Item 2 - Addendum and Attachment 5 PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/09/2022 ITEM NO: 2 ADDENDUM DATE: March 8, 2022 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-22-001. Project Location: 14925 Los Gatos Boulevard. APNs: 424-07-009, 053, 081 through 083, 094, and 095. Property Owner: Yuki Family Farms c/o Edward Morimoto. Applicant: Grosvenor Americas c/o Whitney Christopoulos. Requesting preliminary review of a proposal for a mixed-use development for Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area. REMARKS: Attachment 5 includes public comment received by 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 8, 2022. ATTACHMENTS: Previously Received with the March 9, 2022, Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. CDAC Application 3. Project Description Letter 4. Conceptual Plans Attachment Received with this Addendum Report: 5. Public Comment Received by 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 8, 2022 This Page Intentionally Left Blank To: CDAC, Wednesday, March 9, 2022 From: Dave Weissman Re: Ideas for Phase 2 of the N40 Harmonie Park (HP) is bringing some good ideas to the CDAC. I have read the staff report and have these suggestions: 1. Given all that has changed in the State since the N40 GP was passed, I think that the Town should ignore much of the GP and strike a "developer's deal" with HP, to not only expedite things, but also as a way to increase total housing. The Town will not have many opportunities to meet our 6th cycle RHNA of 847 below market rate housing units unless we take maximum advantage of these last 15+ acres. We should also increase the height limits to permit 5 stories. 2. Unless I am misreading HP's proposal, I don't see any apartment units for rent. Andrea Osgood from Eden Housing told the Los Gatos Community Alliance that her non-profit prefers apartments over for-sale units because the former results in a higher turnover rate, with more folks being served, than the latter and also serves as a way for consumers to get started living in an area. 3. I see how HP is now "proposing" 295 units, which exceeds what the GP permits. But as far as I can tell, while some of these units are missing middle, none of them are designated for the low and very low incomes. The latter two categories are what this Town needs the most. And if we don't place units here, then where? I would support HP doubling their proposed total units. 4. And I also note that the 2020 General Plan EIR evaluated up to 750 housing units on the entire N40, stating that 150 units (20%) would then be affordable. So far, we only have some 50 affordable units in Phase 1. 5. I am happy to see the large open space area of some 33%. This percentage is similar to that seen in the Agrihood Development in Santa Clara, near Santana Row, where they are building 360 units, 180 of which are BMR, on 5.9 acres, and where they have a garden-open space area of 1.5 acres. ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank