Item 2 - Addendum with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 04/01/2021 ITEM: 2 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: March 31, 2021 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Initial Draft of the General Plan Introduction. REMARKS: Attachment 3 contains comments from a Committee Member. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with the April 1, 2021 Staff Report: 1. Initial Draft General Plan Introduction 2. Public Comment Attachment received with this Addendum Report: 3. Committee Member Comments This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 3 Comments from Kathryn Janoff General Discussion Questions: Introduction P. 1-5, Vision: “sustainable community” I don’t think this is what we intend at this point. This grammatically means we sustain the community. If we are embracing sustainable best practices, it should be its own sentence. And, after all that we’ve been through these many months working on the GP update, looking at the vision statement now, it seems to be missing something. Consider revision: The Town of Los Gatos is a welcoming, family-oriented and safe community nestled in the beautiful foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains. The Town takes pride in its small -town character, historic neighborhoods, local culture and arts, excellent schools and lively downtown. The Town is pedestrian friendly and offers a choice of mobility options, housing opportunities, superior public facilities and services, governed by an open and responsive local government that is fiscally sound. A dynamic and thriving community, Lo s Gatos is committed to racial and social justice and underscores its commitment to long-term health by embracing sustainability best practices. Introduction minor edits P. 1-1 Repetitive sections. First paragraph, remove sentence “The General Plan contains . . . decisions.” This is covered in “using the General Plan, next page. P. 1-2 First paragraph (middle of page): change to “collection of mandatory elements, or required topics. First paragraph under Using the General Plan: Move first sentence to p. 1-1, first paragraph. Then insert “The General Plan is used . . .” P. 1-3, last paragraph, last sentence: remove word “it” Also, does the GPC or GPAC need to be added? It’s not really a subset of TC and PC P. 1-4 First paragraph: insert “appointed a General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) to . . .” Delete “called the General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC)” Second paragraph” insert “racial and social justice,” P. 1-5 Vision: “sustainable community” P. 1-6 Sustainability bullet needs revision Fiscal bullet: delete “the Town’s” Community bullet: delete downtown. Given all the work we’ve put into the Community Place Districts, we want to invigorate lots of places. P. 1-7 Environmental bullet, last sentence: “tier”??? Consider revising this sentence into two: The Planning Commission and Town Council . . . associated with implementing the General Plan. Rewrite the second part of this sentence—I’m actually not sure what is meant. Community section, last paragraph, second sentence revise: “Fast Forward to Today, Los Gatos is within a part of Silicon Valley . . .” Regional setting, first paragraph: change “land is to the south” Second paragraph, delete “General Plan planning area and” Also delete the parenthetical East Bay. Third paragraph, consider deleting “such as Boulder Creek and Ben Lomond” P. 1-8 First paragraph, delete “Incorporated in 1887” (already said on pg. 1-7 And replace “abutting” with “bordering” P. 1-9 “Zoom out” to include all of Santa Clara County for that context. P. 1-11 First paragraph is repetitive with text on page 1-2. Delete everything except last sentence. P. 1-12 Item 4, last sentence: “Lastly, this Element . . . historic assets and . . .” LG has stand-alone historic buildings in addition to areas, which contain assets. So Areas is not the right word. Assets may not be either, but you get the idea. P. 1-14 Goal: change “tend to be very” with “are intentionally” This Page Intentionally Left Blank