Item 3 - Staff Report with Attachments PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 12/17/2020 ITEM: 3 TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: December 11, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element. REMARKS: The General Plan Update Advisory Committee (GPAC) began the review and discussion of the initial draft of the Mobility Element at their July 16, 2020 meeting and continued that review with a revised version on September 3, 2020 and September 17, 2020. Based on the feedback received at these meetings, staff has worked with the consultants, Mintier Harnish, to present an updated version of the Initial Draft of the Mobility Element (Attachment 12), along with an updated table summarizing the comments received, an d how they have been implemented (Attachment 13). Attachment 14 contains additional comments from a Committee Member. Additional comments, whether from committee members or the public, that are received by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, will be provided to the GPAC in an Addendum Report that afternoon so that text changes can be considered by all committee members prior to the meeting. Any comments received after that time, but before 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting will be provided in a Desk Item. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with July 16, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Initial Draft of Mobility Element 2. Comments from Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Safe Routes to School Attachment previously received with July 16, 2020 Desk Item Report : 3. Committee Member Comments PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element December 11, 2020 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2020\12-17-20\Item 3 - Staff Report.docx Attachments previously received with September 3, 2020 Staff Report: 4. Revised Initial Draft of Mobility Element 5. Comment Response Summary Table 6. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 28, 2020 Attachments previously received with September 3, 2020 Addendum Report: 7. Committee Member Comments 8. Staff Responses to Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with September 3, 2020 Desk Item Report: 9. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with September 17, 2020 Staff Report: 10. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with September 17, 2020 Desk Item Report: 11. Committee Member Comments Attachments received with this Staff Report: 12. Second Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element 13. Comment Response Summary Table 14. Committee Member Comments 4 4.Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-1 The Mobility Element is designed to address all aspects of moving of people and goods. This Element addresses a more holistic approach to sustainable transportation methods that focus on strategies for reducing vehicle miles traveled, enhancing a multimodal transportation system, and enhancing infrastructure for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders. The goal of this Element is to achieve transportation reductions and promote alternative forms of transportation that will reduce the local and regional effects of climate change. Los Gatos can do its part by creating a more walkable community where reliance on the vehicle is reduced and non -driving forms of transportation will be more feasible. This Element also addresses the typical aspects of a transportation network including, roadways, parking, and the movement of goods. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The goals, policies, and implementation programs in the Mobility Element are consistent and interdependent with the other elements of the General Plan. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The Mobility Element includes the following sections: Contents Section Title Page Key Terms .............................................................................................................................................. 2 4.1 Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (was 4.8) ............................................................................. 3 4.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (was 4.6 and 4.5) .............................................................. 4 4.3 Multimodal System / Complete Streets (was Sections 4.2 and 4.3) ..................................... 9 4.4 Transit Services and Facilities (was 4.6) ............................................................................. 11 4.5 Transportation Systems (was 4.0) ....................................................................................... 15 4.6 Roadways (was 4.1) ............................................................................................................ 16 4.7 Parking (was 4.9) ................................................................................................................. 21 4.8 Goods Movement (was 4.7) ................................................................................................. 23 4.9 Implementation Programs .................................................................................................... 25 ATTACHMENT 12 Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-2 Public Review Draft December 2020 Key Terms Bikeway Types. Bikeways are typically classified into one of four classes depending on their design and placement. ▪ Class I bikeways (bike paths) are also described as bike paths, shared paths (shared with pedestrians), and multi-use paths, and provide a completely separate right-of-way designated for the exclusive use of bicyclists and pedestrians with minimized vehicle and pedestrian cross -flow. ▪ Class II bikeways (bike lanes) are lanes for bicyclists generally adjacent to outer vehicle travel lanes with special lane markings, pavement legends, and signage. ▪ Class III bikeways (bike routes) are designated by signs or pavement markings for shared use with pedestrians or motor vehicles but have no separated bike right-of-way or lane striping. ▪ Class IV bikeways (cycle tracks or protected bike lanes) provide a right-of-way designated exclusively for bicycle travel within a roadway and which are protected from other vehicle traffic with devices, including, but not limited to, grade separation, flexible posts, inflexible physical barriers, or parked cars. Complete Streets. A transportation policy and design approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe and convenient access for all users regardless of their mode of transportation (such as vehicle, bicycle, and walking), age, and ability. Cut-through Traffic. Vehicle trips that pass entirely through the Town without stopping to patronize local businesses or job centers or vehicle trips that pass through a neighborhood as a short cut to using arterial streets or regional highways to get to their destination. Level of Service (LOS). A qualitative measure used to rate a roadway segment’s traffic flow characteristics during peak hours. LOS acts as an indicator of roadway performance relative to locally established standards for quality of service based on measures of speed, density, and congestion that are designated using letters from “A” (good) to “F” (poor). LOS can assist in determining when roadway capacity improvements are needed. Transit Stop. A hub for multiple transit lines or supports connection between multiple transportation modes (multimodal travel). Multimodal. This term refers to transportation planning that considers various modes (such as automobile, bicycles, walking, public transit) of travel and the connections between these modes. Multiple Use Trails. Trail systems designed to facilitate multiple modes of use, such as pedestrians, and bicyclists. TIF. Traffic Impact Fees. Transportation Demand Management (TDM). TDM strategies are used to reduce vehicle travel, with an emphasis on reducing travel during peak periods. TDM is intended to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow without having to increase the capacity or physical size of a section of transportation infrastructure. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). Measures the total amount of vehicular travel by the population of a specific area and is used to analyze potential air quality and greenhouse gas impacts. VMT is also the required method used for the evaluation of environmental impacts as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-3 4.1 Redu ce Vehicle Miles Traveled (was 4.8) In evaluating environmental impacts related to development, the State of California now requires municipalities to use Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT), as specified under SB 743. Historically, most cities and towns, including Los Gatos, evaluated traffic impacts based on roadway segment and/or intersection Level of Service (LOS). The LOS metric looked at the change in the number of vehicles on a roadway compared to the roadway’s capacity or the wait time at an intersection to judge capacity impacts. The new VMT metric estimates the total miles traveled as part of a project and can be assessed by evaluating their impact on the VMT Town’s standard. By measuring VMT changes relative to the Town’s threshold , jurisdictions can evaluate the transportation impact of future development projects. This allows for the jurisdiction to adopt strategies that can reduce VMT and help to achieve VMT targets. While vehicle LOS is no longer to be used as a measure of transportation impacts for CEQA review of land use projects and land use plans, jurisdictions may retain a LOS standard in their local transportation policies for evaluating physical improvements. This way, the LOS analysis could be used as additional information to aid in the decision-making process that would be outside of the CEQA document. The Town’s goals for the next 20 years are well-aligned with the State’s intent in switching to VMT. Those goals are to promote: ▪ The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; ▪ The development of multimodal transportation networks (i.e., networks that serve a variety of users including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and drivers); and ▪ A diversity of land uses (i.e., neighborhoods and cities with housing, jobs, shops and services in close proximity to each other). Using the VMT approach helps to focus on creating a community that aims to reduce vehicle miles traveled. To adequately address the Town’s current reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, the Town must focus on creating strategies and incentives to reduce vehicle usage and encourage alternative modes of transportation. One method for reducing VMT is to incorporate a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) model. TDM is the application of strategies to reduce vehicle travel, with an emphasis during peak periods of travel, to reduce congestion, improve traffic flow, and reduce overall reliance on vehicles and vehic ular trips. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report and Town Council/Planning Commission Joint Study Session Staff Report from October 8, 2019] The following goals and policies address the reduction of vehicle miles traveled. Reduce vehicle miles and manage vehicle congestion through a complete transportation network. [New Goal] Require TDM for Development Proposals Require all development and redevelopment proposals with more than 10 housing units or over 5,000 square feet of non-residential square footage to include a detailed, sustainable, and measurable Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. The Town shall consider the program during the review of the development application and implement the program as a condition of approval on the project. TDM programs could include, but are not limited to, measures such as alternative work schedules, bicycle parking, showers, and route maps for Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-4 Public Review Draft December 2020 employees, subsidized transit passes, and future measures as programs and technologies evolve. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.13, modified] Incentivize Reduced Vehicle Trips Coordinate with employers to create incentives that reduce employee trips. [New Policy] Link Development and Transit Development near transit stops shall provide TDM programs or facilities that encourage transit use for all types of trips. In-lieu fees, traffic impact fees (TIF), or other funding mechanisms may be required to provide Townwide TDM programs, such as a public shuttle. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-9.3, modified] Employer Shuttle Services Encourage employers (with over 100 employees) to develop shuttle services (i.e., corporate busing) to transport employees to and from the worksite. Entities may form transportation management associations (TMAs) to pool resources to fund TDM measures. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-10.3, modified] 4.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (was 4.6 and 4.5 ) The Town’s bicycle and pedestrian facilities consist of sidewalks, bicycle paths and lanes, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, curb ramps, and street lighting along various roadways within Los Gatos as well as a variety of accessible trails and pathways. These provide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity throughout the Town. The existing bicycle network in Los Gatos is composed of approximately 13 miles of bikeways. There are about four miles of Class I bike paths, five miles of Class II bike lanes, and three miles of Class III bike routes. There are currently no Class IV bikeways in the Town. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report, modified] The Santa Clara Countywide Bicycle Plan synthesizes other local and County plans into a comprehensive 20 - year cross-county bicycle corridor network and expenditure plan. The long-range countywide transportation plan and the means by which projects compete for funding and prioritization are documented in the Valley Transportation Plan (VTP) 2040 (adopted in 2014). Santa Clara VTA has adopted the Santa Clara Countyw ide Bicycle Plan (May 2018), which is a planned bicycle network of 24 routes of countywide or intercity significance. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report] The Town completed its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2017, with a focused update in 2020, which proposes an enhanced bicycle and pedestrian network that is safe and provides access to key destinations in Town. The Plan identifies pedestrian improvements, gaps in the pedestrian network, and pedestrian enhancement prioritization. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report] Overall, pedestrian facilities are primarily included as part of the transportation network along and connecting arterial, collector, neighborhood, and local streets. The Los Gatos Creek Trail is a notable trail used by pedestrians to access the Downtown area and parks from residential areas. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report, modified] The Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2017; rev. 2020) identifies several network recommendations and prioritization projects for Class I, II, III, and IV bikeways, which includes numerous Safe Routes to School Projects. [Source: New Text] The existing and future bicycle network in the Town of Los Gatos is illustrated on Figure 4-1. 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-5 Bicycle Facilities Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-6 Public Review Draft December 2020 The following goals and policies address bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Los Gatos. Provide continuous, safe, and efficient bikeways and pedestrian facilities. [New Goal] Roads for Both Bicycles and Vehicles Roads designated as bicycle routes (Class III) shall be constructed to be safe for both bicycles and vehicles. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-10.5] Improve Bicycling in the Town Support planning and design upgrades to bicycling infrastructure, support bicycling education, and encourage programs to improve bicycling in the Town. [New Policy] Support Regional Bicycle Network Support regional partners to create a complete and comprehensive bicycle network connecting the Town to other regional destinations. [New Policy] Identify Areas to Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Ensure all planning processes, such as master plans and specific plans, identify areas where bicycle connections and pedestrian improvements can be made, such as new connections, increased sidewalk width, improved crosswalks, improved lighting, and new street furniture, benches, and seating to promote walkable environments. [New Policy] Avoid Negative Impacts on Bicycle Use All new development shall be designed to enhance the safety or convenience of bicycle use through the Town. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-6.4, modified] Through-Access for Bicyclists Require all developments with a frontage greater than 300 feet to provide through-access for bicyclists. [New Policy] Safe Routes to Schools Coordinate with all schools that serve Los Gatos to enhance safe bicycling routes. [New Policy] Bicycle-Friendly Design Provide median refuges, bike-friendly signals, and wayfinding signage to popular local destinations along bikeways and at major street crossings. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-10.7, modified] Employer Support for Bicycle Commuters Require employers greater than 100 employees of new or remodeled places of business, to provide covered and secure bicycle parking and locker facilities for their bicycle commuters. [New Policy] Bicycling Amenities for Public Use Encourage and facilitate the provision of bicycling amenities, such as parking facilities and lockers, at schools, parks, and shopping areas. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-10.2] Bicycle Parking Require bicycle parking in all parking lots Townwide. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-6.5, modified] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-7 Bicycle Valet at Large Events Require all large community and commercial events to include a bicycle valet program as a permit condition of approval. [New Policy] Educational Programs on Safe Bicycling Coordinate with local agencies to provide educational programs on safe bicycling practices for cyclists of all ages and experience levels. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-10.3] Pedestrian Connections Require all development to provide pedestrian connections between sites and existing and planned pedestrian facilities, including those identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and other relevant plans and documents. [New Policy] Enhance Pedestrian Crossings Enhance and provide pedestrian crossings every half mile on all arterial and collector roadways. [New Policy] Safe Pedestrian Access along Unimproved Roadways Require adequate width of roadway clearance between edge of travel and/or edge of pavement for pedestrian mobility. [New Policy] Enhance Street Lighting Enhance street lighting Townwide to provide for better pedestrian safety. [New Policy] Downtown Pedestrian Environment Support pedestrian upgrades to sidewalks and connections between developments to create a more walkable Downtown. [New Policy] Provide a well-designed and well-maintained system of trails that connect the Town and open space areas. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-12] Private Sector Involvement Maximize the involvement of the private sector in the maintenance and construction of trails by encouraging voluntary groups to assist in trail maintenance in coordination with the Department of Parks and Public Works. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-12.1] Safe, Continuous, Interconnected Trails Trails shall be safe, continuous, interconnected with other trails and parking areas, designed for bicyclists and/or pedestrians and be consistent with other relevant plans, including the Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-12.2, modified] Aesthetically Pleasing Trails Design trails that are aesthetically pleasing, incorporating native landscaping, buffering, scenic overlooks, and historic elements where possible to provide a variety of experiences. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-12.3, modified] Consider Special Populations Consider the needs of people with disabilities, seniors, and children when designing trail facilities. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-12.4, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-8 Public Review Draft December 2020 Homeowners Associations Encourage existing homeowners’ associations (HOA) to maintain trails that pass-through their subdivisions. Encourage the formation of HOAs for new subdivisions or planned developments to maintain trails that pass through their areas. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-12.7, modified] Multiple-Use Trails Specifications The location of multiple-use trails should: ▪ Traverse the open space areas of subdivisions that have dedicated open space as a condition of subdivision approval; ▪ Traverse open areas, as opposed to trails bordering roads, wherever possible; and ▪ Be built on the first property to develop, if a trail location is adaptable to either of two adjacent properties. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-11.3, modified] Multiple Use Trail Easements Multiple use trail easements shall be wide enough to contain the trail and prov ide sufficient area on both sides to buffer surrounding properties from trail users. [Source: Existing Policy TRA- 11.4] Dedication of Easements for Trails Require, wherever feasible, the dedication of easements and construction of multiple use trails, as a condition of approval for all development applications, including any development which includes a section of trail shown on the latest Santa Clara County Countywide Trails Master Plan. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-11.5, modified] Santa Clara County Countywide Trails Master Plan Support the latest Santa Clara County Countywide Trails Master Plan by implementing the proposed trail routes within the Town in order to provide critical linkages to the region. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-11.7, modified] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-9 4.3 Multimodal System / Complete Streets (was Sections 4.2 and 4.3 ) A true multimodal system emphasizes alternative modes of travel beyond driving. A holistic approach provides a complete streets model where streets are designed to enable convenient, safe access for everyone and using a broad range of transportation modes. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Complete streets should be part of a comprehensive, integrated, and connected transportation network. Complete streets should include a balanced design that accommodates all modes of transportation, varied uses and activities, and diverse, context-sensitive streetscape elements. Pedestrian and bicycle facilities should be safe, efficient, and well-maintained. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report] The California Complete Streets Act of 2008 (Assembly Bill 1358), as well as recent changes in CEQA and congestion management law, highlight a need for mobility elements to have a broader focus that emphasizes other travel modes beyond driving. It requires jurisdictions to provide local streets with facilities that meet the needs of all transportation system users (e.g., pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, users and operators of public transportation, seniors, youth, and families) when updating their general plans. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report] The following goals, policies, and actions are intended to improve multimodal transportation and incorporate complete streets in Los Gatos. Encourage the development of a comprehensive and integrated transportation network with infrastructure and design features that allow safe and convenient travel for all users. [Source: New Goal] Complete Streets Apply complete streets principles in transportation projects within the Town as defined in the Town’s Complete Streets Policy. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.8, modified] Reduce Vehicle Speeds Reduce vehicle speeds using engineering and design techniques, community education, and evaluation and planning strategies rather than relying solely on enforcement. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.1, modified] Wide Sidewalks for Shared Use Require wide sidewalks greater than four feet in width in commercial and mixed-use areas to allow shared use by pedestrians and non-motorized modes of transportation as directed by the Town Engineer. [Source: New Policy] Limit Widening of All Roadways Limit widening of all roadways and prioritize improvements within the right-of-way for bicycle and pedestrian facilities to increase roadway capacity without impeding emergency access requirements. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.3, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-10 Public Review Draft December 2020 Support a non-driving Los Gatos by reducing reliance on the automobile and promoting alternative modes of transportation. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goals TRA-6 and TRA-9, modified] Encourage Non-Driving Transportation Modes Encourage the use of non-driving transportation modes such as walking, bicycling, transit, a shuttle system and other forms of personal mobility, like electric vehicles, as energy conserving, non-polluting modes of travel. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-6.1, modified] Private Development of Transportation Facilities Encourage private entities to develop and maintain publicly accessible transportation facilities, including transit, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-9.4, modified] Non-Vehicular Transportation Requirement New developments that would result in significant increases in air pollution, VMT, or noise shall be required to incorporate non-vehicular facilities or programs that would reduce the project’s overall impacts on these resources. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-9.5, modified] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-11 4.4 Transit Services and Facilities (was 4.6) Local Bus Transit The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) New Transit Service Plan was officially rolled out at the end of 2019 and includes several transit route improvement changes in the Town of Los Gatos. Improvements include an extension of Route 27 to Winchester Transit Center via Los Gatos Boulevard through Downtown. Existing Routes 48 and 49 where replaced with Route 27, which has increased frequency on weekdays and Saturdays. Route 61 merged with Route 62 and increased the frequency of buses on weekends and extended evening operating hours. Also, the last stop of VTA’s Mountain View - Winchester light rail line, Winchester Station, is approximately one and a half miles from the Town of Los Gatos and is accessible via Route 27. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report, modified] The existing transit network in the Town of Los Gatos is illustrated on Figure 4 -2. Vasona Light Rail Extension VTA’s Vasona Light Rail Extension Project was initially envisioned to extend 6.9 miles from Downtown San Jose to Los Gatos, with nine stations and four Park and Ride lots. The project was split into two phases during the planning process. The first phase, a 5.3-mile portion that opened in 2005, extended light rail service from Downtown San José to the Winchester Station in the City of Campbell. Phase II of the project would extend the tracks south along Winchester Boulevard to Vasona Junction in the Town of Los Gatos. This second phase is described as the Future Vasona Light Rail Extension. The Future Vasona Light Rail Extension is uncertain, with the current plans for the extension on hold indefinitely until there is adequate funding for the project. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report, modified] The following goals and policies address public transportation and facilities in Town. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-12 Public Review Draft December 2020 Transit Services *On indefinite hold. Route 27 connects with Winchester Light Rail Station. 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-13 Increase public transit opportunities for all types of trips. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-8, restated] Support Vasona Light Rail Extension Support Santa Clara VTA’s Vasona Light Rail Extension project to the Town if/when allocated funds are available. [New Policy] Land Uses at Transit Stops At transit stops, prioritize land uses and patterns that generate high transit ridership and encourage affordable housing (senior housing, multi-family housing, mixed-use with housing) in appropriate locations. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-2.1, modified] Inter-agency Coordination Coordinate with appropriate agencies to plan and develop adequate public transit services for everyone in the Town (e.g., bus, Santa Cruz express bus, rail, shuttle, light rail, streetcar, and on-demand transit). [Source: Existing Policies TRA-8.1 and TRA-8.2, modified] Improve Transit Service Work with the Santa Clara VTA and commercial carriers to improve transit service for Los Gatos, and to increase ridership. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-6.3, modified] Public and Private Shuttles Work with transit agencies and major employers in the region to determine the feasibility of financing additional shuttles to improve connections to key destinations in the Town and throughout the region. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-8.3, modified] Transit for Special Populations Coordinate with appropriate agencies to provide and expand transit services for seniors, school children, low-income people, and people with disabilities. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-8.4, modified] Encourage Use of Transit Encourage public transit use by requiring all new developments to provide bus shelters and on- going maintenance as part of their developments, when appropriate. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-8.5 and TRA-8.8, modified] Support Regional Efforts Support State and County efforts to reduce automobile use and encourage use of public transit. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-8.6, modified] Santa Clara VTA Services Work with Santa Clara VTA to facilitate transit services in Los Gatos through the provision of bus stop amenities, such as basic route and schedule information, bus shelters, seating, and lighting, as well as other means that facilitate rider comfort. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-8.7, modified] Mobility Hub Design and implement a mobility hub that provides seamless connections between multiple travel modes, such as transit (buses and shuttles), bicycles, e-scooters, transportation network companies (e.g. Uber or Lyft), or other modes that serve the Town. This hub should be in a Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-14 Public Review Draft December 2020 place and manner that minimizes impacts on neighborhoods, neighboring businesses, and other activities. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-6.2, modified] Shared Parking Private or public parking developed near transit stops shall be designed to provide reciprocal access to adjacent parking areas to enhance parking availability at all times. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.7, modified] Reduce vehicle impacts of residential development near transit stops by taking advantage of transit opportunities. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-9, modified] Residential Ties to Transit Opportunities Residential development and redevelopment proposals near transit stops shall address how they take advantage and support the use of transit. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-9.1, modified] Maximize Transit Opportunities The Town shall work with developers, the Santa Clara VTA, and other agencies to ensure that areas near transit stops (excluding transitory bus stops) are redeveloped in a manner that takes full advantage of existing or transit opportunities. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-9.2, modified] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-15 4.5 Transportation Systems (was 4.0) This section describes the overall transportation system serving the Town of Los Gatos and how to design a transportation system that accommodates users of all ages and abilities, but does not exceed the capacity that the system can handle. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The following goals and policies address the design, implementation, and management of transportation systems. Optimize the Town’s transportation system to provide safe and efficient movement to meet the needs of all users. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goals TRA-1, modified] Consistency between Land Use and Transportation Planning The Town shall ensure that land use and transportation planning are cohesive, consistent, mutually supportive, and strive to reduce VMT. This includes: ▪ Promoting land use patterns that encourage people to walk, bicycle, or use public transit routinely for a significant number of their daily trips; ▪ Promoting Transportation Demand Management (TDM) options; ▪ Using the Town’s provision of public services to direct development to the most appropriate locations; and ▪ Promoting the infill of vacant land and redevelopment sites. [Source: New Policy] Fiscal Implications Consider the full fiscal impacts including ongoing maintenance relative to the construction and operation of transportation systems. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-1.4, modified] Balance Needs of All Roadway Users Make effective use of the traffic-carrying ability of Los Gatos’s arterials and collectors while providing multimodal support for users of all ages and abilities. [Source: Existing Policy TRA- 1.5, TRA-2.2, modified] Regional Transportation Needs Participate in regional efforts to meet regional transportation needs. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-1.6, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-16 Public Review Draft December 2020 4.6 Roadways (was 4.1) This section describes and plans for the regional highway system and local street circulation system serving the Los Gatos Planning Area. These circulation systems are broadly described in this section and illustrated on Figure 4-3. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The three major highways that run through Los Gatos are State Route (SR) 9, also known as Los Gatos -Saratoga Road within the Town, SR 17, and SR 85. SR 9 is a major surface street while SR 17 and SR 85 are freeways. There are three freeway interchanges within the Town, one in the northern end of Los Gatos at Lark Avenue and two towards the southern end at SR 9 and South Santa Cruz Avenue. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The local street system is organized into a hierarchy of six roadway types (functional classifications) according to the existing Los Gatos Street Design Standards and the 2020 Los Gatos General Plan . The Los Gatos Street Design Standards classify all streets within the Town according to their functional classification. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] ▪ Arterial streets typically accommodate two or more lanes of traffic in each direction, providing access to the regional highway system, collector roads, and local streets. Examples of arterial streets include Los Gatos Boulevard and Winchester Boulevard. ▪ Collector streets provide circulation within and between neighborhoods. Collector streets usually serve short trips from local and neighborhood collector streets and distributing traffic to the arterial network. Examples of collector streets are Main Street, University Avenue, and North Santa Cruz Avenue. ▪ Neighborhood collector streets predominantly carry traffic generated within a neighborhood and distributes traffic to collector and arterial streets. Examples of neighborhood collector streets include Alberto Way, Tait Avenue, and Wedgewood Avenue. ▪ Hillside collector streets serve properties located in hillside areas, carrying traffic to either arterial streets, collectors, or neighborhood collectors. An example of a hillside collector street is Kennedy Road. ▪ Local streets support local and neighborhood traffic movement. Local streets typically carry traffic from individual properties to collector and arterial streets and are not designed to accommodate through traffic. Most local streets are in residential neighborhoods. Examples of local streets are Pine Avenue, Jackson Street, and Bayview Avenue. ▪ Special design streets are used when warranted by unique land use, circulation, or environmental conditions. These streets can either be arterial streets, collectors, existing local hillside streets, or scenic residential streets. An example of a special design street is North Santa Cruz Avenue. [Source: Existing General Plan, modified] The following goals and policies address the street and roadway network in Town. 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-17 Roadway Classifications Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-18 Public Review Draft December 2020 Provide a safe, efficient, and well-designed roadway network transportation system. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-2, modified] Safety in Roadway Design and Management Support the safety of all roadway users of all ages and abilities in the design and management of roadways. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.1, modified] Ownership of Public Right-of-Way The Town shall obtain fee title to all land required to be dedicated for public streets and associated right-of-way. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.3, modified] Driveways and Curb Cuts New development shall minimize the number of access points (driveway openings or other curb cuts) along Arterial streets to minimize impacts on circulation flow and safety while providin g for safe ingress and egress from a location. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.4, modified] Avoid Extended Single Access Roadways Discourage single access roads that impede safe and continuous access for all roadway users. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.5, modified]  See policies under Goal MOB-13 for access in hillside areas. Street Improvements Street improvements such as curb cuts, sidewalks, bus stop turnouts, bus shelters, light poles, traffic signals, benches, and trash containers shall be designed to provide safe movement of all users and minimize disruption to the streetscape. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.6, modified] Roundabouts Consider using roundabouts as an alternative to signalized or traditionally controlled intersections. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-2.7, modified] Mitigate the impact of cut-through traffic, with the objective of making it easy for residents to move throughout Town while ensuring Los Gatos remains a welcoming place for visitors. [New Goal] Vehicle Traffic-Calming Devices Consider traffic-calming devices (such as lane narrowing, widening medians, or landscaping) to discourage cut-through vehicle traffic. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.5, modified] Alternatives to Minimize Cut-Through Vehicle Traffic Limit cut-through vehicle traffic to the extent feasible, while minimizing the freedom of movement of residents or diverting vehicle traffic to other neighborhood streets. Consider the use of alternative street surfacing materials, traffic diverters, special designs, and stop signs to prevent cut-through traffic on residential streets. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.6, modified] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-19 Neighborhood Traffic-Calming Policy Assist citizens in solving traffic concerns in residential neighborhoods in accordance wit h the latest Neighborhood Traffic-Calming Policy. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-5.2 and TRA-5.7, modified] Avoid Commercial Vehicle Traffic in Neighborhoods Require that all new development demonstrates, and is conditioned, so that commercial traffic (excluding delivery services) flow through residential neighborhoods does not occur. Review neighborhood traffic impacts of all development projects and require developer participation in the cost of installation of traffic calming measures as a c ondition of approval, if applicable. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-5.4 and TRA-5.8, modified] Regional Traffic on Regional Roadways Support efforts to keep regional traffic on regional roadways, such as Hwy 85 and SR17, including opportunities for increased transit and greater roadway efficiency, without expanding roadway capacity. [Source: New Policy] Prevent and mitigate transportation impacts from new development. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-3, modified] Project Traffic All development proposals shall be reviewed to identify and address project traffic pursuant to the Town’s Traffic Impact Policy and shall include roadway improvements and dedications. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-3.1 and TRA-3.11, modified] Level of Service If a project will cause the current LOS for any project-affected intersection to drop by more than one level for an intersection currently at LOS A, B, or C, or to drop at all if the intersection is at LOS D or below, the project shall construct improvements or put TDM measures in place so that the operation will remain at an acceptable level. These measures shall be implemented and maintained as a condition of approval on the project. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.5, modified] Upgrade Public Improvements New development shall be required to upgrade public improvements on project frontages to meet current Town standards. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.8] Traffic Signal Installation and Signal Modification Costs Developers shall contribute a pro-rata share to the cost of the future installation of traffic signals or future traffic signal modifications with a nexus to the project as a condition of approval. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.9, modified] Ensure that future changes to SR 17 do not negatively impact the quality of life or character of Los Gatos. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-4, modified] SR 17 and Lark Avenue Improvements to SR 17 should consider efficiency improvements prior to adding capacity through increased travel lanes. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-4.1, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-20 Public Review Draft December 2020 SR 17 and Blossom Hill Road There should not be an interchange at Blossom Hill Road. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-4.2] SR 17 Connection to Santa Cruz SR 17 between Los Gatos and Santa Cruz should not be widened or be converted to a freeway. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-4.3, modified] Review of SR 17 Modifications The Planning Commission and Town Council shall review all new or modified connections with SR 17 within the Town and provide input to the planning process, as appropriate. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-4.4, modified] Regionally Reduce SR 17 Congestion Work with other local jurisdictions and the State to develop effective ways to reduce regionally generated SR 17 congestion and cross-town traffic that does not involve adding freeway interchanges. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-4.5] Ensure that hillside streets maintain safe and continuous access. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-7, modified] Hillside Emergency Vehicle Access Establish and maintain a hillside road pattern that provides adequate access for residents and emergency vehicles in both normal and emergency situations without introducing new through access roads that would invite unwanted traffic into the area, induce further development, or threaten plant or animal habitats or migration patterns. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-7.1 and 7.4, modified] Secondary Emergency Access New discretionary housing approvals in locations that are identified as Very High Fire Hazard Areas on the Town’s Wildland Fire Severity Zone Map shall provide secondary emergency access as required by the Santa Clara County Fire Department. Secondary access shall be provided first by loop roads, then by through-roads, and lastly by long cul-de-sac’s with an emergency access connection to a public road. If secondary access is not possible or acceptable, the intensity of land use should be evaluated based on limited access. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-7.2 and TRA-7.7, modified] Special Designs for Hillside Area Streets Specially designed streets that conform to the Town's public hillside road standards shall be used in hillside areas to preserve scenic and ecological resources (e.g. heritage trees, native plant and wildlife habitat, prominent geologic formations, and the natural terrain). [Source: Existing Policy TRA-7.3] Private Roadway Standards Require all new or extended private roadways to meet the Town’s public roadway construction standards. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-7.6, modified] Streetlights on Hillside Streets New public streetlighting on hillside streets shall be prohibited except where lighting is required to address public safety. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-7.8, modified] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-21 4.7 Parking (was 4.9) Los Gatos has a variety of parking options throughout the Town, including on -street parking and off-street parking lots. On-street parking is managed by the Town and can come with restrictions on use. This includes some areas with time restrictions and some specifically designated residential neighborhoods where a parking permit is required. The Town also manages several off-street public parking lots, which are controlled relative to time allowed for parking. The Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department is responsible for the Parking Management Program for public facilities and streets in Los Gatos. (Source: Existing General Plan) The following goals and policies address parking availability, management, and siting. Provide adequate parking availability and minimize impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-13, modified] Parking for New Development Require new development to provide an adequate number of parking spaces and encourage shared parking whenever possible. Parking shall be adequate to avoid adversely affecting adjacent residential properties. [Source: Existing Policies TRA-13.2 and TRA-13.3, modified] Efficient Parking Facility Design Encourage efficient parking facility design that allows for creative reuse if parking demand decreases in the future. [New Policy] Parking Availability with Schools Coordinate with all schools that serve Los Gatos to create and address areas that can serve as available parking areas during peak dop off and pick up hours. [Source: New Policy] Pedestrian Safety in Parking Lots Provide for safe pedestrian travel in parking lots without unnecessarily eliminating parking spaces. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-13.5, modified] Wayfinding Strive to implement an enhanced wayfinding program consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Parking Study to minimize the time motorists spend searching for parking and destinations throughout Town. [New Policy] Parking Revenue to Support Non-Driving Modes Seek methods to use parking revenues to pay for maintenance, enforcement, capital replacement and to support travel by transit, shuttle, bicycle, walking, and other modes. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-14.2, modified] Accommodate Traffic and Parking Demand Increases Review development proposals to confirm that the transportation system and on -site or public parking can accommodate any increase in traffic or parking demand generated by the proposed development, subject to the considerations and findings required by the Town’s Traffic Impact Policy. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.2, modified] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-22 Public Review Draft December 2020 Provide adequate and well managed parking availability in Downtown for employees, visitors, and shoppers. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-14, modified] Stand-Alone Parking Facilities Stand-alone parking facilities in the Downtown shall be designed to minimize impacts on adjacent properties. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-14.3, modified] Parking Management Downtown Implement parking management or Transportation Demand Management (TDM) in the Downtown to address long-term (employee) and short-term (customer) parking demands and maximize the efficient use of parking. [New Policy] Curbside Management Support a curbside management plan for the Downtown to accommodate passenger loading areas and commercial loading zones to minimize double parking. [New Policy] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-23 4.8 Goods Movement (was 4.7) The Town of Los Gatos relies on efficient and reliable truck routes to accommodate and facilitate goods movement essential for supporting economic growth and quality of life. On-going changes in on-demand goods delivery services and increases in e-commerce are changing the way members of the community purchase and receive goods, which changes the nature of mobility for people and freight. Since these types of deliveries are expected to increase over the coming years, it is important to address the needs of goods movement and the unique needs of trucks and delivery vehicles in order to limit the impacts associated with e-commerce. [Source: General Plan 2040 Background Report, modified] The designated truck routes through the Town of Los Gatos are illustrated on Figure 4-4. The following goals and policies address the movement of goods, specifically truck traffic. Provide for the safe and efficient movement of goods to support commerce, industry, and the community. [New Goal] Minimize Truck Conflicts Minimize potential conflicts between trucks and pedestrian, bicycle, and transit travel on streets designated as truck routes (See Figure 4-4). [New Policy] Minimize Truck Loading and Unloading Conflicts Minimize potential conflicts between truck loading and unloading and pedestrian, bicycle, and transit travel. [New Policy] Minimize Environmental Impacts Maximize the efficiency of goods movement while working to minimize related environmental impacts. [New Policy] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-24 Public Review Draft December 2020 Truck Routes 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-25 4.9 Implementation Programs Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing A Annual Progress Report Provide an annual progress report to measure whether the VMT implementation measures are successful at reducing the overall VMT. [New Implementation Program] MOB-1 MOB-1.1 Parks and Public Works ◼ ◼ B Transportation Analysis Guidelines Develop and adopt transportation analysis (TA) guidelines that define the VMT analysis methods, significant impact thresholds, TDM programs, and mitigation programs consistent with the requirements of Senate Bill 743. [New Implementation Program] MOB-1 MOB-1.1 MOB-5 MOB-5.3 MOB-8.1 Parks and Public Works ◼ C Nexus Study to Implement the Transportation Impact Fee Program Perform a nexus study and implement the Town’s multimodal transportation impact fee (TIF) program to mitigate negative transportation impacts of new developments and redevelopments where appropriate. [New Implementation Program] MOB-1.3 Parks and Public Works ◼ D Community Shuttle System Evaluate a community shuttle system to serve transit needs within the Town limits that is linked to and coordinated with other transit services. [New Implementation Program] MOB-1.3 MOB-5.1 MOB-6.5 Parks and Public Works Town Manager ◼ E Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update Update the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan every five years. [Source: Existing Action TRA-11.1, modified] MOB-2.2 MOB-2.4 MOB-2.14 Parks and Public Works ◼ F Sidewalk Maintenance Plan Establish a sidewalk maintenance plan ensuring hazard free pedestrian sidewalk surfaces and provision of adequate vertical and lateral clearance. [New Implementation Program] MOB-2.4 MOB-2.14 MOB-2.15 MOB-2.16 MOB-2.18 Parks and Public Works ◼ Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-26 Public Review Draft December 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing G Enhance Pedestrian Sidewalks Develop standards to enhance pedestrian sidewalks that include but are not limited to: ▪ Ensure existing sidewalks maintain ADA compliance; ▪ Remove or relocate objects such as poles, plants, etc. obstructing pedestrian paths; ▪ Install wide sidewalks and/or detached sidewalks with a buffer separation from vehicular traffic; ▪ Modify roadway configuration and or reacquire right-of-way dedication from new developments as needed for the improvements, while minimizing impacts to existing homes if possible; and Establish standards and guidelines for enhancing existing sidewalks and installation of new sidewalks. [New Implementation Program] MOB-2.4 MOB-2.14 MOB-2.18 MOB-4.3 Parks and Public Works ◼ H Seek Funding Seek funding for the design and implementation of transportation facilities to support all users. [Source: Existing Action TRA-9.1, modified] MOB-2.4 MOB-3.2 MOB-5.2 Parks and Public Works ◼ I “Gap” Analysis Perform a “gap” analysis to identify major projects to complete the bicycle and pedestrian networks. [Source: Existing Action TRA-11.2, modified] MOB-2.14 Parks and Public Works ◼ J Streetlighting Policy and Guidelines Develop a street lighting policy and design guidelines balancing the needs for adequate illumination and reducing light pollution. [New Implementation Program] MOB-2.17 Parks and Public Works ◼ 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-27 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing K Obtain Easements Develop and fund a program (including provisions for in-lieu fees) to obtain easements along portions of the designated trail system where development is considered unlikely or there is not a nexus to require dedication. [Source: Existing Action TRA-12.1] MOB-3 Parks and Public Works Community Development ◼ L Public Trails on Private Property Monitor conservation easements for public trails on private property to ensure that trails are maintained. [Source: Existing Action TRA-12.3] MOB-3.1 Parks and Public Works ◼ M Trail Design Standards Develop and adopt detailed trail design standards that: ▪ Limit all new access to pedestrians and, where appropriate, equestrians and/or bicyclists; ▪ Provide multiple use opportunities; ▪ Protect the natural ecology; ▪ Conform to regional trail design standards; ▪ Determine trail width, establish policies regarding fencing along trails, and detail the type of fencing to be used; ▪ Incorporate erosion control measures; and ▪ Prohibit motorcycles, motorized off-road vehicles, and mopeds. [Source: Existing Action TRA-12.2] MOB-3.1 MOB-3.5 MOB-3.7 MOB-3.8 Parks and Public Works ◼ Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-28 Public Review Draft December 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing N Transportation Master Plan Develop and adopt a comprehensive transportation master plan that identifies a broad range of multimodal transportation projects and programs. [Source: Existing Action TRA-2.6, and Existing Action TRA- 8.1 modified] MOB-4 Parks and Public Works ◼ O Standards for Complete Streets Develop and adopt complete streets standards and an implementation guide to reflect General Plan complete streets policies, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, lighting standards, and landscaping requirements. These standards shall protect the integrity of the transportation system and protect neighborhood streets from the intrusion of through traffic. [Source: Existing Action TRA-2.1, modified] MOB- 4.1 Parks and Public Works Community Development ◼ P Improvement Financing Explore methods of financing multimodal infrastructure improvements throughout the Town. [Source: Existing Action VLR-8.2, modified] MOB-4.1 MOB-8.2 MOB-8.3 Parks and Public Works Community Development ◼ Q Protect Residential Neighborhoods Develop and implement appropriate vehicle control devices to protect all residential neighborhoods from the impacts of cut- through traffic such as safety hazards, speeding, noise, and other disturbances in accordance with the adopted Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy. [Source: Existing Action TRA-5.1, modified] MOB-4.2 MOB 10.1 MOB-10.4 Parks and Public Works ◼ R Sidewalk and Shared Use Paths Develop a Sidewalk and Shared Use Path Policy and Guidelines encouraging and ensuring safe access for non-vehicular forms of personal mobility. [New Implementation Program] MOB-4.3 Parks and Public Works ◼ 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-29 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing S Shuttle Hub Locations Review and evaluate potential sites for pick- up and drop-off point for both public and private shuttles. [New Implementation Program] MOB-6.5 MOB-6.10 Parks and Public Works ◼ T Street Typologies Develop and adopt street “typologies” to better support a multimodal transportation network. Street typology designates modal emphasis by street to create a complete streets network. [New Implementation Program] MOB-9.1 MOB-9.2 Parks and Public Works ◼ U Identify Deficiencies Monitor vehicle flow and roadway conditions. Identify deficiencies and develop improvement measures for roadways and intersections on a continuous basis. [Source: Existing Action TRA-1.2, modified] MOB-9.1 MOB-9.6 Parks and Public Works ◼ V Traffic Calming Install traffic-calming devices that encourage slower, safer through traffic. [Source: Existing Action TRA-5.4] MOB 10.1 MOB-10.3 MOB-10.4 Parks and Public Works ◼ W Publicize, Implement, and Update the NTC Publicize the Town’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming (NTC) Program, implement the program in those neighborhoods that request it, and update the NTC periodically. [Source: Existing Action TRA-5.2] MOB 10.3 Parks and Public Works ◼ X Transportation Impact Significance Develop project evaluation methodology and transportation impact significance criteria that assess how well individual projects contribute to the overall General Plan goals, as well as how they may negatively impact the transportation network [Source: New Implementation Program] MOB-11 Parks and Public Works Community Development ◼ Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-30 Public Review Draft December 2020 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing Y LOS Standards Study Study current LOS standards and consider implementation of modified or replacement regulations to ensure acceptable functionality of local roads. [New Implementation Program] MOB-11.2 Parks and Public Works ◼ Z Design Guidelines for Hillside Develop and adopt design guidelines for hillside streets, including the making of appropriate findings, to ensure the preservation of plant and wildlife habitats and migration corridors. [Source: Existing Action TRA-7.2] MOB-13 MOB-13.3 MOB-13.4 MOB-13.5 Public Works ◼ AA Maintain Emergency Access Points Develop and adopt design standards and implement a maintenance program for emergency access points. [Source: Existing Action TRA-7.1] MOB-13.1 MOB-13.2 Parks and Public Works Town Manager ◼ BB Review Parking Requirements Periodically review Town Code parking requirements, standards, and parking controls to ensure that they are adequate to meet demand. [Source: Existing Action TRA-13.3] MOB-14.1 MOB-14.2 MOB-14.3 Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Department Community Development ◼ CC Parking Facility Design Criteria Develop and adopt adequate design criteria to ensure parking facilities that are aesthetically pleasing, well designed for parking maneuverability, properly signed for ease of use, properly located to attract traffic as it approaches the Downtown and made as inconspicuous as possible through the use of landscaping, berms, screening, and the like. [Source: Existing Action TRA- 14.3] MOB-14.2 MOB-14.4 Community Development ◼ 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-31 Programs Implements Which Policy(ies) Responsible Supporting Department(s) 2021 – 2025 2026 – 2030 2031 – 2040 Annual Ongoing DD Parking Facility Improvements Develop a plan for implementing improvements on one or more of the parking facilities listed below to increase available parking: Bachman Avenue/Highway 9 Parking Lot; Royce Street/Bachman Avenue Parking Lot; Grays Lane/Royce Street Parking Lot; Station Way Parking Lot; or Farwell Parking Lot. [Source: Existing Action TRA-14.2] MOB-15.1 MOB-15.2 MOB-15.3 Parks and Public Works Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Department ◼ EE Parking Management Techniques Implement parking management techniques, including modifying time limits and potentially charging for parking, in the Downtown area to address long-term (employee) and short-term (customer) parking and maximize the efficient use of parking. [New Implementation Program] MOB-15.2 MOB-15.3 Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Department Parks and Public Works ◼ FF Downtown Curbside Management Plan Develop and adopt a curbside management plan for the Downtown to accommodate passenger loading areas and commercial loading zones to minimize double parking. [New Implementation Program] MOB-15.3 Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Department Parks and Public Works ◼ GG Truck Movement Prioritize truck movement along designated truck routes and ensure easy access to individual parcels, particularly for deliveries. [New Implementation Program] MOB-16.1 Parks and Public Works ◼ Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-32 Public Review Draft December 2020 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) All new developments shall be evaluated to determine compliance with the Town’s level of service policy for intersections. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.3] Combined and covered by New Policy New projects shall not cause the level of service for intersections to drop more than one level if it is at Level A, B, or C and not drop at all if it is at D or below. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.4] Safety shall not be compromised to improve or maintain the level of service of an intersection. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.6] All traffic reports shall include analyses of nearby uses with unusual or unique traffic generation factors or peak hours (e.g. pre-schools, faith communities, private clubs, quasi-public uses). [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.7] Avoid major increases in street capacity unless necessary to remedy severe traffic congestion or critical neighborhood traffic problems and all other options, such as demand management and alternative modes, have been exhausted. Where capacity is increased, improvements shall balance the needs of motor vehicles with those of pedestrians and bicyclists. [Source: Existing Policy TRA -3.10] The maximum level of mitigation measures shall be required for transportation impacts adjacent to sensitive receptors, including residences, schools, and hospitals. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.12] Require new development located on single access roads in areas identified as Very High Fire Hazard Areas on the adopted Wildland Fire Severity Zone map to demonstrate an acceptable means of emergency access prior to approval. Emergency access shall discourage through traffic on hillside roads. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-7.4] Moved to the Hazards and Safety Element Roadways systems shall be designed to provide reliable access to remote areas both for access by emergency vehicles and egress by residents fleeing from a disaster. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-7.5] Dual access is required for all zoning approvals and shall be provided first by loop roads, then by through -roads, and lastly by long cul-de-sacs with an emergency access connection to a public road. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-7.7] Make land use decisions that encourage walking, bicycling, and public transit use. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-9.1] Design and implement transportation systems that enhance usability and safety for the bicyclists, pedestrians, equestrian consistent with the policies and programs in the Environment and Sustainability Element. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-9.3, modified] Encourage the development and use of mass public transportation systems within the Town and surrounding region. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-8.1] Covered by MOB-17.2 (new number). Where feasible and appropriate, all new projects developments and redevelopments that are near existing transit services and/or destinations such as shopping areas, community centers, senior housing, and medical facilities shall be required to provide covered and partially enclosed shelters consistent with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA ) Standards that are adequate to buffer sun, wind and rain, and have at least one bench at each public transit stop. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-8.8] Covered by MOB-17.5 (new number). 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-33 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) Project applicants shall demonstrate how their projects meet the specific goals and policies of the Vasona Light Rail Element. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.5] The Town’s parking standards shall be adequate to meet demand. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-13.1] Covered by the Zoning Ordinance. Provide an adequate number of parking spaces in all new development. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-13.2] Require adequate parking in commercial areas so as not to impact or adversely affect adjacent residential properties. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-13.3] Provide staff support for administrating the parking program. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-13.6] Promote the formation of an assessment district and/or consider the use of the various parking and business improvement programs authorized by State law to help finance the construction of parking facilities and/or alternatives to parking. [Source: Existing Policy TRA - 14.1] Revenues collected (from fines, fees, meters, and permits) shall accrue to the district to help pay for maintenance, enforcement, capital replacement, later phases of the parking district, and parking alternatives or programs to maximize use of facilities for parking and alternatives to parking, such as shuttle buses, more employee lots, bicycles, bus passes, etc. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-14.2] To the extent possible, locate parking facilities in relation to the primary approach direction of users in order to minimize internal circulation within the Central Business District/East Main Street area. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-14.4] Encourage parcel assembly to provide greater design flexibility and provide opportunities to minimize driveways where ap propriate. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.4] To limit the adverse impacts of development within the Vasona Light Rail area. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-8] Removed since the Vasona Light Rail project is on hold. All associated goals, policies, and implementation programs have been removed and covered under new policies, some are invalid, and others are being re- located into the Community Design Element. Development in the Vasona Light Rail area shall facilitate the upgrading of utilities to the level needed to serve the area when it is fully developed. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-8.1] Development projects in the Vasona Light Rail area shall incorporate design features to buffer dwelling units from the visual and noise impacts of Highway 17 and Highway 85. [Source: Existing Policy VLR- 8.2] Require a noise study for all development applications within the Vasona Light Rail area, identifying degrees of impact and noise attenuation measures, if necessary, to mitigate noise impacts on residential neighborhoods. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-8.3] Development may be phased with the completion of the Vasona Light Rail. In no case may development exceed transportation capacity. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-7.2] Orient development to take advantage of the amenities of the Los Gatos Creek and the Creek Trail. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-5.2] This policy is being removed and placed in the Community Design Element. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-34 Public Review Draft December 2020 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) Development in the Vasona Light Rail area shall be designed and oriented to take advantage of the amenities offered by Los Gatos Creek and to preserve watersheds, riparian habitats and wildlife corridors. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-5.3] Removed since the Vasona Light Rail project is on hold. All associated goals, policies, and implementation programs have been removed and covered under new policies, some are invalid, and others are being re- located into the Community Design Element. New development and redevelopment Projects developed in the Vasona Light Rail area shall contribute to and enhance the natural view corridor and landscape of the Los Gatos Creek Trail. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-5.4] This policy is being removed and placed in the Community Design Element. To work with property owners and prospective developers to facilitate orderly development. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-6] Removed since the Vasona Light Rail project is on hold. All associated goals, policies, and implementation programs have been removed and covered under new policies, some are invalid, and others are being re- located into the Community Design Element. Encourage innovative designs, phased design schemes, and mixes of uses in the Vasona Light Rail area that are consistent with the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan and Commercial Design Guidelines. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-6.1] Removed since the Vasona Light Rail project is on hold. All associated goals, policies, and implementation programs have been removed and covered under new policies, some are invalid, and others are being re- located into the Community Design Element. Site plans in the Vasona Light Rail area shall be designed to minimize traffic impacts and to preserve sufficient open space. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-6.2] The siting, scale, and design of buildings in relationship to each other shall facilitate and encourage pedestrian activity. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-6.3] Project applicants shall demonstrate how their projects meet the specific goals and policies of the Vasona Light Rail Element. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.5] To encourage affordable housing (senior housing, multi-family housing, mixed-use with housing) in appropriate locations within the Vasona Light Rail area to address the Town’s housing needs and take advantage of the opportunities afforded by mass transit. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-2] Encourage development of residential rental units throughout the Vasona Light Rail area. Residential development proposals shall demonstrate how they address the Town’s unmet housing goals for affordable housing. [Source: E xisting Policy VLR-2.1] Proposed mixed-use projects in the Vasona Light Rail area which include residential uses shall assist the Town in meeting its housing goals of providing rental units, senior housing, and affordable housing. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-2.2] To encourage mixed-use developments that coordinate housing in proximity to either neighborhood commercial uses or employment centers. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-3] Mixed-use proposals within the Vasona Light Rail area shall address how the proposed uses would be compatible and synergistic with each other. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.1] Mixed-use commercial/market rate and/or affordable housing developments may be considered in the Vasona Light Rail area. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.2] 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-35 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) Encourage a mix of commercial, office, and light industrial and recreational uses within the Vasona Light Rail area, especially in areas less suited to residential development due to noise. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.3] Encourage mixed-use development of commercial, office, and medium-high density residential uses in the North Forty area and along East Los Gatos Boulevard, north of Lark Avenue. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.4] Removed since the Vasona Light Rail project is on hold. All associated goals, policies, and implementation programs have been removed and covered under new policies, some are invalid, and others are being re- located into the Community Design Element. Projects in the Vasona Light Rail area proposing all commercial, office or residential uses shall be evaluated to ensure that the Town’s desire for mixed-use is fulfilled. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.5] If development of air rights in the Vasona Light Rail area is allowed, coordinate with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and other agencies to allow development of appropriate uses, such as affordable housing and neighborhood commercial and businesses that cater to commuters. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.6] Study amending the Town Code to require bicycle parking in specific types of projects. [Source: Existing Action TRA-10.2] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Develop and adopt appropriate parking controls to protect Downtown residential neighborhoods from the encroachment of Downtown shoppers and employees. [Source: Existing Action TRA-13.2] Prepare a multimodal improvement plan to support the buildout of the General Plan, update the Town’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to include, as appropriate, the identified improvements, and create and adopt a multimodal transportation impact fee (TIF) program to provide funding for the remaining improvements. [Source: Existing Action TRA-3.1] Publish a user’s map of the Town’s trails and bikeways system. [Source: Existing Action TRA-11.3] Shared parking for mixed-use projects will be allowed within the Vasona Light Rail area. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-3.7] To provide opportunities for a variety of non-residential land uses within the Vasona Light Rail area. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-4] Develop and implement appropriate traffic controls to protect Downtown residential neighborhoods from the impacts of through traffic in terms of safety, speeding, noise, and other disturbances. [Source: Existing Action TRA-6.1] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Update, as needed, Town standards for street widths, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and electroliers so that new development fits within existing neighborhoods. [Source: Existing Action TRA-2.3] Develop and adopt a Specific Plan for the Vasona Light Rail area that includes standards and guidelines for developments surrounding the future station. mixed-use design to be used in the review process of all mixed-use developments in the Vasona Light Rail area. [Source: Existing Action VLR-3.2 and Existing Action VLR-6.1] Identify and improve pedestrian facilities, including sidewalks and crosswalks as needed to make continuous and safe pedestrian connections. [Source: Existing Action TRA-10.1] Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-36 Public Review Draft December 2020 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) Development in the Vasona Junction sub -area shall consist of neighborhood commercial uses that provide services to all residents of Los Gatos. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-4.1] Non-residential development projects shall limit impacts on residential uses. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-4.2] Adopt street standards that reflect the existing character of the neighborhood, while taking into account safety and maintenance considerations. [Source: Existing Action TRA-2.2] Include all of the projects listed in Section E.2, Local Inter- section and Roadway Improvements, and E.3, Local Bike-way Improvements, above, in the Capital Improvements Program [Source: Existing Action TRA-3.1] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Construct an emergency access to Lark Avenue via the Santa Clara Valley Water District maintenance road for properties between Los Gatos Creek and Oka Road through conditions on development applications. [Source: Existing Action VLR-8.1] New and redevelopment shall contribute financially to support transit services strategies improvements, such as (e.g., e-bikes and e- scooters, or bikeshare) that link the Vasona Light Rail with the rest of Los Gatos. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.3, modified] Develop and implement signalization improvements to increase traffic flow at the intersections of Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street, University Avenue and Main Street, Santa Cruz Avenue and Los Gatos - /Saratoga Road, and University Avenue and Los Gatos/Saratoga Road. [Source: Existing Action TRA-6.2] Monitor the actions taken to increase transit use to assess their effectiveness [Source: Existing Action TRA-6.3] Develop a revenue collection plan. [Source: Existing Action TRA-14.1] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Develop and implement a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that will result in a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian network throughout the Town [Source: Existing Action TRA-11.1] Develop and adopt a parking management plan to include incentives and disincentives for appropriate employee parking, including parking credits for the use of public transit and/or ridesharing. [Source: Existing Action TRA-13.1] Perform a “gap” analysis to identify major projects to complete the trails and bikeways system [Source: Existing Action TRA- 11.2] Develop and adopt a Transportation Master Plan with multimodal transportation requirements. [Source: Existing Action TRA-8.1] Conduct a study to evaluate whether development of air rights at the Vasona Light Rail station facility should be allowed or could feasibly be accomplished without creating visual congestion or violating the small-town character of Los Gatos. [Source: Existing Action VLR-3.1] Maximize the utilization of existing parking lots and spaces to meet Downtown business and residential demands. [Source: Existing Action TRA-14.4] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. 4. Mobility Element December 2020 Public Review Draft 4-37 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) Adopt design guidelines for the Vasona Light Rail area and use them to review development applications for issues unique to the area such as gateway features, scenic vistas, and open space provisions. [Source: Existing Action VLR-6.1] Promote the development of mass transit links between Los Gatos Boulevard, particularly any development on the North Forty site, and the planned Vasona Light Rail station. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-9.5] No downzoning of residential properties shall be allowed within the Vasona Junction sub-area until development of the Vasona Light Rail is planned and funded. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-7.1] Removing legislative powers through the GP has legality issues. Require adequate parking in commercial areas so as not to impact or affect adjacent residential properties. [Source: Existing Policy TRA- 3.13] Duplicate of MOB-3.8 To ensure that Los Gatos’s streets are safe for all users, including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal TRA-5] Design and implement the transportation system to be consistent with environmental goals and policies, energy conservation, land use, and small-town character. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-1.2] There is no need to call out consistency with the Town Vision when the entire General Plan aligns with the Vision Statement and Guiding Principles. Provide a trail connection for pedestrians and bicyclists to the Los Gatos Creek Trail along the east side of Los Gatos Creek, north of Lark Avenue. [Source: Existing Action VLR-5.2] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Evaluate the effects of all circulation and other transportation improvements on air pollution, noise, and use of energy prior to issuing any zoning approval. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-1.3] Circulation Planning activities for the Town shall recognize the potential for improved mass regional transit connections via the Vasona Light Rail. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.1] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Safety shall not be compromised to improve or maintain the level of service of an intersection. [Source: Existing Policy TRA -3.6] Limit cut-through vehicle traffic to the extent feasible, without impacting the freedom of movement of residents or diverting vehicle traffic to other neighborhood streets. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.2] Add noses on the medians at intersections to slow left -turning traffic and provide a pedestrian refuge. [Source: Existing Action TRA-10.4] Develop a pedestrian/bicycle bridge over Los Gatos Creek through development fees, grants, and other means available to the Town. Establish in-lieu fees for new projects that will fund a pedestrian/bicycle bridge over Los Gatos Creek. [Source: Existing Action VLR-5.1] Work with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority the Santa Clara VTA to provide kiosks, bulletin boards and/or signs devoted to providing local public transit information. [Source: Existing Action TRA-8.2] Update Plan Lines and amend the Town Plan Line Ordinance to reflect this General Plan. [Source: Existing Action TRA-2.4] Facilities developed for the Vasona Light Rail station shall be safe, convenient, and attractive for bicycle and pedestrian use. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-9.4, modified] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Public Review Draft Policy Document 4-38 Public Review Draft December 2020 Deleted Goal/Policy/Implementation Program Note to Reviewer (if applicable) Ensure that the planning and design review process produces a high- quality mixture of residential and non-residential uses near major transit stops. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-7] Removed per direction from the GPAC to reduce the number of goals, policies, and programs from the July 16 GPAC Meeting. Developers may be asked to provide surveys, market studies, and other information deemed necessary to ensure that projects are consistent with the most recent plans, guidelines and documents Los Gatos Boulevard Plan and Commercial Design Guidelines. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-7.3] Periodically review the Town’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming (NTC) Program. [Source: Existing Action TRA-5.3] Projects developed in the Vasona Light Rail area shall contribute to a pedestrian/bicycle bridge over Los Gatos Creek. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-5.1] Provide opportunities for the Vasona Light Rail area to address the recreational and open space needs of the Town. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-5,] Coordinate and proactively participate with other communities and agencies in the region to promote transit facility placement and design that is beneficial and acceptable to the Town. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.2] Circulation Planning activities for the Town shall recognize the potential for improved mass regional transit connections via the Vasona Light Rail. [Source: Existing Policy VLR-1.1] Expand high-quality regional transit, including Vasona Light Rail, to improve connection between the Town and the region. [Source: Existing General Plan, Goal VLR-1] Review neighborhood traffic impacts of from new all development projects and require developer participation in the cost of installation of traffic calming measures as a condition of approval, if applicable. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.8] Assist citizens in solving traffic concerns in residential neighborhoods in accordance with the latest Neighborhood Traffic Calming (NTC) Policy Program. The NTC Program is designed to be an effective, systematic, and fair method for achieving the most appropriate solutions. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.7] Consider the use of alternative street surfacing materials, traffic diverters, special designs, and stop signs to prevent cut-through traffic on residential streets. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.6] Consider traffic calming devices such as lane narrowing, widening medians, or heavy landscaping to discourage cut-through vehicle cross-town commute and short-cut traffic. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.5] Limit new development that increases commercial vehicle travel traffic flow through residential neighborhoods. Review neighborhood traffic impacts of from new all development projects and require developer participation in the cost of installation of traffic calming measures as a condition of approval, if applicable. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-5.4] General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 1 of 29 Mobility Element The following are comments received by the GPAC and corresponding changes in the Revised Public Review Draft Element. *NOTE TO THE REVIEWER: Numerous goals, policies, and programs have been eliminated at the request of the GPAC to further streamline this element. Goals, policies, and programs that were removed are located at the end of the element in the comprehensive changes table. Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change GPAC Comments from 7/16/20 Meeting *Reference numbers to goals, policies, and programs, have changed .* Need a timeline or Program O for the Community Shuttle. This was updated with a timeframe, now under Implementation Program D. (Page 4-25) Cut-through is most concerned about weekend traffic, should have been a goal. To reflect this comment, there is a new Goal MOB-10. (Page 4-18) MOB-1 should be focused on not saying all users, should only focus on the residents, want to define what cut-through traffic is. There is a new definition that addresses cut- through traffic. (Page 4-2) Include a new cut-through traffic goal that states the following, “Do all possible to mitigate the impact of cut-through traffic, with the objective of making it easy for residents to move around Town while ensuring that Los Gatos remains a welcoming place for those coming to visit.” This new goal has been slightly modified for consistency with other policies and is now incorporated as MOB-10. (Page 4-18) There should be an overarching goal to reduce VMT, or an intro paragraph that discusses VMT, it is not explicitly stated. The introduction to the element as well as the revised TDM Section 4.1 introduction, now titled Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled, have been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-3) Want a visionary intro tied to VMT. The introduction to the element as well as the revised TDM Section 4.1, now titled Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled, have been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-3) Maintain “all users” in MOB-1. This terminology was retained in MOB-8. (Page 4- 15) MOB-1: “Optimize”, instead of “Design and manage.” This is now reflected in Goal MOB-8. (Page 4-15) We need to address cut-through traffic item. Cut-through traffic now includes a stand-alone goal and policies under MOB-10. (Page 4-18) ATTACHMENT 13 General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 2 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB-4.4: Shall review, needs to have the standards. The General Plan is meant to be general and not include all those standards. Such standards would be created and listed through a separate process. MOB-2: Change “Create and maintain” to “Provide.” MOB-9 was updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-18) MOB-5: Would prefer to pull out the Hillside SP and Development Standards and Guidelines should be a policy. And the Hillside SP is now obsolete. Should focus just on streets, not rural atmosphere, that should be in the Community Design Element when describing hillside character. MOB-13 has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-20) MOB-5: End the goal at “access.” MOB-13 has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-20) MOB-6: Change the emphasis from only on Downtown to an emphasis of a walkable Los Gatos, Townwide. MOB-5, formerly MOB-6, was modified and updated to focus on a walkable Los Gatos as a whole, and not specifically Downtown. In order to maintain Downtown specific references, the title for Policy MOB-5.1 was updated to include Downtown. Later comments have resulted in the removal of “in Downtown” from that title. Combine MOB-6 and MOB-7. This was updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-6) MOB-8: End the goal at “all users,” and move the description of all users into the first paragraph where they are listed. MOB-4 has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-9) MOB-12.2: Needs to include all schools, not just Los Gatos Union School District. MOB-2.7 has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-6) We do not need 5 goals on VLR. Reduce to two goals and reduce the policies. VLR related policies and goals were reduced and/or eliminated. VLR description in intro needs to state that the VLR is currently on hold and does not seem likely. Also add a policy to still allow high-density housing in the station area if the plan ever comes to fruition. Add this into the second paragraph preamble on VLR. A new conclusion sentence was added to reflect these comments (Page 4-11). Elevate Section 4.8 to the front. This section was elevated to the first section and was revised with a new title called “Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled,” Section 4.1 (Page 4-3). General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 3 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Section 4.8 pre-amble, need the section beefed up. The introduction to this section was revised to place a higher emphasis on reducing vehicle trips and focusing on alternative modes (Page 4-3). MOB-22: Goal should be focused on parking Downtown and use “employees” instead of “commuters.” MOB-15, formerly MOB-22, has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-22) Need a policy about TDM measures for Downtown, possibly a program for it. Staff reviewed the idea of a TDM policy specific to the Downtown. To be impactful, significant growth through redevelopment would need to occur in the Downtown in a short amount of time. Staff believes that a Town wide TDM program (MOB-1.1) will have a greater overall effect and be able to serve the Downtown as well as other parts of the Town. As an example, a TDM funded shuttle would be able to bring people to and from the Downtown from other locations. Similarly, developer contributions to a Townwide bike and pedestrian network would reduce the reliance on autos everywhere in Town. Additionally, the Town Council has begun setting aside the funding for a Downtown streetscape project that could advance improvements for bikes and peds in the Downtown. (Page 4-3) Reduce and eliminate unnecessary VLR programs. See previous comments on the reduction of VLR related goals, policies, and programs. Simplify the number of programs and some policies prior to our next review. Several programs and policies were eliminated and streamlined per the GPAC request. Submitted GPAC Comments prior to 9/3 Meeting MOB 1.2: Examples of “incentives”? Incentives could include reduction in development fees for off-setting measures to reduce VMT, but incentives would be reviewed by Town Council and included in another Policy document. Incentives would include free or discounted transit passes, encouragement incentives for carpools, work from home policies, etc. (Page 4- 4) In planning for a vehicle transportation system, the State of California now requires municipalities to use Vehicle Miles Travelled The following edits have been implemented into Section 4.1 (Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled). (Page 4-3) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 4 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change (VMT). contemporary This planning practices are shifting from looking at the number of vehicles on any given roadway segment to instead looking at evaluates the total VMT within the community versus the number of vehicles on a given roadway. The Town’s goals are well-aligned with the State’s intent in making this switch. Those goals are to promote: • The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions • The development of multimodal transportation networks (i.e., networks that serve a variety of users including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and drivers) • A diversity of land uses (i.e., neighborhoods and cities with housing, jobs, shops and services in close proximity to each other). Looking at Using the VMT approach helps to focus on creating a community that aims to reduce vehicle miles traveled. provides a balance of land uses and promotes alternative modes of travel, such as walking, bicycling, or using transit. In order To adequately address the Town’s current reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, the Town must focus on creating strategies and incentives to reduce vehicle usage and encourageing alternative modes of transportation. One method to achieving a less for reducing vehicle-centric community VMT is to incorporate a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) model. TDM is the application of strategies to reduce vehicle travel, with an emphasis during peak periods of travel, in order to reduce congestion, and improve traffic flow without having to increase the capacity or physical size of transportation infrastructure, and General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 5 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change reduce overall reliance on vehicles and vehicular trips. MOB 5.1: Why limit to Downtown? Policy MOB-5.1 has been modified to remove the limitation to only Downtown. MOB 5.2: E-scooters on street as opposed to sidewalk. Former Policy MOB-5.2 has been eliminated. MOB 6.3: Bicycles on sidewalks? Have created safety issues in the past. Policy MOB-2.14 has been modified to remove the term “bicyclists” to address the comment. (Page 4-7) Figure 4-2: Identify transit service by date (“New”?). The source tag for the map references the 2019 VTA Plan. (Page 4-12) MOB 7.4: Begin with “Work with...”. Policy MOB-6.4 has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-13) MOB 7.5: Reword: replace “of” with “and”. Policy MOB-6.5 has been revised to reflect the comment, and further revised based on later comments. (Page 4-13) MOB 7.10: Include impacts on “neighborhoods”. Policy MOB-6.10 has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-13) MOB 8.2: Define “transit stops” to exclude transitory bus stops. Policy MOB-7.2 has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-14) MOB 11.2: What are “alternative street surfacing materials”? Alternative street (Policy MOB-10.2) surfacing materials can include concrete, different types of asphalt, textured street surfaces, or pavers/bricks. (Page 4-18) MOB 13.1: What are “efficiency improvements”? An efficiency improvement, as listed in Policy MOB 12.1, would be other fixes that aid in making the flow better. Removing street parking, reducing the number of driveways, limiting left turns or providing protected turn pockets, or synchronizing signals (or removing signals in low use areas). Also includes improvements to lane configurations, merge onto the mainline, weaving on ramps, and auxiliary lanes. (Page 4-19) MOB 13.4: Examples of possible “connections”? At this point the policy (MOB-12.4) should remain general. If or when a modification or new access point to Highway 17 is proposed, the policy is stating that it must be reviewed by Planning Commission and Town Council. (Page 4-20) MOB 14: What is a “continuous” access within context of hillside streets? Continuous access (MOB-13) to meant to limit dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs to better General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 6 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change improve mobility and safety access in the hillsides. (Page 4-20) MOB 16.1: Incomplete sentence, please revise. Policy MOB-1.1 has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-3) Implementation Programs: Include requirement for annual progress report. This has been implemented as Implementation Program A. (Page 4-25) 4-27 K: “within the Town”. Implementation Program D has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-25) Mobility Element – Disagree: 4-2 Major Transit Stop – exclude temporary such as bus stop. This comment has been reflected in Policy Mob- 7.2. (Page 14.4) Mobility Element – Disagree: 13.5: Disagree on deletion of “lanes” reference. Policy MOB-12.5 has been retained due to previous Council direction. (Page 4-20) General organizational question: To show priority of certain policies under a goal, some with “shall” or “require” language should be elevated to follow the goal statement, preceding the “encourage” or non-shall policies. Town staff believes the policy structure between “should” vs. “shall” policies should remain to allow organization based on topic. First section-- Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled should be numbered 4.1 (not 4.0). Renumber all subsequent sections. All sections have been renumbered to reflect the comment. MOB-3.4: There’s a lot in this policy. Should be streamlined or broken into two policies to cover existing sidewalks and newly developed. Would (presumably) new sidewalk standards be needed if you already invoke ADA requirements? And do we need all the detail about what’s removed/relocated? Policy MOB-3.4 has been eliminated and is now a new Implementation Program, Program F. (Page 4-26) Combine MOB 4.2 and 4.5. Policy MOB-3.5 has been eliminated and merged with Policy MOB-3.2 to reflect the comment. (Page 4-7) GOAL MOB 5: I know we recommended this wording, but the Goal is not solely about walking. Change “walkable” to “non-driving”. Goal MOB-5 has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-10) MOB 7.11: What does this actually mean? Policy MOB-6.11 is stating that property owners must design their parking areas to connect and enter into shared parking agreements for potential parking overflow. (Page 4-14) MOB 9.2: How is this to be measured? Policy MOB-8.2 has been removed since it does not have a quantifiable measurement. Refer to Policy MOB-11.2, which describes how Level of Service (LOS) (Page 4-19). General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 7 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 9.3: all circulation and transportation improvements seem overly broad and vague. Suggest deleting “all”. This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 8.3. (Page 4-15) Yellow banner on page 4-17: Implementation Program B seems to indicate we are moving in this direction. Might be appropriate to use typology language. This banner has been eliminated. MOB 15.2 seems to belong in Section 4.7 under parking. Suggest moving and delete the word “any”. That would be hard to do . . . so suggest “can accommodate increases in…” Policy MOB-14.7 is already placed under Section 4.7 (Parking). (Page 4-21) MOB 16.1 seems unnecessary Policy MOB-15.1 has been retained based on other comments received. (Page 4-22) MOB 14.2: There is a lot of the town in high fire hazard areas. Would it be prudent to include both areas “as necessary”? The Town designated Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area (WUIFA) includes the VHFHAs and captures other areas with high fire risk in Town (Policy MOB-13.2). (Page 4-20) Point for discussion. Referencing MOB1.2 and MOB 12.2: On the Planning Commission, we hear developers paint a favorable picture regarding no impact on LOS. Residents argue otherwise. (Alberto Way for example.) There is some concern that the measurement tools used for CEQA are outdated and do not accurately reflect LG traffic situations. Nonetheless, developers usually “win” because they are following the Town standard versus anecdotal descriptions usually have minimal or no data. This applies to a project before development happens, so the measurements and assurances suppositions. I would like to see the General Plan require developers measure, report and manage traffic after the development is built and occupied—along the lines of what was requested of Hillbrook School. In this manner, the Town will be developing its own datasets to compare against the standard currently used and can determine if what the standards predict are Policy MOB-1.1 has been retained as written This is because a developer can't control the baseline traffic changes that are caused by other factors, say cut through traffic. (Page 4-3) Policy MOB-11.3 (formerly Policy MOB- 12.3/MOB-12.2) has been updated to include the following requirement, “These measures shall be implemented and maintained as a condition of approval on the project.” General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 8 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change consistent with actual traffic counts. Is this what is intended by MOB 1.2? MOB 1.2: TDM for Development Proposals All major development proposals with more than 10 housing units or over 5,000 square feet of non- residential square footage shall be required to include a detailed, sustainable, and measurable, verifiable Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program for consideration by the Town during the review of the development application and implemented and maintained as a condition of approval on the project. MOB 12.2: If a project traffic will cause the current LOS for any project affected intersection to drop by more than one level for an if the intersection currently at LOS A, B, or C, or to drop at all if the intersection is at LOS D or below, the project shall construct improvements or put TDM measures in place mitigate the traffic so that the level of service operation will remain at an acceptable level. (add) These measures shall be implemented and maintained as a condition of approval on the project. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-3.5, modified] Page 4-1 Change: “The Mobility Element is designed to address all aspects of moving people and goods.” Re-number sections. The introduction paragraph has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-1) Section numbering has been modified to reflect the comment. Page 4-2 Key Terms: Change TDM: “pieces” to “section”. The key term has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-2) page 4-3 1st paragraph: change the word “looking” to measuring or analyzing (2 places). Spell out the VMT acronym in its first use in text (second line). The 1st paragraph terminology has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-3) The acronym has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-3) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 9 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Change: “reduce vehicle usage and encourage alternative . . .” MOB 1.2 What might those incentives be? And change: “reduce employee trips…”. 1.3: Period after “(TDM) program.” Replace remainder of policy with “The program shall be implemented and maintained as a condition of approval on the project.” Section 4.1 (to be changed to 4.2), strike last two sentences that describe current state. Will not be relevant in 20 years. Sentence rewording has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-3) Incentives could include reduction in development fees for off-setting measures to reduce VMT. (Page 4-4) Policy MOB-1.2 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-4) Policy MOB-1.1 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-3) Page 4-6 Goal MOB-2: delete “Town”. MOB 2.1: delete “facilities”2.2: delete “encouragement and”. MOB-2.2 and 2.3 are duplicated. Is something missing under 2.3? MOB 2.7: delete comas, hyphenate “through- access”. MOB 2.8: delete “to each of its schools”. MOB 2.10: delete “major”; replace “greater than” with “with 100 employees or more”. Goal MOB-2 was modified to remove the word Town. (Page 4-6) Policy MOB-2.1 was modified to remove the term “facilities.” Policy MOB-2.2 was modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-6) Policy MOB-2.3 was removed due to a duplication error. Policy MOB-2.6 was modified for grammatical changes per the comment and includes a more objective standard for frontage rather than block size. (Page 4-6) Policy MOB-2.7 was modified per the comment. (Page 4-6) Policy MOB-2.9 was modified per the comment. (Page 4-6) Page 4-7 MOB 2-12: delete “private” and public”, to read: “ Require bicycle parking in all parking lots in the Downtown.” Policy MOB-2.11 was modified per the comment and is now meant to cover Townwide and not only Downtown. (Page 4-6) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 10 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 3.3: replace “behind” with “between”. Policy MOB-2.16 was modified per the comment. (Page 4-7) Page 4-8 MOB 3.6: Street furniture??? What would this be? If benches or seating, say that. MOB 3.7: Change: “In non-hillside areas, enhance street lighting for pedestrian safety.” MOB 4.2: Delete “/or” and “be” before consistent. Question: MOB 4.4 and 7.6 is “Special Populations” the preferred term? MOB 4.7: revise: “Encourage existing homeowner associations (HOA) to maintain trails that pass through their subdivisions. Encourage the formation of HOAs for new subdivisions or planned development to maintain trails that pass through their areas. Policy MOB-2.17 was modified per the comment relating to street furniture. Street furniture is a better term to include trash, recycle, bike racks, planters, etc. (Page 4-7) Policy MOB-2.18 was modified per a previous comment to cover safe lighting Townwide. (Page 4-7) Policy MOB-3.2 was modified per the comment. (Page 4-7) In Policy MOB-3.4 “Special Populations” was the preferred term after being reviewed by Town staff and the Consultant team. (Page 4-7) Policy MOB-3.5 was modified per the comment. (Page 4-8) Page 4-9, MOB 4.9: Cumbersome reading. Suggest revise: “The location of multiple-use trails should: • Not impact existing… • Traverse the open space… • Traverse… • Be built on… Policy MOB-3.6 was modified per the comment. (Page 4-8) Page 4-10, Renumber to 4.3. GOAL MOB 5: I know we recommended this wording, but the Goal is not solely about walking. Change “walkable” to “non-driving”? Section numbering has been revised to reflect the comment. Goal MOB-5 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-10) Page 4-11 Revise intro paragraph: “…encourage non-driving transportation alternatives (e.g., bicycle lockers…”. Policy MOB-4.3 explicitly states…”to allow shared use”. (Page 4-9) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 11 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 6.3: What is meant? Require (only) wide sidewalks to… Or Require sidewalks to be wide enough to allow shared… MOB 6.4: replace “”and do not conflict with” with “without impeding”. Revise so intent is clear. Policy MOB-4.4 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-9) Page 4-11, Renumber 4.3 to 4.4. Section numbering has been revised to reflect the comment. Page 4-14 MOB 7.3: delete “otherwise”. MOB 7.5: Revise “determine the feasibility of financing additional shuttles to improve connections… MOB 7.6: See comment at 4.4. insert “and” before low-income people. Delete “and other groups with special needs. MOB 7.7: “Encourage public transit use…”. Policy MOB-6.3 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-13) Policy MOB-6.5 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-13) Policy MOB-6.6 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-13) Policy MOB-6.7 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-13) Page 4-15 MOB 7.10: change to “…hub that provides seamless connections between…” MOB 78.2: Change “…that takes full advantage of existing or future transit opportunities.” Delete rest of sentence. Policy MOB-6.10 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-13) Policy MOB-7.2 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-14) Page 4-16 Change Section 4.4 to 4.5 Section numbering has been updated. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 12 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change First paragraph: “…and how to design a transportation system that accommodates users of all ages and abilities, but does not exceed…” MOB 9.3: Change “…to the Town of constructing and operating circulation and…”. MOB 9.4: Delete “the needs of”. The Introduction to Section 4.5 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-15) Policy MOB-8.3 has been modified per other GPAC comments. (Page 4-15) Policy MOB-8.4 has been modified per the comment. (Page 4-15) Page 4-17 Change Section 4.5 to 4.6. Second paragraph and Goal/Policies under MOB 13 refer to Hwy 17 inconsistently. And elsewhere 17 is referred to as “SR17.” Recommend using Hwy 17 everywhere and freeway only in association with 85. Section numbering has been updated. Highway 17 was converted to SR 17 for consistency with the Background Report and Alternatives Report. (Page 4-19 and 4-20) Page 4-19 MOB 10.4: This is one of my pet peeves, when the words are inherently in conflict: Discourage and provide shouldn’t be used together. Suggest: “Discourage single access roads that impede safe and continuous access for all roadway users.” MOB 10.5: “Street improvements (and is this the “furniture??”)…shall be designed to not interfere with safe movement…” MOB 11: Delete “that”. MOB 11.1: Hyphenate “traffic-calming”. Policy MOB-9.4 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-18) Yes, Policy MOB-9.5 includes street furniture. (Page 4-18) The word “that” has been removed from MOB- 10. (Page 4-18) Traffic calming has been hyphenated as requested in the comment (Policy MOB-10.1). (Page 4-19) Page 4-20 MOB 12.2: Consider moving the language address parking to MOB 15.1. Policy MOB-14.6 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-21) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 13 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 12.3: Hyphenate project-affected. Project-affected has been hyphenated as requested in the comment (Policy MOB-11.2). (Page 4-19) Page 4-21 MOB 14.2: Hyphenate through-access. Through-access is no longer a term in Policy MOB- 14.2. But through-access has been hyphenated in Policy MOB-2.6. (Page 4-6) Page 4-22 MOB 14.5: Revise to: “New public street lighting shall be prohibited…” Change Section 4.6 to 4.7. Policy MOB-13.5 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-20) Section numbering has been updated. Page 4-23 MOB 15.3: Change to “Consider expanding residential…” MOB 15.7: Insert the word “to” before “support travel”. Policy MOB-15.3 has been eliminated. Policy MOB-14.6 has been reflected to address the comment. (Page 4-21) Page 4-24 Change section to 4.8. Delete “that is” from second line first paragraph. Section numbering has been updated. The wording “that is” has been removed from the second line. (Page 4-23) I concur with the majority of Kathryn Janoff’s comments. (Attachment 7 pages 1-6) I concur with all of Barbara Spector's comments (Attachment 7 page 7.) with the following question regarding MOB-13.5. Hasn’t the Council already supported widening 17 between Highway 85 and Highway 9 to eliminate the merge lanes? If that is correct, modify MOB-13.5. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. The connection between vehicle travel and climate change is still not clearly articulated. The organization of the Element leads to repetition. The Introduction has been updated to reflect this comment. (Page 4-1) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 14 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Maintaining the use of LOS and the current road classification system results in inconsistencies within the Element and within the General Plan. Clarify how all the change from LOS to VMT affects the Town’s Traffic Mitigation Fees program. Town staff proposes to maintain the exiting street classification system. There is a new implementation measure to evaluate new street typologies. VMT will satisfy the CEQA analysis required for development and projects. VMT tends to have a bigger picture regional view of the transportation network, but does not look at the performance of local roads. Complimentary efforts on LOS, local policies, and road classifications will be important tools for managing the entire transportation network in Town. The TIF program will be updated in parallel with the GP update to ensure alignment while maintaining a specific focus on the functionality of local streets for all users. Page 4-2: Key Terms: Multiple Use Trails. Delete: equestrian trails and Add: Also see Bikeway types Transit Stop (vs. major transit stop) TIF Multiple Use Trails has been updated. (Page 4-2) Page 4-3: 4.0 Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled: Note MOB 1.1 and MOB 1.2: Look at combining these policies. The original Policy MOB-1.1 was eliminated and merged with MOB-1.2, now Policy MOB-1.1. (Page 4-3) MOB 1.4: Will TDM be required only if near a “major transit stop”? Define “near”. Suggest deleting “major” and add minimum headways. What does “all types of trips” refer to? Too many concepts here: major transit stop, what TDM may include, in-lieu fees, TIF, Townwide TDM program etc. The term “major” was removed per other GPAC comments and Policy MOB-1.3. (Page 4-4) Page 4-4: MOB- 4.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities introduction: Move the next to last paragraph up as the second paragraph. This comment has been reflected in Section 4.2. (Page 4-4) Page 4-6 and 4-7: Regroup policies as follows: Policies relating to bike network MOB-(2.1, MOB- 2.4, 2.7 and MOB-2.8 Policies that address facilities: (MOB-2.6, MOB= 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, and Town staff proposes retaining the structure as shown in the Element. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 15 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change 2.12) Policies relating to education: (MOB- 2.2, MOB-2.14). NOTE: As a general rule, throughout this and other Elements group related policies together. MOB-2.3: Delete, it is the same as MOB- 2.2. Policy MOB-2.3 has been eliminated per the comment. MOB-2.2: Not clear what this means. Does it mean to pursue grants to enable planning and design? What does “enforcement of programs” mean? Policy MOB-2.2 has removed enforcement programs and the term “investment” based on other GPAC comments. (Page 4-6) MOB-2.5: Delete? Or modify similar to MOB-3.6 (page 4-8) Is it the intent of the Town to fund specific plans and master plans? In the past the Town has waited for a development to fund Specific Plans or Master Plans. Policy 3.6 was eliminated and merged with 2.5. (Page 4-6) MOB-2.7: What is a typical block? How many acres or square feet? The term “block” was removed as requested by GPAC and replaced with a quantifiable frontage requirement (Policy MOB-2.6). (Page 4-6) MOB-2.9: Who is responsible? Town, new developments…? The Town would be responsible for these. It would not hinge on a developer unless added as a condition of approval (Policy MOB-2.8). (Page 4-6) MOB 2.10: Does this apply to both new and existing development? Policy MOB-2.9 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.11 and 2.12: Why only required in Downtown? Does this apply to both new and existing development? Policy MOB-2.11 has been modified to reference Townwide and not only Downtown. This Policy would also apply to all development. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.13: Why not require bicycle valet parking at large events as part of the permit condition? Policy MOB-2.12 was modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-7) MOB 3.1: Modify as follows: Require all developments to provide pedestrian connections between the development sites and existing and planned pedestrian facilities, including those as identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and other relevant plans and documents. This comment and text changes have been reflected (Policy MOB-2.14). (Page 4-7) MOB-3.2: What defines a “key locations”? Policy MOB-2.15 had “key locations” removed per other GPAC comments since all locations would need to be identified. (Page 4-7) MOB-3.3 What is the definition of adequate clearance? Does this apply to existing as well as Policy MOB-2.16: In consultation with Town staff it has been determine that clearance standards are to be left out of the Policy Document and General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 16 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change new unimproved roadways? Do unimproved roadway mean roadways without sidewalks? should be maintained in the Town engineering standards. PPW can work on a standard to define this. This would apply to any roadway, new or existing, where development occurs. Yes, this typically refers to roadways without sidewalks. (Page 4-7) MOB-3.4: Too many concepts included in one policy. Divide into separate policies or at a minimum provide a list. Consider moving Establish sidewalk standards…to implementation section. Policy MOB-3.4 has been eliminated and is now a new Implementation Program, Program F. (Page 4-28) MOB-3.7: In non-hillside areas does this mean enhance the level of existing lighting? Or provide lighting (a minimal level needed for safety) in areas where it does not already exist? In hillside areas is lighting allowed if it is necessary for safety? Or is all street lighting prohibited in the hillsides? Policy MOB-2.18 has been modified. (Page 4-7) Page 4-8 MOB-4.2: Why “should” not “shall”? Does this refer to the Town’s Master Plan and/or the County Trails Plan? Does the Ped/bicycle Master Plan identify priorities? This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 3.2. (Page 4-7) MOB-4.6 and MOB-4.7: Could these be moved up under MOB-4.1? Or added as bullets under MOB- 4.1? Policy MOB-4.6 was eliminated and merged with other policies. Policy MOB-3.5 includes changes already made per other GPAC comments. MOB-4.7: Can the Town REQUIRE rather than encourage HOA’s to maintain trails that pass through a new subdivision or planned development? If so, change to Require. The term require is being maintained for Policy MOB-3.5 with modified language to clarify meaning of policy. (Page 4-8) Page 4-9: MOB-4.8, MOB-4.9, MOB-4.10: How does this relate to Class I bikeways and to MOB- 2.4? Bike Paths (Class 1) are paved rights-of-way completely separated from streets. Bike paths are often located along waterfronts, creeks, railroad rights-of-way or freeways with a limited number of cross streets and driveways. These paths are typically shared with pedestrians and often called mixed-use paths. Multiple use trails does not necessarily mean a Class 1, since multiple use trails are not necessarily paved. (Page 4-8) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 17 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB-4.11: Does this apply to multi-use trails not in the hillside? Or are there no multi-use trails identified outside of the hillside area? Policy MOB-3.7 has been modified to include all areas of Town, not just hillsides. (Page 4-8) Local Bus Transit: “…and includes several transit route improvements changes in the Town of Los Gatos. This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-11) Delete second paragraph. This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-11) Figure 4-2, Page 4-13: Add to Legend after Future VLR and Future Vasona Junction Station: On indefinite hold Indicate that Route 27 connects with Winchester Light Rail Station. This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-12) Page 4-17: Note to Reviewer: I recommend that the GPAC request a more refined street topology be included in future drafts of the Mobility Element. It was direction by the GPAC with concurrence from Town staff to maintain the existing street classifications and include a new Implementation Program that studies the creation of new street typologies. Page 4-24: MOB-17 and MOB-17.1 to MOB-17.3: Suggest that the movement of goods be incorporated into the Complete Streets section. Policies MOB-16.1-16.3 will remain under Goods Movement (section 4.8) per other GPAC comments. (Page 4-23) GPAC Comments from 9/3/20 Meeting Move all the shall/require policies first, then the encourage policies to follow. Town staff believes the policy structure between “should” vs. “shall” policies should remain to allow organization based on topic. Staff to write new introduction tying VMT to Climate Change This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-1) MOB 1.4: Need to define TIF. The acronym has been added to the Key Terms. (Page 4-2) Acronyms need to be listed in the Glossary. This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-2) Change the vehicle miles traveled in Goal 1, not vehicle length or vehicle trips. This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-3) MOB 1.1 and 1.2, need to clarify who is creating the incentives, what are there, would like to a quantifiable figure of reduction by 40% or 50%. In consultation with Town staff it has been determined that the Policy Document is not the appropriate place for quantifiable numbers pertaining to reductions as noted in the Policy. MOB 1.1: flexibility of working hours, as a goal or aspiration of 50% reduction. Policy MOB-1.1 notes alternative work schedules as an option. (Page 4-3) MOB 1.2, the Town encourages the employer to give incentives, strike existing, need a quantifiable number. Policy MOB-1.2 has been modified to remove the term “existing”. (Page 4-3) In consultation with Town staff it has been determined that a percentage is not appropriate General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 18 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change here. This is essentially one element of a comprehensive TDM plan which will have project specific targets to manage traffic and VMT. Provide language for regional transportation effort including corporate busing, could be included in a new policy. Policy MOB-1.4 includes additional language to clarify the employer shuttles are also known as corporate busing. (Page 4-4) Combine 1.1 and 1.2. Former Policies MOB-1.1 and 1.3 were combined into a new Policy MOB-1.1. Policy MOB-1.2 has been retained. (Page 4-3) Confused between 1.1. and 1.3. Former Policies MOB-1.1 and 1.3 were combined into a new Policy MOB-1.1. Policy MOB-1.2 has been retained. (Page 4-3) Maintain 1.2 and combine 1.1. and 1.3. Former Policies MOB-1.1 and 1.3 were combined into a new Policy MOB-1.1. Policy MOB-1.2 has been retained. (Page 4-3) Delete the word major transit stop and just list bus stop. Policy MOB-1.1 has been updated and revised per the comment. (Page 4-3) MOB 2.2 and 2.3, have the same language, eliminate one. Policy MOB-2.3 has been eliminated reflecting the comment. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.7: Clarify what a block is. Need a better measurement. Maybe focus on maximum feet of frontage. Policy MOB-2.6 has been updated to include a frontage requirement rather than a block. (Page 4-6) MOB-2 and MOB-3 seem to overlap. Policy MOB-2 and MOB-3 were merged together. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.12: make Townwide not downtown, also make it clear for discretionary projects and make it know only when feasible. This comment has been reflected in MOB-2.11. (Page 4-6) MOB-3: Provide safe and efficient pedestrian facilities (or systems) throughout Town. Goal MOB-3 has been merged with MOB-2 per other GPAC comments. (Page 4-6) MOB 3.4 needs to be aspiration nor mandatory. What and where is the trigger for this. Maybe say “Adapt and maintain existing sidewalk to meet ADA requirements. Install wide sidewalks and/or detached sidewalks with a buffer separation from vehicular traffic. Establish sidewalk standards and guidelines for enhancing existing sidewalks and installation of new sidewalks. [New Policy] Former Policy MOB-3.4 has been eliminated and is now a new Implementation Program G. (Page 4-28) MOB 3.4: Need responsibility for who does what. Former Policy MOB-3.4 has been eliminated and is now a new Implementation Program G. Program G has been delegated to Parks and General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 19 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Public Works as the designated department. (Page 4-28) MOB 3.7: Should not be limited to the hillsides. Policy MOB-2.18 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-7) MOB 3.2: Every half mile should be a safe pedestrian crossing. Policy MOB-2.15 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-7) MOB-4: Reword remove the developed portions. Goal MOB-3 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-7) 4.4 reword for more flexibility to allow for more trails for disabled persons. This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 3.4. (Page 4-7) Combine MOB 4.1, 4.6, and 4.7 into one and then place all details in a Program, and make sure MOB 4.7 is clarified between encourage for existing and requiring for new. Prior GPAC comment has addressed the merging of these policies. Please refer to Policies under Goal MOB-3 for these changes. (Page 4-7) Combine MOB 4.2 and 4.5. Policy MOB-4.5 has been eliminated and combined with Policy MOB-3.2 as reflected in the comment. (Page 4-7) MOB 4.11: Why only hillsides? Policy MOB-3.8 has been modified to apply to all development regardless of location in Town. (Page 4-8) MOB 4.9: Remove bullet 1. Policy MOB-3.7 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-8) MOB-5: Change walkable to non-driving. Goal MOB-5 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-10) New policy under 5, that encourages walking downtown, add a downtown walkability policy for Downtown, remove e-scooters…move that to the pedestrian section. This comment is reflected in a new Policy MOB- 2.18. (Page 4-7) MOB 5.1: Remove downtown and end the policy at shuttle system. And combine with MOB 5.2. Policy MOB-5.1 has been revised. Policy MOB-5.2 has been eliminated and combined with Policy MOB-5.1. (Page 4-10) MOB 5.3: Need to quantify significant, should include use of TDM. These thresholds have not yet been identified as part of the EIR/VMT work. (Page 4-10) MOB 5.5: Needs to include the use of TDM. Policy MOB-6.5 has been modified to include TDM. MOB-5 policies, does not like the term non- driving. The term “non-driving” was maintained for consistency with the Goal MOB-6 (formerly Goal MOB-5). (Page 4-10) MOB-6 use this instead: Encourage the development of a comprehensive and integrated transportation network with infrastructure and Goal MOB-4 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-8) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 20 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change design features that allow safe and convenient travel along and across streets for all users. MOB-6 needs a policy that encourages a policy or strategy to get pedestrians across streets. Policy MOB-2.15 includes a standard for safe pedestrian crossings every half mile. (Page 4-7) Flip MOB-5 and MOB-6. This comment has been reflected. MOB 6.3: Needs to reference the standards and source that says what constitutes what a wide sidewalk is. Policy MOB-4.3 was modified to include an objective standard. The revised policy now states that wide sidewalks “greater than four feet in width Townwide” to allow…(Page 4-9) Rejects residential parking zones; Objects to cut-through traffic; and Rejects the commercial traffic policy. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. Mob 5, 5.1, and 5.2: I felt like we are losing the idea of a walkable downtown. I know this is something people in the town care about (a lot), plus there are things that can be done to make a downtown walkable. So, I like the idea of calling this out as a separate goal. I’m fine with that being in the pedestrian part though. I also felt that MOB 5.1 and MOB 5.2 were very close and should probably be combined into one. Policy MOB-2.18 has been added to address a walkable Downtown. (Page 4-7) Policy MOB-5.1 and MOB-5.2 were combined. (Page 4-10) MOB 6.3: Is there a definition of what “wide sidewalks” means? This falls into the “Objective Standards” area. I’m still a little fuzzy when you want an objective standard and when you don’t. I certainly see Joel’s point that putting a specific number in here does not make sense, and there is not one number anyway. Plus, Jennifer points out the various documents shift around. Alternatively, we should say something like “wide sidewalks” as defined in town ordinances (without specific which ordinances we are talking about). But maybe I'm overthinking this. If there is no issue here, we can just leave it alone. Policy MOB-4.3 was updated to include an objective and quantifiable measurement for a wide sidewalk of a minimum of four feet in width. (Page 4-9) MOB 15.3: I’m not sure why this in there about residential permit parking expansion? Are we currently considering an expansion of residential parking permits? Is one needed? It seems like this goal might have been left over from the past and could be removed. Policy MOB-15.3 has been eliminated per GPAC direction. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 21 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 16.1: I believe there is an error in this one. The first sentence does not make sense. It reads: Stand-alone parking facilities in the Downtown. All parking facilities shall exhibit excellence in design, minimize impacts on adjacent properties, and be consistent with the Town's character. [Source: Existing Policy TRA-14.3, modified] Policy MOB-15.1 has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-22) I don’t see an implementation program for dealing with passthrough traffic. I realize there was some controversy about including that, but it was voted on as a goal and it should get an implementation program too. Maybe it should be ongoing. I would like to see a program to encourage walkable downtown as well. Implementation Program Q relates to cut-through traffic and the preservation of neighborhoods. (Page 4-28) Public Comment at the GPAC Meeting (9/3) Housing as an issue. LG has a certain character intertwined with SF homes, most important to majority of the community. Density in itself is a poor predictor to traffic problems, reason is because is the availability of transit, proximity to work, proximity to consumption. Density can reduce traffic proximity to consumption. Structure of SF homes creates traffic issues. Need to combat socio-economic diversity in Town. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. BLM, advocate to promote culture for the library, BLM reading and podcast lists for library. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. Submitted GPAC Comments prior to the GPAC Meeting (9/17) I have previously submitted input to the Mobility Element (Attachment 8 to the September 3rd meeting). In some instances, staff provided “Input.” However, that Input did not address the issue of clarity for future readers of the General Plan. It simply responded to the issue I was raising. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. General organizational comment —show priority of policies with those having “shall” or “require” be listed first. Town staff believes the policy structure between “should” vs. “shall” policies should remain to maintain organization based on topic. Connection between and climate change not clearly articulated. We need to add this to beginning. This comment has been reflected in the Introduction. (Page 4-1) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 22 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Repetition in element. Chair--this is the nature of the GP. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. LOS and road classification system leads to inconsistencies. Chair—GPAC needs to discuss with MOB 4.5. Possibility of alternate system pg. 4-17. A new study via new street typologies (IP S)has been added as a program to address this. (Page 4- 29) List all triggers for TDM in one place. Chair: best to have throughout. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. Clarify how change from LOS to VMT affects Town traffic impact fees. In parallel with the adoption of VMT, the Town will advance modifications to policies to achieve this complimentary goal. This will include a review of impact fees associated with the policies. Key terms--Acronym TIF. Chair—agree. TIF acronym has been places in the Key Terms. (Page 4-2) Opportunities for Objective Standards: - VMT—we should reference goals we have in Sustainability Plan. - Be able to measure/define how we are doing making sure that traffic doesn’t exceed capacity (MOB 9.2). Policy MOB-9.2 has been removed. MOB 1.1 and 1.3: maybe clarify that TDM must include ongoing compliance/monitoring after development is complete. Chair: Agree if feasible. This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 1.1. (Page 4-3) MOB 1.1 and 1.2: Combine these. This comment has been reflected. (Page 4-3) MOB 1.4: Define near major transit. Chair: delete “major” as we have no major transit stops Policy MOB-1.4 has been modified to reflect the comment with the removal of “major” relating to transit stops. (Page 4-3) Reduce number of policies. MOB 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are similar. Policies have been merged and/or eliminated in this section to reflect the comment. (Page 4-3) MOB 4.1: Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: Overall—Suggest regrouping policies by area of focus. The way the Element is currently organized is by topic area. Under Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities, there are three goals relating the to the following topics: Bicycling, Pedestrian, and Trails. Under each goal/topic are associated policies for that topic. MOB-2: Goal regarding Bicycling: Suggest streamlining to “throughout Town” or similar. Goal MOB-2 has been modified and streamlined to reflect the comment. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.2 and 2.3: Redundant, eliminate one. Policy MOB-2.3 has been removed due to a duplication error. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.2 and 2.3: Explain investments. Also, wording is awkward. Policy MOB-2.2 has been revised to focus on infrastructure upgrades rather than using the General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 23 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change broad term of investment. The Policy was also reworded for clarity. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.5: If modified, maybe don’t need MOB 2.2 or 2.3. Or create new policy like MOB 3.5— promote walking. Policy MOB-3.5 has been eliminated and merged with Policy MOB-2.17. (Page 4-7) MOB 2.7: What is block? Addressed in last meeting. Policy MOB-2.6 removed the reference to a block and inserted a frontage requirement. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.9: Who is responsible? The Town would be responsible for this (Policy MOB-2.8). If a policy does not explicitly designate a provider, then the Town would be responsible. The GPAC voted on not including, “The Town shall…” at the front of each policy which would make this clearer. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.10: New or existing or both? This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 2.9. (Page 4-6) MOB 2.12: Why only Downtown? And is new, existing development or both? Chair—Agree. This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 2.11. (Page 4-6) MOB-3: Goal regarding Pedestrians: Suggest streamlining wording of goal. Goal MOB-3 has been eliminated a merged with MOB-2. (Page 4-6) MOB 3.2: Which are key locations? Chair—maybe refer to Bike and Ped master plan. Policy MOB-2.15 has been modified to remove “key locations” and require crossings every half- mile on all Town designated arterial and collector roadways. (Page 4-7) MOB 3.3: What is adequate clearance? Chair: Maybe refer to standard or plan. This comment has been clarified in Policy MOB- 2.16. (Page 4-7) MOB 3.4: Too detailed. Put into implementation program. Suggested by multiple GPAC members. Policy MOB-3.4 has been eliminated as a policy and is now a new Implementation Program, Program G. (Page 4-28) MOB 3.7: Enhance or add? Why not in hillsides if for safety? Chair: my street (in hillsides) has walkers and bikers probably 16 hours per day. Need street lighting for safety. Also need street lighting to protect residents—deer traversing streets—what if you cannot see them? Policy MOB-2.18 has been updated per other GPAC comments to focus on enhanced street lighting Townwide. (Page 4-7) MOB 4.2 and 4.5: Combine these. Policy MOB-4.5 has been eliminated and combined with Policy MOB-3.2 as reflected in the comment. (Page 4-7) MOB 4.2: Should or shall? What creates priorities? Bike/Ped plan? Policy MOB-3.2 has been modified with new terminology using “shall” instead of “should”. The Bike/Ped plan is an implementation of the policy. General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 24 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 4.6 and 4.7: Combine with or move to 4.1? Chair: Agree or move to implementation. Policy MOB-4.6 has been eliminated and merged with Policy MOB-3.1 as noted in the comment. (Page 4-7) MOB 4.7: Can Town require HOA’s to do this? If so, then say it. This Policy MOB-3.5 is being retained as encourage based on previous GPAC comments, but revised to clarify intent. (Page 4-8) MOB 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10: How does this relate to Class I bikeways and to MOB 2.4? Bike Paths (Class 1) are paved rights-of-way completely separated from streets. Bike paths are often located along waterfronts, creeks, railroad rights-of-way or freeways with a limited number of cross streets and driveways. These paths are typically shared with pedestrians and often called mixed-use paths. Multiple use trails does not necessarily mean a Class 1, since multiple use trails are not necessarily paved. (Page 4-8) MOB 4.11: What about trails not in hillsides? Policy MOB-3.9 has been retained. (Page 4-8) MOB 4.9 and 4.10: Combine or move to implementation or some design guideline. These policies are retained as is based on other GPAC comments. MOB 4.11 and 4.12: Possible to combine? Policy MOB-4.12 has been eliminated and combined with Policy MOB-3.8 as reflected in the comment. (Page 4-8) MOB 4.12 and 4.13: Combine? Policy MOB-3.9 has been retained. (Page 4-8) MOB 4.2: Multimodal System/Complete Streets Overall: Maybe move this section to earlier in the document (after VMT) as it is high level. Town staff believes it should be maintained in the Section where it currently resides in the Element. MOB-5: Emphasizing non-driving modes of transportation: Change wording in goal— walkable should be multimodal or non- driving. Chair—Agree. Comment by GPAC member to have goal or policy to encourage walking downtown. This comment is reflected in a new Policy MOB- 2.19. (Page 4-4) MOB 5.1: Don’t limit to downtown. This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 5.1. (Page 4-10) MOB 5.1 and 5.2: Combine or modify 5.1 (Multiple GPAC members). Policy MOB-5.2 was eliminated and merged with Policy MOB-5.1. (Page 4-10) MOB 5.2: E-scooters belong on streets not sidewalks (staff—put in ordinance). Chair—Agree. Policy MOB-5.2 was eliminated and merged with Policy MOB-5.1. The comment relating to scooters has been addressed. (Page 4-10) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 25 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB-6: Talking about a comprehensive transportation network to support multi-modal. Goal MOB-6 has been moved to MOB-5. (Page 4- 10) MOB 6.3: Bicycles on sidewalks? Chair- agree. Removed the reference to bicyclists from the policy MOB-4.3. (Page 4-9) MOB 6.3: “Wide” sidewalks is vague. Need to refer to standard if we are requiring this. Policy MOB-4.3 was modified to include an objective standard. The revised policy now states that wide sidewalks “greater than four feet in width in commercial and mixed-use areas.” (Page 4-9) MOB 6.3: Where? Hillsides have limited/no sidewalks. Downtown streets where residents have demanded no sidewalks? To provide clarity, the policy now refers to commercial and mixed-use areas (now Policy MOB-4.3). (Page 4-9) MOB 4.3: Transit Services and Facilities Overview: delete second paragraph about school bus pilot multiple GPAC members Add legend to map for clarity about VLR and route 27. Under Vasona Light Rail, clarify that Route 27 connects to Winchester Light Rail Station. Chair— this is mentioned under Local Bus Transit. These comments have been reflected. (Page 4- 11 and 4-12) MOB 7.10: Include impact on residents/neighborhoods. Chair- Agree. This comment has been reflected (Policy MPb- 6.10). (Page 4-14) MOB 8.2: Define transit stops to exclude transitory bus stops. Policy MOB-7.2 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-14) MOB 9.1: Include TDM as an option. Chair— Agree. Policy MOB-8.1 has been modified to include TDM as an option. (Page 4-15) MOB 9.3—Clarify wording. Chair—maybe re- write—Decisions relative to construction and operation of transportation systems must consider the full fiscal impacts including ongoing maintenance. Policy MOB-8.2 has been revised to read, “Consider the full fiscal impacts including ongoing maintenance relative to the construction and operation of transportation systems.” (Page 4- 15) Page 4-17: Note to reviewer mentions again typology vs. classic street definitions. There is an implementation program related to this. Perhaps mention that here in this section. Implementation Program T addresses this comment. (Page 4-29) Note to reviewer—Suggest GPAC request a more refined street topology for future drafts. Chair— Agree, worth considering. Implementation Program T addresses this comment. (Page 4-29) MOB-11: New goal we voted on during last meeting about mitigating cut-through traffic There are no changes anticipated from this comment. (Page 4-18) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 26 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 11.2: How to limit cut-through traffic without impacting movement of residents. Chair—need to discuss at next meeting. There are no changes anticipated from this comment (Policy MOB-10.2). (Page 4-18) MOB 11.4: Description is too vague—the goal is to minimize cut-through traffic and this is a policy. Policy MOB-11.4 has been removed since it was redundant to Policy MOB-10.2. (Page 4-18) MOB 11.4: Is this legal? Also need to define regionally generated. Policy MOB-11.4 has been removed since it was redundant to Policy MOB-10.2. (Page 4-18) MOB 11.2 and 11.4: Not sure what the difference is between these. Policy MOB-11.4 has been removed since it was redundant to Policy MOB-10.2. The title for Policy MOB-10.2 was modified to reflect the previous Policy MOB-11.4. (Page 4-18) MOB 11.5: Not sure if it is clear what “commercial” means. This shouldn’t include deliveries. (Chair) Policy MOB-10.4 has been modified to add “excluding delivery services”. This should clarify that those types of services are not considered commercial cut-thru traffic. (Page 4-19) MOB 12.3: Need for objective standard here as well as ongoing measurement. Chair—Agree but need to determine to what degree if any LOS will be used going forward. Town staff recommends leaving this as is with the potential for dropping it completely pending policies that will be developed. MOB 13.5: Disagree with lanes being deleted. The Town Council modified TRA-4 in November 2019. (Page 4-20) MOB 13.5: Didn’t council support widening 17 bet 85 and 9 to eliminate merge lanes? The Town Council modified TRA-4 in November 2019. (Page 4-20) MOB14.2: What about other areas of Town in high fire hazard? Chair—Agree, need to discuss. The Town designated Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area (WUIFA) includes the VHFHAs and captures other areas with high fire risk in Town. (Page20) MOB 14.5: Suggest we modify this to eliminate “recurring” and possibly to be less specific about the Chief of Police. If public safety issues are recurring, then someone has already been hurt most likely. Also, should not deciding body include Parks and Public Works? I would also argue this could be deleted as it is already in the Hillside Design Guidelines and this is not relating to the goal MOB-14. This policy is about aesthetics. Policy MOB-13.5 has been maintained but modified. It was requested by the GPAC to have a stance on streetlighting lighting in the hillsides and to reiterate it beyond the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. The Policy was modified to remove the term “recurring” and remove the reference to who would be making the determination. (Page 4-20) MOB 15.2: Seems to belong under 4.7 parking. Chair—Not sure I understand comment. Section 4.7 is for parking, thus Policy MOB-14.2 (Efficient Parking Facility Design) will remain as is. (Page 4-21) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 27 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 15.3: Is this needed? Policy MOB-15.3 has been removed per comments at the 9/17 GPAC Meeting. MOB 15.3: Object to this policy. Should not be expanded, should be eliminated. Any plan should be governed by the Comprehensive Parking Study. Policy MOB-15.3 has been removed per comments at the 9/17 GPAC Meeting. MOB 15.6: Wayfinding should be consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Parking Study. This comment has been reflected in Policy MOB- 14.5. (Page 4-21) MOB-16: Downtown parking: I know a number of committee members wanted access to the Downtown Parking Study which a link for that was provided in the staff report. There are no changes anticipated from this comment. MOB 16.1: Should we explicitly mention encouraging underground parking? It was a determination from prior GPAC meetings to not limit stand-alone parking facilities Downtown to below grade and was thus removed. Policy MOB-15.1 has been updated to reflect the comment. (Page 4-22) MOB 16.1: Wording doesn’t make sense. Policy MOB-15.1 has been modified to focus on minimizing impacts of parking facilities. Subjective language regarding “design excellence” and “character” were removed. (Page 422) MOB 16.2: Include TDM as an option. Chair— Agree. Policy MOB-15.2 has been modified to include TDM as an option. (Page 4-22) MOB-17: Safe and efficient truck/delivery routes Suggests combining with Complete Streets. Discussion from the 9/17 GPAC Meeting resulted in Section 4.8 (Goods Movement) remaining as a stand-alone section. (Page 4-23) MOB 4.8: Implementation programs: Parking study recommendations should be included in the Implementation plans. Chair – agree also to avoid duplication. There should be a review of the Parking Study recommendations and compare it with any implementation programs in the General Plan so they are consistent. Town staff has confirmed consistency with the Parking study recommendations. MOB 4.8: Implementation programs: Suggest adding an implementation program relative to cut-through traffic since it is a goal. Chair—isn’t this what program O is? Maybe rename it? Yes, Implementation Program Q relates to cut- through traffic and the preservation of neighborhoods. (Page 28) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 28 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change MOB 4.8: Implementation programs: Suggest adding a program to encourage a walkable downtown. Chair-Agree. In consultation with Town staff, a new policy will not be added regarding a walkable downtown. Program A: Is this intended to create an objective standard? Program X, Yes. (Page 4-29) Program B: If this is the same as the note to reviewer on 4-17, then it should say that in that section. This program (T) implements the call out box which will be removed after GPAC review. (Page 4-29) Program I: Don’t we have this already? If so, delete. (Chair) Town Code Sec. 24.50.045 covers grade and Town Code Sec. 24.50.075 covers length of cul-de-sacs and these are also addressed in the Town’s roadway design standards. This program will be removed. Program Y: This reads like a goal. If it is, make it a goal. Also, it refers to policies that don’t exist in the document. There is no MOB 11.7 in the document nor is there 12.6 or 12.7. If it is an implementation program, then perhaps make it to develop guidelines for TDM and incentives. (Chair). Implementation Program Z has been removed and relocated as a modification to Policy MOB- 1.1. and new Policy MOB-1.5 (Major Employer Shuttle Services). (Page 4-3) GPAC Comments from 9/17/20 Meeting Maybe provide an aspirational language to better serve community by extending light rail beyond the current plan. The last sentence of the Vasona Light Rail Extension section was modified per previous GPAC direction. (Page 4-11) Possibly have an implementation program that locates proper areas for public and private shuttles per MOB 7.5. This new Implementation Program is program S. (Page 4-29) MOB 9.1: Incorporate TDM as an option. Policy MOB-9.1 has been modified to include TDM as an option. (Page 4-18) MOB 9.1: Change maintaining to promoting in bullet 1. Policy MOB-9.1 has been modified to include the new terminology. (Page 4-18) Swap language from staff report from October 8, 2019 into the Mobility Introduction. This comment has been reflected in Section 4.1. (Page 4-3) MOB-11.2, Remove the without impacting and replace with while minimizing. Policy MOB-10.2 has been modified to reflect the comment. (Page 4-18) MOB-11.5: Needs to distinguish between thru- traffic and that for deliveries. This will need to be tied to the definition for cut-through traffic. Policy MOB-10.4 has been modified to add “excluding delivery services”. This should clarify that those types of services are not considered commercial cut-thru traffic. (Page 4-19) Define LOS, it is peak hour? Yes. Refer to Key Terms. (Page 4-2) General Plan Policy Document Edit Tracking December 2020 Page 29 of 29 Mobility Element GPAC/Town Comments Corresponding Change Leave MOB-13 as is, no additional comments from GPAC. Goal MOB-13 will remain as stated in the Policy Document. (Page 4-20) MOB-14.5: Remove the term recurring. Policy MOB-13.5 has been modified removing the term “recurring”. (Page 4-20) MOB-13.1: Would like to see language about adding lanes in the existing right-of-ways. Policy MOB-12.1 has been revised to reflect the comment. (Page 4-19) MOB 15.4: Need to expand to explain further what parking availability means. Policy MOB-14.3 has been updated to clarify parking availability. (Page 4-21) Policies in MOB-15 does not conflict with the Parking Study. There are no conflicts per the Parks and Public Works Department, who reviewed this Element. Remove Policy MOB-15.3. Policy MOB-15.3 has been removed per the comment. (Page 4-22) Do not combine 4.7 with any other sections. Leave stand-alone. Section 4.8 (Goods Movement) will remain a stand-alone section. (Page 4-23) Need an implementation program relating to cut- through traffic. Implementation Program Q relates to cut-through traffic and the preservation of neighborhoods. (Page 4-28) This Page Intentionally Left Blank From:Steve To:Jennifer Armer Cc:Melanie Hanssen; Joel Paulson Subject:Definition of cut-through traffic Date:Wednesday, September 23, 2020 11:10:51 AM Jennifer, I noticed that the definition of “cut-through traffic” in the draft Mobility Element includes a reference to locally generated traffic as follows “or vehicles that pass through a neighborhood as a short cut to using arterial streets…”. I know we discussed the first part of the definition regarding outside, primarily beach traffic, cutting through Los Gatos but I don’t recall that we discussed this aspect of locally generated "cut-through" traffic. I would like to bring this up with the committee so we can discuss it and determine if this is the best wording or if we want the local reference at all. I think it would encourage some neighborhoods to seek full or partial closures of their streets which would certainly impact other neighborhood streets. Please advise of the best way to raise this with the committee. Thanks, Steve ATTACHMENT 14 This Page Intentionally Left Blank