Staff Reports with Attachments.245 Johnson Ave PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/27/2021 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: October 20, 2021 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Preliminary Review of a Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8 Located at 245 Johnson Avenue. APN 532-28-022. Property Owner: Chris and Elizabeth Juelsgaard. Applicant: Jessica Smith. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a preliminary review of a request for construction of exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:8 located at 245 Johnson Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1910 per County Assessor’s Database, with an effective year-built date of 1980 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: N/A 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? N/A 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes DISCUSSION: The Santa Clara County Assessor’s Database lists a construction date of 1910 for the existing residence, with an effective year build date of 1980, indicating substantial construction occurred to the residence. The 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey did not cover this property, but a California Department of Parks and Recreation Historic Resources Inventory survey form on file with the Town lists the residence as new or rebuilt (Attachment 1). The Sanborn Fire Insurance maps from 1891 through 1956 show that the location and footprint of the residence remained PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 245 Johnson Avenue DATE: October 20, 2021 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2021\10-27-21\Item 03 - Johnson Avenue 245\Staff Report.245 Johnson Avenue JA.docx DISCUSSION (continued): relatively consistent overtime and recognizes the residence as single-story through 1956 (Attachment 2). The Sanborn maps do not cover the area of the subject property prior to 1891. An investigation of the Town’s permit records shows that a Building Permit was issued in 1986 for an addition to the existing residence that enclosed and removed the original exterior walls on the side and rear elevations, added a new second story, and modified the street-facing bay window from a box bay to the angle bay with a steep roof pitch (Attachment 3). Lastly, recent Building Permits were issued by the Town for demolition of the front portion of the detached garage and an addition to the residence on the right-side elevation on the ground floor below the second-story bay windows. This work is reflected in the attached development plans (Attachment 7). Given the background of the residence, loss of integrity on the side and rear elevations, and the limited visibility of the addition, staff did not refer this work to the Committee for review. The architecture of the existing residence is rooted in the Queen Anne Victorian style, but as the applicant details in their letter, the residence is not a characteristic example of the style given its proportions and missing elements (Attachment 4). The project proposes alterations to the exterior of the front elevation including: • Reducing the front bay window roof slope to match the porch roof slope and allow the gable pediment to be more prominent; • Adding a window to the gable pediment; • Adding trim across the gable pediment base to further define the pediment; • Replacing windows with fiberglass clad, simulated divided lite wood casement windows. The sizes and function around the house are to be limited for continuity replacing a mix of double hung, sliders, and casements; • Replacing window/door head casing with taller crown and drip cap, and adding an apron to sills to reference the historic style and create the illusion of more vertical oriented openings; and • Adding a side-lite to the front entry door to add prominence and balance adjacent blank wall from previously removed windows. The Residential Design Guidelines provides guidance for window replacement on historic homes, including the following: Composite, synthetic, metal, vinyl, plastic or fabricated/imitation wood products will generally not be approved. However, some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis when the decision-making body determines that the replacement is consistent with the appearance of the original material, and that a lay person would be unlikely to discern the difference. The burden of proof will reside with the applicant. Material PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 245 Johnson Avenue DATE: October 20, 2021 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2021\10-27-21\Item 03 - Johnson Avenue 245\Staff Report.245 Johnson Avenue JA.docx DISCUSSION (continued): samples, photographs and specific locations where the material may be seen in use will all assist in the evaluation of alternative materials (Attachment 5). The existing windows are a mix of styles and not original to the residence, some having been installed with the 1986 additions. The applicant proposes fiberglass clad wood windows by Marvin and has provided a cutaway section showing the details of the materials and construction for the windows (Attachment 4). The fiberglass cladding presents a wood-like appearance, even when examined at close range. The proposed windows would allow for a consistent window type and pattern across all elevations of the residence. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting preliminary feedback for construction of exterior alterations to a pre-1941 single-family residence. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the project could be completed with a Building Permit, and if confirmed through Planning review to be in substantial conformance with the Committee’s review and recommendations, would not return to the Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines Section 4.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for additions to historic resources through reference to Section 3.9 (Attachment 3). PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 245 Johnson Avenue DATE: October 20, 2021 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2021\10-27-21\Item 03 - Johnson Avenue 245\Staff Report.245 Johnson Avenue JA.docx ATTACHMENTS: 1. State of California Parks and Recreation Historic Resources Inventory Survey 2. Sanborn Map Exhibit 3. Town Building Permit Records 4. Project Description 5. Sections 3.7 and 4.8.4, Residential Design Guidelines 6. Research 7. Development Plans . . hn of California-TM "e~DU~a~ /lltf/IIICV DE,AATMENT OF fiA"ICS AND "Eef'EATION HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY Set. No .--------- HAIS_HAEA_Loc __ sHL No._NR StatuS __ • UTM: A c __________ __ a o __________ _ JENTIFICATION 1. COmmonNmt:------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Historic "!_me :-------------------------------------------------------- 3. Sltwt or rvrallddress: __ _.:,.l;t;:f5iii...:&R:12' !J.n!l.n~so~n~---------------------------------------- ~~--------------------------~-----------~"~---------------------- 4. hn»lnum~r=----------------------------------------------------------5. Present Owner: ------------------------------Add,...: ______________ _ City----------------------Zip ____ Ownenhip is : Public _____ Prmtt --------- ~ ~ntU.: ________________________ ~Or·INI~:---------------------------- DESCR IPTtON 7L ~avle: 1b. 8riefly dweslbi me~ ~'•••a Df1he n ar ~ n 1 iiN -v ...;or 81Matiula flam hs original condition: 1111111111111111111111111111 'lilt!!!!! Ulllllll' ~ ~. PIGPII Eat tb1 .Cin fwt) F~~ ~h------ or~x.~----------- ATTACHMENT 1 13. Condition: Excellent _Good _ F11r _ D.ttriolltld _ No longlr in uialna _ • . Altlrltiona: ---------------------------------·-___ _ 15. Surrounclngs: (Check morw than one if ,....ry) Open land _Scllt8Nd building~_ Denlttv bulttoup _ R•idtmill_lndUIIrial _eomme~_Oihtr: ----------------- ,e. Threm to litt: None known_Privlt.t development_ Zoning_ Vendalltm _ ______ --~cwo~~~-----~= ----------------------------- 17. Is~: On JD originellite? __ _ Moved? __ _ Unknown? --- SIGNIFICANCE 18. lriefty n.m hiltoriCII .-.d/or lrdtitec:Nral imporura Cindudt u-. ~ . .., ..,._. --=i.-d ~ 1ht site.) a · ..-.-.. ,,.. hiltDiic~: Ctf mor~ttwn one 11 a.cua ...... ,in .... of~) ~ Ani6~------Eamomicllndustrial _Exploqtion/Smlement __ _ Government Military -------- liteligiotl Sodll/EdUCition ----- 21. Sourc:.a (Lilt books, document~ • ...,., ...,..,.. in181 vltwl ..s their •• , • .:a. 'DIIIilnl' -------------•vc~1----------------~---------------------Add,..: ________________ _ City ------------~P-----~=------------------------ 1.Dc:ftionll ~ .,. atraw.., 1a1w and JUnOUnding .,..... .roldl. and JWDI'ftit¥ill•ldmlrita): uNOR~ t. 1891 245 Johnson Avenue ATTACHMENT 2 1895 245 Johnson Avenue 1904 245 Johnson Avenue 1908 245 Johnson Avenue 1928 245 Johnson Avenue 1944 245 Johnson Avenue 1956 245 Johnson Avenue This Page Intentionally Left Blank Red notations added to direct attention to improvements 10/10/21 Expanded from 1-story residence to 2-story ATTACHMENT 3 non-original shingles all windows & doors replaced replaced door removed windows angled bay replaced box bay expanded footprint all windows replaced This Page Intentionally Left Blank October 10, 2021 245 Johnson Avenue, Los Gatos (Current structure at 245 Johnson Ave, year 2021) Dear Historic Preservation Committee, This application seeks input and recommendations for proposed exterior improvements of residence 245 Johnson Avenue, Los Gatos with the intention of further assimilating with the neighborhood style without masquerading as a truly historic house. While originally built in 1910 according to city records, the current structure is a 1980’s attempt at Victorian Queen Anne styling as it was heavily modified around 1986 per city permit microfiche. The new owners ATTACHMENT 4 as of 2020, strive to improve the aesthetic to be more in keeping with historic style of the surrounding neighborhood. Research: The Sanborn map of 1851 (attached) shows a double lot (that has since been subdivided) with structure outlines differing from today’s footprints drawing the conclusion these structures were removed or altered. City Planning records have the current structure built in 1910 though drawing records do not exist. Permit drawing microfiche dated 1986 show an addition/remodel expanding the foot print and adding a second story (attached). The proposed elevations of the permit show the form the house takes today. An included existing plan shows the previous footprint and layout prior to the remodel. The 1991 Historic Resources Inventory does not include 245 Johnson, as it stopped at number 201 just up the street. (Plan of structure prior to 1986 permit) Style Analysis: The current architectural style is rooted in the Victorian Queen Anne typically built between 1880-1910. Character defining features include the primary roof shape of a steep hipped roof volume with front asymmetrical, secondary cross gable; ¾ front porch, horizontal siding with accenting scalloped shingles, bay windows on the south (front) and east facades, and returning eaves at the gable pediment. These elements are all reference in “A Field Guide to American Houses, by Virginia Savage McAlester, 2015. Closer analysis reveals unbalanced proportions and missing elements that take away from being a contributing structure to the historic aesthetic. The porch and bay window roof slopes are close to that of the hipped roof slope, but should be much shallower. The gable is void of a window or vent. Front windows looking onto the porch (shown on pg 4 Existing Flr Plan) were removed to make way for the internal stair leaving an unbalanced blank wall. Windows are a mix of double hung, casements, and sliders of wood or aluminum construction with failing dual pane glazing. Window and Door casings include rosettes, which are more typically found in interior casings rather than at the exterior. These inconsistencies cause the structure to feel awkward and unbalanced. Proposed Improvements: Using “A Field Guide to American Houses, by Virginia Savage McAlester, 2015, elements were selected from the diagrams and example photographs to incorporate into the proposal to improve the aesthetic and avoid adding too much gingerbread. Inspiration images from the guide are referenced with the related improvement. 1. Reduce the front bay window roof slope to match the porch slope and allow the gable pediment to be more prominent. (image 3 pg357) 2. Add window to gable pediment (image 5 pg 352, image 2 pg356, image 1 pg357, image 7 pg359) 3. Add trim across gable pediment base to define the pediment (image 5 pg352, image 7 pg359) 4. Replace windows with fiberglass clad, simulated divided lite casements, Manuf: Marvin Elevates (see attached profile). Sizes and function around the house are to be limited for continuity replacing a mix of double hung, sliders, and casements. According to the 1987 permit drawings pg 3 and pg10, the windows are not original to the 1910 house as they were to be replaced with “Pozzi wood windows, or equal.” 5. Replace window/door head casing with taller crown and drip cap, and add apron to sills to reference the historic style and create the illusion of more vertical oriented openings. (image 1 pg356, image 4 pg357, image 7 pg359) 6. Add side-lite to Front Entry door to add prominence and balance adjacent blank wall from previously removed windows. Please provide review and recommendation on these proposed exterior alterations to 245 Johnson Avenue. Your expertise is much appreciated. Sincerely, Jessica Smith Architect Jessica.c.smith@gmail.com 7230.235.4780 DATE:10/13/21 SCALE:245 JOHNSON AVE AP# 532-28-022 245 JOHNSON AVE LOS GATOS, CA 1851 SANBORN MAP 245 JOHNSON PROPERTY DATE:10/13/21 SCALE:245 JOHNSON AVE AP# 532-28-022 245 JOHNSON AVE LOS GATOS, CA 1941 BLOOMFIELD SURVEY SHEET DATE:10/13/21 SCALE:245 JOHNSON AVE AP# 532-28-022 245 JOHNSON AVE LOS GATOS, CA WINDOW PROFILE: MARVIN ELEVATE This Page Intentionally Left Blank Residential Design Guidelines30 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.7 WINDOWS 3.7.1 Arrange windows in patterns and groupings consistent with the architectural style and surrounding neighborhood •Many architectural styles have individual windows that are grouped into patterns of two, three or more windows. Be conscious of this fact, and organize the windows to comple- ment the style. 3.7.2 Match window types and proportions to the architectural style and to the surrounding neighborhood •Select window types to complement the style of the house. Each architectural style generally has one or two window types that are traditional to the style. Double hung windows, for example, are common features of Victorian and Crafts- man Styles while casement windows are seen frequently in Mission and Spanish Eclectic styles. •Most architectural styles feature windows that have either vertical or square proportions. Avoid horizontal window proportions unless the style (e.g., Modern or Ranch Style) is clearly supportive of that shape. Horizontal groupings of vertical and square windows are one means of providing visual balance to a facade design. •Limit the number of different window types and propor- tions to enhance the visual unity of the house design. •For second floor additions to existing homes, match the windows on the original first floor. •Match the size and shape of window shutters to the shape and size of the windows. Shutters that are large enough to cover the windows, if closed, should be the goal. Hinges on shutters to allow their closure are desirable. Avoid very narrow shutters that are clearly not wide enough to cover the window opening. 3.7.3 Match window materials to the architectural style and to the surrounding neighborhood •Wood windows are common in Los Gatos. Wood is still the desired choice for styles that traditionally used wood. However, today there are some window materials, such as vinyl clad wood windows that are not noticeably different from wood at a short distance. They may be used if their visual appearance matches wood. •Generally, avoid metal windows. They may be considered acceptable for a Modern Style house, but would be strongly discouraged for all other styles. Group windows in a manner that is traditional for the architectural style Most architectural styles have vertically proportioned windows Windows with some depth from the frame to the glass are desirable ATTACHMENT 5 Residential Design Guidelines 31 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.7.4 Design the windows with attention to matching the traditional details of the architectural style • Most architectural styles - except Mission, Spanish Eclectic or Modern - should have wood trim around the windows. The trim width should be matched to the style, but in gen- eral, should not be less than 3 1/2 inches wide. Head trim depth should be equal to or wider than the jamb casing, but not less than one-sixth of the opening width. • Projecting window sills and heads are strongly encouraged unless the architectural style would not normally have those features. • Wood trim is also encouraged on stucco houses unless the window frames are recessed at least 6 inches from the out- side face of the wall. The use of stucco covered foam trim is strongly discouraged. • Divided lights (i.e., larger window panes broken up into smaller pieces) are common in many home styles found in Los Gatos. Use either vertical or square proportions for the smaller window elements. Be consistent in the proportions (i.e., the ratio of the horizontal to the vertical dimension) of the smaller panes. Do not use snap in flat grids to simu- late divided lights. Use either true divided lights or one of the newer window systems that have dimensional muntins on both the exterior and interior of the glass along with a spacer muntin between the panes of glass. Use consistently for windows on all sides of the house. 3.7.5 Special window shapes and styles should be used sparingly • Avoid Estate Home Style windows (e.g., tall arched windows) in neighborhoods where the homes are more modest and informal in character. • Bay windows should be designed with a base element to the ground or with supporting brackets at the base. Sloped roofs should be used and covered with a material that matches the roof material or with metal. Avoid using wall materials between the individual windows of the bay window unless the window is large. Generally, bay windows look best when the windows are close together and separated by wood jambs that match wood sills and heads as shown in the example to the right. Most architectural styles will be complemented by wood trim at the jambs, heads and sills Use bay windows sparingly and detail them as an integral part of the design Avoid Estate Style windows like this on smaller scale homes Residential Design Guidelines48 Town of Los Gatos HISTORIC RESOURCES4 • New materials should identically match original materials in shape, size, dimension, texture and pattern. Metal used as flashing, screening, gutters, and utility services and other traditional elements are acceptable. • Composite, synthetic, metal, vinyl, plastic or fabricated/ imitation wood products, painted brick or imitation used brick will generally not be approved. However, some ex- ceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis when the decision making body determines that the replacement is consistent with the appearance of the original material, and that a lay person would be unlikely to discern the difference. The burden of proof will reside with the applicant. Mate- rial samples, photographs and specific locations where the material may be seen in use will all assist in the evaluation of alternative materials. • The decision making body may approve an acceptable alter- native to the original building material if use of the original material is not feasible due to unreasonable cost and com- mercial availability, or health and safety considerations. 4.8.3 Doors • Original doors should be retained and restored. • New replacement doors for Victorians should not be flush, but of raised or flat panel design. • Front doors generally should be painted, not stained. Not applicable to Mission Revival/Mediterranean style structures. • Screened doors should be real wood framed of simple de- sign unless patterns can be shown to fit the existing style. 4.8.4 Windows and Glass in doors • Original windows, glass and window decorations should be retained and restored. • Replacement of only the deteriorated portions of the win- dows is recommended rather than the replacement of the entire window. • New or replacement windows should be wood-sashed and muntined if applicable. • Sills, lintels, frames, sashes, muntins, and all decorations should be identically replaced. • All elements of new windows should be identical in size, shape, proportion, and dimensions as the original windows of the building, or consistent with traditional sizes, propor- tions and dimensions of buildings of the same architectural style, design and era. • Windows should be constructed of real glass, and window Simulated divided lite windows may be considered on a case-by- case basis True divided lite windows are encouraged when appropriate to the original structure Original doors and windows should be retained and repaired Residential Design Guidelines 49 Town of Los Gatos HISTORIC RESOURCES4 frames should be constructed of real wood - not vinyl, metal or plastic. Wood sashes may be vinyl or metal clad if the window frame and dressing is designed consistent with the historic context of the building. • All lites (panes of glass) should be true divided lite, not artificial or snap-in grids. Simulated Divided Lite windows are permitted when the details of the window provide projecting muntin elements on the exterior and interior of the window along with a spacer muntin between the panes of glass (See example to the left). • New arched, angled, and/or octagonal windows are discour- aged. • Large expanses of blank exterior walls without windows are discouraged. 4.8.5 Bay Windows • Size, shape, proportion, dimension, type of foundation, and, roof material and style of bay windows, whether restored or of new construction, should be identical to the original or existing bay windows of the structure. • New bay windows may be added to the building in loca- tions where no bay windows previously existed. These new bay windows should be identical to and replicate the style, design, size, shape and proportion, type of foundation and roof of other bay windows existing on structure. If there are no existing bay windows on the structure, new bay windows should be built in the same size, shape, dimension, propor- tions, material and type of foundation and roof typical of the architectural style. Metal frame kitchen garden windows are prohibited. • Generally, traditional architectural styles will require either a foundation to the ground or substantial supporting brackets below a bay window. Floating windows without support, as shown for the bow bay window example to the right, are rarely appropriate. • New bay windows are permitted only when the applicant proves to the Deciding Body that they are consistent with existing style, design and character of the structure. 4.8.6 Chimneys • Wood-framed chimneys are prohibited unless their exteri- ors are covered with brick or river rock veneers. Masonry veneers may be used. However, they should be detailed exactly as the solid construction that they are emulating. • Stucco Mission Revival or Mediterranean style houses may have stucco covered chimneys. Match bay windows to the architectural style of the house Some window styles, such as this bow bay window, would have very limited applicability for use on a historic resource structure Wood clad chimneys are prohibited Masonry and stucco chimneys are preferred $,#$ $()$( #$ " "#"&$  $$ #$ " #" "#$  %%!#)((!!%'$+,'))#+##(*%%$')#$*"#)()$*().)''&*()$' '"$!0 !)')$#0 )$#0 )'"#)$# $ (##0 $' "$!)$# $  (#) $' %'(*"%)+()$''($*'3(,$' ()(#)#)$((())%%!#)#)'#,'))# +##(*%%$')#$*"#)(0#)$((()) ()$''('+)$# $"")) *'# +!*)$#$)'&*()3  %%!#)((!!%'$+,'))#+##(*%%$')#$*"#)($)()$'!#'))*'! ')'()(0 ''# $)()'*)*'( 8$#()'*)$# )0!)')$# )(0 %$)$'% $*"#))$#9#%$%!8$,#'#4$''(#)#"(93 ,'))#+###$))$#)( ,$' ()0%!())(%')()(3  !!$#"#"$  '8%!( )$-$#.$*$"%!).$*''('92  >3 $()$(*! 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California Energy Commission CI cast iron CLG ceiling CMU concrete masonry unit C.O. cleanout COAX coaxial cable COL column COMM communication CONC concrete CONN connection CONST construction CONT continuous CONTR contractor CU cubic DBL double DF douglas fir DIA diameter DIM dimension DISP disposal DIV divided or division DN down DSP downspout DW dishwasher DWG drawing DWR drawer EA each ELECT electric ELEV elevation ENGR engineer EQ equal (E) EXIST existing EXP expansion EXT exterior FD floor drain FDN foundation FIN finish FL, FLR floor FOC face of concrete FOF face of finish FOS face of stud FP fireplace FR floor register FT foot or feet FTG footing FURR furring G gas GA gauge GALV galvanized GB grade beam GEN general GFI ground fault interrupter GL glazing or glass GR grade GSM galvanized sheet metal GYP gypsum HB hose bibb HDG hot dip galvanized HDR header HORIZ horizontal HT height HW hot water HWH hot water heater IN inch INCL include INSUL insulation INT interior JT joint KD kiln dried LAV lavatory LB pound LDSCP landscape LH left hand MAX maximum MB machine bolt MEMB membrane MEZZ mezzanine MFR manufacturer MIN minimum MISC miscellaneous MTL metal (N) new NIC not in contract NOM nominal NTS not to scale O/ over OA overall OC on center OCEW on center each way OD outside diameter OFCI owner furnish, contractor install OPP HAND opposite hand OPNG opening PL plate PLAM plastic laminate PLF pounds per lineal foot PLY plywood PR pair PSF pounds per square foot PSI pounds per square inch PT pressure treated with preservative RD roof drain REINF reinforcement REQ required RESIL resilient REV revision or revised RH right hand RM room RO rough opening RS ring shank RWD redwood RWL rain water leader SAD see architectural drawings SCHED schedule SD smoke detector SECT section SH shelf SIM similar SLAD see landscape architect drawings SPEC specification SPKR speaker SQ square SS stainless steel or sanitary sewer SSD see structural drawings STD standard STL steel STRL structural SUSP suspend (ed) SYM symmetrical T & B top & bottom TC top of curb T & G tongue & groove TEMP tempered TOC top of concrete TW top of wall TYP typical UON unless otherwise noted VERT vertical VGDF vert. grain doug. fir (10 ring/inch min) VIF verify in field W/ with WC water closet WD wood WDW window WP waterproof WP'ING waterproofing WR wall register EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN NEW WALL CONSTRUCTION EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED NEW ACOUSTIC WALL CONSTRUCTION NEW 1HR. FIRE RATED WALL CONSTRUCTION WALL TYPES ABBREVIATIONS DRAWING SYMBOLS LEGEND DEFERRED APPROVAL ITEMS Two copies of each deferred submittal will first be submitted to the Architect/Engineer-of-Record, who will review them and forward them to the Building Department with notations indicating that the submittals conform to the design of the building. The engineer(s) responsible for the design of the deferred submittal items shall stamp and wet-sign those drawings and calculations for which he/she is responsible: • N/A SCOPE OF WORK SELECTED DEMOLITION OF WALLS, WINDOWS OF THE EXISTING HOME AND GARAGE; NEW 1- STORY ADDITION AND REMODEL WITH NEW EXTERIOR FINISHES; NEW OPENINGS & REPAIRS TO EXISTING GARAGE; NEW HVAC, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING; NEW DECK STRUCTURE, AND STAIRS, All construction shall comply with all local codes and ordinances and the codes listed below: 2019 California Residential Code: CRC 2019 California Mechanical Code: CMC 2019 California Electrical Code: CEC 2019 California Plumbing Code: CPC 2019 California Fire Code 2019 California Energy Code: CEnC 2019 California Building Code: CBC 2019 California Green Building Standards: CalGreen City of Los Gatos Municipal Code W.U.I. REQUIREMENTS GENERAL CONDITIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATION ELEVATION NUMBER 2' - 0" 1 A5.1 GENERAL DIMENSION (FACE OF FRAMING, U.O.N.) DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER DETAIL CUT A3.1 1 A4.1 1 ELEVATION NUMBER INTERIOR ELEVATION SHEET NUMBER VIEW NUMBER SECTION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER CROSS SECTION DATUM POINT, CONTROL POINT FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION +104.0 CP#1 SPOT ELEVATION123.8 EL +118.0' 01 DRAWING REVISION (MOST RECENT IS CLOUDED; PRIOR ∆'S ARE PERMANENT) KEY NOTE CEILING HEIGHTCH +9'-10" A3.1 1 SHEET NUMBER CLG COLD WATER COLD AIR RETURN REGISTER CEILING REGISTER FLOOR REGISTER WALL REGISTER (VERIFY HEIGHTS) TOE KICK REGISTER HOSE BIBB TOE CW G HB CAR FL WR B10 DOOR- SEE DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW- SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE LIGHT FIXTURE- SEE LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE APPLIANCE- SEE APPLIANCE SCHEDULE INTERIOR FINISH- SEE INTERIOR LEGEND SCHEDULE PLUMBING FITTING- SEE PLUMBING FITTING SCHEDULE PLUMBING FIXTURE- SEE PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE 06 FX-5 CT-3 FT-2 AP-1 101 MECHANICAL/ PLUMBING SCHEDULES GAS EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED SITE ELEMENTS VICINITY MAP OWNER Chris & Libby Juelsgaard 1525 Middle Ave Menlo Park CA 94025 Tel: 408.314.2045 libbyjuels@gmail.com csjuels@gmail.com ARCHITECT JCS Architecture & Design Tel: 720.235.4780 Contact: Jessica Smith jcsmitten@gmail.com STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Roca3 Engineering 450 South Abel Street PO Box 362100 Milpitas, CA 95036 Tel: 408-821-1335 Contact: Joey Roca joey@roca3.com GENERAL CONTRACTOR J T Masters Construction 730 C Camden Ave Campbell, CA 95008 Tel: 408-370-7256 Contact: Joe Masters joe@jtmastersconstruction.com T-24 ENERGY CONSULTANTS Wade Energy 1942 Linda Dr. Pleasanton CA 94523 Tel: 925-383-5490 Contact: Travis Wade travis@wadeenergy.com INTERIOR DESIGNER Dow Interiors Tel: 206-730-0392 Contact: Carly Dow carlydow@gmail.com SURVEYOR: DMG Engineering 30 Oakvue Court Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Tel: 925.787.0463 Contact: Dylan Gonsalvez dylan@dmgbayarea.com CIVIL Glenn Dearth Glenn Dearth LTD Engineering, Inc 1050 Northgate Drive, Suite 315 San Rafael CA 94903 Tel. (415) 446-7400 Fax (415) 446-7419 gdearth@LTDengineering.com The following applies to all new buildings (and remodel/ additions only where determined to be applicable by the lenforcing agency) located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone or any Wildland- Urban Interface Fire Area: a. Prior to building permit final approval the property shall be in compliance with the vegetation clearance requirements prescribed in California Fire Code Section 4906. CRC §R337.1.5 b. Where the roof profile allows a space between the roof covering and roof decking, the spaces shall be constructed to prevent the intrusion of flames and embers, be firestopped with approved materials or have one layer of minimum 72# mineral surfaced non-perforated cap sheet complying with ASTM D3909 installed over the combustible decking. CRC §R337.5.2. c. When provided, valley flashings shall be not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet corrosion-resistant metal installed over not less than one layer of minimum 72# mineral surfaced non-perforated cap sheet complying with ASTM D3909, a minimum of 36” wide running the full length of the valley. CRC §R337.5.3. d. Roof gutters shall be provided with the means to prevent the accumulation of leaves and debris in the gutter. CRC §R337.5.4. e. Roof, attic and underfloor vents shall be designed to resist the intrusion of flame and embers through the ventilation openings, or shall be protected by corrosion-resistant, noncombustible wire mesh with a minimum of 1/16” and a maximum of 1/8” openings. CRC §R337.6.2. f. Eave or cornice vents shall not be installed unless they are designed to resist the intrusion of flame and burning embers into the attic area, or if the attic space being vented is fully sprinklered. CRC §R337.6.3. g. Exterior windows, window walls, glazed doors, and glazed openings in exterior doors shall be insulating glass units with a minimum of one tempered pane, or glass block units, or have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 20 minutes when tested according to NFPA 257. CRC §R337.8.2.1. h. Exterior doors shall be of approved noncombustible or ignition resistant material OR solid core wood having stiles and rails not less than 1.375 inches thick with interior panels no less than 1.25 inches thick, OR shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 20 minutes. CRC R§337.8.3. i. Exterior walls: The exterior wall covering or wall assembly shall be of noncombustible material, or ignition-resistant material, or heavy timber or log wall construction. CRC §R337.7.3. j. Extent of exterior wall covering: Exterior wall coverings shall extend from the top of the foundation to the roof, terminating at 2” nominal solid wood blocking between rafters at all roof overhangs, or terminating at the enclosure of enclosed eaves. CRC §R337.7.3.1 k. Open roof eaves: The exposed roof deck on the underside of unenclosed roof eaves shall consist of noncombustible material, or ignition-resistant material, or 1 layer 5/8” type x gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on the underside exterior of the roof deck, or the exterior portion of a1-hour fire resistive assembly applied to the underside of the roof deck. CRC §R337.7.4. l. Enclosed roof eaves and roof eave soffits: The exposed underside of eaves and soffits shall be protected by noncombustible material, or ignition- resistant material, or 1 layer 5/8” type x gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on the underside exterior of the roof deck, or the exterior portion of a1-hour fire resistive assembly applied to the underside of the roof deck. CRC §R337.7.5. m. Exterior porch ceilings: The exposed underside of exterior porch ceilings shall be protected by noncombustible material, or ignition-resistant material, or 1 layer 5/8” type x gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on the underside exterior of the roof deck, or the exterior portion of a1-hour fire resistive assembly applied to the underside of the roof deck. CRC §R337.7.6. n. Floor projections: The exposed underside of a cantilevered floor projection where a floor assembly extends over an exterior wall shall be protected by noncombustible material, or ignition-resistant material, or 1 layer 5/8” type x gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on the underside exterior of the roof deck, or the exterior portion of a 1-hour fire resistive assembly applied to the underside of the roof deck. CRC §R337.7.7. o. Underfloor protection: The underfloor area of elevated or overhanging buildings shall be enclosed to grade or the underside of the exposed under floor shall consist of noncombustible material, or ignition- resistant material, or 1 layer 5/8” type x gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on the underside exterior of the roof deck, or the exterior portion of a1-hour fire resistive assembly applied to the underside of the roof deck. CRC §R337.7.8. p. Decking: The walking surface material of decks, porches, balconies and stairs when located within 10 feet of the building shall be constructed of ignition-resistant material, or exterior fire retardant treated wood, or noncombustible material. CRC §R337.9. q. Accessory Structures: Detached accessory structures such as trellises, arbors, patio covers, carports, gazebos and similar structures, when located within 50 feet of an applicable building shall be constructed of noncombustible or ignition-resistant materials. CRC R§337.10. HERS FEATURE SUMMARY SPECIAL OBSERVATION B C A SITE 01. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS FIND ANY DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS FROM THESE DOCUMENTS, OR SHOULD THERE BE ANY DOUBT AS TO THEIR MEANING OR INTENT, HE SHOULD NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE AFFECTED WORK. 02. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS GOVERN THE CONSTRUCTION. SHOULD ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONING BE REQUIRED, NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 03. ANY DIMENSIONS, ROOF PITCHES, GRADES, ETC. RELATED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE) SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SUBMIT ANY CONSEQUENT CLARIFICATION REQUESTS IN WRITING TO THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. 04. THE CONTRACTOR AND SUB- CONTRACTORS SHALL FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND IDENTIFY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE DOCUMENTS’ EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS AND SITE CONDITIONS. 05. ALL MATERIAL AND/OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE HANDLED, STORED AND INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 06. VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY SERVICES AND COORDINATE THEIR PROTECTION, RELOCATION AND/OR REPLACEMENT, AS REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF EACH AFFECTED UTILITY PROVIDER. 07. CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM EXCESSIVE ACCUMULATION OF WASTE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY THEIR OPERATIONS BY THE TIMELY REMOVAL OF DEBRIS BOXES, EMPTYING OF TRASH CANS AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS PILES. AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK REMOVE ALL WASTE MATERIALS AND RUBBISH FROM THE PROJECT SITE AS WELL AS ALL TOOLS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT MACHINERY, AND SURPLUS MATERIALS. 08. ALL REQUESTED MATERIALS SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PURCHASE, EITHER VERBALLY OR IN WRITING AS APPLICABLE TO THE CONDITION. 09. ALL COLORS AND/OR COLOR SAMPLES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT AND OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR APPLICATION. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IN A QUALITY, QUANTITY AND LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT OR GOVERNMENT FIRE PROTECTION AGENCIES, (TO BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY), OR AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 1. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED BY A CERTIFIED HERS RATER: Building-level Verifications: • Kitchen range hood Cooling System Verifications: • Minimum Airflow • Fan Efficacy Watts/CFM Heating System Verifications: • None HVAC Distribution System Verifications: • Duct Leakage testing Domestic Hot Water System Verifications: • None SEE THE CF-1R FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN. THE CONTRACTOR, ACTING AS THE OWNER'S AGENT, SHALL RETAIN AN INDEPENDENT TESTING COMPANY WHO SHALL PROVIDE INSPECTIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION ON THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF WORK, AS REQUIRED: a. SHEAR WALL NAILING 2. THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL SUBMIT INSPECTION REPORTS TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 3. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR STRUCTURAL CONFORMANCE TO THE APPROVED PLANS. (SECTION R109 C.R.C.) 1 Larkspur Job #1650 Date Updated/Printed:4/22/21 PROJECT DATA Owners:Chris and Libby Juelsguarrd Address:245 Johnson Ave Year Built:1910 (Second Story added 1986) Zoning Designation:R-1.8 Construction Type V Assessor's Parcel Number:532-28-002 FAR Factor: Actual Site Area (SF):6,875 6.875 Zoning Req't.Existing Bldgs.Proposed Bldg Change Lot Coverage (SF) Main House 1,151 1,268 117 Garage 448 328 -120 Porches and stairs >30" above grade 425 758 333 Total Lot Coverage 2,024 2,354 330 Max %Max SQFT Lot Coverage (%)40.0%2750 29.4%34.2% Floor Area Ratio FAR Factor:Site Area FAR calc Max FAR 6.875 6875 .35-((A-5)/25)*.2 House:33.5%2303 .10-((A-5)/25)*.7 Garage:9.5%651 Floor Areas (SF) Existing Proposed Change House First Floor 1,151 1268 117 Second Floor 1,035 1035 0 Total 2,186 2,303 117 Garage 448 328 -120 Total Floor Areas 2634 2631 -120 Setbacks 25' 8' 20' Parking Required: Provided (2) on site (2) on site (in Garage & front Driveway) GAS PIPE SIZE CALCULATION: (1) Maximum gas demand of OutletAis 37 ft3/h. Maximum gas demand of Outlet B is 32 ft 3/h. Maximum gas demand of Outlet C is 37 ft3/h. Maximum gas demand of Outlet D is 59 ft3/h. Maximum gas demand of Outlet E is 55 ft3/h. Maximum gas demand of Outlet F is 43 ft3/h. (2) The length of pipe from the gas meter to the most remote outlet (Outlet A) is 52 feet. The length of pipe from the gas meter to the most remote outlet (Outlet C) is 50 feet. (3) Outlet A, supplying 37 ft 3/h @ 52', requires 1/2" ø pipe. Section 1, supplying Outlets A and B, or 69 ft3/h, @ 52' requires 3/4" ø pipe. Section 2, supplying Outlets C, and D, or 96 ft3/h, @ 50' requires 3/4" ø pipe. Section 3, supplying Outlets C, D, and E, or 151 ft3/h, @ 50' requires 1" ø pipe. Section 4, supplying Outlets A, B, C, D, and E, or 220 ft3/h, @ 52' requires 1" ø pipe. Section 5, supplying Outlets A, B, C, D, E, and F, or 263 ft3/h, @ 52' requires 1 1/4" ø pipe. (4) Outlet B, supplying 32 ft 3/h, requires 1/2" ø pipe. Outlet C, supplying 37 ft3/h, requires 1/2" ø pipe. Outlet D, supplying 59 ft3/h, requires 1/2" ø pipe. Outlet E, supplying 55 ft3/h, requires 1/2" ø pipe. Outlet F, supplying 43 ft3/h, requires 1/2" ø pipe. Pipe sizing per Section 1208.4 & Table 1208.4.1 of 2016 CPC. Verify btu/h of all gas appliances. Piping material maybe be schedule 40 steel, approved polyethylene plastic, or combination thereof. All underground and under-building pipe sections shall conform to installation requirements of CPC 1210.1. Outlet A shall have an approved shut-off valve and connector per CPC 1212.5. All appliances to be connected to gas piping per manufacturer's installation instructions. (E) GAS METER (N) 47k BTU DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE (N) 65k BTU RANGE (N) 35k BTU DRYER (N) 40k BTU WATER HEATER (N) 60k BTU BBQ (N) 40k BTU WATER HEATER OUTLET-A 19 FT. 2 FT. OUTLET-B SECTION-5 4 FT. SECTION-4 9 FT. SECTION-3 16 FT. S E C T I O N - 1 2 1 F T .SECTION-29 FT.20 FT.OUTLET-E13 FT.OUTLET-C5 FT. OUTLET-D6 FT.OUTLET-F1 1 3 4 4 4 ARCHITECTURAL A0.0 A0.1 A0.2 A0.3 A0.4 A0.5 A0.6 A1.0 A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A2.1 A2.2 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A4.1 A4.2 STRUCTURAL S1 S2 S3 S4 SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 CIVIL PROJECT INFORMATION BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY CAL-GREEN REQUIREMENTS- SHEET 1 TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE REPORT TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE REPORT CONT' WINDOW, DOOR, SKYLIGHT SCHEDULES SITE & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLANS DEMO FLOOR PLANS PROPOSED CRAWL & FIRST FLOOR PLANS PROPOSED SECOND & ATTIC PLAN ROOF PLAN GARAGE PLANS FIRST FLOOR, CRAWL, GARAGE ELECTRICAL/ REFLECTED … SECOND & ATTIC - ELECTRICAL/ REFLECTED CEILING PLAN EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BUILDING SECTIONS BUILDING SECTIONS GARAGE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS DETAILS DETAILS FOUNDATION PLAN 2FL/ LOW ROOF FRAMING PLAN 2FLROOF FRAMING PLAN GARAGE PLANS GENERAL NOTES TYPICAL FRAMING DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS ATTACHMENT 7 GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A0.5 WINDOW, DOOR, SKYLIGHT SCHEDULES 245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ REMARKS TO DOOR SCHEDULE:REMARKS TO WINDOW SCHEDULE: 1. EGRESS WINDOW- • EGRESS HINGING HARDWARE IF REQUIRED • MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENABLE AREA OF 5.7 SQ. FT.; MIN. • NET CLEAR OPENABLE HT. = 24" • MIN. NET CLEAR OPENABLE WIDTH = 20" • BOTTOM OF OPENING NOT MORE THAN 44" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR. 2. TEMPERED DOUBLE GLAZING 3. OBSCURE GLASS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DOOR SCHEDULE: • DOOR GLAZING @ EXTERIOR DOORS: • DOUBLE GLAZED WITH LOW-E2 COATING, ARGON GAS FILL, 3/4" SDL MUNTINS WITH SPACER BARS • VERIFY FINAL SPACER BAR COLOR PRIOR TO ORDERING DOORS • ALL EXTERIOR DOORS: ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD CONSTRUCTION WITH PAINT GRADE INTERIORS • ALL EXT. DOORS 1 3/4" THICK OR TO MFR'S STANDARD • EXT. DOORS FROM WDW/ DOOR COMPANY: DIMENSIONS LISTED IN SCHEDULE ARE NOMINAL SIZES - - FRAME TO MFR.'S STANDARD ROUGH OPENING DIMS - - USE FINAL APPROVED ORDER FOR ALL SIZES • INTERIOR DOOR (AND EXTERIOR SASH DOOR) SIZES LISTED ABOVE ARE SASH DIMENSIONS, TYP. • HARDWARE FINISH TO BE FINALIZED • DOOR GLAZING @ INTERIOR DOORS: TEMPERED, SINGLE GLAZED, 3/4" MUNTINS • CONFIRM THIS BUILDING IS LOCATED IN A WILDLAND URBAN FIRE HAZARD AREA AND MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF CRC R337 • INTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE ??????? STYLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WINDOW SCHEDULE: • ALL WINDOWS (U.O.N.) ARE ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD CONSTRUCTION, DOUBLE GLAZED WITH LOW-E2 COATING, ARGON GAS FILL, 3/4" SDL MUNTINS WITH SPACER BARS • MULTI-POINT HARDWARE; VERIFY FINISH OF EXPOSED HARDWARE COMPONENTS • CRANK HARDWARE • SCREENS WITH METAL FRAMES • JAMB EXTENSIONS AT 2X6 AND DEEPER WALLS • PRE-PRIMED, PAINT-GRADE INTERIORS • WINDOW DIMENSIONS LISTED IN SCHEDULE ARE NOMINAL SIZES - - FRAME TO MFR.'S STANDARD ROUGH OPENING DIMS - - USE FINAL APPROVED WINDOW ORDER FOR ALL SIZES • FIELD VERIFY THE DIMS OF ALL WINDOW UNITS BEING ORDERED TO RETROFIT INTO EXISTING FRAMED OPENINGS. SCHEDULED DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING OPENINGS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND MUST BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO ORDERING • CONFIRM THIS BUILDING IS LOCATED IN A WILDLAND URBAN FIRE HAZARD AREA AND MUST COMPY WITH CRC R337 • A MINIMUM OF ONE PANE SHALL BE TEMPERED DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULEHARDWARE SCHEDULE SKYLIGHT SCHEDULE REMARKS TO SKYLIGHT SCHEDULE: 1. PROVIDE BUILT-UP CURB TO 3:1 SLOPE AT LOW SLOPE ROOFS WHERE REQ'D BY MFR. FOR WARRANTY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SKYLIGHT SCHEDULE: • ALL SKYLIGHTS (U.O.N.) ARE ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION, DOUBLE GLAZED WITH LOW-E2 COATING, ARGON GAS FILL • TEMPERED OVER LAMINATED DOUBLE GLAZING • VERIFY FINISH OF HARDWARE FOR OPERABLE UNITS • SCREENS WITH METAL FRAMES ON OPERABLE UNITS • EXTERIOR FINISH COLOR: (EDIT) • PROVIDE MINIMUM 4" CURB FOR CURB MOUNT UNITS- VERIFY R.O. FROM FINAL SKYLIGHT ORDER 1. TEMPERED DOUBLE GLAZING 2. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION DOOR: • 20-MINUTE LABEL OR SOLID CORE WOOD DOOR • WEATHERSTRIP JAMBS + HEAD • SMOKE SEAL THRESHOLD • SELF-CLOSE HINGES • SELF-LATCHING HARDWARE 3. SIDELIGHT WIDTHS ARE TO BE 12" WITH 2 1/2" STILES. 4. POCKETING PIVOT DOORS - HARDWARE: HAFELE HAWA CONCEPTA 408.30.048 5. PROVIDE HEAD + JAMB WEATHERSTRIP WITH SMOKE SEAL THRESHOLD 6. DUTCH DOOR KEY TO WINDOW TYPE: C CASEMENT F FIXED A AWNING C/F MULLED UNIT (EX: CASEMENT MULLED TO FIXED) DS DIRECT-SET KEY TO WINDOW LAYOUT: (AS VIEWED FROM EXTERIOR) L HINGE ON LEFT R HINGE ON RIGHT F FIXED KEY TO DOOR TYPE: SW SWING -- SINGLE SLAB BF BI-FOLD PR SWING -- PAIR OF SLABS TG TEMPERED GLASS PI PIVOT OH OVERHEAD SL SLIDING BP BI-PASS PO POCKET KEY TO DOOR FINISH: P PAINTED M MANUFACTURER-PROVIDED FINISH V1 VENEER 1 -- V2 VENEER 2 -- G GLASS GENERAL FENESTRATION NOTES FOR DOORS + WINDOWS 02. FENESTRATION PRODUCTS, EXTERIOR DOORS & INFILTRATION/EXFILTRATION CONTROLS a. DOORS & WINDOWS BETWEEN CONDITIONED & UNCONDITIONED SPACES DESIGNED TO LIMIT AIR LEAKAGE. b. FENESTRATION PRODUCTS (EXCEPT FIELD-FABRICATED) HAVE LABEL WITH CERTIFIED U-FACTOR, CERTIFIED SHGC, AND INFILTRATION CERTIFICATION. c. EXTERIOR DOORS & WINDOWS WEATHERSTRIPPED; FILL ALL JOINTS & PENETRATIONS WITH SEALANT. 01. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: CRC R308 a. GLAZING IN SWINGING DOORS b. GLAZING IN FIXED AND SLIDING PANELS OF SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLIES AND PANELS IN SLIDING AND BI-FOLD DOOR ASSEMBLIES. c. GLAZING IN DOORS AND ENCLOSURES FOR HOT TUBS, WHIRLPOOLS, SAUNAS, STEAM ROOMS, BATHTUBS, AND SHOWERS. • GLAZING IN ANY PORTION OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60” ABOVE STANDING SURFACE. d. GLAZING IN STORM DOORS. e. GLAZING IN UNFRAMED SWINGING DOORS. f. GLAZING IN AN INDIVIDUAL FIXED OR OPERABLE PANEL ADJACENT TO AND IN PLANE WITH A DOOR, AND WITHIN 24" OF THE OPENING ON THE HINGE SIDE OF THE DOOR ON THE SWING SIDE, AND WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60 INCHES ABOVE THE WALKING SURFACE. g. GLAZING GREATER THAN 9 SQ. FT. WITH BOTTOM EDGE LESS THAN 18” ABOVE THE FLOOR, TOP MORE THAN 36” ABOVE THE FLOOR, AND A WALKING SURFACE WITHIN 36” h. GLAZING IN GUARDS AND RAILINGS. j. GLAZING IN WALLS AND FENCES ENCLOSING POOLS, HOT TUBS AND SPAS. k. GLAZING ADJACENT TO STAIRWAYS, LANDING AND RAMPS WITHIN 36” AND WITHIN 60” VERTICALLY OF WALKING SURFACE. m. GLAZING WITHIN 60” HORIZONTALLY OF THE BOTTOM TREAD OF A STAIRWAY IN ANY DIRECTION WHEN GLASS IS LESS THAN 60” ABOVE THE TREAD NOSE. DOOR SCHEDULE MARK 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 32 32 AP G1 G2 PANEL DIMENSIONS WIDTH 3'-0" 2'-6" 12'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 2'-4" 2'-8" 2'-6" 4'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 2'-8" 2'-8" 2'-8" 2'-8" 2'-8" 2'-4" 2'-6" 2'-10" 2'-8" 5'-6" 5'-6" 3'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" HEIGHT 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 7'-0" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 6'-8" 1'-6" 6'-8" 6'-8" THICK 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/8" 13/8" 13/8" 13/8" 13/8" 13/8" 13/8" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" 13/4" TYPE EXT SWING EXT DUTCH DBL SLIDER SWING BI-FOLD POCKET SWING SWING DBL SWING POCKET DBL SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING POCKET POCKET POCKET BIFOLD BIFOLD ACCESS PANEL SWING DLE SWING MFR. CAVITY SLIDER FINISH ST. WD ST. WD HDW.ELEV. 1/A2.1 1/A2.2 1/A2.1 REMARKS 1, 3 1, 6 1 6 PANES 4 4 1 1 DETAIL 14/A4.2 14/A4.2 LOCATION FOYER KITCHEN LIVING POWDER MUD PANTRY STAIR BED 4 BED 4 FOYER LAUNDRY PRIMARY BED BED 3 BED 2 BATH 2 BATH 2 LAUNDRY BATH 2 PRIMARY CL. PRIMARY BATH BED 3 BED 3 CRAWL GARAGE GARAGE WINDOW SCHEDULE MARK E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E10 E11 E12 E12 E13 E13 E14 E15 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 N1 N2 N3 N4 N10 N10 N11 N12 N13 N31 N32 TYPE CASEMENT CASEMENT FIXED CASEMENT DBL CASEMENT DBL CASEMENT DBL CASEMENT TRIPLE CASEMENT TRIPLE FIXED CASEMENT CASEMENT FIXED FIXED CASEMENT AWNING CASEMENT DBL CASEMENT AWNING CASEMENT DBL CASEMENT CASEMENT C F C DBL CASEMENT C F C CASEMENT CASEMENT CASEMENT CASEMENT CASEMENT CASEMENT SLIDER OUTSIDE UNIT DIM WIDTH 3'-2" 2'-6" 4'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 8'-6" 8'-6" 2'-1" 2'-1" 3'-0" 3'-0" 2'-1" 3'-0" 2'-1" 5'-0" 3'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 2'-6" 6'-0" 5'-0" 9'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 4'-8" HEIGHT 4'-8" 4'-10" 4'-10" 4'-10" 3'-8" 3'-8" 4'-0" 4'-0" 3'-8" 3'-8" 3'-8" 3'-8" 3'-8" 3'-8" 1'-61/2" 3'-8" 4'-2" 1'-6" 4'-0" 3'-8" 4'-0" 3'-8" 4'-0" 3'-8" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 3'-8" 2'-6" MFR.LAYOUT REMARKS 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 DETAIL 15/A4.1 ELEV. 3/A2.2 1/A2.1 1/A2.1 1/A2.1 3/A2.2 3/A2.2 1/A2.1 1/A2.1 1/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 1/A2.2 3/A2.2 3/A2.2 1/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 3/A2.1 1/A2.2 1/A2.1 1/A2.1 1/A2.2 1/A2.2 3/A2.2 1/A3.3 5/A3.3 LOCATION BED 4/ STUDY BED 4/ STUDY BED 4/ STUDY BED 4/ STUDY LIVING LIVING LIVING STAIR STAIR BED 2 BED 2 BED 2 BED 2 BED 2 BATH 2 BED 3 BED 3 PRIMARY BATH PRIMARY BED PRIMARY BED POWDER KITCHEN DINING DINING NOOK NOOK PRIMARY CLOSET PRIMARY BATH PRIMARY BED GARAGE GARAGE SKYLIGHT SCHEDULE MARK S1 S2 S3 S4 TYPE F F F F NOMINAL DIMENSION WIDTH 5'-0" 1'-3" 1'-3" 1'-3" HEIGHT 3'-0" 3'-6" 3'-0" 3'-10" PRODUCT #MFR. VELUX VELUX VELUX VELUX LAYOUT REMARKS LOCATION BATH 2 NOOK PRIMARY BATH GARAGE 2 3 3 3 GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A0.6 SITE & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLANS 245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆Construction Waste Management Worksheet (Weight Method) - CW 3 Project Name:Date:Page of Project Location:Completed By: Project Manager: Signature:Waste Hauler: A B C D Insert weight totals into proper category be Notes:low e Recycled Reused Non-Recycled Waste Material Typ (Disposed)Diverted Asphalt += Asphalt Shingles += Brick (broken)+= Cardboard += Carpet/Carpet Pad += Concrete += Gypsum Board (Drywall)+= Masonry += Metals += Pallets += Plastic += Wd(i d)Wood (engineered)++= Wood (solid sawn)+= Office Waste += Other += Other += Other += Total:+= Step 1 - Insert weight totals into Columns A, B, and D where appropriate. Step 2 - Add Column A to Column B and insert total into Column C for total diverted weight. Step 3 - Add each column down and enter totals in the boxes provided. If Column C is larger than Column D (on the summary sheet), compliance with 50 percent waste reduction requirement is achieved. If multiple worksheets are used, transfer column totals from each worksheet to the summary sheet. For additional instructions and information, please see reverse. CW -1 Construction Waste Management Plan (Revised 7/1/12 1 Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP) – CW 1 Project Name: ______________________________________ Project Location: ____________________________________ Building Permit #: _____________________ Project Sq. Ft.: _____________________ Contractors Name: ____________________ Telephone: ________________________ Owners Name: ________________________ Telephone: ________________________ This construction waste management plan is hereby submitted to comply with Section 4.408.2 of the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code. The purpose of this plan is to identify and outline the methods to be used as the minimum requirements for a construction waste management plan when the local jurisdiction does not have a construction and demolition waste management ordinance per Section 4.408.2. 1. The method of waste tracking to be used on this project will be: (Check one box) Volume Weight 4 Lbs. per Sq. Ft. Recycling Facility 2. Construction waste generated on this project for transport to a recycling facility will be: (Check appropriate box) Sorted on-site (Source-separated) Bulk mixed (Single stream) 3. The facility (or facilities) where the construction waste material will be taken is: Name of Facility:____________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ Telephone:________________________________________________________________ (Attach separate sheet for additional facilities) 4. The following construction methods will be used to reduce the amount of waste generated: (Check all that apply) Efficient design (dimensions of building components are designed to available material sizes or standard sizes). Careful and accurate material ordering. Careful material handling and storage. Panelized or prefabricated construction. Other _________________________________________________________________ Other _________________________________________________________________ 5. Waste reduction and recycling strategies shall be discussed at periodic project meetings. Each new [ Contractor ]* that comes onto the site shall be provided with a copy of the CWMP, which shall also be posted in the project office. The [ Project Manager ]* shall also instruct all [ Subcontractors ]* as to the location and proper use of debris boxes for disposal of construction waste materials. CW -1 Construction Waste Management Plan (Revised 7/1/12 2 6. Every effort shall be made to use recycling and/or reuse (diversion) measures to reduce the amount of construction waste and other materials sent to landfills. Whenever possible, site - sorted debris boxes shall be used to segregate construction waste materials to maximize the diversion rate. 7. The [ Contractor ]* shall provide debris boxes for materials sorted on-site (source- separated) and/or bulk mixed (single stream) waste for all construction related waste generated on this project. Mixed construction waste shall be taken to a recycling facility that has a diversion rate of at least 50 percent. In the event that a [ Subcontractor ]* provides their own debris box, they shall be responsible for providing the [ Contractor ]* with a monthly report of the total Recycled and Reused (Diverted) and the total Non -Recycled (Disposed)  materials  to  be  included  in  the  project’s  overall  waste  management/waste   reduction program. 8. Any [ Supplier ]* hauling away packaging or waste materials shall notify the [ Contractor ]* of the amount of these materials and how they will be disposed of (reused, recycled, salvaged, or taken to landfill). 9. Identified below are the construction waste materials that will be reused and/or recycled during the course of this project and how they will be diverted: Material Diversion Method: (Recycle/Reuse) (See Construction Waste Management Worksheets for examples of common materials.) 10. The [ Waste Hauler ]* shall track the total amount of construction waste leaving the project by weight or by volume and supply the [ Contractor ]* with copies of tickets or detailed receipts from all loads of construction waste removed from the jobsite. 11. The [ Contractor ]* shall monitor the process of waste management, recycling, and reuse of construction waste materials to ensure compliance with the CWMP during the course of the project. 12. The [ Contractor ]* shall ensure that all supporting documentation which demonstrates compliance with the waste management plan is provided to the local enforcement agency upon completion of the project. * Insert title of appropriate party or responsible person, which may include, but not be limited to: Contractor(s), Subcontractor(s), Project Manager(s), Superintendent(s), Supplier(s), or Waste Hauler(s). RESIDENCE STREET, CITY CA 000-00 CONTRACTOR OWNER 0,000 415.000.0000 415.000.0000 X X MARIN RESOURCE RECOVERY CENTER 565 JACOBY STREET 415.485.5646 X X X RE-USE OF EXISTING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS WHERE POSSIBLE RESIDENCE STREET, CITY CA CONTRACTOR 415.000.0000 ASPHALT ASPHALT SHINGLES CARDBOARD CONCRETE PLASTER METALS PALLETS PLASTIC WOOD (ENGINEERED) WOOD (SOLID SAWN) CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 20'-0"REQ'D FRONT SETBACK8'-0" REQ'D SIDE SETBACK 125'-0"55'-0"20'-0"REQ'D REAR SETBACK12'-2" (E) SIDE SETBACK 21'-11/2"(E) FRONT SETBACK8'-0" 296.9 sq ft MATERIALS STORAGECONSTRUCTION STAGING, CUTTING, PREP TWO VEHICLE PARKING/ TRUCK OFF- LOADING AVAILABLE IN DRIVEWAY TRUCK ROUTING: GRANADA DRIVE TO EL CAMINO DRIVE TO PARADISE DRIVE TO HIGHWAY 101 TRAFFIC CONTROL: TRAFFIC CONTROL WILL GENERALLY NOT BE NECESSARY WHEN ENTERING/ EXITING ONTO GRANADA DRIVE (STRAIGHT ROADWAY, UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWS UP AND DOWN THE ROAD), A FLAGMAN WILL BE PROVIDED IF NECESSARY TO GUARANTEE SAFE EGRESS BY OVERSIZED VEHICLES THAT REQUIRE EXTENDED MANEUVERING TIME IN BACKUP MOTIONS DUST CONTROL: DUST CONTROL WILL NOT BE NEEDED; THE EXTENT OF EARTHWORK IS LIMITED TO HAND EXCAVATION OF SMALL AREAS FOR SPREAD FOOTINGS EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL METHODS: ALL FOUNDATIONS WILL BE HAND EXCAVATED- HAULING OF SPOILS WILL BE DONE WITH A "DIRT BOX". PARKING: TWO SPACES ARE ON-SITE IN THE DRIVEWAY. ALL ADDITIONAL VEHICLES WILL BE PARKED OFF- SITE (GRANADA DRIVE'S STREET WIDTH ACCOMMODATES PARKING ON BOTH SIDES AS WELL AS TWO MOVING LANES OF TRAFFIC). STREET PARKING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD IS ONLY MODERATELY USED; NO CONFLICTS ARE ANTICIPATED IN HAVING WORKERS (TYPICALLY ABOUT 4-6) USE LOCAL CURB PARKING. WATER SERVICE LATERAL: THIS MAY REQUIRE A SAWCUT AND PATCH OF THE SIDEWALK, AND MINOR TRENCH EXCAVATION, IN ORDER TO UPSIZE THE EXISTING PIPE SANITARY SEWER LATERAL: THE LATERAL HAS ALREADY BEEN RE-SLEEVED BY THE CURRENT HOMEOWNER 6' HT. CHAINLINK FENCING, MOUNTED ON 8' TALL MTL POSTS DRIVEN 2' INTO GROUND- LINE PERIMETER WITH STRAW WATTLES PORTA- POTTY CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA DEBRI BOXJOHNSON AVENUE PROVIDE PHOTO VERIFICATION OF INSTALLATION TO PLANNER SEAN MULLIN FOR PERMIT RELEASE: smullin@losgatosca.gov PROVIDE SIGN: "Warning - Tree Protection Zone - This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10,1025" ALL EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES WILL COMPLY WITH TOWN CODE REQUIREMENTS TO BE DIRECTED SO THAT NO LIGHT IS CAST ON NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES ± 21'-3"(E) FRONT SETBACK20'-0"REQ'D FRONT SETBACK± 8'-91/2" PROPOSED SIDE SETBACK 9'-101/2" (E) SIDE SETBACK 8'-0" REQ'D SIDE SETBACK ± 4'-1" (E) SIDE SETBACK± 14'-5"(E) REAR SETBACK± 8'-81/2" (E) SIDE SETABCK 8'-0" REQ'D SIDE SETBACK ± 52'-7"(E) REAR SETBACK20'-0"REQ'D REAR SETBACK20'-0"19'-81/2"PROPOSED BTWN BLDG'S9'-7"(E) BTWN BLDG'S296.9 sq ft (E) DRIVEWAY ALLEYWAY JOHNSON AVENUE (E) TREE PARTIAL GARAGE DEMO (E) LAWN (E) 22" OAK (E) 28" TREE (E) FRUIT TREES (E) TREE(E) TREE (E) DRIVEWAY (N) WOOD DECK & STAIRS SETBACKSETBACK SETBACK(N) WOOD DECK & STAIR BELOW (N) WOOD TRELLIS (E) 6' FENCE & GATE (N) 4' FENCETO REPLACE (E)(N) 6' FENCETO REPLACE (E)(E) 6' FENCEFENCE (N) STAIR (N) STAIR(E) STAIR(E) STAIRBUILT-INBBQPLANTERPLANTER (E) WOOD PORCH 2ND LEVEL OVERHANG 2ND LEVEL OVERHANGNOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, ALL INFORMATION TAKEN FROM LOCAL AND/OR ASSUMED DATA. PROPERTY LINE 55' (E) SIDEWALK (E) PLANTING STRIP PROPERTY LINE 55'PROPERTY LINE 125'PROPERTY LINE 125'EXISTING 2-STORY RESIDENCEPLANTERSEAT WALLSEAT WALL (N) PAVERS (E) TREE (E) 22" OAK PERSIMMONPLUM PLUAT (E) WATER METER (E) DRAINAGE DISCHARGE AT CURB GAS & ELECT METERS (E) PATH (E) GARAGE PARKING #1 8'-6" x 18" PARKING #2 8'-6" x 18" ACCESSED FROM ALLEYWAY SEE PLAN ON A1.5 SEE PLAN ON A1.5 SEE PLANS ON A1.2-4 {UNNAMED)1-STORY ADDITION(E) OVERHEAD ELECT. SERVICE(E) WATER SERVICE(E) SEWER LATERALPLANTING PLANTINGPLANTING (E) GAS SERVICE(N) WOOD TRELLIS SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 0'8'16'REFERENCE NORTHT R U E N O R T H 1 1 1 1 3 3 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SITE PLAN GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A1.0 DEMO FLOOR PLANS245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0'4'8' T R U E N O R T H REFERENCE NORTHNEW WALL EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN - NO MODIFICATIONS EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WALL- (N) ADDED SHEAR EXISTING WALL TO BE MODIFIED FOR NEW OPENING WALL LEGEND 125.0 sq ft 123456 7 8 9 10 11121314DNUP9'-101/2"4'-0"12'-0" 296.9 sq ft REMOVE (E) WOOD STOVE & RAISED HEARTH DEMO WALLS, ROOF & SLAB REMOVE APPLIANCES & CABINETS HWH REMOVE WOOD DECKS, STAIRS & PLANTERS KITCHEN DINING LIVING POWDER/LAUNDRY FOYER STAIR BED 1 FRONT PORCH REAR DECK FAU DNUP2'-0" REMOVE STEPPED CEILING DEMO PLUMBING FIXTURE TRIMS, TILE, MIRROR, LIGHT FIXTURES REMOVE RAISED FLOOR/ CEIL STRUCTURE REMOVE CEIL REMOVE (E) ATTIC LADDER DEMO GUARDRAIL DEMO PLUMBING FIXTURE TRIMS, TILE, MIRROR, LIGHT FIXTURES STAIR HALL PRIMARY BED PRIMARY BATH PRIMARY CLOSET BED 2 BED 3 BATH 2 NOOK (E) SKYLIGHT (E) SKYLIGHTC.A.R. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 DEMOLITION FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 DEMOLITION SECOND FLOOR PLAN GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A1.1 PROPOSED CRAWL & FIRST FLOOR PLANS245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0'4'8'DW(N) FLOOR AREA: 1,150.6 sq ft (E) FLOOR AREA: 1,267.5 sq ft 419.4 sq ft 41.8 sq ft 123456 7 8 9 10 11121314DNUP12 N202 S1 N31G1 N403 N3E101 E7E5E6 15141311G2 E2 E3 E41016 N11 1 B B 2 2 C C E E F F 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 A A C C D D FLR TOE(E)FLRTOEC.A.R.(E)FLR TOETOE 01 02 04 09 04 11 11 10 12 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 08 01 01 01 02 28 31 11 9'-2"22'-0"9'-93/4"6'-23/4"31/2"1'-0"3'-61/8"4'-11/2"3'-51/4"31/2"1'-101/2"14'-311/16"21'-21/4"10'-4"2'-0"7'-0"6'-03/4"3'-6" 5'-6" 8'-01/4"14'-0"11'-113/4"3'-6" 37'-6"47'-81/2"32'-0"5'-6"1'-101/2"12'-0"11'-10"22'-0"2'-0"13'-7"35/8"2'-07/8"113/4"3'-81/2"3'-33/16"2'-4"31/2"2'-03/4"3'-7"47'-81/2"2'-0"2'-0" 1'-2"8'-0"8'-0"9'-0"3'-0"3'-51/2"7'-69/16"7'-61/2"3'-51/2"8'-01/4"9'-113/4"4'-01/4"9'-1111/16"2'-0"3'-6" 6'-5"3'-6"11'-91/4"5'-11"4'-9"5'-7"296.9 sq ft F/P CONTROL ACCESS 30" OVENS PANTRY POWDER MUD FOYER 36" REF PLANTER SEAT WALL SEAT WALL OPEN TO ABOVE (N) GAS FIREPLACE UNIT & SURROUND (E) BEAMBEAMTRASHMICROWD/WWINE/ BEV TRASH PAPER COMPOST PLASTIC/ GLASS/ CANS ELECT & GAS METERS REDIRECT PLUMBING FROM ABOVE? HWH BED 4 LIVING DINING KITCHEN (N) PAVING PATH (N) STAIR (N) STAIR (N) STAIRTRELLIS ABOVEPATIO WOOD DECK (N) FAU IN CRAWL BELOW (E) GUARDRAIL (E) FLUE BENCH/ CUBBIES/ UPPERS (E) STAIR(E) STAIRPLANTER HOOD VENT ABOVE DISP GUARDRAIL(E) GATE & FENCE (N) 4' FENCE & GATE OVERHANG ABOVE OVERHANG ABOVE EAVE ABOVE FRONT PORCH (N) SUB PANEL (N) A/C CONDENSER & SURROUNDCASEWORKCASEWORKREAR DECK SIDE PORCH (N) LANDSCAPE LIGHTING TRANSFORMER ISLAND SOFFIT FOR HOOD VENT DS DS DS DS DS (E)EGRESSRAISED COUNTERBBQSHELVES2 A3.1 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 1 A3.1 1A3.21A3.23A3.23A3.22A3.22A3.24A3.24A3.23 A3.1 3 A3.1 4 A3.1 4 A3.1 3A2.21 A2.1 3A2.11 A2.2 GG HBCWHB HB HB HB G GROUND LEVEL ADDITION 116.1 sq ft ADDITION RAT SLAB 106.9 sq ft 1,149.1 sq ft 106.2 sq ft 05 29 31 32 32 1 1 B B 2 2 C C E E F F 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 A A C C D D FLR TOE(E)FLRTOEC.A.R.(E)FLR TOETOE32 LIN FT FOUNDATION (N) FAU IN CRAWL BELOW (N) CAP SHEET (N) DECK ABOVE (E) DECK ABOVE (N) DECK ABOVE (E) CRAWLSPACE (E) CRAWLSPACE (E) CRAWLSPACE (E) GIRDER (N) CRAWL ACCESS (E) CRAWL ACCESS DS DS DS DS DS (N) FOUNDATION DRAIN(N) SHEAR FOUNDATION, SSD. (N) DECK GIRDER, POST, & FOOTING - SSD. (N) FOUNDATION, SSD. 2 A3.1 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 1 A3.1 1A3.21A3.23A3.23A3.22A3.22A3.24A3.24A3.23 A3.1 3 A3.1 4 A3.1 4 A3.1 3A2.21 A2.1 3A2.11 A2.2 01KEY NOTES 03. (NOT USED) 09. PROVIDE DOOR STOP WITH CATCH @ OUTSWING DOOR LOCATIONS- VERIFY TYPE AND PLACEMENT 24. COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (TELEPHONE, COMPUTER NETWORK, AUDIO, VIDEO DISTRIBUTION)- PROVIDE 120v INTERNAL POWER 23. BRANCH CIRCUIT SUB-PANEL 26. CLOTHES WASHER: a. PROVIDE "SMITTY" TYPE DRAIN PAN UNDER CLOTHES WASHER b. APPROVED DRAIN TO EXTERIOR 08. C.A.R. GRILLE IN WALL 15. NON-COMBUSTIBLE HEARTH EXTENSION, FLUSH W/ TOP OF FINISH FLOOR 22. REPLACE (E) ELECTRICAL METTER W/ (N) 400 AMP - - SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN 32. FOUNDATION VENT: WUI APPROVED "VULCAN VENT #VFS814FC". CENTER ON WINDOW ABOVE 11. GAS BIBB: CONFIRM LOCATION WITH APPLIANCE, EQUIP, AND/OR FIREPLACE MFR., COORDINATE ACCESSIBLE LOCATION WITH CABINET LAYOUT 12. EXTERIOR HOSE BIB - - PROVIDE NON-REMOVABLE BACK-FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE AT EACH LOCATION 01. HANDRAIL AT ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS: • 2" DIA. CROSS SECTION HANDRAIL (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT GRIP) • PROVIDE 1 1/2" MIN CLEARANCE TO WALL • TOP OF CONTINUOUS HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE NOSING OF TREADS • RETURN ENDS TO WALLS 02. 42"-TALL GUARDRAIL - - SEE DETAIL 04. (N) LAYER OF SHEATHING TO EA. SIDE OF 2x4 POCKET DOOR FRAMING 13. (N) DIRECT VENT WATER HEATER - - ANCHOR OR STRAP AT POINTS WITHIN THE UPPER ONE-THIRD AND LOWER ONE-THIRD OF ITS VERT. DIM. -- LOWER STRAP AT LEAST 4" ABOVE CONTROLS 12 A4.1 31. (N) DOWNSPOUT LOCATION - CONNECT TO TIGHT LINE 27. DRYER VENT - a. INSTALL A DRYERBOX (WWW.DRYERBOX.COM) RECESSED INTO STUD BAY BEHIND DRYER (MINIMIZES MACHINE CLEARANCE TO WALL) b. 4" SMOOTH-WALL, METAL, RIGID DUCT WITHIN WALL TO EXTERIOR POINT OF EXHAUST - - 14'-0" MAX COMBINED HORIZ. + VERT. LENGTH (INCLUDING (2) 90º ELBOWS - - DEDUCT 2'-0" FOR EA. ADDITIONAL 90º ELBOW) c. WALL EXHAUST: "DRYER WALL VENT" WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER BY DRYERBOX.COM LOCATED NO CLOSER THAN 3'-0" TO ANY WALL OPENING d. ROOF EXHAUST: USE LOW PROFILE ROOFTOP EXHAUST WITH BACKDRAFT FLAP - - BROAN #636 ROOF CAP SET ON SLOPE e. DO NOT INSTALL SCREEN @ DUCT TERMINATION OR INSTALL DUCT WITH SCREWS OR FASTENERS THAT WILL OBSTRUCT FLOW 29. DIRECT-VENT, HIGH EFFICIENCY HORIZONTAL-FLOW FURNACE W/ COOLING TO HAVE MIN. AFUE RATING OF 95% 28. COMPRESSOR FOR AC SYSTEM ON CONC. PAD - - TOP OF PAD 3" ABOVE GRADE, MIN. 25. KITCHEN HOOD FAN, DUCT TO EXTERIOR 20. SHOWER HEAD- PRESSURE-BALANCING OR THERMOSTATIC VALVE 14. GAS FIREPLACE W/ ELECT. IGNITION, EXT. COMBUSTION AIR KIT. TOWN & COUNTRY TC36, "B" VENT TO ROOFTOP TERMINATION - - FRAME SURROUNDING WALLS W/ STEEL STUDS & CEMENT BRD. PER MFR'S INSTALLATION REQ'TS - - CONFIRM PLACEMENT OF CONTROLS IN FIELD. FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE CONDITIONS OF THEIR LISTING. CRC R1004. VENT VIA (E) EXT. METAL FLUE 05. CRAWL SPACE ACCESS: 18" x 24" CLEAR DIMENSION OPENING WITH LIFT-OUT PANEL (FLIP- UP RING PULL) 07. ATTIC ACCESS: DROP-DOWN FOLDING LADDER- BESSLER "SPACE SAVER" (WWW.BESSLER.COM) - (R.O. OPTIONS ARE 30" WIDTH X 60" LENGTH) W/ 30” MIN CLEAR HEADROOM PROVIDED ABOVE THE ACCESS OPENING • FOR ATTICS WITH MECH. EQUIP., PROVIDE OPENING SIZED FOR EQUIPMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT 16. WATER CLOSETS OR BIDETS: a. WIDTH OF 30” (15” FROM ITS CENTER TO ANY SIDE WALL OR OBSTRUCTION, NO CLOSER THAN 30” CENTER-TO-CENTER TO ANY SIMILAR FIXTURE) b. 24” CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT 17. SHOWER ENCLOSURE: a. 30” MIN. CLEAR DIA. CIRCLE FOR STALL WIDTH b. MIN. 22” UNOBSTRUCTED SHOWER DOOR OPENING FOR EGRESS c. TEMPERED GLASS DOORS d. DAM, CURB, OR THRESHOLD 1” LOWER THAN SIDES & BACK AND NOT LESS THAN 2” OR MORE THAN 9” IN DEPTH, MEASURED FROM THE TOP TO THE TOP OF THE DRAIN e. SLOPE SHOWER FLOOR FROM THE SIDE TO THE DRAIN: • MIN. OF 1/4" PER FOOT • MAX. OF 1/2" PER FOOT f. TILE WALLS TO FULL WALL HEIGHT AT SHOWER SURROUND- APPLY OVER CEMENT BRD. OR FIBERGLASS FACED GYP. BRD. 19. SMOOTH, HARD, NONABSORBENT SURFACE ON BATHROOM FLOORS AND WALLS 06. CRAWL SPACE ACCESS: 16" x 24" THROUGH PERIMETER WALL: PIPES, DUCTS, AND OTHER NONSTRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH ACCESS TO ,OR MOVEMENT WITHIN ANY UNDER-FLOOR AREA 18. TUB/SHOWER • TILE SURROUND TO FULL WALL HEIGHT - - APPLY OVER CEMENT BOARD OR FIBERGLASS FACED GYPSUM BOARD • TEMPERED GLASS DOORS OR CURTAIN ROD 10. (E) GAS METER LOCATION -- PROVIDE A SEISMIC GAS SHUT OFF VALVE (Best practice in Los Gatos) 21. STEAM SHOWER: TILE CLG, SLOPE 1:12 MIN.- APPLY OVER CEMENT BRD. OR FIBERGLASS FACED GYP. BRD., PROVIDE OPERABLE AWNING VENT IN GLASS SURROUND. STEAM EQUIP. LOCATED IN ATTIC ABOVE. VERIFY THERMOSTAT AND NOZEL LOCATION W/ OWNER. 30. (N) STEAM EQUIP (ELITE SHOWER) FOR SHOWER BELOW, PROVIDE DRAIN PAN & DRAIN OUTLET SHEET NOTES B. INSTALL ACCOUSTIC INSULATION IN ALL INTERIOR WALLS- INSULATION TYPE AS SPECIFIED E. DWV PIPING: • SUPPLY: COPPER OR PEX- SELECT! • WASTE: NO-HUB CAST IRON ABOVE LOWEST FLOOR LEVEL, ABS IN CRAWL BELOW • VENT: ABS F. PROVIDE WATER HAMMER REDUCTION DEVICES (SCREW-ON REPLACEABLE TYPE) AT ALL UNDER-COUNTER LOCATIONS AND AT WASHER BOX G. S.S. CLEANOUTS INSTALLED IN THE CRAWL SPACE SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 5 FEET FROM AN UNDER-FLOOR ACCESS OPENING/ TRAP DOOR. H. INSULATE FIRST FIVE FEET MINIMUM OF WATER PIPES ENTERING AND LEAVING WATER HEATER WITH R-4 OR GREATER J. PROVIDE A CHECK VALVE ON SEWER LINE PRIOR TO THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER A. SEE ROOF PLAN FOR PROPOSED VENT LOCATIONS S. ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THEIR LISTINGS T. INSULATE DUCTS NOT IN CONDITIONED SPACE WITH MIN R-6.0 UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY THE ENERGY COMPLIANCE REPORT TO ACHIEVE A HIGHER VALUE M. ALL PLUMBING DRAINAGE FIXTURES SHALL COMPLY WITH CPC REQUIREMENTS FOR DRAINAGE FIXTURE VALUES. CONFIRM REQUIREMENTS FOR MAXIMUM UNIT LOADING AND MAXIMUM LENGTH OF DRAINAGE AND VENT PIPING. K. PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE C.E.C. CERTIFIED, AND HAVE THE FOLLOWING MAXIMUM FLOW: a. SHOWERHEADS: 1.8 GPM @ 80 PSI b. LAVATORY FAUCETS: 1.2 GPM @ 60 PSI (NOT LESS THAN 0.8 GPM AT 20 PSI) c. KITCHEN FAUCETS: 1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI d. TOILETS: MAXIMUM 1.28 GALLON PER FLUSH OR AS OTHERWISE REQ'D V. USE CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: • OVER A VAPOR BARRIER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS • WHERE SUBJECT TO DIRECT EXPOSURE TO WATER OR IN AREAS SUBJECT TO CONTINUOUS HIGH HUMIDITY • ON CEILINGS WHERE FRAME SPACING EXCEEDS 12" O.C. FOR 1/2" THICK WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD & MORE THAN 16" O.C. FOR 5/8" THICK WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD. Q. FOR A WATER HEATER LOCATED ON WOOD FRAMING, INSTALL A WATERTIGHT PAN OF CORROSION-RESISTANT MATERIALS BENEATH THE WATER HEATER WITH A MINIMUM ¾” DIAMETER DRAIN TO AN APPROVED LOCATION. P APPLIANCES SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE FOR INSPECTION, SERVICE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT WITHOUT THE REMOVAL OF PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION. A PLATFORM OR SLAB ON GRADE PROVIDED IN FRONT OF APPLIANCES WITH A MINIMUM 30” IN DEPTH, WIDTH AND HEIGHT OF APPLIANCE. R. HVAC OR WATER HEATER VENTS SHALL TERMINATE NO LESS THAN 4’-0” BELOW OR 4’-0” TO THE SIDE, OR LESS THAN 1’-0” ABOVE ANY DOOR OR OPERABLE WINDOW. (SEE EXCEPTION FOR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES.) N. WHEN OPENINGS HAVE BEEN MADE IN WALLS, FLOORS, OR CEILINGS FOR PASSAGE OF PIPES, SUCH OPENINGS SHALL BE CLOSED & PROTECTED BY THE INSTALLATION OF APPROVED METAL COLLARS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE ADJOINING STRUCTURE OR, WHEN OPEN TO CRAWL SPACES, METAL SCREEN SECURELY FASTENED TO THE ADJOINING STRUCTURE WITH NO OPENING GREATER THAN 1/2" IN THE LEAST DIMENSION. C. TEMPORARY FENESTRATION LABEL MUST NOT BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PREVIEW BY BLDG. INSPECTOR U. PROVIDE INDIVIDUAL SETBACK THERMOSTATS AT ALL ZONES D. ALL ROOF DOWNSPOUTS NOT CONNECTED TO TIGHT LINES SHALL DAYLIGHT ONTO CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCKS OR OTHER APPROVED SURFACES. L. ALL (E) NON-COMPLIANT PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE UPGRADED WITH WATER CONSERVING FIXTURES. NON- COMPLIANT FIXTURES ARE DEFINED BY SB 407 AS FOLLOWS: a. SHOWERHEADS: MORE THAN 2.5 GPM b. FAUCETS: MORE THAN 2.2 GPM c. TOILETS: MORE THAN 1.6 GPF NEW WALL EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN - NO MODIFICATIONS EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WALL- (N) ADDED SHEAR EXISTING WALL TO BE MODIFIED FOR NEW OPENING WALL LEGEND T R U E N O R T H REFERENCE NORTH3 3 3 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 PROPOSED CRAWLSPACE PLAN GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A1.2 PROPOSED SECOND & ATTIC PLAN 245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ (E) CEIL CAR. 1 1 B B 2 2 C C E E F F 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 A A C C D D (E) CEIL(E) CEIL(E) CEIL CLG WALLCLG 13 29 07 30 2 A3.1 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 1 A3.1 1A3.21A3.23A3.23A3.22A3.22A3.24A3.24A3.23 A3.1 3 A3.1 4 A3.1 4 A3.1 3A2.21 A2.1 3A2.11 A2.2 (N) HWH ATTIC (N) ATTIC ACCESS (E) C.A.R. (E) FAU (1993?) (E) SKYLIGHT WELL (E) SKYLIGHT WELL (N) VAULTED CEILING BELOW REPLACE SLOPE 8 1/2": 12" SLOPE 8 1/2": 12" (N) STEAM UNIT (E) FLUE CW (E) CEIL CAR. UPPER FLOOR AREA: 1,034.8 sq ft 37.4 sq ft 82.6 sq ft DNUP32E11E10E22N13E21E20 25 32 2428 222127E15E13E18E12E13E14 E12N12 N11 E19 27262329 N10 1 1 B B 2 2 C C E E F F 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 A A C C D DDW(E) CEIL(E) CEIL(E) CEIL CLG WALLCLG 04 07 16 17 18 19 2021 19 16 26 27 11 04 7 A4.2 12'-0"11'-10"24'-0"14'-99/16"2'-1"51/2"8'-5"31/2"8'-8"12'-0"33'-10"2'-0"18'-0"16'-0"2'-33/8" 34'-0"47'-10"8'-01/4"14'-0"11'-113/4"2'-37/16" 34'-0" 2'-0"7'-6"6'-51/2"7'-91/2"3'-9"1'-71/2"1'-2"LIGHT COVE 2'-0"EQ.EQ.2 A3.1 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 1 A3.1 1A3.21A3.23A3.23A3.22A3.22A3.24A3.24A3.23 A3.1 3 A3.1 4 A3.1 4 A3.1 3A2.21 A2.1 3A2.11 A2.2 LAUNDRYUPPERS REPLACE (E) SKYLIGHT(E) SKYLIGHT(E) SKYLIGHT (E) ATTIC ACCESS PRIMARY BEDRM BED 2 BED 3 BATH 2 NOOK REFRAME FLOOR JOISTS AT 2ND FLOOR LEVEL DRESSER (N) SLOPED VAULTED CEILING (N) COUNTER & CAB (N) ATTIC ACCESS (N) 42" GUARDRAIL OPEN TO BELOW (N) TRELLIS BELOW (E) ROOF BELOW HALL PRIMARY BATH PRIMARY CLOSET (E) STAIR (E) ROOF BELOW (E) VAULTED CEILING MAX HEIGHT 7-4" [EXCLUDED FROM FLR. AREA] (N) ROOF BELOW SLOPE7 1/2": 12"SLOPE 6": 12" (N) SUB PANEL SLOPE 7 1/2": 12"DRYERBOXACOUSTICACOUSTIC ACOUSTIC GUTTERGUTTERDS DSGUTTER REPLACE (E) ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF REPLACE GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS (N) ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF GUTTER & DOWNPOUTS TILED CEILINGS AT STEAM SHOWER TALL SHELVES TALL LINEN (POCKET BACK) (E) FLUE DS DS DS DS EGRESS EGRESSEGRESSNICHE STONE TOP (N) WINDOW SEAT 8' X10' RUG 9' X12' RUG HAT PEGS8' X10' RUG8' X10' RUGNICHE SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0'4'8' 01KEY NOTES 03. (NOT USED) 09. PROVIDE DOOR STOP WITH CATCH @ OUTSWING DOOR LOCATIONS- VERIFY TYPE AND PLACEMENT 24. COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (TELEPHONE, COMPUTER NETWORK, AUDIO, VIDEO DISTRIBUTION)- PROVIDE 120v INTERNAL POWER 23. BRANCH CIRCUIT SUB-PANEL 26. CLOTHES WASHER: a. PROVIDE "SMITTY" TYPE DRAIN PAN UNDER CLOTHES WASHER b. APPROVED DRAIN TO EXTERIOR 08. C.A.R. GRILLE IN WALL 15. NON-COMBUSTIBLE HEARTH EXTENSION, FLUSH W/ TOP OF FINISH FLOOR 22. REPLACE (E) ELECTRICAL METTER W/ (N) 400 AMP - - SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN 32. FOUNDATION VENT: WUI APPROVED "VULCAN VENT #VFS814FC". CENTER ON WINDOW ABOVE 11. GAS BIBB: CONFIRM LOCATION WITH APPLIANCE, EQUIP, AND/OR FIREPLACE MFR., COORDINATE ACCESSIBLE LOCATION WITH CABINET LAYOUT 12. EXTERIOR HOSE BIB - - PROVIDE NON-REMOVABLE BACK-FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE AT EACH LOCATION 01. HANDRAIL AT ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS: • 2" DIA. CROSS SECTION HANDRAIL (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT GRIP) • PROVIDE 1 1/2" MIN CLEARANCE TO WALL • TOP OF CONTINUOUS HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE NOSING OF TREADS • RETURN ENDS TO WALLS 02. 42"-TALL GUARDRAIL - - SEE DETAIL 04. (N) LAYER OF SHEATHING TO EA. SIDE OF 2x4 POCKET DOOR FRAMING 13. (N) DIRECT VENT WATER HEATER - - ANCHOR OR STRAP AT POINTS WITHIN THE UPPER ONE-THIRD AND LOWER ONE-THIRD OF ITS VERT. DIM. -- LOWER STRAP AT LEAST 4" ABOVE CONTROLS 12 A4.1 31. (N) DOWNSPOUT LOCATION - CONNECT TO TIGHT LINE 27. DRYER VENT - a. INSTALL A DRYERBOX (WWW.DRYERBOX.COM) RECESSED INTO STUD BAY BEHIND DRYER (MINIMIZES MACHINE CLEARANCE TO WALL) b. 4" SMOOTH-WALL, METAL, RIGID DUCT WITHIN WALL TO EXTERIOR POINT OF EXHAUST - - 14'-0" MAX COMBINED HORIZ. + VERT. LENGTH (INCLUDING (2) 90º ELBOWS - - DEDUCT 2'-0" FOR EA. ADDITIONAL 90º ELBOW) c. WALL EXHAUST: "DRYER WALL VENT" WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER BY DRYERBOX.COM LOCATED NO CLOSER THAN 3'-0" TO ANY WALL OPENING d. ROOF EXHAUST: USE LOW PROFILE ROOFTOP EXHAUST WITH BACKDRAFT FLAP - - BROAN #636 ROOF CAP SET ON SLOPE e. DO NOT INSTALL SCREEN @ DUCT TERMINATION OR INSTALL DUCT WITH SCREWS OR FASTENERS THAT WILL OBSTRUCT FLOW 29. DIRECT-VENT, HIGH EFFICIENCY HORIZONTAL-FLOW FURNACE W/ COOLING TO HAVE MIN. AFUE RATING OF 95% 28. COMPRESSOR FOR AC SYSTEM ON CONC. PAD - - TOP OF PAD 3" ABOVE GRADE, MIN. 25. KITCHEN HOOD FAN, DUCT TO EXTERIOR 20. SHOWER HEAD- PRESSURE-BALANCING OR THERMOSTATIC VALVE 14. GAS FIREPLACE W/ ELECT. IGNITION, EXT. COMBUSTION AIR KIT. TOWN & COUNTRY TC36, "B" VENT TO ROOFTOP TERMINATION - - FRAME SURROUNDING WALLS W/ STEEL STUDS & CEMENT BRD. PER MFR'S INSTALLATION REQ'TS - - CONFIRM PLACEMENT OF CONTROLS IN FIELD. FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE CONDITIONS OF THEIR LISTING. CRC R1004. VENT VIA (E) EXT. METAL FLUE 05. CRAWL SPACE ACCESS: 18" x 24" CLEAR DIMENSION OPENING WITH LIFT-OUT PANEL (FLIP- UP RING PULL) 07. ATTIC ACCESS: DROP-DOWN FOLDING LADDER- BESSLER "SPACE SAVER" (WWW.BESSLER.COM) - (R.O. OPTIONS ARE 30" WIDTH X 60" LENGTH) W/ 30” MIN CLEAR HEADROOM PROVIDED ABOVE THE ACCESS OPENING • FOR ATTICS WITH MECH. EQUIP., PROVIDE OPENING SIZED FOR EQUIPMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT 16. WATER CLOSETS OR BIDETS: a. WIDTH OF 30” (15” FROM ITS CENTER TO ANY SIDE WALL OR OBSTRUCTION, NO CLOSER THAN 30” CENTER-TO-CENTER TO ANY SIMILAR FIXTURE) b. 24” CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT 17. SHOWER ENCLOSURE: a. 30” MIN. CLEAR DIA. CIRCLE FOR STALL WIDTH b. MIN. 22” UNOBSTRUCTED SHOWER DOOR OPENING FOR EGRESS c. TEMPERED GLASS DOORS d. DAM, CURB, OR THRESHOLD 1” LOWER THAN SIDES & BACK AND NOT LESS THAN 2” OR MORE THAN 9” IN DEPTH, MEASURED FROM THE TOP TO THE TOP OF THE DRAIN e. SLOPE SHOWER FLOOR FROM THE SIDE TO THE DRAIN: • MIN. OF 1/4" PER FOOT • MAX. OF 1/2" PER FOOT f. TILE WALLS TO FULL WALL HEIGHT AT SHOWER SURROUND- APPLY OVER CEMENT BRD. OR FIBERGLASS FACED GYP. BRD. 19. SMOOTH, HARD, NONABSORBENT SURFACE ON BATHROOM FLOORS AND WALLS 06. CRAWL SPACE ACCESS: 16" x 24" THROUGH PERIMETER WALL: PIPES, DUCTS, AND OTHER NONSTRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH ACCESS TO ,OR MOVEMENT WITHIN ANY UNDER-FLOOR AREA 18. TUB/SHOWER • TILE SURROUND TO FULL WALL HEIGHT - - APPLY OVER CEMENT BOARD OR FIBERGLASS FACED GYPSUM BOARD • TEMPERED GLASS DOORS OR CURTAIN ROD 10. (E) GAS METER LOCATION -- PROVIDE A SEISMIC GAS SHUT OFF VALVE (Best practice in Los Gatos) 21. STEAM SHOWER: TILE CLG, SLOPE 1:12 MIN.- APPLY OVER CEMENT BRD. OR FIBERGLASS FACED GYP. BRD., PROVIDE OPERABLE AWNING VENT IN GLASS SURROUND. STEAM EQUIP. LOCATED IN ATTIC ABOVE. VERIFY THERMOSTAT AND NOZEL LOCATION W/ OWNER. 30. (N) STEAM EQUIP (ELITE SHOWER) FOR SHOWER BELOW, PROVIDE DRAIN PAN & DRAIN OUTLET SHEET NOTES B. INSTALL ACCOUSTIC INSULATION IN ALL INTERIOR WALLS- INSULATION TYPE AS SPECIFIED E. DWV PIPING: • SUPPLY: COPPER OR PEX- SELECT! • WASTE: NO-HUB CAST IRON ABOVE LOWEST FLOOR LEVEL, ABS IN CRAWL BELOW • VENT: ABS F. PROVIDE WATER HAMMER REDUCTION DEVICES (SCREW-ON REPLACEABLE TYPE) AT ALL UNDER-COUNTER LOCATIONS AND AT WASHER BOX G. S.S. CLEANOUTS INSTALLED IN THE CRAWL SPACE SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 5 FEET FROM AN UNDER-FLOOR ACCESS OPENING/ TRAP DOOR. H. INSULATE FIRST FIVE FEET MINIMUM OF WATER PIPES ENTERING AND LEAVING WATER HEATER WITH R-4 OR GREATER J. PROVIDE A CHECK VALVE ON SEWER LINE PRIOR TO THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER A. SEE ROOF PLAN FOR PROPOSED VENT LOCATIONS S. ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THEIR LISTINGS T. INSULATE DUCTS NOT IN CONDITIONED SPACE WITH MIN R-6.0 UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY THE ENERGY COMPLIANCE REPORT TO ACHIEVE A HIGHER VALUE M. ALL PLUMBING DRAINAGE FIXTURES SHALL COMPLY WITH CPC REQUIREMENTS FOR DRAINAGE FIXTURE VALUES. CONFIRM REQUIREMENTS FOR MAXIMUM UNIT LOADING AND MAXIMUM LENGTH OF DRAINAGE AND VENT PIPING. K. PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE C.E.C. CERTIFIED, AND HAVE THE FOLLOWING MAXIMUM FLOW: a. SHOWERHEADS: 1.8 GPM @ 80 PSI b. LAVATORY FAUCETS: 1.2 GPM @ 60 PSI (NOT LESS THAN 0.8 GPM AT 20 PSI) c. KITCHEN FAUCETS: 1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI d. TOILETS: MAXIMUM 1.28 GALLON PER FLUSH OR AS OTHERWISE REQ'D V. USE CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: • OVER A VAPOR BARRIER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS • WHERE SUBJECT TO DIRECT EXPOSURE TO WATER OR IN AREAS SUBJECT TO CONTINUOUS HIGH HUMIDITY • ON CEILINGS WHERE FRAME SPACING EXCEEDS 12" O.C. FOR 1/2" THICK WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD & MORE THAN 16" O.C. FOR 5/8" THICK WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD. Q. FOR A WATER HEATER LOCATED ON WOOD FRAMING, INSTALL A WATERTIGHT PAN OF CORROSION-RESISTANT MATERIALS BENEATH THE WATER HEATER WITH A MINIMUM ¾” DIAMETER DRAIN TO AN APPROVED LOCATION. P APPLIANCES SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE FOR INSPECTION, SERVICE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT WITHOUT THE REMOVAL OF PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION. A PLATFORM OR SLAB ON GRADE PROVIDED IN FRONT OF APPLIANCES WITH A MINIMUM 30” IN DEPTH, WIDTH AND HEIGHT OF APPLIANCE. R. HVAC OR WATER HEATER VENTS SHALL TERMINATE NO LESS THAN 4’-0” BELOW OR 4’-0” TO THE SIDE, OR LESS THAN 1’-0” ABOVE ANY DOOR OR OPERABLE WINDOW. (SEE EXCEPTION FOR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES.) N. WHEN OPENINGS HAVE BEEN MADE IN WALLS, FLOORS, OR CEILINGS FOR PASSAGE OF PIPES, SUCH OPENINGS SHALL BE CLOSED & PROTECTED BY THE INSTALLATION OF APPROVED METAL COLLARS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE ADJOINING STRUCTURE OR, WHEN OPEN TO CRAWL SPACES, METAL SCREEN SECURELY FASTENED TO THE ADJOINING STRUCTURE WITH NO OPENING GREATER THAN 1/2" IN THE LEAST DIMENSION. C. TEMPORARY FENESTRATION LABEL MUST NOT BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PREVIEW BY BLDG. INSPECTOR U. PROVIDE INDIVIDUAL SETBACK THERMOSTATS AT ALL ZONES D. ALL ROOF DOWNSPOUTS NOT CONNECTED TO TIGHT LINES SHALL DAYLIGHT ONTO CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCKS OR OTHER APPROVED SURFACES. L. ALL (E) NON-COMPLIANT PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL BE UPGRADED WITH WATER CONSERVING FIXTURES. NON- COMPLIANT FIXTURES ARE DEFINED BY SB 407 AS FOLLOWS: a. SHOWERHEADS: MORE THAN 2.5 GPM b. FAUCETS: MORE THAN 2.2 GPM c. TOILETS: MORE THAN 1.6 GPF NEW WALL EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN - NO MODIFICATIONS EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WALL- (N) ADDED SHEAR EXISTING WALL TO BE MODIFIED FOR NEW OPENING WALL LEGEND T R U E N O R T H REFERENCE NORTH3 3 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 PROPOSED ATTIC PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A1.3 ROOF PLAN 245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0'4'8' T R U E N O R T H REFERENCE NORTHNEW WALL EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN - NO MODIFICATIONS EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING WALL- (N) ADDED SHEAR EXISTING WALL TO BE MODIFIED FOR NEW OPENING WALL LEGEND S23'-6" 1'-3"S33' 1'-3"S13' 5' 1 1 B B 2 2 C C E E F F 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 3 A A C C D D 01 0203 04 05 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 02 02 2 A3.1 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 1 A3.1 1A3.21A3.23A3.23A3.22A3.22A3.24A3.24A3.23 A3.1 3 A3.1 4 A3.1 4 A3.1 3A2.21 A2.1 3A2.11 A2.2 SLOPE 7 1/2": 12" SLOPE 7 1/2": 12" (N) SKYLIGHT IN (E) OPENING SLOPE7 1/2": 12"SLOPE7 1/2": 12"SLOPE7 1/2": 12"SLOPE 7 1/2": 12" SLOPE 5 1/2": 12" SLOPE 5 1/2": 12" GUTTER GUTTER GUTTER GUTTER GUTTERGUTTERGUTTERGUTTERREPLACE (E) ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF W/ NEW 'CLASS A' ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF REPLACE GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS SLOPE 7 1/2": 12" SLOPE 7 1/2": 12" (N) SKYLIGHT IN (E) OPENING (N) SKYLIGHT IN (E) OPENING (E) METAL CHIMNEY FLUE RIDGE RIDGERIDGEC1KEY NOTES 01. (N) CLASS 'A' ROOF SYSTEM - • COMP SHINGLES OVER • SELF- ADHERING RUBBERIZED BUTYL W.P.'ING UNDERLAYMENT, OVER ROOF SHEATHING, 2" MIN. CLOSED CEL SPRAY FOAM INSUL TO UNDERSIDE OF SHEATHING [this creates conditioned attic - no venting req'd, seal all eave/ ridge vents] 04. (N) 2"X3" PAINTED GSM DOWNSPOUT, RADIUS ALL BENDS TO ELIMINATE INTERNAL DRIPPING NOISE. EXTEND TO (E) TIGHT LINE. SHEET NOTES A. PROVIDE DEBRIS SCREENS AT ALL GUTTERS 03. (N) SKYLIGHT IN (E) OPENING 05. (N) 5" GSM GUTTER 02. FAN VENT: BRAUN 636 SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR MORE FAN INFORMATION B. PROVIDE DEBRIS CAGE AT ALL LOW- SLOPED ROOF DOWNSPOUT PENETRATIONS C. ALL ROOF DOWNSPOUTS NOT CONNECTED TO UNDERGROUND TIGHT LINES SHALL DAYLIGHT ONTO CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCKS OR OTHER APPROVED SURFACES. 3 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A2.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0'4'8' F E D C C B A 02 05 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 2021 23 27 28 ±0" 1 FIRST FLR +9' 2 SECOND FLR +17' 3 PLATE HT. +26' 4 RIDGE 2'-6"9'-0"8'-0"9'-0"28'-6"19'-111/2"N2 E4 E12 E14 E14 E12 E13 E18 N3 S2 S1 B A A A C C D F G G G E15 (N)(N) (N) ACCESS PANEL (N) GATE (N) TRELLIS (N) COVERED PORCH, STAIRS & GUARDRAIL (N) DECK (N) STAIR -2'-6" GRADE 6'-8" HEAD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 02 05 13 15 16 26 28'-6"2'-6"9'-0"8'-0"9'-0"10'-6"4'-0"01 E3E2 E4 E11E22 E7 E12 B A A A C C CD E G (N) ADDITION REFRAME ROOF @ 3":12" SLOPE (N) CLASS A ASPHALT SHINGLES (N) GABLE WINDOW (N) 2X10 GABLE PEDIMENT BASE TRIM (N) SIDELIGHT & PANELED DOOR (N) 5 1/2" HEAD CASING W/ DRIP CAP,TYP.(E) METAL FLUE(N) GATE (N) (E) GUARDRAIL (E) STAIRS +8' O.F.F. PLATE N10 217.9 sq ft 20.8 sq ft 873.7 sq ft -5' -1 CRAWLSPACE ±0" 1 FIRST FLR +9' 2 SECOND FLR +17' 3 PLATE HT. +26' 4 RIDGE 2'-6"9'-0"8'-0"9'-0"28'-6"19'-111/2"E15 (N) STAIR DEMO (E) DECK -2'-6" GRADE DEMOLITION OF (E) WALLS: 238.7 sq ft % OF (E) WALLS DEMOED: 27.3 % TOTAL WALL AREA: D1 D1D1 D1 4.0 sq ft 8.8 sq ft6.4 sq ft TOTAL (E) WALL AREA: 663.8 sq ft 28'-6"2'-6"9'-0"8'-0"9'-0"(E) GUARDRAIL (E) STAIRS DEMOLITION OF (E) WALLS: 19.2 sqft % OF (E) WALLS DEMOED: 2.9% CASEMENT CASEMENT DBL HUNG CASEMENT DBL HUNG D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 01 : DEMOED AREA OR COVERED BY AN ADDITION A B C D E G F H A. PATCH AND REPAIR/ REPLACE EXIST. HORIZONTAL SIDING AND UNDERLAYMENT AS REQUIRED AT MODIFIED EXTERIOR WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS- PAINTED FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING D. WINDOWS TO BE REPLACED - NOT COUNTED TOWARDS DEMOLITION AREA FOR PLANNING 28. FOUNDATION VENT - SEE PLAN FOR SPEC. CENTER ON WINDOW ABOVE 03. CRAWL SPACE FLOOR: 2" CONCRETE "RAT-PROOFING" OVER 10 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER - SLOPE SLAB 1/8" PER FOOT MIN. TO DRAIN 01. FOUNDATION PERIMETER DRAIN: DRAIN ROCK WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC (ALT: DRAINAGE BOARD) WITH 4" PERF PIPE, HOLES DOWN, PLACED AT BOTTOM- SLOPE DRAINAGE SYSTEM AT 1/8" : 1'; DAYLIGHT BELOW HOUSE 24. EXTERIOR SCONCE- CONFIRM MOUNTING HEIGHT IN FIELD W/ ARCHITECT 23. FAN EXHAUST RANGE HOOD - FRAME SOFFIT PARALLEL TO DUCT RUN TO MAXIMIZE CEILING HEIGHT 22. PG&E METER & ELECTRICAL SERVICE DISCONNECT 10. DECK CONSTRUCTION: 2x6 CEDAR DECKING DRIP-THRU DECK O/ 2X P.T. FRAMING. S.S.D. 06. CONDITIONED (UNVENTED) ROOF: R-30 (AGED VALUE) HI-DENSITY (CLOSED CELL) SPRAY FOAM INSULATION APLIED TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING BETWEEN RAFTERS, WITHOUT GAPS (100% COVERAGE) BAYS. 16. SKYLIGHT: ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME SKYLIGHT SYSTEM WITH TEMPERED OVER LAMINATED, DUAL GLAZED, UV PROTECTED GLASS PANELS 07. (E) ATTIC - VENTED: (E) CEILING BATT INSULATION. (E) EAVE VENT BLOCKS (E) HIGH VENTS 15. WINDOWS: EXTERIOR PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS (DBL GL., LOW-E2, ARGON GAS FILL)- TYPICAL FOR ALL WINDOW OPENINGS 17. HANDRAIL AT STAIR: METAL RAIL AT 36" ABOVE STAIR TREADS- 2" MAX. GRIP PROFILE, PAINT FINISH OVER H.D. GALVANIZED STEEL 13. GUTTERS, DSPS, ROOF TRIM: 5" FASCIA GUTTER, MATERIAL AND FINISH TO MATCH ROOFING SYSTEM- 2" X 3" RADIUS'ED CORNER DOWNSPOUTS, MATCH MATERIAL AND FINISH- USE RADIUS'ED SWEEPS TO ELIMINATE INTERNAL DRIPPING NOISE 11. EXTERIOR CEILING DECKING/ SOFFITS: 1X8 T&G POPLAR DECKING, "V" PROFILE, PAINT FINISH (VERIFY) 14. SLIDING DOOR: EXTERIOR PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD DOORS (DBL GL., LOW-E2, ARGON GAS FILL)- LOW PROFILE ALUM. "SADDLE" THRESHHOLD SEE DETAILS- DRIP-THROUGH GAP BETWEEN EDGE OF SADLE AND FIRST DECK BOARD 02. EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY (HORIZ. SIDING): • 5 1/4" (4" EXPOSURE) HORIZONTAL CEDAR SIDING (MATCH (E)) OVER • OBDYKE "HYDROGAP" DRAINAGE PLAN & WRB. TAPE ALL SEAMS TO FORM A CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER, O/ • 2x WALL FRAMING- BLOWN-IN CELLULOSE INSULATION - 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD TO INTER. 12. TRELLIS: 6X10 BEAMS, 3X6 TOP MEMBERS - 6X6 POSTS - HIDDEN CONNECTIONS 05. TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY: • CLASS "A" COMP SHINGLES OVER • SELF- ADHERING RUBBERIZED BUTYL W.P.'ING UNDERLAYMENT, OVER ROOF SHEATHING, 2" MIN. CLOSED CEL SPRAY FOAM INSUL TO UNDERSIDE OF SHEATHING 20. PLANTER: CONC. LOW WALL W/ STONE VENEER. SOIL 8" BELOW B.O. DECK FRAMING. EXT. FACE OF WALL TO BE 3'-0" MIN. FROM EDGE OF DECK. 04. FLOOR CEILING ASSEMBLY: 1/2" PLY OVER JOISTS S.S.D. 5/8" GYP. CEILING. 08. CATHEDRAL CEILING • REMOVE (E) EAVE VENT BLOCKS AND REPLACE WITH SOLID BLOCKING • AT ROOF UNDERSIDE: R-30 (AGED VALUE) HI- DENSITY (CLOSED CELL) SPRAY FOAM INSULATION APPLIED TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING BETWEEN RAFTERS, WITHOUT GAPS (100% COVERAGE) BAYS TO TOP OF WALL FRAMING. • AT ATTIC: R-30 BAT INSULATION • 5/8" GYP CEILING • 3/4" T&G NICKLE GAP STAINED WD. FINISH 09. COVERED PORCH FLOOR ASSEMBLY: • 2X6 CEDAR (VERIFY) DECKING OVER • 2X P.T. JOIST FRAMING- DRIP- THROUGH DECK WITH VENTILATED CONC. BELOW, SLOPED TO DRAIN 21. AC COMPRESSOR: AC COMPRESSOR EQUIP ON CONC. SLAB 26. FENCE & GATE: • 42" TALL, 1x6 HORIZONTAL STAIN WD. SLATS W/ 1" GAP • 4X4 PT. POSTS • 7' WIDE DBL SWING GATE, 27. FAN EXHAUST VENT CEDAR SIDING MATCH EXISTING PROFILE PAINTED: BENJAMIN MOORE "PAPER WHITE" STAINED WOOD TRELLIS ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF: OWENS CORNING: "DRIFT WOOD" DIVIDED LIGHT CASEMENT WINDOW & DOOR SYSTEM MARVIN ELEVATE - WHITE FRONT DOOR STAINED WOOD, 3/4" GLASS WITH DIVIDED LIGHT SIDELIGHTS EAVES, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, TRIM: CRAFTSMAN CROSSHEAD AT DOORS & WINDOWS PAINTED: BENJAMIN MOORE "WHITE" OC-151 STAINED WOOD DECKING MATCH EXISTING PAVER & VENEER McNEAR BELGIAN CHARCOAL TOTAL WALL AREA: 1958.6sq ft WALL AREA DEMOED: 321.1sq ft % OF WALL DEMOED: 16.4% TOTAL WALL AREA: 663.8 sq ft WALL AREA DEMOED: 19.2 sq ft % OF WALL DEMOED: 2.9% FRONT ELEVATION: SIDES & REAR ELEVATIONS: REMODEL NOTESDEMOLITION NOTES WALL DEMOLITION KEY: 19. EXTERIOR GUARD RAILING ASSEMBLY: • MATCH STYLE OF (E) FRONT PORCH • SEE REQUIRE MENTS OF INTERIOR GURD RAILING ASSEMBLY KEY NOTES 18. INTERIOR GUARD RAILING ASSEMBLY: • WOOD GUARDRAIL SYSTEM- 4X4 POSTS AND 1 1/2"x 1 1/2" PICKETS AT 5" O.C.- PAINT FINISH W/ STAINED WOOD TOP RAIL • GUARD RAIL TO RESIST 200LBS OF CONCENTRATED FORCE APPLIED TO THE TOP RAIL AT A RIGHT ANGLE; 50 PLF LOAD APPLIED NON- SEQUENTIALLY TO TOP RAIL • 42" MIN HT. TYP.; 36" MIN. AT STAIRS • OPENINGS FOR GUARDS ON THE SIDES OF STAIR TREADS SHALL NOT ALLOW A SPHERE OF 4.375” TO PASS THROUGH • TRIANGULAR OPENINGS FORMED BY THE RISER, TREAD AND BOTTOM RAIL AT THE OPEN SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY SHALL BE OF A MAXIMUM SIZE SUCH THAT A SPHERE OF 6” IN DIAMETER CANNOT PASS THROUGH THE OPENING MATERIAL & FINISH KEY 11 1 1 2 2 22 3 5 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"4 (E) DEMO EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 (E) DEMO SOUTH ELEVATION GSPublisherVersion 10/14/21 LOS GATOS CAAP# 532-28-022A2.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 245 JOHNSON AVE2002 JS SCALE DRAWN JOB # PRINT DATE SHEET245 JOHNSON AVE∆BYDATEDESCRIPTION JS08 MAR 2021 NOTED ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UN-PUBLISHED WORK OF POLSKY PERLSTEIN ARCHITECTS AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JCS ARCHITECTURE © 2020 JCS ARCHITECTUREJCS ARCHITECTURE24 VIA SAN FERNANDOTIBURON, CA 94920720.235.4780jessica.c.smith@gmail.comPERMIT APPLICATION JS22 APR 2021 RESUBMITTAL D11∆ JS02 May 2021 RESUBMITTAL D22∆ JS26 Aug 2021 RESUBMITTAL D33∆ JS16 Sept 2021 RESUBMITTAL D44∆ JS13 OCT 2021 HPC REVIEW5∆ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0'4'8' 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 05 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 24 8'-0"(N) ADDITION N4 E18 E19 N11 N12 02 03 B A C C C D F G G G (E) METAL FLUE(N) TRELLIS (N) DECK (N) COVERED PORCH, STAIRS & GUARDRAIL (N) STAIR (E) FENCE & GATE 6'-8" HEAD 6 12 +8' PLATE A B C C D E F 10 11 12 13 15 16 20 22 27 27 -5' -1 CRAWLSPACE ±0" 1 FIRST FLR +9' 2 SECOND FLR +17' 3 PLATE HT. +26' 4 RIDGE 2'-6"9'-0"8'-0"9'-0"28'-6"E5 E6 E10E21N13 E1 E2 S3 A A A B B C C D F G G E20 (N) (N) TRELLIS (N) DECK (E) FLUE(E) ELECT METER (E) GUARDRAIL (E) STAIRS (E) GAS METER (E) CRAWL ACCESS -2'-6" GRADE 6'-8" HEAD 11.1 sq ft 3.4 sq ft 8.8 sq ft 19.5 sq ft 635.3 sq ft 21.8 sq ft (E) METAL FLUEDEMO (E) DECK (E) FENCE & GATE DEMOLITION OF (E) WALLS: 64.6 sq ft % OF (E) WALLS DEMOED: 10.5 % TOTAL WALL AREA: D1D1 D1 10.0 sq ft 849.6 sq ft 7.8 sq ft -5' -1 CRAWLSPACE ±0" 1 FIRST FLR +9' 2 SECOND FLR +17' 3 PLATE HT. +26' 4 RIDGE 2'-6"9'-0"8'-0"9'-0"28'-6"(E) FLUE(E) ELECT METER DEMO (E) DECK (E) GUARDRAIL (E) STAIRS (E) GAS METER (E) CRAWL ACCESS -2'-6" GRADE DEMOLITION OF (E) WALLS: 17.8 sq ft % OF (E) WALLS DEMOED: 2.1 % TOTAL WALL AREA: SLIDER CASEMENT DBL HUNG DBL HUNG D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 01 : DEMOED AREA OR COVERED BY AN ADDITION A B C D E G F H A. PATCH AND REPAIR/ REPLACE EXIST. HORIZONTAL SIDING AND UNDERLAYMENT AS REQUIRED AT MODIFIED EXTERIOR WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS- PAINTED FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING D. WINDOWS TO BE REPLACED - NOT COUNTED TOWARDS DEMOLITION AREA FOR PLANNING 28. FOUNDATION VENT - SEE PLAN FOR SPEC. CENTER ON WINDOW ABOVE 03. CRAWL SPACE FLOOR: 2" CONCRETE "RAT-PROOFING" OVER 10 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER - SLOPE SLAB 1/8" PER FOOT MIN. TO DRAIN 01. FOUNDATION PERIMETER DRAIN: DRAIN ROCK WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC (ALT: DRAINAGE BOARD) WITH 4" PERF PIPE, HOLES DOWN, PLACED AT BOTTOM- SLOPE DRAINAGE SYSTEM AT 1/8" : 1'; DAYLIGHT BELOW HOUSE 24. EXTERIOR SCONCE- CONFIRM MOUNTING HEIGHT IN FIELD W/ ARCHITECT 23. FAN EXHAUST RANGE HOOD - FRAME SOFFIT PARALLEL TO DUCT RUN TO MAXIMIZE CEILING HEIGHT 22. PG&E METER & ELECTRICAL SERVICE DISCONNECT 10. DECK CONSTRUCTION: 2x6 CEDAR DECKING DRIP-THRU DECK O/ 2X P.T. FRAMING. S.S.D. 06. CONDITIONED (UNVENTED) ROOF: R-30 (AGED VALUE) HI-DENSITY (CLOSED CELL) SPRAY FOAM INSULATION APLIED TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING BETWEEN RAFTERS, WITHOUT GAPS (100% COVERAGE) BAYS. 16. SKYLIGHT: ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAME SKYLIGHT SYSTEM WITH TEMPERED OVER LAMINATED, DUAL GLAZED, UV PROTECTED GLASS PANELS 07. (E) ATTIC - VENTED: (E) CEILING BATT INSULATION. (E) EAVE VENT BLOCKS (E) HIGH VENTS 15. WINDOWS: EXTERIOR PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS (DBL GL., LOW-E2, ARGON GAS FILL)- TYPICAL FOR ALL WINDOW OPENINGS 17. HANDRAIL AT STAIR: METAL RAIL AT 36" ABOVE STAIR TREADS- 2" MAX. GRIP PROFILE, PAINT FINISH OVER H.D. GALVANIZED STEEL 13. GUTTERS, DSPS, ROOF TRIM: 5" FASCIA GUTTER, MATERIAL AND FINISH TO MATCH ROOFING SYSTEM- 2" X 3" RADIUS'ED CORNER DOWNSPOUTS, MATCH MATERIAL AND FINISH- USE RADIUS'ED SWEEPS TO ELIMINATE INTERNAL DRIPPING NOISE 11. EXTERIOR CEILING DECKING/ SOFFITS: 1X8 T&G POPLAR DECKING, "V" PROFILE, PAINT FINISH (VERIFY) 14. SLIDING DOOR: EXTERIOR PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD DOORS (DBL GL., LOW-E2, ARGON GAS FILL)- LOW PROFILE ALUM. "SADDLE" THRESHHOLD SEE DETAILS- DRIP-THROUGH GAP BETWEEN EDGE OF SADLE AND FIRST DECK BOARD 02. EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY (HORIZ. SIDING): • 5 1/4" (4" EXPOSURE) HORIZONTAL CEDAR SIDING (MATCH (E)) OVER • OBDYKE "HYDROGAP" DRAINAGE PLAN & WRB. TAPE ALL SEAMS TO FORM A CONTINUOUS AIR BARRIER, O/ • 2x WALL FRAMING- BLOWN-IN CELLULOSE INSULATION - 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD TO INTER. 12. TRELLIS: 6X10 BEAMS, 3X6 TOP MEMBERS - 6X6 POSTS - HIDDEN CONNECTIONS 05. TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY: • CLASS "A" COMP SHINGLES OVER • SELF- ADHERING RUBBERIZED BUTYL W.P.'ING UNDERLAYMENT, OVER ROOF SHEATHING, 2" MIN. CLOSED CEL SPRAY FOAM INSUL TO UNDERSIDE OF SHEATHING 20. PLANTER: CONC. LOW WALL W/ STONE VENEER. SOIL 8" BELOW B.O. DECK FRAMING. EXT. FACE OF WALL TO BE 3'-0" MIN. FROM EDGE OF DECK. 04. FLOOR CEILING ASSEMBLY: 1/2" PLY OVER JOISTS S.S.D. 5/8" GYP. CEILING. 08. CATHEDRAL CEILING • REMOVE (E) EAVE VENT BLOCKS AND REPLACE WITH SOLID BLOCKING • AT ROOF UNDERSIDE: R-30 (AGED VALUE) HI- DENSITY (CLOSED CELL) SPRAY FOAM INSULATION APPLIED TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING BETWEEN RAFTERS, WITHOUT GAPS (100% COVERAGE) BAYS TO TOP OF WALL FRAMING. • AT ATTIC: R-30 BAT INSULATION • 5/8" GYP CEILING • 3/4" T&G NICKLE GAP STAINED WD. FINISH 09. COVERED PORCH FLOOR ASSEMBLY: • 2X6 CEDAR (VERIFY) DECKING OVER • 2X P.T. JOIST FRAMING- DRIP- THROUGH DECK WITH VENTILATED CONC. BELOW, SLOPED TO DRAIN 21. AC COMPRESSOR: AC COMPRESSOR EQUIP ON CONC. SLAB 26. FENCE & GATE: • 42" TALL, 1x6 HORIZONTAL STAIN WD. SLATS W/ 1" GAP • 4X4 PT. POSTS • 7' WIDE DBL SWING GATE, 27. FAN EXHAUST VENT CEDAR SIDING MATCH EXISTING PROFILE PAINTED: BENJAMIN MOORE "PAPER WHITE" STAINED WOOD TRELLIS ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF: OWENS CORNING: "DRIFT WOOD" DIVIDED LIGHT CASEMENT WINDOW & DOOR SYSTEM MARVIN ELEVATE - WHITE FRONT DOOR STAINED WOOD, 3/4" GLASS WITH DIVIDED LIGHT SIDELIGHTS EAVES, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, TRIM: CRAFTSMAN CROSSHEAD AT DOORS & WINDOWS PAINTED: BENJAMIN MOORE "WHITE" OC-151 STAINED WOOD DECKING MATCH EXISTING PAVER & VENEER McNEAR BELGIAN CHARCOAL TOTAL WALL AREA: 1958.6sq ft WALL AREA DEMOED: 321.1sq ft % OF WALL DEMOED: 16.4% TOTAL WALL AREA: 663.8 sq ft WALL AREA DEMOED: 19.2 sq ft % OF WALL DEMOED: 2.9% FRONT ELEVATION: SIDES & REAR ELEVATIONS: REMODEL NOTESDEMOLITION NOTES WALL DEMOLITION KEY: 19. EXTERIOR GUARD RAILING ASSEMBLY: • MATCH STYLE OF (E) FRONT PORCH • SEE REQUIRE MENTS OF INTERIOR GURD RAILING ASSEMBLY KEY NOTES 18. INTERIOR GUARD RAILING ASSEMBLY: • WOOD GUARDRAIL SYSTEM- 4X4 POSTS AND 1 1/2"x 1 1/2" PICKETS AT 5" O.C.- PAINT FINISH W/ STAINED WOOD TOP RAIL • GUARD RAIL TO RESIST 200LBS OF CONCENTRATED FORCE APPLIED TO THE TOP RAIL AT A RIGHT ANGLE; 50 PLF LOAD APPLIED NON- SEQUENTIALLY TO TOP RAIL • 42" MIN HT. TYP.; 36" MIN. AT STAIRS • OPENINGS FOR GUARDS ON THE SIDES OF STAIR TREADS SHALL NOT ALLOW A SPHERE OF 4.375” TO PASS THROUGH • TRIANGULAR OPENINGS FORMED BY THE RISER, TREAD AND BOTTOM RAIL AT THE OPEN SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY SHALL BE OF A MAXIMUM SIZE SUCH THAT A SPHERE OF 6” IN DIAMETER CANNOT PASS THROUGH THE OPENING MATERIAL & FINISH KEY 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 (E) DEMO NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"4 (E) DEMO WEST ELEVATION This Page Intentionally Left Blank