Item 1 - Addendum with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 02/04/2021 ITEM: 1 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: February 3, 2021 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Land Use Element and the Revised Initial Draft of the Community Design Element. REMARKS: Attachment 25 contains comments from a Committee Member. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with the November 5, 2020 Staff Report: 1. June 11, 2020 Community Workshop and Online Survey Summary 2. Initial Draft of Land Use Element 3. Initial Draft of Community Design Element 4. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 Attachments previously received with November 5, 2020 Addendum: 5. Committee Member Comments 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, October 30, 2020 and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Attachment previously received with the November 5, 2020 Desk Item: 7. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the November 19, 2020 Staff Report: 8. November 17, 2020 Town Council Staff Report with Attachments 1-7 9. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the November 19, 2020 Desk Item Report: 10. Committee Member Comments 11. Public Comment ATTACHMENTS (continued): Attachments previously received with the January 7, 2021 Staff Report: 12. Revised Initial Draft of Land Use Element 13. Comment Response Summary Table – Land Use 14. Revised Initial Draft of Community Design Element 15. Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design 16. Updated Potential Housing Production Table Attachments previously received with the January 7, 2021 Addendum Report: 17. Committee Member Comments 18. Public Comment Attachments previously received with the January 21, 2021 Staff Report: 19. Maps of the Area Described in a Public Comment 20. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with the January 21, 2021 Addendum Report: 21. Historic Preservation Committee Comments Attachment previously received with the January 21, 2021 Desk Item Report: 22. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the February 4, 2021 Staff Report: 23. Updated Comment Response Summary Table – Community Design Element 24. Committee Member Comments Attachment received with this Addendum Report: 25. Committee Member Comments 1 To: Chairperson Hansen and Members of the Committee From:Lee Quintana Date:January 31, 2021 LAND USE: Additional Comments previously addressed by GPAC. RESPONSE to COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Nick Gera, ​January 4, 202 ●This request is to consider changing the General Plan for 16492-16498 Los Gatos Blvd.from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. ●The GPAC recommended including this change to the GP Land Use Diagram at our last meeting. I was the sole dissenting vote. The following are the reasons behind my vote: ○There should be consistency between GP Designations and corresponding Zoning Districts. However, based on Attachment #19, I believe this change is too narrowly focused. ○Attachment #19 shows the existing GP for these parcels as LDR and the Zoning as C-1,zoning. ○However, just within the area of Attachment 19 there are nine (9) other examples of mismatched GP and Zoning. Other transportation corridors located within Community Place Districts also have areas of inconsistency. ​1 ○Suggest​ ​Instead: Provide consistency between GP and Zoning - in order of preference: ■1st: Include in Update: Review all corridors within the Community Place Districts for consistency and make appropriate changes to the 2040 Land Use Diagram also taking into consideration existing land use. ■2nd: Include in Update: Review area within Attachment 19 and the area within the Los Gatos Blvd Community Place District and make appropriate changes to the 2040 GP Land Use Diagram. ■Last: Implementation after adoption of GP2040: Update the 2040 GP Diagram and Zoning map for consistency between them 2040 Land Use Diagram and Zoning Map Page 3-5 Land Use Diagram: Specific Plan Designations ●Suggest:​ Outlining the area of the Albright and North 40 Specific Plans on the General and​ show the underlying General Plan Designation. As is stated on Page 3-23 “A specific plan is a planning tool …..for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for a defined portion of a community planning area” 1 A few areas that I am aware of: Laurel Mews, the area of the former County Courthouse, the area north of 85 and east of Winchester Blvd. ATTACHMENT 25 2 Page 3-14 Specific Plan Designations (Albright and North 40): ●Suggest: ​Move Specific Plan Designations to the end of Table 3-2 (after Public & Open Space) to be consistent with the order they appear on the General Plan Land Use Diagram. ●Suggest​: Add a general description of the allowed uses for the Specific Plans in Table 3-2, and indicate density, height and FAR, consistent with other GP Designations. Page 3-15: Table 3-2 General Plan Land Use Designations and Development Standards Suggest:​ Consider changing the maximum height for the Open Space and Agricultural land use designations to 25 feet. This change would provide height consistency for all three designations located within the Town’s identified hillside area (OP, AG and HR). While some parks and riparian areas are located outside of hillside areas the 25 maximum height limit still seems appropriate for those areas as well. From Page 3-16 to end Organization is confusing:!!!!!! Page 3-18 Public and Institutional Uses in Residential Neighborhoods ●LU-5.4 Adjacent Non-Residential Development: Does this refer to development in a non-residential GP or zone that is adjacent to a residential GP/zone? Or does it mean non-residential development within an area with a residential GP/zone? Clarify connection to LU-12 policies (page 3-25) ●LU-5-6 This needs clarification. What standards are these? Is this referring to requiring a CUP? Is this a “shall” or a “may” Page 3-23 Specific Plan ●Suggest ​moving the discussion of Specific Plans as the first item under 3.6 Special Planning Areas (page 3-26) Page 3-26 Special Planning Areas: ●Suggest​: ​ Consider Providing a Table for Special Planning Area. A table may be a better way to organize the information for readers. Page 3-26 Special Planning Areas - Overlay zones​: ●Add: AHOZ overlay (unless the plan is to delete this overlay). Page 3-27 Hillside Specific Plan : Delete ●I believe there was GPAC consensus to remove the Hillside Specific Plan. ●Review the HSP - and identify any relevant sections that have not already been incorporated into the GP, Zoning Code or Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines and Incorporate those sections into other documents as appropriate ●Suggest​: Look for more appropriate locations within the General Plan. January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC 3 Page 3-28: 3.7 Community Place Districts ●Clarify: ​Are the Community Place Districts a form of Area Plans or are they a first step towards developing Area Plans? ​Should the Community Place Districts or Area Plans be included under Special Planning Areas? ●Suggest: ​Include a location map for the eight districts, and a general definition of Community Place District under 3.6 Special Planning Areas and move all discussion of individual Districts to the Community Design Element. NOTE: Historic Preservation​: ● Except for the Downtown Historic Districts the Historic Districts have a GP Designation of Medium Density, which would increase their density range to 14-24 from the existing 5-12. ●Should the Historic Preservation Districts be identified as areas needing additional regulation to ensure preservation of their historic character? Page 3-33: Preserving Our History​. ●Currently the discussion of preserving the Town’s history is fragmented between the Land Use Element, the Community Design Element (where it is further fragmented) and the Environmental and Sustainability Ellement. ●Suggest: ○On Page 3-26, List the 5 Landmark and Historic Preservation (LHP) Overlay Zones under the first bullet, reference the Historic District Figure (currently Fig 3-11 on Page 3-34,) and move the figure closer to Page 3-26. ○Combine the discussion of Historic Preservation in one area, either in the Land Use Element or the Community Design Element. ○Note:​ CD-3.1, CD-3.2, CD-3-3, CD3.6, CD4.1, CD-4.2, CD-8.7, CD-8.3 all either overlap or are repetitive. Consider a re-organization that is less relative and less overlapping. ●Also see comments on Page 4-24. COMMENTS ON LAND USE ELEMENT: From where GPAC left off at the 1/27/2021 Meeting: Page 3-35, 3.9 General Plan Use and Maintenance Page 3-37, 3.10 Civil Engagement; Page 3.11, Lifelong Learning and 3.12 Healthy Community Page 3-35, 3.9 General Plan Use and Maintenance General ●Move the discussion of State regulation for amending the General Plan to Chapter 1. Introduction ●Move section that relate to implementation to Table 3.14 Implementation Programs January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC 4 Specific Comments: ●Goal 17 - the Goals and Policies within the Land Use Element and the Community Design Element should ensure this goal. ●LU-17.1: General Plan Land Use Diagram - Move to Table 3.14 Implementation Programs ●LU-17.2: General Plan Consistency - How does this ensure General Plan Consistency? ●LU-17.3: Zoning Consistency: Move to Table 3.14 as implementation. Note: Zoning is not included on the GP Land Use Diagram for HR or LDR. Note: Zoning Consistency as used here does not include the regulatiojns of the zoning code being consistent with the text of the General Plan. ●Goal 18 - See Goal 17 ●LU-18.1 - Delete in entirety: Replace with: ​Amendments to the General Plan land use designation, General Plan Land Use or General Plan Text shall be consistent with the General Plan Vision, Guiding Principles and relevant goals and policies. ●Ensure consistency between the General Plan, and the regulations and planning documents that implement the General Plan. ●Ensure internal consistency within implementing documents ●This involves more than updating the Zoning Map to be consistent with the GP Land Use Diagram or updating the GP Designation and zoning definitions. COMMENTS ON 4. COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT Restate thoughts on combining GP and Community Design General: ●Consider combining Land Use and Community Design Elements ●Keep Goals and Policies general. Relegate details to design guidelines or area plans ●It is not always clear which illustrations are intended to apply generally or to specific areas - just a few examples. ○CD-2.1 (Building Setback) and CD-2.10 appear in conflict. ○The intent of CD2.4 Multi-story Setbacks and CD2-9 (Roof Design) are clear when considered individually, but considered together they appear to conflict. ○CD-2.2, CD-2.6, and CD-2.6: These concepts are connected but might take different forms depending on the architectural style of the building. ●Community Place Districts have been identified as growth areas. ●Should the Historic Districts be identified as areas designed to experience the least growth? If so does the density/intensity in these areas need to be differentiated from other Medium Density General Plan Designations? Page 4-6: Neighborhood Connectivity I do not see a strong connection between 4.1 Neighborhood Compatibility, CD-1 or the policies that follow. ●Suggest​: Consider deleting 4.1. ●If 4.1 is not deleted then: January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC 5 ○Delete​ ​CD-1.1 It is already addressed in Land Use Element and in Transportation Element. ○Delete: ​ CD-1.3 How does a g​ated community add to neighborhood connectivity? ■Modify heading​: ​Avoid​ Gated Communities. ■Modify policy:​ ​Discourage​ ​Prohibit​ the creation of gated communities. Delete ​the rest of the sentence. Note: Driveway gates would not be prohibited. ○Delete​ CD1.5: This may apply to larger infill projects in Community Place Districts, but is it consistent with other policies and design guidelines for established neighborhoods? Page 4-7: 4.2 Community Form​: ​ Page 4-7 to 4-23 ●Delete​ first paragraph of 4.2 introduction ●CD-2: This goal is too broad ●CD-2.1 ○Heading - modify:​ Building Setbacks ​Increases. ○Policy - Delete and replace:​ ​For each foot a building more than 20 feet in height building setback line will increase one foot (i.e. a 1:1 ration of increased height to increased setback) ●CD-2.3 Multi-Story Step Back ○Suggest:​ Move up after CD-2.1 ●CD-2.5, Human Scale ○Consider deleting - very broad and very subjective. Page 4-13 and Page 4-23, Did You Know ●Suggest: Delete​ - Concept already Included in Goal and Policy ●If not deleted: Seriously condense the text,​ Include only one photo, and combine iinto one box. Page 4-18, Solid Fencing ●CD2-44.​ Suggest delete​: This is not consistent with the updated fence ordinance. See Zoning Code Sec. 29.40.0315(a)(3). . Page 4-22 Figure 4-1 Gateways ●Too many gateway signs. Page 4-24, Historic Preservation: Comments from the Historic Preservation Committee ●Agree with suggested changes received from the Historic Preservation Committee (see Attachment 21 to 1/21/2021 GPAC) ●Also see Page 3- 33 for my comments in the Land Use Element January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC 6 Page 4-27 4.5 Community Place Districts, General Comments: ●Opportunity Areas: ​I still prefer Opportunity Areas rather than Community Place Districts. Using “Opportunity Areas” might also lessen confusion between “Downtown District and Downtown Area and Central Business District (See comments under Page 4-30, Downtown District). ●Comments on Figures, Illustrations etc​.​ Refer to the comments regarding Page 4-32 and Page 4-33 in my November 5, 2020 letter to GPAC on the Community Design Element. ●Order of Districts: ​What is the basis of the order of the Districts? ○Suggest​: Reorganize the Districts in one of the two following ways: ■Organize from south to north: (Downtown District, North Santa Cruz District, Los Gatos Blvd. District, Lark Ave District); and then west to east i.e.,( Pollard Road District, Union Ave District and Harwood District.), or ■Organized by least to most potential for growth. ●Focus: ​Keep the focus of the Community Place Districts on the future. ○Delete​ the discussions of existing conditions of Districts ○Modify ​the 2040​ ​Vision for each District to present tense. ●Keep General ​:​Keep the Goals and Policies general. Develop more detailed goals and policies as part of Area Plans. Page 4-30, Page 4-34, Page 4-37-38, Page 4-41-42, Page 4-48, Page 4-52, Page 4-56, Page 4-60,​ ​Location and existing conditions ●Keep Location Descriptions. ●Delete the description of existing conditions. ●Ambivalent about keeping photos of existing conditions. Page 4-27 Introduction ●Delete and replace​:T​here are eight Community Place Districts within the Town’s Planning Area. All are located along the Town’s major transportation corridors. Each District has the ability to accommodate additional growth given its access to transportation and utility infrastructure. Because these areas are anticipated to experience the most growth and change during the timeframe of GP2040 they warrant specific community design policies to ensure each has a unique character and individual sense of place. Page 4-29 CD7 ●CD7.2, and 7.4: ​Clarify ​whether apply to development in GP Residential Designations as well as Commercial Designations. ●CD-7.1: District Signage: Suggest moving down before CD-7.5 ●CD-7.2: Neighborhood/​Pedestrian​-Friendly Design. ( add pedestrian) ○Clarify: Does sitting buildings close to the street apply to both residential and non-residential GP designations within the District, to any development located January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC 7 adjacent to a corridor or only to Commercial or mixed use development adjacent to a major corridor. ●CD-7.4: Wider Sidewalks and CD-7.7: Enhanced Landscaping ○Clarify: Do these apply to all GP designations? Page 4-30 Downtown District: ●Correct​ information to correspond to new boundaries of the Downtown District​. Delete​ all but the last sentence of the first paragraph Page 4-32 and 4-33, Comments from Mike Labarbera, Terracommercial Real Estate Corporation, ​ November 3, 2020 and ​Jim Foley, Pennant Properties​, November 4, 2020. ●Both or these letters raise similar concerns regarding the intent of CD 8.3 and CD 8.7. ●Suggest the following to clarif​y: Delete CD-8 and Policies CD-8.1 to CD-8.10 and replace with the following: ○CD-8 : ​Incorporate new development while maintaining a unique sense of place of the Downtown District.. ○CD-8.1 ​Downtown District Identity:​ (combines CD-8.1 and CD-8.6) ​Maintain the Downtown District as the cultural, social and historic core of Los Gatos. ○CD-8.2 ​Preservation ​(Previous CD-8.7 modified) Preserve, restore, rehabilitate and reuse existing historic buildings (pre-1941 ?.) ●CD-8.3 ​Mass and Scale ​(Previous CD-8.3 modified) Ensure there are no abrupt changes of scale and mass between new development and historic structures in the Downtown District. ○CD-8.4​- Street Environment​ (combine previous CD-8.8, 8.9 and 8.10) Elements of the street environment, such as parklets and street furniture and equipment (including but not limited to lights, street, bus shelters, refuse receptacles, planters, signs both public and private) shall be designed to be cohesive, human scale, pedestrian friendly and to reinforce the architectural history of the Downtown District. ●Suggest​: Consider Identifying specific areas within the CBD where a height of 45’ could be appropriate. (for example where there is a high concentration of buildings built after 1941.,for example along Santa Cruz Ave. south of Main Street. Or the area along Santa Cruz Ave Page 4-32: Vision 2040 Downtown District ●Suggest: Delete ​the first paragraph, it reads like a chamber of commerce commercial. ●Suggest: ​Condense the vision statement as follows: ​The Downtown District preserves its unique architectural character and continue as the social and historic core of Los Gatos. The Downtown District emphasizes first floor retail, and encourages office and residential units above the first floor. The Downtown District has a walkability and pedestrian friendly environment. Widened sidewalks provide space for outdoor dining, public art, street furniture, information kiosks, updated building and wayfinding signage all of which enhance visitors' experiences. January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC 8 Page 4-39 Figure 4-5 Lark District. ● Varify ​that the Albright Specific Plan extends as far south as Lark Ave. Page 4-48 North Santa Cruz District: ●Modify​ the first sentences: …..adjacent to but not including ​the​ Downtown ​District. Page 4-50, Vision North Santa Cruz Avenue District First Sentence: Why extension of Downtown, why not unique characters? Does Downtown mean Downtown District or Downtown Area? Third Sentence: Us thus accurate? The Downtown District contains a variety of architectural styles Fifth Sentence: What does “true mixed use” mean? As opposed to not “true” mixed use’? . January 31, 2021 Comments on the Land Use and Community Design Elements for February 4, 2021 GPAC To: Chair Melanie Hanssen and GPAC Members From: Lee Quintana Re: Comments for February 4, 2021 GPAC Council Direction: I recommend the GPAC discuss whether the current draft of the 2040 GP Land Use and Community Design Elements is consistent with the direction Council gave to GPAC at Town Council Meeting of November 17, 2020 (Agenda Item ) My summary note of that meeting are included as Attachment 1 Comments on Key Terms Land Use Element Acre. (ADD​) An acre is a measurement of land area equal to 43,560 square feet​. Acreage, gross. (ADD) Gross acreage includes all land within the boundaries of a lot; including, but not limited to , easements, streets, and rights-of-way). Acreage, net.​ (​ADD) Net Acreage is the portion of a site that can be built upon after dedications for rights-of-way for streets, flood ways,, and public parks and other open space as required to meet the minimum standards required by Town Code, and after deducting required utility easements and rights-of-way. Below Grade Area. (ADD) Dwelling Units (ADD definitions for) DwellingUnit Dwelling Unit - ADU Dwelling Unit - Group…... Dwelling Unit - Multi-family….. Dwelling Unit - Single Family…. Dwelling Unt - Two family…. Note: ​Given the changes in state laws it may be more accurate to use these terms than to use Single Family Attached, Single Family Detached, etc. Community Place District. (Delete and suggested replacement) A Community Place District is a type of Special Panning Area. There are eight (8) Community Place Districts within the Town’s Planning Area. (​See​ Land Use Element 3.5 and Community Design Element 4.5 for more detailed information)​. ​These Districts have the greatest potential to experience change during the timeframe of GP2040. These Districts are label to support additional development based on close proximity to commercial services and employment centers, easy access to transportation systems, access to the infrastructure needed to support additional development. Density. (Delete and suggested replacement) Note:​ ​GP2020 defines density using net acreage. The 2040GP uses gross acreage. Why the change? What is the effect of the difference? Density is calculated by dividing the number of housing units on a site (excluding accessory dwelling units) by the gross acreage of the site. Density is one way to describe the intensity of residential development. Density Range. ​ (ADD) ​A density range identifies the minimum density required as well as the maximum density allowed for residential development. When a Land Use Designation Designation includes more than one compatible Zoning District, the actual density range is determined by the Zoning Code. Floor Area Ratio (FAR.) DELETE AND REPLACE) Floor Area Ratio is a ratio calculated by taking the gross floor area for all buildings on a zoning parcel and dividing by the area of the parcel. Residential square footage is included in the gross floor area when developed in conjunction with non-residential use. Note​ Is the area gross or net? Floor Area, Gross. ​(​ADD) Floor area, grossis he entire enclosed area of all floors that are more than four (4) feet above the proposed grade,​(See Sec. 29.40.075 of zoning ordinance). Question: ● ​Does “more than four (4) feet above grade this apply to non-residential development as well? ●Are garage structures included in gross floor area? Floor area ratio (FAR) maximum.​ (​ADD) Non-residential: For non-residential land use designations the maximum FAR standards are shown in Table 3-2 of the GP2040. However, the actual maximum FAR for each zoning District is determined by the Zoning Code, and may be less than the maximum shown in Table 3-2. Note​:​ Currently, for non-residential General Plan Designations, with the exception of the CBD, FAR only applies to single family and two family (See Sec. 29. .50.060). Residential: The maximum FAR for Residential Zoning Districts are established in the Zoning Code. Question:​ ​Why isn’t a maximum Far included in Table 3-2 for residential designations?residential uses in Table 3-2? Intensity:​ Intensity refers to the total amount of development on a site. It is determined by a combination of factors including, height, lot coverage, building setbacks, amount of open space, FAR, and the form and mass of structures. Density also plays a role, depending on the size of the units. Density is also a common way to describe intensity, however how density is depends not only on the number of units but the size of the units. Note: ​This language still needs work. ATTACHMENT 1 - My notes November 17, 2020 Council Meeting My summary of Town Council direction to GPAC. ●The General Plan should be forward looking, ●There will be change, but keep change to a minimum. ●Keep change to the minimum necessary to meet RHNA) ●Interested in the concept of missing middle housing but question if it should be applied evenly over the entire LRD designation - generally ok if within easy walk of commercial or designated OP or “community design districts” and how it will be regulated. ●Concerned about where OA will be counted as designated RHNA areas, because if not redeveloped within the RHNA cycle it may not be reused in future? ●Concern whether 4-plex examples on combined lots would be compatible with LDR neighborhoods. From Staff report: The initial direction from Town Council was that the existing General Plan is serving the community well, and this update provides the opportunity to refine the General Plan, address emerging trends and recent State laws and consider new issues. However, the discussions of the GPAC have evolved over the last two years, so they have asked for some clarification from Town Council on how proactive and forward-looking these revisions should be, both in respect to goals, policies, and implementation measures, as well as to the descriptive and introductory language of the document. Questions put to Council in TC Meeting November 17, 2020 and my summary notes of responses by Council Members. Do the attachments adequately explain the transition of the selected Alternative into the Land Use Designations and their development parameters? If not, what additional information would be useful​. ●Jensen:​ Adamantly no. Don’t see how the preferred Land Use Alternative is directly translated into the General Plan charts or statements. Need explanation. If they need explanation they are of no help. Does the Council Support Missing Middle housing in low density residential? Yes with conditions. ●Jensen: Yes. But income does not result in production type, but production type does affect price. GP policy - create opportunity to allow Missing Middle to happen. Need to accept that will result in change. ●Reni: Yes ●Barbara: ? ●Sayoc: Potential along Los Gatos Blvd (?) How much change should the GPAC make in the update of the General Plan? ●Spector: GP should be forward looking; meet RHNA numbers in the OA as much as possible, remove Los Gatos Blvd. Plan. Support OA but not into LDR unless needed to meet RHNA, would not go above three stories, Would not modify CBD, unless needed to meet RHNA. ●Reni: Forward looking. ●Sayac: Forward looking, remove Los Gatos Blvd Plan, ●Jensen: Forward looking, not obsolete (one example Los Gatos Blvd Plan), get increased units in ways that make sense even though it may require some changes, eliminate all things obsolete. Acknowledge that things may “a bit” ? ●Forward looking = meeting RHNA numbers ?? Additional thoughts and comments by TC: Reni​: ●How can it be ensured that increased density will not result in increased mass changing the character of LRD? Especially in by-right development. ●Joel responded: Through future zoning code changes - may need to modify FAR, height, or setbacks down the road. ●Identifying areas to maintain, evolve and transform is a good idea but would be difficult and subjective.​1 ●Increase density in LRD outside (adjacent) OA- expand OA to include more LRD and leave the rest of the area outside OA at current density - would still have the opportunity to have primary structure plus up to 2 ADU’s. ●Clarified not opposed to missing middle housing. Spector​:​ ​Agrees with the concept that increased density of LDR should occur within easy walking distance of commercial areas. Expand OA into those areas. Sayoc, Spector and Reni​: Expressed concerns about how to achieve RHNA numbers for low and extremely low and concern that identified housing sites cannot be reused in the next RHNA 1 cycle. Staff clarified that to be considered as a RHNA site by state requires densities higher than 20/acre. Staff clarified that OA are not housing sites ●GP should be forward looking, policies that are obsolete should be removed (example given was Los Gatos Blvd. Plan) and new ones added Consensus votes taken on two items: ●The 2040 General Plan should be forward looking as Los Gatos implements policies and actions to reduce VMT and facilitates housing production for all income levels in the right places. In other words, the Council is not expectating the 2040 to be the same as the 2020 General Plan. ●Policies and items that are obsolete should be removed (example Los Gatos Blvd Plan) This Page Intentionally Left Blank