Item 3 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 7 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/23/2021 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: June 18, 2021 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Technical Demolition for Rehabilitation of an Historic Residence (Pre-1941) and Construction of Exterior Alterations and a Second-story Addition with Reduced Side Setbacks Located on a Nonconforming Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 529-20-006. Architecture and Site Application S-21-016. Property Owner/Applicant: Nam Nguyen. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation to the Community Development Director on a request for technical demolition for rehabilitation of an historic residence (pre-1941) and construction of exterior alterations and a second-story addition with reduced side setbacks on a nonconforming property zoned R-1:8 located at 445 Los Gatos Boulevard. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1905 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard at the intersection with Spencer Avenue and is developed with a one-story folk Victorian residence, which features a front facing gable and spindle work porch in front of a pyramidal roof. The Santa Clara County Assessor’s estimated construction date for the residence is 1905. Preliminary reviews of a PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: 445 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 18, 2021 BACKGROUND (continued): previous proposal for rehabilitation of the original residence and construction of new first and second story additions were conducted by the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) on December 13, 2018, January 23, 2019, and February 27, 2019. Recommendations made by the HPC were incorporated into the development plans for a Minor Residential Development application, submitted on July 13, 2020. The HPC reviewed this application on August 26, 2020 and forwarded a recommendation of approval to the Community Development Director. Following the August 26, 2020 review by the HPC, the property was sold to the current owner. On January 27, 2021, the HPC considered a request for demolition of the existing residence. The HPC denied this request, finding that the residence has historical and architectural interest and value. On March 4, 2021, the HPC considered a preliminary review of a revised project for relocation of the existing residence and construction of exterior alterations and a second-story addition. The HPC recommended that the applicant: • Ensure the scale of the second-story addition is compatible and proportional to the original residence; • Consider locating the second-story addition at the rear of the residence rather than the middle; • Include full details in the development plans to show how the addition will be consistent with the original structure; and • Consider a single-story addition. On March 24, 2021, the HPC considered the request again, along with the applicant’s response to the HPC’s recommendations of March 4, 2021. At this meeting, the HPC discussed the item and reaffirmed their recommendations of March 4, 2021. DISCUSSION: An Architecture and Site application was submitted to the Town on June 9, 2021 for the proposed project. The Development Plans (Attachment 7) provided with the Architecture and Site application include a proposed site plan that is similar to the site plan presented to the HPC on March 4, 2021 and March 24, 2021. The applicant submitted a Letter of Justification (Attachment 1) proposing relocation of the existing residence, construction of a second-story addition, and construction of a detached garage. The Development Plans propose demolition of the interior walls of the residence and relocation of most of the exterior walls. A portion of the exterior walls at the rear of the residence would be demolished to allow the proposed addition to integrate with the existing residence. In their Letter of Justification, the applicant recognizes that replacement of existing structural framing will be needed due to the poor PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: 445 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 18, 2021 DISCUSSION (continued): condition of the residence (Attachment 1). The condition of the residence is detailed in the Building Inspection Report and the Independent Architect’s Evaluation (Attachments 2 and 3). While full demolition details have not been provided at this time, it is likely that technical demolition will be required for rehabilitation of the historic residence due to its poor condition. The Letter of Justification and the Development Plans indicate that the rehabilitated portions of the existing residence would match the existing residence in form, materials, and detailing. Given the condition of the residence, the applicant requests that the HPC find that the portions of the residence that are proposed for preservation and rehabilitation be exempted from the demolition definition as allowed by the Town Code. The submitted Letter of Justification and Development Plans propose relocation of the existing residence, construction of a second-story addition, and construction of a detached garage (Attachments 1 and 7). The existing residence would be moved approximately 23 feet, four inches toward the street and set on a new raised concrete foundation. A portion at the rear of the residence would be removed as reflected on Sheet A2 of the Development Plans (Attachment 7). While relocated, the existing historical residence would be rehabilitated to preserve its appearance. The Letter of Justification indicates that the existing exterior materials would be repaired or replaced to match, including the horizontal wood ship-lap siding; wood shingle siding in the front gable end; door and window trim; decorative ornamentation; and roof materials. The existing windows and doors would be removed and replaced with aluminum-clad wood windows and doors with proportions to match the original. The applicant also proposes replacement of an existing street-facing door on the front elevation of the existing residence with a square window to match the other windows. The proposed addition would be located behind the original residence consisting of single-story and two-story elements. The single-story addition would be located behind the residence with a portion having a reduced south side setback of three feet where eight is required. The new second-story addition would be located above a portion of the single-story addition. A new basement would be located under a portion of the addition. In response to the HPC’s recommendations, the applicant has revised the form of the proposed second-story addition to address its visual impact to the street and to be more compatible with the original residence. The setback of the second story would be approximately 32 feet from the front façade of the residence, approximately 57 feet from the new front property line after a required 11-foot right-of-way dedication, and approximately 99 feet from the existing edge of Los Gatos Boulevard. The proposed second story consists of a 28-foot, seven-inch tall gable- end roof section at the center of the residence oriented north-to-south. Two 26-foot, four-inch tall hip roof sections would project to the front and rear of the residence. The roof form of the street-facing portion of the second-story addition has been revised from a gable-end roof to a PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: 445 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 18, 2021 DISCUSSION (continued): hip roof with a 6/12 roof pitch. The combination of the revised roof form and the deep setback of the second-story results in a reduced visual impact to the street. The applicant submitted a rendering of the proposed residence showing an eye-level perspective from Los Gatos Boulevard (Attachment 4). This exhibit demonstrates how the revised second-story roof form and deep setbacks allow the one-story portion of the residence to partially screen the second story when viewed from the street. The hip roof section projecting to the rear of the residence would terminate above a portion of a new roof deck atop the proposed single-story addition at the rear. Lastly, a new detached garage is proposed in the northwest portion of the property. All exterior materials and forms of the additions and detached garage would be consistent with the existing residence. CONCLUSION: Should the HPC find merit in the proposed project, it should make the following findings and considerations and make a recommendation of approval to the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director will forward the HPC’s recommendation to the hearing body appropriate for consideration of the Architecture and Site application. FINDINGS AND CONSIDERATIONS: A. Findings Sec. 29.10.020. Demolition (historic structures) All remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition: b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering (siding) resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body. B. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: 445 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 18, 2021 FINDINGS AND CONSIDERATIONS (continued): architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. C. Residential Design Guidelines Section 4.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for additions to historic resources through reference to Section 3.9 (Attachment 5). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Justification 2. Building Inspection Report 3. Independent Architect’s Evaluation 4. Perspective Rendering 5. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines 6. Site Photos 7. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank don schallock Architect AIA don@donschallock.com Hi phone: 408.987.1508 27 May, 2021 Town of Los Gatos – Community Development Civic Center 101 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Attn: Sean Mullins – Asst. Planner/Project Coordinator Re: 445 Los Gatos Blvd.: Application for Planning Review APN: 529-20-006 Project Description / Justification for Technical Demolition This property is currently zoned R-1-8. Its status is “Legal, Non-Conforming Residential”. The existing house is a modest, wood framed, one story, single family residence built in 2 stages, in or around 1906. It is an example of early “California Bungalow/Folk Victorian” with minimal ornamentation or obvious architectural merit. While It does not seem to have Historical Significance, we recognize its contribution to the “Fabric” of the neighborhood and Los Gatos community. Our intention is to add a 1,992 sq.ft. one and two-story addition to the rear of the existing 843 sq.ft. residence. An 800 sq.ft. detached garage would also be constructed in the back of the property. This project would be designed to be compatible with the neighborhood and with the needs of a modern professional family with 2 small children. While it does not appear possible to avoid substantial replacement of the existing structural members (see Building Inspection Report, and independent Architect’s Evaluation), it is our intention to preserve the original architectural design by retaining the existing footprint and observable historical period exterior elements. The existing residence will be moved forward onto a concrete foundation (the original structure is set directly on the earth) at the 25’ Front Yard Setback line. Through careful attention to the existing wall heights, roof slopes, door and window trims, wall and roof materials and ornamentation, the architectural appearance of the original house will be preserved. Through careful massing and detailing our addition will complement the spirit of the original residence. Furthermore, positioning the proposed addition behind the original residence will reduce the visual impact of the newer construction while simultaneously emphasizing the visual presentation of the original architecture to the street. The proposed second-story roof height, shape, and slope have been adjusted to better diminish the visual impact on the elevation facing Los Gatos Blvd.. All proposed work will meet current FAR and Site Coverage requirements. Due to the “non-conforming” frontage and site area, some consideration for reduction(s) in side-yard setbacks are requested. This might be similar to the R-1D Zone standards. Sincerely, Don Schallock -Architect. AIA - don schallock Architect AIA Los Gatos, CA Telluride, CO. Old San Juan, PR Kerry, Ireland ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank RCI inspect (Residential & Commercial Inspections) Serving the Greater Bay Area & Central Valley, (888) 613-4808 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020Schedule Date: Client: Subject Property: Report # : 445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 11202044NGU Client Address: ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 11202044NGUReport # : The "Matrix" Report lists the systems and components i nspe cted by th is company. Items not found i n this report are consi dered beyond the sc ope o f this i nspec tion, and should not be considered inspe cted at this t i me . When "APPEARS SERVICEABLE" is chec ked it means that we di d not observe cond i t i ons that woul d l ead us to be li eve probl ems existed w i th thi s system or c omponent . The item is c apabl e of be i ng used . Some servi c eable i tems may, however, show wear and tear. Other condi ti ons are che cked , i f appli c abl e , i n the body of the report. SIGNIFICANTLY DEFICIENT SYSTEMS OR COMPONENTS w ill be i denti fi ed as: Not functi onal / unsa fe / worn / near end of li fespan . When in the inspe ctor's opi nion , an i tem is "si gni fic antl y defici ent", the reason w ill be che cked w i th i n the body of the report . PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE REPORT FOR ALL ITEMS CHECKED . NOTICE: This report contai ns tec hn i c al i n f ormati on that may not be readil y understandabl e to the l ay person . There f ore , a verbal c onsul tat ion w i th the i nspe ctor is a mandatory part o f this i nspection. I f you choose not to consul t w i th the i nspe c tor , this i nspect ion company c annot be he l d li abl e f or your understandi ng or m isunderstandi ng o f thi s report's contents . I f you were not present dur i ng th is i nspe c t i on p l ease c all the o ffic e to arrange f or your verba l consul tat i on . KEY TO THE INSPECTION REPORT (1) * Items that have an asterisk next to them . This item or component w arrants additional attention , repair or monitoring . (1) Items that have a (1) next to them . The Bracketed Numbers are defined as follows Recommend evaluation by a qualified licensed structural engineer / geotechnical engineer . Recommend further review and repairs as needed by a qualified licensed contractor or specialty tradesman dealing with that item or system . Recommend further review for the presence of any wood destroying pests or organisms by qualified Pest Inspector . This item is a safety hazard - correction is needed . Recommend upgrading for safety enhancement . This building may have been constructed before current safety standards were developed . (2) (3) (4) (5) NOTICE: AN ABRIDGED VERSION OF THIS KEY IS PRINTED AT THE TOP OF EACH PAGE . If you do not understand how to read this report please contact our office . I have read and understand the Key to the Matrix Inspection Report . Client's Initials __________ Representative / Agent's Initials ____________ I agree to read the special " NOTICES" in each section of the report for further information concerning the limitations of this inspection . Client's Initials __________ Representative / Agent's Initials ____________Present During The Inspection: INSPECTOR :Lou Gusta fson IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THIRD PARTIES OR OTHER PURCHASERS: RECEIPT OF THIS REPORT BY ANY PURCHASERS OF THIS PROPERTY OTHER THAN THE PARTY(IES) IDENTIFIED ON THE CONTRACT PAGE # 1 IS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE INSPECTOR . THE INSPECTOR STRONGLY ADVISES AGAINST ANY RELIANCE ON THIS REPORT . WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU RETAIN A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL INSPECTOR TO PROVIDE YOU WITH YOUR OWN INSPECTION AND REPORT ON THIS PROPERTY . NOTICE: It is a l ways w ise to c he c k w i th the bu il di ng department f or perm i t i n f ormati on, espe ci a ll y i f addi t i ons or a l terati ons are noted . The weather condition at the time of inspection was: Property Information: KEY TO THE INSPECTION REPORT [ ] Cli ent [ ] Buyer's Agent [X] Se ll er's Agent [ ] Se ll er [ ]Other: Sunny;[Temp] Approx i mate temperature is 55 degrees . Inspection Date:Start Time:Completion Time11/20/2020 8:30 AM 10:30 AM The subje c t property i nspe c ted was a (an):# o f un i ts: Approx i mate age o f bu il d i ng: Approx i mate age o f roo f : Addi t i ons / A l terat ions to: Si ng l e Fam il y [age] 115 yrs . stated by Inspe c tor's observat i on [age] 31+ yrs. stated by Inspe c tor's observati on . 2 GENERAL INFOPage 3 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 101. Present at Inspection Data [X] Seller's Agent [X] Seller's Agent Comments:No add i t iona l c omments .S 102. Start Time Data Comments:No add i t iona l c omments .S 103. Completion Time Data Comments:No add i t i ona l c omments .S 104. Weather Condition Data [X] Sunny Comments:Approx i mate temperature is 55 degrees .S 105. Property Type Data [X] Single Family Comments:No add i t i ona l c omments .S 106. Number of Units Data [X] 2 Comments:No add i t i ona l c omments .S 107. Approx. Building Age Data Comments:115 yrs. stated by Inspe c tor's observat i onS 108. Approx. Roof Age Data Comments:31+ yrs. stated by Inspe c tor's observat i on .S 109. Additions / Alterations Data Comments:No add i t i ona l c omments .S --- End of Category GENERAL INFO --- GROUNDSPage 4 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 01. Driveway Repairs Recommended [X] Material:Dirt, Gravel Comments:Uneven d irt and grave l dri veway .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua lifi ed pro f essi ona l .S 02. Sidewalks Repairs Recommended [X] Materials:Concrete, Dirt [X] Common cracks * Comments:Cra c ked uneven c on c rete noted at f ront si dewa l k .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l .S 03. Retaining Walls N/A 04. Patio Repairs Recommended [X] Location(s):Left side [X] Material:Concrete, Pavers Comments:Loose d isp l a c ed uneven pavers noted at the l e f t exter i or pat i o por c h .(2) Re commend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by aSqualified pro f essi ona l . 05. Patio Cover Repairs Recommended [X] Location(s):Left side [X] Open design Comments:Si gni fic ant wear , deteri orat i on and damage noted at i mproperl y repa i red l e ft exteri or pat i o por c h c over .(2)(3)SRecommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 06. Decks/Porch Repairs Recommended [X] Location(s):Front, Rear [X] Materi a l :Con c rete , Pavers, Wood Comments:Loose deter i orated damaged wood de c k i ng bu il d on grade at front por c h o f the ma i n resi den c e - tri p hazard , et c.(2)(3)(4)S Re c ommend eva luat i on and repa irs/rep l a c ement by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Loose mater i a l , uneven rise/run noted at front por c h steps o f the ADU .(2)(4) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 07. Fences & Gates Repairs Recommended [X] Material:Masonry, Wood Comments:Loose boards , posts, mater i a ls noted at var i ous l o c at i ons o f wood f en ci ng around the per i meter o f the property .(2)SGates need adjustment or repa ir. (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . --- End of Category GROUNDS --- EXTERIORPage 5 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 08. Exterior Stairs Repairs Recommended [X] Material:Concrete, Pavers, Wood [X] Lo c at i on:Front , Rear [X] Uneven rise / run (2) (4) Comments:Re c ommend f urther eva l uat ion and repa irs/rep l a c ement by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . (2)S 09. Exterior Walls Repairs Recommended [X] Structure:Wood Frame [X] Wa ll Coveri ng:Wood Shi ng l e , Wood Si d i ng [X] Deteri orat ion / Damage [X] Near end o f li f espan (2) [X] Not f u ll y vi si b l e [X] Common cra c ks * [X] Major c ra c ks (1) [X] Cra c ks / openi ngs need repa irs (2) [X] So il c onta c t * (3) [X] Moisture sta i ns / damage (2) (3) [X] Na ili ng de f e c ts * Comments:The exter i or wa lls are not f u ll y v isi b l e due to vegetat i on/persona l storage . Re c ommend areas be made a cc essi b l e andSinspected prior to the end o f the c ont i ngen c y per i od . * Ev i denc e o f deteriorated damaged si di ng noted at vari ous exter i or l o c at i ons - evi denc e o f i mproperly i nsta ll ed damaged materi a l noted at vari ous l o c at i ons around the peri meter o f the property . (2) Port i ons o f the exteri or wa lls appear to be stru c tura ll y unsound and i n c onta c t w i th grade .(2)(1)(3) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y period . The pa i nt/f i n ish was deteri orated on the si di ng at the t i me o f the i nspe c t i on . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . Not ice: Wall i nsul at ion type and va l ue is not verifi ed* UFFI i nsu l at ion or hazard are not identi fi ed* Condit ions i nsi de the wall c annot be judged* Lead test ing i s not performed* 10. Trim Repairs Recommended [X] Material:Wood Comments:Cra c ks, gaps , separat i ons, wood rot , l oose materi a l , et c., were found at vari ous l o c at i ons i n the exter i or wa lls at theStime o f the i nspe c t i on . (2)(3) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . A ll wa ll penetrat i ons need to be sea l ed . (2) Exter i or tri m had deter i orated pa i nt/f i nish . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . 11. Chimney(s)Repairs Recommended [X] Location:Living Room, Family Room [X] Mater i a l :Bri c k , Meta l Comments:Inadequate c l earan c e between exteri or li v i ngroom f urna c e meta l fl ue and exteri or w i ndows, et c.(2(4) Re c ommendSevaluation and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . O l der non operat i ona l bri c k c h i mney -heat i ng/dook i ng fl ue is un li ned wh i c h c an present a number o f performan c e and sa f ety prob l ems - mortar deteri orated between br i c ks, et c. Re c ommend the f irepl a c e not be used until the c h i mney is eva l uated and deemed sa f e by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . (2) (4) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Sea li ng is needed at the jo i nt between the c hi mney and the roo f .(2) Rust , c orrosi on v isi bl e at vent near mortar c ap .(2) Not ic e: The interior of the flue was not i nspe cted at this t i me . We re commend that you reta i n a qua li fi ed chi mney sweep to cl ean and eva l uate the fl ue .* 12. Sprinklers N/A [X] Not inspected * Comments:Th is c ompany does not i nspe c t spr i nk l ers; they are beyond the sc ope o f the i nspe c t ion . We re commend the ownerSdemonstrate the ir operat ion , expl a i n t i mer operat ions/sett i ngs, et c., to a ll i nterested part i es pr i or to the end o f the c ont i ngen c y . Not ic e: Underground p ipes cannot be judged for breaks or possi b l e root i ntrusi ons . Associ ati on-ma intai ned systems are not tested . Grove systems are not tested .* 13. Hose Faucets Repairs Recommended Comments:Re c ommend i nsta ll at i on o f ant isi phons at a ll hose bi bs.(2)(5) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and i nsta ll at i on by a qua li fi edSprofessional. Hose f au c ets had broken or m issi ng handl es. (2) Re c ommend f urther eva l uat i on and repa i rs as needed by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . (2) EXTERIORPage 5a 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 14. Gutters & Downspouts Repairs Recommended Comments:The gutters were fill ed wi th debris at the ti me o f the i nspe c t ion; debr is shoul d be removed for proper dra i nage and toSprevent premature deteri orat i on . (2) Gutters are deter i orated and l eaki ng . (2) e c ommend gutter downspout term i nat i ons be routed away from the bu il di ng . (2) Loose damaged downspouts were noted at the t i me o f the i nspe c t i on . (2) The gutter system was deta c hed at various exteri or l o c at i ons and showed si gns o f c orrosi on , l eakage , rust at the t i me o f the i nspe c t i on . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Not ic e: Gutters and subsurf ac e drains are not water tested for l eakage or blo ckage .* Regul ar ma i ntenan c e of dra i nage systems is requ ired to avoi d water probl ems at the roof and foundat ion .* --- End of Category EXTERIOR --- FOUNDATIONPage 6 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 15. Grading Repairs Recommended Comments:Fau lty grade at var i ous p l anter l o c at i ons; so il sl opes towards stru c ture . (2) Re commend ask i ng se ll er about history o fSdrainage pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y peri od . Earth to wood c onta c t was noted at various l o c ati ons around the exter i or peri meter o f the property and at vari ous l o c at i ons i n the c raw lspa c e/basement; we re c ommend th is c ond i t ion be re f erred to a qua li fi ed term i te i nspe c tor f or f urther eva l uat i on . (3)(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua lifi ed pro f essi ona l pr i or to the c lose o f the c ont i ngen c y peri od . Keep a ll vegetat i on tri mmed 18-24 i ns. away from buil d i ng stru c ture . *Trees were p l anted c l ose to the struc ture . As the trees grow they may need to be removed to avo i d damage to the f oundat i on . *Vegetat i on was i n c onta c t w i th the exterior wa lls . The vegetat i on shou l d be tr i mmed away to prevent damage to the bu il d i ng . * (3)Poor grad i ng around the foundat i on . * Not ic e: This i nspe ct ion does not incl ude geo logi c a l condi tions or si te stabili ty i nformat i on. For i nformat i on conc erni ng these condi tions , a geo l ogist or soils engi neer shoul d be consu l ted. 16. Slab-on-Grade N/A Not ic e: All sl abs experien c e some degree o f cra cking due to shri nkage i n the dry pro c ess. In most i nstan ces floor c overi ngs prevent re cogni tion o f c ra c ks or sett l ement i n all but the most severe c ases. The inspe ctor will , at add i t i onal cost , re i nspec t , provided the cli ent removes fl oor covering and re l eases the inspec tor from damage c aused by thi s proc ess. Floor coverings are not removed during this i nspe ct i on .* 17. Raised Foundation Repairs Recommended [X] Foundation:Wood [X] Columns:Wood [X] Ev i den c e o f foundati on movement (2) (1) Comments:Si gni fic ant wood rot , deteriorat i on , pri or i mproper repa irs and displ a c ement/movement noted i n the c raw lspa c e/basementSof the front ma i n resi denc e . (1) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs/rep l a c ement by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l pr i or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y per i od . No a cc ess noted under the ADU and under the rear k i t c hen and bathroom o f the ma i n resi den c e - wood ground c onta c t , deteri orated materi a l , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . 17a. Crawlspace Repairs Recommended [X] Crawlspace inspection:Entered Comments:Evi den c e o f seasona l mo isture i ntrusi on/fl ood i ng noted at vari ous l o c at i ons i n c raw lspa c e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on andSrepairs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . Vents sc reens damaged/b l o c ked at a f ew exteri or l o c at i ons .(2) Re commend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . No a cc ess noted under the ADU and rear ha l f o f the ma i n resi den c e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua lifi ed pro f essi ona l . Damaged/deter i orated doors/cover noted to the craw lspa c e/basement of the ma i n residen c e . (2)(3) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 17b. Floor Structure Repairs Recommended [X] Floor Construction:Conventional wood framing [X] Sagg i ng / overspann i ng (2) [X] Poor beari ng (2) [X] An c hor bo l ts:Not v is i b l e * Comments:Loose damaged deter i orated wood supports i n c onta c t w i th grade at sub fl oor i ng supports , g irders, et c.(2) (3) No an c horSbolts or t i e downs v isi b l e at sills/f oundat i on wa lls i n craw lspa c e/basement .(2)(1) Re commend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Ev i denc e o f i mproper repa irs noted at support g i rders under the li v i ngroom , et c.(2) No a cc ess noted under the rear k i t c hen , bathroom o f the ma i n resi denc e and under the ADU - unabl e to i nspe c t . Evidenc e o f mo isture sta i n i ng at subfl oor i ng under li v i ngroom , et c.(2)(3) Re c ommend eva l uat ion by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . FOUNDATIONPage 6a 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 18. Base. Foundation Repairs Recommended Comments:D i rty and wood c onta c t - ev i den c e o f seasona l mo isture i ntrusion - poor or no dra i nage noted . Loose d i rt andSdeteriorated wood foundat ion wa lls i nsi de the basement/c raw lspa c e o f the ma i n resi denc e .(2)(1) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l prior to the c lose o f the c ont i ngen c y peri od . 18a. Basement Repairs Recommended Comments:Steps not v isi b l e and gri ppab l e hand ra ili ng needed at entry to basement/c raw lspa c e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on andSrepairs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 18b. Floor Structure N/A Not ic e: The inspe ctor does not determi ne the e ffe cti veness of any system i nsta ll ed to control or remove suspec ted hazardous substan c es* No engi neeri ng is performed during this i nspe ct i on .* --- End of Category FOUNDATION --- ROOFPage 7 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 19. Shingle / Shake Repairs Recommended [X] Location:Main & ADU [X] Roo f sty l e:Gab l e , H i p , Low sl ope [X] Roo f c overi ng is:aspha l t sh i ng l es , ro ll ed c omp [X] Roo f i nspe c ted by:v i ew i ng from l adder [X] Number o f l ayers:Unknown * [X] Deter i orat i on / Damage (2) [X] Near end o f li f espan (2) [X] Typ i c a l ma i ntenan c e re commended (2) [X] Weatheri ng / ag i ng * [X] Insu ffi c i ent p i t c h (2) [X] Fasteners are:exposed and extrudi ng [X] Ev i den c e o f pr ior pat c h i ng and repa irs (2) Comments:Evi denc e o f i mproper pr i or pat c h i ng and worn , si gn i fi c ant l y deter i orated materi a l noted at various l o c at i ons o f roo f .(2)S The roo fing materi a ls appear to be past the end o f the ir use f ul serv i c e li f e . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essiona l pri or to the c lose o f the c ont i ngenc y period . 20. Tile Roof N/A Not ic e: Roo fs o f this materi a l are o ften not wa l ked on to avo i d causi ng damage . Not a ll til es/sl ates are c he cked for atta c hment. * Inspe c tion i s limited.* 21. Built-up / Low slope Repairs Recommended Comments:The roo f i ng mater i a ls above the bathroom o f the ADU appear to past the end o f the ir use f ul serv i c e li f e . (2) Re c ommendSevaluation and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . 21b. Roof Notes N/A Not ic e: The report is an op i ni on o f the genera l qua li ty and condi ti on o f the roo f.* The i nspe ctor cannot , and does not , o ffer an opi n ion or warranty and to whether the roo f has l eaked in the past , or may be subje c t to future leakage . Not i c e: The report is an op i n i on o f the genera l quali ty and cond i ti on o f the roo f .* 22. Exposed Flashings Repairs Recommended Comments:Condi t i ons were noted at vari ous lo c at ions o f the fl ashi ngs above both stru c tures that warrant addi t i ona l eva l uat i onSand repa irs/rep l a c ement . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l pr i or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y peri od . Not ic e: Determining the presenc e o f asbestos or hazardous materia ls is beyond the scope of the inspe cti on .* Roo fs, skyli ghts and fl ashi ng are not water tested for l eaks.* Not ic e: Tent ing a home for f umigat ion may c ause damage to roo fs - recommend reinspe ct i on f or damage after tent i ng is c ompl eted .* --- End of Category ROOF --- PLUMBINGPage 8 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 23. Main Line Repairs Recommended Comments:Cou l d not l o c ate the ma i n shut-o ff va l ve . Th is is an i mportant emergenc y shut-o ff and shou l d be l o c ated . *S 24. Supply Lines Repairs Recommended [X] Material:Copper, Galvanized [X] Not fully visible [X] Corrosi on is:m i nor *, moderate (2) Comments:Unab l e to f ull y i nspe c t a ll o f suppl y li nes due to li m i ted sa f e a cc ess - i nadequate c l earan c e between grade and g i rders/Sjoists i n c raw lspa c e .(2) There is moderate to major v isib l e c orrosi on , c onsistent w i th the age o f the system . Ev i den c e o f i mproperl y i nsta ll ed supp l y li nes noted at exterior o f the l aundry o f ma i n residenc e and ADU .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essiona l pri or to the c lose o f the c ont i ngen c y peri od . Not i c e: Underground pipes or pipes i nsi de wa lls c annot be judged for si ze , l eaks or corrosion .* Water qua li ty test ing or testi ng f or hazards su ch as l ead is not part o f this i nspe cti on.* Not i c e: Be advised that some 'po l ybutylene' pl ast i c p i pi ng systems have experi en c ed do cumented probl ems. 25. Waste Lines Repairs Recommended [X] Material:ABS, Galvanized [X] Not fully visible Comments:The o l der waste li nes have been repa i red at a number o f l o c at i ons; re c ommend c he c k i ng w i th se ll er regard i ng history o fSrepairs. O l der systems will c ont i nue to deteri orate , and the need f or f uture repa i rs/rep l a c ement is li ke l y . (2) The o l der dra i n/ waste vent li nes have moderate rust or c orrosi on . (2) Evi denc e o f i mproperl y i nsta ll ed dra i n li nes noted at exteri or o f the l aundry o f ma i n resi den c e and ADU .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua lifi ed pro f essi ona l pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y peri od . Unabl e to determ i ne i f the dra i n/waste li ne term i nate properl y to ma i n system or gray water , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Not ic e: Ci ty sewer servic e , sept i c systems and all underground p i pes are not a part o f this i nspec t i on . Future drai nage performan c e is a lso not determi ned .* Be advised that some 'ABS' pl ast i c pi pi ng systems have experien ced do cumented probl ems. Conta ct the manu fa cturer or pl umbi ng expert for further informati on and eval uation .* 26. Fuel System Repairs Recommended [X] Shutoff valve location:Front, Left side [X] Fue l type is:natura l gas [X] Not f ull y v isi b l e Comments:As o f J anuary 1 , 2019 - per SB 988 ìManu f a c turers o f ye ll ow c orrugated sta i nl ess stee l tub i ng be li eve that ye llowScorrugated sta i nl ess stee l tubi ng is sa f er i f proper l y bonded and grounded as requi red by the manuf a c turerís i nsta ll at ion i nstru c t i ons(v isi b l e at water heater and f urna c e). Proper bond i ng and ground i ng o f th is produ c t c an on l y be determ i ned by a li c ensed e l e c tri c a l c ontra c tor .î ì Corrugated sta i n l ess stee l tub i ng î means a fl exi bl e , sta i nl ess stee l p i pe used to suppl y natura l gas and propane i n res i dent i a l , c ommer c i a l , and i ndustri a l stru c tures . Re c ommend eva l uat i on by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Moderate c orrosi on v isab l e at supp ly li nes near meter and i n c raw lspa c e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Auto sa f ety shut o ff va l ve not visab l e between meter and resi den c e .(2)(5) Re c ommend eva l uat i on by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Not i c e: Underground p i pi ng & fuel tanks c annot be judged. Pi pes i nsi de wa lls or pi pes con c eal ed from vi ew c annot be judged and the i nspe ctor does not perform tests for gas l eaks or pipe si ze .* PLUMBINGPage 8a 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 27. Water Heater(s)Repairs Recommended [X] Location:kitchen [X] Type:Conventional Natural Gas [X] Capa c i ty:40 ga l . 1994 [X] Water shut o ff i nsta ll ed:Yes [X] Corrosi on on p i pes / va l ves * [X] TPR va l ve i nsta ll ed:Yes [X] TPR d isc harge pi pe properl y i nsta ll ed:No (2) (4) [X] Vent fl ue p i p i ng:i mproperl y i nsta ll ed (2) [X] Se ism i c straps:are needed * (5), l a c k proper b l o c k i ng * (5) Comments:Some c orrosi on noted at suppl y li ne c onne c t i ons.(2) The water heater appeared to be i n serv i c eab l e c ondi t i on . Bl o c k i ngSnot i nsta ll ed between water heater and wa lls .(2) Bond i ng w i re not v isabl e at water heater supp l y c onne c t i ons .(2) Re c ommend i nsta lli ng a sed i ment trap at the gas suppl y li ne to water heater .(2)(5) The water heater shou l d have a c at c h pan wi th a proper l y si zed dra i n li ne extended to the exterior o f the home . (2) Improper sl ope at water heater vent - i mproperl y i nsta ll ed. Corrosi on , pri or moisture sta i ns noted at water heater vent i n ki t c hen . (2)(4) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . TPR p i pe is redu c ed . (2) (4) Water heater needs to have an approved se ism i c restra i nt system properl y i nsta ll ed . * (4) Major c orrosi on at bottom o f tank near burner c hamber .(2) Re c ommend eva luat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Not ice: Esti mate of remaining li fe is not part o f th is i nspe ct i on . Sol ar systems are not part o f this i nspe cti on . Hot water re calc ul ating pumps/systems are not part o f this inspec tion.* --- End of Category PLUMBING --- HEATINGPage 9 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 28. Description Repairs Recommended [X] Approximate input BTU's:22K date unknown [X] Heat i ng type:wa ll f urna c e [X] Fue l type:natura l gas [X] Lo c at i on:li v i ngroom wa ll Comments:See notes (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs/serv i c i ng by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l .SNotice: I f a f uel burni ng heater/f urna c e is l o cated i n a bedroom, we recommend eval uati on by a qua li fi ed heati ng contra ctor f or sa fety and a ir vol ume requirements .* 29. Condition Repairs Recommended [X] Near end of lifespan (2) [X] Ma i ntenanc e re c ommended (2) Comments:The heat i ng system appeared to be i nterm i ttent l y operat iona l at t i me o f i nspe c t i on . System does not appear to have beenSserviced in the past year .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and serv i c i ng by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . No heat i ng system noted i n the ADU . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and insta ll at i on by a qua lifi ed pro f essi ona l . Inadequate si ze o f system f or ma i n resi den c e .(2) Re commend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Not ice: Inspe ctor does not li ght pilots. I f pil ots are 'OFF', a full i nspe ct i on is not possi bl e . It is suggested that heati ng systems be a c ti vated and f ull y inspec ted PRIOR TO CLOSE OF TRANSACTION .* 30. Venting Repairs Recommended Comments:Inadequate c l earan c e between exteri or vent term i nat i on and exteri or w i ndows .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by aSqualified pro f essi ona l . 31. Combustion Air Appears Serviceable Comments:The c ombust i on a ir supp ly appears serv i c eab l e .S 32. Burners Appears Serviceable Comments:Burners not v isab l e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and serv i c i ng by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l .SNotice: The i nspe ctor is not equi pped to thoroughl y i nspe ct heat exchangers for eviden ce o f cra cks or hol es, as th is can on l y be done by d ismantli ng the un it or other te c hnic a l proc edures.* Some furna c es are designed in such a way that i nspe ct i on is a l most i mpossi bl e .* Sa fety devi c es are not tested by this c ompany .* 33. Distribution Repairs Recommended Comments:Poor d istr i but i on i n ma i n residenc e and none noted at ADU .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i edSprofessional. Not ic e: Asbestos materia ls have been commonl y used i n heat i ng systems.* Determi ni ng the presenc e of asbestos can ONLY be performed by l aboratory testi ng and is beyond the scope of th i s i nspe ct ion .* --- End of Category HEATING --- HEAT2 / COOL Page 10 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 34. Normal Controls Appears Serviceable [X] Thermostat:appears serviceable Comments:Heat i ng system c ontro ls appear serv i c eab l e .SNotice: Thermostats are not checked for ca li brat i on or t i med funct i ons.* Adequa cy, e ffi c i enc y or even heat distri buti on o f the system through the house is not part of this i nspe c ti on.* 35. Air Filters N/A Not ic e: Ele ctron i c a i r cleaners, hum i d i fi ers and dehum i di fi ers are beyond the scope o f this i nspe c tion .* Have these systems evaluated by a qualifi ed i ndi vidua l .* 36. Heating Notes N/A Not ic e: Veri ficat i on o f the l o c at i on or condi ti on o f underground fue l storage tanks is not part of this i nspec tion.* Env ironmenta l risks, if any, are not included.* Not i c e: Asbestos materia l s have been commonly used in heati ng systems.* Determin i ng the presenc e o f asbestos c an ONLY be performed by l aboratory test i ng and is beyond the sc ope of this inspe ct ion .* 37. Evaporative Cooler N/A 38. Air Conditioning N/A Not ic e: The inspe ctor does not perform pressure tests on coo l ant systems, there fore no representat i on is made regardi ng c ool ant charge or li ne integrity . Subjec ti ve judgment of system c apa city is not part o f the i nspe ct ion. 38a. Power N/A 38b. Condensate N/A 38c. Refrigerant Lines N/A 38d. Cooling Comments N/A --- End of Category HEAT2 / COOL --- ELECTRICALPage 11 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 39. Service Repairs Recommended [X] Service Type:Overhead [X] Number of conductors:2 [X] Vo l tage:240 V / 120 V [X] Amps:200 [X] Ma i n pane l ground present [X] Ma i n d is c onne ct i nspe c ted at:D is c onne ct Comments:Deter i orated i nsul at ion noted at ma i n servi c e li nes near mast head .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi edSprofessional. Se c uri ty sea l mi ssi ng at ma i n meter .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed ut ili ty c ompany pro f essi ona l . 40. Main Panel Repairs Recommended [X] Location:Exterior at meter Comments:See pane l notes #43 be l ow f or more i n format i on . (2)SNotice: Six or f ewer breakers usua ll y do not require a mai n breaker , however this may i ndi cate m i ni ma l el e ctric al capa ci ty.* I f the servi c e amperage is l ess than 100, upgrade may be needed to operate l arger e le ctric al app li an ces.* 41. Conductors Repairs Recommended [X] Service wire type:Cannot determine [X] Bran c h w ire type:Bra i ded a l um i num , Copper [X] W i ri ng method:Knob and Tube (2), Meta l condu i t Comments:Knob and tube w i r i ng systems are o l d and are at , or near i ng the end o f , the i r li f espan . Su c h systems may not meet theSeletrical demands o f today's househo l ds . Interm i x i ng knob and tube w i th modern wi r i ng methods is di ffic u l t . Re c ommend f urther eva l uat i on by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l to assess the system's abili ty to meet c urrent and f uture demands . The need for upgrades , repa i rs and/or rep l a c ement is li ke l y . 42. Sub-panels N/A 43. Panel Notes Repairs Recommended Comments:Re c ommend upgrad i ng or add i ng AFCI breakers f or bedrooms.(2)(5) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li fi edSprofessional. Dead front m issi ng at ma i n serv i c e pane l .(2) Re c ommend eva l uation and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 44. Wiring Notes Repairs Recommended Comments:The o cc upant's be l ongi ngs/storage , et c., prevented test i ng o f some o f the out l ets and sw i t c hes . Three-prong out l ets di dSnot test properl y grounded at: Numerous l o c at i ons. (2) (4) Exposed unprote c ted sp li c es , w iri ng v isib l e at vari ous lo c at i ons: i n att i c, vari ous l o c at ions on exter i or wa lls ,vari ous l o c at i ons o f i nteri or c e ili ngs , var i ous l o c at i ons i n c raw lspa c e/basement , et c. (2)(4) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngen c y per i od .GFCI 's re c ommended at a ll appropr i ate l o c at i ons: exteri or out l ets , et c as a sa f ety enhanc ement . (2) (5) GFCIs d i d not respond to test button at near si nk i n the ADU bathroom , et c. (2) (4) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . Loose exposed out l ets noted at var i ous i nteri or l o c at i ons o f both stru c tures.(2) Reversed pol ari ty at l e ft f ront exter i or out l et o f the rear ADU , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Exter i or c oa c h li ghts not operat i ona l at a f ew exterior l o c at i ons: ri ght rear exteri or c orner o f the ma i n resi denc e , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l .Extension c ords were used as permanent w iri ng at various i nteri or l o c at i ons . (2) (4) Exposed w i r i ng noted at front porc h li ght o f ma i n resi denc e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . Improeper l y i nsta ll ed w i ri ng between the rear the ma i n resi den c e and ADU .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . --- End of Category ELECTRICAL --- INTERIORPage 12 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 45. Entry Doors Repairs Recommended Comments:Deteri orated materi a l noted at entry door to both entry doors.(2) Rub at jambs, et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on andSrepairs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 46. Interior Doors Repairs Recommended Comments:Cond i t i ons were noted at doors that warrant f urther eva l uat i on and repa i rs at i nterior o f both stru c tures . (2)SRecommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 47. Exterior Doors Repairs Recommended Comments:Re c ommend f urther eva l uat ion and repa irs o f a ll exter i or doors. (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i edSprofessional. Tempered/sa f ety g l ass i nsi gn i a was not visi b l e on g l ass at: Exter i or doors. (2) (4) Re c ommend eva l uation and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 48. Windows Repairs Recommended Comments:Cond i t i ons were noted on w i ndows that warrant f urther eva l uat i on and repa irs - broken w i ndows/c ra c ked g l ass noted at aSnumber o f l oc at i ons at ma i n resi denc e . (2) Damaged , deteri orated o l der wood w i ndows at vari ous l o c at i ons.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua lifi ed pro f essi ona l . G l az i ng c ompound is deteri orated , l at c hes not operationa l and c ut damaged sash c ords noted at a number o f w i ndows. (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Worn , m issi ng damaged sc reens noted at var i ous w i ndows.(2) Tempered/sa f ety g l ass i nsi gn i a was not visi b l e on g l ass i n w i ndows adja c ent to door(s). (2) (4) Not ic e: Determi ni ng cond i t i on o f a ll i nsul ated w i ndows is not possi bl e due to temperature , weather and light ing vari at ions. Che ck w i th owner for further in format i on . 49. Interior Walls Repairs Recommended Comments:Furn ish ings/o cc upants storage , et c., prevent f u ll v i ew and a cc ess to wa lls, w i ndows, f l oors, et c. Do a c are f u l c he c kSon your fi na l wa l k-through . Conta c t i nspe c tor w i th any quest i ons or c on c erns prior to c l ose o f transa c t i on . Worn , damaged wa ll board noted at a number o f l o c at i ons i n both un i ts .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Not ic e: The condi ti on o f wa lls beh i nd wa ll paper , pane li ng and furnish i ngs c annot be judged . 50. Ceilings Repairs Recommended Comments:Evi denc e o f deter i orated c e ili ng materi a l , pri or mo isture sta i ns visi b l e at li v i ngroom o f ma i n resi den c e , et c.(2)SRecommend eva luat i on and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . The i nteri or o f the home appears to have been re c ent l y pa i nted . New pa i nt c ou l d mask c ond i t ions that wou l d have otherw ise been i dent i f i ed duri ng an i nspe c t ion . Che c k w i th se ll er prior to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngen c y per i od to determ i ne if there were any c ond i t i ons or repa irs addressed as part o f the pa i nt i ng pro c ess . Inadequate he ight c l earan c e noted at a f ew i nteri or l o c at i ons: bathroom o f ADU , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essiona l . Prior mo isture sta i ns visi b l e at a number o f lo c at i ons: l e f t front bedroom c l oset c e ili ng , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Not ic e: Determini ng whether acoust i c sprayed c eili ngs c onta i n asbestos is beyond the scope o f this i nspec tion . For more information pl ease c onta ct the Americ an Lung Associ at ion or an asbestos spe c i a list . INTERIORPage 12a 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 51. Floors Repairs Recommended Comments:Si gni fic ant sl ope noted at li v i ngroom f l oor i ng near entry door o f ma i n resi den c e , et c.(2)(1) Re c ommend eva l uat i on andSrepairs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Squeak i ng so ft sub fl oor i ng noted at a f ew i nterior l o c at i ons: between li v i ngroom and ha ll way o f ma i n resi den c e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Worn , sta i ned deter i orated c arpeti ng , c ra c ked t il e noted at var i ous l o c at ions .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Furn ish i ngs prevent fu ll vi ew and a cc ess to wa lls , w i ndows , f l oors, et c. Do a c are f u l c he c k on your f i na l wa l k-through . Conta c t i nspe c tor w ith any quest i ons or c on c erns pri or to c l ose o f transa c t i on . Not ice: Determini ng odors or sta i ns is not i n c l uded!* F loor covering damage/sta i ns may be h i dden by furn i ture .* The condi ti on o f wood f looring be low c arpet is not inspe c ted .* --- End of Category INTERIOR --- INTERIOR-2Page 13 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 52. Fireplace(s)Repairs Recommended [X] Location:living room Comments:Openi ng for f i rep l a c e noted for gas wa ll f urna c e i n ma i n resi denc e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i edSprofessional. Not ic e: Recommend i nsta lli ng sa fety spa c er or damper when gas l ogs are present .* Wood and ashes are not moved for i nspe c t i on . Re commend cl eari ng debris and further eva l uati on 53. Interior Features N/A 53a. Ceiling Fans Repairs Recommended Comments:Ce ili ng f ans i n the li v i ngroom and k i t c hen appear serv i c eab l e at the t i me o f the i nspe c t i on . Exposed w i r i ng at f an i nSthe ADU .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . 53b. Interior Stairs N/A 53c. Wet Bar N/A 54. Smoke Detector Repairs Recommended Comments:Re c ommend i nsta ll at i on o f operati ona l smoke and c arbon monox i de dete c tors i n a ll appropri ate l o c at i ons o f ma i nSresidence. * (5) Smoke and c arbon monox i de dete c tors m issi ng at: ADU* (5) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs/i nsta ll at i on by a qua li fi ed pro f essiona l . Smoke dete c tor responded to i nterna l test button i n the l e f t front bedroom o f the mai n resi denc e . 55. Laundry Repairs Recommended [X] Location:Laundry room [X] Pi p i ng c ondi t i ons warrant repa i r (2) [X] Washer standp i pe not tested * Comments:Leak noted at hot and c o l d suppl y va l ves .(2) Washer dra i n li ne bent .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i edSprofessional. Re c ommend c l ean i ng dryer vent - Loose l eak i ng dryer vent .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and cl ean i ng serv i c i ng by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Not ic e: Washi ng machi nes and dryers are not moved during this i nspe cti on - condi t i on o f wa lls or floori ng under these ma chines c annot be judged .* The i nspec tor does not test washi ng machine dra ins or supp l y va lves.* Water supp l y va l ves i f turned may be subje ct to l eaki ng .* 56. Attic General Repairs Recommended [X] Roof Frame:Rafter framing [X] Attic:Unfinished [X] A cc ess l o c at i on:i nteri or ha ll way c e ili ng [X] How Inspe c ted:Inspe c t i on li m i ted to v i ew f rom a cc ess * [X] Sta ins are:vari ed i n si ze and l o c at i on (2) [X] Unab l e to determ i ne a c t i ve l eakage (2) Comments:Not a ll o f att i c spa c e was i nspe c ted due to li m i ted/unsa f e a cc ess .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l .SMajor to moderate v isi bl e mo isture sta i ns v isi b l e at various l o c ati ons on fram i ng i n att i c o f ma i n resi denc e . Unab l e to determ i ne if there are a c t i ve l eaks . (2)(3) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . Ev i denc e o f i mproperl y i nsta ll ed supports/frami ng v is i bl e i n att i c above the k i t c hen , et c.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . INTERIOR-2Page 13a 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 56a. Ventilation & Insulation Repairs Recommended Comments:No i nsu l at i on i n att i c. * Mi ni ma l vent il at i on i n att i c. Th is may not be su ffi c i ent to move a ir through the att i cSproperly.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Gab l e vent screens m issi ng at ma i n resi den c e .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . Not ic e: Determi ni ng the presence o f asbestos or other hazardous materi a ls is beyond the sc ope of this i nspec tion.* Tenti ng a home for f umigat ion may c ause damage to roofs- recommend reinspect i on for damage a fter tent i ng is compl eted .* --- End of Category INTERIOR-2 --- KITCHENPage 14 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 66. Kitchen Sink(s)Repairs Recommended Comments:Evi denc e o f prior mo isture sta i ni ng , deteri orat i on noted at c ab i net under si nks. Sli ght l eak noted at f au c et . (2)(3)SRecommend eva luat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Grout and c au l k i ng are needed at the k i t c hen si nk(s) c ounter . * Numerous i tems were stored under k i t c hen si nk(s) prevent i ng a cc ess for i nspe c t i on . Re c ommend i tems be removed and area i nspe c ted pri or to the end o f the c ont i ngenc y peri od . 67. Kitchen (general)Repairs Recommended [X] Counter type:Granite Comments:Cabi nets , drawers , et c., appeared to be heavil y worn . * Not a ll o f the c ounter spa c e was visi b l e f or i nspe c t i on .S 68. Disposal N/A 69. Range/Cooktop Repairs Recommended [X] Number of ovens:1 [X] Fuel type:natural gas Comments:Front burners not operat i ona l at oven .(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li f i ed pro f essi ona l . Hood vent notSterminated to the exteri or .(2) (5) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . The ant i-t i p l eg assemb l y on the range is not operat i ona l , c reat i ng a t i p hazard . (2) (4) Not ic e: Se lf and/or cont i nuous cleani ng operati ons, c l o c ks, t i mi ng devi c es, li ghts and thermostat accura cy are not tested duri ng this i nspec tion.* Appli an c es are not moved .* 70. Dishwasher N/A Not ic e: Determini ng the adequacy of washi ng and dryi ng func ti ons o f dishwashers is not part o f this i nspe cti on .* 71. Special Features Appears Serviceable [X] Microwave:Appears Serviceable Comments:Mic rowave appeared servi c eabl e at the t i me o f the i nspe c t i on .SNotice: Refri gerators, freezers and bu il t-i n i c e maker are not part o f this i nspec t i on .* --- End of Category KITCHEN --- BATHROOMSPage 15 11202044NGUReport # : KEY:(1) Re commend eva l uati on by a stru c tura l engi neer/geo-te c hni c al engi neer (2) Recommended eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a li c ensed contra c tor (3) Re f er to qua li f i ed term i te report f or f urther i n formati on (4) This i tem is a sa f ety hazard - corre c ti on i s needed (5) Upgrades are re c ommended f or sa f ety enhan c ement * Thi s i tem warrants attent i on/repa ir or moni tori ng REPORT KEY - EVALUATIONS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CONTINGENCY PERIOD/TRANSACTION 72. Toilet Repairs Recommended Comments:The to il et is l oose at the f l oor i n the ma i n resi denc e . * (3)(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i edSprofessional. As o f J anuary 1 , 2017 , bu il d i ng standards/state l aw requi re that fl ow rates f or fi xtures i n the home not ex c eed 1 .6 gp f f or to il ets , 2 .2 gpm for f au c ets and 2 .5 gpm f or shower heads. It is beyond the sc ope o f the i nspe c t i on to determ i ne the fl ow rates o f the pl umb i ng fi xtures i n the home . Re c ommend ask i ng se ll er about h istory o f upgrades to a ff e c ted f i xtures pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngen c y peri od . 73. Sink Repairs Recommended Comments:Evi denc e o f l eaks and prior mo isture sta i ns under c ab i net/wa ll i n the: ma i n resi denc e . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on andSrepairs by a qua li f i ed pro f essiona l . Grout and c au lk i ng are needed at the bathroom si nk(s) c ounter . * Si nk l oose/i mproper l y se c ured at wa ll i n the ADU bathroom . (2) Re c ommend eva luat i on and repa irs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . As o f January 1 , 2017 , buil d i ng standards/state l aw requi re that f l ow rates f or f i xtures i n the home not ex c eed 1 .6 gp f f or to il ets, 2 .2 gpm f or f auc ets and 2 .5 gpm f or shower heads. It is beyond the s c ope o f the i nspe c t i on to determ i ne the flow rates o f the pl umbi ng fi xtures i n the home . Re c ommend aski ng se ll er about history o f upgrades to a ff e c ted fi xtures pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngen c y period . 74. Vent/Heat Repairs Recommended Comments:Ventil at ion system appears serv i c abl e , unabl e to c on f irm i f vent term i nate properl y to the exteri or .(2) Re c ommendSevaluation and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . 75. Bathtub Repairs Recommended Comments:Gap noted between tub spout and enc l osure i n the ADU bath tub . (2) Re c ommend eva l uat ion and repa irs by a qua li f i edSprofessional. Slow dra i n i ng was noted i n the bathtub o f the ADU . - o cc upants c l oth i ng , storage , debris noted at i nterior o f ADU tub/enc l osure - unab l e to f ull y i nspe c t . (2) As o f J anuary 1 , 2017 , bu il d i ng standards/state l aw requ i re that fl ow rates for fixtures i n the home not ex c eed 1 .6 gp f f or to il ets , 2 .2 gpm for f au c ets and 2 .5 gpm f or shower heads. It is beyond the sc ope of the i nspe c t ion to determ i ne the flow rates o f the pl umbi ng fi xtures i n the home . Re c ommend aski ng se ll er about h istory o f upgrades to a ff e c ted f i xtures pri or to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y period . 76. Shower Repairs Recommended Comments:Deteri orate c au l k i ng at exterior and i nteri or pan/en c losure i n the bathroom o f ma i n resi denc e .(2) Loose dra i n c over atSshower enc l osure .(2) Cau l k i ng re c ommended at shower head esc ut c heon i n both bathrooms.(2) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa i rs by a qua li fi ed pro f essi ona l . As o f J anuary 1 , 2017 , bu il d i ng standards/state l aw requ ire that flow rates for fixtures i n the home not ex c eed 1 .6 gp f for to il ets , 2 .2 gpm f or f auc ets and 2 .5 gpm for shower heads. It is beyond the sc ope o f the i nspe c t i on to determ i ne the flow rates o f the pl umb i ng fi xtures i n the home . Re c ommend ask i ng se ll er about h istory o f upgrades to a ff e c ted fi xtures prior to the c l ose o f the c ont i ngenc y period . Moisture sta i ns visi b l e at fl oor i ng near shower enc l osure i n the ma i n resi den c e .(2)(3) Re c ommend eva l uat i on and repa irs by a qua li f i ed prof essiona l . Not ic e: Determi ned whether shower pans are waterti ght is beyond the scope of th is i nspec ti on .* --- End of Category BATHROOMS --- PHOTOS PAGEPage 16 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 BATHROOMS ADU bath Unable to fully inspect ELECTRICAL crawlspace left rear bedroom Exposed splices Exposed wiring PHOTOS PAGEPage 17 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 ELECTRICAL main residence ADU bath Open ground at loose unsecured outlets at various locations Open ground and non operational GFCI's ELECTRICAL ADU main residence - rear wall Damaged conduit, unprotected exposed wiring exposed wiring PHOTOS PAGEPage 18 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 ELECTRICAL main residence main panel Loose unprotected wiring at front porch light dead front missing ELECTRICAL main panel security seal missing PHOTOS PAGEPage 19 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 EXTERIOR attic main residence unlined brick heating/cooking flue Deteriorated paint at various exterior siding locations FOUNDATION crawlspace crawlspace under livingroom deteriorated wood and dirt walls in crawlspace Moisture stains deterioration at subflooring, supports, etc PHOTOS PAGEPage 20 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 FOUNDATION main residence main residence deteriorated wood foundation walls, wood ground contact, deteriorated wood supports, etc noted at bowing, bulging foundation /basement walls No steps, no railing, moisture intrusion, wood ground contact, etc., at entry to the crawlspace/basement FOUNDATION planters wood grade contact, deteriorated material, etc PHOTOS PAGEPage 21 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 GROUNDS main residence Gravel driveway Loose material at front porch - trip hazards Uneven surfaces INTERIOR main residence main residence kitchen counters, cabinets, etc Occupants belongings storage prevent access and view of walls, flooring, etc PHOTOS PAGEPage 22 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 INTERIOR main residence main residence Moisture stains in attic visible in the left front bedroom closet ceiling cracked glass, broken windows INTERIOR various exterior windows cracked damaged frames, deteriorated glazing, etc PHOTOS PAGEPage 23 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 INTERIOR-2 main residence Exposed wiring splices in attic, no insulation, etc KITCHEN main residence Kitchen at the time of the inspection PHOTOS PAGEPage 24 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 PLUMBING main residence water heater Improper slope and corrosion leak at water heater vent in kitchen Approved strapping, blocking, TPR, etc., recommended PLUMBING main residence ADU improperly installed plumbing Improperly installed plumbing at exterior walls PHOTOS PAGEPage 25 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 ROOF main residence main residence Material at end of service life, loose detached gutters, etc Improper installation of roof/exterior addition, etc ROOF left side yard porch/patio main residence Improperly installed, deteriorated material Material is past the end of its service life PHOTOS PAGEPage 26 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/2020 ROOF main residence End of service life - prior improper repairs SUMMARY PAGEPage 27 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 GROUNDS Driveway -- Repairs Recommended Uneven dirt and gravel driveway.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Sidewalks -- Repairs Recommended Cracked uneven concrete noted at front sidewalk.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Patio -- Repairs Recommended Loose displaced uneven pavers noted at the left exterior patio porch.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Patio Cover -- Repairs Recommended Significant wear, deterioration and damage noted at improperly repaired left exterior patio porch cover. (2)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Decks/Porch -- Repairs Recommended Loose deteriorated damaged wood decking build on grade at front porch of the main residence - trip hazard, etc.(2)(3)(4) Recommend evaluation and repairs/replacement by a qualified professional. Loose material, uneven rise/run noted at front porch steps of the ADU.(2)(4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Fences & Gates -- Repairs Recommended Loose boards, posts, materials noted at various locations of wood fencing around the perimeter of the property.(2) Gates need adjustment or repair. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. EXTERIOR Exterior Stairs -- Repairs Recommended SUMMARY PAGEPage 28 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 Recommend further evaluation and repairs/replacement by a qualified professional. (2) EXTERIOR Exterior Walls -- Repairs Recommended The exterior walls are not fully visible due to vegetation/personal storage. Recommend areas be made accessible and inspected prior to the end of the contingency period. * Evidence of deteriorated damaged siding noted at various exterior locations - evidence of improperly installed damaged material noted at various locations around the perimeter of the property. (2) Portions of the exterior walls appear to be structurally unsound and in contact with grade.(2)(1)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. The paint/finish was deteriorated on the siding at the time of the inspection. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Trim -- Repairs Recommended Cracks, gaps, separations, wood rot, loose material, etc., were found at various locations in the exterior walls at the time of the inspection. (2)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. All wall penetrations need to be sealed. (2) Exterior trim had deteriorated paint/finish. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Chimney(s) -- Repairs Recommended Inadequate clearance between exterior livingroom furnace metal flue and exterior windows, etc.(2(4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Older non operational brick chimney - heating/dooking flue is unlined which can present a number of performance and safety problems - mortar deteriorated between bricks, etc. Recommend the fireplace not be used until the chimney is evaluated and deemed safe by a qualified professional. (2) (4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Sealing is needed at the joint between the chimney and the roof.(2) Rust, corrosion visible at vent near mortar cap.(2) Hose Faucets -- Repairs Recommended Recommend installation of antisiphons at all hose bibs.(2)(5) Recommend evaluation and installation by a SUMMARY PAGEPage 29 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 qualified professional. Hose faucets had broken or missing handles. (2) Recommend further evaluation and repairs as needed by a qualified professional. (2) EXTERIOR Gutters & Downspouts -- Repairs Recommended The gutters were filled with debris at the time of the inspection; debris should be removed for proper drainage and to prevent premature deterioration. (2) Gutters are deteriorated and leaking. (2) ecommend gutter downspout terminations be routed away from the building. (2) Loose damaged downspouts were noted at the time of the inspection. (2) The gutter system was detached at various exterior locations and showed signs of corrosion, leakage, rust at the time of the inspection. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. FOUNDATION Grading -- Repairs Recommended Faulty grade at various planter locations; soil slopes towards structure. (2) Recommend asking seller about history of drainage prior to the close of the contingency period. Earth to wood contact was noted at various locations around the exterior perimeter of the property and at various locations in the crawlspace/basement; we recommend this condition be referred to a qualified termite inspector for further evaluation. (3)(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. Keep all vegetation trimmed 18-24 ins. away from building structure. * Trees were planted close to the structure. As the trees grow they may need to be removed to avoid damage to the foundation. *Vegetation was in contact with the exterior walls. The vegetation should be trimmed away to prevent damage to the building. * (3)Poor grading around the foundation. * Raised Foundation -- Repairs Recommended Significant wood rot, deterioration, prior improper repairs and displacement/movement noted in the crawlspace/basement of the front main residence. (1) Recommend evaluation and repairs/replacement by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. No access noted under the ADU and under the rear kitchen and bathroom of the main residence - wood ground contact, deteriorated material, SUMMARY PAGEPage 30 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. FOUNDATION Crawlspace -- Repairs Recommended Evidence of seasonal moisture intrusion/flooding noted at various locations in crawlspace.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Vents screens damaged/blocked at a few exterior locations.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. No access noted under the ADU and rear half of the main residence.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Damaged/deteriorated doors/cover noted to the crawlspace/basement of the main residence.(2)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Floor Structure -- Repairs Recommended Loose damaged deteriorated wood supports in contact with grade at subflooring supports, girders, etc.(2) (3) No anchor bolts or tie downs visible at sills/foundation walls in crawlspace/basement.(2)(1) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Evidence of improper repairs noted at support girders under the livingroom, etc.(2) No access noted under the rear kitchen, bathroom of the main residence and under the ADU - unable to inspect. Evidence of moisture staining at subflooring under livingroom, etc.(2)(3) Recommend evaluation by a qualified professional. Base. Foundation -- Repairs Recommended Dirty and wood contact - evidence of seasonal moisture intrusion - poor or no drainage noted. Loose dirt and deteriorated wood foundation walls inside the basement/crawlspace of the main residence.(2)(1) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. Basement -- Repairs Recommended Steps not visible and grippable hand railing needed at entry to basement/crawlspace.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. ROOF Shingle / Shake -- Repairs Recommended SUMMARY PAGEPage 31 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 Evidence of improper prior patching and worn, significantly deteriorated material noted at various locations of roof.(2) The roofing materials appear to be past the end of their useful service life. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. ROOF Built-up / Low slope -- Repairs Recommended The roofing materials above the bathroom of the ADU appear to past the end of their useful service life. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Exposed Flashings -- Repairs Recommended Conditions were noted at various locations of the flashings above both structures that warrant additional evaluation and repairs/replacement. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. PLUMBING Main Line -- Repairs Recommended Could not locate the main shut-off valve. This is an important emergency shut-off and should be located. * Supply Lines -- Repairs Recommended Unable to fully inspect all of supply lines due to limited safe access - inadequate clearance between grade and girders/joists in crawlspace.(2) There is moderate to major visible corrosion, consistent with the age of the system. Evidence of improperly installed supply lines noted at exterior of the laundry of main residence and ADU.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. Waste Lines -- Repairs Recommended The older waste lines have been repaired at a number of locations; recommend checking with seller regarding history of repairs. Older systems will continue to deteriorate, and the need for future SUMMARY PAGEPage 32 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 repairs/replacement is likely. (2) The older drain/waste vent lines have moderate rust or corrosion. (2) Evidence of improperly installed drain lines noted at exterior of the laundry of main residence and ADU. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period. Unable to determine if the drain/waste line terminate properly to main system or gray water, etc. (2) Recommend evaluation by a qualified professional. PLUMBING Fuel System -- Repairs Recommended As of January 1, 2019 - per SB 988 ìManufacturers of yellow corrugated stainless steel tubing believe that yellow corrugated stainless steel tubing is safer if properly bonded and grounded as required by the manufacturerís installation instructions(visible at water heater and furnace). Proper bonding and grounding of this product can only be determined by a licensed electrical contractor.î ìCorrugated stainless steel tubingî means a flexible, stainless steel pipe used to supply natural gas and propane in residential, commercial, and industrial structures. Recommend evaluation by a qualified professional. Moderate corrosion visable at supply lines near meter and in crawlspace.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Auto safety shut off valve not visable between meter and residence. (2)(5) Recommend evaluation by a qualified professional. Water Heater(s) -- Repairs Recommended Some corrosion noted at supply line connections.(2) The water heater appeared to be in serviceable condition. Blocking not installed between water heater and walls.(2) Bonding wire not visable at water heater supply connections.(2) Recommend installing a sediment trap at the gas supply line to water heater.(2)(5) The water heater should have a catch pan with a properly sized drainline extended to the exterior of the home. (2) Improper slope at water heater vent - improperly installed. Corrosion, prior moisture stains noted at water heater vent in kitchen. (2)(4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. TPR pipe is reduced. (2) (4) Water heater needs to have an approved seismic restraint system properly installed. * (4) Major corrosion at bottom of tank near burner chamber.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. SUMMARY PAGEPage 33 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 HEATING Description -- Repairs Recommended See notes (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs/servicing by a qualified professional. Condition -- Repairs Recommended The heating system appeared to be intermittently operational at time of inspection. System does not appear to have been serviced in the past year.(2) Recommend evaluation and servicing by a qualified professional. No heating system noted in the ADU.(2) Recommend evaluation and installation by a qualified professional. Inadequate size of system for main residence.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Venting -- Repairs Recommended Inadequate clearance between exterior vent termination and exterior windows.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Distribution -- Repairs Recommended Poor distribution in main residence and none noted at ADU.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. ELECTRICAL Service -- Repairs Recommended Deteriorated insulation noted at main service lines near mast head.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Security seal missing at main meter.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified utility company professional. Main Panel -- Repairs Recommended See panel notes #43 below for more information. (2) Conductors -- Repairs Recommended Knob and tube wiring systems are old and are at, or nearing the end of, their lifespan. Such systems may not meet the eletrical demands of today's households. Intermixing knob and tube with modern wiring SUMMARY PAGEPage 34 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 methods is difficult. Recommend further evaluation by a qualified professional to assess the system's ability to meet current and future demands. The need for upgrades, repairs and/or replacement is likely. ELECTRICAL Panel Notes -- Repairs Recommended Recommend upgrading or adding AFCI breakers for bedrooms.(2)(5) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Deadfront missing at main service panel.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Wiring Notes -- Repairs Recommended The occupant's belongings/storage, etc., prevented testing of some of the outlets and switches. Three- prong outlets did not test properly grounded at: Numerous locations. (2) (4) Exposed unprotected splices, wiring visible at various locations: in attic, various locations on exterior walls,various locations of interior ceilings, various locations in crawlspace/basement, etc.(2)(4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional prior to the close of the contingency period.GFCI's recommended at all appropriate locations: exterior outlets, etc as a safety enhancement. (2) (5) GFCIs did not respond to test button at near sink in the ADU bathroom, etc. (2) (4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Loose exposed outlets noted at various interior locations of both structures.(2) Reversed polarity at left front exterior outlet of the rear ADU, etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Exterior coach lights not operational at a few exterior locations: right rear exterior corner of the main residence, etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional.Extension cords were used as permanent wiring at various interior locations. (2) (4) Exposed wiring noted at front porch light of main residence.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Improeperly installed wiring between the rear the main residence and ADU.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. INTERIOR Entry Doors -- Repairs Recommended Deteriorated material noted at entry door to both entry doors.(2) Rub at jambs, etc.(2) Recommend SUMMARY PAGEPage 35 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. INTERIOR Interior Doors -- Repairs Recommended Conditions were noted at doors that warrant further evaluation and repairs at interior of both structures. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Exterior Doors -- Repairs Recommended Recommend further evaluation and repairs of all exterior doors. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Tempered/safety glass insignia was not visible on glass at: Exterior doors. (2) (4) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Windows -- Repairs Recommended Conditions were noted on windows that warrant further evaluation and repairs - broken windows/cracked glass noted at a number of locations at main residence. (2) Damaged, deteriorated older wood windows at various locations.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Glazing compound is deteriorated, latches not operational and cut damaged sash cords noted at a number of windows. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Worn, missing damaged screens noted at various windows.(2) Tempered/safety glass insignia was not visible on glass in windows adjacent to door(s). (2) (4) Interior Walls -- Repairs Recommended Furnishings/occupants storage, etc., prevent full view and access to walls, windows, floors, etc. Do a careful check on your final walk-through. Contact inspector with any questions or concerns prior to close of transaction. Worn, damaged wallboard noted at a number of locations in both units.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Ceilings -- Repairs Recommended Evidence of deteriorated ceiling material, prior moisture stains visible at livingroom of main residence, etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. The interior of the home appears SUMMARY PAGEPage 36 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 to have been recently painted. New paint could mask conditions that would have otherwise been identified during an inspection. Check with seller prior to the close of the contingency period to determine if there were any conditions or repairs addressed as part of the painting process. Inadequate height clearance noted at a few interior locations: bathroom of ADU, etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Prior moisture stains visible at a number of locations: left front bedroom closet ceiling, etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. INTERIOR Floors -- Repairs Recommended Significant slope noted at livingroom flooring near entry door of main residence, etc.(2)(1) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Squeaking soft subflooring noted at a few interior locations: between livingroom and hallway of main residence.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Worn, stained deteriorated carpeting, cracked tile noted at various locations.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Furnishings prevent full view and access to walls, windows, floors, etc. Do a careful check on your final walk-through. Contact inspector with any questions or concerns prior to close of transaction. INTERIOR-2 Fireplace(s) -- Repairs Recommended Opening for fireplace noted for gas wall furnace in main residence.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Ceiling Fans -- Repairs Recommended Ceiling fans in the livingroom and kitchen appear serviceable at the time of the inspection. Exposed wiring at fan in the ADU.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Smoke Detector -- Repairs Recommended Recommend installation of operational smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in all appropriate locations of main residence. * (5) Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors missing at: ADU* (5) Recommend evaluation and repairs/installation by a qualified professional. Smoke detector responded to internal test button SUMMARY PAGEPage 37 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 in the left front bedroom of the main residence. INTERIOR-2 Laundry -- Repairs Recommended Leak noted at hot and cold supply valves.(2) Washer drain line bent.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Recommend cleaning dryer vent - Loose leaking dryer vent.(2) Recommend evaluation and cleaning servicing by a qualified professional. Attic General -- Repairs Recommended Not all of attic space was inspected due to limited/unsafe access.(2) Recommend evaluation by a qualified professional. Major to moderate visible moisture stains visible at various locations on framing in attic of main residence. Unable to determine if there are active leaks. (2)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Evidence of improperly installed supports/framing visible in attic above the kitchen, etc.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Ventilation & Insulation -- Repairs Recommended No insulation in attic. * Minimal ventilation in attic. This may not be sufficient to move air through the attic properly.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Gable vent screens missing at main residence.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. KITCHEN Kitchen Sink(s) -- Repairs Recommended Evidence of prior moisture staining , deterioration noted at cabinet under sinks. Slight leak noted at faucet. (2)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Grout and caulking are needed at the kitchen sink(s) counter. * Numerous items were stored under kitchen sink(s) preventing access for inspection. Recommend items be removed and area inspected prior to the end of the contingency period. Kitchen (general) -- Repairs Recommended Cabinets, drawers, etc., appeared to be heavily worn. * Not all of the counter space was visible for SUMMARY PAGEPage 38 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 inspection. KITCHEN Range/Cooktop -- Repairs Recommended Front burners not operational at oven.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Hood vent not terminated to the exterior.(2) (5) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. The anti-tip leg assembly on the range is not operational, creating a tip hazard. (2) (4) BATHROOMS Toilet -- Repairs Recommended The toilet is loose at the floor in the main residence. * (3)(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. As of January 1, 2017, building standards/state law require that flow rates for fixtures in the home not exceed 1.6 gpf for toilets, 2.2 gpm for faucets and 2.5 gpm for shower heads. It is beyond the scope of the inspection to determine the flow rates of the plumbing fixtures in the home. Recommend asking seller about history of upgrades to affected fixtures prior to the close of the contingency period. Sink -- Repairs Recommended Evidence of leaks and prior moisture stains under cabinet/wall in the: main residence. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Grout and caulking are needed at the bathroom sink(s) counter. * Sink loose/improperly secured at wall in the ADU bathroom. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. As of January 1, 2017, building standards/state law require that flow rates for fixtures in the home not exceed 1.6 gpf for toilets, 2.2 gpm for faucets and 2.5 gpm for shower heads. It is beyond the scope of the inspection to determine the flow rates of the plumbing fixtures in the home. Recommend asking seller about history of upgrades to affected fixtures prior to the close of the contingency period. Vent/Heat -- Repairs Recommended Ventilation system appears servicable, unable to confirm if vent terminate properly to the exterior.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. SUMMARY PAGEPage 39 11202044NGUReport # : Client: Date: Property:445 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Nam Nguyen 11/20/20 BATHROOMS Bathtub -- Repairs Recommended Gap noted between tub spout and enclosure in the ADU bath tub. (2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. Slow draining was noted in the bathtub of the ADU. - occupants clothing, storage, debris noted at interior of ADU tub/enclosure - unable to fully inspect. (2) As of January 1, 2017, building standards/state law require that flow rates for fixtures in the home not exceed 1.6 gpf for toilets, 2.2 gpm for faucets and 2.5 gpm for shower heads. It is beyond the scope of the inspection to determine the flow rates of the plumbing fixtures in the home. Recommend asking seller about history of upgrades to affected fixtures prior to the close of the contingency period. Shower -- Repairs Recommended Deteriorate caulking at exterior and interior pan/enclosure in the bathroom of main residence.(2) Loose drain cover at shower enclosure.(2) Caulking recommended at shower head escutcheon in both bathrooms.(2) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. As of January 1, 2017, building standards/ state law require that flow rates for fixtures in the home not exceed 1.6 gpf for toilets, 2.2 gpm for faucets and 2.5 gpm for shower heads. It is beyond the scope of the inspection to determine the flow rates of the plumbing fixtures in the home. Recommend asking seller about history of upgrades to affected fixtures prior to the close of the contingency period. Moisture stains visible at flooring near shower enclosure in the main residence.(2)(3) Recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified professional. 11202044NGUReport Number:Page 40 This Report has been prepared exclusively for: Nam Nguyen Property Address: 445 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA. 95032 625 SCOPE OF THE INSPECTION: The real estate inspection to be performed for Client is a survey and basic operation of the systems and components of a building which can be reached, entered, or viewed without difficulty, moving obstructions, or requiring any action which may result in damage to the property or personal injury to the Inspector. The purpose of the inspection is to provide the Client with information regarding the general condition of the building(s). Inspector will prepare and provide Client a written report for the sole use and benefit of Client. The written report shall document any material defects discovered in the building’s systems and components which, in the opinion of the Inspector, are safety hazards, are not functioning properly, or appear to be at the ends of their service lives. The inspection shall be performed in accordance with the Standards of Practice of the California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA®), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and is limited to those items specified herein. CLIENT’S DUTY: Client agrees to read the entire written report when it is received and promptly call Inspector with any questions or concerns regarding the inspection or the written report. The written report shall be the final and exclusive findings of Inspector. Client acknowledges that Inspector is a generalist and that further investigation of a reported condition by an appropriate specialist may provide additional information which can affect Client's purchase decision. Client agrees to obtain further evaluation of reported conditions before removing any investigation contingency and prior to the close of the transaction. In the event Client becomes aware of a reportable condition which was not reported by Inspector, Client agrees to promptly notify Inspector and allow Inspector and/or Inspector's designated representative(s) to inspect said condition(s) prior to making any repair, alteration, or replacement. Client agrees that any failure to so notify Inspector and allow inspection is a material breach of this Agreement. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: Client agrees what is being contracted for is a building inspection and not an environmental evaluation. The inspection is not intended to detect, identify, or disclose any health or environmental conditions regarding this building or property, including, but not limited to: the presence of asbestos, radon, lead, urea- formaldehyde, fungi, molds, mildew, PCBs, or other toxic, reactive, combustible, or corrosive contaminants, materials, or substances in the water, air, soil, or building materials. The Inspector is not liable for injury, health risks, or damage caused or contributed to by these conditions. GENERAL PROVISIONS: The written report is not a substitute for any transferor’s or agent’s disclosure that may be required by law, or a substitute for Client’s independent duty to reasonably evaluate the property prior to the close of the transaction. This inspection Agreement, the real estate inspection, and the written report do not constitute a home warranty, guarantee, or insurance policy of any kind whatsoever. No legal action or proceeding of any kind, including those sounding in tort or contract, can be commenced against Inspector/Inspection Company or its officers, agents, or employees more than one year from the date Client discovers, or through the exercise of reasonable diligence should have discovered, the cause of action. In no event shall the time for commencement of a legal action or proceeding exceed two years from the date of the subject inspection. THIS TIME PERIOD IS SHORTER THAN OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, successors, and assigns. This Agreement constitutes the entire integrated agreement between the parties hereto pertaining to the subject matter hereof and may be modified only by a written agreement signed by all of the parties hereto. No oral agreements, understandings, or representations shall change, modify, or amend any part of this Agreement. Each party signing this Agreement warrants and represents that he/she has the full capacity and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the named party. If this Agreement is executed on behalf of Client by any third party, the person executing this Agreement expressly represents to Inspector that he/she has the full and complete authority to execute this Agreement on Client's behalf and to fully and completely bind Client to all of the terms, conditions, limitations, exceptions, and exclusions of this Agreement. SEVERABILITY: Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be either invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, unimpaired by the court’s holding. MEDIATION: The parties to this Agreement agree to attend, in good faith, mediation with a retired judge or lawyer with at least 5 years of mediation experience before any lawsuit is filed. All notices of mediation must be served in writing by return receipt requested allowing 30 days for response. If no response is forthcoming the moving party may then demand binding arbitration under the terms and provisions set forth below. ARBITRATION: Any dispute concerning the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement, the inspection, the inspection report, or any other dispute arising out of this relationship, shall be resolved between the parties by binding arbitration conducted in accordance with California Law, except that the parties shall select an arbitrator who is familiar with the real estate profession. The parties agree that they shall be entitled to discovery procedures within the discretion of the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall manage and hear the case applying the laws of the State of California to all issues submitted in the arbitration proceeding. Inspe c t i on Contra c t Agreement-Th is is i ntended to be a l ega ll y b i nd i ng c ontra c t .P l ease Read Care f u RCI inspect (Residential & Commercial Inspections) Serving the Greater Bay Area & Central Valley, (888) 613-4808 11202044NGUReport Number:Page 41 This Report has been prepared exclusively for: Nam Nguyen Property Address: 445 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA. 95032 The award of the arbitrator shall be final, and a judgment may be entered on it by any court having jurisdiction. Any disputes are to be arbitrated by: Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service (JAMS®) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSPECTION FEE: $ 625 Form of Payment : _________________________________ Inspector: Lou Gustafson Date: ___________ Client or the person signing on behalf of the client acknowledges having read and understood all the terms, conditions, and limitations of this Agreement and voluntarily agrees to be bound thereby and to pay the fee listed above at or before the beginning of the inspection or a $50 fee shall be added every 5 days past the date of the inspection where the original fee has not been received from the client or person signing on behalf of the client named on this agreement. Client: Nam Nguyen _______________________________ Date: ____________ Client: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________ RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS OF PRACTICE – FOUR OR FEWER UNITS Part I. Definitions and Scope These Standards of Practice provide guidelines for a real estate inspection and define certain terms relating to these inspections. Italicized words in these Standards are defined in Part IV, Glossary of Terms. A.A real estate inspection is a survey and basic operation of the systems and components of a building which can be reached, entered, or viewed without difficulty, moving obstructions, or requiring any action which may result in damage to the property or personal injury to the Inspector. The purpose of the inspection is to provide the Client with information regarding the general condition of the building(s). Cosmetic and aesthetic conditions shall not be considered. B.A real estate inspection report provides written documentation of material defects discovered in the inspected building’s systems and components which, in the opinion of the Inspector, are safety hazards, are not functioning properly, or appear to be at the ends of their service lives. The report may include the Inspector's recommendations for correction or further evaluation. C.Inspections performed in accordance with these Standards of Practice are not technically exhaustive and shall apply to the primary building and its associated primary parking structure. Part II. Standards of Practice A real estate inspection includes the readily accessible systems and components or a representative number of multiple similar components listed in Sections 1 through 9 subject to the limitations, exceptions, and exclusions in Part III. SECTION 1 – Foundation, Basement, and Under-floor Areas A.Items to be inspected: 1.Foundation system 2.Floor framing system 3.Under-floor ventilation 4.Foundation anchoring and cripple wall bracing 5.Wood separation from soil 6.Insulation B.The Inspector is not required to: 1.Determine size, spacing, location, or adequacy of foundation bolting/bracing components or reinforcing systems 2.Determine the composition or energy rating of insulation materials SECTION 2 – Exterior A.Items to be inspected: 1.Surface grade directly adjacent to the buildings 2.Doors and windows 3.Attached decks, porches, patios, enclosures, balconies, and stairways 4.Wall cladding and trim 5.Portions of walkways and driveways that are adjacent to the buildings 6. Pool or spa drowning prevention features, for the sole purpose of identifying which, if any, are present Inspe c t i on Contra c t Agreement-Th is is i ntended to be a l ega ll y b i nd i ng c ontra c t .P l ease Read Care f u RCI inspect (Residential & Commercial Inspections) Serving the Greater Bay Area & Central Valley, (888) 613-4808 11202044NGUReport Number:Page 42 This Report has been prepared exclusively for: Nam Nguyen Property Address: 445 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Energy source and connections 4.Combustion air and exhaust vent systems 5.Condensate drainage 6.Conditioned air distribution systems B.The Inspector is not required to: 1.Inspect heat exchangers or electric heating elements 2.Inspect non-central air conditioning units or evaporative coolers 3.Inspect radiant, solar, hydronic, or geothermal systems or components 4.Determine volume, uniformity, temperature, airflow, balance, or leakage of any air distribution system 5.Inspect electronic air filtering or humidity control systems or components SECTION 8 – Fireplaces and Chimneys A.Items to be inspected: 1.Chimney exterior 2.Spark arrestor 3.Firebox 4.Damper 5.Hearth extension B.The Inspector is not required to: 1.Inspect chimney interiors 2.Inspect fireplace inserts, seals, or gaskets 3.Operate any fireplace or determine if a fireplace can be safely used SECTION 9 – Building Interior A.Items to be inspected: 1.Walls, ceilings, and floors 2.Doors and windows 3.Stairways, handrails, and guardrails 4.Permanently installed cabinets 5.Permanently installed cook-tops, mechanical range vents, ovens, dishwashers, and food waste disposers 6.Absence of smoke alarms 7.Vehicle doors and openers B.The Inspector is not required to: 1.Inspect window, door, or floor coverings 2.Determine whether a building is secure from unauthorized entry 3.Operate or test smoke alarms or vehicle door safety devices 4.Use a ladder to inspect systems or components 5. Inspect vehicle door opener battery back up systems Part III. Limitations, Exceptions, and Exclusions A.The following are excluded from a real estate inspection: 1.Systems or components of a building, or portions thereof, which are not readily accessible, not permanently installed, or not inspected due to circumstances beyond the control of the Inspector or which the Client has agreed or specified are not to be inspected 2.Site improvements or amenities, including, but not limited to; accessory buildings, fences, planters, landscaping, irrigation, swimming pools, spas, ponds, waterfalls, fountains or their components or accessories 3.Auxiliary features of appliances beyond the appliance’s basic function 4.Systems or components, or portions thereof, which are under ground, under water, or where the Inspector must come into contact with water 5.Common areas as defined in California Civil Code section 1351, et seq., and any dwelling unit systems or components located in common areas 6.Determining compliance with manufacturers’ installation guidelines or specifications, building codes, accessibility standards, conservation or energy standards, regulations, ordinances, covenants, or other restrictions 7.Determining adequacy, efficiency, suitability, quality, age, or remaining life of any building, system, or component, or marketability or advisability of purchase 8.Structural, architectural, geological, environmental, hydrological, land surveying, or soils-related examinations 9.Acoustical or other nuisance characteristics of any system or component of a building, complex, adjoining property, or neighborhood 10.Conditions related to animals, insects, or other organisms, including fungus and mold, and any hazardous, illegal, or controlled substance, or the damage or health risks arising there from 11. Risks associated with events or conditions of nature including, but not limited to; geological, seismic, wildfire, and flood 12.Water testing any building, system, or component or determine leakage in shower pans, pools, spas, or any body of water 13.Determining the integrity of hermetic seals at multi-pane glazing 14.Differentiating between original construction or subsequent additions or modifications 15.Reviewing information from any third-party, including but not limited to; product defects, recalls, or similar notices 16.Specifying repairs/replacement procedures or estimating cost to correct Inspe c t i on Contra c t Agreement-Th is is i ntended to be a l ega ll y b i nd i ng c ontra c t .P l ease Read Care f u RCI inspect (Residential & Commercial Inspections) Serving the Greater Bay Area & Central Valley, (888) 613-4808 11202044NGUReport Number:Page 43 This Report has been prepared exclusively for: Nam Nguyen Property Address: 445 Los Gatos Blvd, Los Gatos, CA. 95032 Functional Flow: The flow of the water supply at the highest and farthest fixture from the building supply shutoff valve when another fixture is used simultaneously Inspect: Refer to Part I, “Definition and Scope”, Paragraph A Inspector: One who performs a real estate inspection Normal User Control: Switch or other device that activates a system or component and is provided for use by an occupant of a building Operate: Cause a system, appliance, fixture, or device to function using normal user controls Permanently Installed: Fixed in place, e.g. screwed, bolted, nailed, or glued Primary Building: A building that an Inspector has agreed to inspect Primary Parking structure: A building for the purpose of vehicle storage associated with the primary building Readily Accessible: Can be reached, entered, or viewed without difficulty, moving obstructions, or requiring any action which may harm persons or property Real Estate Inspection: Refer to Part I, “Definitions and Scope”, Paragraph A Representative Number: Example, an average of one component per area for multiple similar components such as windows, doors, and electrical outlets Safety Hazard: A condition that could result in significant physical injury Shut Down: Disconnected or turned off in a way so as not to respond to normal user controls System: An assemblage of various components designed to function as a whole Technically Exhaustive: Examination beyond the scope of a real estate inspection, which may require disassembly, specialized knowledge, special equipment, measuring, calculating, quantifying, testing, exploratory probing, research, or analysis. Inspe c t i on Contra c t Agreement-Th is is i ntended to be a l ega ll y b i nd i ng c ontra c t .P l ease Read Care f u RCI inspect (Residential & Commercial Inspections) Serving the Greater Bay Area & Central Valley, (888) 613-4808 15 Nov. ATTACHMENT 3 GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OFPERSPECTIVE VIEWS FROM LGB 27 MAY 2021 5.1 8 NOTE: VIEWS ARE WITHOUT GATES OR FRONT YARD TREES -FROM PERSPECTIVE OF EXISTING STREET SIDEWALK ATTACHMENT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Residential Design Guidelines 33 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.8.3 Use traditional detailing •Treat openings in walls as though they were constructed of the traditional material for the style. For example, be sure to provide substantial wall space above arches in stucco and stone walls. Traditionally, wall space above the arch would have been necessary to structurally span the opening, and to make the space too small is inconsistent with the archi- tectural style. •Openings in walls faced with stone, real or synthetic, should have defined lintels above the opening except in Mission or Spanish Eclectic styles. Lintels may be stone, brick or wood as suits the style of the house. •Treat synthetic materials as though they were authentic. For example, select synthetic stone patterns that place the individual stones in a horizontal plane as they would have been in a load bearing masonry wall. •Select roof materials that are consistent with the traditional architectural style (e.g., avoid concrete roof tiles on a Crafts- man Style house.) 3.8.4 Materials changes •Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look. 3.9 ADDITIONS/ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/SECONDARY UNITS •Site additions in the least conspicuous place. In many cases this is a rear or side elevation - only rarely is it a rooftop. •The existing built forms, components and materials should be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and alterations should be consistent with and continue the original architectural style and design. •Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale and proportion to the historically significant portions of the existing structure. •When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in size, dimension, shape and location as the original, and Use stone or wood lintels over openings in stone walls Additions, accessory buildings and secondary units should match the form, architectural style, and details of the original house ATTACHMENT 5 Residential Design Guidelines34 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 should utilize the same materials as the existing protected exterior elements. • When an addition necessitates the removal of architectural materials, such as siding, windows, doors, and decorative elements, they should be carefully removed and reused in the addition where possible. • The introduction of window and door openings not char- acteristic in proportion, scale, or style with the original architecture is strongly discouraged (e.g., sliding windows or doors in a structure characterized by double hung windows and swinging doors). • The character of any addition or alteration should be in keeping with and subordinate to the integrity of the original structure. • The amount of foundation exposed on the addition should match that of the original building. • Do not add roof top additions where the roof is of historic significance. • Second floor additions are discouraged in neighborhoods with largely one story homes. If horizontal expansion of the house is not possible, consider incorporating a second floor addition within the roof form as shown in the example to the left. • Second floor additions which are not embedded within the roof form should be located to the rear of the structure. • The height and proportion of an addition or a second story should not dominate the original structure. • Deck additions should be placed to the rear of the struc- ture only, and should be subordinate in terms of scale and detailing. • New outbuildings, such as garages, should be clearly subor- dinate to the main structure in massing, and should utilize forms, materials and details which are similar to the main structure. • Garages should generally be located to the rear of the lot behind the rear wall of the residence. One car wide access driveways should be utilized. Original structure Addition incorporated into the roof successfully adds space while respecting the integrity of the existing house and the scale of the neighborhood Placing a two story addition to the rear can minimize its impact on the historic resource and the scale of the neighborhood GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF don schallock Architect AIA don@donschallock.comHi phone: 408.987.1508 30 December, 2020 Town of Los Gatos – Community Development Civic Center 101 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Attn: Sean Mullins – Asst. Planner/Project Coordinator Re: 445 Los Gatos Blvd.: Application for Preliminary Planning and HPC Review APN: 529-20-006 SITE PHOTOS REAR ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION FRONT PORCH FRONT PORCH REAR NORTH-WEST CORNER EXTERIOR CORNER at GRADE SOUTH SIDE ELEVATION WINDOW SILL DETAIL don schallock Architect AIA Los Gatos, CA Telluride, CO. Old San Juan, PR SITE PHOTOS 24 MAY 2021 ( SEE ALSO BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT) ATTACHMENT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF 16'-6"16'-1 1/2"4'-3"27'-6"57'-4 1/16"11' 15'-5 5/8" 25'-0" CURRENT PROPERTY LINE REVISED PROPERTY LINE P/L = 189'-0" UPPER GALLERY BEDROOM #3 BEDROOM #2 BATH #3 LINEN DOWN to KITCHEN DECK P/L = 50'-0"CLOSET CLOSET S 560 30' 00" E P/L = 50'-0"6 12 6 12 P/L = 189'-0"N 330 30' 00" E0 6'-0"6'-0"17'-8"6'-8"4'-81/2"20'-7"4'-1 1/2"24'-91/2"6'-0"4'-81/2" 49'-6"51'-9" 20'-7"10'-7"24'-5" 25'-0"5'-0"5'-2"3'-0"10'-0"16'-3"3'-0"5'-0"11'-5 1/2"9'-0"21'-6 1/2"5'-3 1/2"47'-2" 1'-8" 27'-41/2"17'-81/2"6'-8"4'-11/2" 17'-41/2"29'-0"24'-91/2" 3'-0"23'-0"27'-0" 10'-1 3/4"17'-0"30'-0"3'-0"25'-0"10'-8"19'-4"24'-91/2" 6'-11/2"4'-9"4'-9"11'-9" BASEMENT - 1"=10' SCALE UPPER FLOOR PLAN - 1"=10' SCALE 660 s.f. 787 s.f. UP to ENTRY CRAWL SPECE CRAWL SPECE CRAWL SPECE SSMH SSMH ENTRY EXISTING TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH SITE / FLOOR PLANS LOT SIZE BLDG. FLOOR AREA LOT COVERAGE EXISTING ALLOWABLE *50'x200' = 10,000 s.f.*50'x189' = 9,450 s.f.*NON-CONFORMING MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL BASEMENT GARAGE 853 s.f.2048 s.f. NONE 400 s.f. *** 787 s.f. *** DIRT "PIT"660 s.f. NONE 800 s.f.TOTAL 18'-7" +/- 2835 s.f. + Garage N/A 3780 s.f. (40.0%) N/A CALCULATIONS SITE DATA HISTORIC INFO: HISTORIC STATUS CODE : NONE HISTORIC DISTRICT: NO FINDINGS RQ'D: NO CONSIDERATION RQ'D: YES ( 1905 "FOLK VICTORIAN" ZONING: R1-8 APN: 529-20-006 PROPOSED 2848 s.f. ( 30.0%) FAR (HABITABLE) FAR (GARAGE)N/A 2835 s.f. ( 29.8%)2971 s.f. (31.44%) 800 s.f. ( 8.46%)827 s.f. ( 8.75%) MAX. HGT.(HABITABLE) MAX. HGT.(GARAGE) 27'-0"30'-0" 853 s.f. N/A 15'-0"15'-0" BASEMENT KITCHEN DINING LIVING COATS POWDER ROOM LAUNDRY/ MUDROOM COVERED PATIO GALLERY MASTER BATH CLOSET MASTER B/R OFFICE ENTRY UP to B/RS PANTRY MECH'L ROOM *P/L = 189'-0" P/L = 189'-0"P/L = 50'-0"P/L = 50'-0"DN to BSMNT C/L LOS GATOSBLVD. ANCHOR SDMH JP ANCHOR WM 10"ELDER 5"LOQUAT DWYGATE BIKE LANE50.00'S33°30'00"WCONC.CURB & GUTTERGRAVEL 50.00' SDMH ANCHOR JP ANCHOR 5"LOQUAT 10"ELDER WM BIKE LANECURB & GUTTERCONC.S33°30'00"WADDITION EXISTING SETBACK C/L 24" dia. OAK C/L 24" dia. OAK TOILET LINEN SHOWER EXISTING WINDOWS CLOSET GUEST ROOM EXISTING WINDOWS 2,048 s.f. + 800 s.f Garage SITE PLAN / MAIN FLOOR PLAN - 1"=10' SCALE GARAGE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT 4'-1"2'-8"(E)6" DECIDUOUS (UNIDENTIFIED) REQUIRED SETBACKS S 560 30' 00" E N 330 30' 00" E27 MAY 2021 1 7 UP to DECK ATTACHMENT 7 GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF 47'-2" 1'-8" (E) GRAVEL DRIVE LIMIT (E) GRAVEL DRIVE LIMIT (E) WOOD FENCE AND LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) (E) WOOD FENCE AND LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) (E) WOOD FENCE AND LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) (E) WOOD FENCE AND LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) (E) WOOD FENCE AND LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN (TYP.) *P/L = 189'-0" P/L = 189'-0"P/L = 50'-0"P/L = 50'-0"C/L LOS GATOSBLVD. ANCHOR SDMH JP ANCHOR WM 10"ELDER 5"LOQUAT BIKE LANE50.00'CURB & GUTTER50.00' SDMH ANCHOR JP ANCHOR 5"LOQUAT 10"ELDER WM BIKE LANECURB & GUTTERCONC. (E)C/L 24" dia. OAK C/L 24" dia. OAK LANDSCAPE and DRAINAGE PLAN 1" = 10' LANDSCAPE (E)LANDSCAPE (E)ADJACENT GARAGE ASSUMED D RIP LI NE R = 15'CURB CUT (E)SS MH LANDSCAPE (E) LANDSCAPE (E + N) LANDSCAPE (E)LANDSCAPE (N) LANDSCAPE (E) GARAGE PAVED DRIVE ENTRY - STEPS AND WALK - PAVERS PAVED PATIO PAVED WALK CONCRETE APRON - 3FT. LANDSCAPE (E ) LANDSCAPE (E ) CONC. APRON RESIDENCE (E)6" DECIDUOUS (UNIDENTIFIED) PAVED DRIVE PAVED DRIVE DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDS DS DSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS (387.30') (387.35') (387.66') 387.35' (385.53') (386.00') (385.82') 387.30' SITE EL. = 00'-0" BLDG. EL. (BENCH MARK) (386.57')(387.27') 387.30' (387.30') 386.50' 386.17' 386.31' (387.26') (386.17') (385.52')(386.31')(386.27') 386.75' 386.35' (387.30') EXISTING F.FL. EL. 387.30' 386.30' 386.70'PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H REMOVE 1 FT+/- TOPSOIL - RECONTOUR FOR PONDING AREA 45' REMOVE SHED 853 Sq.Ft.EXISTING P/L = 50.00'REVISED P/L = 189.00'P/L = 50.00'EXISTING P/L = 200.00' 445 11.00' P/L ADJUSTMENT SHED ROOF SECTION - TO BE REMOVED EXTERIOR WALL TO BE REMOVED PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H DEMOLITION PLAN 1" = 10' EXISTING LOCATION PROPOSED LOCATION MOVE FORWARD 23'-41/2" +/- 25' SETBACK ADJUSTMENT INTERIOR WALLS - TO BE REMOVED15'-41/2"4'-11"EXTERIOR WALL TOBE REMOVEDEXISTING SETBACK LOCATION - NO CHANGE 6'-0"6'-0"17'-8"6'-8"4'-81/2"20'-7"4'-1 1/2"24'-91/2"6'-0"4'-81/2"9'-0"11'-51/2"5'-0"23'-0"2'-0"19'-4"10'-8"4'-1"10'-0"10'-7"5'-2"FOUNDATION PLAN / CUT & FILL - 1"=10' SCALE CRAWL SPACE CRAWL SPACE CRAWL SPACE ENTRY TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH FILL: 74 cu.yds. CUT: 213 cu.yds. CUT: 30.6 cu.yds. CUT: 37.5 cu.yds. CUT: 37.7 cu.yds. CUT: 8 cu.yds. (Foundation only) SLAB ON GRADE BASEMENT REMOVE 1 FT+/- TOPSOIL - RECONTOUR FOR PONDING AREA SITE DATA SITE AREA: 9,450 s.f. IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5,270 s.f. BUILDINGS: 2,889 s.f. SIDEWALKS: 145 s.f. PATIOS: 79 s.f. DRIVEWAY: 2,027 s.f. LANDSCAPE ( PERVIOUS) AREA: 4,180 S.F SITE COVERAGE: (IMPERVIOUS) 56% CUT: 326.8 Cu.Yds. FILL: 213.0 Cu.Yds. 27 MAY 2021 2 7 DEMOLITION / GRADING & EXCAVATION / LANDSCAPE & DRAINAGE PLANS GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF10'7'-7" 29'-4"16'-6" 45'-10" 8'-11 7/8"9'-10 3/4" ADDITION - MAIN LEVEL T.O.PL. EL.= 19'-0" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 24'-0"6 12 9 OPEN DECK 9 FIN.FL. EL.= 0'-0" FIN.GRADE EL.= -2'-4" T.O.PL. EL.= 10'-0" T.O.PL. EL.= 17'-7" 2 8 4 4 6 12 2 4 4 4 T.O.ROOF. EL.= 26'-2" COVERED DECK 4 333311 888 9 9 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 12 15 4 41'8'10'6'-0"FIN.FLR. EL. = 11'-0" TOP OF ROOF 6 2 4 6 FIN.FL. EL.= 0'-0" FIN.GRADE EL.= -2'-4" T.O.PL.EL.= 10'-0" 4 4 2 2 10'2'-4"7'-7"51'-0"49'-7 1/2" 29'-4"16'-6" 45'-10" ADDITION - MAIN LEVEL ADDITION - UPPER LEVEL EXISTING RESIDENCE 42 2 244 44 4 9 8 12 4 9 1 3 13 3 9 7 FIN.FL. EL.= 0'-0" FIN.GRADE EL.= -2'-4" T.O.PL. EL.= 10'-0" T.O.PL. EL.= 17'-7" 3 FIN.FL. EL.= 0'-0" FIN.FL. EL.= 11'-0" 6 12 T.O.PL. EL.= 19'-0" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 24'-0" 9 COVERED DECKOPEN DECK T.O.PL. EL.= 20'-0" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 26'-3" 8 12 6 12 10'2'-4"7'-7"51'-0"49'-7 1/2" 29'-4"16'-6" 45'-10" ADDITION - MAIN LEVEL ADDITION - UPPER LEVEL EXISTING RESIDENCE 42 2 244 44 4 9 8 12 4 9 1 3 13 3 9 7 FIN.FL. EL.= 0'-0" FIN.GRADE EL.= -2'-4" T.O.PL. EL.= 10'-0" T.O.PL. EL.= 17'-7" 3 FIN.FL. EL.= 0'-0" FIN.FL. EL.= 11'-0" 6 12 T.O.PL. EL.= 19'-0" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 24'-0" 9 COVERED DECKOPEN DECK T.O.PL. EL.= 20'-0" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 26'-3" 8 12 6 12 1 3 16 2 9'EXISTING 9 6 12 8 12 8 12 6 12 12 3 8 8 31 9 2 65 15 16 7 2 REMOVE DOOR - REPLACE WITH WOOD WINDOW EXISTING 1 9'EXISTING 9 6 12 8 12 8 12 6 12 12 3 8 8 31 9 2 8 65 15 16 7 2 REMOVE DOOR - REPLACE WITH WOOD WINDOW EXISTING 9'EXISTING 9 6 12 8 12 8 12 6 12 12 3 8 8 31 9 2 8 65 15 16 7 2 REMOVE DOOR - REPLACE WITH WOOD WINDOW EXISTING 4 1 27 MAY 2021 3 7 REAR (WEST) ELEVATION NORTH (ENTRY) ELEVATION SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" SOUTH (SIDE) ELEVATION SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" EAST (FRONT) ELEVATION SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" LEGEND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WALLS: ORIGINAL 1"x 8" HORIZONTAL SHIP -LAP SIDING . REPAIR/REPLACE AS NECESSARY WALLS: NEW 1"x8" WOOD SIDING TO MATCH ORIGINAL . WINDOWS: ORIGINAL SINGLE- HUNG WOOD W/ WIDE SASH AND FRAMES - REMOVE AND REPLACE W/ NEW ALUM. CLAD, INSULATING WOOD UNITS TO MATCH ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE, SIZE AND LOCATION. EAVES, GUTTERS, FASCIA: REPAIR OR REPLACE TO MATCH ORIGINAL IN MATERIAL, SIZE, AND APPEARANCE. ROOF: ORIGINAL , REMOVE AND REPLACE ASPHALT SHINGLES (NON-ORIGINAL )W/ METAL, STANDING SEAM ROOF PANELS. WINDOWS: NEW, SINGLE-,DOUBLE-HUNG, AND ALUM. CLAD, AND CASEMENT INSULATING WOOD UNITS TO MATCH ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE, DOORS: ORIGINAL WOOD W/ FIXED LITES, WIDE SASH AND FRAMES - REMOVE AND REPLACE W/ NEW, "CRAFTSMAN STYLE" WOOD UNITS AND INSULATING GLASS LITES TO MATCH ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE, SIZE AND LOCATION. DOORS: NEW. "CRAFTSMAN STYLE" WOOD UNITS AND INSULATING GLASS LITES W/ WIDE SASH AND FRAMES - TO MATCH ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE. 9 ROOF: NEW - METAL, STANDING SEAM ROOF PANELS. 12 GABLE TRIM: NEW, WOOD 1/2"X3" VERTICAL STRIPS . 13 SKYLIGHT: LOW-PROFILE, OPERABLE, ALUM. CLAD WOOD UNIT BY VELUX OR SIMILAR 15 PORCH: EXISTING GINGERBREAD SPINDLE WORK, WOOD POSTS AND TRIM - REPAIR AS REQUIRED. 16 GABLE: EXISTING DECORATIVE WOOD SHINGLES AND ATTIC VENT -REPAIR AS REQUIRED. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF 25'-0"3'-0" ADDITION - GARAGE 6 12 9 2 FIN.GRADE EL.= -0'-8" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 14'-4" PL.HT. EL.= 9'-0"5'-4"9'-8"P/L 25'-0"3'-0"32'-0" ADDITION - GARAGE 6 12 9 2 FIN.GRADE EL.= -0'-8" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 14'-4" PL.HT. EL.= 9'-0"5'-4"9'-8"P/L ADDITION - GARAGE 6 12 9 2 FIN.GRADE EL.= -0'-8" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 14'-4" PL.HT. EL.= 9'-0"5'-4"9'-8"P/L 32'-0" ADDITION - GARAGE 6 12 FIN.GRADE EL.= -0'-8" T.O.ROOF. EL.= 14'-4" PL.HT. EL.= 9'-0"4'-6"9'-8"P/L 9 SKYLIGHTS P/L = 50'-0"6 12 6 12 N 330 30' 00" E0 47'-2" 1'-8" 3'-0"23'-0"27'-0"17'-0"30'-0"3'-0"25'-0"10'-8"19'-4"P/L = 50'-0"C/L 24" dia. OAK C/L 24" dia. OAK GARAGE LANDSCAPE SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT (E)6" DECIDUOUS (UNIDENTIFIED)N 330 30' 00" EFLOOR PLAN SCALE : 3/16" = 1'-0" GARAGE PLANS/ELEVATIONS/ DETAILS SIDE (SOUTH) ELEVATIONREAR (WEST) ELEVATION ROOF PLAN FRONT (EAST) ELEVATION SIDE (NORTH) ELEVATION TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH 4 727 MAY 2021 GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF 445 43917015PINE AVE.421 451 455 16485 LOS GATOS BLVD. - NW SIDE 16492 16500 SPENCER AVE.432 430 420 416 LOS GATOS BLVD. - SE SIDE 445 43917015PINE AVE.451 PROPOSED ADDITION & REMODEL STREETSCAPE - No Scale 5 727 MAY 2021 GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508 E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF SHADOW STUDY - No Scale JUNE 21 9 AM NOON 3PM LOS GATOS BLVD.LOS GATOS BLVD.DECEMBER 21 9 AM NOON 3PMLOS GATOS BLVD.EAST WEST SOUTH EAST WEST SOUTH 6 727 MAY 2021PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H LOS GATOS BLVD.LOS GATOS BLVD. GSPublisherEngine Drawn by: das Date: PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS REMODEL and ADDITION Drawing Scale: As Noted 445 LOS GATOS BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032 NGUYEN RESIDENCE Office: The World (Cilleen Leith, Republic of Ireland) Phone: 1.408.987.1508 E-Mail: don@donschallock.com A OF NEIGHBORHOOD SHADOW STUDY - No Scale JUNE 21 3PM DECEMBER 21 9 AMNOON EAST WEST SOUTH 27 MAY 2021 451 445 439 17015 17025 441 451 445 439 17015 17025 441 451 445 439 17015 17025 441 EAST WEST SOUTH 3PM 9 AMNOON 451 445 439 17015 17025 441 451 445 439 17015 17025 441 451 445 439 17015 17025 441 6.1 7PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H PLAN NORTHTR U E N O R T H This Page Intentionally Left Blank