Attachment 1 - HPC Enabling DocumentsRESOLUTION 2004 -109 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS TO AMEND THE TERMS OF OFFICE AND DUTIES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COIVITVIITTEE AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 1994-16 RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, that the Town Council hereby amend the terms of office and duties of the Historic Preservation Committee. The Committee shall be advisory to the Planning Commission and shall operate in the manner hereinafter prescribed. 1. Appointment and terms of office. The Historic Preservation Committee shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) public members and two (2) Planning Commissioners. The public members shall be appointed by the Town Council and the Planning Commission members shall be appointed by the Planning Commission Chair and affirmed by the Town Council. 'The Town Council and the Planning Commission chair shall appoint professional and lay members with demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. The Town Council and Planning Commission chair shall seek professional committee members from among the disciplines of ..architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archeology, or other historic preservation related disciplines such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography, or cultural anthropology to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Except as necessary to appoint qualified historic preservation professionals in the community, the Committee members should 'be residents of :the Town, and at least one member :should be a resident of a designated historic district. The terms of office of the three (3) public members of the Committee shall be four (4) years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. 2. Removal of Public members: absence of members. The removal of public members and the absence of members shall be governed in accordance with the rules established in the latest Town Council resolution concerning duties of members of Boards and Commissions of the Town of Los Gatos. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the Town Council, and shall be for the unexpired term of the office vacated. 3. Meetings; Quorums; officers. The Historic Preservation Committee shall hold regular meetings at least. once a month, and such other meetings as it deems necessary or expedient. Special meetings shall be held by the Committee to avoid any delay of an application being considered by the Planning Commission. A majority of the Historic Preservation Committee shall constitute a quorum ATTACHMENT 1 for the purpose of transacting the business of the Committee. The Committee shall elect a chair and vice-chair, both of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Committee.. Terms of office shall be for one year and shall begin on February 1 and continue through January 31 of the following year. 4. Powers and Duties. The duties of the Historic Preservation Committee shall be to report to, consult with,. and provide assistance to the Planning Commission as provided in Chapter 29, Article VIII, Division 3 of the Town Code. The Committee must report to the Planning Commission prior to anyCommission meeting scheduled to discuss an applicationfor a historic tructure which requires Planning Commission .approval, or a proposal to designate a landmark or a historic district. 5. Resolution .not to affect powers of Town Council or Planning Commission. Nothing in this resolution shall be construed as restricting or curtailing any of the powers of the Town Council or Planning Commission, or as a delegation to the Preservation Committee of any of the :authority or discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in such bodies. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution rescinds Resolution 1994-16. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 16t'' day of August, 2004; by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Sandy Decker, Diane McNutt, Joe Przynski, Mike Wasserman, Mayor Steve Glickman. NAYS.:. None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None n ~ 4~~SIGNED: ~^~ ~~~1 ~~----- MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF TiIE 'TOWN OF LOS ATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA