Item 2 - Addendum with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 03/04/2021 ITEM: 2 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: March 3, 2021 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Community Design Element. REMARKS: Attachment 28 contains comments from Committee Members. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with the November 5, 2020 Staff Report: 1. June 11, 2020 Community Workshop and Online Survey Summary 2. Initial Draft of Land Use Element 3. Initial Draft of Community Design Element 4. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 Attachments previously received with November 5, 2020 Addendum: 5. Committee Member Comments 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Attachment previously received with the November 5, 2020 Desk Item: 7. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the November 19, 2020 Staff Report: 8. November 17, 2020 Town Council Staff Report with Attachments 1-7 9. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the November 19, 2020 Desk Item Report: 10. Committee Member Comments 11. Public Comment PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Revised Initial Drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements March 3, 2021 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2021\03-04-21\Word-Old Docs\Item 2 - Addendum Report.docx ATTACHMENTS (continued): Attachments previously received with the January 7, 2021 Staff Report: 12. Revised Initial Draft of Land Use Element 13. Comment Response Summary Table – Land Use 14. Revised Initial Draft of Community Design Element 15. Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design 16. Updated Potential Housing Production Table Attachments previously received with the January 7, 2021 Addendum Report: 17. Committee Member Comments 18. Public Comment Attachments previously received with the January 21, 2021 Staff Report: 19. Maps of the Area Described in a Public Comment 20. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with the January 21, 2021 Addendum Report: 21. Historic Preservation Committee Comments Attachment previously received with the January 21, 2021 Desk Item Report: 22. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the February 4, 2021 Staff Report: 23. Updated Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design Element 24. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with the February 4, 2021 Addendum Report: 25. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the February 18, 2021 Addendum Report: 26. Committee Member Comments 27. Public Comment Attachment received with this Addendum Report: 28. Committee Member Comments ATTACHMENT 28 4. Community Design Element Chair and Vice Chair Edits for: 4.2 Community Form As stated during the February 18 meeting, this section has too much detail for the General Plan although all of the objective standards and policies should be retained in some form in either the Zoning Code, the Commercial Design Guidelines or the Residential Design Guidelines. What follows is a table reflecting the guidance for each policy from the Chairs. In addition, Goal or Policy Number Suggested Direction Explanation CD-2 Goal for section Re-write to reflect Vision Statement and Guiding Principles Encourage all development in Town to be designed holistically and sustainably, towards creating or evolving welcoming and human- scale neighborhood communities. Massing and Articulation CD-2.1 Building Setbacks Increase Move to Zoning Code, RDG and/or CDG— rewrite for greater clarity Too prescriptive for the General Plan CD-2.2 Architectural Style Keep with edits for clarity—move to 2.1 Promote high quality architectural styles through the use of minimized building massing, façade articulation, fenestration, varied parapets and other human-scaled features. CD-2.3 Blank Walls Move to Zoning Code, RDG and/or CDG and consider increasing percentages Too prescriptive for General Plan. Secondary street frontages with 50% blank walls seems like too much CD-2.4 Multi-story Step Backs Keep but see explanation Is this realistic with Mixed Use? May need to revise for clarity regarding use. Suggest having objective standard in CDG, RDG or Zoning Code CD-2.5 Human-Scale Delete policy— repetitive with goal and other policies Architectural Style and Elements CD-2.6 360 Architecture Keep with edits Require that all new and remodeled structures emphasize 360 Architecture and include where feasible architectural design elements such as molding and cornices as well as roof forms and materials consistent with architectural style CD-2.7 Architectural Design Elements Move to Zoning Code, RDG and/or CDG Too prescriptive—but see additions to 2.6 CD-2.8 Roof Forms Move to Zoning Code, RDG and/or CDG Too prescriptive—but see addition to 2.6 CD-2.9 Roof Design Move to Zoning Code, RDG and/or CDG Too prescriptive—also graphic is not consistent with current 2.4 setback policy CD-2.10 Parking Structure Design Covered under landscaping—delete from GP. If needed place in CDG Too specific and possibly redundant for General Plan CD-2.11 Multi-Story Structures Keep this policy CD 2.12 Cellars Change policy name to Hidden Square Footage/Parking Suggest the following: Encourage cellars and underground parking to provide “hidden” square footage and/or parking in lieu of visible, above ground mass. Streetscape CD-2.13 Pedestrian- Oriented Streetscapes Change title and edit policy. May want to consider combining with CD 2.15 New title: Multi-modal Streetscapes better captures that we want to scale for both pedestrians and bicyclists. Also, change verbiage of policy to match CD-2.14 Well-defined Street Fronts Keep policy CD-2.15 Enhanced Walking and Biking See comments on CD- 2.13 May wish to combine with CD-2.13 or at least group together CD-2.16 to CD- 2.20 Way too many tree policies Combine into 2 policies at most: -2.16 could/should be combined with 2.17 and 2.18—encouraging the planting of new trees and maintenance of mature trees to enhance neighborhood character and shade coverage - 2.19 to 2.20 could/should be combined into one policy about tree selection and preservation in accordance with our Tree Ordinance. CD-2.21 Protecting Hillside Views Keep this policy CD-2.22 SR 17 On-Ramps and Overpasses Keep this policy Keep “Did you know” box below on page 4-13 and add an image so people know what might work conceptually Street Activation CD-2.23 Structure Entrances Move to second policy in this grouping CD-2.24 Outdoor Dining Replace or delete this policy as appears to be in conflict with permanent parklets. If replacing, move to Replace with something like “Enhance the street experience with parklets and outdoor dining opportunities where feasible” third policy in this category CD-2.25 Buildings that Engage the Street Keep this policy and move to 1st in this section Adjacent Compatibility NOTE: please replace Compatibility with something that does not imply things will not change CD-2.26 Compatibility and Consistency Suggest deleting this policy for reasons mentioned regarding title CD-2.27 Transition in Scale Keep this policy— check to see if there is a better image to reflect this—maybe something like the Missing Middle Housing? Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design CD-2.28 Eyes on the Street Please change the title of this policy— does not seem to reflect the intent and also state the why— see explanation Wording of policy: To increase safety for residents, new development with a street frontage shall incorporate a street oriented front entrance. Where not possible to face the street, units shall be oriented to provide visual access to entryways, pedestrian pathways, recreation areas, and public spaces. CD-2.29 Reducing Vegetation Overgrowth Suggest moving this to RDG and/or CDG CD-2.30 Adequate Pedestrian Lighting Keep this policy CD-2.31 Accessible Structural Elements Seems more appropriate for Design Guidelines—move this CD-2.32 Glazing Visibility Change title and edit policy to reflect intent. Move standard to Zoning code and/or CDG/RDG Suggest something like: “Minimize obstructed viewing into street facing windows of commercial buildings in the form of glazing, signage, advertisements and interior furnishings that can obstruct such views.” Common Open Space—please note that a minimum standard is desirable here. Ideally something similar to the North 40 with green open space and total open space CD-2.33 Community Gathering Spaces Keep this policy CD-2.34 Public Realm Improvements Keep this policy Private Open Space CD-2.35 and -2.36 Balconies/ground floor private open space Combine into one policy. Too much detail although ok to leave images. Move the standard to Zoning Code and/or CDG/RDG Suggest: Encourage multi-family developments to provide each unit with private open space in the form of a patio or balcony. Site Development CD-2.37 Climate considerations in Site Design Keep this policy CD-2.38 New Home Siting Keep this policy but please clarify “significant” if possible—how to measure? CD-2.39 and -2.40 Linking within development and park and trail connections Seems like an opportunity to consolidate these two policies into one emphasize the need for systems that enable multi-modal movement especially pedestrian and bike CD-2.41 Natural Contours Policy is Ok, but missing the “why” CD-2.42 and 2.43 Seems like way too much detail for the General Plan—move to CDG or code CD-2.44 Solid Fencing Seems out of context for intent. The Fence Ordinance suggests minimal fencing and where required that it be open or lower especially in front yards. At a minimum change title and policy and possibly delete. If keeping this, suggest a new policy called, strategic fencing or limited fencing or similar and refer to concepts in the fence ordinance. CD-2.45 Signage Perhaps change title to reflect the Town’s intent to have subtle or sophisticated signage, and then refer to Sign Ordinance. Lighting CD-2.46 Keep policy Street and Structural Lighting CD-2.47 Specialty Lighting Suggest changing title to “Strategic Lighting” Do we not have a lighting ordinance? Need to refer to that here. Landscaping CD-2.48 Landscape Buffering Keep policy and edit as there is disagreement about the lower noise and reduction in heat generations. Suggest this: Encourage the use of landscaping such as trees, shrubs, and trellised vines to mitigate the effects of building mass and provide benefits to the environment. CD-2.49 Visual Continuity through Landscaping This seems like something for the CDG and/or RDG. Remove from GP CD-2.50 Landscaped Medians This policy seems to lack the intent. There are other policies for drought tolerant plants. Need to edit. Suggest, “Provide landscaped medians where there is sufficient right of way to beautify the streetscape and benefit the environment.” CD-2.51 Sustainable Landscape Design Move to before CD- 2.50 and edit to add after “trees” the phrase “and drought tolerant plants”. CD-2.52 Plant Selection This seems to be more appropriate for CDG/RDG and/or code. Remove from GP. Also, would suggest increasing the percentage of drought-tolerant plants. Maybe there should be separate percentages for native vs. drought-tolerant. There are local websites with guidelines. Public Art CD-2.53 Highlight Existing Public Art Remove the word “existing” and move to policy 3 in this section CD-2.54 Accessible and Functional Public Art Delete this policy CD-2.55 Require Public Art Change to “Encourage Public Art” and remove language about “in lieu contribution” and then add a why. Also move this to policy 1 in this section CD-2.56 Placement of Public Art Keep this and move to policy 2 in this section CD-2.57 Murals Delete this as it is a subset of public art. Community Identity and Gateways CD-2.58 Town Identification Keep but edit to be more generic “Support the incorporation of unifying Town identifiers on community signage, streetlamp banners, Town gateways and street furnishings as appropriate.” CD-2.59 Wayfinding Program Since this is already in progress, change to something reflecting the status Encourage a robust, Town-wide wayfinding program that highlights…. CD-2.60 Gateway Sign Program Delete this—it might be decided to do this but not needed in GP. Also delete Figure 4-1. CD-2.61 Enhanced Town Gateways Combine with CD-2.63 Landscaped Gateways. See also comments below on CD-2.63 CD-2.62 Freeway Identification Keep this policy Please delete second image in first row on page 4-23. Not in line with image of Los Gatos. Find something more appropriate or just delete. CD-2.63 Landscaped Gateways Combine with 2.61 and eliminate language about emphasizing the importance of natural hillsides and open space as it is mentioned multiple times elsewhere. If there is a way to refer to our signage policy/ordinance, might be worth mentioning here. Do like the image on 4-21. This Page Intentionally Left Blank