Attachment 1 - 1990 Anne Bloomfield Surveycftnn£ !J3[oom{ie.£d ARCHITECTURAL /CU LTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address /<6 t))a,(V\ (.) f PARCEL MAP I NFORMATION 141 51 922·106 2229 WEBSTER STREE SAN FRANCISCO . CA 941 1 Parcel # :J"/0 -4/~o~/ Lot size: I t!J O fron t ft. x 170 ft. deep Lot shape: Recta n gle~ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Ot h er ____________________ __ Location: N s side of W St Ave /Other ------------------------------- distance to cross st: {..:;..-a ft. N / s_ E_ w_ f rom.__;_P..Lti_!;._ ______ _ at NE NW SE sw c orner of ---------------------- HI STORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP ~&J ,ff?;j~ &>r.7 -r;;;~.., f_. . ..,...,>/-< Old tract or s ubdivision name G /e ... {(,)g e-g ,./:.. Old Block # ;;t Old lot # I) ..J-;:;;t_ I FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwr itten in red ) Preliminary rating N t!J; ,<:'Estimated age _____ _ Style ______________________ # storiea__ Alterations __________________________________________________________________________ _ Other --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page __ EFFe ctive date. ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date ____ ;1891+ Blk Book 1908+ Survey 1941 Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract /block/lot Size Owner Name MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Ro ll/frame # -------National .Register listed date __________________ _ County Inventory 1979~----~----~~---------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ Recognition __ _ District Name. ______________________________ _ Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # ______ __ Butler/Junior League __________________________ __ Date ----- ATTACHMENT 1 lle addreaa !15 vJit'~/VI uf "UitLI81dD AJGOUJJCIUdftS cflnne ~ 10m{i£fd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH ,;ourcea __ MoB __ Bulletin __ CA&BN __ Call __ chron __ DPB ___ Bd..AB __ a __ .. __ PCA Other ARC HIT! JRAL HIST ORY 141 51 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET S AN FRANC I SCO. C A 941 1 5 Volu.e Date Page __ _ ·~ature of announcement: ---contract notice __ Notice of completion ---B' iaaued ---Photo ---Blev/sketch/rend'g __ Floor plan ___ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Real eat. ;opy exactly: ~ RUILDING PERMITS •ourcea Perait •e qiater, Pre ··-'-. Builder/Contractor Address requested . _ . _ . _ Application Date Number <~ 0 THER SOURCB (specify thoroughly) ;ANBOJIN MAPS Color: Vas . yel, pnk, or Architect/Engineer Location Nature of work UM/ Owner Builder/ Arsh 't/ •o. of " contr. & engin'r Location ~ 1llaUI... address address & address Patches No. of orange ~ ~ff"'···· .,.~ !I.D"-j:·' i~~.r:.l ~ ~!..~ ?..,. I .M ·.s<. 19d¢ ;. '/.,-:.._ . I~ h a l...., · · ~ 2. 1 0 -:z_. q..v-Jl!> ~ ,- !92$ ,., /1 A eJ<. 6 7 ~a,. -..... ·-----. /f0'-6 tO u-~ .£.2!!. /Initials Date Description of work ~ Bldg' a width/ depth/ Exterior height I Materials ala ate /Initials Date Date of Describe or sketch constr.J plan ~ /Tni • 4 al• n••-