Item 1 - Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 02/04/2021 ITEM: 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: January 29, 2021 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Land Use Element and the Revised Initial Draft of the Community Design Element. REMARKS: The General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) began the review and discussion of the initial drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements at their November 5, 2020 meeting, and continued the item for further discussion. The Town Council held an initial discussion of the Land Use and Community Design Elements at their November 17, 2020 meeting, which was followed by a working session with the GPAC on November 19, 2020. Based on the feedback received at these meetings, updated versions of the initial drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements were provided to the GPAC for the January 7, 2021, meeting. These revised Elements only contain a few changes to the policies contained in the initial drafts, and do not yet implement most of the written comments received, as the GPAC has not conducted their detailed review of the policies. The detailed review of the Land Use Element began on January 7, 2021, and continued on January 21, 2021. The matter was continued for further discussion to February 4, 2021. In the meeting of February 4, 2021, the GPAC is expected to complete the review of the Land Use Element and start the review of the Community Design Element. In prepar ing this Initial Draft of the Community Design Element, the consultant’s intent was to provide an expansive array of community design options for GPAC consideration , with the thought that the GPAC will determine which goals, policies, and implementation programs will serve the community well, and provide direction on what should not be included in the Element. This method provides an array or “menu” of options and allows the GPAC flexibility when considering which urban design policies, principles, and architectural guidance are best suited for the Town. The concepts represented in the Community Design Element are a first step in creating a comprehensive set of objective standards that will pave the way for future obj ective design and development standards that will be incorporated into the zoning code and design guidelines. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Revised Initial Drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements January 29, 2021 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2021\02-04-21\Item 1 - Staff Report.docx REMARKS (continued): In response to a request from a Committee Member during the January 21, 2021 meeting, an updated table of comments has been provided as Attachment 23. Attachment 24 contains comments from a Committee Member. Additional comments, whether from Committee Members or the public, that are received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, will be provided to the GPAC in an Addendum Report that afternoon so that text changes can be considered by all Committee Members prior to the meeting. Any comments received after that time, but before 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting will be provided in a Desk Item. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with the November 5, 2020 Staff Report: 1. June 11, 2020 Community Workshop and Online Survey Summary 2. Initial Draft of Land Use Element 3. Initial Draft of Community Design Element 4. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 Attachments previously received with November 5, 2020 Addendum: 5. Committee Member Comments 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Attachment previously received with the November 5, 2020 Desk Item: 7. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the November 19, 2020 Staff Report: 8. November 17, 2020 Town Council Staff Report with Attachments 1-7 9. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the November 19, 2020 Desk Item Report: 10. Committee Member Comments 11. Public Comment Attachments previously received with the January 7, 2021 Staff Report: 12. Revised Initial Draft of Land Use Element 13. Comment Response Summary Table – Land Use 14. Revised Initial Draft of Community Design Element 15. Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design 16. Updated Potential Housing Production Table PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Revised Initial Drafts of the Land Use and Community Design Elements January 29, 2021 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2021\02-04-21\Item 1 - Staff Report.docx ATTACHMENTS (continued): Attachments previously received with the January 7, 2021 Addendum Report: 17. Committee Member Comments 18. Public Comment Attachments previously received with the January 21, 2021 Staff Report: 19. Maps of the Area Described in a Public Comment 20. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with the January 21, 2021 Addendum Report: 21. Historic Preservation Committee Comments Attachment previously received with the January 21, 2021 Desk Item Report: 22. Committee Member Comments Attachment received with this Staff Report: 23. Updated Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design Element 24. Committee Member Comments This Page Intentionally Left Blank General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 1 of 20 Community Design Element The following are comments received by the GPAC and corresponding changes in the Revised Public Review Draft Element. *NO REVISIONS MADE PER PENDING REVIEW FROM GPAC. BASED ON GPAC DIRECTION ON THE LAND USE ELEMENT, ALL POLICIES THAT INCLUDE THE LOS GATOS BOULEVARD PLAN AND REFERENCES TO AUTP DEALERSHIPS HAVE BEEN REMOVED.* Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Submitted GPAC Comments prior to 11/5 Meeting Pg 4-4: Insert comma after “combinations”. Delete the list of categories at the end of first paragraph and insert at the end of the previous sentence: “…over the next 20 years, as illustrated in Figure 1. The label and title the figure. Pg 4-5: Second paragraph, hyphenate well- defined. Fourth paragraph, after “draw” insert “from”. 4.1 Neighborhood Compatibility: Change “a rich history” to “rich history” (there are many and variations). Goal CD-1: Do we need the word “distinct”? It isn’t supported by the policies? CD-1.5: Memorable? 4.2 Community Form: First paragraph: replace “lend to each” with “contribute to a”. CD-2.2: Hyphenate well-defined. CD-2.7 Is quite prescriptive and doesn’t work on all architectural styles in town (modern, contemporary). CD-2.12: This could have a quantifiable standard. CD-2.18 and 2.10: Combine. And eliminate “strategic”. The “did you know box” refers to examples, but they were not in my packet. ATTACHMENT 23 General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 2 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change CD-2.23: What does “adjoining street frontage” mean?? Can you simply say they will face the frontage street? CD-2.25: Delete “realm” two places, also CD-2.34. CD-2.28: Maybe combine with 2.23, under a policy title: Street-Oriented Front Entrance. CD-2.31: This is odd. Starts as though it’s a safety concern, but then you’re moving them to a dark alley…? CD-2.38: Delete “significant” or quantify the maximum percent impact in a XX-degree view. CD-2.43: Does screen include hiding, as on rooftop installations? Yes this would including screening equipment, regardless if it is located on ground level or on the roof. CD-2-47: Make sure this is consistent with the newly revised lighting policy. Figure 4.1: I understand the desire to include Gateway signage at various access points, but where would you place them at the Harwood/Blossom Hill intersection, the Union Ave/Los Gatos Almaden intersection, etc, where one side of the street is a different city? 4.3 Intro has a lot of duplication with 3.6. If re- stating the districts, use a map. CD-3: Delete “significant”. Move LU-3.2 to next goal (CD-4). CD-3.3: Delete the clause “including those…” it isn’t needed and could be mis-leading as con- contributors are also protected. CD-3.5: Sounds as though HPC is the final authority. CD-4.2: This should only apply to exterior renovations. We don’t govern interiors. 4.4: Replace “boast” with “have”. CD-5.3 Doesn’t seem to belong—all the others are non-structural or more general. Suggest deleting. CD-5.6: Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Goal CD-6: This is entirely in the HDS&G. No need to repeat here. If you keep some of it, General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 3 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change include “building” as in: “regulating grading, building, landscaping and lighting”. Do we really want as much signage as CD-7.1 recommends for the Community Place areas? I would think they could be more discretely integrated into existing development. CD-7.2: Hyphen after pedestrian. CD-7.6: Change “amongst” to “among”. Downtown District (p. 4-30) is called the Central Business District on the maps, but Downtown District everywhere else. Suggest changing Maps to Downtown District. Map p. 4-31 is missing Medium density words in key. In all of the vision statements, these should be written as present tense. A vision statement is what we see, not what we will see. Here’s a re-write suggestion for Downtown (I’m using DTD as a shortcut, but it should be spelled out): Vision 2040: Downtown District The Downtown District is the gem of the Los Gatos, due more than a century of successful planning and design. The DTD preserves its unique architectural character and prohibits conflicting styles from erasing what is quintessentially Downtown. New structures in the DTD are constructed at a human-scale to maintain the continuity of the historic development pattern. Where consistent with the General Plan, the DTD encourages multi-story buildings to include office and residential uses on floors above the first floor. The DTD provides a truly walkable environment, where sidewalks are wide and pedestrian-friendly. The expanded sidewalks include additional space for outdoor dining, public art and street furniture. Enhancing the General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 4 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change visitor experience in the DTD, digital display informational kiosks with establishment directories provide a 21st century amenity. Updated building signage, A Downtown wayfinding system, and gateway entrance signs to the DTD mark the Downtown as the core of the community. The DTD thrives as one of the most beloved areas of the Town, one that has stood the test of time and continues to do so. CD-8: insert the Downtown District, delete Los Gatos. Throughout this section, be sure to say Downtown District, not just Downtown. CD-8.3: Among. Random figure. CD-8.8: Replace Los Gatos with the Downtown District and delete Downtown at end of sentence. CD-8.8 Delete “so as” “enough” replace “color that” with “color so, replace “within” with “with”. CD-8.9: Is this needed when we have a robust sign ordinance? Harwood (all other boxed intros, replace “abutting” or “abuts” with “bordering” or “borders”. Last sentence in Box. Delete “Unlike several others in Town,” delete “not only”, replace “but also” with “and”. Revise the Harwood vision with a vision statement. As-written it’s a list of to-dos. As this section has no goal or policies, suggest moving the bulk of the intro to goal and policies. Goal might be: Update the Harwood District focusing on a contemporary design. This is a blended community (the schools for instance), so this last sentence is off-putting. If you can figure out how to put up a gateway sign that doesn’t come off as exclusive (“this side of the street only…”), be sure to get community input. Lark District: Revise as a present tense statement, like Downtown District revision. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 5 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change LGB District: Revise as a present tense statement, like Downtown District revision, starting with: The LGB District reflects a comprehensive transformation from…And move last two sentences, first paragraph, to goals/policies. End of second paragraph: We don’t know if the N40 SP is to be revised to allow for housing in the second phase. Hotel may not come . . . so, delete “such as restaurants and hotels will breathe even more life into” with “gives vibrancy to . . .” Move last paragraph to goals and policies. Pg 4-45: Random figures throughout this section. CD-10.4: Ground floors are required to have 12- foot height? CD-10.7: Should this be street-activation rather that structure activation? Missing goals/policies on all the landscaping, parks and plazas mentioned in the vision statement. North Santa Cruz: Revise vision statement to present tense. How do you “not create a juxtaposition between”?? And don’t we want a compatible juxtaposition? Move sentence “A continual emphasis . . .” to policies and re-word. CD-11.1: Define live-work space. Is this also a form of mixed use? Do we want a policy that promotes mixed use and street retail? Pollard Road District: Reads like Harwood. Need a vision statement and be sure the items in these paragraph (p. 4- 54) are reflected in policies. Pollard goal/policies could be similar for Harwood General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 6 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Union Ave same comments as Harwood. Winchester Blvd Element Reads more like a proper vision, but needs to be present tense. Delete “Unlike all other Districts in LG”, Now start that sentence with The Winchester Delete sentence about wider sidewalks. This is not unlike other areas in town. Last two sentences of second paragraph should be moved and re-worded into policies. Strikes me that as with other lists of policies, some order other than random would be helpful. Suggest the order as written is: 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 2. Where 1 should be the first policy, etc. CD-2.7: Is this a backhanded way of saying that modern, clean-lined projects are discouraged? CD-2.59: Why? CD-7.1: Why? CD-8: This sentence is confusing. Perhaps “Preserve the character of Downtown Los Gatos and the quality of life for Town citizens through high-quality building design.” CD-8.5 I am all in favor of the parklets and outdoor dining, but unless you limit the ability of stinky motorcycles and gross-polluting 50s cars to cruise N. Santa Cruz all Saturday night, eating outside isn’t very pleasant. (Perhaps more stop signs to discourage cruising?) Los Gatos Boulevard District. Love it! Winchester Boulevard District. Fourth sentence beginning “Wider sidewalks”: the end of the sentence is intended to say “... unlike any other area in town.” (Replace “are” with “area”.) 4.6 Implementation Programs. Letter O has an alignment problem with item “d)” 4.6 Implementation Programs. Letter S needs to separate “itis” to “it is” General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 7 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change ●General Plan needs to reflect the reality of recent legislation, with the caveat that the Land Use Categories need to be more specific and the Zoning Code (and Town Code) needs to be amended concurrently with, or immediately after, to reflect the different standards to reflect the differences in allowed development. ●Statements referring to “small town character” or “maintaining small town character” should be removed for many reasons. One being that the terms are ambiguous and misleading. The reality of “small town character” forty years ago, when I move here, is very different from the “town character” that I see today. ●Part of the discussion of the Community Design Element with respect to the Community Place District is repetitive of information in the Land Use Element, and is information more appropriate in guidelines. I prefer “Opportunity Areas” or “Opportunity Districts” to “Community Place Districts” because those titles come closer to conveying that these are the areas in Town are likely to change over the next twenty years and have the greatest opportunity for accommodating redevelopment (re: intensification) with less impact to the Town as a whole than other areas within the Town. I would prefer each of the “Community Place Areas” to either have individual General Plan Designations be identified as individual overlay areas with more detailed descriptions of how each will be unique from the others and how each will create the “missing middle housing” mentioned in the Land Use Element. Lastly, going back to the Land Use Element and missing middle housing. The Land Use Element needs to incorporate a better definition of what missing middle housing means and how it can be integrated into Los Gatos. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 8 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change General Comments Decrease size of illustrations and photos and number and label them and make sure the colors in the legends match the colors in the maps. CD-1: Too many ideas combined in this Goal CD-1.3: Discourage Prohibit gated communities. Gated communities are the opposite of “interconnected communities”. CD 1.4: If this is required for all “neighborhoods” there will be no change, as projected by the Land Use Diagram and Land Use Element. CD 1.5 Memorable Places CD-2.1: Require building setbacks from the property line to increase in a 1:1 ratio as mass and height increases above 20 feet. Comment: Not clear what this means. For height I assume it means that for each foot in height above 20’ the building setback line is increased by one foot. How does the 1:1 ratio work for mass. This policy appears to set objective standards but its meaning needs clarification. CD-2.3: and CD-2.4: Both these individual policies are clear given the illustrations provided. However they are not consistent with each other. CD-2.4: Intent is good but needs to have objective standards. Page 4-9 Require all new and remodeled structures emphasize 360 Architecture by continuing consistent architectural design and application of the structure on all sides of the viewing angles while acknowledging that different programmatic and design considerations for private sides. Comment: It is not clear what “and application of the structure” means. The exception for programmatic design is too broad - every design can be claimed to be programmatic. I assume “private sides” private use areas that are not General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 9 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change visible, but a break in the architectural style may be visible from a street or adjacent back yard. CD-2.9: Roof Design: Again the diagram illustrates the policy well, but appears to be inconsistent with CD-2.4. Page 4-14 The illustration does not achieve CD-2.6 Nor does the figure meet CD-2-27 transitions. Page 4-17 40 sq feet? Is 40 sq feet even big enough for a small table and a bar-b-que? Is this in conflict with the zoning code? CD-2.48: Landscape Buffering: delete lower noise. Landscaping does not provide a noticeable reduction in noise if there is less than 100 feet of dense vegetation. CD-2.50: Who provides median landscaping? The Town would be responsible for median landscaping. CD-2.52: Should there be a minimum percent for native plants vs drought tolerant plants? Define, local native plants. There are a relatively limited number of native plants native to Santa Clara County. Suggest: ...local native plants and/or drought resistant plants. Drought resistant California native plants and other drought resistant plants. Comment: This could also be changed to require a specific percent of California native drought resistant plants, with the rest being either California natives or other drought resistant plants.. General Comments A lot of the material in this element seems appropriate for design Guidelines and not the General Plan. Perhaps we could identify the “high points” and combine this with the Land Use Element and move the remainder into design guidelines. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 10 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change CD-1.2: should add (including building massing and height) after the word proportion. Page 4-7: Add words about the importance of the ground floor being visible and activated along public streets. CD-2.49: Shrubs and trees don’t lower noise. CD-2.52: Native planting should probably be a higher percentage such as 75% instead of 60%. Page 4-22 Designate the north and south approaches on Highway 17 as gateways. The gateway signage could be mounted on overpasses or adjacent to the freeway right of way as shown in some of the photos. CD-4.3: Do we need to say that we are going to provide information? CD-5: The goal should not only mention regulating new homes since the policies mention rural atmosphere and view sheds. Page 4-30 The Downtown District boundary description doesn’t correspond with the map on page 31. Page 4-32 The second sentence of the intro seems self promoting and doesn’t add anything to the document. CD-8.4: The picture of different bollard types here and on page 4-47 is a good example of a detail more appropriate for design guidelines. Page 4-44 Policy Overview Some where in this section we should add a policy to study the feasibility of reducing the number of lanes on Los Gatos Boulevard to four lanes and devote the recovered space to safe pedestrian and bicycle circulation and landscaping. We should also add a policy requiring the interconnection of adjacent commercial parking lots to better integrate commercial development General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 11 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change and reduce the need to re-enter the public right of way when you simply want to go to the adjoining center. This can be achieved by requiring developers to agree to provide reciprocal ingress/egress easements at such time in the future when the Town can require the same of adjacent commercial development. Page 4-6: CD-1.1 What does “visual and physical multi-modal connection” mean? Page 4-7: CD 2.2 This is very vague. What are “well defined architectural styles”? And where do we talk about those styles fitting in with the surrounding buildings (which I think is the main objective). Page 4-8: CD 2.4 How much step back is required? If not defined here maybe this should point to a different document. Page 4-11: CD 2.9 Why is there a range here “40 to 50 feet”? We should just have a single number. Page 4-12: CD 2.12 Should we encourage the use of “hidden” square footage by discounting it or not counting it in the overall footage for the site? Page 4-12 and 4-13: CD 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20 There seems to be a lot of duplication here. For example, 2.16 says “encourage preservation and planting of trees” and then 2.19 is titled “tree preservation”. 2.18 says “encourage strategic selection of tree street species”, while 2.20 says “Require street trees and plants to be approved by the superintendent of parks”. Also 2.18 title “tree lines streets” does not really fit the content which is all about selecting appropriate species. We should try and rework these to streamline, clarify, and combine. Page 4-13 General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 12 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change The “Did you know” section says “here are some examples if the successful implementation of freeway landscaping” but then there are no examples given. Page 4-14: CD 2.24 But we are building parklets that are permanent. Does this mean restaurants can’t secure their outdoor furniture? I’m not sure this one makes sense to me. Needs more clarification Page 4-15: CD 2.28 This appears to duplicate CD 2.23 which also requires building facades and entrances directly face the street. It is not exactly clear how the title “Eyes on the street” mates the content; sounds more like windows when this is about doors. Page 4-18: CD 2.44 What does it mean to “isolate” the structures from the street? This is not clear at all. Is there a document somewhere that has these type of guidelines and can be referenced? Do you mean the fencing must be set back or the structures must be set back? Assuming fencing, is there a document somewhere that explains how far back it must be set from the street? Page 4-24: 4.3 The intro says “any primary structure constructed” prior to 1941. Didn’t we decide to change this to reflect 50 years instead of a specific date? Page 4-31 This map is missing a title. Page 4-47: CD 10.8 What does it mean to “reduce the allowed coverage amount”? Reduce it by how much? Even if it not here the amount should be documented somewhere — where is the allowed coverage amount documented? Let’s point to that. General: General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 13 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Throughout, (and also with respect to the Land Use Element, though I didn’t find a place there where this argument would logically be made) I would like to advocate a move from traditional zoning and design elements to “form-based zoning,” which emphasizes building forms, setbacks, height, etc., over separation of uses https://formbasedcodes.org/definition/ Different form-based zoning rules could be used in, e.g., the “Community Places” to define a District and to streamline the review process and procedural hurdles. The predictability of form-based zoning can provide “objective standards” while also shortening the entitlement process, thereby aiding in the production of, e.g., housing. Page 4-5 Architectural Style and Elements While I agree that a cohesive “theme” may enhance a particular area (which can be achieved through form-based zoning), I disagree with the specification here of particular style. At a certain time period in Los Gatos, the only thing allowed to be built were Arts and Crafts designs – this brought us what is now the Artisan Wine Depot at Los Gatos Boulevard and Shannon – an outsized, awkward, commercial building that is supposed to echo the Craftsman style. We need variety, not uniformity – in our community as well as in our built spaces. Site Development Why call out Crime Prevention design features for special emphasis? Community Identity I don’t thing Los Gatos can design and erect “unique freeway exit designs” – I believe signage and property around freeways is controlled by Caltrans. CD-1 General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 14 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Overall observation – Los Gatos already has Residential Design Guidelines (which should be updated). I wonder how this adds anything, unless the two documents complement each other. CD-1.4: Again, “preserve, protect, and enhance established neighborhoods” stifles any opportunity for change and encourages opposition to new types and styles of development. In addition, this is covered by the Residential Design Guidelines. Page 4.2 Here is where form-based zoning can be adopted and incorporated. I think the individual goals within are fine, but ought to be specific to particular areas. CD-2-12: Have we finally resolved the “basement” v. “cellar” issue, such that this section is clear?? CD-2.17: Do we want street tree installation required in every new development? What if the development is a single-family home? What if the setbacks for a mixed use project that incorporates affordable housing don’t work for “street trees,” but may work for trees within the development? CD-2.16: The Town actually has a list of approved street trees – why not reference here? (same comment CD-2.20) CD-2.55: Title says “require” and text says “support.” There is a proposal to create an ordinance requiring art installation or payment of a fee to be considered by the Council – is this section intending to require lobbying for that effort? I think it should be stricken pending Council action. CD-2.58: I object to the inclusion of this section. We should have variety – this policy encourages a town full of cat banners. CD-2.63: How many “gateway” signs and art are we going to have? Is each supposed General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 15 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change to emphasize some feature or another? This seems excessive. CD-5.3: The Policy Committee, Planning Commission, and Town Council have spent an inordinate amount of time over the last several years amending the Visual element of the Hillside Development Guidelines – this section should be deleted or be amended to a single sentence that says “Conform with the Hillside Development Guidelines.” Page 4-27: Everything here is covered extensively in the Hillside Development Standards – and the Town has a new Hillside Fence ordinance – why include all of this? CD-4.5: Last line in introductory paragraph should be “as well as…” not and well as…” CD-7.1: Why? Instead of creating silos of “districts,” we should be striving for a whole community CD-7.3: Strike “when the quality of adjacent neighborhoods can be maintained.” This should be encouraged, period – particularly as we have no idea when businesses/restaurants will be able to operate fully indoors again. CD-7.6: This makes sense for single family residences, but may be inappropriate for mixed use projects or other types of denser housing options Page 4-30 Downtown District, Introductory paragraphs: Why include Pine Avenue and Cleland? These are not generally thought of as downtown borders – how about just the C-2 Zone? Page 4-32 Introductory Paragraphs “the gem of the Town?” Why special treatment? “will preserve” and “will prohibit” these are in direct conflict with the identification of Community Places as areas primed for change. I don’t know about widened sidewalks if parklets become permanent…. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 16 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change CD-8.2: Why not allow innovation??? CD-8.3: If we are truly encouraging change, why are we insisting on “compatibility” and “consistency?” CD-8.6: Absolutely disagree! Nothing should be “prohibited.” Often, modern architecture is the best means to enhance and set off the historic? CD-8.9: How do signs and graphics “maintain the Town’s small-scale appearance?” CD-8.10: This is all covered in the Commercial Design Guidelines – which should be updated. The GP and Guidelines need to be consistent. Page 4-36 Introductory Paragraph: This needs a better word than “revamp.” Redesign? Renovation? Retrofit? Reimagining? Why do we want to “limit the blending of communities between Los Gatos and San Jose? What about “welcoming and inclusive?” Page 4-37 Introductory Paragraph: 1st Sentence: I think it is supposed to say “The area includes most of the …” Next sentences: Why trash the existing? Why not actually state a vision, e.g. “… contemporary, mixed use designs incorporating public amenities, open space, and providing opportunities for multi-modal transportation?” Page 4-41 Introductory Paragraph As in my previous comment, I wonder why we present a description and introduction which describes the present state of affairs (usually in derogatory terms – which may sound funny in 20 years when the design described is revered as archetypal) rather than simply present the vision. After all, this is a forward-looking plan. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 17 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Page 4-44 Los Gatos Boulevard District This is all fine – but none of it can be accomplished until the current Los Gatos Boulevard Plan is rescinded… In my opinion, mixed use development and opportunities for higher density housing should be front and center, not landscaping and paint. CD-10.1: The current Plan needs to be rescinded! Once that happens, why a new, separate document? Why not simply be guided by the standards in the GP for the District? CD-10.3: Balconies seem like a good idea, but could be incompatible with architectural choices, and may also add an expense that could discourage the development of affordable housing. Page 4-46 CD-10.5: I would strongly discourage policies that seek to create corner elements – remember, for example, “The Dome.” Page 4-50 North Santa Cruz Avenue District Why an “extension of downtown?” Why not its own “eclectic mix?” As observed previously, architectural diversity in the Downtown should not be prohibited. Page 4-51 CD-11: Why an “extension?” Why not just “Encourage the establishment of the North Santa Cruz Avenue District as a vibrant mixed-use area featuring an eclectic range of architecture and public amenities?” Page 4-52 – 4-54: Again, why include description of existing conditions? Continuing objection to “revamp.” Continuing objection to the emphasis on paint rather than the transformation of the character of the neighborhood to mixed use, etc. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 18 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Objection to the restriction of density to similarity with existing single-family residences to “reduce compatibility issues.” If this document really does seek to promote change, then it needs to back up its “visions” which allow for the creation of new “District” character. Page 4-55 CD-12.1: Why limit building height? The wider streets in the area can support taller buildings and denser housing. Page 4-58 Union Avenue District Continued objection to “revamp” and emphasis on paint. Continued objection to the statement that “blending of communities” is to be avoided. Page 4-61 Winchester Boulevard District I agree with the goals stated, but these paragraphs are in need of editing. Just as I don’t believe the downtown should be restricted to historic design, I don’t believe the Winchester District should be restricted to modern design. Include the following policy in CD from the PFS Element. PFS-14.5 Intergenerational Spaces Encourage new development to include intergenerational spaces, such as cafés or family- oriented outdoor spaces. [Source: Existing Policy HS-8.5] Submitted GPAC Comments prior to 1/7/2021 Meeting Connectivity is essential to enhancing a sense of community. The Land Use Element (page 3-9) references connectivity in terms of proximity of services and the Community Character Element (page4-6) reference the importance of connectivity in the form of several policies dealing with building proportions, multi-modal connections etc. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 19 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change I think we need to discuss connectivity in terms of building orientation (face the public street) avoid windows that obscure the inside of the building (so-called Darth Vader buildings) and create visible entries/doors so people know where to enter the building. Also building designers should avoid windowless walls that face public streets. There is a policy that limits blank walls to no more than 50% of the wall expanse. Allowing 50% of a wall expanse to be blank is too much. The ground floor of commercial buildings facing public streets need to be activated. Both elements need stronger policies relating to building orientation, blank walls, visible entries. Page 4-33, CD-8.6. I remain opposed to this statement. The Apple store looks fine downtown, and it’s modern. There are other modern buildings on N. Santa Cruz that help the older properties stand out. Submitted HPC Comments prior to 1/21/2021 Meeting CD-2.24 Outdoor Dining This Policy may appear to conflict with the current program for semi-permanent parklets in the public right-of-way. (page 4-14) CD-3.1 Avoid Demolition of Historic Buildings The policy should be revised to replace “substantial evidence” with “required findings.” (page 4-24) CD-3.2 Reuse of Existing Buildings Consider moving this Policy under Goal CD-4 to support and encourage thoughtful rehabilitation or reuse of historic structures. (page 4-24) CD-3.3 Historic Structure Preservation Include noncontributors in the list of buildings that the Town will use special care in reviewing. (page 4-24) CD-3.4 Historic Preservation Programs Revise the Policy to state the following: Continue the Town’s careful and proactive historic General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking January 2021 Page 20 of 20 Community Design Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change preservation programs “recognizing the changing needs of the community.” (page 4-24) CD-3.7 Potential Impacts to Historic Landmarks and Features Replace the term “consider” with the term “identify” and consider combining this Policy with Policy CD-3.8 Historic Site Impact Mitigation. (page 4-25) CD-3.9 Historic Structure Use or Donation Consider moving this Policy under Goal CD-4 Support and encourage thoughtful rehabilitation or reuse of historic structures. (page 4-25) CD-4.2 Historic Structure Renovations Revise the Policy to state the following: Require “exterior” renovations or remodels of historic structures to be architecturally “compatible” with the original structure. (page 4-25) CD-4.4 Financial Benefit Information Revise the Policy to remove the phrase “and the vibrant historic downtown” because vibrancy is not a financial benefit. (page 4-25) CD-8.6 Historic Architectural “Downtown” Core Include “Downtown” in the title and revise the Policy language to state the following: Reinforce the historic architectural “downtown” core of Los Gatos by “encouraging compatible” architecture Downtown. (page 4-33) 1 GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Memo To:Chairperson Hanssen and Members of the General Plan Advisory Committee From:Lee Quintana Date:January 26, 2021 Re:Comments regarding Figures (maps) Illustrations, Photos and Tables ____________________________________________________________________________ ALL ELEMENTS Figures, Illustrations, Photos and Tables ●Differentiate Illustrations, figures (maps), tables, and photos; provide titles and numberI ●Keep Present visual information accurately and neutrality, including “illustrative” examples. Whether intentional or not how written information and data are visually presented influences how they are interpreted. For example: The scale of a map, the information (or left out) the organization and presentation of both the map and legend can influence how the information presented is interpreted. COMMENTS 3 LAND USE ELEMENT (Figures, Illustrations, Photo and Tables) Page 3-2, Figure 3-1; Page 3-3, Figure 3-2; and Page 3-28, Figure 3-7 ●Fig. 3-1 and 3.2: Apply the same scale for all the areas shown as acre. ●Fig.3-7: Apply the same scale for all parcels shown ●Changing scale between rows in these illustrations distorts the perception of intensity/density. Page 3-5: Figure 3-4: Land Use Diagram: Suggestions: ●Title: Modify the title:​ General Plan​ Land Use Diagram (or ​General Plan​ Land Use Diagram​ ​Map). ●Scale, Font size and Organization: (decrease visual clutter) ○Scale:​ Use the same scale as used for Figure 3-1 of the Land Use Alternatives Report. The information is easier to read at that scale. ○Font size:​ Increase the font size of the diagram and legend titles, so they are clearly distinguished from the rest of the figure; even if it requires moving the title within the frame of the figure. See Land Use Alternatives Report (Figure 3-1, Page 11). This draws attention to map and legend titles ○Organization:​ Divide land uses designations into general use and color groups (See Figure 2-1, Page L-1 of GP200 ATTACHMENT 24 Memo from Lee Quintana to GPAC Jan, 26, 2021 2 ○NOTE: The format of Figure 2 GP2000 was intended to be incorporated into subsequent updates of the large General Plan maps located in the Planning Department and the Council Chambers, however that did not happen. Page 3-7, Figure 3-5: Missing Middle Concept Illustrated: Modify ●The “Fourplex” does not represent “residential” scale ●The “Townhouse/rowhouse” is ambiguous, it could also fit the definition of an attached duplex. Three or four townhouses/rowhouses could also fit the definition of attached triples or fourplex. ●Suggestion: Find a better example. ●NOTE: The illustration on Page 4-14 is a better example of transition in scale Page 3-8, Figure 3-7 ●See comments on Page 3-2 above and additional comments below. ●A and F: Both could be interpreted as either a duplex/detached or as ADU’s ●Add an example of “housing adaptation” Page 3-13: Commercial Designations, CBD: ●The description for the CBD does not clearly define and distinguish between the following: ○CBD General Plan Land Use Designation, ○Downtown Area ○ Downtown Community Place District. ● Suggest​ the following language that distinguishes between these three terms: ​The purpose of the CBD designation is to encourage a mixture of community-oriented goods and services. There is only one area in Town with the Central Business District designation ( as shown in Figure 3-4, Page 3-5). The CBD is located within the larger Downtown Area (as shown in Figure 3-8 Page 3-22). The CBD and the Downtown Community Change District (as shown in Figure 4-1, Page 4-31) share the same boundaries. ●NOTE: Please check: I think elsewhere in the GP the CBD is described as either attracting visitors or as regional - the description should be consistent throughout. Page 3-22,, Downtown Area Map Figure 3-8 Modify ●Suggest​: For consistency use the same color to define the CBD in the Downtown Area Map as used for CBD in the Land Use Diagram (Page 3-5) Page 3-24, Figure 3-9 Specific Plan Location​s and ​Page 4-39, Figure 4-5 Lark Avenue District. ●Please verify​ the location of the Albright Specific Plan. I do not think it extends as far south to the corner of Winchester and Lark. I think the area south of the Specific Plan has a Light Industrial Designation. Page 3-28 - Page 3-33, 3.7 Community Place District Figures 24 Memo from Lee Quintana to GPAC Jan, 26, 2021 3 ●Suggest​: Keep the text on page 3-28 and Page 3-31. Figure 3-10 (Community Place Districts) ●Sugges​t: Either delete the text and photos on page 3-31 and 3-32 or integrate them into Community Place Districts in the Community Design Element (starting on Page 4-27). ●Suggest:​Correct the description and map for the Downtown District. Page 3-34, Figure 3-11, Historic Districts ●Suggest: ​Use a different color to outline the University-Edelen District; it is too close to the color used for the Planning Area boundary. ●Suggest​: Add the underlying General Plan Designations. COMMENTS 3 COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT (Figures, Illustrations, Photos & Tables) General - various pages ●Number and label all illustrations, diagrams and photos. ●Reduce the size of illustrations (smaller but still easily readable) All Community Place Districts Figures in the Community Element : ●Figures 4.1,Downtown District; 4-5, Lark Avenue District; 4-6, Los Gatos Boulevard District; 4-7, North Santa Cruz Avenue District; and 4-10 Winchester Boulevard District) outline more than one district, ○Sugges​t: Outline only one district in each figure ●The colors used for land use outside a District’s boundaries are not consistent with their legends. This may result from trying to focus on the Community Place District. ●Two suggestions, depending on the intent of these Figures. ○Suggest: ​If the intent is to delineate a District’s location and highlight the General Plan land uses within the District, then use a neutral background for areas outside a District, ○Suggest: ​ If the intent is to show the District's location as well as the relationship of land uses in a District with the land uses in the surrounding area, then apply the land use colors from the legend across the entire figure. ○Suggest:​ To reduce “visual clutter” only include the GP Land Use Designations located within the District in the legend. Page 4-28, Figure 4-2 Community Place Districts and Page 3-30, Figure 3-10 Both Figure 3-10 and Figure 4-2 show the distribution of the Community Place Districts , however the scale of Figure 4-2 makes it difficult to distinguish individual uses. ●Suggest​:Keep only one of the figures and reference to it when appropriate. ●Suggest: ​If Figure 4-2 is kept: ○Delete land use details ○Label the Town’s major street and corridors ○Add District names Page 4-31, 34 Memo from Lee Quintana to GPAC Jan, 26, 2021 4 ●Suggest: ​Add “Downtown District and Figure 4-1) Page 4-60, Winchester Boulevard District. ●I think the street system shown within the Albright Specific Plan area was vacated as part of the Specific Plan approval.. 44