Attachment 5 - Project PlansGENERAL project NOTES/requirements SHEET INDEX - notes GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION: special notes VICINITY MAP PARCEL MAP jurisdiction approval stamp(s) Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21Project InfoA0.1 Britt • Rowe m.a.r.PROJECT CONSULTANTS Professional Stamp m.2/16/21 zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 950301.GOVERNING CODES: All work shall conform to the following codes and standards: A)2019 California Building Code (CBC) Title 24, Part 2 (Based on 2018 IBC) B)2019 California Residential Code (CRC) Title 24, Part 2.5 (Based on 2018 IRC) C)2019 California Electric Code (CEC) Title 24, Part 3 (Based on 2017 NEC) D)2019 California Mechanical Code (CMC) Title 24, Part 4 (Based on 2018 UMC) E)2019 California Plumbing Code (CPC) Title 24, Part 5 (Based on 2018 UPC) F)2019 California Energy Code Title 24, Part 6 G)2019 California Fire Code (CFC) Title 24, Part 9 (Based on 2018 IFC) H) 2019 CalGreen Building Code Title 24, Part 11 In addition to the codes referenced above, all work shall conform to all local ordinances and codes as applicable. Cross reference all code numbers and verify consistency as required. 2.All work done pursuant to these drawings and specifications shall comply with all ordinances and regulations which apply to the work and shall in any case conform to the latest edition(s) of the CRC/IRC/CBC/IBC (CA Residential Code/ International Residential Code & California Building Code/International Building Code) currently enforced and all city, county and/or state codes as applicable. 3.Britt Rowe shall not be held responsible for the design, coordination and/or implementation of any and all “Design-Build” work, including but not limited to the following: See the appropriate code references below for design and installation requirements. A)Electrical: Per CEC (California Electric Code) current edition. B)Mechanical: Per CMC (California Mechanical Code) current edition. C)Plumbing: Per CPC (California Plumbing Code) current edition. D)Fire Sprinklers: CFC (California Fire Code) Verify and address all additional local ordinances and codes which may apply to the specific “Design-Build” application as required. 4.Britt Rowe is not responsible for the design, coordination, or implementation of any work performed by consultants, including but not limited to, structural engineering, soil engineering, civil engineering, land surveying, electrical engineering, landscape architecture and/or Title 24 Energy compliance. 5.In addition to inspections required by CBC 110, the owner, contractor and/or structural engineer of record, acting as the owner’s agent, shall employ one or more special inspectors or jurisdiction approved Testing Agencies, who shall provide “Special Inspections” during the course of construction for the following types or work per CBC 1704, 1707 or 1708 including but not limited to: A)Concrete: Where the structural design exceeds a (F’c) of 2500 PSI B)On site structural welding, including welding of reinforcing steel. C)Drilled piers, caissons and structural masonry. D)Retrofit epoxy set hold downs and/or anchor bolts. Special inspector’s approvals/credentials shall be provided to the local jurisdiction upon request. 6.All general contractors and/or subcontractors shall be licensed with possession of the appropriate insurance policies ie: Workman’s Compensation, Liability, etc... and a valid business license within the jurisdiction of the subject property project site. 7.Britt Rowe is not responsible for the erection, fabrication and/or relative job safety. The general contractor and/or subcontractors shall comply with all required safety orders per CAL-OSHA requirements and regulations. 8.The general contractor and/or subcontractors are to verify ALL existing conditions and/or discrepancies before commencing with work in order to ensure conformance with the “Construction Documents”. ALL discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Britt Rowe and/or the Structural Engineer of Record prior to commencement of construction. All requests for “Change Orders” shall be submitted in writing to Britt Rowe for approval. 9.Regardless of dimensions shown, all new work shall align exactly with existing work with respect to floor elevations, column centerlines, wall faces, etc... (UNO) 10.Layout for new work is largely based upon relationships to existing conditions of the site and/or existing structures. Any questions regarding the intent related to the layout of the new work shall be brought to the attention of Britt Rowe, prior to the commencement of any work. The contractor shall immediately notify Britt Rowe of all discrepancies prior to the commencement of any work. 11.Preference shall be given to written/figured dimensions on the drawings over scaled measurements. The “Plans, Specifications and General Notes” are intended to agree and supplement one another. Anything indicated in one and not the other, shall be executed as if in all. In cases of direct conflict, the most restrictive shall govern. 12.All work shall be plumb, square and true and shall be of good “Workmanlike” quality as acceptable to the appropriate trade’s standard practices and those of the trade’s councils and/or organizations. 13.Any work and/or item not specifically called for in the drawings, but required for a complete and fully functioning installation consistent with the intent of the “Construction Documents” shall be supplied by the general contractor and/or subcontractors as required. 14.The intent of the “Construction Documents” is to include ALL labor, materials, equipment and transportation necessary for the complete and proper execution of the work. 15.The project “Specification Book” shall take precedence over noted specifications when applicable. 16.Civil, Soil and Structural Engineering specifications shall take precedence over any other specifications. 17.Britt Rowe retains all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. These documents may not be used in whole, or in part, without the expressed written consent from Britt Rowe. 18.The Owner/Developer/Client reserves the right to make alterations to the design during the course of construction. All changes shall be approved by the local building official and shall, in any case, comply with the current editions of the CRC, CBC, CMC, CPC, CFC, CEC and/or CES as required. 19.New Construction or remodeling is largely dependent upon existing site conditions and therefore a “Site Survey” is recommended and if provided, shall be generated by a licensed Land Surveyor or Registered Civil Engineer and shall contain the following information: Property corners, property lines, existing building(s), easements, topography lines, utilities and/or significant trees. If a Site Survey is NOT provided, Britt Rowe will not be held responsible for any and all discrepancies relating to the site and existing conditions. In any event, Britt Rowe shall not be responsible for work performed by others and provided for the purpose of completing the project. 20.all “deferred submittals” shall first be submitted to the registered design professional who shall review them and forward them to the building official with notation indicating the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall not be installed until the deferred submittal documents have been approved by the applicable building official. Owner:Andy and Hillari Zighelboim 334 los gatos blvd. los gatos, CA 95030 (415) 317-1819 Project Address:334 los gatos blvd. (main residence) los gatos, CA 95030 APN:532-35-024 Lot Size:10,375 sf (.23 acres) Lot Slope:flat Zoning:r-1D Tract: unknown Occupancy Group:R3 Type of Construction:V-B Floor Areas (e) Living Area main residence 2,099 sf allowable: 3,185 sf (0.307 far) (1) (e) garage (to be demolished)(420 SF): detached allowable: 881 sf (0.0850 far) (e) covered Porch 65 sf @ entry (Historical) (e) covered patio 229 sf @ rear yard (n) addition @ main residence 1,085 sf single story addition (n) Covered Porch 50 sf @ courtyard entrance (n) Total living Area 3,184 sf Setbacks @ adu Provided Required Front (e) 17’-5” @ porch 15’-0” Rear (e) 24’-11” @ house 10’-0” Left Side (n) 6’-0”5’-0” Right Side (street)(e) 10’-0” @ house 10’-0” lot Coverages Proposed main residence @ grade 3,528 sf residence/patios/porches total lot coverage 3,528 sf (34%) Building Height (adu)Proposed Allowed max. ridge (e) 12’-10”30’-0” (main residence) SCOPE OF WORK: new single story addition (family room, guest bedroom, guest bath, utility) to an existing single family residence. see plans 8/12/15, 3:57 PM334 Los Gatos Blvd - Google Maps Page 1 of 1https://www.google.com/maps/place/334+Los+Gatos+Blvd,+Los+Gat…ata=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x808e35ddbd529235:0xcf2f77c950152a52 Map data ©2015 Google 200 ft Explore this area Search nearby Street View 334 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA 95032 334 Los Gatos Blvd Sht. ID Drawing Title A0.1 Title Sheet and General Project Info A1.1 Site Plan - notes A2.1 existing floor plan - demolition a2.2 existing exterior elevations “colorized” a2.3 existing exterior elevations “colorized” a2.4 existing home photos A3.1 Proposed new Floor Plan A4.1 Roof Plan A5.1 proposed Exterior Elevations A5.2 proposed Exterior Elevations 1 ATTACHMENT 5 Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21Site PlanA1.1 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 0 4'8'16'(e) 10'-0" (e) 24'-11" (e) 17'-5" @ porch(e) 10'-0"ssb(e) 38'-3"6'-8"15'-0" fs b@ court y a r d w a l l 15'-9" @ pool 16'-4"@ addit i o n (e) 12'-0" apron 6'-0"h x 6"w plaster property landscape wall (e) 9'-10" apron 30'-0" SIGHT TRIANGLE 30'-0"SIGHT TRIANGLE0° 315°nw site PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" address: 334 los gatos blvd. apn: 532-35-024 lot area: 10,375 sf (.23 acres) zoning: r1-D (e) main Residence GasElec (e) Covered Patio (e) Pool 125.00' 125.00'82.50'82.50'334 Los Gatos Blvd.Harding Avenue (e) OH E l e c . G W WM SS 20'-0" RSB Line10'-0" SSB (Street Side)15'-0" FSB Line5'-0" SSB Line 60"W P.S.W.34"W P.p.W.(n) addition (e) fence (e) walkway 1,124 sf (e) driveway apron and wood gate (e) porch (e) fence (n) fence courtyardcov. porchoutline of (e) garage to be demolished (e) 19'-0"w street apron toremain(2) off-street pARKING SPACES ACCESSED FROM HARDING AVENUE 48"w p.s.w. 26"w p.p.w.(4) trunk (38")oakpp 36" DATE PALM 36" DATE PALM 36" DATEPALM3" OLIVE(E) WOOD FENCE (E) WOOD FENCE 30"H PLASTER WALL stop sign pp new low garden wall (< 36") @ addition side of property to match opposite side SITE PLAN NOTES: 1.See Civil Engineer’s “Grading and Drainage Plan(s)” as applicable and/or required for topography, site work and underground construction (typ.) All grading shall be performed in accordance with all local codes and requirements. Civil Engineer’s plans shall take precedence over any architectural site plan(s) and/or landscape plan(s). 2.When required and as applicable, a licensed Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall provide written certification of setback compliance from property lines and all relative pad elevations for all new construction on the site. 3.Unless noted otherwise on Civil Engineering Plans (Grading and Drainage), the ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope of 5% for a minimum distance of 10’-0” measured perpendicular to the face of the wall. If physical obstructions or lot lines prohibit 10’-0” of horizontal distance, a 5% slope shall be provided to an approved alternative method of diverting water away from the foundation. Drainage swale used for this purpose shall be sloped 2% where located within 10’-0” of the building foundation. Impervious surfaces within 10’-0” of the building foundation shall be sloped a minimum of 2% away from the building. CBC1804.4. See exception for allowable finish grade slope reduction to 2% away from structure. 4.When existing sewer laterals are approved for reuse, existing lines shall be televised and approved by the local sanitation district prior to final inspection. Provide a new clean out located @ the property line with an approved back flow prevention device approved by the sanitation department (as applicable). 5.in new construction, all utilities shall be installed underground (uno). See the utility provider’s plans and specifications for layout, details and service(s) to be provided. verify w/jurisdiction for special municipal requirements. 6.All trees marked on the “Site Plan” not scheduled for removal shall be protected by the appropriate tree protection measures identified by the consulting Arborist of record or local planning jurisdiction as applicable and required as a condition of approval. No equipment, materials or work shall commence until all tree protection fencing is installed. Tree protection fencing shall remain in place until the project is ready for final inspection. Any work required within the fenced protected area shall be performed with hand tools. 7.As applicable, see consulting Landscape Architect’s drawings for flatwork, paving, recreational fixtures, proposed planting and irrigation installations. 8.R319.1 Address identification. Buildings shall he provided with approved address identification. The address identification shall he legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property. Address identification characters shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not he spelled out. Each character shall be not less than 4 inches (102 mm) in height with a stroke width of not less than 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where required by the fire code official, address identification shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Where access is by means of a private road and the building address cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address identification shall be maintained. Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(e) Floor PlanA2.1 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 0 2'4'8' 4'-5"13'-0"9'-0"5'-0"6"Left NE Rear SE Front NW Right SW 0° 315°nw (e) FLOOR PLAN: demolition 1/4" = 1'-0" (e) LIVING AREA: 2099.00 SF (e) COVERED PORCH (ENTRY): 65.00 SF (e) COVERED PATIO (rear): 229.00 SF (148.00 SF Net Increase) Master Bedroom M. Bath Bedroom: 2 Bedroom: 3 Living Room Family Room Dining RoomKitchen Bath: 2 Nook Entry Porch GasElec (e) 3068(e) 2868 (e) Garage (Detached) (e) 2026 (e) 2026(e) 2646 (e) 1646(e) 1646(e) 2026 (e) 2646 (e) 1646(e) 1646 (e) 2046 (e) 2046(e) 2046 (e) 2646(e) 2646(e) 1446 r/r (e) 1446(e) 2646 r/r (e) 2640 (e) 2040(e) 2040(e) 4040 (e) 3626 remove/infill (e) 1446(e) 1446(e) 4446(e) 1446(e) 1446(e) 4446Covered Patio (e) 2x Stud Wall to Remain (e) 2x Stud Wall to Remove (e) 60 plaster walldn… remove all kitchen cabinetry countertops, aPPLIAnces, plumbing fixtures, etc… remove door remove infill removeremovedoorsee wall demolition table DEMOLITION NOTES: (As applicable) 1.Scope of work to be removed and/or demolished shall be indicated on the drawings and shall include the demolition, removal and/or relocation of existing materials and/or assemblies necessary to install and/or construct the project as indicated on the proposed floor plans, elevations and other plans contained within the construction document set. All demolition shall coordinate with the extent of the proposed construction indicated on the approved plans and shall, in any case, conform to all local and state building codes. 2.The general contractor shall obtain an approved “j-number” from the bay area air quality management district (baaqmd) as applicable prior to any demolition. 3.The general contractor and/or subcontractors shall be provided the opportunity to visit the project site to become familiar with the scope of demolition required. 4.The general contractor shall be responsible for all demolition performed and shall design, construct and provide proper shoring and structural support/bracing as required throughout the demolition process and project construction as required per CAL OSHA requirements. 5.The general Contractor shall provide protective, construction fencing around the project site and will work within the confines of the site fencing whenever possible. However, depending upon site and structure conditions, alternative methods of demolition and alternative types of equipment may be used to ensure the safest and most efficient means of operation. This may involve modification of the site fencing from time to time in order to complete the demolition activities. coordination with the Property owner shall be required in advance. 6.All existing portions of the project that are designated to remain shall be protected from damage. Any question as to what shall remain shall be brought to the attention of the architect/designer and/or property owner prior to commencement of the work. 7.In accordance with the “construction Waste Management Plan”, all demolition debris that will not be recycled and/or salvaged for reuse by the property owner and/or general Contractor will be loaded into semi-end dumps and hauled to a disposal facility for further recycling or landfill. The “construction Waste Management Plan” provides detailed information on percentages of material to be recycled or disposed and the designated recycling and/or disposal facilities to be used. 8.Disconnect all electrical prior to any demolition by other trades. Disconnect, cap and clearly identify gas lines as required prior to any demolition by other trades. 9.During the course of demolition, it shall be the responsibility of the general contractor to use whatever methods required to limit the amount of airborne dust and dirt. Follow all “Bay Area Air Quality Management District” recommendations and requirements (as applicable) for all aspects of the demolition, including, as applicable, the removal of asbestos and/or any other hazardous materials located at the project site. 10.the general Contractor shall coordinate with the property owner or their authorized representative, to determine all existing equipment and devices to be retained by the owner. the general Contractor shall carefully remove all equipment and devices to be retained, preserve and store the equipment in a location designated by the owner. the general Contractor shall be responsible for removal, preservation, storage, and protection of all equipment and devices designated to be removed and re-installed. 11.Remove and replace all dry-rotted/termite damaged framing members as required and permitted. Remove (e) walls, windows and doors as indicated on the Demolition Plan. Reconstruct, relocate and/or replace per new floor plan. Remove (e) baseboards, crown and casing where walls, windows and doors are to be removed and replace per new finish plan/schedule as applicable. 12.Remove/relocate (e) electrical fixtures, switches and outlets as required. Upgrade main panel as required to service new electrical loads. Remove (e) circuits to sub-panel or main panel or to nearest active switch or junction box. Safely tie and cap all terminations as required. 13.Remove (e) floor covering in all areas of demolition and replace per finish schedule or plan. Remove all cabinetry as indicated on plans as applicable to the new layout. 9.Remove all rough plumbing, fixtures and hardware as indicated on plans as applicable. Cap terminations as required. 10.If utility service is to be interrupted, verify and confirm w/owner regarding timing to limit inconvenience. Provide temporary service as required and permitted by local jurisdiction. 11.Provide dumpster and haul away debris as required to maintain a clean job site. All construction interference with public streets, curbs, gutters and walkways shall be approved by the local jurisdiction and shall in any case kept cleaned and free of any debris that may interfere with their normal function. TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEMOLITION CALCULATIONS Existing exterior Wall length: 226’-0” lf Total (e) ext. Wall (lf)(e) ext. wall (removed)(e) ext. wall (remain)Notes Front 39’-6” lf 5’-0” (14%)34’-6” (86%)(1) Right Side 73’-6” lf 0 LF (0%)73’-6” (100%) Left Side 73’-6” lf 26’-5” (36%)47’-1” lf (64%)(1) Rear 39’-6” lf 5’-6” lf (14%)34’-0” (86%) Total 226’-0” lf 36’-5” lf (16%)189’-7” lf (84%)Regular demo 50% = 113’-0” lf (1)Total Exterior Wall demolition facing public streets for historical demolition calculations: = 113’-0” lf. Total proposed LF of exterior wall to be demolished = 5’-0” (4%) Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(e) elev.A2.2 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 0 2'4'8' 41 sq ft 11'-11"@ detached garage8'-0"(e) wall plate(e) 12'-10"@ flat roof parapet wall(e) detached garage to be demolished dillapidated structure 5'-0" demolish 34'-6" to remain (e) front elevation (NW)1/4" = 1'-0" (e) plaster siding to remain (e) spanish roof tiles to remain (e) wood windows to remain porch columns and detailing to remain (e) plaster siding @ all parapet walls (e) dental molding @ eave to remain facing los gatos blvd. 81 sq ft 48 sq ft 131 sq ft 0 2'4'8' 13'-9" to remain 16'-4" to remain 6'-9" to remain 4'-5" demolish 13'-0" demolish 9'-0" demolish 10'-3" to remain (e) porch to remain (e) left side elevation (ne)1/4" = 1'-0" TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEMOLITION CALCULATIONS Existing exterior Wall length: 226’-0” lf Total (e) ext. Wall (lf)(e) ext. wall (removed)(e) ext. wall (remain)Notes Front 39’-6” lf 5’-0” (14%)34’-6” (86%)(1) Right Side 73’-6” lf 0 LF (0%)73’-6” (100%) Left Side 73’-6” lf 26’-5” (36%)47’-1” lf (64%)(1) Rear 39’-6” lf 5’-6” lf (14%)34’-0” (86%) Total 226’-0” lf 36’-5” lf (16%)189’-7” lf (84%)Regular demo 50% = 113’-0” lf (1)Total Exterior Wall demolition facing public streets for historical demolition calculations: = 113’-0” lf. Total proposed LF of exterior wall to be demolished = 5’-0” (4%) Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(e) elev.A2.3 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 6 sq ft 41 sq ft 0 2'4'8' 34'-6" to remain 5'-0" demolish (e) detached garage to be demolished dillapidated structure6" (e) rear elevation (se)1/4" = 1'-0" 0 2'4'8'(e) 8'-0"wall plate(e) 12'-10"@ flat roof parapet wall(e) porch to remain 73'-6" to remain no changes (e) right side elevation (sw)1/4" = 1'-0" facing harding avenue (no changes) no demolition on this side TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEMOLITION CALCULATIONS Existing exterior Wall length: 226’-0” lf Total (e) ext. Wall (lf)(e) ext. wall (removed)(e) ext. wall (remain)Notes Front 39’-6” lf 5’-0” (14%)34’-6” (86%)(1) Right Side 73’-6” lf 0 LF (0%)73’-6” (100%) Left Side 73’-6” lf 26’-5” (36%)47’-1” lf (64%)(1) Rear 39’-6” lf 5’-6” lf (14%)34’-0” (86%) Total 226’-0” lf 36’-5” lf (16%)189’-7” lf (84%)Regular demo 50% = 113’-0” lf (1)Total Exterior Wall demolition facing public streets for historical demolition calculations: = 113’-0” lf. Total proposed LF of exterior wall to be demolished = 5’-0” (4%) Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(e) Home PhotosA2.4 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 Front Entry Porch Right Side @ Harding Ave. Front of Acc. Garage to be Demolished Left Side Left Side Rear of Acc. Garage to be Demolished Rear Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(n) Floor PlanA3.1 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 W08 D01 D02 W01 W02 W03 W06 W04W05W07 D03 D04 D13 D12 D11 D09 D10 D06 D07 D08 D14 D15 D05 0 2'4'8'14'-10"6'-6"10'-0"31'-4"addition12" 12" 3'-0"41'-0" addition11'-4"20'-6"4'-0"9'-3"4'-2"8'-11" 16'-0"3'-4"7'-0"14'-8" 7'-10"5'-4"1'-6"3'-8" 6'-6"3'-8"4'-4"6'-0"4'-0"6'-0"5'-4"5'-8"2'-9"2'-4" 5'-10"5'-8"14'-10"5'-6"8'-2"3'-9"7'-4"3'-9"3'-3"3'-3"4'-2"1'-10"4'-0"1'-10"5'-2"5'-1"6'-6"3'-0"8'-2"7'-10" 36" 30" min. 36" 30" min.4'-0"20"4"4'-0"4'-0"9'-6" 36" min. Left NE Rear SE Front NW Right SW 0° 315°nw (n) FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" (e) LIVING AREA: 2099 SF (e) COVERED PORCH (ENTRY): 65 SF (e) COVERED PATIO (rear): 229 SF (n) covered porch (courtyard): 50 sf (n) addition @ main residence: 1,085 sf Master Bedroom M. Bath Bedroom: 2 Living Room office Dining Room Kitchen Bath: 2 main Entry Porch GasElec (e) 3068(e) 2026 (e) 2026(e) 2646 (e) 1646(e) 1646(e) 2026 (e) 2646 (e) 1646(e) 1646 (e) 2046 (e) 2046(e) 2046 (e) 2646(e) 2646(e) 1446(e) 1446(e) 4446(e) 1446(e) 1446(e) 4446Covered Patio (e) 2x Stud Wall to Remain (n) 2x Stud Wall to construct use 2x4 df#2 studs @ 16"oc typ. (e) Wall Opening to be Infilled 2% dn… breakfast family room utility entry: 2 cov. porch bedroom: 3cl. bath: 3 guest bedroom g. bath range ref. w d dw seat seat eg t. t. t. t. t. t. t.(e) residence3R 1% 2r island 42" gas fp 3R 2%(e) residencenot in scope of work (except interior walls)not in scope of work14'-0" x 14'-2" 15'-8" x 10'-8" 22'-0" x 14'-6" 7070 807030703070 30703040 6'-0"H cmu landscape wallbuilt-in 8'-0" clg. line of (e) residence (exterior wall)cab/counter Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21Roof PlanA4.1 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 0 2'4'8'new roofing to constructmatch (e) materials and drainage type(e) roofing to remain0° 315°nw (n) roof PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" main roof slope: flat (2%) min. shed roof slope: 4/12 (verify and match) porch roof slope: 4/12 (existing to remain) roofing material @ flat roof: pvc or equal roofing material @ sloping roofs: spanish "s" tiles typ. overhang: 0" typ. uno (porch oh = 12") (e) spanish tiles (e) spanish tiles (e) spanish tiles (e) spanish tiles (e) spanish tiles (e) spanish tiles (e) spanish tiles (n) spanish tiles (n) spanish tiles (n) spanish tiles (e) chimney capped capped capped capped(e) parapet wall @ roof(e) drainage ridge(e) drainage ridge(e) drainage valley(n) drainage ridge(n) drainage valley(e) parapet wall @ roof 2% min. to drains 2% min. to drains 2% min. to drains (e) solar panels (e) solar panels Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(n) Ext. ElevationsA5.1 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 0 2'4'8' area of addition see new floor plan (e) residence to remain 8'-0"wall plate6'-0"@ courtyard wall(e) 12'-10"@ top of parapetfront elevation (nw)1/4" = 1'-0" facing los gatos blvd. new plaster courtyard wall w/wood gate (e) porch columns and details to remain new spanish roofing tiles to match existing new plaster exterior siding to match (e) residence new windows and doors to match (e) residence new gutters and dental molding to match (e) residence 0 2'4'8' Area of (e) residence see new floor plan area of addition see new floor plan (e) porch to remain left side elevation (ne)1/4" = 1'-0" new spanish roofing tiles to match existing new plaster exterior siding to match (e) residence new windows to match existing style and color Britt Rowe shall retain all rights and ownership to all drawings and specifications. The contents of the drawings may not be used in whole, or in part, without expressed written consent given by Britt Rowe. All construction shall comply with all local & national building codes. All contractors shall verify all conditions to assure conformance to these codes. REVISIONS:# 408.354.6224 (office) 408.354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 BR SCALE:DRAWING:DRAWN BY:printed:Noted2/16/21(n) Ext. ElevationsA5.2 Britt • Rowe zighelboimRESIDENCE334 los gatos blvd.los gatos, ca 95030m.a.r.Professional Stamp Jurisdiction Stamps and/or Red Line Notes m.2/16/21 0 2'4'8'8'-0"wall plate(e) 12'-10"verify and match(e) residence to remain Area of Addition see new floor plan rear elevation (se)1/4" = 1'-0" new plaster exterior siding to match (e) residence new conc./tile steps/landing to match (e) residence 0 2'4'8'8'-0"(e) wall plateright side elevation (sw)1/4" = 1'-0" facing harding avenue (no changes) no construction along this side of the (e) residence