Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 4 PREPARED BY: RYAN SAFTY Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/23/2021 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: June 18, 2021 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations and an Addition to a Detached Garage on a Contributing Property in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP Located at 103 Tait Avenue. APN 510-18-038. Minor Development in an Historic District Application HS-21-017. Property Owners/Applicants: Michael and Kristi Ballou. Project Planner: Ryan Safty. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request for construction of exterior alterations and an addition to a detached garage on a contributing property in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP located at 103 Tait Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1900 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: C, Contributor to Town’s Historic feeling but has had some alterations 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Almond Grove Historic District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Tait and Bean Avenues in the Almond Grove Historic District. On April 24, 2019, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) forwarded a recommendation of approval to the Community Development Director for a request for exterior alterations to the existing residence, including demolition of portions of the PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 103 TAIT AVENUE/HS-21-017 DATE: JUNE 18, 2021 BACKGROUND (continued): first and second floors and construction of an addition to the first floor (Attachment 3). The request was approved, and a Building Permit was issued on March 13, 2020 for the alterations. An application for a Minor Residential Development in an Historic District (HS-21-017) was submitted on May 18, 2021 for the proposed exterior modifications and addition to the existing detached garage. The subject property is a contributing property in the Almond Grove Historic District and therefore, HPC review is required. DISCUSSION: The applicant proposes to rehabilitate the existing detached garage and add 33 square feet to the front of the garage (Attachment 4). The front and east walls would be removed to accommodate the addition. The new garage would be 15 feet in height, with a front facing gabled roof, horizontal siding to match the existing garage siding and siding of the residence, composition shingle roof to match the main house, and a wood carriage garage door. The existing detached garage is nonconforming as to side and rear setback requirements. At the building permit stage, the applicant will be required to verify that the project does not constitute a technical demolition so that the existing nonconforming setbacks can remain. If more than 50 percent of the existing framing is removed as a part of this application, the detached garage would be required to meet setback requirements. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations and an addition to the existing detached garage on a contributing property in the Almond Grove Historic District. Should the HPC find merit in the request, the project could be completed with a Building Permit, and if confirmed through Planning review to be in substantial conformance with the HPC’s review and recommendations, would not return to the HPC. CONSIDERATIONS: Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 103 TAIT AVENUE/HS-21-017 DATE: JUNE 18, 2021 CONSIDERATIONS (continued): In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest, or value of the district. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Historic research 2. Photo of existing garage and residence 3. Plans for main residence, reviewed at March 13, 2020 HPC 4. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank I SITE PLAN I"= 10'-0" PR.OJECT DA1A P'l«)JCCf DC!>Cl!Jl"IION, Ktt.lQOt\ N>ID AOOITION ro:� 25TORVH005� ;�eZr�GAT05,CA95030 CIY,IM!'RS,\<k'.:li"-l'l.<U.i5TI�lnlJ ZON'NG•".-IDLHr IA'10�:C,.ffi, OCCUl'mcY,"--W ril.H�NG�,v-rl LOTStie, ,,21'050.l"T ��"tf'-�2�•�', 0.21 • 0.3397(; 0,JJ97(;,(;21Xl•2,IJJ.75Q.l"'f �:;_c:ci'll>., [t115T� ="= [el 2ND �l.00". TOO.::'U'MOV!'O �,I.Ol�G=lt'I"� f!/JllDN� =�,"Qli!,CHes ,om= I�� 2,200-¼.7'11, v CINITY MAP CHRIS SPAULDING oARCHJ!ECT0 80!CAMEU,.SnEI:TSUJTEE B£RKELEY CAf.ll'ORNIA 11'710 {5IO):J:27-S'W1fAX(5\0)S21-'.1999 � � 0 z"' 5 � u::i §Cl > � ...... <i: VJ � E-< ....l ...... w � 0 <i:0 E-< �;:J M @O 0 -:5 .....l � .....l g; � O'.l DATE: 3-22-19 i 0 "- D (/] 0 f-< 0 (/] 0 ....l ==��w - JOB aAU.O!J,TArf SHEET Al ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank QQQQ############x#############!########Åååå#####!######ÆÆ##!##############!#####!################!##################ù##################!#############################y#####!#########################Ù##-#!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DRAWN ON SURVEY BY ROBERT J. CRAIG, JOB# C-19301, DATED APRIL 3, 2019. ROBERT CRAIG PHONE# (831) 359-1750 OR (408) 884-3791SITE PLAN1"=10'-0"A1PROJECT DESCRIPTION:- REMODEL & ADDITION TO [E] DETACHED GARAGE- REMOVE (1) TREEPROJECT ADDRESS:103 TAIT AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030APN: 510-18-038OWNERS: MICHAEL & KRISTI BALLOUZONING: R-1D LHPLAND USE: SFROCCUPANCY: UBUILDING TYPE: V-BLOT SIZE: 6,271 SQ.FT.ALLOWABLE GARAGE FLOOR AREA:0.1 - [(6.28 - 5) ¸25) x 0.07] = 0.08960.0896 x 6280 = 563 SQ. FT.BUILDING ENVELOPE LIMIT: .15 (2995) = 499.0BUILDING AREA:[E] HOUSE:1ST FLOOR 1,4062ND FLOOR 728TOTAL2,134[E] BASEMENT AREA:MAIN HOUSE 454[E] A.D.U. 739EQUIPMENT 172 (NON-CONDITION)TOTAL1,365[E] COVERED PORCHES 423[E] LIGHTWELL75[E] DETACHED GARAGE 416ADDITION 33TOTAL DET. GARAGE 449BUILDING COVERAGEBUILDINGS1,840COVERED PORCHES 423LIGHTWELL 75TOTAL2,338 ≈ 37.3 %PARKING: 2 GARAGE, 4 SURFACEV I C I N I T Y M A PP R O J E C T D A T A[E] 2-STORYHOUSE COVEREDPORCHLIGHTWELL5'- 0 " R E Q ' D SI D E S E T B A C K COV E R E D P O R C H SHEETSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYCS/DBBALLOU, GARAGE7AS NOTED4-13-21LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 103 TAIT AVE B A L L O U R E S I D E N C E PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION OF [E] DETACHED GARAGE 10'-1" EXISTING[E] DETACHEDGARAGESHADEINDICATESADDITIONARCHITECTCHRIS SPAULDING, ARCHITECT801 Camelia St, Ste. EBerkeley, CA 94710Ph: (510) 527-5997Email: chris@csarchitect.netSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERSUNG ENGINEERING, INC.29300 Kohoutek Way, Union City,CA 94587Ph: (510) 475-7900Email: info@sungengr.comC O N S U L T A N T SEXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN TO REMAIN.NO GRADING REQUIRED EXCEPT FOR FOUNDATIONEXCAVATIONS & FINISH SHAPING FOR PROPER DRAINAGEFINAL GRADES TO SLOPE 5% (2% ON PAVEMENT) FOR 10'FROM STRUCTURESDOWNSPOUT FLOW TO DISCHARGE ACROSSSPLASHBLOCKS AND INTO LANDSCAPED AREASWATER SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO POND ADJACENT TOFOUNDATIONSGRADING & DRAINAGE NOTESDisposition and treatment of storm-water will complywith the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Standards and implementation standardsestablished by the Santa Clara Valley Runoff PollutionPrevention Program.STORMWATER RETENTION NOTETABLE 4.504.1 - ADHESIVE VOC LIMIT1,2(Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter)ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONSVOC LIMITINDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES50CARPET PAD ADHESIVES50OUTDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES150WOOD FLOORING ADHESIVES100RUBBER FLOOR ADHESIVES60SUBFLOOR ADHESIVES50CERAMIC TILE ADHESIVES65VCT & ASPHALT TILE ADHESIVES50DRYWALL & PANEL ADHESIVES50COVE BASE ADHESIVES50MULTIPURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE70STRUCTURAL GLAZING ADHESIVES100SINGLE-PLY ROOF MEMBRANE ADHESIVES250OTHER ADHESIVES NOT LISTED50SPECIALTY APPLICATIONSPVC WELDING510CPVC WELDING490ABS WELDING325PLASTIC CEMENT WELDING250ADHESIVE PRIMER FOR PLASTIC550CONTACT ADHESIVE80SPECIAL PURPOSE CONTACT ADHESIVE250STRUCTURAL WOOD MEMBER ADHESIVE140TOP & TRIM ADHESIVE250SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONSMETAL TO METAL30PLASTIC FOAMS50POROUS MATERIAL (EXCEPT WOOD)50WOOD30FIBERGLASS801. IF AN ADHESIVE IS USED TO BOND DISSIMILAR SUBSTRATES TOGETHER,THE ADHESIVE WITH THE HIGHEST VOC CONTENT SHALL BE ALLOWED.2. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THEVOC CONTENT SPECIFIED IN THIS TABLE, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITYMANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168.TABLE 4.504.2 - SEALANT VOC LIMIT(Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter)SEALANTSVOC LIMITARCHITECTURAL250MARINE DECK760NONMEMBRANE ROOF300ROADWAY250SINGLE-PLY ROOF MEMBRANE450OTHER420SEALANT PRIMERSARCHITECTURAL NON-POROUS250 POROUS775MODIFIED BITUMINOUS500MARINE DECK760OTHER750TABLE 4.504.5 - FORMALDEHYDE LIMITS1MAXIMUM FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS IN PARTS PER MILLIONPRODUCTCURRENT LIMITHARDWOOD PLYWOOD VENEER CORE0.05HARDWOOD PLYWOOD COMPOSITE CORE0.05PARTICLE BOARD0.09MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD0.11THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD20.131. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THECALIF. AIR RESOURCES BOARD, AIR TOXICS CONTROL MEASURE FORCOMPOSITE WOOD AS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1333. FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE CALIF. CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 17,SECTIONS 93120 THROUGH 93120.12.2. THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD HAS A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF5/16" (8 MM).TABLE 4.504.3 - VOC CONTENT LIMITS FORARCHITECTURAL COATINGS2,3GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, LESS WATER & LESS EXEMPTCOMPOUNDSCOATING CATEGORYVOC LIMITFLAT COATINGS50NON-FLAT COATINGS100NONFLAT-HIGH GLOSS COATINGS150SPECIALTY COATINGSALUMINUM ROOF COATINGS400BASEMENT SPECIALTY COATINGS400BITUMINOUS ROOF COATINGS50BITUMINOUS ROOF PRIMERS350BOND BREAKERS350CONCRETE CURING COMPOUNDS350CONCRETE/MASONRY SEALERS100DRIVEWAY SEALERS50DRY FOG COATINGS150FAUX FINISHING COATINGS350FIRE RESISTIVE COATINGS350FLOOR COATINGS100FORM-RELEASE COMPOUNDS250GRAPHIC ARTS COATINGS (SIGN PAINTS)500HIGH TEMPERATURE COATINGS420INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE COATINGS250LOW SOLIDS COATINGS1120MAGNESITE CEMENT COATINGS450MASTIC TEXTURE COATINGS100METALLIC PIGMENTED COATINGS500MULTICOLOR COATINGS250PRETREATMENT WASH PRIMERS420PRIMERS, SEALERS, & UNDERCOATERS100REACTIVE PENETRATING SEALERS350RECYCLED COATINGS250ROOF COATINGS50RUST PREVENTATIVE COATINGS250SHELLACSCLEAR730OPAQUE550SPECIALTY PRIMERS, SEALERS &UNDERCOATERS100STAINS250STONE CONSOLIDANTS450SWIMMING POOL COATINGS340TRAFFIC MARKING COATINGS100TUB & TILE REFINISH COATINGS420WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES250WOOD COATINGS275WOOD PRESERVATIVES350ZINC-RICH PRIMERS3401. GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, INCLUDING WATER & EXEMPTCOMPOUNDS2. THE SPECIFIED LIMITS REMAIN IN EFFECT UNLESS REVISED LIMITS ARELISTED IN SUBSEQUENT COLUMNS IN THE TABLE.3. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THECALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, ARCHITECTURAL COATINGSSUGGESTED CONTROL MEASURE, FEB. 1, 2008. MORE INFORMATION ISAVAILABLE FROM THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD.STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND RETENTION DURINGCONSTRUCTION-Refer to Construction-Phase Stormwater Management notes on Sheet A1GRADING AND PAVING - DRAINAGE CONTROL- Refer to Grading and Drainage Notes on Sheet A1ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION- Install a listed raceway to accommodate a dedicated 208/240-volt branchcircuit. The raceway shall not be less than trade size 1 (nominal 1-inch insidediameter). The raceway shall originate at the main service or subpanel andshall terminate into a listed cabinet, box or other enclosure in close proximityto the proposed location of an EV charger. Raceways are required to becontinuous at enclosed, inaccessible or concealed areas and spaces. Theservice panel and/or subpanel shall provide capacity to install a 40-ampereminimum dedicated branch circuit and space(s) reserved to permit installationof a branch circuit overcurrent protective device. The service panel or subpanelcircuit directory shall identify the overcurrent protective device space(s)reserved for future EV charging as "EV CAPABLE". The raceway terminationlocation shall be permanently and visibly marked as "EV CAPABLE".WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATIONIndoor Water Use- Max fixture flow rates:- Toilets: 1.28 gallons per flush- Single shower head: 1.8 gpm at 80 psi (note: when a shower is served by morethan one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all showerheads and/orother shower outlets controlled by a single valve shall not exceed 1.8 gpm at80 psi, or the shower shall be designed to only allow one shower outlet to be inoperation at a time).- Lavatory faucets: 1.2 gpm at 60 psi- Kitchen faucets: 1.8 gpm at 60 psi- All plumbing fixtures and fittings shall meet the standards referenced in Table1701.1 of the 2019 California Plumbing Code.Outdoor Water Use- Irrigation system controllers for landscaping provided by the builder andinstalled at the time of final inspection shall comply with the following:A. Local water efficient landscape ordinance or the current CA Dept. ofWater Resources Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO),whichever is more stringent, ORB. Projects with aggregate landscape area less than 2,500 square feetmaycomply with the MWELO's Appendix D Prescriptive Compliance Option.CGBSC Section 4.304MATERIAL CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCYEnhanced Durability and Reduced Maintenance- Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits or other openings insole/bottom plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage ofrodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry or asimilar method acceptable to the enforcing agency.Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling- Contractor to provide a Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP) to theenforcing agency for approval prior to permit issuance. 65 % minimum of theon-hazardous construction and demolition waste shall be recycled or salvaged(or meet more stringent local requirements). The plan shall include thefollowing:1. Identify the construction and demolition waste materials to be divertedfrom disposal by recycling, reuse on the project or salvage for future use orsale.2. Specify if construction and demolition waste materials will be sortedon-site (source-separated) or bulk-mixed (single stream).3. Identify diversion facilities where the waste material will be taken.4. Identify construction methods employed to reduce the amount ofconstruction and demolition waste generated.5. Specify that the amount of construction and demolition waste materialsdiverted shall be calculated by weight or volume, but not byboth.Documentation shall be provided, prior to the first inspection,confirming compliance to the waste management plan provided to theenforcing agency.Life Cycle AssessmentAt final inspection, a manual, compact disc, web-based reference, or otheracceptable media including items 1-10 shall be placed in the building.1. Directions to the owner or occupant that the manual shall remain in thebuilding throughout the life cycle of the structure2. Operation and maintenance instructions for the following:I. Equipment and appliances, including HVAC systems water-saving devicesand water heaters.II. Roof and yard drainage, including gutters and downspouts.III. Space conditioning systems, including condensers and air filtersIV. Landscape irrigation systemsV. Water re-use systems3. Information from local utility, water and waste recovery providers onmethods to further reduce resource consumption, including recycleprograms and locations.4. Educational material on the positive impacts of an interior relative humiditybetween 30-60 percent and what methods an occupant may use tomaintain the relative humidity in that range.5. Information about water-conserving landscape and irrigation design andcontrollers which conserve water.6. Instructions for maintaining gutters and downspouts and the importance ofdiverting water at least 5' away from the foundations7. Information on required routine maintenance measures, including, but notlimited to, caulking, painting, grading around the building, etc.8. Information about state solar energy and incentive programs available.9. A copy of all special inspection verifications required by the enforcingagency or this code.ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYPollution Control- At the Time of rough installation, during storage on the construction site anduntil final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilation equipment, all ductand other related air distribution component openings shall be covered withtape, plastic, sheetmetal or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency.Fireplaces- Any installed gas fireplace shall be a direct-vent sealed-combustion type. Anyinstalled woodstove or pellet stove shall comply with U.S EPA Phase II emissionlimits where applicable. Woodstoves, pellet stoves and fireplaces shall alsocomply with applicable local ordinances. Section 4.503.Finish Material Pollution Control- Adhesives, sealants, caulks, paints, coatings and aerosol paints shall meet theVOC limits specified in the tables at left, unless more stringent local or regionalair pollution or air quality or management district rules apply.- All adhesives, sealants, caulks, paints, coatings and aerosol paint containersmust remain on the site for field verification by the building inspector.- Prior to final inspection, a letter signed by the general contractor or theowner/ builder (for any owner/builder projects) must be provided to theenforcing agency certifying that all adhesives, sealants, caulks, paints, coatings,aerosol paints, carpet systems (including carpeting, cushion and adhesives),resilient flooring systems and composite wood products installed on thisproject are within the emission limits specified in CGBSC Section 4.504.Carpet Systems- Carpet system installed in the building interior will meet the testing andproduct requirements found in the 2019 California Green Building CodeResilient Flooring Systems- Where resilient flooring is installed, at least 90% of the floor area receivingresilient flooring will comply with the California green Building Coderequirements.Composite Wood Products- Hardwood plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard compositewood products used on the interior and exterior of the building will complywith the low formaldehyde emission standardsInterior Moisture Control-Concrete slab foundations to have vapor barrier over 4” minimum cleanaggregate base.- Prior to encasing the wall & floor framing, confirmation must be provided tothe building inspector showing that the framing members do not exceed 19%moisture content.Indoor Air Quality & Exhaust- Bathroom exhaust fans must be Energy Star compliant, must be ducted toterminate outside the building, and must be controlled by a humidistat whichshall be readily accessible.Environmental Comfort- Heating & Air conditioning systems shall be designed in accordance with therequirements of CGBSC section 4.507.2Installer Special Inspector Qualification- HVAC system installer will be trained and certified in the proper installation ofHVAC systems and equipment by a recognized training/certified programVerification- Upon request, verification of compliance with this code may includeconstruction documents, plans, specifications, builder or installer certification,inspection reports, or other methods acceptable to the Building Division thatwill show substantial conformance with the 2019 Code requirements.C A L G R E E N N O T E SARCHITECTURALSHEET A1 SITE PLAN, PROJECT DATA, GENERAL &SITE NOTES, TOWN OF LOS GATOSNOTES, CONSULTANT'S LIST, VICINITYMAP, STRAW WATTLE DETAILSHEET A2 FLOOR PLAN, ELEVATIONS, SECTION,FLOOR PLAN NOTES, MECHANICAL /ELECTRICAL LEGENDSTRUCTURALSHEET STD1 GENERAL NOTES & SCHEDULESSHEET STD2 FOUNDATION & FRAMING DETAILSSHEET STD3 FRAMING DETAILSSHEET S1 FOUNDATION & ROOF FRAMING PLANSHEET S2 FOUNDATION & FRAMING DETAILSCONTRACTOR TO INSTALL STRAW WATTLES AROUNDWORK AREA (AS SHOWN ON SITE PLAN)CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE THAT NO MUDOR MUDDY WATER LEAVES THE PROPERTYSWEEP OR SCRAPE UP SOILS TRACKED ONTO THEROAD AT THE END OF EACH DAY. DO NOT HOSE INTOSTREET, GUTTER, OR STORM DRAIN.THE SITE SHALL BE MONITORED BY THECONTACTOR/OWNER AFTER RAIN EVENT TO VERIFYEROSION CONTROL MEASURE ARE FUNCTIONING.G E N E R A L N O T E SCONSTRUCTION-PHASESTORM-WATER MANAGEMENTINDEX OF DRAWINGSTOWN OF LOS GATOS NOTES1. PER TOWN OF LOS GATOSUNDERGROUNDINGREQUIREMENTS: ALL NEW,RELOCATED, OR TEMPORARILYREMOVED UTILITY SERVICES,INCLUDING TELEPHONE, ELECTRICPOWER AND ALL OTHERCOMMUNICATIONS LINES SHALLBE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND2. BUILDER MUST PROVIDE THEHOMEOWNER WITH A LUMINAIRESCHEDULE (AS REQUIRED IN TITLE24 CALIFORNIA CODE OFREGULATIONS, PART 1, §10-103(b)) THAT INCLUDES A LISTOF LAMPS INSTALLED IN THELUMINARIES1STRAWWADDLE18" WOODSTAKES@48" O.C.2"STRAW WADDLE DETAILThe contractor shall furnish all material,labor, scaffolding, utensils, andapparatus required for the work shownon these plans and pay for the fullfreightage cartage, taxes, and handlingof material associated with the work.All work shall comply and conform to allcodes and regulations, including the2019 CBC, CMC, CPC, CEC, CRC, &CAL Green, & 2019 California Energyrequirements, and all local, state andfederal requirements, codes andregulations, unless otherwise noted.Contractor shall be solely responsiblefor job and worksite safety.All work is to be performed inaccordance with these plans andspecifications and to the satisfaction ofthe owner.Bidders shall visit the site and familiarizethemselves with all existing conditions,and be prepared to carry out the workwithin the existing limitations.Verify all dimensions in the field, writtendimensions have precedence over scaleddimensions. Any discrepancies betweendrawings and/or specifications and actualconditions shall be brought to theattention of the architect for immediateclarification prior to proceeding with thework.Change orders shall be in writing.Substitutions will be considered, but donot substitute materials, equipment, ormethods without specific advancedapproval by the architect.Contractor shall notify the architect of allmodifications to drawing by the buildingdepartment and of all changes requestedby the inspector.Follow manufacturer's instructionscarefully. Manufacturer's operatinginstructions and guarantees shall begiven to the owner at the end of the job.All features of construction not fullyshown shall be of the same type andcharacter as that shown for similarconditions. For special conditions ordiscrepancies, notify the architectbefore bidding or proceeding with work.All material shall be of the best of theirrespective kinds, new, and subject tothe approval of the owner. All work is tobe performed in the best manner byskilled workmen.It is the responsibility of the contractor& sub- contractors to notify thearchitect and/or engineer of anydiscrepancies, inconsistencies, errors oromissions in the plans & specificationswhich might affect the work, prior toproceeding with the work.ATTACHMENT 4 MSPCEVGFIGFIGFIMSPCGFIWPVSHBCOR-A-VENT CONTINUOUS RIDGEVENT V-300 812" (OR EQUAL 13.5SQ. IN. NFVA PER LIN. FT.)DRILL 114" Ø HOLES @4" ONCENTER EACH RAFTER BAY BOTHSIDES OF RIDGE2x8 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C.2x BLOCKINGSHEETSHEETOFSCALE:DATE:DRAWN:JOB:PERMIT SETCONSTRUCTION SETPRELIMINARY SETPLAN CHECK SETDESIGN REVIEW SETREVISIONSBYA R C H I T E C T CHRIS SPAULDING(510) 527-5997 FAX (510) 527-5999BERKELEY CALIFORNIA 94710801 CAMELIA STREET SUITE EDRAWINGS PREPARED BYCS/DBBALLOU, GARAGE7AS NOTED4-13-21LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 103 TAIT AVE B A L L O U R E S I D E N C E PROPOSED REMODEL & ADDITION OF [E] DETACHED GARAGE 0510FRONT (SOUTH) ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"FLOOR PLAN05101/4"=1'-0"INDICATES EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVEDINDICATES EXISTING CMU WALL TO REMAININDICATES NEW CONSTRUCTIONL E G E N DA2REMODELEDGARAGEPERIMETER OF [E] GARAGE20'-93 4" ±19'-1134" ±20'-93 4" ± 1'-8" 1'-8"19'-1134"0510REAR (NORTH) ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"0510RIGHT SIDE (EAST) ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"0510LEFT SIDE (EAST) ELEVATION1/4"=1'-0"[E] CMU WALL TO REMAINADD [N] 1-HR RATED PARAPET WALL (SIDE BY SIDE W/ NEIGHBOR'SDETACHED GARAGE PER DETAIL 3/A2[N] COMP. SHINGLE ROOFINGTO MATCH MAIN HOUSE15' HEIGHT LIMIT15' HEIGHT LIMITHORIZONTAL SIDINGTO MATCH [E]9'-0" PLATE HT0510SECTION A-A1/4"=1'-0"[E] CMUWALL126REMODELEDGARAGE[N] WALL FRAMING[E] BUILDING / ROOF LINE 9'-0" PLATE [E] CMU WALL TO REMAIN1-HR RATED @ REARWALL ABOVE [E] CMUWALL PER DETAIL 3/A2AAVAULTED CEILING160 80 ROLL UP DOOR W/ELECTRIC OPENER28 70 W/ TEMP.GLASS LITE36" MINCONC. LANDINGDN 734" MAXFROM TOP OFTHRESHOLD10'-0"*MANUAL-ON VACANCY SENSOR THATTURNS FIXTURE OFF AUTOMATICALLY WHENNO OCCUPANTS ARE PRESENT & WHICHDOES NOT HAVE AN OVERRIDE ALLOWINGTHE FIXTURE TO BE ALWAYS ONRECESSED FIXTUREWALL MOUNTED FIXTURELED 'SHOP' LIGHT TUBE FIXTUREELECT./MECHANICAL LEGEND*NOTE: ALL LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE HIGHEFFICACY LEDSWITCHSWITCH WITH VACANCY SENSOR*OUTLETHOSE BIBHBWATER PROTECTIONWPGROUND FAULT INTERRUPTERGFIMOTION SENSORMSPHOTOCELLPCELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGINGEVVS[N] ROOF FRAMING:- HIGH PROFILE (CLASS 'A')COMPOSITION SHINGLE- #30 FELT-12" C-DX PLYWOOD SHEATHING- 2x8 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C.-58" GYPSUM BOARD[N] EXTERIOR WALL FRAMING:- HORIZ. SIDING TO MATCH MAINHOUSE W/ CORNER TRIM- #15 FELT-12" C-DX PLYWOOD SHEATHING- 2x4 STUDS @ 16" O.C.-12" GYPSUM BOARD[N] 2x6 PTDFSTUD WALL @ 16"O.C. ABUTTINGCMU WALL[N] SLAB ON GRADE:- 5"-THK CONCRETE SLAB-15-MIL 'STEGO-WRAP' WATERPROOF MEMBRANE- 6" THK. MIN. OF 34" CLEAN CRUSHED ROCKROOF CRICKET TODIRECT RAIN WATERTO FRONT AND REAR[N] FIRE-RATED FRAMING:- HORIZ. BOARD SIDING TO MATCHMAIN HOUSE (BOTH SIDES ATPARAPET)- #15 FELT-1/2" GYPSUM SHEATHING (BOTHSIDES AT PARAPET)-12" C-DX PLYWOOD SHEATHING- 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.-58" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD ATI-HR WALL PER DETAIL 3/A2CONTINUOUSRIDGE VENT1A22A2CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT1NTSHIGH PROFILE COMP.SHINGLE OVER 12" C-DXPLYWOOD SHEATHING1x T&G PINE SOFFITGSM GUTTERS& DOWNSPOUTSLEAVE 12" GAP BETWEENUNDERSIDE OF PINE SOFFITAND TOPSIDE OFDECORATIVE BLOCK - STAPLERIGID WIRE BEHIND BLOCKING2x DECORATIVE BLOCKS2x STRUCTURAL BLOCK W/ (3)2" Ø HOLES DRILLED IN EACHBLOCK58" GYP. BOARD2-2x TOP PLATE12" GYPSUM BOARD2x STUDS @ 16" O.C.12" C-DX PLYWOOD SHEATHINGEXTERIOR FINISH PER SECTIONNOTES2x8 RAFTERS@ 24" O.C.TYPICAL EAVE2NOTE: VENT HOLESSHALL BE CONCEALEDBY DECORATIVE BLOCKSNTSSIMILARF L O O R P L A N N O T E SLIGHTING NOTES1. All lighting shall be high efficacy per Table 150.0-A (pin-basedCFL; pulse-start MH; HPS; hardwired high frequencygenerator & induction lamp; outdoor LED; inseparable SSL; orJA8-compliant luminaires) controlled by dimmers or vacancysensors, except in closets less than 70 sq. ft. and luminairesin hallway.2. In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms, atleast one luminaire must be controlled by a vacancy sensor.3. Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and pemanently mountedto a residential building or to other buildings on the same lotshall be high efficacy luminaires per Table 150.0-A (notincluding lighting around swimming pools/water features orother Article 680 locations) and controlled by a manual ONand OFF switch that permits the automatic actions of:- Photocell and either a motion sensor or an automatic timeswitch control; or- Astronomical Time Clock control.Controls that override to ON shall not be allowed unless theoverride shall automatically returns the automatic control to itsnormal operation within 6 hours. An energy managementcontrol system that provides the specified lighting controlfunctionality and complies with all the requirements applicableto the specified controls may be used to meet theserequirements.NOTE: ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL BE DOWNWARDDIRECTED & SHIELDEDMECHANICAL AND PLUMBING NOTES1. All exterior hose bibs shall have non-removable backflowprevention devices.2. All mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and similar penetrations ofthe floor or top-plates shall be caulked with a rated fire caulkwith an ASTM E136 rating.ELECTRICAL NOTES1.Provide separate circuit for:a) EV chargera) garage2. Provide GFCI protection on garage receptaclesELEC. VEHICLE CHARGINGOUTLET - 50 AMP CIRCUIT6 AWG COPPER WIRE ONLY,TYPICAL15-1.1EXTERIOR SURFACE WITH 34" DROP SIDING OVER 12"GYPSUM SHEATHING ON 2" x 4" WOOD STUDS AT 16"ON CENTER, INTERIOR SURFACE TREATMENT ASREQUIRED FOR 1-HOUR RATED EXTERIOR OR INTERIOR2" x4" WOOD STUD PARTITIONS. SIDING NAILED WITH7d GALVANIZED SMOOTH BOX NAILS. GYPSUMSHEATHING NAILED WITH 134" BY NO. 11 GAUGE BY716" HEAD GALVANIZED NAILS AT 8" ON CENTER.15. EXTERIORSURFACE1-HR FIRE RATED WALL ASSEMBLY3FROM 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE TABLE 721.1 (2)2″ × 4″ WOOD STUDS AT 16″ CENTERS WITH DOUBLETOP PLATES, SINGLE BOTTOM PLATE; INTERIOR SIDECOVERED WITH 5/8″ TYPE X GYPSUM WALLBOARD,APPLIED VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY AND FASTENEDWITH 6d COOLER OR WALLBOARD NAILS, SPACED 7″ ONCENTER WITH END JOINTS ON NAILING MEMBERS.STAGGER JOINTS EACH SIDE14. INTERIORSURFACE14-1.3CONSTRUCTIONASSEMBLYITEMGSM COPING 1. 2. 3. Ceiling joists to top plate 4. 5. 6. Collar tie to rafter 7. Per Table 2308.7.3.1 Each end, toenail End nail Face nail Each joist, toenail Face nail Face nail Face nail Toenail (c) End nail Toenail Blocking between rafters or truss not at the wall top plate, to rafter or truss Blocking between ceiling joists, rafters or trusses to top plate or other framing below Flat blocking to truss and web filler Ceiling joist not attached to parallel rafter, laps over partitions (no thrust) (See Section 2308.7.3.1, Table 2308.7.3.1) Ceiling joists attached to parallel rafter (heel joint) (Section 2308.7.3.1 and Table 2308.7.3.1) Rafter or roof truss to top plate (See section 2308.7.5 and Table 2308.7.5) 3-8d common (2 1 2” x 0.131”); or3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3-3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 16d common (3½” x 0.162”) @ 6” o.c. 3” x 0.131” nails @ 6” o.c. 3” x 14 gage staples @ 6” o.c. 2-16d common (3½” x 0.162”) 3-3” x 0.131” nails 3-3” 14 gage staples 2 - 8d common (2 1 2″ × 0.131″) 2 - 3″ × 0.131″ nails 2 - 3″ 14 gage staples 3 - 8d common (2 1 2″ × 0.131″); or3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3 - 3″ × 0.131″ nails; or 3 - 3″ 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown Roof rafters to ridge valley or hip rafters; or roof rafter to 2” ridge beam 8. 9. 10. 13. 14. Built-up header (2” to 2” header) 15. 16. 16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); 16d box (31 2” x 0.135”); Stud to top or bottom plate 16” o.c. face nail 12” o.c. face nail 12” o.c. face nail 16” o.c. face nail Toenail End nail 17. 19. 20. 21. Face nail Face nail Face nail Face nail Stud to Stud (not at braced wall panels) Stud to stud and abutting studs at intersecting wall corners (at braced wall panels)3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown Each side of end joint, face nail (min 24” lap splice length each side of end joint) Top plate to top plate, at end joints Bottom plate to joist, rim joist, band joist or blocking (not at braced wall panels) Bottom plate to joist, rim joist, band joist or blocking at braced wall panels Top plates, laps at corners and intersections 1” brace to each stud and plate 1” x 8” and wider sheathing to each bearing 1” x 6” sheathing to each bearing 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2” plank (plank & beam - floor & roof) 28. 29. Toenail 6” o.c., toenail Face nail Face nail Each bearing, face nail Each joist or rafter, face nail End nail Each end, toenail Joist to sill, top plate, or girder Rim joist, band joist, or blocking to top plate, sill or other framing below 1” x 6” subfloor or less to each joist 2” subfloor to joist or girder Built up girders and beams, 2” lumber layers 32” o.c. face nail at top and bottom staggered on opposite sides Ends and at each splice, face nail Ledger strip supporting joists or rafters Joist to band joist or rim joist 31. 1 ¾” 16 gage staple, 7 16” crown(subfloor and wall) 2 3 8 ” x 0.113” nail (roof) 1 ¾” 16 gage staple, 7 16” crown (roof) 32. 33. 19 32” – 3 4” 7 8” – 1 1 4” 8d common or deformed (21 2” x 0.131”) (roof) OR RSRS-01 (23 8” x 0.113")nail (roof) 6” 34. 35. 1 2” fiberboard sheathing 1 ½” galvanized roof nail (7 16” head diameter); or 1 1 4” 16 gage staple with 7 16” or 1” crown 41. ¼” 3 8” 36. 37. 38. ¾” and less 7 8”-1” 1 18”-1 ¼” 39. 40. ½” or less 5 8” For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. a. Nails spaced at 6 inches at intermediate supports where spans are 48” or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particleboard diaphragms and shear walls, refer to Section 2305. Nails for wall sheathing are permitted to be common, box or casing. b. Spacing shall be 6 inches on center on the edges and 12 inches on center at intermediate supports for nonstructural applications. Panel supports at 16 inches (20 inches if strength axis in the long direction of the panel, unless otherwise marked). c. Where a rafter is fastened to an adjacent parallel ceiling joist in accordance with this schedule and the ceiling joist is fastened to the top plate in accordance with this schedule, the number of toenails in the rafters shall be permitted to be reduced by one nail. d. RSRS-01 is a Roof Sheathing Rink Shank nail meeting the specifications in ASTM F1667. Each end, toenail 3-16d common (3 1 2” x 0.162”); or4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 3-10d common (3” x 0.148”); or 4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 2-16d common (3 1 2” x 0.162”); or3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3-3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown; or 3-10d common (3” x 0.148”); or 4-16d box (3 1 2” x 0.135”); or4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 3-10d common (3” x 0.148”); or 3-16d box (31 2” x 0.135”);or4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 24” o.c. face nail 16” o.c. face nail 10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 16d box (31 2” x 0.135”); 16” o.c. face nail 12” o.c. face nail 16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); 8-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or 12-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 12-3” x 0.131” nails; or 12-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 16” o.c. face nail16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or 12” o.c. face nail16d box (3” x 0.135”); or 3” x 0.131” nails; or 3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 2-16d common (3 1 2” x 0.162”); or 3-16d box (3” x 0.135”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 4-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown; or 2-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3-3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 2-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3-3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 18. 2-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or2-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 2-3” x 0.131” nails; or 2-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 2-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or2-10d box (3” x 0.128”) 3-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or3-10d box (3” x 0.128”) 3-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or floor 3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3-3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3” x 0.131” nails; or 3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 2-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or2-10d box (3” x 0.128”); 2-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”) 2-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”) And: 2-20d common (4” x 0.192”); or 3-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3-3” x 0.131” nails; or 3-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 3-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 3-16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or 4-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 4-3” x 0.131” nails; or 4-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown Bridging or blocking to joist, rafter or truss 2-8d common (21 2” x 0.131”); or2-10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 2-3” x 0.131” nails; or 2-3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 3 8 ”- 1 2” 6d common or deformed (2” x 0.113”) (subfloor and wall)12” d 4”8” 4”8” 3”6” 6”12” 2 3 8 ” x 0.113” nail (subfloor and wall)6”12” 8d common or deformed (21 2” x 0.131”) (roof) OR RSRS-01 (23 8” x 0.113")nail (roof) 6”8d common (2 1 2” x 0.113”); or 6d deformed (2” x 0.113”) (subfloor and wall) 12” d 6”12” 2 3 8” x 0.113" nail; or 2” 16 gage staple, 7 16” crown 4”8” 10d common (3” x 0.148”); or 8d deformed (2 1 2” x 0.131”)6”12” 3”6” 25 32” fiberboard sheathing 1 3 4” galvanized roof nail (7 16” diameter head); or 1 1 2” 16 gage staple with 7 16” or 1” crown 3”6” 8d common (2 1 2” x 0.131”); or 8d deformed (2 1 2” x 0.131”)6”12” 8d common (2 1 2” x 0.131”); or 6d deformed (2” x 0.113”)6”12” 10d common (3” x 0.148”); or 8d deformed (2 1 2” x 0.131”)6”12” 6” 12” 6”12” 6d corrosion-resistant siding (1 7 8” x 0.106”); or6d corrosion-resistant casing (2 ” x 0.099”) 8d corrosion-resistant siding (2 3 8” x 0.128”); or8d corrosion-resistant casing (2 1 2” x 0.113”) 6”12” 6”12” 4d casing (1 1 2” x 0.080”); or 4d finish (1 1 2 ” x 0.072”) 6d casing (2” x 0.099”); or 6d finish (Panel supports at 24 inches) 16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); 11.Continuous header to stud Toenail4-8d common (21 2” x 0.131); or4-10d box (3” x 0.128”) 12.Top plate to top plate 12” o.c. face nail 16” o.c. face nail16d common (31 2” x 0.162”); or 10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3” x 0.131” nails; or 3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown 20 common (4” x 0.192") 24” o.c. face nail at top and bottom staggered on opposite sides 10d box (3” x 0.128”); or 3” x 0.131” nails; or 3” 14 gage staples, 7 16” crown a Edges (Inches) Intermediate Supports (Inches) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · b b · · FOUNDATION PLAN ROOF FRAMING PLAN SEE TABLES BELOW FOR DIMENSIONS TIE SHEAR REINFORCEMENT T.O. CONC. SSWAB 1"Øx24" (SEE PLAN)3x SILL PLATE FOOTING EXTENSION SEE SHEAR REINFORCEMENT SEE 4- ADJACENT FRAMING BY OTHERS 4x SHAPED SHIM BLOCK (12" MAX. DEPTH AT TALL END) LTP4 SPACING 2 EA SIDE (4-TOTAL) SSW15x9 (15"x105 14") 14"Ø x 312" SDS SCREWS (6 TOTAL) 3 -4- AND This Page Intentionally Left Blank