Addendum with Exhibits.16466 Bonnie Lane
Associate Planner
Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872
MEETING DATE: 10/13/2021
DATE: October 12, 2021
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Subdivision of One Lot into Two Lots on Property
Zoned R-1:20. Located at 16466 Bonnie Lane. APN 532-02-053.
Subdivision Application M-21-003. Property Owner: Mish Chadwick.
Applicant: Tony Jeans. Project Planner: Ryan Safty.
Exhibit 14 includes additional public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 8,
2021, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 12, 2021. Exhibit 15 includes the applicant’s response
letter to these comments.
Previously received with the October 13, 2021 Staff Report:
1. Location Map
2. Required Findings
3. Recommended Conditions of Approval
4. March 10, 2021 Conceptual Development Advisory Committee report packet
5. March 10, 2021 Conceptual Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes
6. Town Attorney response letter to public comment, dated June 22, 2021
7. Project Description and Letter of Justification, received July 22, 2021
8. Applicant’s response to Conceptual Development Advisory Committee recommendations,
received July 22, 2021
9. Pictures of subject property, received July 26, 2021
10. Subdivision Plans, received July 29, 2021
11. Summary of neighborhood outreach, received August 6, 2021
12. Applicant’s response to public comments, received September 10, 2021
13. Public Comments received prior to 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 8, 2021
SUBJECT: 16466 Bonnie Lane/M-21-003
DATE: October 12, 2021
S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2021\10-13-21\Item 2 - 16466 Bonnie Lane\addendum\Addendum.16466 Bonnie Lane.docx
Received with this Addendum Report:
14. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 8, 2001 and 11:00 a.m.,
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
15. Applicant’s response to public comments, received October 11, 202 1
Ryan Safty
16466 Lot Split Application
Friday, October 8, 2021 12:20:24 PM
Dear town Planning Commission,
I am writing to you in regards to the lot split application at 16466 Bonnie Lane. I would like to
express my complete objection to it, my concerns, and my plea to you to protect the residents of
this neighborhood and listen to them. I would like to assume that this is the purpose of this whole
process – examining what is the impact of a plan that serves the interests of one resident on the life
quality of the others.
The overwhelming opinion in the neighborhood is that this request must be rejected. Approving it
will change the character of our tiny street and harm its rural feeling, the same feeling that was so
central back at the time when the residents agreed for Bonnie Lane to be annexed and become part
of the Los Gatos town. It will impose a monstrous dwelling that will violently encroach the neighbor’s
backyard, that happens to be downhill from it. Splitting the lot will set the ground for an unknown
turn of events and a rolling development that will rob the rest of the residents from what brought
them to this part of town to begin with.
What is on the agenda is a request to split an oddly shaped, landlocked plot of land that already has
two dwellings on it. It doesn’t meet the frontage requirements of a lot split, it comes on the heals of
long years of multiple brazen code violations and careless behavior, and it involved no meaningful
communication with the neighbors. Its sole purpose is to maximize one resident’s profit, which is
fine, but it comes so clearly at the direct expense of the rest of all other residents while violating
their rights and the town’s own definitions, as reflected by the overwhelming objection and the legal
advice that supports it.
I hope, and even expect, the town will make a stand here and reject this lot split request so we don’t
need to pursue additional avenues of protection. It will be the right thing to do and it’s the town’s
primary job – protect the quality of life of the community as a whole.
I will appreciate it if you keep my name off the records in case this message is made public.
**Please redact my contact information.
Att: Los Gatos Planning Commission
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Dear Members of the Los Gatos Planning Commission,
I am writing to ask that the application from 16466 Bonnie Lane, LG, for a lot split be denied. It is
imperative that the Planning Commission fully understand a lot split for purposes of housing
development at this location is not possible because the property fails to meet the required Town
Code/s due to the lack of frontage on Bonnie Lane. Additionally, no neighbor north or south of the
applicant's property will cede their legal frontage to 16466 Bonnie Lane for a housing development.
As you are aware, the Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Spec No D-1, revised date 04.27.21
Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Los Altos Hills: A 12-foot-wide paved
surface. 16466 Bonnie Lane's driveway is 10 feet. As stated above, the north and south property
owners will not cede their legal frontage.
The proposed parcel has a feeble 7.65 feet of frontage; R1: 20 zone requires 100 feet of frontage
for an interior lot. Additionally, 16466 Bonnie Lane does not have the legal right to use an existing
private driveway that 16466 Bonnie Lane uses to access their home for purposes of a lot split for
housing development.
It should be noted that Bonnie Lane is a narrow road with NO PARKING on either side of the street
for the majority of the Lane. (Please see attached photo.) At the driveway of 16466 Bonnie Lane,
the Lane is a narrow section of 23 feet. With recycling/garbage cans on the street, the Lane width
is 17 feet.
Both Bonnie Lane and Peacock Lane are unique Lanes for a myriad of reasons. Both offer a
character unlike a street. Both Lanes abut to the hillside offering a mini abundance of wildlife. Fox,
bobcat, wild turkey, mountain lion, families of quail, various species of hawk, various species of owl,
deer, and coyote traverse, not to mention the smaller bird and amphibian life. Equally unique and
environmentally important, Bonnie and Peacock Lane are between Ross Creek, the last open
riparian corridor before it disappears into concrete channels and pipes. For these reasons alone, I
urge the Planning Commission to recognize this area as environmentally fragile and to recognize the
interdependence at play between the existing wildlife at the base of the hillside where the creek
runs between Bonnie and Peacock Lane.
The following vinette demonstrates the fragility of the Bonnie & Peacock Lane area: When 16466
Bonnie Lane created a soccer field with a green lawn on the "panhandle" of their property abutting
to the creek, it can assumed that it is necessary to use lawn chemicals so the lawn will thrive lush,
green, and weed free. However, prior to the soccer field, the "panhandle" was a field in its natural
state. Wildlife foraged and from Winter until mid-June or July, our "Lanes" and in between were a
cacophony of frogs throughout the evening. It was amazing. It was shortly after the soccer field was
established, the frogs went silent. No croaking, no cacophony. The common chemical RoundUp is
used for weed control; its causal effect kills not only weeds but frog life. The frog population was
decimated. After speaking with a Biologist from NASA about our Ross Creek's "Silent Spring"
(author, Rachel Carson), the Biologist confirmed frogs are like the canary in the coal mine in that the
smallest quantity of Roundup immediately kills amphibian life. It is not a stretch of the imagination
to correlate keeping a soccer field green by chemical function and the wipe out of a healthy frog
population and its habitat.
As a result of the aforementioned, the lot split must be denied; any future housing development as a
result of a lot split fails on every level from land use to building in and around an environmentally
sensitive area.
In closing, I would like to comment on the improper nomenclature regarding 16466 Bonnie Lane's
SFR referenced by Town Planners as a "Barn." There are two existing SFR on the property. There is
NO barn. As we know, a barn is a structure used for livestock. Additionally, the SFR referenced by the
Town Planners is also not an ADU but a SFR with 2,256 square feet. Until 2 weeks ago, this SFR of
2,256 square feet contained a full kitchen. The last Planning Commission meeting was canceled as
the property owner had falsely stated there was no full kitchen in the home. Code Enforcement for
the Town determined there was a stove. Quickly the property owner removed the existing stove
(confirmed by LG Code Enforcement) for purposes of conforming to their lot split application and, in
order to be considered, falsely, an ADU structure. In fact, it is not an ADU. Recently, for purposes of
moving the property owners' application for a lot split, the owner canceled all advertising on However, the home advertised for years on Peerspace offering "an
entertaining kitchen."; advertisement until last month, was 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the
language "entertaining kitchen" offered for $400.00 an hour.
Thank you.
Very Truly Yours,
**Please redact my contact information.
Note: Photo #1 presents the narrow 10' driveway to 16466 Bonnie Lane.
Photo #2 presents the narrow street of 17' with receptacles present on Lane.
Ryan Safty
Subdivision Application M-21-003 for 16466
Friday, October 8, 2021 2:26:32 PM
Ryan Safty, Planner
Dear Mr. Safety,
Please, stop and deny this application as the criteria being presented for this split is inadequate to
allow this split.
I would appreciate your prompt attention in this regard.
Roy Moses
Los Gatos, CA 95032
*Wire Fraud is Real*. Before wiring any money, call the intended recipient at a number you
know is valid to confirm the instructions. Additionally, please note that the sender does not
have authority to bind a party to a real estate contract via written or verbal communication.
Town Planning Commission:
The developer, Tony Jeans sent us neighbors of the Bonnie Lane a letter in August 2021 in
which he suggested dedicating part of the panhandle, 10,000 sq ft to Open Space. Any
building in the panhandle disturbs the natural beauty of the area. It has been open land
forever, only growing grapes in its positioning between many neighbors. It's a riparian
environment and if we ever get rain again, could easily flood the panhandle which means
building in it isn't very practical.
So, I suggest the panhandle be donated to Open Space as a "conservation easement" giving
the owner a huge tax deduction and solving the question of what to do to economically
benefit the owner and satisfying the neighbors.
Should they agree to the Open Space solution, I would whole heartedly be in favor of the
changes to property lines and ingress/egress issues.
They're trying to accommodate all of us, and this trade-off solution rewards all parties.
Jim Hartigan
16428 Peacock Lane
Los Gatos, CA 95032
SUBJECT: Fire Protection Water Supplies for One-and Two
Family Dwellings and Associated Structures
Spec. No.: CFMO-W1
Rev. Date: 07/01/10
Eff. Date: 08/02/00
Approved By: J. Saunders
Page: 1 of 10
70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
The Fire Marshal is authorized to require the installation of fire protection water supplies in
accordance with the provisions of the County Fire Code. This standard applies to the
installation of such equipment related to residential occupancies, including manufactured
homes and non-dwelling structures on residential properties located in the unincorporated
areas of Santa Clara County.
Approved: Approved by the Santa Clara County Fire Marshal’s Office.
Accessory Structures: Structures on residential properties used for non-dwelling and non-
commercial purposes.
Fire-Flow: Fire-flow is the flow rate of water supply, measured in gallons per minute (gpm) at
20 pounds per square inch (psi) (138kPa) residual pressure, that is available for firefighting.
This refers to available water supply from a fire hydrant. [REF: County Fire Code]
CFC: County Fire Code, current edition adopted by the Santa Clara County Board of
Fire Protection Water Supply: Water provided for fire fighting purposes only. Water required
for domestic, industrial, irrigation, agricultural or any other use shall be provided in addition
to water required by this standard.
Major Residential Subdivision: A division of land into five or more lots zoned for residential
Modified NFPA 13D Automatic Fire Sprinkler System: A residential fire sprinkler system
based on the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 13D standard and modified by the
County Fire Marshal. The system is typically used to mitigate for lack of required fire-flow,
adequate access or some other requirement as approved by the County Fire Marshal. See
Standard Detail CFMO-SP6 Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems in One-and Two-Family
State Response Area (SRA): The State Responsibility Areas of Santa Clara County lie within the
emergency response area of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and are
subject to the requirements set forth under Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. [REF:
Public Resources Code §4290]
Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area: All unincorporated areas within the County of Santa
Clara as delineated on the current map entitled “Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area” adopted
by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The map is on file at the Office of the Fire Marshal.
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
A) Water supplies required by this standard shall be maintained for the purposes of fire
protection only, and shall be in addition to water provided for any other purpose.
B) Fire protection water systems shall be installed and approved prior to the foundation
inspection, or prior to final inspection for construction with completely non-
combustible components, as specified by the Fire Marshal. NOTE: a stop-work order
will be placed on the project if the water system is not installed, accessible and
functioning at all times during construction.
C) Modification or removal of any part of the fire protection water system shall require a
permit from the Fire Marshal’s Office.
D) Maintenance:
1. The fire protection water system shall be maintained in good working order and
accessible throughout construction. NOTE: A stop-work order may be placed on
the project if the system is not functioning and accessible at all times during
2. Upon completion of the project, the fire protection water system shall be visible,
accessible, and maintained in an operative condition at all times and shall be
repaired where defective. Additions, repairs, alterations, and servicing shall be in
accordance with approved standards, and all applicable permits and approvals
shall be obtained prior to installation.
E) Fire-flow requirements for multiple structures shall be calculated based on the largest
structure covered by the permit application.
F) If a regulated fire protection water supply is available within 300 feet of the property,
the property owner may be required to extend the water system to provide fire
protection water to the property.
A) System Type: Fire protection water supply requirements are broken down into
categories based on the capabilities of the available water system. Types 1 and 2
below are considered to be “Regulated”.
1. Municipal-Type Water Purveyors are regulated by the State Public Utility
Commission (PUC). San Jose Water Co., Great Oaks Water Co., California Water
Service Co. and Purissima Hills Water District are the only Municipal-Type
systems in Santa Clara County.
2. Private Water Mutuals are not as large as Municipal-type systems and include
both Public Water Systems (15+ connections) and State Small Water Systems (5-14
connections). These systems are regulated by either the PUC or County
Department of Environmental Health and must be approved to provide fire
protection water.
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
3. Where no regulated water system exists, Individual Water Systems or Shared
Water Systems (2-4 connections) may be used.
B) Regulated Water Purveyors:
1. Municipal-Type Water Systems:
a. Fire protection water supply shall be in compliance with the following:
b. Hydrants: An approved standard hydrant located within 600 feet of any exterior
portion of the structure(s) is required.
c. Acceptable alternate methods of protection:
The installation of an approved automatic fire sprinkler system will be deemed
adequate provided a minimum of 500 gpm is available from approved
standard hydrant(s) located within the required distance. If the available fire
flow is less than 500 gpm, or the hydrant is in excess of 600 feet from any
exterior portion of the structure, the hydrant system shall be improved or
extended to provide adequate water supply.
d. Individual tanks may be approved on a case-by-case basis only when other
options are not available.
2. Private Water Mutuals:
a. Fire protection water supply shall be in compliance with the following:
501 - 3,600
sq. ft.
1,000 gpm at 20 psi for 30 minute duration
3,601 – 10,000
sq. ft.
1,500 gpm at 20 psi for 30 minute duration
Over 10,000
sq. ft.
1,500 gpm at 20 psi for 60 minute duration
b. Acceptable alternate methods of protection:
The installation of an approved automatic fire sprinkler system will be deemed
adequate provided a minimum of 500 gpm is available from approved
standard hydrant(s) located within the required distance. If the available fire
flow is less than 500 gpm, or the hydrant is in excess of 600 feet from any
exterior portion of the structure, the hydrant system shall be improved or
extended to provide adequate water supply.
c. Hydrants: An approved standard hydrant located within 600 feet of any exterior
portion of the structure(s) is required.
501 - 3,600
sq. ft.
1,000 gpm at 20 psi for 2 hour duration
Over 3,600
sq. ft.
As per County Fire Code Table B105.1 for 2 hour duration
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
3. Miscellaneous Details:
Where the flow from a single hydrant is insufficient to meet fire-flow demands,
the combined flow from two hydrants may be used, provided that:
a. the nearest hydrant is located no more than 600 feet from all exterior portions
of the structure, and
b. the second hydrant is no more than 500 feet from the first hydrant, and
c. all hydrants are flowing simultaneously
d. NOTE: it is preferred that both hydrants are not on the same main.
C) No Available Recognized Water Purveyors:
1. Shared Water Systems (2-4 connections):
a. Fire protection water quantity requirements shall be in accordance with Sec.
II.C.2 (below). A tank system may be shared between up to 4 properties.
b. Each individual property shall provide a minimum of one wharf hydrant
located on that property in a location acceptable to the Fire Marshal in
compliance with CFMO-W4.
c. Proof of legal access to the shared water system shall be required prior to
issuance of the building permit.
2. Individual Water Systems:
a. Fire protection water supply shall be in compliance with the following for
single family dwellings:
sq. ft.
Minimum of 5,000 gallons of above-ground water storage for
fire protection use only [REF: Standard CFMO-W5]
Exception: If the property is NOT located in the Wildland Urban
Interface Fire Area, an acceptable alternative would be 30,000 gallon
approved fire protection above-ground water storage tank without fire
sprinklers (NOTE: a permit is required)
sq. ft.
Minimum of 10,000 gallons of above-ground water storage
for fire protection use only [REF: Standard CFMO-W5]
sq. ft.
Installation of an approved Minimum of 30,000 gallons of
above-ground water storage for fire protection use only [REF:
Standard CFMO-W5]
Over 15,000
sq. ft.
Minimum of 45,000 gallons of above-ground water storage
for fire protection use only [REF: Standard CFMO-W5]
b. Fire Sprinkler System: The installation of an approved fire sprinkler system is
required regardless of the size of the structure. [REF: Standard CFMO-SP6]
c. Hydrant: One wharf hydrant with a single 2-1/2-inch outlet shall be installed
regardless of type of structure. The hydrant shall be a minimum of 55 ft. from
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
the closest portion of the structure and no further than 600 ft. from all exterior
portions of the structure in a location acceptable to the Fire Marshal. [REF:
Standard CFMO-W4]
d. Miscellaneous Details:
1. If the water supply for an existing structure is sufficient in quantity to meet
the requirements for any additional structures as calculated separately, the
existing approved supply may be used to supply both structures, and no
additional water will be required. The system shall be in conformance with
current standards. [REF: CFMO-W5 & CFMO-W4]
2. An existing on-site hydrant may be used to satisfy the hydrant requirement
for new structures provided it is located within the required distance, the
water supply is sufficient for each structure and the system is in
conformance with current standards.
3. New hydrants may be fed from existing tanks provided the tank complies
with CFMO-W5. However, if an effective draft cannot be obtained from
the hydrant due to friction loss caused by distance from the tank, an
additional tank may be required.
4. When tanks are the sole source of water for the property, water supply for
any fire sprinkler system, shall be supplied from the same tank as the
domestic water or other approved use to ensure proper maintenance of the
5. If a well and pump are to be used to supply fire protection water, the pump
must be one that is used regularly, and that will be noticed if not working.
This is what is considered to be a 'reliable water source'. A pump used
exclusively for fire protection water shall be a listed fire pump.
6. Tanks supplying water for fire protection purposes shall be maintained at
full required capacity at all times, and shall be filled automatically.
7. Privately owned hydrants or tanks located off the property shall not be
considered usable unless they are part of an approved shared water system
or water mutual, and the property owner can provide proof that he/she
has legal rights to the water or equipment.
8. If a well and pump is to be used as the sole source for fire protection water,
a well report from a licensed well-drilling contractor or a registered Civil
Engineer may be required to show that both the well and the pump can
provide adequate fire-flow as required by this standard.
A) Municipal-Type Systems: See Sec. II-B.1 (above).
B) Private Water Mutuals: See Sec. II-B.2 (above).
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
C) Individual Water Systems:
1. Above-ground fire protection water supply in quantities listed below shall be
provided for residential accessory structures (see notes below):
0-500 501-3,600 3,600-10,000 10,001-15,000 OVER 15,000
5,000 gal.
5,000 gal.
15,000 gal.
30,000 gal.
+ 30,000 gal.
ea. additional
10,000 sf
Greenhouse2 N/A 5,000 gal. 7,500 gal. 10,000 gal.
Structure3 N/A 7,500 gal.
NOTE 1: Water storage requirements shall be increased by 50% for all structures located within fifty (50) feet of other
significant structures or a property line.
NOTE 2: May not be used for purposes of storage of any kind. Greenhouses with covering material exceeding a Class-
A (0-25) flame-spread rating shall meet the requirements for Accessory Structures.
NOTE 3: Shade structures qualifying for water requirements listed in table above must meet all of the following
conditions or shall comply with requirements for Accessory Structures.
a. Walls shall be left at least 75% open (no covering materials at any time). Roof and maximum of
25% of each wall may be covered. Covering material with a flame-spread rating exceeding Class-A
(0-25) is not allowed.
b. No electrical service, gas service or mechanical ventilation
c. No wood rack or shelving material
d. Located a minimum of 20 feet from any other structure or any property line
e. Structure shall not be used for storage purposes of any kind
2. Hydrant: One wharf hydrant with a single 2-1/2-inch outlet shall be installed
regardless of type of structure. The hydrant shall be a minimum of 55 ft. from the
closest portion of the structure and no further than 600 ft. from all exterior
portions of the structure in a location acceptable to the Fire Marshal. [REF:
Standard CFMO-W4]
3. Residential Riding Arenas:
Noncombustible canopy structures with dirt floors and no sides, used only for the
purpose of providing shelter for riding arenas which are not used in any way for
combustible or noncombustible storage, may be approved with no requirements
for fire protection water supply. Such structures shall be approved on a case-by-
case basis.
4. Miscellaneous Details:
a. All the provisions of Sec. II.C.2.d (above) shall apply unless otherwise
specified below.
b. If a well and pump are to be used to supply fire protection water, the pump
must be one that is used regularly, and that will be noticed if not working.
This is what is considered to be a 'reliable water source'. A pump used
exclusively for fire protection water shall be a listed fire pump.
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
Exception: Tanks supplying only a wharf hydrant required for non-dwelling
structures where no domestic service is provided.
c. Use of water from a Santa Clara County Water District major conduit for fire
protection water supply is prohibited without express written permission from
the Water District.
A) TIMING: Fire protection water systems shall be installed and approved prior to
issuance of the building permit for the first structure to be built in the subdivision. If
the subdivision includes existing structures, proof of adequate fire protection
consistent with current standards for the affected structure(s) shall be provided prior
to recordation of the final map if the fire protection water system is not in place.
B) A new major subdivision shall require either connection to a regulated water
purveyor, or the formation of a Mutual Water Company if there is no recognized
water purveyor available. New mutual water companies shall provide the minimum
required fire-flow for structural fire protection in Section II.B, above. Individual tanks
and shared water systems are not allowed. If the required fire-flow from standard
hydrants cannot be supplied by an existing regulated water system, an approved fire
sprinkler system shall also be required in each structure as a mitigative measure,
provided a minimum of 500 gpm is available from area hydrants.
C) Duration for fire-flow shall be for two (2) hours regardless of the size of the
proposed/existing structure(s).
D) Fire-flow requirements for subdivisions shall be based on the largest proposed or
existing structure in the subdivision.
E) Fire protection water supply shall be stored in combination with the domestic water
supply to ensure the reliability of the system, however quantities in storage required
by this standard shall be in addition to the domestic supply. A pump used exclusively
to pressurize the fire protection system shall be a listed fire pump.
F) Approved standard hydrants shall be required and shall be spaced a maximum of 500
feet apart. No driveway shall be in excess of 250 feet from an approved hydrant.
Additional hydrants may be required if the distance between the hydrant and furthest
exterior portion of the structure exceeds 600 ft. in length (measured along the
approved path of travel). Hydrants shall be provided for existing structures within
the subdivision.
Exception: Subdivisions with lots of such size or arrangement that the above spacing
is infeasible shall provide hydrant placement and spacing as required by the Fire
G) Additional hydrants may be required when mains are installed along streets where
hydrants are not needed for protection of structures. Such hydrants shall be spaced at
1,000 ft. to provide for traffic hazards.
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
H) Installation of standard hydrants requires a permit from the Fire Marshal unless
installed by a PUC-regulated water purveyor (e.g., San Jose Water Co.). Permits
may also be required from other County and non-County agencies prior to
I) Installation of Standard hydrants and supplying underground piping shall comply
with NFPA 24, Standard For The Installation Of Private Fire Service Mains And Their
J) The installation of tanks for Water Mutuals shall comply with NFPA 22, Water Tanks
for Private Fire Protection, adopted edition.
K) Standard hydrants shall be pressurized commercial-style wet barrel-type type with a
four inch (4”) or four-and-one-half inch (4-1/2-inch) pumper connection and double
two-and-one-half inch (2-1/2-inch) outlets. Outlet size shall be based upon the
responding fire jurisdiction’s specifications (see note below). Hydrants shall be
installed such that the center of the pumper connection outlet is not less than
eighteen inches (18”) above the finish grade, and shall face the driving surface.
Hydrants may be fed from either an approved storage tank or a recognized water
purveyor. Dry barrel hydrants are not allowed.
NOTE: Standard hydrants located within the South Santa Clara County Fire Protection
District, all State Response Areas (SRA), the Stanford University campus, and within the
Palo Alto Fire Department’s sphere of influence require a 4-1/2 inch pumper connection.
A) Fire Marshal Permits:
1. When required:
a. Installation or modification of residential-style wharf hydrant and tank(s)
for one- and two-family use. A permit may be issued without plan review
provided the building permit for the structure has been approved by the
Fire Marshal. [REF: CFMO-W4 & CFMO-W5]
b. Installation or modification of standard hydrants or standard hydrant
systems. [REF: NFPA 24]
Exception: Hydrant(s) or hydrant systems installed and inspected by PUC-
regulated water purveyors. NOTE: Systems intended to be turned over to
a regulated water purveyor after completion that are installed by private
contractors shall obtain a permit from the Fire Marshal.
c. Installation or modification of residential fire sprinkler systems. [REF:
d. 30,000 gallon tank and hydrant system installed as an alternative to
requirements in Sec. II.C.2 (Exception), for non-dwelling structures up to
3,600 sq. ft. not located within the Wildland Urban Interface.
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70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
e. A permit from the Building Inspection Office is required for the installation
of tanks in excess of 5,000 gallons, those which exceed the ratio of height to
diameter or width of 2:1, and tanks of any size located within a flood plain.
2. Contact the Fire Marshal’s Office for details regarding permits, applications,
and fees or see our website at
3. No work shall commence prior to permit issuance.
4. Permits from other County Departments may be required. Contact the County
Building Inspection Office at (408) 299-5700, Planning Office at (408) 299-5770,
Land Development Engineering at (408) 299-5730, and Department of
Environmental Health at (408) 299-5748 for further information.
B) Submittals:
1. Proof of available fire protection water supply is required at time of building
permit submittal. If a regulated water purveyor supplying a hydrant system is
available, provide a will-serve letter to include available fire-flow at the nearest
hydrant (or hydrants if the nearest hydrant cannot supply the required fire-flow)
and a map showing the location of hydrant(s) in relation to the property.
2. Installation of residential tanks and wharf hydrants will be included in the
building permit process. An inspection by the Fire Marshal’s Office is required.
Details shall be included on the site plan in the set of drawings submitted to the
Building Inspection Office for Building Permit. All plans shall be drawn to scale
and contain the following information:
a. Water source, including location of well or connection to a water main,
location, capacity & number of on-site tanks, and available fire-flow (if any).
b. Elevation of both base of tank and hydrant orifice shall be indicated on the
c. Location and size of all piping from the water main or tank to proposed
and/or existing hydrant(s) as well as any piping between tanks.
d. Size, type (wharf or standard) and location of all hydrants, existing and
proposed (indicate status on plans).
3. Fees shall apply (see fee schedule:
4. Standard Hydrants:
a. A separate submittal to the Fire Marshal’s Office is required. The submittal
shall show compliance with NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private
Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances, adopted edition.
b. Submittals shall be made by a State-licensed contractor with a “C16”, “C34”
or “A” license only.
c. Submittal shall include manufacturer’s specifications for all equipment and
appurtenances to be installed. Plans shall indicate size of pumper connection
(4-inch or 4-1/2-inch) and number of 2-1/2-inch outlets.
SD&S: CFMO-W1 Page 10 of 10
70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 7th Floor • San Jose • CA 95110 • (408) 299-5763
C) Installation Requirements:
1. Installation shall be performed by fully experienced and responsible persons.
Poor workmanship shall not be accepted.
2. All materials shall be new.
D) Inspection Requirements:
1. Wharf Hydrants:
a. All underground piping for hydrants shall be inspected by this office while
system is pressurized to 50 lbs. over normal system pressure prior to
b. Flushing and flow tests shall also be observed by this office prior to final
acceptance of the hydrant installation.
2. Standard Hydrants:
a. All underground piping for standard hydrants and standard hydrant systems
shall be inspected by this office under pressure per NFPA 24 prior to
b. Flushing and fire-flow tests shall also be observed prior to final acceptance of
the standard hydrant or hydrant system installation.
SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 1 of 4
Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos,
Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga.
14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 | (408) 378-4010 |
This standard is applicable to driveways serving up to two (2) single family dwellings
where any portion of the dwelling(s) is greater than 200 feet from the center line of a
public roadway. The specifications contained in this standard apply only to properties
located within the incorporated city/town services areas of the Santa Clara County Fire
Department. Fire department access for dwellings in unincorporated County areas shall
conform to County of Santa Clara driveway/roadway standards.
California Fire Code (C.F.C), Applicable Municipal/Town Codes and Standards
Driveway: A vehicular access roadway less than 20 feet in width and serving no more
than two single-family dwellings.
Roadway: A vehicular access roadway greater than or equal to 20 feet in width serving
more than two single-family dwellings.
A. For Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Los Altos Hills: A 12-
foot-wide paved surface.
B. For Los Altos: A 14-foot-wide paved surface.
C. For Saratoga: A 14-foot-wide paved surface.
Rev. Date 04/27/21
SUBJECT: Specifications for Driveways, Turnarounds and Eff. Date 01/23/97
Turn Outs Serving up to Two (2) Single Family Dwellings Approved By ____
Page __1___ of __4__
SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 2 of 4
Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos,
Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga.
A. The vertical clearance above the entire length of the driveway shall be in
accordance with the CFC; 13 feet 6 inches.
NOTE: When approved by the Fire Code official, grades up to 20% may be allowed.
In no case shall the portion of driveway exceeding 15% gradient be longer than 300-
feet in length. For longer driveways, there shall be at least 100-feet of driveway at
15% or less gradient between each 300-foot section that exceeds 15%.
The installation of gates or other barricades across driveways shall comply with Santa
Clara County Fire Department’s Standard G-1.
Driveways shall be an all-weather surface of either asphalt, concrete or another
engineered surface acceptable to the fire department. The surface shall be approved
by a civil engineer and be able to support apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds.
NOTE: For alternative roadway surfaces such as “Turf Block” or other materials that
blend into landscaping and/or that do not readily appear to be driving surfaces, the
boundary edges of the alternate material shall be delineated as approved by the fire
code official. Delineation shall be by concrete curbs, borders, posts, or other means
that clearly indicate the location and extent of the driving surface.
A. Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the
bridge shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO HB-17.
B. All bridges, elevated surfaces and culverts shall be designed for a live load
sufficient to carry the imposed load of a fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000
pounds. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at the entrance to the bridge.
Additional signs may be required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces
designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not
designed for such use, approved barriers, approved signs or both shall be
installed and maintained when required by the fire code official.
SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 4 of 4
Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos,
Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga.
14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 | (408) 378-4010 |
For driveways sloping upward from the access roadway, the angles of approach and
departure shall be as approved by the fire code official.
The minimum outside turning radius is 40 feet, unless otherwise specified.
Exception: Modified turning radius may be allowed by the fire code official in cases
where conditions acceptable under the CFC allow for such deviation. Requests for
such modifications must be made in writing to the fire code official for review.
Turnouts are required every 500 feet for driveways in excess of 500 feet.
SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 4 of 4
Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos,
Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga.
14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 | (408) 378-4010 |
Turnarounds are required for all driveways with a length in excess of 150 feet.
NOTE: Turnarounds cannot exceed 5% in any one direction.
12 FT
14 FT
To:Planning; Ryan Safty
Subject:16466 Bonnie Lane; Subdivision Application M-21-003
Date:Tuesday, October 12, 2021 9:42:07 AM
October 12, 2021
To: Planning Commission of Los Gatos
Community Development Dept.
Planning Division
I am writing to oppose Subdivision Applicant's proposed lot split. The property fails to meet the
"Standard Details & Specifications" (Spec No D-1) for vehicle travel and as it relates to the applicants
property falls which falls under Santa Clara County's Wildland Urban Interface Zone (WUI).
The Santa Clara County Fire Department Fire/Town Code states the definition of "Driveways" and
"Roadways". The applicant has called the current driveway servicing three homes: 16466, 16500, and
16510 Bonnie Lane, as a roadway when in fact it is a driveway. The Town Fire Code only allows two
residences on a driveway; the applicant cannot put a driveway off of a driveway.
The Los Gatos Planning Commission must deny the Subdivision Application M-21-003.
Thank you.
Steven Werner
Ret. Fire Captain, SCCFD
T.H.I.S. DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT P.O.Box 1518, Los Gatos, CA 95031
Tel: 408.354.1863 Fax: 408.354.1823
Town of Los Gatos
110 East Main St
Los Gatos Ca 93030
October 11th, 2021
Lot Split at 16466 Bonnie Lane, Los Gatos
Rebuttal/Semi-Anonymous Letters Received 10.11.21
This rebuttal addresses the group of letters I just received re: This Project.
Issue #1: Inadequate Fire Resources
As stated in Letter #1 – There is a Fire Hydrant directly across the street from the New
Parcel 1. It is 45 ft from the proposed Driveway. Any new building will have to be designed
to comply with fire resistant construction techniques including exterior materials, fire
sprinklers and defensible space. Access to the barn, if it were to be considered a
habitable structure, would need to be provided via the existing driveway to the panhandle
or otherwise, but this would be addressed at a subsequent A&S application.
This proposal has been approved by SCFD subject to these conditions.
Issue #2: Inadequate Frontage and Access
As I previously pointed out in my rebuttal to Lippe Law dated August 10th, the proposed
Parcel #1 has 7.65 ft of Frontage on Bonnie Lane and an additional 134.42 ft on “a Private
Right-of-Way Easement” specifically dedicated for “Road Purposes” for a total of 142 ft
of legal frontage. The grant of easement “For Road Purposes” is called out on the Civil
Plans – sheets 2, 3 and 4 as 2739 of Santa Clara County Official Records Page 558 and was
recorded October 14th, 1953. I have attached a copy of the original grant deed and a more
recent Record of Survey [Book 65 of Maps Page 26], which shows it pictorially.
The frontage is correct and there is no violation of any easement.
Issue #3:The Character of the Street will Change – and Safety.
There are 10 houses on the East side of Bonnie Lane and 11 on the West. It is not credible
to think that the addition of one house [making it 11 + 11] will change the character of the
street. This is not a ‘rural street’ as some have suggested, but rather a zoning transition
from urban R1:8 to R1:20 districts. There is, in fact, only one parcel on the street, which is
“underdeveloped” and this is it: 2 acres with one house and one barn/accessory building.
Some suggestions have been made in these letters that Bonnie Lane should be improved
with the addition of sidewalks, widening, street lamps and other improvements – making it
less rural (?). Others, from the pan-handlers have suggested that the owner dedicate the
entire Pan Handle as a Conservation Easement.
The owner is already proposing 10,000 sq ft of ‘open space’ dedication. 20,000 sq ft is
somewhat excessive, but offered earlier that they might choose to buy it – with no takers.
Issue #4: Verbal Comments from Owner at Bonnie Lane
I am including this in the rebuttal – as it was the only interesting/constructive suggestion
from opponents of the project – suggested an alternate lot split that would
remove the possibility of ‘loss of privacy’ for him as the immediate neighbor to any future
house on Parcel #1.
He suggested splitting the lot to have the ‘barn’ on a new lot at the rear of the property,
accessed from Peacock Lane via a bridge across Ross Creek and keeping the existing
residence as the sole house with access to Bonnie Lane. This would be entirely feasible
from a logistics standpoint and I considered it briefly. I ultimately rejected it as
impractical with the current Zoning Regulations at to frontage and my belief that there
would be more opposition than support for such a proposal.
In Conclusion:
It is my opinion that this project is entirely in keeping with all applicable rules and
regulations of the Town for a minor land division.
Not allowing the owner to develop the property in a manner entirely in keeping with the
Town General Plan, zoning standards and the rhythm of the neighborhood by denying this
Lot Split as proposed would be entirely in contravention with the Rules and Guidelines of
the Subdivision Map Act.
Not withstanding comments from some neighbors who are against the project, I think that
[in the future] an appropriate house designed on a new Parcel #1 would be a benefit to the
neighborhood, rather than a detriment. It is unfortunate that Covid restricted my
dialogue with neighbors in the early stages of the project and I was unaware that the
original CDAC hearing was public and the neighborhood would be noticed – so I had
attempted no outreach at that time – mea culpa!
If there are any questions, I will answer them at the Planning Commission Meeting.
Thank you
Tony Jeans
Attachments – reviewed by PPW/Engineering:
2739OR558: Creation of Road Easement October 1953
RoS: 65M26: Record of Survey showing Easement