Attachment 1 - Letter of Justification don schallock
Architect AIA
Hi phone: 408.987.1508
10 February, 2021
Town of Los Gatos – Community Development
Civic Center
101 E. Main Street
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Attn: Sean Mullins – Asst. Planner/Project Coordinator
Re: 445 Los Gatos Blvd.: Application for Preliminary Planning and HPC Review
APN: 529-20-006
Justification for Project
This property is currently zoned R-1-8. Its status is “Legal, Non-Conforming Residential”. The existing
house is a modest, wood framed, one story, single family residence built in 1906. It is an example of
early “California Bungalow” with minimal ornamentation or obvious architectural merit. While It does not
seem to have Historical Significance, we recognize its contribution to the “Fabric” of the neighborhood
and Los Gatos community.
Our intention is to add a 1,992 sq.ft. one and two-story addition to the rear of the existing 853 sq.ft.
residence. A 770 sq.ft. detached garage would also be constructed in the back of the property. This
project would be designed to be compatible with the neighborhood and with the needs of a modern
family with children.
While it does not appear possible to avoid substantial replacement of the existing structural members
(see Building Inspection Report, and independent Architect’s Evaluation), it is our intention to preserve
the original architectural design by retaining the existing footprint and observable historical period
exterior elements. The existing residence will be moved forward onto a concrete foundation (The
original structure is set directly on the earth) at the 25’ Front Yard Setback line. Through careful
attention to the existing wall heights, roof slopes, door and window trims, wall and roof materials and
ornamentation, we feel the architectural appearance of the original house will be preserved. Through
careful massing and detailing, (See Preliminary Drawing A1: Massing Studies) our addition will
complement the spirit of the original residence. Furthermore, positioning the proposed addition behind
the original residence will reduce the visual impact of the newer construction while simultaneously
emphasizing the visual presentation of the original architecture to the street.
All proposed work will meet current FAR and Site Coverage requirements. Due to the “non-conforming”
frontage and site area, some consideration for reduction(s) in side-yard setbacks are requested. This
might be similar to the R-1D Zone standards.
Don Schallock
-Architect. AIA -
don schallock Architect AIA
Los Gatos, CA Telluride, CO. Old San Juan, PR ATTACHMENT 1
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