02-09-22 Agenda - CDAC CANCELLEDPage 1 of 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVI SORY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 9 , 202 2 110 EAST MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 4:30 PM MEETING CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF ITEMS Jeffrey Barnett, Chair Mary Badame, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Council Member Melanie Hanssen, Planning Commissioner Reza Tavana, Planning Commissioner NEEDS UPDATING BASED ON NEW Jeffrey Barnett, Chair VACANT, Vice Chair Maria Ristow, Vice Mayor Marico Sayoc , Council Member Melanie Hanssen, Planning Commissioner Reza Tavana, Planning Commissioner Jeffrey Barnett, Chair Mary Badame, Vice Chair Maria Ristow, Vice Mayor Kathryn Janoff , Planning Commissioner Reza Tavana, Planning Commissioner