Item 1 - Addendum with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 4/15/2021 ITEM: 1 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: April 14, 2021 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Land Use Element and the Revised Initial Draft of the Community Design Element. REMARKS: Attachment 6 contains comments from Committee Members. Attachment 7 contains public comment received after the completion of the Staff Report. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with the April 15, 2021 Staff Report: 1. Revised Initial Draft of Land Use Element 2. Comment Response Summary Table – Land Use 3. Revised Initial Draft of Community Design Element 4. Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design 5. Committee Member Comments Attachments received with this Addendum Report: 6. Committee Member Comments 7. Public Comment This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 6 Janoff Comments-Land Use Questions: Could staff comment on the safety of mid-block crossings? Did we agree to incorporate bird-safe glazing? I didn’t see that in my read-through here or in the CD element. Did we agree to change Central Business District to Historic Downtown District? Global search and replace: Replace: Abut, abuts, or abutting with border, borders, or bordering Replace: Auto-oriented with automobile-oriented Throughout: Center figure titles (or use a black col or font) to more clearly distinguish them from Policies Edits on Land Use Pg 3-6 Last sentence: replace “can be” with “are expected to be” Pg. 3-8, first sentence (and generally throughout) replace the phrase constructions “verb+of” with an active verb. In this sentence, replace “creation of” with “creating” 3.3, second paragraph: replace the comma with a semi-colon “city,” with “city;” and delete the word “although” Page 3-9 Section 3.4, first sentence: End sentence after Town. Begin next sentence with “Corresponding . . . [and insert] are also defined.” At the end of the sentence. Page 3-17 Section 3.5, last sentence: consider deleting the word “additional” Goal LU-3: replace “through the incorporation of” with “by incorporating” LU-3.5: Shift in Housing [insert] Types Consider adding “Types” to the title and adding to end of this policy “in favor of higher density housing types.” LU-4.1: insert comma after the e.g. Page 3-18 LU-5.4 add “ . . . impacts, while ensuring that the . . .” LU-8.2, hyphenate “locally-owed” LU-8.7 awkward phrasing “the shifting in Consider: a shift in, or the shifting of, or on-going shifts in Pg. 3-23 LU-11.2 Change “Protect” to Prohibit or Prevent 11-3, Delete “The Town shall and begin sentence with “support” Pg 3-24 LU-12.2: same question as before: compatible with Civic Center purpose or architecture? Or both? Section 3.6 intro: for clarity, reorder the last sentence to match the order of the subsequent sub-sections: Specific Plans, Overlay Zones, Historic Districts. Goal LU-13: insert “of” between use and specific Overlay Zones section: do we need a map here, since there is one for the sub -sections? Pg. 3-37 AHOZ Bullet: Before last sentence, begs the question of what this property is. Can you insert a what or where? LHP Bullet: Mid-paragraph: strictly restricted. Can you just say restricted or use “heavily restricted”? And, move last sentence to follow first sentence. Delete second to last sentence (it’s a repeat). Almond Grove District, remove last semi-colon (before “are a few”) Pg. 3-31 Downtown District, spell out CBD Harwood, replace abuts with borders and add commas: “. . . San Jose and, beyond the commercial center, it primarily . . .” LGB District: it’s Louise Van Meter North Santa Crux, last sentence, insert comma after North Santa Cruz Avenue and remove comma after retail chains Pollard Road district: replace abutting to bordering Union Ave: replace abuts with borders Winchester: replace abutting with bordering Pg 3-35 LU-19.1, insert after General Plan: “every 5 years or” to convey there is a hard look periodically Yellow box at bottom of page: Should Chapter 2 be Element 2? Pg. 3-36 LU-20.4: do we want to keep “and in languages” given the language in LU-20.5 Janoff Comments Final Edits Community Design Global search and replace: Replace: Abut, abuts, or abutting with border, borders, or bordering Replace: Auto-oriented with automobile-oriented Throughout: Center figure titles (or use a black color font) to more clearly distinguish them from Policies Figure 4-18, Question for staff: At corner of Knowles and Capri, area is designated as public. But currently there is housing and a vacant lot. Might be an area to rezone and had MD or HD housing on vacant corner. General Edits Community Design Pg 4-4 First paragraph, last sentence, change to read: “The Community Design Element will focus on the categories shown in Figure 4-1, which will ultimately . . .” Last paragraph: second sentence, replace semi-colon with comma Pg 4-5 Second paragraph: insert “to relate to traditional styles” Fourth paragraph, Second sentence, after “equally” remove the word “as” Second to last sentence, reword sentence: “Creating lively furnishings, such as incorporating upgraded landscaped areas and cohesive street furniture/furnishings, will enhance the pedestrian environment.” Pg 4-6 Section 4.1, last sentence, remove comma after development Pg. 4-7 CD-2: Suggest revision to simplify: Encourage all development in Town to be designed holistically and sustainably to create or evolve welcoming and human-scaled neighborhood communities. Not sure I love the word evolve. Do we use this anywhere else? Pg. 4-9 CD-2.11, delete duplicate “that” (first line) and delete “which are” Pg. 4-12 CD-2.25: Should this be “Require” since we have a code recommendation of 40sq ft? CD-2.27: is this meant to be in the Hillsides? If not, does this conflict with 2.17 and 2.21? Pg. 4-17 First paragraph, last sentence, remove comma after Ordinance and replace semi -colons with commas: “ . . . Historic Preservation Ordinance are Downtown Commercial, Almond Grove, Broadway, Fairview Plaza and University-Edelen. . .” CD-3.1: replace “ensure the preservation of” with “preserve” CD-3.2: second sentence is similar in intent with CD-3.5. Suggest deleting from 3.2 and rewording 3.5 if needed. CD-3.3: insert “while” before the word “recognizing” Pg. 4-20 CD-5.4: replace “adequate” (which sounds like “just enough”) with “thorough” CD-5.5: consider deleting “significantly” as that is subjective. CD-6.1: rephrase mid-sentence to: “ensure minimal disturbance of the natural environment and to avoid hazards. Pg. 4-21 CD-6.5: revise to remove second “shall be” “Outdoor lighting shall be limited and shielded so as not . . .” Pg. 4-23 CD-7.1: incorporate parenthetical list into paragraph without parentheses. “ . . . environment, such as by siting . . .” Throughout the district sections, make the district header Bold, black and non-italics (as you have with North Los Gatos Districts and Neighborhood Districts Pg. 4-26 Vision statement, second paragraph: insert “this” after the word through, and delete above first floor retail/restaurants: “It is through this mixed-use development above first floor retail/restaurants that residential growth is accommodated.” Pg. 4-29 LGB Vision, second paragraph: revise to read ”The numerous shopping centers border the street with human-scale enhancements.” Remove parking phrase as it’s covered a few sentences later. hospitality? Did we decide to keep or remove? Second to last sentence, “a place that where . . .” and remove the word “but” CD-9.2: Use Los Gatos Boulevard (two places) instead of just Boulevard. Suggested Revision: “Support Los Gatos Boulevard as a complete street between Lark Avenue and Blossom Hill Road by eliminating travel lanes in each direction, reducing the speed limit, increasing sidewalk widths and adding bike lanes.” Pg. 4-30 CD-9.9: change “ . . . hardscape, encourage the incorporating of incorporate . . . CD-9.10: change to “automobile-centric” From: Lee Quintana Comments for the April 15, 2021 GPAC Meeting COMMENTS AND EDITS ON REVISED April 2021 GPAC DRAFT : ●Land Use Element and April, 2021 Draft ●Community Design Element and April 2021 Draft COMMENTS - LAND USE ELEMENT: Key Terms: Density. Either delete the second paragraph or provide the standard for population density. Mixed Use Development. Modify the last sentence:A minimum of 16 and a maximum of up to 32 residential units would be allowed within 87,120 square feet. Multi-Family Residential. Clarify:ADU’s do not count towards density. But given there will be since more than one unit on a parcel why is the parcel considered to be multi-family? Missing Middle Housing. Modify for greater clarity:Missing Middle housing (or Middle Housing) is a term used to describe a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units on a single parcel (whether attached or detached)that are compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes (Figure 3-3). Single Family Residential. Clarify:This definition does not seem to make sense.First, aren’t townhouses by definition attached? Second, given the definition of Multi-family Residential wouldn’t single family residential refer to a parcel with only one dwelling unit. 3.1 General Plan Buildout Table 3-1 Clarify: How does this table account for the potential for additional residential units under MU, NC, CC, CBD OP, and SC? What does MHP stand for? 3.2 Implementing Missing Middle Housing Next to last sentence suggest the following modification: 1 1This housing, which lies between single family homes and multi-family apartments the low end of Low Density Residential (LDR - 1-12 units/acre)and the high end of Medium Density Residential (MDR- 14-24 units/acre)is often referred to as “ Missing Middle” housing….. Figure 3-5 Commnet:This figure does not support discouraging the demolition of existing homes (sustainability). It also lacks an example of converting detached a single family that has been converted divided into two (smaller) units. 3.3 (last sentence), LU2.1, LU5.6, LU7.1 (and potentially other policies through out the GP). does not use consistent terminology. Second bullet at the top of page 3-10, second to last sentence Delete:For non-residential designations a maximum FAR is provided for the non-residential components. Modify to be consistent with FAR as defined in Key Terms, which applies to both residential and non-residential components of mixed use developments. Land Use Designations and Standards Suggested modification for clarity: Table 3-2 divides the land use designations identified on the Land Use Diagram (Fig 3-6) into six designation groups and provides guidance on types of uses appropriate for each land use designation, as well general plan standards applicable to each land use designation.All standards listed in Table 3-2 must be applied to all projects.A project must comply with all standards applicable to its General Plan Designation. Delete the last paragraph on page 3-10: For non-residential land uses, the specific uses mentioned are illustrative, and other compatible uses, including those authorized in any other zoning district within the Town, may be permitted where authorized by ba Conditional Use Permit or Planned Development Overlay zone. Comment:It is my understanding that this statement is not consistent with the amended PD ordinance. Table 3-2 Land Use Designations Add:Include all the HR and R-1 zones in the Compatible Zoning Column Move the statements for ADU’s to the end of the descriptions for HR, LDR and MDR and clarify they are not counted towards density. Delete:Duplicate use of lodging under the MU designation Suggest:Delete reference to vertical or horizontal mixed use. Leave that determination to the zoning code. HR Hillside Residential Delete:Maximum height: 30 feet to 1 Page 2 Comments on April GPAC Draft on Land Use and Community Design - Lee Quintana 2 2Replace with:Maximum height 25 feet, which is consistent with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G).This change was made in a previous draft but was not carried forward to the April Draft. Why? Residential uses are allowed in the NC, CC, CBD, OP,SC, NF-SP and MU land use designations. Please clarify:It is not clear whether new development with a Mixed Use Designation is allowed to include residential or it is required to include residential. Neighborhood Commercial and Community Commercial Clarify:How can the same zoning district apply to both? Comment:There is not a strong distinction between the CC and the CBD CBD Central Business District Clarify:Does “Downtown” as used here mean the Downtown Area as shown on Figure 3-7? Delete “archeological”and replace it with architectural. Replace “the District”with the CBD to help distinguish “the CBD” from the ” Downtown Area” or the “Downtown Community Place District.” LU-9.1 Add to the 2nd bullet:between Andrews :::Stree and Blossom Hill Road Delete from the 4th bullet:between Andrews Street and Blossom Hill Road. Figure 3-6: Land Use Diagram: Suggest:Group the land use designations in the legend in the same order as in Table 3.2. Add the abbreviations used in Table 3-2 to the Land Use Diagram. LU17.2 Clarify:What does “all applicable criteria” mean? Modify:Delete will,and add shall COMMENTS - COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT 4.4 Hillside Development Add:Refer to the HDS&G for specific standards and guidelines applicable to hillside areas. Comment:Consider adding a map of the area covered by the HDS&G. CD-5.6 Delete or rephrase:I believe this refers to a policy from the Hillside Specific Plan - When was the last time there was the Town and the County coordinated on Hillside issues? 2 Page 3 Comments on April Draft Land Use and Community Design Elements - Lee Quintana 3 34.5 Community Place Districts Comment:Thanks, the revisions made significantly improved this section. Page 4-24 Modify third sentence:To many, the Downtown in generalities is larger , but covers a larger area as shown in Figure 4-13 (Downtown Area).for the Downtown District.However,for the purposes of this General Plan, this area the Downtown Community Place District has been provided with specific boundaries as shown in Figure 4-12. Page 4-38 Delete/modity?At the end of the last sentence under the vision for the Winchester District delete “...supported by access to the Vasona and Winchester Light Rail Stations Comment:Within the entire section on Community Place Districts there are only two mandatory policies. 3 Page Comments on April GPAC Draft Land Use and Community Design Element - Lee Quintana 4 ATTACHMENT 7 From: Bruce Preville Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2021 6:00 PM To: GP2040 <GP2040@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Subject: Addressing Urgency of Wildfire Prevention and Methane Mitigation in General Plan Hope there will some direction in the Gen Plan for the urgent need of the entire community to be proactive in taking action related to climate change impacts, both (1) in prevention mode thru facilitating the shift away from using methane by households (Menlo Park is an example of such action) and (2) in remediation mode in the hillside parts of the community in extreme risk of wildfire to mandate removal of trees and other flammable materials so the inevitable south winds, drought, and hot weather May-Oct do not wipe out half our town and residents as happened all over CA last year. With my best wishes for the health and well-being of you and our community, Bruce Bruce Preville CERT Projects Lead, Los Gatos, CA Emergency Preparedness requires a certain kind of enterprise to make it widely available. If it's going to be successful, it won't be through the traditional kind of enterprise to which individuals belong. It'll be through the kind of individuals to which this enterprise belongs. This Page Intentionally Left Blank