECS. 6.ALL PIPES FROM THE ROOF GUTTER DOWN SPOUTS AND/OR YARD PIPING SHALL BE IN 4" SDR-35, UNO. SLOPE MIN. 1% MIN TO APPROVED RELEASE LOCATION. 7.SIDE YARD DRAINAGE SWALES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO FACILITATE RUNOFF AWAY FROM BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AT THE MAX RATE PRACTICABLE . RUNOFF TO ADJACENT PARCELS IS PROHIBITED. 8.UNO, ALL DRAINAGE SWALES AND OTHER LANDSCAPED FINISH SURFACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO PROMOTE RUNOFF CONTACT WITH LANDSCAPE VEGETATION AND SOIL MEDIA EN ROUTE TO APPROVED DISCHARGE LOCATION. RUN OFF SHALL BE DIRECTED TOWARD FRONT YARD AND BACKYARD AS SHOWN. PROVIDE 1% MINIMUM SLOPE TOWARD DISCHARGE LOCATION IN LANDSCAPED AREAS, EXCEPT TOWARD BUILDING FOUNDATION. 9.BACKWATER VALVE ON DRAINAGE PIPING SERVING FIXTURE THAT HAVE FLOOD LEVEL RIMS LESS THAN 12-INCHES ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE. CPC 710.0. 10.ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING MEASURES TO PREVENT FLOODING OF ADJACENT PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CGBSC SECTION 4.106.2: A.PROVIDE RETENTION BASINS OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO RETAIN STORM WATER ON SITE. B.WHERE STORM WATER IS CONVEYED TO THE PUBLIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM, SHOW METHOD OF FILTRATION CONSISTING OF A BARRIER SYSTEM, WATTLE OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. C.SHOW COMPLIANCE TO LOCAL STORM WATER ORDINANCE . 11.MATERIAL COLLECTION : THE TOWN EXCLUSIVE PROVIDER OF THIS SERVICE IS WEST VALLEY COLLECTION & RECYCLING (408) 283-9250. FIBER ROLL, TYP. DETAIL SPLASH BLOCK, TYP. DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A1.1 1/8" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN-LARGE REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 232.25 sq ft 657.50 sq ft 402.50 sq ft 102101 6-0x8-0 200'-0"325'-0"84'-3/4"71'-8" EQUAL EQUAL 17'-0"13'-9 1/2"40'-3/4" 25' FRONT SETBACK 8' SIDE SETBACK 8' SIDE SETBACK DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE OF FRONT GABLE, RIGHT ADDITION MAKES FACADE SYMMETRICAL THIS ROOM WAS NOT BUILT DURING 2005 REMODEL/REBUILD BECAUSE A REDWOOD TREE WAS HERE, THE TREE HAS SINCE DIED AND BEEN REMOVED PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 6' H. WOOD FENCE AT SIDES AND BACK, TYP. 6' H. WOOD FENCE AT SIDES AND BACK, TYP.LAWN TREE PROTECTION FENCING, TYP. FIBER ROLLS, TYP. DS ONTO SPLASHBLOCK ONTO (E) VEGETATED GROUND, TYP. 40 30123456789101112131415123456712345678REF /FRZ NEIGHBOR HOUSE 4,429 sq ft ADDITION ENTRY PORCH REAR PORCH N SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" MAIN FLOOR-SITE PLAN DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A2.0E 1/4" = 1'-0" BASEMENT PLAN-EXISTING REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 1,411.72 sq ft 1 A4.0 LINE OF WALLS 4' ABOVE GRADE LINE OF WALLS 4' ABOVE GRADE AREA 4' ABOVE GRADE 123456789101112131415123456712345678123456REF UP UP DN LIVING-2 001 BED 5 002 BATH 4 003 CLOSET 004 STORAGE 005 VESTIBULE 006 WINE CELLAR 012 STORAGE 013 WORKBENCH 011 GARAGE 014 MUDRM 010 BED 6 007 BATH 5 008 CLOSET 009 PATIO 015 N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" BASEMENT PLAN DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A2.1E 1/4" = 1'-0" FIRST FLOOR-EXISTING REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 1 A4.0 13'-8" ADDITION25'13'-4"3'-10 1/2"39'-6"12'-6"3'-10 1/2"99' 10'-3"20'-6"16'-6"22'20'-3"9'-6" 82'17' ADDITION 52'123456789101112131415123456712345678DRYWASH DN REF /FRZ DN LIVING RM 102 ENTRY 101 DEN 103 FOYER 104 GALLERY 105 LIVING 106 CLOSET 114 PRIMARY BEDRM 111 HALL 110 POWDER 109OFFICE 115 LAUNDRY 116 BED 4 117 BED 3 118 CLOSET 119 PANTRY 107B KITCHEN 107 BED 2 123 BED 3 121 BATH 2 125 DINING 108 REAR PORCH 126 PRIMARY BATH 112 WC 113 HALL 2 120 CLOSET 122 CLOSET 124 ENTRY PORCH 100 N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" MAIN FLOOR PLAN DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A2.2 1/4" = 1'-0" BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 1,411.72 sq ft 13'-8"25'13'-4"3'-10 1/2"39'-6"12'-6"3'-10 1/2"99' 10'-3"20'-6"16'-6"22'20'-3"9'-6" 82'17'52'1 A4.0 LINE OF WALLS 4' ABOVE GRADE LINE OF WALLS 4' ABOVE GRADE INSTALL HANGING STORAGE UNITS ABOVE CAR AREA 4' ABOVE GRADE 123456789101112131415123456712345678123456REF UP UP DN LIVING-2 001 BED 5 002 BATH 4 003 CLOSET 004 STORAGE 005 VESTIBULE 006 WINE CELLAR 012 STORAGE 013 WORKBENCH 011 GARAGE 014 MUDRM 010 BED 6 007 BATH 5 008 CLOSET 009 PATIO 015 N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" BASEMENT PLAN DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A2.3 1/4" = 1'-0" MAIN FLOOR PLAN REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 102101 6-0x8-0 1 A4.0 13'-8" ADDITION25'13'-4"3'-10 1/2"39'-6"12'-6"3'-10 1/2"99' 10'-3"20'-6"16'-6"22'20'-3"9'-6" 82'17' ADDITION 52'REPLACE FLOOR TILE, INSTALL ELEC HEATED FLOOR UNDER REMOVE ARCH/WALLS, INSTALL LOW CURB, RETILE SHOWER RECONFIGURE (E) BATH, NEW FINISHES, FIXTURES INSTALL (N) PENINSULA, MATCH (E) CABINETS CLOSE IN OPENINGS, MATCH (E) (N) INTERIOR WALLS, NON-STRUCTURAL (N) WALL/FRENCH-POCKET DOORS (N) SAFETY BARS (N) SAFETY BARS, BOTH SIDES (N) BENCH RAISE VANITIES TO 3' H. RAISE VANITIES TO 3' H. (N) DIRECT VENT, HIGH EFF. GAS FIREPLACE MATCH (E) WINDOWS(E) WINDOW, INSTALLED NEW IN 2005 REMODEL LOW SHOWER HEAD HIGH SHOWER HEAD123456789101112131415123456712345678 DRYWASH SAFE SAFE DN REF /FRZ DN LIVING RM 102 ENTRY 101 DEN 103 FOYER 104 GALLERY 105 LIVING 106 PRIMARY BEDRM 111 HALL 110 POWDER 109OFFICE 115 LAUNDRY 116 BED 4 117 BED 3 118 CLOSET 119 PANTRY 107B KITCHEN 107 BED 2 123 BED 3 121 BATH 2 125 DINING 108 REAR PORCH 126 PRIMARY BATH 112 WC 113 HALL 2 120 CLOSET 122 CLOSET 124 P CLOSET 2 114B S CLOSET 114 ENTRY PORCH 100 N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" MAIN FLOOR PLAN DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A2.4 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 1 A4.0 (N) ADDITION (N) ADDITION(E) SKYLIGHT (E) SKYLIGHT (E) SKYLIGHT (N) DIRECT VENT, GAS FIREPLACE EXHAUST RIDGERIDGE RIDGE RIDGERIDGERIDGE N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A3.0E 1/4" = 1'-0" EXISTING ELEVATIONS REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" LINE 4' ABOVE GRADE T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" THIS ENTRY PORCH UPPER WALL IS THE ONLY ORIGINAL PART OF THE 1912 HOUSE THE ENTRY PORCH BASE AND POSTS WERE REBUILT IN 20052005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SOUTH/ENTRY ELEVATION DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A3.1E 1/4" = 1'-0" EXISTING ELEVATIONS REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" T.O. (E) GARAGE EL. -13'-6" 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" T.O. (E) GARAGE EL. -13'-6" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH/REAR YARD ELEVATION DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A3.2 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEVATIONS REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 17' ADDITION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" (E) ROOF MATCH (E) WD SHINGLES, PTD, TYP. MATCH (E) CLAD, WD WINDOWS, TYP. MATCH (E) ROOF SHINGLES, TYP. MATCH (E) ROOF SHINGLES, TYP. THIS ENTRY PORCH UPPER WALL IS THE ONLY ORIGINAL PART OF THE 1912 HOUSE THE ENTRY PORCH BASE AND POSTS WERE REBUILT IN 20052005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- NOT ORIGINAL ADDITION 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" (E) ROOF MATCH (E) WD SHINGLES, PTD, TYP. MATCH (E) CLAD, WD WINDOWS, TYP. MATCH (E) ROOF SHINGLES, TYP. (E) ROOF (E) ROOF (E) ROOF LINE 4' ABOVE GRADE LINE OF (E) ROOF PROFILE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SOUTH/ENTRY ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION ADDITION STREET VIEW FROM ABOVE - EXISTING STREET VIEW FROM ABOVE - PROPOSED DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A3.3 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEVATIONS REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" T.O. (E) GARAGE EL. -13'-6" LINE 4' ABOVE GRADE 2005 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" T.O. (E) GARAGE EL. -13'-6" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH/REAR ELEVATION DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A3.4 1/16" = 1'-0" STREET ELEVATIONS AND PICS REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 4046 30 26 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" SOUTH/HERNANDEZ AVE ELEVATION DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A4.0 1/4" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONS REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 13'-8" ADDITION T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. 0'-0" T.O. (E) SUBFLR EL. -9'-0" T.O. (E) CEILING EL. -1'-4" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION-PRIMARY BED-CLOSET DRAWN DATE SCALE JOB NO. SHEET DRAWING TITLE: SEAL: 2/6/2022 6 FILENAME 2194 Atwood CD2.0.pln A9.0 1' = 1'-0" WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULES & PROJECT HISTORY INFO REVISIONS BY EB 7/31/2023Atwood Residence40 Hernandez AvenueLos Gatos, CA 95030-5806(APN): 510-19-027An Addition & Interior Remodeling of theA R C H I T E C T U R E + I N T E R I O R SBECKSTROMeric@beckstromarchitecture.comwww.beckstromarchitecture.comP.O. BOX 1317, LOS GATOS, CA 95030THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED BY BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS FOR THE TITLED SET ONLY, THE DRAWINGS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS AND THEY SHALL NOT BE USED, LENT, COPIED OR ALTERED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS HISTORICAL COMMISSION SUBMISSION 1'-11"3'-7"1'-11"3'-7"--------- 101 102 104 WDW NO 101 102 RM NO RM NAME UNIT WIDTH 1'-4" 1'-4" UNIT HEIGHT 3' 3' HEAD HEIGHT 8' 8' SAFETY GLAZING --- --- REMARKS --- --- WINDOW NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL FIELD DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK, TYP. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS INDICATED ON THIS SHEET REPRESENT WINDOW UNIT DIMENSIONS, AS REFERENCED IN DETAILS. 3. WINDOWS INDICATED ON THIS SHEET REPRESENT THE EXTERIOR VIEW OF THE WINDOW. 4. ALL GLAZING TO BE INSULATED (DOUBLE) WITH LOW-E COATING, U.O.N. 5. HEAD HEIGHTS ARE MEASURED FROM FINISHED FLOOR. ALL WINDOWS IDENTIFIED AS 'EGRESS WINDOWS' SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: - 5.7 SQUARE FEET MIN. NET CLEAR OPENABLE AREA - 24" MIN. NET CLEAR OPENABLE HEIGHT - 20" MIN. NET CLEAR OPENABLE WIDTH - 44" MAX. SILL HEIGHT ABOVE FINISH FLOOR 6. GLAZING WITHIN 60" OF TUB OR SHOWER BOTTOM SHALL BE FULLY TEMPERED. 7. SCREENS TO BE PROVIDED AT ALL WINDOWS. 8. HARDWARE T.B.D. WINDOW SCHEDULE WINDOW SPECS: 1. MARVIN ULTIMATE, CLAD WOOD, WHITE EXT., PRE-PRIMED INT. 2. INSULATED, LOW E, ARGON 3. PROVIDE SCREENS FOR ALL WINDOWS 4. 5/8" SDL'S 5. OIL RUBBED BRONZE HARDWARE-TBD WINDOW U-VALUES BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE-PAST PROJECTS (PARTIAL) CIRCA 1250 ST JOHNS BAPTIST CHURCH RENOVATIONS WINCHESTER, ENGLAND CIRCA 1914, 4 MILLBANK RENOVATIONS, LONDON, ENGLAND CIRCA 1838, RENOVATIONS, ROCKPORT, MAINE CIRCA 1904, RENOVATIONS, CAMDEN, MAINE CIRCA 1896, RENOVATIONS, ROCKPORT, MAINE CIRCA , CIRCA 1904, RENOVATIONS, FLYINGE, SWEDEN CIRCA 1904, RENOVATIONS, SAN FRANCISCO CIRCA 1875, RENOVATIONS, SAN FRANCISCO HISTORICAL LANDMARK CIRCA 1926, RENOVATIONS, SAN FRANCISCO CIRCA 1910, RENOVATIONS, SAN FRANCISCO CIRCA 1926, RENOVATIONS, SANTA CLARA CIRCA 1921, RENOVATIONS, SANTA CRUZ BECKSTROM ARCHITECTURE-HISTORICAL PROJECTS (PARTIAL) CIRCA 1860, BEIJING, FORBIDDEN CITY CIRCA 1906, BEIJING, FORBIDDEN CITY CIRCA 1906, CHINA GREAT WALL CIRCA 1860 HONG KONG HARBOR CASEMENT CASEMENT