Item 1 - Draft Minutes of GPAC Meeting on 01-07-21 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/18/2021 ITEM: 1 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE JANUARY 7, 2021 The General Plan Update Advisory Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on January 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., via teleconference. This meeting was conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and was conducted via Zoom. All committee members and staff participated from remote locations and all voting was conducted via roll call vote. In accordance with Executiv e Order N-29-20, the public could only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Melanie Hanssen, Vice Chair Kathryn Janoff, Council Member Mary Badame, Council Member Maria Ristow, Committee Member Kendra Burch, Committee Member Todd Jarvis, Committee Member Joseph Mannina, Committee Member Steven Piasecki, Committee Member Ryan Rosenberg, Committee Member Lee Quintana, and Committee Member Carol Elias Zolla. Absent: Committee Member Susan Moore Brown. Staff present: Jennifer Armer, Joel Paulson, Laurel Prevetti, Sally Zarnowitz, and Rob Schultz. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – November 5, 2020 2. Approval of Minutes – November 19, 2020 3. Approval of Minutes – December 3, 2020 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Piasecki to approve Consent Items. Seconded by Committee Member Rosenberg. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously with Council Member Badame, Council Member Ristow, and Committee Member Mannina abstaining. PAGE 2 OF 2 MINUTES OF GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON JANUARY 7, 2021 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Minutes\2021\01-07-21 DRAFT.docx DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Revised Initial Draft of the Land Use Element and Revised Initial Draft of the Community Design Element. Jennifer Armer, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Open and Closed Public Comment. Committee discussed the matter and provided the following comments and direction: - Ensure that Key Terms and associated graphics are clear and not distorted. - Need to make sure we have information here, or in our public documents to make it clear to the public how much this plan has changed. - Housing types should not be confused with ownership types. - We want a variety of housing types so that they are available to a greater variety of people. - Modify Figures 3-5 and 3-7 to be more representative of what a duplex or four-plex might look like in a low density residential area. - Figure 3-6 is missing. - Find ways, if possible, to encourage rental units. - LU-2.1 should reference a one-mile distance instead of a 20-minute walk or bike ride. - In the bullet point at the end of page 3-10 the number of Groups should be changed to six. - Service Commercial should only include residential “with controls.” - Low Density Residential should not be described as just single-family residential. - Table 3-2 – Residential is misspelled at top of table. - Densities suggested for Office Professional and Service Commercial are appropriate. - Delete “Healthy” from title and content of Policy LU-3.1. - In Policy LU-3.4 change “needed” to “appropriate.” The next GPAC meeting will be on Thursday, January 21, 2021. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the January 7, 2021 meeting as approved by the General Plan Update Advisory Committee. Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development