Attachment 1 - 1990 Anne Bloomfield SurveyJ~ dlnne. !Bfoom{iLlJ ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (4 151 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 I I 5 I" File address. __ ~£?.~~~-J~\4~~~~----------~---- PARCEL MAP INFORMATI ON Parcel #.......,. 7 Lot size: ?a front ft. x ~;? ft . deep A(" Lot shape: Rect angleLl L___ Re ctangle I with sma ll r ear jog ___ Other ______________________ _ Location : N S / E W / side of "-.-./ St Ave /Other ---------------------------------- distance to cross st: /~ at NE __ NW SE SW co rner of ------------------------ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name~--------~------Old Block #----~--Old lot # ____________ __ FIELD SUR VEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) -Preliminary rating -f Estimated age. __ ~4~'~-Sty le. __ ....:.r.:......::.~.:......:..:.....:::....__.:._:_ __ _::_ _____ # s t ories..__' Alterations·------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUN TY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) 1 ~&6 EFFective date / 'iS7 ...;...... __ __.;::...........__ ' JIA USE COOt JJ BUill OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Name Date Page 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 MISCELLANEOUS wiD Til DO'TM 4CI£J jo u. ru I J A* Slf , I NO. flOOU Location of property, Old :tract/block/lot or National Register listed date~------------------ County Inventory 1979 ____________ ~------------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ Recognition __ District Name :....__ ____________________________ _ Previous Survey ~7(~------------------------- Ge.hh:::u:il • a.oe_ II _illustration n~oP ...I 3:u!J Jolt. .... ~,_,., ,; EVALUATION Date C:, /<f;J() c_.S: .. (), r) Alterations F Moved_ Raised Porch encl_ Addition Sidin&-- Windows_:-Condition_ Contributor "'Il ;::---;-:--~--District Non-contrib- Earliest known d -1 ~Resident __ : ./Yif~' :5 [ S~.fer Designer: a_ b_ d_ i 011111 110011 , AltJ ' 2. umin Lot Owner Size Name I I I I I 1 POC"4 E '" UN BSIIT t PHOTOS: Roll/frame # 0~/'~~ e ATTACHMENT 1 ... of Clllfomie-The~~ DE,AATMENT OF 'AfiiC.S AND AEa.EATION HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY IDENTIFICATION ~.No.-------------------- HABS_HAER_Loc __ SHL No ._NR Sta1"'---UTM: A c ____________ _ a D------------- 1. COmmonNMne=------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Historic "!_me:-------------------------------------------------------------- 3. en.t or nnt .:~dress: -..a3~;~o~:11Jou;o;unl.I·~~/':JYa.2 ______________________________________________ _ Qb o.m~---------------------4. ~~lnum~r: ________________________________________________________________ ___ Citv ______________ Zip ____ Owr.tltlip il: Public ____ Prmtt ----- & ~ntUM: ___________________________ ~.iMiu.: ________________________________ __ DESCRIPTION 7a. An:tUIIcNr'8l ftVte: > r . ·. -· . 7b. 8rieffy dwc::IIM the~ phtriclll•• .,.. of 1M U. ar ltrUCIIn n 1 lie _,lnlior •••tiwa fram iu original condition: ~ . .,...,. 4 t1a .Cin fwt) F~~ ~------ or~x . ~~------------ .~ Olte(s) of endOIId photogriPh(s) PllaLII88D .U.OIJifCIUtUri'S d/nn£ !F" om{ufd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH s ource a __ AU __ Bulletin __ CA&BN __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Bd_AB __ a __ .. __ PCA Other Volu.e Date Page __ _ ARCHITECTURAL HIS TORY 415) 922·1063 222~ JSTER STREET SAN FRAr.. .... ,SCO. CA 94115 ~ature of announcement : Contract notice Notice of completion BP issued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'g __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Reel eat. ':opy exactly: ------ ~ Builder/Contractor Architect/Engineer Location Nature of work £211 BUILDING PERMITS ourcea Pen.it !e qieter Pr••• Address requested ____ .. lea . -Application Date .. or . . . Nwnber Location . ............ OTRB~ SOURCB (apecify thoroughly) SANBORN MAPS Color : Vac . yel, pnk, or orange Patchea Vol/ dif . blu,gry Yea/ .!lUI. l!S!a bld Address reen .....!!.!.!... No 191/ :J't -/J.. 7 .3a a J -D -:i I q .,._ -o "' 1'\ B VI SA .-c,.. /CjtJ ~ I~ Vile. VM/ Owner Builder/ Arch't/ Jlo. of " contr . & engin'r .£26 lla.UL.. tddreu address & address Yo. of No. of Height bay 'Pc.Rc .. M•sc • storiel ....L1Ll window~ I ~ 2 ? " 3 /<11! r t<Ar Description /Initials Date of work .~itia Bldg's width/ depth/ height s Initiala Exterior Mate~:i,als date O.te Date of Describe or aketch constr . plan /Initials .Da ~--- c:llnru !Bloom{ufd UCHl'lBC~~qL~ SURVBY N'AMB RBSBARCH ARCH ITECTURAL HISTORY 14 I 5l 922-1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 I I 5 .. levant date•• conatr~ction. ___ • birth. ___ • aath. ___ • other. __________ _ I. DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Direetoriea, county Direc:toriea, Tel;ephone aooka, aoc:iety directories, etc.) N•-ll'"l•••i~iad ...... ,.,,.,. Year Book T l•t-{,.,. I<!ODV ent:ir. •••-1u •• •hDWft· u•• • for bnldf'•1'4l (Cj:Jtl ICGD .Jt{)h~n.M ""2:::7n s J..a. .f!e ("' u~ 5 -t:: I '1:;,7 $Jj) L;_ fN,_ ~... ~lro $ t: ¢ ttl) ,.. ... A Jal;.~~ .... ' 1-... rt "" ~ 'd ~ "' , /"k.d)A . [ ,.,~ ,"!)~C. v? <!> r" ) BIOGRAPHICAL SDJtCR, indexel It other alp~tioal lietiDCJ•. -• Mark •x• (infd .or 'I' (notbiacJ fCNDC!) et eac:h source you try. List fi.ndl.a4p below. Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) r.r . 7~~~Extended 1ndex to Bruntz San Jose Historical Nuseum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection 1681 (Survey box) B.io index of Nunr.oe Frazer, Photo collection (2 boxes) Other sources: Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): __ Indexes, California Historical 0uarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) __ State Library-S.F . Newspaper Index (") cards to big books) Death records by year Funeral records (index ___ Photo collection III. LIST ALL R!!P'ERBIIICES PROM ABOVE. P'ind them. Copy 9ood material" attach. Or copy below if only a few words. Or explain why not relevant (as, wron9 person). L:7 Continued on Reverse