Item 3 - Addendum with Attachment PREPARED BY: JENNIFER ARMER, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 12/17/2020 ITEM: 3 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL PLAN UPDATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT DATE: December 16, 2020 TO: General Plan Update Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element. REMARKS: Attachment 15 contains comments from Committee Members. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments previously received with the July 16, 2020 Staff Report: 1. Initial Draft of Mobility Element 2. Comments from Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Safe Routes to School Attachment previously received with the July 16, 2020 Desk Item Report: 3. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the September 3, 2020 Staff Report: 4. Revised Initial Draft of Mobility Element 5. Comment Response Summary Table 6. Public Comment received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 28, 2020 Attachments previously received with the September 3, 2020 Addendum Report: 7. Committee Member Comments 8. Staff Responses to Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with the September 3, 2020 Desk Item Report: 9. Committee Member Comments Attachment previously received with the September 17, 2020 Staff Report: 10. Committee Member Comments PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element December 16, 2020 N:\DEV\GPAC\GPAC Staff Reports\2020\12-17-20\Item 3 - Addendum.docx Attachment previously received with the September 17, 2020 Desk Item Report: 11. Committee Member Comments Attachments previously received with the December 17, 2020 Staff Report: 12. Second Revised Initial Draft of the Mobility Element 13. Comment Response Summary Table 14. Committee Member Comments Attachments received with this Addendum Report: 15. Committee Member Comments Mobility Element Comments—Kathryn Janoff Minor Edits only: P. 4-3 Intro, Third sentence from the end, “Town’s VMT standard.” Last two sentences are sort of convoluted. Suggest the following: The transportation impact of future development projects can be measured against this standard, allowing the Town to adopt strategies to achieve VMT targets. Are we retaining LOS? If so, reword second paragraph to be clear that LG is retaining LOS. Delete language referring to “jurisdictions” in general. Last intro paragraph: Revise first sentence, which has a whopping six verbs!! “The VMT approach aims to reduce vehicle miles traveled.” MOB-1.1: Move last sentence, which is explanatory and not policy, to follow the last sentence of the last paragraph in the intro. P. 4-4 MOB-1.3” . . . mechanisms may be required . . .” Are they or aren’t they? Suggest deleting this sentence as it undercuts the “shall” of the first part of this policy. MOB-1.4: delete parentheses around “with over 100 employees” 4.2: First paragraph: Eliminate the last three sentences as this immediately dates the section. Including this data implies either we are proud of what we have (and don’t need more) or this is where we are and we want to add bikeways throu gh 2040. If the first is the case, delete this (the data is in the master plan). If we want to add bikeway miles, include a policy and an implementation program. Third paragraph: delete “is safe and” and add “provides safe access” Fifth paragraph, delete the parenthetical revision dates and move this paragraph to the end of the third paragraph. P. 4-7 MOB-2.16: can “adequate width” be specified? Is there a code requirement? ATTACHMENT 15 2 P. 4-8 MOB-3.5: delete hyphen between “pass through” P. 4-9 4.3, First paragraph: second sentence, replace “using” with “accommodating” And delete last three sentences. These concepts are already captured in goals MOB -4, MOB-5 and MOB-2 MOB-4.4: “Limit widening of all roadways for vehicular use “ P. 4-10 MOB-5.1: Replace the last phrase with “other forms of personal mobility that are energy conserving and non-polluting” P. 4-11 Last sentence under the VTA Extension, is adequate funding a VTA budget or LG budget issue? Both? Clarify which. P. 4-13 MOB-6.4: delete comma and “to”: “service for Los Gatos and increase ridership.” MOB-6.9” End policy after the word “lighting.” MOB-6.10: Reword. As-written, it says we want a mobility hub that does good things, but not if it impacts neighborhoods . . .” mixed message. 4.5: Modify last phrase: “and abilities, without exceeding the system’s capacity.” P. 4-19: MOB-10.4: delete the word “flow” and insert hyphen between traffic-calming MOB-12.1: Do we have jurisdiction to say this? Or is a matter of LG i nfluencing Caltrans decisions? P. 4-21 4.7: Struck me that this section is out of order. Suggest parking it at the end . . . as 4.8. 3 Memo To: General Plan Update Advisory Committee 2040 Fr: Carol Elias Zolla Corrections/Comments to the Mobility Element Page 4-1, last sentence. Remove the comma, after “including”. Page 4-2, Cut Through Traffic section. Change “get to their destination” to “get to a driver’s destination.” Page 4-3, MOB 1.1 - Second sentence. Not clear if the developer or the Town implements the program. Page 4-6, MOB 2.4 - you have “increased sidewalk width”, but not “increase the number of sidewalks”. [Note: that goal is included in Implementations #G.] Page 4-10, Section 4.4, Local Bus Traffic. Third sentence. “Existing Routes 48 and 49 were…” not “where”. Page 4-13, MOB 6.3 - isn’t a “streetcar” the same as “light rail”? Page 4-19, MOB 11.2 - Last sentence. “condition of approval of the project” not “on”. Page 4-21, MOB 14.3 - “peak drop off” not “dop”. Page 4-26, Implementations #G, last row needs to be aligned with the other rows. 4 General Plan Advisory Committee Memo To: Chairperson Hanssen and Members of the Committee From: Steve Piasecki Date: December 17, 2020 Re: Revised Draft of the Mobility Element 4. Mobility Element Policy Overview Walking is the surest way that Los Gatos residents and visitors can reduce their VMT. Neighbors can meet and greet each other while walking thereby promoting a greater sense of community. Enhancing walkability should be one of the primary aims of the mobility element and it should be given equal weight with bicycling or driving. As presently worded many of the policies separate pedestrians from bicycles and vehicles. For instance MOB-2.2 and MOB-2.5 discuss improving and avoiding negative impacts on bicycling in town. These policies should include walkability. Page 4-2 KEY TERMS “Cut-Through Traffic” The definition of cut-through traffic incudes “vehicle trips that pass through a neighborhood.” The primary users of neighborhood streets are most likely local residents. We don’t need this wording to discourage outside commuters from using neighborhood streets because the trip is still a cut-through trip whether they use a neighbor street or stay on the arterial streets. Also, it could be used by one neighborhood to claim neighbors from adjacent neighborhoods are cutting through their street. The only “solution” will likely be to shift the burden from their street to another neighborhood street. I suggest that we delete the reference “or vehicle trips that pass through a neighborhood as a short cut to using arterial streets to get to their destination” and focus the goal on true cut-through traffic from outside the town. 5 Page 4-3 Policy MOB-1.1 We don’t need the second sentence starting with “the Town shall consider,” since the first sentence already states “require all developments…” The final sentence cites examples of TDM which can be placed into the definition of TDM on page 4-2. Page 4-4 Introduction 3rd paragraph and 5th paragraph We should remove references to the years that any policy document was adopted, updated or revised. In 10 to 20 years nobody is going to care when a policy was originally adopted or first revised. Page 4-6 All Policies under Goal MOB-2 We should include pedestrians and walking with all references to bicycles through-out thie Mobility Element. For instance MOB-2.1 should be titled “Roads for Pedestrians, Bicycles and Vehicles. MOB-2.3 should read “Improve Walking and Bicycling in the Town.” Policy MOB-2.11 Add the wording “parking in all parking lots town-wide” to the to the end of MOB-2.10 and remove MOB-2.11. Page 4-7 MOB-2.16 Add the words “and safety” to the end of the policy. MOB-3.4 Add the words “bicycle and pedestrian facilities” at the end. Page 4-9 I think we can design our major arterials to reflect a “small-town” character (maximum of four lanes) with vehicles traveling at slower speeds while accommodating traffic from existing and new development. Six lane arterials are not “small-town.” To achieve this I would like the Town policy to explore reducing the number of lanes on Los Gatos Blvd. to four lanes with interconnected signal timing. This may cause some congestion during peak periods that will have the effect of discouraging cut-through traffic while platooning traffic at slower speeds. Obviously this needs to be modeled on the computer prior to adoption to ensure that we can reasonably achieve the desired goals. Suggested New Policy: MOB-4.5 Evaluate the feasibility of reducing the number of through travel lands on Los Gatos Boulevard with interconnected signal timing and devoting the reclaimed travel-lane space to enhanced pedestrian and bicycle facilities. This Page Intentionally Left Blank