Item 2 - Discuss and Provide Input to the Town Council Regarding the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Resolution Addendum with Attachment PREPARED BY: Joel Paulson Community Development Director Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/09/2021 ITEM NO: 2 ADDENDUM DATE: June 8, 2021 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Input to the Town Council Regarding the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Resolution. REMARKS: Attachment 2 contains comments from a Committee Member. Attachments: Previously received with the 6/9/2021 Staff Report : 1. CDAC Resolution Received with this Addendum Report: 2. Committee Member comments This Page Intentionally Left Blank Suggested Changes to Resolution 19-147 terms of office The Preservation Conceptual Development Advisory Committee shall consist of five members. Three members shall be members of the Planning Commission and the two members shall be members of the Town Council 1.Appointments and The terms of office of the Committee shall be at the discretion of the Mayor for the Town Council Members and the the chair of the Planning Commission for Planning Commission Commission matters. 2.Meetings; quorums; officers. No changes to this Paragraph. 3.Powers and duties. The duties of the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee shall be to advise a prospective applicant on whether the his project is consistent with Town policy (the term “policy” is vague. Does it include the General Plan, HDS&G, or Residential Design Guidelines?) prior to initiating an expensive and time consuming development review process; and to identify and list problems with the proposal that need to be addressed in the subsequent review process. The Committee shall not review projects for which any permit application has been submitted to the Planning or Building Department. 4.Resolution not to affect powers of Town Council or Planning Commission. No change to this Paragraph. Suggesedtions for Changes to the Administrative Policy for Processing Requests for Review Before the Conceptual Development Advisory Committee 1.The Committee shall meet once a month on a regular schedule (time and date to be determined by Committee members) if an application is pending.. 1.2. No change to this Paragraph. 2.3. A prospective developer shall may submit at his/her option a “Request for Review which shall include: A.A signed application form available from the Planning Department. Community Development Department. B.A brief general description of the project and its location (no more than one typed page - double spaced. C.A preliminary site plan. Schematic elevations may be submitted, but are not required. Detailed plans will not be accepted. C. Formatted: Font color: Black Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or ATTACHMENT 2 Suggested Changes to Resolution 19-147 terms of office The Preservation Conceptual Development Advisory Committee shall consist of five members. Three members shall be members of the Planning Commission and the two members shall be members of the Town Council D.A $245 review and processing fee. 4. No change provided that the time limits of 10 and 20 minutes are still appropriate. 5. The Committee may only review a project once unless there are material changes to the plans and a recommendation by the Director of Community Development. 6. No change. 7. No change. 8. There will be no (delete “no” minutes or (delete “or” and insert “but no” tapes of the Committee meetings. 9. No change 10. The Committee review is based on policy issues only. There is no technical or ordinance compliance review by either the COmmittee or staff. (This paragraph warrants review.) 11. (New) Committee members shall give their personal opinion about the project. The applicant shall not argue about such opinions or try to dissuade the Committee members.